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PPH 8/12/2012 (031085) Vol. 84 Kota Kinabalu, Wednesday, March 29, 2023 RM1.

50 Established 1963

Ban Domestic Agro-

fishing investors Budaya
of sharks: matter, Carnvial
Group too draws 600

Ex-AG on his own in suit filed by Sabahans: Azalina

Sulu claim: Tommy acted ‘illegally’

KUALA LUMPUR: The Cabinet never
gave approval for then-Attorney
General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to
write in 2019 to the lawyers of the
purported “heirs” of the defunct
Sulu sultanate about annual pay-
ments over Sabah, according to
Azalina Tommy
Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said.
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s
Department (Law and Institutional Reform) vene on the Malaysian government’s behalf,
said Malaysia has distanced itself from the besides also applying to obtain an order for
2019 letter and obtained a court order to stay of proceedings, and an order to stop the
stop him from commenting further on the former attorney-general from giving any
Sulu claimants’ arbitration claim against statements or comments relating to the Sulu
Malaysia. sultanate’s heirs’ arbitration proceedings
“For Yang Berhormat’s information, the against the Malaysian government,” she said.
letter dated September 19, 2019 issued by Tan She said the High Court in Kota Kinabalu had
Sri Tommy Thomas (the Attorney General at on January 3 approved the Malaysian govern-
that time) to the Sulu group never received ment’s application to intervene and to obtain
agreement from the Cabinet. those two court orders, including the order
“The action of the former Attorney Gen- to stop Thomas from making comments on
eral in issuing the letter containing his own the arbitration.
decision without the Cabinet’s approval goes She was responding to Senator Datuk Seri
against the principle of collective decision S. Vell Paari’s question in the Dewan Negara,
which is practised as enshrined in the Federal where he had asked the Prime Minister to
Constitution,” she said. state if the Cabinet had in 2019 agreed to
Azalina listed details in Thomas’s 2019 let- Thomas’s statement of regret over the gov-
Abdul Habil
ter such as the regret he expressed over the ernment’s action in stopping the yearly pay-
Malaysia’s discontinuation of annual pay- ments to the Sulu group.
ments to the self-professed “heirs”, the men- Malaysia has disputed the US$14.92 billion
tion of a RM48,230 sum covering arrears with arbitration award as well as the entire arbitra-
a 10-per cent interest, and an offer to pay this tion process to be illegal and invalid, and has
sum immediately to the Sulu claimants in continued to pursue legal avenues to chal-
exchange for them stopping any arbitration lenge the arbitration.
action. Last year, Thomas said his 2019 letter to
Azalina said the Malaysian government the Sulu claimants’ lawyer had offered to pay
will not represent Thomas in the civil lawsuit the arrears for the yearly RM5,300 sum for the
Durinah (left) being escorted out of the court after the sentencing.
where nine Sabah politicians have sued the years from 2013 to 2019 amounting to a total
former AG for alleged misfeasance in public of RM37,100 along with a 10 per cent simple
office and were seeking a court order for him interest of RM11,130. The whole sum offered
to retract his prejudicial remarks over an arbi-
tration in which Malaysia was ordered to pay
US$14.92 billion to the Sulu claimants.
“For now, the Malaysian government has
was RM48,230. He also assured Malaysia
would pay the RM5,300 sum in future years.
Thomas last year said there would “no longer
be any dispute” with Malaysia if the Sulu
Jailed for lending
taken the stand to distance itself or ‘to disas- claimants had accepted the offered payment,
sociate itself’ from the issuance of that letter
dated September 19, 2019 by choosing not to
represent the former Attorney General in an
action at the High Court in Kota Kinabalu,
which their lawyer rejected.
Between 2017 and 2018, the eight Sulu
claimants initiated international arbitration
proceedings seeking up to US$32.2 billion
Mykads to others
Suit No. BKI-22NCVC-64/8-2022 (HC5) which from Malaysia over Sabah, which resulted in Lagatah Toyos tion 25 (1)(n) of the National Registration
was filed by nine plaintiffs from Sabah Spanish arbitrator Gonzalo Stampa deciding TAWAU: Three locals who allowed their Regulations 1990 (Amended 2007) which
against him,” Azalina said. to order Malaysia to pay US$14.9 billion as MyKads to be used by a syndicate involved carries a jail term of up to three years, or a
Instead, Azalina said the Malaysian gov- compensation. But Thomas said the US$14.9 in trafficking in illegal immigrants were fine of up to RM20,000, or both, if con-
ernment will also be seeking to intervene or billion award by the “rogue” arbitrator is jailed and fined, Tuesday.
be part of the nine individuals’ lawsuit, and invalid and cannot be enforced, and that the Abdul Habil Mobin, 58, and Fatimah Durinah who was represented by coun-
seek to prevent Thomas from giving any com- Sulu claimants are only entitled to the fixed Hasan, 50, were each jailed two months sel Jhesseny P. Kang from the National
ments about the arbitration. annual sum of RM5,300 and that they cannot and fined RM2,500 or two months’ jail Legal Aid Foundation (YBGK) asked for He further submitted the accused had
“In this matter, the Attorney General’s demand more as Sabah no longer belonged while Durinah Suaib, 36, was jailed 12 leniency while Abdul Habil and Fatimah defamed the sovereignty and security of
Chambers has filed an application to inter- to the Sulu sultanate after 1878. weeks, after they pleaded guilty before who were not represented also begged for the country and that the identity card is a
Magistrate Leona Dominic Mojiliu and a light sentence. sensitive issue.
Magistrate Dzul Elmy Yunus, separately. Fatimah asked for no custodial sen- Mohamad Faizal said giving someone’s
tence because her husband was not work- identity or document to an illegal immi-
RM11.5bil Sabah Abdul Habil and Fatimah committed
the offence at the National Registration
Department (NRD) UTC Tawau Office on
“I feel like I want to die while in lockup,
grant was an act of betrayal to him/herself
and the country.
March 24 at 4pm. The charge stated that I can't sleep... I will not repeat this any- The syndicate was busted by the NRD in

investments in 2022 they did not comply with Rule 6, i.e. failing
to carry their identity cards all the times.
Durinah committed the offence at the
more” she said, claiming she was suffering
from hypertension and anaemia.
NRD Prosecuting Officer Mohamad
collaboration with the Malaysian Anti-
Corruption Commission (MACC) and the
police, recently.
KUALA LUMPUR: Sabah recorded invest- istry, through the Malaysian Investment
ments worth RM11.5 billion in various Development Authority (Mida), is com- same place and time. Faizal Tahir urged the court to impose Following that, five Malaysian Immigra-
sectors in 2022. Minister of International mitted to attracting FDI into Sabah, espe- All were arrested during Ops Lancar in appropriate sentence as a lesson not only tion Department (JIM) officers on duty at
Trade and Industry, Tengku Datuk Seri cially in targeted industries. Semporna by a team of Investigation and for the trio but also for the community Tawau Airport (LTT) were also arrested on
Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz (pic), said the “Mida always cooperates strategically Enforcement Division officers from NRD about the importance of identity docu- March 23 because they were suspected of
investments involved 89 projects which with all investment agencies at the State between 10am and 10.30am, respectively, ments. being involved in the syndicate.
could generate 4,566 jobs. and economic corridor levels in attract- in house raids in Kg Air and Kg Panji, Sem- The government, he said, incurs high Meanwhile, another Immigration offi-
“Of the total amount, RM9.2 billion ing investment. In this matter, Mida has porna, on March 24. They admitted lend- cost to constantly improve the security fea- cer on duty at LTT was also reported to be
was foreign direct investment (FDI) and always cooperated with Sabah’s Ministry ing the documents to others. tures of the identity cards issued to every detained by MACC on Monday, making it
RM2.3 billion was domestic direct invest- of Industrial Development and Entrepre- The trio were charged under Regula- citizen of this country. six so far.
ment. The manufacturing sector was the neurship (MIDE Sabah) and the Sabah
biggest contributor with RM8.4 billion, Economic Development and Investment
or 72.9 per cent, while the primary sector
contributed RM1.6 billion and the serv-
ices sector RM1.5 billion,” he said.
Tengku Zafrul said high profile proj-
Authority (Sedia) in the investment and
trade missions to promote the invest-
ment opportunities available in Sabah,”
he added.
Govt mulls independent probe body
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime tion, police or customs officers, then there lishment of the Independent Police Com-
ects worth over RM100 million were Among the targeted industries in the
Minister Datuk Seri should be an independent body (to inves- plaints and Misconduct Commission, the
mainly in petroleum products, non- State are green technology-based manu-
Anwar Ibrahim (pic) has tigate), (maybe) in the form of a commis- question raised is why only the police...the
metal mineral products and transport facturing, renewable energy, logistics,
requested the Attorney- sion, I’m not sure yet. matter should involve all enforcement
machinery. The Minister said his Min- and eco-tourism. – Bernama
General (A-G) to relook “There has already been an instruction agencies,” he said.
into the proposal to set to the A-G to submit a proposal so that Meanwhile, in response to Datuk Mas

Unite and work together: CM up an independent body

to investigate and take action on all com-
plaints, accusations and misconduct
these enforcement agencies do not investi-
gate on their own, but there should be
another independent body to do so. I don’t
Ermieyati Samsudin’s (PN-Masjid Tanah)
original question, he said the existing law
ensures MACC’s freedom in conducting
TUARAN: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji dar Tuaran Masjid, here, Tuesday. involving enforcement agencies. think this matter is complicated because investigations and is not subject to the
Noor urged Sabahans, especially Muslims, Hajiji, who is also Sulaman Assembly- Anwar said this is to ensure that enforce- there is already a preliminary proposal,” he Prime Minister’s instructions.
to remain united and strengthen cooper- man, said since assuming the position of ment agencies do not conduct their own said. “That’s why when I took over, I chose not
ation in celebrating the month of Chief Minister, the demanding duties and investigations into any cases or complaints He said this in reply to a supplementary to replace the MACC chief commissioner
Ramadan Al-Kareem. With strong and responsibilities of administering the State received involving its officers or personnel. question from Gobind Singh Deo (PH- appointed by Pagoh to avoid the percep-
intact unity among people of multiple have caused him to have limited time with He said the enforcement agencies Damansara) on the Government’s meas- tion that the Prime Minister will appoint a
races, he said the Government can plan, the people in his constituency. include the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), ures to ensure that investigations against new MACC chief,” he explained.
develop and advance the State. “I am very happy to be able to meet the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, officers of enforcement bodies such as the Earlier, Mas Ermieyati asked the Prime
“Being divided will harm us. We must people in Kampung Sabandar and break- Immigration Department and the MACC are carried out independently. Minister to state the government’s readi-
unite and work together in order to move ing the fast together in the month of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Anwar said the proposed establishment ness to implement Transparency Interna-
forward and be respected,. Use this month Ramadan,” he said. (MACC). of the independent body is appropriate tional Malaysia’s (TI-M) recommendations
of Ramadan to strengthen unity and Hajiji also presented Ramadan dona- “I have asked the AG to relook into the because it is more comprehensive and can for the MACC to be placed under the Parlia-
understanding”, he said at a breaking the tions to 77 underprivileged people, people initial proposal so that there is a mecha- take action on all complaints involving ment and no longer under the Prime Min-
fast and presentation of Ramadan Aid with disabilities (OKU), orphans and poor nism for all enforcement agencies. If there enforcement agencies. ister’s Department to ensure a more
1444H/2023 at the Haji Abd Razak Saban- single mothers from the Sabandar area. are special charges against MACC, immigra- “When there is an issue with the estab- transparent check and balance process.
2 Local WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

on MRO Ban fishing of sharks: Group
project still
Sherell Jeffrey of dedicated dive professionals, Sabah

Sabah Air
KOTA KINABALU: Divers and dive training Dive Rangers, is exactly what the world
agencies here have banded together and needs more of to help protect and save our
called on the State Government to make a oceans,” he said.
stand on banning shark fishing and Licensed Malaysian inbound tour oper-
finning in Sabah waters. ator Borneo Dream Travel and Tours Sdn
KOTA KINABALU: The call came following recent disturb- Bhd owner Billy Hammond commended
Aviation companies ing photos of shark fins being sold openly Sabah Dive Rangers for their great work of
from the Middle East at a shop in Sinsuran. saving the marine life.
and Hong Kong have “This is the shop in Sinsuran that I “Having operated out of Jesselton Point
had talks with Sabah exposed many years back. Now they are Jetty here since 2006, I can hand-on-heart
Air Aviation Sdn Bhd back doing it,” said Sabah Parks Protection say that the local marine park, in several
(SAASB) over the Association Chairman Aderick Chong, aspects, has improved, but in other areas,
proposed Mainte- who has called for protection of sharks it has not, and I feel it has stood still and
nance, Repair and over the years. slipped.
Overhaul (MRO) Aderick, who shared the photos with “The efforts of groups such as Sabah
facility for the maintenance of commercial Daily Express, said they were taken by Dive Rangers and enforcement teams is

Photo taken by a tourist showing shark fins sold in Sinsuran.

aircraft in Sabah. tourists who were obviously disturbed. admirable but without government sup-
SAASB Chairman Kenny Chua (pic) said Dive Rangers founder Bob Hartley said port and the stopping of real issues such
while both parties covered a lot of they are proud of the local marine park’s as fishing bombing and shark fining, both
grounds, there are still some matters to be passion of local Sabahans at the grass- The State Government had proposed to
active role in trying to preserve it. action and the sale. roots, especially ambassadors of such ban shark hunting and finning, as well as
worked on before the proposed project However, he is saddened to see it being “I see the end of the park, tourism on
can take off. beautiful live tourism attractions. to stop serving shark fin soup at official
abused, polluted and illegally fished. the horizon and with that will go the “We want the Government not only to events through amendments to the Fish-
“The MRO is something big for Sabah, “Our determination to see it being pre- livelihood of so many that are really on
but there are still certain matters that we stand by the locals in their quest to safe- eries Act in 2012. The calls for a ban, how-
served for future generations is why we it. With these issues not only high- guard the ecosystem, but to stand firm on ever, fell on deaf ears.
need to work on and negotiate with the highlight issues within the park and work lighted here but by my valued guests,
relevant parties. the protection and wellbeing of its under- Despite this, many hotel brands and
together with Sabah Parks to do what we along with the massive increase in park water product which is a crowd-puller in restaurants in Sabah have taken shark fin
“One of the important matters is regard- can to protect it,” he said. fees and permits, it could be looking bet-
ing land to build the facility. We need about the tourism industry. dishes from their offerings.
Dive training agency Raid Regional ter,” he said. “We want the Government to ensure In 2019, the Government gazetted the
five acres. We also need to put in place Director James Costello also expressed dis- Commercial Diver co-founder for
state-of-the-art technology and build more the longevity of its fisheries activity that protection of four species of shark and two
appointment over the photos that were Sabah Dive Rangers Jude Junius hopes to revenue to the State, its potential growth species of ray, all of which were listed as
hangars,” he said in a statement, Tuesday. see the State Government make a stand in

21 notices issued to Ramadan food sellers

taken recently. and business opportunities for locals and endangered under the newly amended
Chua said this in support of Deputy “I urge action to be taken by the author- banning shark fins to save the State’s
Chief Minister cum Keningau Member of most of all, provide current and future Fisheries (Control of Endangered Species
ities against all those involved. This group underwater eco-system and to mirror the jobs for many locals,” he said. of Fish) (Amendment) Regulations 2019.
Parliament Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan’s
call that part of the RM10.4 billion alloca-
tions to boost the country’s defence be
spent on building the MRO in Sabah.
Jeffrey, who spoke in Parliament
recently, said the MRO would contribute to KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Health
Sabah’s socio-economic development. Department (JKNS) has issued 21 notices to
The proposed facility, the first in East food sellers and handlers in the “Ops
Malaysia when realised, is in line with the Ramadan 2023” which began on Monday.
Sabah Government’s call to develop high- Its Director Datuk Dr Rose Nani Mudin
value and high-tech industry in Sabah. said the notices were issued for offences
“It will be a catalyst for the develop- like not wearing an apron, keeping long
ment of the aerospace industry in the fingernails, not possessing a food han-
State. In fact, our ambition is to make dling certificate and not being vaccinated

Mosar personnel carrying down one

Sabah as the MRO hub in South East Asia,” against typhoid.

of the injured female climbers.

said Chua, adding that this is a key ele- “We will conduct further investigations

Two injured
ment under the Sabah Government’s after a notice is issued under Section 32B
Sabah Maju Jaya development agenda. of the Food Act 1983 and will give them a

Mt Kinabalu
This, he said, is due to Sabah’s strategic warning or impose a RM100 compound
location in the region. for each offence if they are found guilty.
“In the Ops Ramadan 2023 conducted

“Once we’re ready, commercial aircraft
would no longer have to go to places like in five districts, Kota Kinabalu, Papar,
Kuala Lumpur, Singapore or Hong Kong Tawau, Kudat and Sandakan, 277 premises

for maintenance, repairs and overhaul were checked and four food samples col-
services. Our strategic location will make lected,” she told reporters after leading the
operation at Bazar Lintasan Deasoka, here,
Dr Rose (second from right) and her team pose next to a banner
Sabah a more favourable location for air-
with the QR code for consumers to channel complaints.
line industry players,” he said, adding that
one of the immediate spin-offs would be “Food sellers need to prioritise cleanli-
the creation of jobs for Sabahans. ness of their premises and food hygiene, Clarence Dol
apart from preparing balanced food for took the opportunity to introduce the use the Sabah Healthline WhatsApp at 019- RANAU: The Mount Kinabalu Search and
The Malaysian Aerospace Industry
visitors. The public is advised to patronise of the QR code at Ramadan bazaars for 8602929 and the Health Ministry’s Public Rescue (Mosar) team had their hands full,
Report 2019 stated that the country’s aero-
clean premises serving healthy food,” she people to lodge complaints on the han- Complaints Management System website Tuesday, with two cases of female climbers
space industry recorded RM16.2 billion in
said. dling of food. at suffering injuries.

Dr M: I will
revenue that year and produced 27,500
Dr Rose Nani said JKNS officers also Complaints can also be channelled via tem/ Ranau Fire and Rescue Station Chief
highly-skilled workers.
Ridwan Mohd Taib said a 31-year-old suf-
“Certainly, we want to create this

continue to
fered an injury to her right foot at Km 3.7
opportunity for our people in Sabah so
about 12.30pm.
that they can secure their future and earn

Anwar to
“We received a call at 12.38pm and five

be involved
a higher income.”
Mosar personnel led by Suparin Kumin
rushed to the scene located some 300

kick-start in politics
metres away.
“The woman was given initial treat-

China visit
ment by the Mosar team, together with
mountain guides and Sabah Parks offi-
cials, before she was carried down to Tim-

in Hainan
PUTRAJAYA: Tun Dr pohon Gate using the Robertson Stretcher.
Mahathir Mohamad “She was then sent to the hospital in an
(pic) on Tuesday ambulance for further treatment and the

Two drivers killed in

said he would con- operation ended at 5.08pm,” he said.
Firemen retrieving the body of the Tenom crash victim.
tinue to be involved Earlier around 8.30am, a 34-year-old
HAINAN (China): Prime Minister Datuk in politics as he suffered an ankle injury at Panalaban Sub-

Tawau, Tenom crashes

Seri Anwar Ibrahim is scheduled to arrive believed his services station and had to also be carried down.
here today (Wednesday) to attend the are still needed by Ridwan said a group of seven Mosar
Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference the people in the personnel led by Mauries D Ubin rushed to
2023 (BFA 2023) and kick-start his four-day country. the scene located some 100 metres away.
official visit to China. The former two-time Prime Minister He said after being given initial treat-
Anwar is expected to arrive at the Boao said he could not say no if some parties ment to her swollen ankle, the victim was
International Airport this evening, accom- seek his help or advice for the good of the carried down to Timpohon Gate using the
panied by Minister of Transport Anthony Lagatah Toyos and Johan Aziz country. Robertson Stretcher and sent to the hospi-
Loke and Minister of Local Government TAWAU: A logging truck driver died after his vehicle skidded and overturned at Km “For the love of the country...if someone tal using a Sabah Parks vehicle for further
Development Nga Kor Ming. 136, Jalan Kalabakan-Maliau Basin, around 9am, on Monday. comes and asks me for help, I could not say treatment,” he said.
Upon arrival, the Prime Minister will be Tawau District Police Chief ACP Jasmin Hussin said the 33-year-old victim was said I am sorry I cannot help because I want to Ridwan reminded all would-be Mount
greeted by, among others, Minister of For- to be from Kalabakan-Serudung towards Brantian Farm to deliver logs. rest. I still have ideas and (if asked) I’m Kinabalu climbers to be extra careful dur-
eign Affairs Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul “When reaching the scene, the driver was believed to have lost control, entered the ready to share,” he told a press conference ing the current unpredictable conditions
Kadir, Ambassador of Malaysia to China opposite lane and skidded onto the right side of the road. here, Tuesday. because the ground surface and rocks are
Raja Datuk Nushirwan Zainal Abidin and “The truck skidded for some 66 metres, resulting in the victim being thrown out Dr Mahathir said this in response to a more slippery than during normal

MACC monitored
Consulate General of Malaysia to through the broken windshield,” he said. media report on the statement by econo- weather.
Guangzhou Suraya Ahmad Pauzi. Jasmin said the victim died at the scene due to severe injuries, adding investiga- mist Jomo Kwame Sundaram asking him

by five bodies
He will then attend an iftar event with tions are still ongoing under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987. to take on the role of an elder statesman
about 70 Malaysian delegations participat- In TENOM, a man, believed to have fallen asleep while at the wheels, was killed for the developing world instead of being
ing in the BFA 2023 at the Boao Golden after being hit by a Proton Gen 2 near SK Sapong, Tuesday. involved in politics.
Coast Hotel. The Tenom Fire and Rescue Station deployed nine firemen led by Mohd Zainal Sin- While rejecting the economist’s advice
The Prime Minister is then scheduled to sian to the location after receiving a distress call at 12.16am. for him to stay out of politics, Dr Mahathir
attend a joint meeting with the top lead- The 55-year-old victim was confirmed dead by a Medical Officer at the scene and From Page One

Mandatory Form Six will affect IPT intake: Fadhlina

said the statement was Jomo’s personal Anwar said he has no problem consid-
ership of China Communications Con- the victim’s body was handed over to the police for further action. opinion. – Bernama
struction Company (CCCC), the contractor ering the TI-M’s recommendations but
of Malaysia’s mega rail project - East Coast stressed that it requires a comprehensive
Rail Link (ECRL). study involving all parties.
On Thursday, Anwar is scheduled to “Any development on this recommen-
deliver his speech at the BFA 2023, which is KUALA LUMPUR: The proposal to make On returning the start date of the schooling days that cannot be less than 190 dation should be presented to the Parlia-
also attended by Chinese Premier of the Form Six education mandatory will affect schooling session to January, she reiterated days per year,” she said. mentary Select Committee to be examined
State Council Li Qiang. the intake of students into matriculation that the Ministry had agreed on principle The Dewan Rakyat later approved an so that the MACC’s capabilities can be
Other world leaders attending the programmes and public and private insti- with the proposal, but it would not be allocation of RM49.5 billion for the Min- enhanced without any interventions that
annual conference are Prime Minister of tutions of higher learning (IPT), the Dewan implemented in the near future (after) tak- istry under Budget 2023 at the committee are feared will hamper anti-corruption
Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minis- Rakyat was told Tuesday. ing into account various factors and justi- level by majority voice vote. efforts,” he said.
ter of Spain Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek said fications based on compliance with the Meanwhile, Minister of Higher Educa- He said the MACC is being monitored
of Ivory Coast Patrick Achi and Prime Min- Sixth Form is not mandatory as it is a post- Education Act 1996. tion Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, by five independent bodies, namely the
ister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov. secondary path offered by the Ministry of “The MOE’s plan to return the school in his winding up, said his Ministry has Special Committee on Corruption, Anti-
Also attending is Managing Director of Education (MOE) in line with the Educa- academic calendar to January and ending given an assurance that no political parties Corruption Advisory Board, Operations
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) tion Act 1996. in December must ensure the syllabus of will set up branches in universities follow- Evaluation Panel, Complaints Committee
Kristalina Georgieva. “Form Six education is not mandatory. every subject can be completed, in addi- ing the amendment to the Universities and and Consultation and Corruption Preven-
Anwar will depart Hainan for Bejing on Moves to make Form Six education com- tion to not interfering with the examina- University Colleges Act (AUKU) of 1971. tion Panel.
Thursday to continue his visit to the great pulsory will affect the intake into matricu- tion schedules like the Sijil Pelajaran The Dewan Rakyat later approved an To a supplementary question from Sim
wall country. lation programmes, Teacher Education Malaysia (SPM). allocation of RM11.7 billion for the Ministry Tze Tzin (PH-Bayan Baru) on whether the
The Prime Minister’s official visit to Institutes (IPGs) as well as public and pri- “In addition, it also needs to take into under Budget 2023 at the committee level Prime Minister wants to proceed with the
China is his ninth international visit after vate universities,” she said when winding account the unpredictable weather and the through a majority voice vote. proposed law on political funding, Anwar
being sworn in as the 10th Prime Minister up the Supply Bill 2023 for the ministry at local economy. At the same time, the Min- The Dewan Rakyat sitting continues said the matter is still at the Minister’s
last November. – Bernama the committee level. istry must also comply with the number of today (Wednesday). – Bernama level. – Bernama
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 Local 3
Separation of
powers of A-G, Domestic investors matter, too
office needs
KOTA KINABALU: Finance Minister
Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun hopes the

in-depth study
organisers of the Sabah International
Expo 2023 (SIE2023) will put more focus
on domestic direct investments (DDI)
and not just foreign direct investments
He also encourages them to go all out
KUALA LUMPUR: The proposed separation of
this year as Sabah is celebrating 60 years
powers between the Attorney-General’s
of independence as well as the forma-
Chambers (AGC) and the public prosecutor’s
tion of the Federation of Malaysia
office is already being studied, but its imple-
The SIE2023 is a great avenue for
mentation is quite complicated and requires
internationals and Malaysians alike to
more time as it involves financial implica-
learn more about what Sabah has done
and what the State has to offer, he said.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
“It is my hope that SIE2023 will put
said in principle, many have agreed with the
more focus on DDI and not just FDI to
proposed separation of powers, but its
continue to build Sabah’s economy and
implementation is still being refined as it

Anti-Sexual Harassment
Masidi (centre) receiving a memento from Lee during the courtesy call.
ultimately raise the State’s GDP and rev-
may involve additional financial implica-
enue,” he said.
tions of almost RM300 million.
He said this when receiving a cour-
“But I agree that (the financial implication

Act enforced in stages

tesy call from the SIE2023 organising and for providing his insight and ideas.
issue) is not the main consideration because “We believe Masidi, as the Finance
committee, led by co-organising chair-
what’s important is that to ensure a prosecu- Minister with vast experience and
man Datuk Lee Swi Heng, here, Tuesday.
tion process is transparent and independ- impeccable knowledge, is the perfect
During the meeting, Masidi was
ent,” he said during the Minister’s Question person to moderate SIBLT2023 and is
briefed on the agenda and programmes
Time session in the Dewan Rakyat, Tuesday. able to make the session very interest-
in the pipeline for SIE2023, including
He said this in reply to a supplementary ing,” said Lee. PUTRAJAYA: The Women, Family and ernment’s concern and serious commit-
the Sabah International Business Lunch-
question from Chiew Choon Man (Miri-PH) SIE2023 will be held from Sept 22-24 Community Development Ministry ment to addressing and eliminating gen-
eon Talk 2023 (SIBLT2023), which he was
on whether the Government is ready to sep- and the SIBLT2023 will on Sept 21 at the (KPWKM) will enforce the Anti-Sexual der-based discrimination, especially
invited to be the moderator.
arate the Public Prosecutor’s office from the Sabah International Convention Centre Harassment Act 2022 (Act 840) in phases, sexual harassment.
Lee, who is also the Malaysian Inter-
AGC in the near future, in order to prevent (SICC) which will also feature speakers starting Tuesday. “When the understanding and aware-
national Chamber of Commerce and
selective political prosecution. Datuk Seri Anifah Aman and Tan Sri It involves Section 1 - short title and ness of sexual harassment and its effects
Industry Sabah Chairman, thanked
Meanwhile, Anwar admitted that some Andrew Sheng. commencement; Section 2 - interpreta- on the victims can be enhanced in the
Masidi for his support towards SIE2023
political leaders from the Government and tion; Section 24 - administrator; Section 25 community, it directly helps towards pro-
opposition bloc are being probed by the - functions and powers of administrator; viding a safe environment.
authorities, but whether they would be and Section 26 - power to make regula- “This is to empower people in the eco-
charged in court would depend on the AGC. tions. nomic, social and political spheres, in
The Prime Minister said this in response In a statement, the Ministry said the addition to ensuring that they are not
to a supplementary question from Datuk Siti enforcement of Act 840 involves the defi- marginalised in the country’s develop-
Zailah Mohd Yusoff (Rantau Panjang-PN) on nition of sexual harassment, elements of ment to achieve the Malaysia Madani aspi-
whether there was any investigation into MPs awareness and prevention of sexual rations,” the statement read.
and political funding received by political harassment in the community. Act 840 was passed in the Dewan
parties from the government side. Anwar “It takes into account the importance of Rakyat on July 20, 2022 and subsequently
said the existing law allows donations to be educating the people and increasing their in the Dewan Negara on Aug 11, 2022.
given to political parties, but previous pros- understanding and awareness of the seri- It was gazetted as a new law on Oct 18
ecutions involving political party funds were ousness of issues involving sexual harass- last year after receiving royal assent from
related to the awarding of contracts. ment before this act is fully enforced,” it Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdul-
“I have no problem (with any investiga-

Govt to return RM2.1m forfeited

said. lah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah.-
tion into political funds received by the gov- KPWKM said Act 840 reflected the Gov- Bernama
ernment political parties), but we must
understand that the (existing) laws allow
donations to political parties.
“...if there is concern that there are ele-
ments of corruption in the donations to PKR, PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Government In 2020, three separate High Courts had
that can be raised, I have no problem,” he will return a sum of RM2.1 million which allowed the prosecution’s applications to
said. Bersatu President Tan Sri Muhyiddin

44,000 litres of subsidised

was allegedly linked to 1Malaysia Develop- forfeit monies totalling RM2.1 million from
The modified storage tanks containing subsidised diesel seized in Labuan
Yassin has previously challenged the ment Bhd (IMDB) and forfeited from two the Pahang MCA Liaison Committee, PBRS
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission political parties and the family of the late and Abdul Manan’s family.
(MACC) to also investigate the sources of

diesel seized in Labuan

former Paya Besar MP Datuk Seri Abdul Of the amount, RM1 million was from
political funds received by PKR and Umno.- Manan Ismail. PBRS, RM835,258.19 from the Pahang MCA

Bernama The political parties are Pahang MCA Liaison Committee and RM265,146.16 from
Liaison Committee and Parti Bersatu Rohizah Ahmad and six others.
Rakyat Sabah (PBRS). On Jan 30 this year, the prosecution

job scams: 12
This was after deputy public prosecutor withdrew its appeals in the Court of Appeal
LABUAN: The Ministry of Domestic 1961, for possessing controlled goods Kamal Baharin Omar informed the Court to forfeit monies totalling RM21.7 million

more M’sians
Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) Labuan with the intention of committing an of Appeal here Tuesday that the Attorney- belonging to 11 entities and individuals,
branch seized 44,000 litres of sub- offence, and read together with Regula- General’s Chambers had received represen- including Pekan Umno and Johor Umno
sidised diesel, kept in modified storage tion 3(1) of the Supply Control Regula- tations from the three appellants - Pahang Liaison Committee, and allegedly linked to

are rescued
tanks in two vehicles, on Monday. tions 1974, for carrying out controlled MCA Liaison Committee, PBRS and Abdul IMDB.
Its Director Junaidah Arbain said as goods transactions without a licence,” Manan’s family – and agreed not to con- The others were from Jakel Trading Sdn
a result of the raid at noon at an undis- she said in a statement. test their appeals. Bhd, Jakel Trading, Johor Baru Barisan
closed location, the KPDN enforcement She also said an investigation would He said the monies and interest Nasional division, Mediaedge CIA Malaysia
team also seized two containers where also be conducted under Section 20(1) accrued, which were forfeited by the Gov- Sdn Bhd, Sarawak United People’s Party,
PHNOM PENH: Twelve more victims of job the diesel was stored, along with tools of the same law, for removing con- ernment, would be released to the three director for Strategic Engagement Media
scam syndicates in Cambodia have been res- suspected of being used for the activi- trolled goods from licensed premises, appellants within two months from Tues- Sdn Bhd (CENSE Media) Sim Sai Hoon,
cued, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar ties of diverting controlled goods, with she said. day. Lawyer Datuk Ben Chan, representing AGA Touch Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Yayasan Per-
Ibrahim. a total value of RM94,600. According to the Control of Supplies Pahang MCA Liaison Committee, told the satuan Bekas Anggota Kemas Malaysia
He said the Malaysian Embassy here She added that a 31-year-old local, Act, an individual can be fined not more court that his client’s representation was (Yayasan PBAKM) and former land and
would be arranging the release of all 12 indi- believed the owner of the storage room, than RM1 million, while for subsequent for the AGC to consider to allow its appeal. cooperative development minister Tan Sri
viduals on Tuesday. was arrested to assist in the investiga- offences, not more than RM3 million or Following this, a three-member bench Kasitah Gaddam.
“This is the latest information received, tion under the Supply Control Act 1961 imprisonment for not more than three of the Court of Appeal led by Justice Datuk The three cases Tuesday are the last of
over and above the number announced ear- after he failed to produce any valid years, or both, upon conviction. Seri Kamaludin Md Said allowed the the 41 entities from which the Malaysian
lier,” he said during a press conference at the authorisation document or licence to As for the company, if convicted, it appeals and set aside the rulings of the Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)
end of his one-day official visit to Cambodia store controlled items at the location. can be fined not exceeding RM2 million, High Court. sought to recover assets said to have been
Monday night. “The is was being investigated under while for subsequent offences not

Villagers cut off

The other members of the bench paid for using funds from 1MDB.
At a press conference with Cambodian Section 21 of the Control of Supplies Act exceeding RM5 million. were Justices Datuk Abu BakarJais and In Tuesday’s proceedings, lawyer
Prime Minister Hun Sen earlier Monday, Datuk Supang Lian. Avinash Kamalanathan represented PBRS,
Anwar said a total of 287 Malaysians who Chan and Sangeetha Vasanth Kumar for

from Sipitang
were victims of the syndicate had been Pahang MCA Liaison Committee and Nur
brought back home. Jehan Abu Bakar for the family of Abdul
Meanwhile, Malaysian Ambassador to Manan. Also appearing for the prosecution
Cambodia, Datuk Eldeen Husaini Mohd were deputy public prosecutors Samihah

Rais confirmed
Hashim, said based on the information Rhazali and Nik Haslinie Hashim.
received, all 12 individuals were on the list of

as head of
people reported missing. Ahmad Apong
He said embassy personnel would be SIPITANG: The only bridge that connected Kg Pakiak in
heading to the victims’ location on Tuesday

Umno division
Melamam sub-district to Sipitang town collapsed
to begin the repatriation process. recently.
“If their family members have completed Sindumin Community Development Unit Leader
all the documentation, including return Wendy Agong Baruh said it was very important as the
flight tickets, maybe all the victims will be residents relied on it to bring out their agricultural pro-
able to return home on Saturday or Sunday,” duce.
he said, adding that further information JASIN: Umno President Datuk Seri Dr
The villagers hoped action would be taken immedi- Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed Paya
regarding the matter would be shared later. ately for their safety.
Meanwhile, Anwar was satisfied with his Rumput Assemblyman Datuk Rais Yasin
Wendy hoped the Government would build a tempo- remains as head of Tangga Batu Umno divi-
one-day official visit to Cambodia since he rary and a new one from more durable materials such
had the opportunity to discuss various bilat- sion. He said the matter was confirmed by
as concrete later. Umno Elections Committee Chairman Tan
eral issues, regional issues as well as global She hoped to get allocations from Sindumin Assem-
issues with his counterpart Hun Sen. Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad.
blyman Datuk Dr Yusoff Yaccob and Sipitang Member of
Speaking to the Malaysian media at the “I would like to confirm that the Chair-
Parliament Datuk Matbali Musah to build the new
end of his visit, Anwar said he highly appre- man of the UMNO Elections Committee has
ciated and valued the invitation from his informed me (that there is no cancellation
Also present during the visit were Angelina Es
letter) and Datuk Rais has been confirmed

No plans to up rate on S’pore vehicles

counterpart which will certainly enhance the Samuel as Sindumin Assemblyman Liaison Officer and
existing strong bilateral relationship and as Umno head of Tangga Batu division,” he
Stanley Ambilit @Andrew as District Developer. said.
diplomatic relations that has existed for 66
years. Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Deputy
“During the bilateral meeting, Hun Sen Prime Minister, said this when asked to
invited Malaysia to use his country’s products comment on a viral letter dated March 27
made of bamboo while I also had the oppor- that claimed Rais’s victory as Tangga Batu
tunity to break fast with about 6,000 people. JOHOR BARU: The Transport Ministry “So we need to consider this conse- vehicles entering the country through Umno head was annulled.
The break of fast was hosted by Hun Sen. I (MOT) has not plans to raise the payment quences. We also want to encourage more Johor on March 21. Tangga Batu Umno division secretary
was also able to meet Malaysian colleagues at rate for the vehicle entry permits (VEP) Singapore tourists to Johor and contribute Pandak was reported to have said that Datuk Abdul Latip Mohamad was reported
the Malaysian Embassy here,” he said. imposed on Singapore registered vehicles to the economy, so there are no plans to raising the VEP rate should be considered to have said that he received notification
Anwar added that discussions at the to this country. raise the rate,” he said at a media confer- as it was still low compared to the about Rais’ victory being cancelled through
Asean level would be a more suitable plat- Its Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook ence after the launch of the MyBAS50 exchange rate with Singapore. a letter from central Umno received via
form to discuss the pressing issues of tension said the current VEP payment of RM20 will unlimited pass and bus electric launch at On whether a Light Transit Rail (LRT) WhatsApp at 2.26 Monday afternoon.
in Myanmar that was raised by Hun Sen. be retained. Larkin Sentral, here, Tuesday. service would be started in Johor Bahru, Abdul Latip said the letter informed
This is because the Myanmar issue is an He said raising the VEP will cause the He was commenting on Kota Iskandar Loke said that there was a suggestion from about the irregularity of the meeting in the
internal political issue and ASEAN will be the Singapore government to impose a higher Assemblyman Datuk Pandak Ahmad’s a private company to construct it there but Umno election process of that division
best platform to discuss the issue as a team.- payment on Malaysian vehicles entering suggestion to the Government to raise the added that it was still at a suggestion which took place in a hotel recently.-
Bernama the republic. VEP specifically for Singapore-registered stage.-Bernama Bernama
4 Local WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

Look after Sabah Border JPKA looking for

next of kin of
5-year-old girl
Arifin (left) during a brief briefing
session on Sabah’s RTM.
Scout veterans: Jeffrey Winnie Kasmir
SANDAKAN: The General
Welfare Services Depart-
ment (JPKA) of the Kin-
KUALA LUMPUR: The who served during the Indonesian Con- abatangan Division is
Strengthening Ministry of Defence is
urged to look after the
According to history, the SBS was estab-
tracing the family or
next of kin of a girl who
welfare of the Sabah lished by the British as a security force on
KKD role to deal Border Scout (SBS) vet- the Sabah border during the Indonesia-
is now five years and eight months old.
The girl, named Aina Hana Delisha
erans as part of the mil- Malaysia Confrontation era throughout (pic), was given by her biological mother
with fake news itary veterans in Sabah
for their service in
the years 1962-66.
SBS is a local military force combined
known as Puan Sara to the complainant
who was the child’s guardian in 2017.
KOTA KINABALU: The Ministry of Commu- defending the country during the Indone- with British and Gurkha forces to defend The complainant said the child was
nications and Digital (KKD) is strengthen- sian confrontation. Sabah, Malaysia from Indonesian military handed over to her when she was one
ing its role and strategy to deal with fake Keningau Member of Parliament Datuk attacks. month old at the home of the com-
news. Seri Dr Jeffrey G Kitingan (pic) said many much of the RM772.5 million Military The establishment of SBS, which resem- plainant’s biological sister in Taman
Minister of Science, Technology and SBS veterans in the interior of Sabah do Housing allocation is allocated for Military bles Borneo British Scout (BBS), is very sig- Mawar Batu 5, Sandakan because the bio-
Innovation Datuk Dr Mohd Arifin Mohd not have homes, instead occupying gov- and Veteran Housing in Sabah?” nificant in the country’s critical situation logical mother was unable to care for the
Arif said they took serious note of the ernment land due to not receiving any Dr Jeffrey further asked for an explana- during the threat of confrontation, espe- child due to financial problems.
spread of fake news that could undermine reward as military retirees. tion of how much is allocated to Veterans cially on the Sabah-Kaltim border (East The complainant then agreed to accept
harmony and unity in society. “SBS veterans should be appreciated Affairs in Sabah out of the total Kalimantan, Indonesia). and care for the child. However, to date the
“We take this issue seriously and to deal and their welfare should be taken care of RM118,445,100 allocations for the Depart- At the beginning of its establishment, child’s biological parents could not be
with fake news, we need to strengthen the including their family members,” he said. ment of Veterans Affairs Management of SBS as a Malaysian paramilitary force was contacted and found after they handed
method of delivering authentic news. Dr Jeffrey, who is also Sabah Deputy the Ministry. centred in Keningau and consisted largely over the child to the complainant.
“When we say authentic news, the back- Chief Minister, said this when he partici- According to Dr Jeffrey, his office had of villagers from the Murut tribe. Kinabatangan Division Children’s Pro-
bone is definitely the Information Depart- pated in the Defence Ministry allocation received complaints about housing and SBS, as a Malaysian paramilitary force, tector Musminah Mustain said they were
ment (JaPen), Broadcasting Department debate in Parliament on Monday. dependent issues among veterans and was based in Keningau where most of the currently conducting an investigation to
(RTM) and agencies under KKD. In the debate, Dr Jeffrey asked “how families in Sabah, including SBS retirees villagers were from the Murut tribe. trace Aina’s family or relatives.
“In the same way with the programme “The guardian of the child made a
police report on 24 January 2023 regarding
explaining issues related to Sabah,
explaining the government’s policies and MOE: 20,000 recruitment of new teachers in five years this case. JPKA is conducting an investiga-
tion and this case is being acted upon
we also focus on the role JaPen plays in the THE Ministry of Education (MOE) proj- teachers involving 148 areas of specialisa- few more steps. We are indeed reviewing
community,” he said. under Section 17(1)(d) of the Children Act
ects the recruitment of 16,886 to 20,081 tion through the Subject Cluster (KMP) and making recommendations and we 2001 (Amendment 2016),” he said.
Arifin, who is also the Communications new teachers for the next five years. method for the one-off recruitment of will announce when we have a decision,”
Exco, said he would meet with depart- The family or next of kin of the child or
Deputy Education Minister Lim Hui teachers as a strategy to ensure that the she said. anyone who had information about the
ments and agencies under KKD to coordi- Ying said the projection of new teacher shortage of teachers can be addressed. Meanwhile, answering a separate
nate all programmes and activities of the biological mother or next of kin was
recruitment by MOE for the period 2023 She said the areas of specialisation question from Datuk Seri Sh Mohmed requested to come forward and contact
Ministry in Sabah. to 2027 for the secondary and primary that were given attention included Eng- Puzi Sh Ali (BN-Pekan) regarding schools
“We will hold further discussions and the Kinabatangan Division Protector to
schools was based on data on Dec 31 last lish, Bahasa Melayu, Islamic Education, in dilapidated condition, Lim said the facilitate all matters related to the child.
meetings with departments and agencies year. Mathematics and History, with the MOE’s priority is for buildings that
under KKD in relation to programmes and For any information, contact Kin-
“The MoE will always check the projec- recruitment process continuing for this needed to be upgraded or to build new abatangan District Protector Musminah
activities of JaPen, RTM and other agencies tion data from time to time, based on year and beyond to fill vacancies at the replacement buildings as needed.
in accordance with the trust given to me as via telephone number 089-561873 (office).
needs,” she said in her reply to a question school. She said currently, almost 80 per cent
the Sabah Communications Exco. from Datuk Seri Saifuddin Abdullah (PN- In her reply to a supplementary ques- of the number of dilapidated schools are
“During my courtesy visit to the Minis-
ter of KKD recently, I have brought several
Indera Mahkota) regarding the projec- tion from Saifuddin who wanted to know in Sabah and Sarawak. Labuan Unduk
tion of teacher recruitment from 2023 to if the government would continue the “This is also in response to the call of
applications in relation to the needs in
Sabah including broadband coverage.
2027 during a question and answer ses-
sion in the Dewan Rakyat.
KMP method, she said that the ministry
would continue the method because
the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Anwar
Ibrahim) for the MOE to focus on repair-
Ngadau is back
“We are aiming for full coverage by
2024 and we hope that Sabah will receive
In the meantime, Lim said that from
2021 to January this year, the MOE has
there are vacancies that need to be filled
with required subject options.
ing and upgrading school buildings in
dilapidated condition, especially in
after 3-year hiatus
the infrastructure and allocations pro- implemented the recruitment of 22,327 “We will continue and will also add a Sabah and Sarawak,” she said. – Bernama
vided by KKD,” he said after receiving a Iffah Dilaney
courtesy call from Sabah’s Director of LABUAN: With the Kaa-
Information, Jainisah Mohd Noor, who
was accompanied by her deputy, Supian Less than 3pc of non-Bumis Deputy education matan festivities fast
approaching, the Labuan
Musa and Sabah’s Deputy Director of
minister gets Unduk Ngadau crown is
Broadcasting, Aminah Samsudin with
their respective groups. join the military: Mohamed told off during
once again up for grabs
after a three-year hiatus
from the local scene.
HARD work and low salary have been Meanwhile, Mohamad said  no quota Labuan Unduk Ngadau Committee
identified as factors contributing to the
low interest of the non-Bumiputera com-
has been set for the recruitment of MAF
members as it was based on adjustment to
Question Time Chairman Aeddy Lubin (pic) called on
Labuan lasses to continue preserving the
munity to join the Malaysian Armed the number of personnel whose services DEPUTY Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk KDM tradition and culture here by partic-
Forces (MAF). have ended, such as through early or com- Ramli Mohd Nor Tuesday chided Deputy ipating in the festivities, particularly the
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad pulsory retirement. However, he said that Education Minister Lim Hui Ying for her Unduk Ngadau contest.
Hasan said so far, less than three per cent currently, 3,000 positions could not be unpreparedness in answering a question The Labuan Unduk Ngadau seat had
of non-Bumiputeras have joined the mili- filled due to the Covid-19 pandemic and posed in the lower House of Parliament. been left vacant over the past three years
tary  because of a lack of interest in the the existing training space constraints. He said her inability to furnish a reply due to restrictions of hosting the contest
Faerozh Yuzainy security personnel’s scope of work. “MAF advertises recruitment (of  new to a question asked by PAS’ Pengkalan during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“This is something that needs to be members) every year, and before Covid-19, Chepa MP Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary Aeddy said this year’s contest would
addressed. But as mentioned earlier, the approximately 6,500 to 7,000 more people gave a bad impression of the government. make its comeback on a much bigger
Advice to factors of hard work, low pay, irregular
working hours and inability to spend time
were recruited to fill the vacancies of
retired personnel.
“The schedule was released earlier. By scale, manifesting its significance as the
culminated event in the island’s Harvest
right this should not have happened.
with families during festivals are among “The armed forces have a short service
female the reasons why they are less interested. scheme of 15 years, which means they will
“I hope the government and Leader of
the House takes note of this... it gives a bad
Festival celebration.
“The contest is a platform for Kadazan-
“This is a constraint faced by the MAF complete their service at the age of 40. This impression of the government,” Ramli said dusun girls to learn more about our her-
varsity and the Defence Ministry to encourage the
participation of non-Bumiputeras,” he
is the problem, and in fact, many people,
especially non-Bumiputeras, don’t want to
during Question Time. The question posed
to Lim was numbered 16th on the list.
itage, from the way we dress, to our cuisine
and language. We hope this platform
said. be enlisted because it will require them to Several backbenchers including Kota allows the youth to foster a deeper interest
students He was responding to a supplementary
question from Hassan Abdul Karim (PH-
work round the clock,” he said.
Mohamad said this in reply to  Kalam
Melaka MP Khoo Poay Tiong from DAP and in their culture and traditions.
“We hope the contest would shine a
Kuala Selangor MP Datuk Seri Dzulkefly
Noor Zafira Zayn Pasir Gudang), who wanted to know Min- Salan’s (PN-Sabak Bernam) original ques- Ahmad from Amanah told the deputy light on a deserving candidate who truly
KOTA KINABALU: Female students of local def ’s efforts in attracting more tion on the ministry’s plan to increase the speaker that the time allocated for ques- understands our traditions and the value
institutions of higher learning are called non-Malay  youths to join the armed number of MAF personnel  to meet the tions was over. The clock in Parliament and prestige of the Unduk Ngadau crown,”
to use the artificial intelligence (AI) plat- forces. employment needs of the youth. showed 11.35am — five minutes past the Aeddy spoke to Daily Express.
form as a medium for inspiration to gain allocated time for questions — but Ramli Aeddy is confident that Labuan will be
knowledge. allowed it and called Lim to answer. able to produce a top-notch candidate to
Faculty of Business, Economics and
Accounting (FPEP), Universiti Malaysia
RM85m spent on immigration “I didn’t prepare a reply for this ques- represent the island to the Sabah Unduk
Ngadau Kaamatan (UNK) hosted at the
tion. I apologise and will furnish a reply
Sabah (UMS) lecturer Dr Faerozh Madli
said AI technology needed to be utilised detainees’ food, drinks last year through a written reply. I’m sorry this will
not happen again,” Lim said. After the
Hongkod Koisaan Kadazandusun Cultural
Association’s (KDCA) hall on May 31.
by campus students in order to move PUTRAJAYA is aiming to reduce the oper- He was responding to Perikatan Question Time session had ended Ahmad “Based on past performances, I have no
along with current technological sophisti- ational cost for immigration detention Nasional (PN) Sik MP Ahmad Tarmizi Marzuk called for the resignation of both doubt that the Labuan winner will be able
cation. centres nationwide as it cost RM84.8 mil- Sulaiman who asked about the recent sta- Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek and to make it to the Top 15 at the UNK contest,
“Today’s rapid technology is synony- lion last year for detainees’ daily meals and tistics of the Immigration Department’s Lim citing their failure to prepare a reply with the proper grooming and training
mous and interesting to research, not to drinks. detention centres. for the Parliament sitting. which our Committee will provide,” he said.
mention now that the new semester of Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri The ministry said it will shift the chil- “Earlier she supported adjourning the The Labuan Unduk Ngadau crown was
study has started again. Shamsul Anuar Nasarah said there are cur- dren detained at the Immigration depots Dewan Rakyat for certain time, did she last held by Valentina Day back in 2019.
“AI platforms are basically very large rently 13,440 detainees at 21 immigration and place them under the care of non-gov- come to support the Dewan Rakyat This year’s competition will see 10 to 12
and based on data sources collected depots nationwide. ernmental organisations (NGO) that adjournment motion only? That is not a ladies vying for the crown. Registrations
around the world,” he said. “The cost of food and drink per pris- specifically specialise in the welfare of chil- significant responsibility for a Deputy will be open on April 1 and the Gala Night
In the meantime, a lecturer from the oner is RM13.50 per day. The annual cost of dren. Minister,” he told reporters. will be held on April 29, while the finals
same faculty, Yuzainy Janin also said the managing the immigration depot is about Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin He added that the minister should have will be during the state-level Kaamatan
benefits of the AI platform in studies RM84.8 million. This is the cost of food and Nasution Ismail said he has already iden- prepared to answer questions in Parlia- celebration on May 7.
would enable students to be more focused. beverage operations, maintenance for the tified the profile of the children, their ment citing the refusal of his supplemen-
“In other words, students can indirectly
access larger data and can generate ideas
year 2022.
“And the ministry through the Immi-
numbers and where they were detained.
The government however did not dis-
tary question. He claimed that this was
unprecedented in the history of Parlia-
MACC denies
from a more mature angle. gration Department is detailing proposals close whether it would relax its immigra- ment because usually the answer was pre-
“The AI platform is able to give an extra to improve depot management to reduce tion policies, following intensified pared two weeks earlier. allegations
focus especially for the specialisation of government spending. We are aware that crackdown by the Immigration Depart- In a response to the matter, Lim’s spe-
various and many subjects, such as what is the expenses are quite high and we are ment under former home minister Datuk cial duties officer Lim Swee Kuan clarified KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Anti-Cor-
offered by the university. studying and refining this matter,” he said. Seri Hamzah Zainuddin. – MM that what had transpired in Parliament ruption Commission (MACC) have denied
“For example, basic concepts in under- today was something out of the ordinary. allegations made by a blog that two of its
standing something, terms in the field of “We apologise for what happened. senior officers were masterminds in the
study and so on,” he said.
He added books could be used as a
138 contracts via limited tender: Fahmi “Usually the process of preparing oral
answers is based on the maximum num-
abuse of power and corruption linked to
corporations. MACC said both officers
main reference and be further diversified AS of December last year, 215 contracts with an overall value of RM7.8 billion have been ber of questions that can be answered by have been called to provide explanations
sources of information if students also signed by Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) with 97 per cent (138 contracts) from the over- all ministries which is between 11 to 13 before a police report was lodged about
take advantage of AI technology. all contract acquired through competitive bidding (limited tender). questions to be answered within 90 min- the allegations.
In addition, he said the use of AI tech- Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil said three per cent or 77 contracts utes. The officer will give a detailed brief- “The MACC is confident that the matter
nology needed to be used ethically to were awarded via direct negotiations in 2021 when DNB was just set up with the objective ing to the Minister or Deputy Minister who is merely irresponsible wild accusations
ensure that the intellectual generation of implementing 5G network in a short period of time.    will answer the questions that appear in deliberately aimed at MACC officers to cre-
that was born was able to meet the quality. "DNB was just established in 2021 with the objective of implementing the 5G network the first 15 questions. ate a negative perception for the commis-
“The wave of modernisation brought by in a short period of time. At that time, DNB needed the set skills which were not available “We have prepared detailed answers sion. But if there is evidence, the party has
AI technology must be seen and used pos- and could only be acquired from suitable global companies which have the technol- for three questions which are the 4th, 8th to come forward to make a complaint or a
itively. ogy,” he said during question and answer at Dewan Rakyat here Tuesday.  and 11th questions,” Swee Kuan said report to enforcement and not through
“This is to ensure that we are able to live He was replying to a question by Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad (PH-Kuala Selangor) adding that the Deputy Minister also allegations on social media hiding behind
with technological change and not against on the readiness to enforce acquisition by tender including launching the 5G project answered all three questions as usual in a fake identity,” the statement read.
the current of modernisation,” he said. led by DNB which have invited various controversies since it was launched. the House this morning. – Bernama – Bernama
Local 5
General worker
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

Charged with raping daughter, 12 jailed 14 months

for keeping
Cynthia D Baga charged with committing physical sexual monitor Ismail’s psychology status and

stolen vehicle
KOTA KINABALU: A 39-year-old man was harassment against a girl. pending the date, he was ordered remanded
charged with raping his 12-year-five-month- Ismail Kassim earlier pleaded guilty further.
old daughter. before Sessions Court Judge Ummu Khaltom Ismail is accused of committing the
The man pleaded not guilty before Ses- strokes, on conviction. Abd Samad, but during mitigation he offence against the eight-year-old girl by
sions Court Judge Amir Shah Amir Hassan to The court set April 25 this year for pre-trial claimed he is suffering from mental problem hugging and kissing her lips at 9.30pm on
the charge against him on Tuesday. case management and ordered the man to and that the court fixed another date to con- Feb 14 this year at Kg Gusung Likas, near here. Jo Ann Mool
The man is accused of raping his daughter be remanded further pending the date. firm his claim. The offence under Section 14 (a) of Sexual KOTA KINABALU: A 24-year-old general
at 7am on March 12 this year at a house in The man was advised to engage a counsel. During mitigation, Ismail who was not Offences Against Children Act 2017 carries a worker was sentenced to 14 months, jail on
Manggatal, near here. Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Najiha represented, claimed that he is “sakit jiwa” jail term of up to 20 years, and whipping on Tuesday for keeping a stolen vehicle.
The offence under Section 376(3) of the Farhana Che Awang appeared for the prose- and has a ‘blue card’ as well getting medica- conviction. Ardie Ariansyah Abd Salam pleaded

Thomas did not charge

Penal Code carries a jail term of between cution while the man was not represented. tion from Hospital Mesra Bukit Padang. DPP Siti Hajar Mazlan prosecuted the guilty before Magistrate Lovely Natasha

Habitual offender jailed six years

eight and 30 years, and whipping at least 10 In another court, a 36-year-old man was The court then set April 10 for mention to case. Charles to having the Toyota Hilux belonging
to one Mohd Azmir Nasir at 4.55 pm on
March 19, this year at an open space near the

Najib in bad faith, rules HC

telecommunication substation Suria Sabah,
Jalan Tuaran Bypass, Inanam.
KOTA KINABALU: A 51-year-old habitual between five and 10 years and whipping, The charge under Section 411 of the Penal
offender, who has previous conviction on conviction. Code carries a jail term of between six
records since 1992, was sentenced to six During mitigation, Victor who was not months and five years and liability of a fine,
years’ jail for having a butcher’s knife in represented, asked for leniency saying on conviction.
public place without any permit. that he has a wife and two small children KUALA LUMPUR: The or before they have been acquitted like the The Magistrate was informed by the pros-
Victor Joseph pleaded guilty before to look after. High Court here ruled present case before this court. This will obvi- ecution that the vehicle was reported stolen
Sessions Court Judge Amir Shah Amir Has- “Give me a last chance to improve that former Attorney- ously cause havoc and our criminal from Plaza YLY Kolombong on March 7 this
san to the charge against him on Tuesday. myself to be a better man and I promised General (AG) Tan Sri justice system will dangerously be in jeop- year.
No whipping was being imposed on to not repeat any offence. I really regretted Tommy Thomas (pic) ardy,” he said. Ardie was arrested by police on March 19
Victor due to his age and the court for my wrongdoing,” said Victor in beg- did not arbitrarily Judge Ahmad said the Public Prosecutor at a restaurant in Inanam while he was deal-
ordered him to serve the jail sentence ging for a light sentence. charge  Datuk Seri and his DPPs will then have to come to court ing to sell the vehicle.
from the date of his arrest on March 23 However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Najib Tun Razak  in in a full trial to testify and to explain for each Ardie then led the police to the recovery
this year. Najiha Farhana Che Awang urged the bad faith but only case, wasting his official time and public of the stolen Hilux.
Victor was found having the butcher at court to impose a heavy sentence by sub- upon receiving com- funds and seriously undermining the Duty counsel Carmen Khoo, representing
11.10pm on March 23 this year in front of mitting that Victor is a habitual offender pleted investigation papers from the Investi- integrity of the institution of the Attorney Ardie, applied for a lenient sentence on the
the Kedai Runcit Maniha Garden Kinarut as he has multiple previous conviction gating Agencies. General or Public Prosecutor altogether. grounds that he was remorseful and that he
in Papar. records since 1992. Judge Datuk Ahmad Bache said  only He said this was against public policy and was taking care of his parents.
upon studying and satisfying himself of the in total contravention with established pro- The prosecution applied for an adequate
The offence under Section 6(1) of the Najiha said Victor had the weapon in pub-
evidence gathered, Thomas issued the con- cedural laws and the Criminal Procedure sentence and for the vehicle to be returned
Corrosive Explosive and Dangerous lic place without any permit. - Cynthia D
to its rightful owner.

Tackle issue of ‘unlawful’ conversion

Weapon 1958 carries a jail term of Baga sent to charge the former prime minister Code.
on all 35 charges in four cases. “Hence, this should not be allowed and The court ordered Ardie to serve the sen-
The cases involved 1Malaysia Develop- the claim should be struck out as it is frivo- tence from the date of his arrest and ordered

of Orang Asli properly, says Zahid

ment Berhad (1MDB), International Petro- lous, scandalous and vexatious. It will also set the vehicle to be returned to its owner.
leum Investment Company (IPIC), abuse of a bad and dangerous precedent whereby an In another case, a scrap metal collector
power under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption accused person can file a claim against the was jailed two months for having tools with-
Commission (MACC) Act 2009 and money Attorney General/Public Prosecutor for every out a lawful excuse.
laundering under the Anti-Money Launder- acquittal,” he said. Budiman Tanai, 41, admitted before Mag-
KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy prime minister “Guidance is important to prevent con- ing, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds The judge said he was of the opinion that istrate Jessica Ombou Kakayun to having a
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has pleaded with fusion, especially when there are claims of of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLATF- the act of the plaintiff in filing these claims hacksaw and a steel cutter at 12.30pm on
the public against polemicising the con- forced conversion.” PUAA 2001). can be seen as a collateral attack on the March 23 at a roadside of Jalan Tunku Abdul
version of Orang Asli to Islam, after a The group have brought the matter to He also said the issue of “targeting the for- prosecution of the 35 criminal charges as Rahman, near the UTC Sembulan.
group decided to nullify their status as civil court, and through the law firm Fahri mer premier or targeted malice” did not arise the plaintiff is prematurely launching a civil He was charged under Section 18(e) of the
Muslims. Azzat & Co, filed a writ of summons at the as it was Thomas’ duty as the Public Prosecu- action based on criminal charges which Minor Offences Ordinance which carries a
Commenting on reports that the con- Kuala Lumpur High Court on September tor to charge Najib. have yet to be determined in the criminal jail term of up to six months, on conviction.
version of some 137 Orang Asli of the Bateq 28 last year, Malaysiakini reported yester- The judge said in the present case, at the courts.  Budiman told the court that he collected
Mayah tribe was “unlawful”, Zahid – who day. time when the suit was filed in 2021, the pros- Judge Ahmad said the court further the items because he wanted to sell them.
is also the rural and regional development The civil action named six defendants, ecution of the 35 charges in the four cases are opined that the claim should not be filed at Counsel Khoo, representing Budiman,
minister – said there was no compulsion in namely Jakoa, its director and officer, the still ongoing or pending and Thomas all, before the trials of the four cases are com- applied for a lenient sentence and submitted
Islam. Pahang Islamic Religious and Malay Cus- has already resigned on Feb 28, 2020. pleted. that he was a divorcee with two children and
“But we need to prevent this issue from toms Council (Muip), the state govern- “Hence, he (Thomas) was not and will not “It is akin to putting the cart before the was remorseful of his action.
being polemicised and tackle it properly,” ment, and the federal government. be involved in the conduct of the proceed- horse. It has also created confusion and a Meanwhile, 12 people were penalised for
he told reporters after chairing a Cabinet According to the statement of claim ings of the 35 charges in the four cases in the transgression of jurisdiction  between the committing drug-related offences.
committee meeting in Parliament this sighted by Malaysiakini, the plaintiffs first place, and that there was no final deter- civil and criminal court’s jurisdiction and this Eight of them pleaded guilty to taking
afternoon. alleged that the wrongful and illegal con- mination on the four cases as yet,” he said in should not be allowed at all cost,” he said. amphetamine and syabu while another four
The group of Orang Asli filed a writ of version was carried out at their home in his 37-page judgment dated Feb 28 in a suit Furthermore, the court is of the consid- admitted to having syabu.
summons last year at the Kuala Lumpur Kampung Benchah Kelubi, Merapoh, filed by Najib against Thomas. ered opinion that the causes of action of mis- The eight Damasus Malik, Rasman
High Court to nullify their conversion to Kuala Lipis, Pahang, in April 1993. On Nov 25, last year, Judge Ahmad feasance in public office and the so-called Osman, Md Syazwan Dominic, Haziq Haikal,
Islam in 1993 which they claimed was The plaintiffs claimed that two village allowed Thomas’  application to strike malicious process are not sustainable and a Md Asdi Lazim, Sulaiman Hamid, Jonaidi
unlawful. leaders were asked by a Jakoa representa- out Najib’s suit over alleged misfeasance in non-starter because Thomas did not even Junior and Affendi Rahman were arrested at
The group said they were not practicing tive to convert to Islam and also to get the public office for prosecuting him on charges conduct or take part in the prosecution of the separate locations here and in Penampang
Muslims and continued to live as animists. other villagers to do the same, Malaysi- involving the 1MDB case. four cases.  between Oct 20, 2022 and Jan 12 this year
On a related matter, Zahid said he akini reported. The judge said to accede to the proposi- “It follows that even if Thomas have had after they tested positive for the drugs,
would see to it that the Islamic develop- They alleged that when the villagers tion that Thomas has committed an agenda against the plaintiff (which this respectively.
ment department (Jakim) tackled this refused, an officer from the Orang Asli all  three  torts or causes of action (misfea- court disagreed), he would not be conduct- Damasus was ordered to pay a RM2,000
issue. Department had issued threats, including sance in public office, malicious abuse of ing the prosecution of the plaintiff. fine or five months in jail while the rest were
He said he would discuss with Jakim and barring them from the village, destroying process and negligence) inspite of his pow- “How could he be said to have had com- handed nine months’ jail each.
the Orang Asli development department their houses and crops, and chasing down ers, will also open the flood gate whereby all mitted misfeasance and the other Taking drugs under Section 15(1) of the
(Jakoa) to continuously support recent con- and torturing them if they attempted to actions of the Public Prosecutor will be ques- torts.  Hence it follows, that there was no Dangerous Drug Act provides for a fine of up

Salesman jailed 24 months, fined

verts so they did not feel “isolated”. flee to the mountains. – FMT/MM tioned. necessity for these suit to go for a full trial and to RM5,000 or up to two years jail, on convic-
He said it also opened to public scrutiny, no reason for Thomas to come to court to tion.
hence challenging the almost unfettered dis- explain, as the claims should be struck out ab The other four were Lionel Ling, Suhaidi

RM50,000 for animal cruelty

cretion conferred upon him (Thomas) under initio,” he said. Johny, Rezki Alfahusi and Jimat Susanto who
Article 145 (3) of the Federal Constitution and In the suit filed on Oct 22, 2021, Najib were charged under Section 12 (2) of the Dan-
also his deputies (DPPs), to discharge their claimed that the charges against him were gerous Drug Act 1952 provides for a fine of up
duties without fear or favour. part of a move that had been planned in to RM100,000 or up to five years’ jail or both,
“Consequently, his DPPs too will be afraid advance by Thomas and it was also in line on conviction.
KUALA LUMPUR:  A salesman was sen- represented  appealed for a lighter sen- of preferring charges against suspects even with the Pakatan Harapan government’s Ling was fined RM4,500 or 15 months on
tenced to 24 months in jail and fined tence on the grounds that he is a bache- though there were overwhelming evidence, plan at the time. the first count of having 1.94gm of syabu in a
RM50,000,  by the Sessions Court here lor earning less than RM1,500 a month. due to the risk of opening themselves up to He is seeking a declaration that Thomas car at the roadside of Imago Mall here at
today, for neglecting his five pet cats and According to the facts of the case, on civil suits subsequently. Hence, this will has committed misfeasance in public office 2.20pm on Jan 12 this year.
starving them to death in a condominium March 11, the complainant  who is the potentially lead to a significant escalation of as well as RM1.9 million in damages, includ- He was ordered to pay another fine of
unit. house owner received a complaint from a criminal activities in the country. ing negotiation fees for the audit team to RM2,000 or 12 months’ jail on the second
Judge Siti Aminah Ghazali handed nearby resident of a stench coming from “Worst of all, it will invite an accused per- review documentation for the preparation of count of having 0.09gm of syabu in his bag
down the sentence on Lim Chia Lin, 31, the unit that he was renting to the accused. son to file a claim against the Public Prosecu- facts to deal with the prosecution against in the said mall on the same day.

Govt to return RM2.1m to MCA, PBRS

after he pleaded guilty to the charge and On checking the house, he found sev- tor even before the proceeding commences him. – Bernama Suhaidi, Rezki and Jimat were each sen-
also ordered the accused to serve 12 eral cat carcasses in a cage placed outside tenced to 10 months’ jail from the date of
months in prison if he failed to pay the the door. their arrest. Inspectors Kelvan Elson Maik and

fine. The complainant advised the accused Albert Basiri prosecuted.
The man was charged with keeping the to remove the cage so that there would be PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian government forfeit monies totalling RM2.1 million from

defamation appeal
animals in captivity and causing them no more complaints from residents of the will return a sum of  RM2.1 million which the Pahang MCA Liaison Committee, PBRS
unnecessary suffering which ended with condominium.
was allegedly linked to 1Malaysia Develop- and Abdul Manan’s family.
their carcasses found in a condominium Two days later, when the complainant

against Khalid
ment Bhd (IMDB) and forfeited from two Of the amount,  RM1 million was from
unit in Bandar Seri Permaisuri, between returned to collect rent, he found the door
political parties and the family of the late PBRS, RM835,258.19 from the Pahang MCA
June 14 and July 3 last year. not locked and the accused sleeping in his

Samad thrown out

The charge framed under Section 29(1) room. former Paya Besar MP  Datuk Seri Abdul Liaison Committee, and RM265,146.16 from
(D) of the Animal Welfare Act 2015 and With the help of a security guard, the Manan Ismail. Rohizah Ahmad and six others.
punishable under Section 29(1) of the law, complainant inspected the house and The political parties are Pahang MCA On Jan 30 this year, the prosecution with-
provides a fine of between RM25,000 and found a carcass believed to be that of a cat Liaison Committee and Parti Bersatu Rakyat drew its appeals in the Court of Appeal to
RM100,000 or imprisonment of up to and detected a foul smell in the kitchen Sabah (PBRS). forfeit monies totalling RM21.7 million
This was after Deputy Public Prosecutor belonging to 11 entities and individuals, KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here has

Sending obscene posts on FB:

three years or both, upon conviction. which came from a pail filled with minced
The accused, who was not meat. – Bernama Kamal Baharin Omar informed the Court of including Pekan Umno  and Johor Umno dismissed a lecturer’s appeal against the dis-
Appeal here Tuesday that the Attorney-Gen- Liaison Committee, and allegedly linked to missal of his defamation suit against former

Draughtsman pleads not guilty

eral’s Chambers had  received representa- IMDB. Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad.
tions from the three appellants - Pahang The others were from Jakel Trading Sdn Lawyer Faiz Fadzil Noor, appearing for
MCA Liaison Committee, PBRS and Abdul Bhd, Jakel Trading, Johor Bahru Barisan Kamarul Zaman Yusoff, said Justice Latifah
Manan’s family -  and agreed not to Nasional division, Mediaedge CIA Malaysia Tahar made the decision during an online
contest their appeals. Sdn Bhd, Sarawak United People’s Party, proceeding today.
He said the monies and interest accrued, director for Strategic Engagement Media Sdn He said the court affirmed that Khalid’s
JOHOR BAHRU: A draughtsman pleaded The charges are according to Section 233 remarks against Kamarul were fair comment.
not guilty in the Sessions Court, here Tues- (1)(a) of the Communications and Multi- which were forfeited by the government, Bhd (CENSE Media) Sim Sai Hoon, AGA Touch
would be released to the three appellants Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Yayasan Persatuan Bekas The court also awarded RM10,000 in costs to
day, on four charges of allegedly sending media Act 1998, punishable under Section Khalid.
offensive and obscene texts and pictures 233(3) of the same act, carries a fine of up within two months from Tuesday. Anggota Kemas Malaysia (Yayasan PBAKM)
Lawyer Datuk Ben Chan, representing and former land and cooperative develop- Khalid’s remarks were made after
using his Facebook account last year. to RM50,000 or a maximum imprison- Kamarul, a lecturer with Universiti Utara
For the first to third charges and one ment of one year or both if convicted. Pahang MCA Liaison Committee, told the ment minister Tan Sri Kasitah Gaddam.
court that his client’s representation was for The three cases Tuesday are the last of the Malaysia (UUM), criticised Segambut MP
amended charge, Muhammad Firdaus Judge Datuk Che Wan Zaidi Che Wan Hannah Yeoh’s book, “Becoming Hannah”, in
Embong, 39, as the accused, is charged with Ibrahim allowed bail of RM20,000 for all the AGC to consider to allow its appeal. 41 entities from which the Malaysian Anti-
using the Facebook account under the charges with one surety and fixed May 15 Following this, a three-member bench of Corruption Commission (MACC) sought to
Hannah’s book described her journey as
name of ‘Firdaus Embong’ to create and for case mention. the Court of Appeal led by Justice Datuk Seri recover assets said to have been paid for
an ordinary Malaysian woman whose life was
send  pictures and texts of an offensive The prosecution was handled by Kamaludin Md Said allowed the appeals using funds from 1MDB. 
transformed through her personal faith as a
nature with the intention of hurting peo- Malaysian Communications and Multime- and set aside the rulings of the High Court. In Tuesday’s proceedings, lawyer Avinash
Christian, which later led her into politics.
ple’s feelings. dia Commission (MCMC) deputy public The other members of the bench Kamalanathan represented PBRS, Chan and Khalid alleged that Kamarul’s criticism of
The four postings were allegedly sent prosecutor Fazril Sani Mohamed Fadzil were  Justices Datuk Abu Bakar Jais and Sangeetha Vasanth Kumar for Pahang MCA Yeoh had “tarnished the image of Islam”.
between March 17 to Aug 18, 2022, and and prosecuting officer Mai Zairani Zainal Datuk Supang Lian. Liaison Committee and Nur Jehan Abu Last year, the sessions court dismissed
were seen by  by the complainant at a bank Abidin. Muhammad Firdaus was unrepre- In 2020, three separate High Courts had Bakar for the family of Abdul Manan. - Kamarul’s suit against Khalid on grounds
in Kulai at 2 pm on Sept 14, 2022. sented. - Bernama allowed the prosecution’s applications to Bernama that Khalid’s remarks were fair comment.
6 Local WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

Across globe, women battle

‘gendered disinformation’
Dr Joachim (seated centre) with the Kota Marudu
District Council Members for the term 2023 – 2025.

Advice to new
ASHINGTON: Fake photos

Kota Marudu
showing Ukraine’s first lady
sunbathing topless, incorrect
video subtitles defaming Pakistani femi-
nists for “blasphemy”, slow-motion clips
falsely depicting “drunk” female politi-

cians – a barrage of disinformation tar-
gets women in the public eye.
Researchers say “gendered disinfor-
mation” – when sexism and misogyny
intersect with online falsehoods – has
KOTA MARUDU: District Council members ever form of decision is taken must be in relentlessly targeted women around the
have been urged to show strong commit- accordance with the law, regulations, and world, tarnishing their reputations,
ment to the district council’s plans and pro- existing policies.” undermining their credibility and, in
grammes, as well as to provide solid support “I also hope for the best cooperation many cases, upending their careers.
and collaboration in the development of among council members and Kota Marudu AFP’s global fact-checkers have
their respective districts. District Council officers in carrying out their debunked falsehoods targeting politi-
Deputy Chief Minister II cum Minister of duties and responsibilities because this coop- cally active women, or those linked to
Local Government and Housing, Datuk Seri eration will allow us to increase the services prominent politicians, exposing online
Dr Joachim Gunsalam, said they should instil that will be delivered to the people of Kota campaigns that feature fake information
teamwork spirit, be firm, efficient, and cre- Marudu,” he said. or manipulated images that are often sex-
ative in coming up with new ideas to improve Additionally, Dr Joachim hoped the Kota ually charged.
the quality of services more effectively. Marudu District Council would be a local Last year, a fake image of Ukraine’s
“The appointment comes with very authority that could meet the community’s First Lady Olena Zelenska lying topless on
important trust and responsibility,” he said wishes and expectations, provide the best a beach in Israel was shared widely on
(Clockwise, from top left) Pelosi, Baerbock, Obama, Ardern, Macron and Zelenska.
when officiating the Kota Marudu District services, and ensure consistent administra- Facebook, triggering criticism that she
Council Members 2023-2025 term oath taking tion so that the services provided to the com- was having fun while her war-torn coun-
ceremony at the Kota Marudu District Coun- munity remain relevant and satisfactory to try was suffering. “monetizing misogyny.” ridiculed women and questioned their
cil Operations Room, here. the people and stakeholders. A reverse image search by AFP showed In disinformation tactics typically ability to pursue such sporting activities.
The ceremony involved a total of 17 people “The Kota Marudu District Council is the woman in the photo was, in fact, a deployed by political opponents, female Similar questions were raised about
(some newly appointed and some reap- expected to be able to achieve and increase Russian television presenter. politicians are sometimes framed as their ability to take on military jobs fol-
pointed) who have been appointed to pro- finances as well as find new sources so that Former American first lady Michelle inherently undependable, too emotional lowing last year’s crash of an F-35 fighter
vide the best services to the people of Kota the financial capacity of the Council can be Obama and current French first lady or promiscuous to hold office. jet on the deck of a US aircraft carrier in
Marudu. increased. Brigitte Macron have also been targeted When Germany’s current foreign min- the South China Sea.
Based on the authority given under Sec- “Council members should inculcate team in false online posts that claimed they ister, Annalena Baerbock, was running False social media posts held the
tion 10(1) of the Local Government Act 1976, work, be firm, efficient and creative in gener- were born as men. The disinformation for chancellor in 2021, she was the subject world’s first woman to fly an F-35 respon-
the Sabah Ministry of Local Government and ating ideas to improve the quality of services sparked an avalanche of mockery and of frequent disinformation campaigns sible for the crash. The pilot, in fact, was
Housing appointed Kota Marudu District more effectively. transphobic remarks. which raised questions about whether a man.
Councillors to serve from Jan 20, 2023 to Jan “Ideas should be in line with the direction New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern, who she was fit for the job. Such humiliating falsehoods,
20, 2025. of the Sabah Maju Jaya action plan, which
announced her resignation as prime min- One of them featured images of a researchers say, can have a silencing effect
“As council members, this trust and leads to a planned and strategic implemen-
ister in January, is another prominent fig- nude model purporting to be of her, on women, who are drawn to disengage,
responsibility is not only to advance oneself, tation in order to achieve targets and goals
ure that faced a torrent of disinformation alongside suggestions that she had censor themselves and even avoid male-
but to help and fulfil the interests of the peo- that coincide with the development needs in
ple of Kota Marudu, while contributing ideas Kota Marudu,” he said.
about her sex. engaged in sex work. dominated professions, including poli-
and expertise to the Kota Marudu District He called on all Kota Marudu District “Women – especially those in posi- Gendered disinformation represents a tics.
Council and advancing and improving the Council members to carry out the tasks tions of power and visibility – are unduly national security threat as it can be That was a concern raised in a letter by
quality of council services,” said Dr Joachim. entrusted to them with high commitment targeted by online disinformation,” exploited by autocratic states such as Rus- dozens of US and international lawmak-
He said council members must show high and responsibility. Maria Giovanna Sessa, a senior researcher sia to exercise foreign influence, accord- ers in 2020 to Facebook, which along with
level of commitment in whatever planning Dr Joachim also handed over appoint- at the nonprofit EU DisinfoLab, wrote in ing to multiple researchers. other platforms has been blamed for the
and programmes implemented by the Kota ment letters to all the Kota Marudu District a report last year. It can also be used to subdue the oppo- algorithmic amplification of false and
Marudu District Council and provide solid Members for the 2023 – 2025 term. In another tactic that raised alarm in sition. hateful content targeting women.
support and cooperation to develop Kota Also present were Assistant Minister of 2020, a slowed-down version of a video of “When autocratic leaders are in In a statement to US media at the time,
Marudu so that it can compete with other dis- Agriculture and Food Industry who is also Nancy Pelosi, the then US House Speaker, power, gendered disinformation is often Facebook acknowledged that online
tricts. Tandek Assemblyman, Hendrus Anding; went viral. The effect made her speech used by state-aligned actors to under- abuse of women was a “serious problem”
“I hope that this appointment will also Deputy Permanent Secretary II of the Ministry slurred and gave the false impression that mine women opposition leaders, as well and pledged to work with policymakers
make it easier for the District Council to make of Local Government and Housing, Faridah she was drunk. as women’s rights,” Di Meco’s report on their concerns.
decisions by taking into account the views of Giau; Kota Marudu District Officer, Alexander “Building on sexist stereotypes and warned. “Make no mistake, these tactics, which

ACCIM delegates to join

community representatives, namely the Yong and Executive Officer, Abdul Sani Arsat, disseminated with malign intent, gen- Women around the globe battle false- are used on your platform for malicious
appointed council members; however, what- among others. dered disinformation campaigns have a hoods that reinforce stereotypes that they intent, are meant to silence women, and
chilling effect on the women they target,” are unintelligent or inefficient. ultimately undermine our democracies,”

Anwar on China trip

Lucina Di Meco, a gender equality expert In 2021, Egyptian sports shooter Al- the letter said.
wrote in a study published last month. Zahraa Shaaban faced false social media “It is no wonder women frequently
The disinformation often leads to posts that she had been excluded from cite the threat of rapid, widespread, pub-
“political violence, hate and the deterring the Tokyo Olympics because she had shot lic attacks on personal dignity as a factor

Sky-high UK childcare costs hit women’s careers

of young women from considering a the referee. deterring them from entering politics.” –
political career,” said the study titled That sparked a wave of comments that AFP
Jimmy Goh day and three-night offi-
KOTA KINABALU: The cial visit in China, the
Associated Chinese Malaysia-China Business
Chambers of Commerce Summit which will be
(ACCCIM) has been held at the China World LONDON: Increased childcare funding is She now works as an executive per- “Of course there are some women who
invited to be part of Hotel in Beijing on April 1 expected to feature in the UK govern- sonal assistant from home, while her hus- want to stay at home and that’s great and
Prime Minister Datuk and deliver his speech ment’s budget this week, in a bid to ease band, an insurance broker, also does they should be able to do that, but it is the
Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s del- and conduct dialogues pressure on families and particularly some remote work. Very little publicly lack of choice that is an issue.”
Liew Lu
egation’s official visit to and exchanges with the women. funded help exists until a child is three. Government statistics last year showed
China on March 29. business elites. Childcare costs in the UK are among After that, the state pays for 15 hours of that for the first time in at least 30 years,
ACCCIM President Senator Tan Sri Lu The Prime Minister is scheduled to meet the highest in the 38-nation OECD, childcare a week, and twice that for low- the number of women not working to
Seng Chen said the delegations which com- with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pre- accounting for nearly a third (29 per income households. look after their families rose by five per-
prise business elite’ aims to promote bilat- mier Li Qiang upon arrival in Beijing. cent) of a family’s income compared to But the money, paid to nurseries, often cent. Among 25- to 34-year-old women,
eral cooperation in economy, trade, tourism The official welcome ceremony, witness- just nine percent in France. does not cover their costs, which have the figure was 13 per cent.
and culture. ing the signing of important bilateral coop- That has led to a situation where some soared with inflation. Of those not working, 28.5 per cent
Among the delegates are Lu, Sabah eration memorandums, the state banquet parents have been forced to give up work “My husband is a very hands-on dad,” said they were doing so to look after their
United Chinese Chambers of Commerce and the Ramadan dinner with the represen- or drastically reduce their hours – with said Ford. “He does pick-ups and drop- families, compared to 6.9 per cent of
(SUCCC) President Tan Sri Andrew Liew Sui tatives in China. women often bearing the brunt – and the offs (at nursery) but I feel like, even in our men. In a recent report, consultants PWC
Fatt, Tai Leong Yep, Tan Sri Zhong Tingsen, Anwar is also scheduled to give a lecture UK economy suffering too. situation – I’m the higher earner of the identified the impact of childcare costs
Tan Sri Chen Chenglong, Tan Sri Lim Kuan at the Tsinghua University. The Malaysian Natalie Ford said she had “no choice” two of us – I have to make a bit more of a on women’s employment as a major
Seng, Tan Sri Lim Kok Cheong, Dato Tan Chinese Entrepreneur Association will also when she had her son. “I had no idea how sacrifice than he would, being the mum.” cause of the pay gap with men.
Ming Ming and Dato’ Cai Wenzhou. be specially invited by the Chinese side to much nurseries cost,” she told AFP. “It was Actress Lucy Milnes, 40, has hardly “This has enormous impact not just
Lu said ACCCIM would also act as a participate in the China International Liai- a bit of a shock.” worked since the birth of her second son immediately, in term of their mental
strategic partner of the Ministry of Trade son Department of the Central Committee She and her husband pay over £900 two years ago but she said the situation health, in term of earnings, but also it has
and Industry to coordinate the affairs of of the Communist Party of China during the ($1,100) for a few days a week of childcare was not sustainable. a long-term impact,” said
Chinese entrepreneurs accompanying the Prime Minister’s visit to China. for their 19-month-old son – more than So she and her husband decided to put Brearley, whose group wants reform
delegation and jointly organise the During this trip, ACCCIM will coordinate what they pay for their mortgage. him in day care three mornings a week on childcare, parental leave and flexible
Malaysia–China Business Summit Forum in the work of Chinese entrepreneurs with the Nationwide, the average nursery bill is the minimum accepted by the institu- working “That’s why we see a lot of
Beijing on April 1. delegation, and also hope that the visit will
£285 a week for a child under two, and tion. Milnes hopes this will give her “time women living in poverty when they are
Anwar is scheduled to attend the Boao promote the friendly relations between the
much more in London, according to the to secure more work” and break “a vicious older because they have lower pensions
two countries and strengthen the two coun-

Ke-Nelayan boss backs Sabah Halal

International Forum to deliver his policy Family and Childcare Trust charity. circle”. than men do.”
speech before heading to Beijing for a four- tries again.
Ford, 39, from Brentwood in Essex, east “We are in a position now, for the first British employers are calling for

Industry Devt Council proposal

of London, tried to negotiate more flexi- time in decades, where women are being reform of the system to help ease the
ble hours and working from home with pushed back (from work) for a kids rou- country’s labour shortage.
her company. But when that was refused tine,” said Joeli Brearley, from Pregnant When her daughter was born last year,
she had no option but to quit. Then Screwed, a campaign group. Rachel Herr, a 39-year-old fashion
designer, had to stop working on Mon-
Clarence Dol ment to speed up the devolution of pow- days to save on childcare costs. She com-
KOTA KINABALU: The ers to the governments of Sabah and pensates by working from home on
proposed establishment Sarawak to issue halal licences them- Saturdays.
of a Halal Industry selves,” he said this in response to Datuk She and her husband finally made a
Development Council in Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan’s recommendation radical decision to move to her home
Sabah and Sarawak will that the government in Borneo be country, Ireland.
greatly benefit small empowered to issue halal licences on Childcare costs were not the only
and medium-sized Monday. issue: mortgage rates and the cost of liv-
industries from the fishing communities Dr Jeffrey said the establishment of the ing also sky-rocketed.
and entrepreneurs. council in Sabah and Sarawak is appropri- “When we worked it out, we realised
Sabah Fisheries and Fishery Develop- ate to facilitate the process of issuing that from October we’ll start to go into
ment Corporation (Ko-Nelayan) Chair- licences because the two regions are very debt: expenses will be more than our
man, Kong Soon Choi (pic) said the far from the national capital. income, so we’re forced now to sell our
central government needs to look into the He commented on the proposal while house and move to Ireland,” said Herr.
matter to enable the state government to attending the first meeting of the Halal “I feel like it’s taking a step back. And I
issue halal licences that make it easier for Industry Development Council 2023 on feel like it’s more limiting for my career
all levels of halal product operators in behalf of Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Hajiji because there’s less career options in Ire-
Sabah and Sarawak to apply. Haji Noor at the Parliament building last land for me.” – AFP
“I see the need for the Central Govern- Thursday.
Local 7
Must realise
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

efforts to
S A N D A K A N :
The  Department of

Putatan water
Polytechnic and
Community College
Education’s (JPPKK)
Some of the products on display during the open day.
efforts  to empower
TVET to transform
polytechnics and
supply woe:
community colleges
must be  realised,
Raja Muda of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin
Putra Jamalullail (pic) said.
He said  TVET was actually a
combination of knowledge and skills Maintenance
capable of producing excellent human
capital of quality that will eventually create

work to blame
life-changing opportunities.
“Human capital development is
important in facing future challenges and
producing superior human character.
“Therefore, the following are matters

draws 600
carried out at a Water
that should be given attention - a
Department installa-
conducive infrastructure, progress in the
tion, servicing the
agriculture sector, research and innovation
Putatan area, was to
efforts in the field of agriculture and urging
blame for the supply
students to use opportunities to highlight
woes which some con-
Lorena Binisol Advising the community especially their own potential,” the Raja Muda said
sumers in the district
KIULU: The Agro-Budaya 2023 Carnival, those involved in agriculture, Madius said when officiating the Titian Kasih
have been experiencing
held at the Kg. Pahu community hall last there is huge opportunity for industry Programme at the Sandakan Polytechnic
since last week.
weekend, attracted some 600 people players in agro-business. near here.
A spokesman for
interested in agriculture. He said people no longer apply the old Tuanku Syed Faizuddin also officiated
the agency said opera-
MP, Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau, ways to sell products, but more on the the  Sandakan Centre for Polytechnic
tions at its Kasigui
encouraged villagers to continue with application of digitisation as it is fast and Studies and Aquaculture in conjunction
Treatment Plant ceased
agro-related activities not only to sell effective. with the programme.
for most of March 23 so
A homeowner in another part of Putatan verifies that
products, but also because tourists could “Globally every country is going The Titian Kasih programme, organised
that its R9 reservoir on
a supply is reaching her premises.
view unique fruits or products available in towards digitisation, E-Commerce and so in conjunction with the Perlis-Sabah
Bukit Kuda – off Jalan
Sabah. on and it is a way forward now. Government Exercise (Eks Perbah), is a
Ramayah – could be
Seven villages were involved, namely, “We also should take the opportunity human capital development programme
thoroughly sanitised from any of those on the first floor.
Kg Pahu, Kg Lokos, Kg. Paka, Kg. Nulu, Kg. to learn and to make use of the internet involving school and university students.
and disinfected. An eatery operator at the Putatan
Sinulihan, Kg Wassai and Kg. Kotunuan. services to improve our daily activities. He also officiated a similar programme
“The cleaning was deemed neces- Jaya commercial centre, on the other
Some 600 visitors participated in the one- “There are immense benefits we can get at the nearby Universiti Malaysia Sabah
sary given the substantial amount of hand, found it difficult to run his
day event with 200 of them were from out- from which I believe would enhance our (UMS) Faculty of Sustainable
algae, fungi and moss which had business under similar circumstances
side the district. livelihood slowly but surely. Agriculture and witnessed the signing of a
sprung up on the inside of reservoir,” The pair respectively provided Hot-
Organising chair Dr Rosalyn Gelunu “It is also a way to better one’s creativ- letter of intent between UMS and Universiti
he said. line with their address which was for-
confided that being its inaugural commu- ity,” Madius said. Malaysia Perlis (Unimap) to develop
“Action was also taken to remove warded to the Department.
nity event, it had opened the mindset of Dr Rozalyn shared that it was never easy cooperation in agriculture and sustainable
the layers of sediment which had set- The spokesman said its technicians
the people of importance in continuing to organise community programme and it agrotechnology.
tled at the base.” went to both locations shortly after
agriculture activities as it could further took patience and passion to deal with The agreement was signed by UMS vice-
According to him, about 53 million learning about these goings-on.
strengthen their family economy, either community. Most importantly, everyone chancellor Datuk Dr Kasim Mansor and
litres of treated water was produced “They checked on the condition of
selling their products or as part of tourism came together to achieve the common Unimap vice-chancellor Datuk Dr Zaliman
daily at the Kasigui Plant, under nor- the pipes leading to each of these
activities. goal of uniting under a community proj- Sauli.
mal circumstances. premises and cleared any airlocks
“Our main objective is to introduce this ect and learn the new ways in trading, she In his speech, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin
“The output was severely impacted which had formed inside,” he said.
humble yet meaningful community get- said. said the slogan  “UMS Leading Towards
while the reservoir was being dealt “They found that the supply was
together for the good of society as I She said by organising such event in Kg. Innovative Societies” has been made an
with.” reaching the meters and that the
believed each one could contribute Pahu, it was also a way to introduce to pub- important agenda for public institutions of
He said notices were issued several strength of the supply was accept-
immensely in agro-tourism. lic member that Kg. Pahu is potential as higher learning.
times over the past few months, via able.”
Sabah is rich with all kinds of natural tourism spot. In realising the slogan, Tuanku Syed
social media, to inform the public Where the coffeeshop was con-
products, from fruits to basketry to orna- She conveyed her utmost appreciation Faizuddin said UMS has established a living
about this maintenance. cerned, he said, the agency’s staff con-
ments and anything that is related to our to certain government link agencies for lab that functioned  as a  learning and
“Consumers were forewarned firmed that the water at the kitchen
daily life. the assistance in ensuring the first ever research centre for the benefit of students,
about a possible drop in water pres- sink was flowing as it should.
Tourists from other countries look for- programme was conducted successfully. researchers and also the community.
sure at their premises “Our staff are periodically keeping
ward to visit our state, we as the provider They were namely Employees’ Provi- “One example is the Rural Medicine
“They were advised to take steps to an eye on the situation to ensure that
should take up the opportunity to dent Fund (KWSP), TM Unifi, Sabah Credit Research Lab at the Rural Medical
prepare for this likelihood by storing a supply reaches the residential and
improve what we already have and that Corporation (SCC), LIGS, Prominent Acad- Education Centre in Kudat which
water in advance and using these commercial consumers in these
with such activities, everyone’s livelihood emy to name a few. They also opened was  implemented in collaboration with
reserves prudently.” areas.”
would be economically improved,” said Dr booths for public members to enquire on Nagasaki University of  Japan in critical
The areas which experienced the Ngiau Chap seller DAWN
Rozalyn. related matters. sciences such as disaster management and
supply irregularities included Kg bemoaned the inconvenience caused
rural health sciences.
Ramayah, Kg Duvanson, Kg Terawi, Kg by irregular supply.
“With disasters in the country such as
Buit Hill, Kg Bukitas Ulu Putatan, Kg “The water in the storage tanks for
earthquakes and landslides in Sabah, I
Kandazon, Kg Botong, Kg Dabak, Kg my shop has run dry,” she said, adding
support UMS’s efforts to develop a disaster
Baru Putatan, Taman Malakkun and that he had been without a supply at
simulation complex (known as the Disaster
Taman Lembah Impian. the premises the past few days.
Medicine Training Centre), which is capable
Those attending the Agriculture “It is difficult to prepare meals, let
of acting as a living laboratory and will help
Department Training Centre, as well alone make drinks or wash the plates
us to deal with natural disasters,” he said.
as those staying along Jalan Ramayah and cutlery, when the supply is so
Tuanku Syed Faizuddin said the lack of
Terawi, also felt the pinch. unreliable.
food supply had highlighted the importance
The spokesman said the cleaning Housewife RIA spoke out about the
of implementing national food security.
of R9 was completed on the night of water woes in Taman Bersatu.
Towards that end, UMS has collaborated
March 23 but the weak pressure in “I noticed that the pressure of the
with the industry to develop teaching,
some of the affected areas was still water coming from the taps in my
learning and research projects in the

Talk on tax snapshots on Budget 2023

evident as of Monday this week. home had become weak towards the
Visitors from various villages.
conservation of highland agriculture in
Hotline was inundated with calls end of last week,” she said.
Mesilou, Kundasang. – Bernama
from irate Putatan consumers about By Monday, when she contacted
the water woes at their premises. Hotline, her supply had been reduced
For more than a week recently, a to a trickle and was only available for
Taman Bersatu Phase 2 resident found a few hours after midnight.
that the pressure of her incoming sup- Ria said she had to forgo cleaning
KOTA KINABALU: Institut Sinaran and Inti ply was weak. the house and doing her laundry, as
College Sabah co-organised and brought She said water trickled from some she wanted to conserve the water she
Ernst & Young’s Tax snapshots on Budget of the taps on the ground floor of her had to take a bath and operate the toi-
2023 for the benefit of local micro, small home, while not a drop was available lets in her house. (SS)
and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs),
The Budget 2023 Talk held at the Insti-
tute’s auditorium was attended by leaders
and representatives from trade associa-
tions, namely, the Federation of Sabah
Industries, Sabah Employer Association,
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers, as
well as small and medium enterprise asso- San and Small Medium Enterprise Associ- structuring, group structuring and reor-
ciations and chambers of commerce ation of Sabah (SME Sabah) President Pro- ganisation exercises, in-bound and out-
namely Kota Kinabalu Chinese Chamber fessor Datuk Foo Ngee Kee. bound investments and tax incentives.
of Commerce & Industry and Sabah China Invited speaker Linda Kuang, East “Businesses will need to embrace a dig-
Chamber of Commerce. Malaysia Tax Leader and Partner of Ernst & ital transformation with the implementa-
The event was also sponsored by Kota Young Tax Consultants Sdn Bhd (based in tion of e-Invoicing. Taxpayers are also
Kinabalu Hakka Association and attended Kuching) had been actively assisting encouraged to embrace cooperative com-
by esteemed representatives from the clients in the transition from the Goods pliance policies and good internal con-
association and Sabah Tshung Tsin Sec- and Services Tax (GST) to the Sales and trols on tax matters,” said Chua.

ondary Board of Governor and its alumni Services Tax (SST) following the re-intro- Institut Sinaran Board of Governor Dr

association. The event was graced by mem- duction of the SST in Malaysia. Sim Yee Sheng, who is the organising

bers of the board of directors and gover- During the talk, she said numerous chairman for the event, hoped that the

nors of both tertiary institutions and budget proposals and initiatives were talk would give all participants the latest

that water
supported by its industry partners, staff aimed at B40 and MSMEs and that the Gov- insights into the new proposed Budget

is reaching
and students. ernment is encouraging more ESG initia- 2023 measures tabled on Feb 24.

this Putatan
The VVIP guests include Datuk Yusoff tives and high-impact investments. He expressed special thanks to gener-

eatery, while
Datuk Hj Mohamed Kasim, Chairman of Another speaker Chua Meng Kui, a ous industry sponsors and to Ernst &

the owner
Tabin Wildlife Resorts and Desa Dairy Cat- partner for Ernst & Young International Young for the provision of tax consultant

looks on.
tle Farms and Poultry, Ernst & Young (E&Y) Tax and Transaction Services, focused on speakers such that a free-of-charge talk
Sabah Managing Partner, Datuk Goh Chee tax compliance, tax advisory, tax due dili- event can be held at the Institut Sinaran
gence, pre-initial public offering (IPO) campus.
8 Local WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

RM4k per kg from bird’s nest site features
over 500
types of plants
Clarence Dol
RANAU: Breeding swiftlets for their nests
is an increasingly important industry,
especially for rural villagers in Sabah. SERDANG: The Plot, located at the
Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang
Datuk Abidin Madingkir, said the bird’s (Maeps) features more than 500 types of
nest business is one of the profitable busi- plants, is offering a unique agro-tourism
ness sectors for the community here. experience as well as classes for visitors to
“With prices reaching RM4,000 per kg, learn more about the science of farming.
this industry generates an income of RM1.5 Apadana Agro Sdn Bhd chief executive
billion a year in Malaysia. officer Dr Abas Mazni Othman said The
“High quality swiftlet nests are in high Plot which occupies two acres of land, is a
demand in China where the bird’s nest
Abidin and others after officiating at the swiftlet house in Kg Rumantai.
one-stop centre offering visitors activities
soup is seen as a measure of an individual’s to learn about the types of plants culti-
status. vated there through its agro tourism pro-
“For the record, Malaysia is the third Gross National Income (GNI). GrandStand at Kg Rumantai, here, “What is important is that when we grammes.
largest producer of bird’s nests in the He said records show that the industry recently. work on something, we do it seriously so “We developed The Plot to benefit indi-
world after Indonesia and Thailand with also created 20,800 job opportunities and Towards that end, he encouraged the that what we do will bear fruit. viduals who are interested in getting to
an average of over 12 tonnes of bird’s nests the commodity remained strong with villagers, especially those in Paginatan “We hope that whatever enterprise is know plant species that may now be diffi-
produced per month,” he said. exports amounting to 7,838 tonnes worth area, to venture into this swiftlet business. run by the village community here will be cult to find anywhere, including those
The bird’s nest industry has been iden- RM1.9 billion in 2022. “Well done to those who have started in able to provide good results and at least be who wish to learn how to cultivate plants.
tified as one of the potential branches of Abidin, who is also Paginatan Assem- this field, and to those who wish to get able to improve the economy of them- “I would like to change the perception

CILTM Sabah invited to form

the Economic Transformation Program blyman, said this while completing the involved in this industry, we encourage selves, their families and the community that agriculture is not fun, hot and smelly
(ETP) to help generate RM4.5 billion in opening of the Village Swiftlets House and them. in general,” he said. because if done right, it is not only fun but
can help generate income,” he told

Sabah Logistics Council panel

Bernama in an interview recently.
Abas Mazni said The Plot was divided
into 10 sections namely zeolite (volcanic
rock) and zeolite-based products; water
catchment area; innovative planting
KOTA KINABALU: The Chartered Institute technology. media; main crops; outdoor garden;
of Logistic and Transport (CILTM) Sabah Dr Balvinder, in her address, under- indoor garden, animal farm; retail outlets;
Section has been invited to be on the com- scored the need to factor in tourism centre for recreation as well as training,
mittee for the establishment of a Sabah requirements in any future planning and events and consultancy.
Logistics Council. drew on Melbourne’s transport system as The former Malaysian Agricultural
This significant development will an excellent example of a traveller- Research and Development Institute
enable the council to address various friendly city. She further highlighted the (Mardi) scientist said the animal farm on
transport logistics planning issues in the importance of the aesthetic, cultural, and The PLOT was filled with chickens, ducks,
state more effectively, said CILTM Sabah historical aspects of Kota Kinabalu city in goats, fish, pigeons, and quails.
Section Chairman Dr Oh Ei Sun in a state- planning. He said The Plot was also cultivated

59 students take part in three-

The students with lecturers and staff of IPG Campus Keningau.
ment Tuesday. Meanwhile, the CILT Malaysia Presi- with trees and plants that are unique and
He said the invitation was extended by dent Dato Muhammad Muhiyuddin rare, including lemon myrtle, acerola
Datuk Hanafiah Mohd Kassim, the Perma- Abdullah praised CILTM Sabah Section for cherry, miracle berry, Surinam cherry,

day exploration programme

nent Secretary of the Sabah Works Min- successfully holding the forum black turmeric and fragrant flowers,
istry, during a forum titled “Civil Society: He said CILTM will support whatever including kesidang (bread flower), Mag-
The Core of Urban Transport Planning” initiatives carried out by the Sabah State nolia champaca, orange jasmine and
organised by CILTM Sabah Section on Mar Government and CILT Sabah to improve Tonkin jasmine.
25. the transport system in the State and he The lemon myrtle plant was imported
Hanafiah was one of the panellists in hopes more stakeholders will participate from Australia, he said, claiming that only
the session moderated by Ts Daniel in the next discussion. Johan Aziz This was followed by a handover ceremony The Plot and an agropreneur in Selangor
Doughty. The other panellists were the Dr Oh said the CILTM Sabah’s forum KENINGAU: Some 59 students of the Insti- of adopted children to their respective are cultivating this plant for commercial
Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) Traffic marked a significant milestone, as it was tute of Teacher Education (IPG) of the families at the village. purposes.
and Transportation Department Director the first of its kind for the year 2023. Keningau Campus participated in the On March 17, the aerobic activity was “This miracle berry tree, originally from
Saiman Angak and Dr Balvinder Kaur Kler, The success of the event is a testament three-day Local Community Culture led by PISMP students followed by Mexico, is true to its name…it can change the
Director of Tourism Research Centre, Uni- to the CILTM Sabah’s unwavering commit- Exploration Programme (Pendaras) at SK “gotong-royong sehati sejiwa” to clean up sour taste of food into a sweet taste,” he said.
versiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). ment to promoting effective transport Kimondou and Kampung Kibbas in the surrounding area. According to him the crops at The Plot
During the forum, Saiman emphasised logistics planning in the region, he said, Ranau, recently. A motivational talk for Year 6 students are cared for using environmentally
that it is of critical importance to review adding all stakeholders interested in They are a group of students from with their parents was delivered by guest friendly methods that minimise the use of
the Urban Transport Planning Masterplan future events are welcome to participate PISMP Intake June 2021 – Kadazandusun speaker, Haji Bujang Haji Sabli. chemical fertilisers to maintain environ-

M’sia intends to be member

2014-2020, to ensure it remains current and contribute their ideas to this vital ini- (BKD) language, History and RBT. In the afternoon, sports activities and mental sustainability, including using
and relevant to the changing times and tiative. The programme, which was jointly games with the theme of traditional used tires to replace flower pots.
organised by the Education Department games took place. “We have a section called Tyre Gar-

of UN-Habitat as region rep

of IPG and SK Kimondou Ranau, also The evening highlight of the pro- den@The Plot with the concept of sustain-
involved 14 lecturers and staff of IPG, gramme were the Cultural Dinner and the able use of waste materials where old tyres
administrators and teachers of SK Kimon- Inauguration of the programme by the are set out according to the needs of each
dou. Also participating were the commu- Ranau District Education Officer, Barizah plant type by prioritising maintenance
nities of Kampung Kibbas and Purakagis Abdul Kahar. efficiencies such as watering, fertilising,
Ranau. This ceremony went smoothly and weeding and cleaning,” he said adding
PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia intends to be a he said in a statement Tuesday. lively with traditional performances of the that the tyres also function as barriers to
The objective was to meet the require-
member of the Executive Board of the On March 20, Nga held an engagement Malaysian community from the students mark the edges of the garden.
ments of the continuous assessment
United Nations Human Settlements Pro- session with ambassadors and representa- of IPG Keningau and Kibbas Ranau vil- Abas Mazni said the plants were also
assignment for the EDUP3073 Culture and
gramme (UN-Habitat) to represent the tives of foreign embassies in Malaysia from lagers. processed to produce products such as tea
Learning Course.
Asia Pacific region in the elections to be the Asia Pacific region as well as represen- On March 18, Tambiau Forest House and aromatherapy oil from lemon myrtle
On the first day (March 16), there was a
held in Nairobi, Kenya in June. tatives from various government agencies, recreational activities involving and pickles, jam and juice from the roselle
signing ceremony of the Letter of Intent to
Local Government Development Minis- including Wisma Putra, as a way to realise IPG students along with lecturers and staff plant, which are being sold in the retail
Cooperate between IPG Keningau and SK
ter Nga Kor Ming said this is to strengthen Malaysia’s hope to be a member of and the program ends with ‘Lambaian section of The Plot.
Kimondou Ranau, followed by a PISMP

30 attend Tambunan health course

Malaysia’s role towards achieving the Sus- the Executive Board of the UN-Habitat. Kasih’ as a symbolic handover ceremony of Located at the Mechanisation and
Student Discussion Meeting with the
tainable Development Goals (SDGs) The UN-Habitat has been mandated by adopted children to IPG Keningau Cam- Automation Technology Site, The Plot is
administrators, teachers and Parents
agenda, especially Goal  11 (Sustainable the UN General Assembly to pus. open daily from 9am to 7pm. – Bernama
Teachers Association (PTA) of the school.
Cities and Communities). promote  socially and environmentally
“It will place the country at the fore- sustainable towns and cities, with the aim

Climber eyes 2nd Everest stint

front in the sustainable and universal of providing adequate shelter for every-
urbanisation agenda on the global stage,” one. – Bernama
Johan Aziz
TAMBUNAN: Thirty people comprising
health personnel and members of the
PETALING JAYA: A experiences. public participated in a two-day course on
Malaysian moun- “I have a rough idea of how the cafe strengthening the advisory panel and
taineer who climbed would be that I thought of before the youth health held at Rainforest Resort
Mount Everest in Covid-19 pandemic hit. Mahua here.
2016 is set to make a “Covid-19 put paid to my plans, and The course was organised together with
second attempt on now with this expedition, the plans for the the Assistant Medical Officer Service unit,
April 5. cafe have been postponed again. the District Health Office and the Patau
Azim Afif Ishak “I hope to make it a reality after I return Health Clinic Advisory Panel in collabora-
(pic), 35, will lead a from Everest.” tion with the District’s Expanded Scope
multiracial team of Meanwhile, Ravichandran Tharuma- (Adolescent Health) Division.
Dr Abilasha with health officials, staff and participants.
mountaineers in what has been billed as lingam, also known as Ravi Everest, is plan- Patau Health Clinic Medical Officer, Dr.
“Malaysia Everest 2023”. In preparation for ning a Himalaya Sports Everest-Lhotse Abilasha Nair who officiated the course
the expedition, Azim Afif and his team Expedition 2023 to climb the mountain said the advisory panel members and ado- Dr Abilasha who represented the Dis- their health.
underwent technical and mountain train- solo. lescent health played an important role in trict Health Officer said that their involve- “The strengthening course of the advi-
ing to be fully prepared for any challenges “I have been doing lots of physical bridging the gap between health person- ment in the planning and implementation sory panel and adolescent health is
they might face. climbing over the years. But in preparation nel and the public by providing the neces- of health campaigns can help ensure that expected to increase the knowledge of the
“We regularly climb between 6,000m for the Everest-Lhotse climb, I have been sary health information. the campaigns are successful in order to participants and also improve the health
and 8,000m as part of our training so that doing high altitude conditioning.” She said, they function as intermedi- achieve the target. level of the community in this district.
during the expedition, all of us can with- In the next four years, Ravichandran aries to ensure that the correct informa- She said, their voluntary efforts are greatly “Hopefully their voluntary efforts can
stand the thin air and temperature while wants to conquer the 14 highest mountain tion is conveyed to the public. appreciated in their commitment to help continue and be appreciated in making an
climbing Everest. peaks in the world, all of which have an “They are equipped with extensive health facilities to deliver information important contribution in promoting
“One of the mountaineers I will be altitude of more than 8,000m. knowledge to plan, implement, and eval- through dedication in contributing to build- public health,” she said.
leading is Hawari Hashim, who represents “It is a major project that requires me uate health-related activities and events, ing a healthier and more informed society. Among the activities carried out during
the disabled community. He is deaf, and to complete climbing all 14 mountain ensuring that the right message is deliv- According to her, their role in promot- the course are health talks on the role of
yet he insists on joining the climb up Ever- peaks in the shortest time. I have set this ered in an effective manner. ing public health cannot be doubted, and the Advisory Panel and adolescent health,
est despite knowing it might be (diffi- new challenge to be achieved in the next “With their extensive knowledge, these their contribution is very important in the Tobacco Control Act program as well
people can help health facilities in dissem- ensuring that individuals obtain sufficient as HISTep and tuberculosis control talks in

Duo detained over assault on lorry driver

cult),” Azim Afif told theSun. four years.
After successfully reaching the Everest “This back-to-back ascent will make my inating health-related information to the health information and can make deci- addition to group work activities, and
peak in 2016, Azim Afif continued his pas- fourth expedition to Mount Everest more public,” she said. sions based on information related to health screening.
sion as a mountaineer and climbed Cho difficult than my previous climbs, but it
Oyu in Tibet, which is the sixth-highest reflects my life’s motto, ‘Challenge Your
mountain in the world at 8,201m, apart Summit’, which I define as raising the bar
from several other peaks. to achieve the very best.” SHAH ALAM: Police have detained two soon,” he said in a statement. adding that  the case was being investi-
“Last October, my team and I climbed He also said he might choose to end his local men suspected of assaulting the Cha said the police had also recorded gated under Section 147 and Section 427 of
Manasulu in Nepal, the eighth highest mountaineering career once he has lorry driver that was involved in an acci- statements from six witnesses to facilitate the Penal Code.
mountain in the world. However, before climbed all 14 peaks. dent that killed a schoolgirl near  Port investigations into the case. It was reported that the lorry driver was
we could reach the summit, we were hit by “The feeling of satisfaction after the Klang recently. He said the police were also tracking injured after he was beaten up by a group
an avalanche and several people died, forc- struggle of climbing the mountain, stand- Klang Selatan district police chief ACP down another individual, identified of people following the  fatal accident
ing us to discontinue the climb.” ing on the summit and returning home Cha Hoong Fong said the arrest of the duo, as  Muhammad Putra Abdullah, 31,  who involving a schoolgirl in Kampung Telok
Azim Afif plans on opening a mountain safely is surreal.” both aged 39, was made following a report was believed to be involved in the case. Gong.
cafe. He has not finalised where it would Above all, Ravichandran hopes to bring lodged by the lorry driver on Thursday. “Those with information on the suspect In the accident, the victim was riding
be located, but it would provide informa- glory to the nation by planting the Jalur “We are in the midst of completing the are urged to contact the Klang Selatan dis- pillion with her brother on a motorcycle
tion on mountain climbing and be a place Gemilang on all 14 peaks and being the first investigation and will refer the investiga- trict police headquarters at 03-33762222 ridden by a woman, believed to be their
where mountaineers could share their Southeast Asian to do so. –The Sun Daily tion paper to the deputy public prosecutor or  the nearest police station,”  Cha  said, babysitter. – Bernama
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 Philippines & Indonesia 9
ICC appeals
Leaders reflect chamber junk
P’pine bid to
9 years after suspend drug
war probe
historic BARMM MANILA: The Appeals Chamber of the
International Criminal Court has rejected
the Philippine government’s bid for the
suspension of the ICC prosecutor’s investi-
gation into the killings in the war on

peace pact drugs.

The decision came days after the Office
of the Solicitor General (OSG) on March 13
filed an appeals brief which sought the
reversal of the ICC’s decision to resume the
GENERAL SANTOS: Bangsamoro interim up to the sound of mortar fire would start probe into the Duterte administration’s

The defensive weaponry were fitted aboard the BRP Jose Rizal
Chief Minister Ahod Balawag “Murad” hearing the hum of bulldozers, trucks, anti-drugs campaign.

PH Navy test-fires anti-ship

(FF-150) and BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151). (Pic: Philippine Navy)
Ebrahim has called on other leaders of the and farming equipment,” a statement The government through the OSG had
special Muslim-majority region to con- released by his office read in part. asked the ICC to suspend the investigation
tinue working for the future of the people But days before the anniversary, secu- while the appeal was ongoing; to suspend

missile decoys off Zambales

in the Bangsamoro homeland, particu- rity forces launched an offensive against the authorisation of the ICC to investigate;
larly in the quest for justice, peace, and armed groups in villages along the and to determine that the Prosecution is
progress of the region. boundaries of the BARMM and the Socc- not authorised to conduct an investiga-
Ebrahim made the call on Monday, sksargen region, killing at least three tion.
March 27, as he addressed a public forum alleged militants. The ensuing skirmishes “The Appeals Chamber rejects the
to commemorate the 9th year of the for- and artillery shelling by soldiers displaced request of the Republic of the Philippines
mal signing of the Comprehensive Agree- families who fled their homes and sought for suspensive effect of the aforemen- MANILA: The Philippine Navy (PN) on gets by spreading or dispensing a small
ment of the Bangsamoro (CAB) in 2014. shelter elsewhere. tioned decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I,” Tuesday announced that it had test-fired cloud of aluminium, metalised glass fiber
The CAB, the final peace settlement Purisima said the 2014 agreement read the decision signed by Judge Marc its newly acquired “Bullfighter” chaff anti- or plastic which appears as a cluster of tar-
signed by the government and the Moro embodied the aspirations of the Perrin de Brichambaut. missile decoys in Zambales waters last gets in radar screens.
Islamic Front (MILF) during the adminis- Bangsamoro people who struggled for The Chamber reviewed the following March 24. The acquisition of the chaff counter-
tration of the late president Benigno almost three decades to achieve self- documents: the Philippine government’s These defensive weaponry were fitted measure capability is part of the PN’ 2nd
Simeon Aquiono III, paved the way for the determination and self-governance. notice to appeal; the response of the Pros- aboard the BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) and BRP Horizon modernisation program to capac-
passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law He also acknowledged those who col- ecutor to the notice; and the Philippine Antonio Luna (FF-151). itate the country’s warships to defend
(BOL), which operationalised the CAB and laborated and worked toward a common government’s appeals brief. “The ‘Bullfighter’ is a new generation of against modern naval warfare threats.
established the Bangsamoro Region in ground for the welfare of the The Chamber said that the Philippine 130mm decoys for super rapid blooming The BRP Jose Rizal and its sister ship
Muslim Mindanao (Barmm). Bangsamoro. government failed to explain the Court’s offboard chaff (SRBOC) and other 130mm BRP Antonio Luna are modern warships
Ebrahim, also the leader of the MILF, The CAB has brought about a new gen- lack of jurisdiction or to provide explana- launcher systems to protect naval vessels capable of surface, sub-surface, air and
said the day marked a significant mile- eration of public servants, who were once tion of the implications and scope of up to the size of frigates against anti-ship electronic warfare using state-of-the-art
stone in the history of the Bangsamoro military tacticians and fighters, now com- investigation. missiles,” PN spokesperson Captain Benjo electronic sensors, long-range missiles,
people and their continued pursuit of mitted to serving their community. It also pointed out that the local inves- Negranza said in a statement. acoustic guided torpedoes and embarked
lasting peace and prosperity in the region. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said his tigation can proceed even with the ongo- He said the chaff were tested and fired anti-submarine helicopters.
BARMM parliament members say the administration was determined to fulfill ing ICC investigation. by the Offshore Patrol Force aboard the The BRP Jose Rizal was delivered to the
exploitation of Ligawasan Marsh threat- the national government’s commitments The Philippine government had alleged two missile frigates. Philippines in May 2020 and commis-
ens the historical existence and ecology of under all signed Bangsamoro peace that the ICC lacks jurisdiction and that the “The payload of the chaff is effective sioned in July of the same year while the
the country’s largest wetland agreements. investigation is an encroachment on the against missiles with modern and sophis- BRP Antonio Luna was commissioned on
He said the agreement paved the way In a video message, Marcos assured sovereignty of the Philippines. ticated seekers and electronic protection March 19, 2021. The contract for the two
for “correcting historical injustice, system- Bangsamoro officials and people that the “The Appeals Chamber notes that while measure(s),” Negranza added. ships was placed at PHP16 billion with

LTFRB issues memorandum

atic oppression, and discrimination” com- government would not falter in its com- the Philippines provides its supporting Observers said chaff works by distract- another PHP2 billion for weapon systems
mitted against the Bangsamoro. mitments. arguments with respect to the absence of ing radar guided missiles from their tar- and munitions. – PNA
“Let us seize this opportunity to learn During a public forum, the Barmm the Court’s jurisdiction in the Philippines

vs sexual harassment in PUVs

from one another and work toward a bet- achievements during the nine years the Situation under the first ground of appeal,
ter future for the Bangsamoro people,” he agreement has been in existence were out- it fails to explain how the alleged absence
said. lined in a presentation, with emphasis on of jurisdictional or legal basis for the
Ebrahim said the CAB, as a political set- the newly enacted Bangsamoro Electoral resumption of the Prosecutor’s activities
tlement, “is not the end of the Code. pending the resolution of the appeal
Bangsamoro narrative but the continua- Ebrahim said the public forum, would ‘defeat its very purpose and create
tion of our lifelong quest for justice, attended by experts from the academe, an irreversible situation that could not be MANILA: The Land Transportation Fran- interfering with a person’s private life, and
peace, and progress.” professionals, and government digni- corrected’.” chising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) will sexual jokes, among others.
Isidro Purisima, the acting presidential taries, “will help us prepare for the first The Chamber also noted the govern- now penalise operators, drivers, conduc- For the first offence, PUV workers
peace, reconciliation, and unity adviser, regional elections” in 2025. ment’s failure to explain alleged “far- tors, and employees who commit sexual involved in these acts may face a P5,000
said the government would ensure to Bangsamoro parliament member Sha reaching and inimical consequences or harassment in public utility vehicles fine and six-month suspension of their
push forward, sustain and build on the Elijah Dumama-Alba said ensuring the implications of the Prosecutor’s activities (PUV). vehicle’s operation, the LTFRB said.
gains of the Bangsamoro peace process as success of the 2025 Barmm elections will on suspects, witnesses and victims.” In a statement on Monday, the LTFRB For the second offence, they may face a
this would be the “key in building a bet- not be the responsibility of select institu- “The Philippines fails to provide any cited the Safe Spaces Act that addresses P10,000 fine and one year suspension of
ter, brighter, and more progressive future tions alone. explanation as to what those implications “gender-based sexual harassment” in the their vehicle.
for the region.” “It requires the buy-ins and conscious may be and how the broad scope of streets, public places, cyberspace, work- For the third offence, violators may face
“This day, nine years ago, was a tri- efforts of all of us, from the government, the Prosecutor’s investigation at this places, and schools. a P15,000 fine and revocation of the Cer-
umphant moment not only for the the international community, academe, stage of the proceedings would lead LTFRB’s Memorandum Circular No. tificate of Public Convenience (CPC) of
Bangsamoro people but the Filipino security sector, civil society, and to consequences that ‘would be very diffi- 2023-016 and the Safe Spaces Act penalise their vehicle.

‘Need new pattern of health worker distribution’

nation as a whole, as the weapons of war citizens in general,” Dumama-Alba said. – cult to correct and may be irreversible’.” – swearing, catcalling, lewd and sexist com- If PUV workers failed to report a sexual

Plans to
fell silent, and residents who used to wake Rappler GMA ments, actions mocking genders, remarks harassment incident to authorities, they
will have to pay P5,000 fine for the first

offence, according to the LTFRB.
For the second offence, PUV workers
will face a P10,000 fine and three-month

tourist surge
JAKARTA: President for health worker redistribution since form distribution of health workers in the suspension of their vehicle.
Joko Widodo (Jokowi) the current pattern has not been able to country. For the third offence, they will have to

during Eid
has asked his ranks to fulfil the need for doctors and health “President Jokowi hopes that health pay a P15,000 fine and revocation of the
prepare alternative pat- workers. workers can be evenly distributed CPC of their vehicle.
terns for health work- “We are preparing options to accom- throughout Indonesia to serve the The LTFRB said the Land Transportation
ers’ distribution so that modate the distribution. With our cur- community and certain hospitals, not Office (LTO) may also suspend or cancel
they are uniformly rent pattern, no matter how many health only in cities but also in remote areas,” the license of the driver who commits
JAKARTA: Tourism and Creative Economy spread across Indone- workers we have, the number will never Anas said. sexual harassment under the Safe Spaces
Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno has sia. be enough,” the minister said. Besides redistribution issues, the min- Act.
readied several plans and increased coor- Minister for Administrative and The government had actually pre- ister disclosed that the current number of Under the memorandum, PUV opera-
dination with regional governments to Bureaucratic Reform Azwar Anas con- pared formations for health workers for health workers is lower than required for tors are also ordered to display in two con-
anticipate a potential surge in the number veyed this information after attending a remote areas, but the health workers the ideal ratio. According to him, so far, spicuous places inside their vehicles a
of tourists during this year’s Eid al-Fitr hol- limited meeting on the health bill with returned to big cities after one to two areas outside Java have experienced a signage like “BAWAL ANG BASTOS!”
iday period. President Widodo at Jakarta Presidential years, he added. shortage of general practitioners and spe- (LTFRB Memorandum Circular No. 2023-
“We will carry out simulations so that Palace on Monday. “When the formation is prepared in cialists. 016), and “ISUMBONG SA LTFRB! 24/7 Hot-
ahead of D-7 (of Eid), the procedures “At the meeting, we discussed issues Papua, Maluku, or other remote areas, the “We will take several affirmative steps, line: 1342 Email: complaints@ltfrb.
would have been prepared, such as (for) related to the medical sector. For exam- health workers usually move out after including the amendment to the” in a format set by the LTFRB.
crowd control and the flow of visitors and ple, issues regarding the distribution of one or two years. Health Law later, but in the short term, Ignoring this instruction is a violation
others,” he said at the Presidential Palace doctors and health workers,” he said in That is why the number will never be our party is formulating how these health of the guidelines and conditions of the

China-Taiwan battle lines run through Latin America

Complex here on Monday. Jakarta on Monday. enough,” he said. workers can be distributed evenly accord- CPC. Penalties under the Joint Administra-
This year’s Eid al-Fitr holiday will be the Anas informed that he was asked by He emphasized that his ministry is ing to the staff recruited,” he said. – tive Order No. 2014-01 will be imposed,
first long holiday after the Covid-19 pan- the President to prepare a new pattern preparing a pattern to support the uni- Antara according to the LTFRB. – GMA
demic and the revocation of the public
activity restrictions (PPKM) in December
2022. Therefore, Uno predicted, the num-
ber of tourists will surge during the holi-
day. TEGUCIGALPA: A battle in the intense FOCUS has offered its “support to people on Tai- less cash diplomacy contest with China.”
He informed that his ministry has coor- diplomatic war between China and Taiwan wan” but that it also stood by the “One- Latin America has been crucial to the
dinated with tourism offices in districts, is being fought in Latin America, where sition of the world,” Honduras analyst China” policy. diplomatic struggle between Beijing and
cities, and provinces as well as authority Honduras has become the latest country to Zoyla Madrid, recently retired from the “Countries have to make their own sov- Taipei since they separated in 1949, after
bodies at each tourism destination to pre- ditch Taipei and align itself with Beijing. National University, told AFP – with China ereign decisions about their foreign poli- the Chinese civil war.
pare for tourists. Paraguay will be the next front as it one of the “imperial poles” vying for Latin cies,” he said. “We leave that to them.” The communists seized power in main-
He further said that regional govern- holds a presidential election in April, with American support. Honduran sociologist Pablo Carias told land China, while the nationalists retreated
ments and tourism authorities will need to opposition candidate Efrain Alegre having In that race, the decision by Honduras AFP that Washington’s position amounted to Taiwan.
immediately improve aspects to support vowed to reevaluate relations with Taipei if was a blow to Washington, said Madrid. to “Do as I say, not as I do.” Sung Wen-ti, a lecturer on Taiwan stud-
security, safety, and cleanliness during the he wins. “The United States has always counted “The United States is recommending ies with the National Australian University,
holiday period. After Honduras’ severing of ties with on Honduras geopolitically and militarily, that we do not establish relations with said Taiwan would be disappointed about
“If, during the (implementation of) Taiwan on Sunday, only Paraguay and 12 in fact Honduras has seven US military China and yet they have relations,” he said. losing another ally.
PPKM, the strengthening was carried out other countries now maintain diplomatic bases,” she said. For Paraguay’s former foreign minister But it likely “assigns just as high, if not
in the health field, now, the focus is on relations with the self-ruled democratic The United States has no diplomatic ties Eladio Loizaga, it seemed unlikely his higher priority (to) strengthening rela-
security, safety, cleanliness, and sustain- island: Guatemala, Belize, Haiti, the Holy with Taiwan, but “a robust unofficial rela- country would switch recognition to Bei- tions with other leading countries around
ability,” he informed. See, Eswatini, and seven small Caribbean tionship,” according to the State Depart- jing “although it cannot be ignored that the world, countries like the US, Japan, Aus-
Uno said that his ministry is improving and Pacific island nations. ment. there is very great political pressure.” tralia, and Europe, for example.”
tourism facilities such as rest areas in Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, is set It is Taiwan’s most significant ally and Added analyst Hector Cristaldo: “Look- Sung added Taiwan has been playing an
mudik (homecoming exodus) routes and to visit Guatemala and Belize this week largest weapons supplier, despite having ing at the numbers, there is nothing to dis- increasingly prominent role in the worsen-
mosque-based tourist destinations to seeking to boost ties after Honduras and switched recognition to Beijing in 1979. cuss” when it comes to Paraguay’s ing rivalry between the United States and
attract tourists. others recently shifted their allegiance to China considers Taiwan part of its terri- diplomatic loyalty. China.
“We have just launched several tourist China: Nicaragua in 2021, El Salvador in tory, to be retaken one day – by force, if nec- “It is not the same to do business with And while the United States increas-
destinations for mudik routes. Last year, 2018, Panama in 2017 and Costa Rica in essary. Under its “One China” policy, it does Puerto Rico as with the United States,” said ingly needs to “prioritize where it spends
we launched several tourism villages, and 2007. not allow countries to recognize both Bei- Cristaldo. its strategic resources” there may be “more
this year, there are several rest areas and She will also have stopovers in New York jing and Taipei. Before deciding to cut ties, Taiwan openings for China... in terms of economic
mosque-based tourist destinations,” the and Los Angeles. After the Honduras move, US Secretary claimed, Honduras had asked it for money, assistance to make friends in Latin Amer-
minister added. – Antara “We are facing a geopolitical recompo- of State Antony Blinken said Washington saying it would “not engage in a meaning- ica, Africa, Pacific Islands,” he said.

North’s Kim ramping up weapon-grade nuclear material

11 Ex-student kills six in latest US mass shooting 12 Caution in Israel after PM pauses reform

SEOUL: Leader Kim Jong Un called for “The current hard-line approach is also conducted a firing drill on Monday,
North Korea to expand production of likely aimed at justifying their tests for simulating a nuclear attack using tactical
“weapon-grade nuclear materials”, state new weapons and a nuclear test in the ballistic missiles, KCNA said in a separate
media said Tuesday, as Pyongyang future,” said Cheong Seong-chang, a report, part of a record-breaking streak of
unveiled what appeared to be a new, researcher at the Sejong Institute. tests over the past year.
smaller tactical nuclear warhead. “North Korea unveiled a significantly “North Korea is sending a very coherent
Kim was shown in state media images miniaturised tactical nuclear warhead this message. They are fighting for recognition
surrounded by uniformed generals time,” he said. as a perfect nuclear power,” Park said.
inspecting a row of compact green war- “The possibility that North Korea will North Korea is seeking to diversify its
heads identified as the “Hwasan-31”, which carry out a seventh nuclear test with these delivery mechanisms in addition to
means volcano in Korean. tactical nuclear warheads as a next step increasing its nuclear stockpile.
The North has long sought the technol- has increased,” Cheong told AFP. It claimed on Tuesday to have con-
ogy to “miniaturise” a nuclear warhead Pyongyang has got into a pattern of ducted a second successful test of a new
allowing it to be mounted on its intercon- “tit-for-tat” missile launches and tests to underwater nuclear attack drone.
tinental ballistic missiles to threaten the counter US and South Korean military The first test of the Haeil, which means
United States. Diagrams on the walls in the exercises, which represents a huge—and tsunami in Korean, was claimed to have
photos indicate this could be possible with unsustainable—financial outlay for the been carried out last week in what
the Hwasan-31. impoverished country, one expert said. Pyongyang said was a response to recent
Kim was briefed by officials from the “North Korea warned of an overwhelm- US-South Korea military exercises, the
The North has long sought the technology to ‘miniaturise’ a nuclear
North Korean nuclear weapons institute, ing response against each South Korea-US largest in five years.
warhead allowing it to be mounted on its intercontinental ballistic missiles.
the official Korean Central News Agency joint training, but looking at the number Seoul has cast doubt on the claim, with
(KCNA) reported. He called on them to of missiles fired, they can’t continue this the South’s military saying it was “weigh-
expand “the production of weapon-grade Experts warned the unveiling of a Relations between the two Koreas are at forever,” Park Won-gon, a professor at ing the possibility” the test had been exag-
nuclear materials” for an “exponential” potential tactical nuclear weapon did one of their lowest points in years, with Ewha University in Seoul, told AFP. gerated or even “fabricated”.
increase in the North’s arsenal. indeed show key signs of technical Seoul and Washington ramping up joint “If so, the seventh nuclear test will mark There were some indications “North
Kim also “put spurs to continuing to progress, and could indicate an imminent military drills as North Korea conducts some kind of an end, they will declare Korea is developing unmanned sub-
produce powerful nuclear weapons” that nuclear test. ever more provocative weapons tests while themselves a nuclear power, and they will marines, but it is evaluated that they are
he said would strike fear into the North’s It came as a US Navy carrier strike group blaming the South for the deteriorating turn to negotiating with the United still in the early stages”, the Joint Chiefs of
enemies, KCNA said. arrived in South Korea on Tuesday. security situation. States,” he said. The North Korean military Staff said. – AFP

West’s double standards exposed: Amnesty

PARIS: Global outrage over Russia’s inva-
sion of Ukraine last year has only served to
expose the West’s “double standards”
towards human rights abuses throughout
the world, Amnesty International said on
In its annual world report for 2022,
Amnesty pointed to what it described as
the West’s silence on Saudi Arabia’s rights
record, repression in Egypt and Israel’s
treatment of the Palestinians.
“The West’s formidable response to Rus-
sia’s invasion of Ukraine underscored dou-
ble standards, exposing in comparison
how inconsequential their reactions have
been to so many other violations of the UN
Charter,” said Amnesty secretary general
Agnes Callamard as she presented the
group’s world report in Paris.

Belarus forced to host Russian

Russia’s full-scale assault, which began
on February 24, 2022, “gave us an all too
rare view of what becomes possible when

nukes due to Western pressure

there is political will to act” as the West
The West closed ranks to support Ukraine but silent on Saudi Arabia’s rights
closed ranks to support Ukraine, she
record, repression in Egypt and Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.
Many countries imposed sanctions on
Moscow and opened their borders to West Bank—Western nations failed to including in Ethiopia, Myanmar and
Ukrainian refugees after the invasion, demand an end to that “system of oppres- Yemen”.
MOSCOW: Belarus said on Tuesday it was key to a series of attacks that Russia while the International Criminal Court sion”, it said. “The deadliest conflict in 2022 was not
forced to host Russian nuclear weapons launched against Ukrainian infrastruc- launched an investigation into war crimes In Saudi Arabia, human rights activists in Ukraine but in Ethiopia,” said Calla-
due to “unprecedented” Western pres- ture over the winter months, disrupting in Ukraine. continued to languish in prison, people mard, “away from world’s attention”.
sure, insisting their deployment did not heat, water and electricity supplies to But Amnesty said the conflict had high- were jailed for their opinions after “grossly All in all, the war in Ukraine “diverted
violate international agreements (pic). much of the population. lighted shortcomings in responding to unfair trials”, 81 men were put to death in resources and attention away from the cli-
At the weekend Russian President Russia’s defence ministry said Tuesday abuses in other parts of the globe. a single day, and migrants died in custody. mate crisis, other long-standing conflicts
Vladimir Putin announced plans to sta- that its navy had fired test anti-ship mis- It singled out the West’s “deafening In Egypt, the group said, thousands of and human suffering the world over”,
tion tactical nuclear weapons in the siles at mock targets in the Sea of Japan silence on Saudi Arabia’s human rights human rights defenders, journalists, pro- Amnesty said.
Moscow-allied country, drawing con- during military exercises. record, inaction on Egypt and the refusal testers and alleged dissidents lingered Last year was dismal for women’s rights
demnation from the West. Moscow said its naval aviation over- to confront Israel’s system of apartheid behind bars, and “torture remained ram- too.
“Belarus is forced to respond to saw the “safety of the combat exercise.” against Palestinians”. pant”. The US Supreme Court overturned the
strengthen its own security and defence Russia has held such exercises before, Amnesty, fellow rights watchdog Although European countries wel- right to abortion.
capability,” the foreign ministry in Minsk firing test Moskit missiles in a similar Human Rights Watch and a UN special rap- comed Ukrainian refugees, they did not In Iran, “women died for dancing, for
said. drill last year. porteur have concluded that Israel’s treat- show the same kindness to people fleeing singing, for not wearing a veil” as people
It said Minsk had been subjected to But Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshi- ment of Palestinians amounts to apartheid, fighting in Syria, Afghanistan and Libya, rose up in protests against the country’s
“unprecedented” political and economic masa Hayashi said that as Moscow’s or segregation on grounds of race, a charge Amnesty said. Islamic system, Callamard said.
pressure from the United States and its Ukraine offensive continues “the Russia the Israeli state denies. The United States also welcomed In Afghanistan, under the Taliban,
allies. military is increasing activity in the Far Last year, “successive Israeli govern- Ukrainians, “yet under policies and prac- women were turned into “mere objects to
Belarus said it would not have control East, including areas near Japan”. ments rolled out measures forcing more tices rooted in anti-Black racism, it be treated in any way a man desires, and
over the weapons and their deployment “We will continue to monitor Russia’s Palestinians from their homes, expanding expelled more than 25,000 Haitians with utter impunity”.
“in no way contradicts” the Treaty on the military movements closely,” he said, illegal settlements, and legalising existing between September 2021 and May 2022, Yet “there was no evidence to be found
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. quoted by the Jiji Press news agency. settlements and outposts across the occu- and subjected many to torture and other in 2022, that the international response to
Minsk allowed Russia to use its terri- And, Germany and Britain have deliv- pied West Bank”, Amnesty said. ill-treatment”, the group said. the Ukraine crisis would become a blue-
tory as a launch pad for Moscow’s offen- ered Western heavy tanks to Ukraine, But despite this—and despite Israeli Amnesty also stressed the failure of print for consistent and coherent

Banks raided in massive French tax fraud case

sive against Ukraine last year. officials said Monday, providing a key forces killing “at least 153 civilians, includ- global institutions “to respond adequately responses to conflicts and crises”, she said.
The two countries have since held mil- infusion of armored firepower that will ing dozens of children” in the occupied to conflicts killing thousands of people, – AFP
itary exercises on Belarusian territory and aid Kyiv’s battle against invading Russian
increased cooperation between their troops.
armies. The tanks—long an item on Ukraine’s
“Military cooperation between Belarus military equipment wish list—were
and Russia is carried out in strict accor- promised to Kyiv earlier this year and PARIS: French authorities raided five banks being searched by authorities, but he said homes in the capital Brussels, the port city
dance with international law,” the for- have arrived in time for an expected on Tuesday as part of an investigation into he did not know the reason. of Antwerp and the border town of Eupen,
eign ministry said. spring offensive by Ukraine’s forces. massive suspected cases of tax fraud and French rival BNP Paribas ans its unit the statement said.
Authoritarian President Alexander German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told money laundering. Exane, financial group Natixis and British A judicial source told AFP those
Lukashenko has ruled Belarus since 1994. journalists on Monday that Berlin had Some 150 investigators, along with six banking giant HSBC are the other ones, arrested “were very young radicalised peo-
The West has hit Minsk with multiple provided “very modern” Leopard battle German prosecutors, conducted searches according to Le Monde newspaper. ple” suspected of belonging to a jihadist
rounds of sanctions over its crackdown tanks to Kyiv, with the defence ministry in Paris and the financial district La A group of European news outlets pub- movement.
on political dissent and its role as a later saying 18 were delivered. Defense, the financial prosecutor’s office lished an investigation into the tax fraud The prosecutor’s statement cited two
springboard for Moscow’s assault on “Our tanks have made it into the said in a statement. dubbed “CumEx-Files” in 2018. inquiries, one led by federal police in Brus-
Ukraine. hands of our Ukrainian friends as prom- The raids follow five preliminary inves- The amounts are suspected to have sels and the other by an investigating mag-
Ukraine said on Tuesday it had shot ised and on time,” German Defence Min- tigations that were opened in December reached 140 billion euros ($151 billion) istrate in Antwerp.
down a dozen Russian drones over the ister Boris Pistorius said in a statement. 2021 in connection with money launder- over a period of 20 years, the media group Both led to house raids on Monday, and
capital Kyiv, adding that had been no They are joined by Challenger tanks ing and aggravated tax fraud related to said in 2021. the statement said: “There are links
casualties as a result of Moscow’s latest from Britain, a spokeswoman for the dividend payments, the statement said. In Brussels. police have detained eight between the two files, but further research

Cancer-causing compounds in everyday food

aerial barrage. Single-use drones were defence ministry in Kyiv said. – AFP The operation “required several people during investigations into an will have to show to what extent the two
months of preparation”, the statement alleged plot to commit “terrorist attacks” groups were intertwined.”
said. in Belgium, the federal prosecutor’s office The Antwerp inquiry led to five arrests,

UN calls for release of HK rights activist Ho

A spokesman for Societe Generale con- said. including one in Eupen, near the German
PARIS: Cancer-causing chemical com- Schrenk, chair of the EFSA’s panel on con- firmed to AFP that the French bank was Raids were conducted late Monday on border, and the Brussels one three. – AFP
pounds called nitrosamines have been taminants in the food chain. “Based on
detected in a range of everyday foods and animal studies, we considered the inci-
could pose a health risk to consumers, the dence of liver tumours in rodents as the
European Food Safety Agency warned on most critical health effect,” he added.
Tuesday. Nitrosamines have been detected in GENEVA: The United Nations on Tuesday national security police over alleged wit- said in a tweet.
The 10 nitrosamines—which are not foods including cured meat, processed urged the Hong Kong authorities to ness tampering, a police source told AFP. “A week ago, Albert Ho was returned to
intentionally added to food but which can fish, cocoa, beer and other alcoholic release Albert Ho, one of the city’s best- The lawyer is already facing up to custody under this law, despite his critical
form during its preparation and process- drinks, the EFSA said. The “most important known rights activists, saying his health a decade in jail over an “incitement to health condition. We urge authorities to
ing—are carcinogenic and also genotoxic, food group” contributing to nitrosamines was in a critical condition. subversion” charge under the national release Ho, to continue his urgent medical
which means they may damage DNA, exposure is meat, it said. Ho, 71, formerly led the now-disbanded security law, which Beijing imposed on care.”
according to a new study conducted by the Schrenk said the research deployed “a Hong Kong Alliance, which organised an Hong Kong in 2020 after widespread and The trial in Ho’s subversion case is
European Union agency. worst-case scenario” assuming that all annual candlelight vigil for more than sometimes violent pro-democracy pending, and he was granted bail in
“Our assessment concludes that for all nitrosamines detected in food had the three decades to mourn the victims of protests. August after spending almost a year in
age groups across the EU population, the potential to cause cancer as the most China’s bloody crackdown at Tiananmen “We are following ongoing cases prison. His bail conditions included a gag
level of exposure to nitrosamines in food harmful form of the compound— Square in 1989. under national security law with great order on any speech deemed a threat to
raises a health concern,” said Dieter “although that is unlikely”. – AFP He was arrested by Hong Kong’s concern,” the UN Human Rights Office national security. – AFP
Rapist’s fake death prison break shocks S Africa
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 World 11

J O H A N N E S B U RG : fugitive of justice and establish exactly how enough to tackle violence against women. Prior to his escape, Bester also reportedly
Police in South Africa he faked his death,” police spokeswoman “The unfolding of this story has been ran a scam media business from inside
said they have Athlenda Mathe told AFP on Monday. like a movie and sent shivers down every- prison using a false name.
launched a manhunt Dubbed the “Facebook rapist” Bester one’s spines...I can imagine what it did to A video of the criminal addressing a

Pilgrim bus crash

for a convicted rapist allegedly lured victims on the social media the victims” Bafana Khumalo, the co-direc- company event via video call from behind
who faked his own platform before raping and robbing them. tor of NGO Sonke Gender Justice, told AFP. bars while pretending to be in New York
death in a daring At least one victim was killed. Between October and December last has gone viral.

in Saudia kills 20
prison break that has In 2012 he was sentenced to life in prison year police recorded more than 12,000 “The escape of Bester... is testament to
shocked the country. for rape, robbery and murder. rapes across the country. the incompetence of the Correctional Serv-
Authorities On Sunday police said an autopsy Doubts about Bester’s death were first ices system, and the endemic corruption in
believed Thabo Bester (pic) to have died revealed the body found in Bester’s cell had raised by local media outlet GroundUp last the sector,” Radical leftist opposition party,
RIYADH: A bus ferrying pilgrims to the after setting himself alight in a privately- died as a result of blunt force trauma to the November. the Economic Freedom Fighters said in a
holy city of Mecca burst into flames after a run prison in Bloemfontein in May last year. head before it was set ablaze. Photographs purportedly showing the statement.
collision on a bridge on Monday, killing 20 But at the weekend police said DNA tests A fresh murder investigation has been convict grocery shopping in an affluent Police have appealed to the public for
people and injuring more than two dozen revealed the charred remains found in the opened. Johannesburg suburb have since surfaced. any information relevant to the case.
others, Saudi state media reported (pic). serial rapist’s cell belonged to someone The case has sparked outrage in South And some women have come forward “We want to find people who are directly
The incident in the southern province else. Africa, where women’s rights groups have alleging the convict made contact with involved in this matter as well as his accom-
of Asir highlights persistent challenges to “At this point our priority is to find this long accused the government of not doing them on social media. plices,” said Mathe. – AFP
safely transporting worshippers to Mecca

Ex-student kills
and Medina, the holiest cities in Islam.
It comes during the first week of
Ramadan, a busy time for umrah pilgrim-
ages, and just months before millions of
Muslims are expected to make the annual
hajj pilgrimage.

six in latest US
“According to preliminary information
we have now received, the number of
deaths in this accident reached 20, and the
total number of injuries was approxi-
mately 29,” the state-affiliated Al-
Ekhbariya channel reported.

mass shooting
It said the victims had “different nation-
alities” but did not mention them or pro-
vide a breakdown.
The channel said the bus had “car trou-
ble”, without specifying, while the private
newspaper Okaz said the accident resulted
NASHVILLE: A heavily armed former stu- said the suspect was likely plotting a
from an issue with the brakes.
dent killed three young children and three broader attack, as the manifesto “indicates
The vehicle “then collided with a
staff in what appeared to be a carefully that there was going to be shootings at
bridge, overturned and caught fire”.
planned attack at a private elementary multiple locations, and the school was one
Footage broadcast on Al-Ekhbariya
school in Nashville, before being shot of them.”
Audrey holding an assault rifle at the Covenant School building
showed a reporter standing in front of
dead by police. Armed with at least two assault rifles
before killing three young children and three staff in a carefully planned
what appeared to be the burnt-out shell of
Chief of Police John Drake named the and a handgun, Hale entered The
attack. There have been 129 mass shootings so far this year in the US.
the bus.
suspect as Audrey Hale, 28, who left Covenant School, a Christian academy,
Transporting worshippers around
behind a manifesto and had maps of the from a side entrance, allegedly shooting
Saudi Arabia’s holy sites is a perilous task,
school detailing surveillance and entry- through a door—firing multiple shots Myrick told WSMV4 television, an NBC years.
particularly during the hajj, when roads
exit points. while advancing through the building, local affiliate. President Joe Biden described the latest
can be chaotic with buses creating inter-
The suspect was “prepared for a con- according to police. On Monday night, as the country shooting as “sick” and said gun violence
minable traffic jams.
frontation with law enforcement,” the Police identified the six victims, saying digested another mass shooting that was “ripping the soul of this nation,” as he
In October 2019, some 35 foreigners
police chief told reporters following the one of the three children was eight years claimed the lives of children, people left urged Congress to pass a ban on the
were killed and four others injured when
latest outburst of gun violence in the old and two were aged nine, while the flowers and stuffed toys at a growing assault weapons often used in mass shoot-
a bus collided with another heavy vehicle
United States. adults killed were aged 60 to 61. makeshift memorial outside the school. ings.
near Medina. – AFP

Water found
In an interview with NBC News, Drake One of the victims, Katherine Koonce, is Some kneeled in prayer. The Covenant School is a private Pres-
listed as head of the school on the acad- Stacie Wilford, a nurse, said it was “so byterian institution with just over 200 stu-
emy’s website. scary” to have a shooting so close to home. dents, from preschool to roughly age 12.

inside glass beads

There was some initial confusion about She lives nearby and has an eight-year-old It was founded by and housed in the
the shooter’s gender identity, but police who attends a school only two miles down Covenant Presbyterian Church, part of a

on the Moon
later said Hale was transgender. the road from Covenant. theologically conservative denomination,
Officers were on the scene within about “Whenever you hear about school The New York Times reported.
15 minutes of receiving the first emergency shootings in other states, yes, you feel it, The Times said one of the children who
call at around 10 am (1500 GMT), engag- but when it’s at your back door, it just sets died in the shooting was Hallie Scruggs,
ing the shooter, who returned fire before in differently,” Wilford told AFP. the daughter of the church’s pastor, Chad
PARIS: Scientists said that they have dis- being shot dead, police said. Chad Baker, 44, said he felt “horrified Scruggs.
covered water inside tiny beads of glass Television images showed children and very sad,” and added that while he Police chief Drake said investigators
scattered across the Moon, suggesting holding hands as they left the school. One supports gun rights, there should be more were working on a possible motive but
that one day it could be extracted and photograph showed a child sobbing regulation. that it was “not confirmed.”
used by the “explorers of tomorrow” (pic). glass beads around the width of a strand through the window of her yellow school “There’s just not enough to protect chil- Asked whether Hale’s gender identity
The Moon was long believed to be dry, of hair. bus as it pulled away from the crime scene. dren,” he told AFP. may have been a factor, Drake said: “There
but over the last few decades several mis- As well as finding water in the beads, Avery Myrick said her mother, a pre- “I carry a gun with me most days, but I is some theory to that, we’re investigating
sions have shown there is water both on the scientists detected “a telltale signa- kindergarten teacher at Covenant, hid as don’t need an assault rifle,” he added. “And all the leads.”
the surface and trapped inside minerals. ture of the Sun,” Anand said. shots rang out through the school. I don’t think it should be as easy to buy There have been 129 mass shootings—
Mahesh Anand, a professor of plane- Investigating further, they deter- “She said she was hiding in the closet, flowers as it is a gun.” defined as incidents in which four or more
tary science and exploration at the UK’s mined that the hydrogen necessary to and that there was shooting all over and School shootings are alarmingly com- people were shot or killed—so far this year,
make up the water was coming from

Afghan girls’ school project founder arrested

Open University, told AFP that water that they had potentially tried to get into mon in the United States, where the prolif- according to data from the Gun Violence
molecules could be seen “hopping over solar wind, which sweeps charged parti- her room, and just that she loved us,” eration of firearms has soared in recent Archive. – AFP
the lunar surface” when it was sunny. cles across the Solar System.
“But we didn’t know where exactly it The other ingredient for water, oxygen,
was coming from,” said Anand, a co- makes up nearly half of the Moon, though
author of a new study published in the it is trapped in rocks and minerals.
journal Nature Geoscience. This means that solar wind could be
The study, carried out by a team led by equally contributing to water on other KABUL: The founder of a project that cam-
the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said bodies in the Solar System lacking an paigned for girls’ education in Afghanistan
that the glass beads are “probably the atmosphere, such as Mercury or aster- has been detained by Taliban authorities in
dominant reservoir involved in the lunar oids, Anand said. Kabul, his brother and the United Nations
surface water cycle”. The glass beads may make up around said Tuesday.
The team polished and analysed 117 three to five percent of lunar soil, accord- The Taliban government last year barred
glass beads which were scooped up by ing to the study. girls from attending secondary school and
China’s Chang’e-5 spacecraft in Decem- A “back of the envelope” calculation later university, making Afghanistan the
ber 2020 and brought back to Earth. suggested that there could be around a only country in the world to issue such
The beads are formed by tiny mete- third of a trillion tonnes of water inside restrictions on education.
orites that bombard the surface of the all the Moon’s glass beads, he added. Matiullah Wesa, the head of PenPath
Moon, which lacks the protection of an And it only takes mild heat of around was stopped by men outside a mosque after
atmosphere. 100 degrees Celsius (210 Fahrenheit) to prayers on Monday evening, his brother
The heat of the impact melts the sur- liberate the water from the beads, Anand Samiullah Wesa told AFP.

Pope’s hope message to be sent into space

face material, which cools into round said. – AFP “When Matiullah asked for their identity

Matiullah speaks to children during a class next to his mobile

cards, they beat him and forcefully took

library in Spin Boldak district of Kandahar Province.

him away,” he said.
“He has been arrested for his activities in
VATICAN CITY: A con 9 rocket from Vandenberg Space Force the education sector. He never worked with dedicated itself to communicating the daughters,” he said in a tweet, hours before
message of faith Base in California. anybody else, neither with the previous importance of girls’ education to elders in he was arrested.
and hope first deliv- The “Spei Satelles” (Satellites of Hope in government. He only worked for PenPath.” villages, where attitudes have been slowly Last week, as the new school year started
ered by Pope Fran- Latin) project—whose cost and funding The UN mission in Afghanistan con- changing. without teenage girls, he vowed to con-
cis (pic) in the has not been revealed—is being coordi- firmed in a tweet that Matiullah had been Since the ban on secondary schools for tinue his campaign.
middle of the 2020 nated by the Italian Space Agency in con- arrested. girls, Wesa has continued visiting remote “The damage that closure of schools
coronavirus lock- junction with various Italian institutions. Taliban officials have so far not areas to drum up support from locals. causes is irreversible and undeniable. We
down will be sent Agency president Giorgio Saccoccia responded to requests for comment. “Men, women, elderly, young, everyone held meetings with locals and we will con-

Afghan orphaned toddler finally reunited with family

into space, the Vati- said the Vatican had asked for “a solution PenPath campaigns for schools and dis- from every corner of the country are asking tinue our protest if the schools remain
can announced. that would allow the Holy Father’s words tributes books in rural areas, and has long for the Islamic rights to education of their closed,” he tweeted. – AFP
The speech of the pontiff praying alone of hope to cross the earth’s borders and
in an empty St Peter’s Square have been reach from space the greatest possible
turned into a “nanobook” measuring less number of women and men on our trou-
than two millimetres wide, which will be bled planet”.
launched into orbit on June 10. On March 27, 2020, the pope urged fol- DOHA: An Afghan toddler who was bun- panicked mass flight. 200 Afghan children to be evacuated
It will travel around the Earth on a pur- lowers who felt “afraid and lost” in the face dled onto an evacuation flight from Maryam’s parents were among those alone on the flights that carried tens of
pose-built satellite at an altitude of about of what was then a terrifying new virus to Kabul in 2021 after her parents died in a trying to flee with their four children thousands out of Afghanistan.

Five planets line up with Moon in night sky

525 kilometres, dispatched on a SpaceX Fal- have faith. – AFP bomb blast has been reunited with rela- when they were killed in a huge bomb “We took them in and gave them spe-
tives at a Qatar orphanage. blast and gun battle at Kabul airport that cialised care,” said the Qatari official,
The little girl, now believed to be claimed 183 lives on August 26. speaking on condition of not being iden-
about 21 months old and given the The little girl, whose birth name was tified.
LONDON: Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, was away from any bright city lights, name Maryam by the orphanage, saw her Aliza, was only weeks old at the time her “We worked with UNICEF to see if
Uranus, Mars, and the Moon aligned in somewhere with a clear, unobstructed uncle Yaar Mohammad Niazi and her mother and father died in the attack that there were any family members.”
an arc across the evening sky, with some view. brother and two sisters again for the first was claimed by the local chapter of the The UN children’s agency was quickly
visible to the naked eye. You needed to be observing early in time. Islamic State group. besieged with frantic requests from fam-
This is often called “a planetary the evening because Mercury and Jupiter “I did not know if we would ever find Amid the carnage, a teenage boy ilies back in Afghanistan looking for
parade” and was visible after sunset in quickly disappeared over the horizon. her again, and now I am overcome” with grabbed her and carried her onto a US missing relatives.
the west. Some of the best views were from emotion, said Niazi, aged about 40 and military flight taking Afghans and Niazi and the other three orphaned
A good view of the horizon and clear northern parts of Scotland and its islands with four children of his own. stranded expatriates to Doha, a Qatari children were back in Afghanistan, where
skies offered the best chance of spotting because of clear skies. “When I held her, I just told myself ‘she official said. the Taliban installed a government for
the alignment. Last summer Mercury, Prof Catherine Heymans, the is alive’.” She found a new home in Qatar’s what they named the Islamic Emirate of
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn came Astronomer Royal for Scotland, watched The tearful reunion ended a desperate Dreama orphanage, while her elder Afghanistan.
together in a rare planetary conjunction. the spectacle from Edinburgh’s Porto- search for Maryam since the chaotic days brother and two sisters stayed back in Six weeks after the massive Kabul
The best shot at spotting the planets bello beach. – AFP of August 2021 when the Taliban took Afghanistan. bomb blast, UN sleuths thought they had
control of the Afghan capital, sparking a Maryam was the youngest of about the baby’s identity. – AFP
39 killed in fire at Mexico-US border migrant centre
12 World WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico: At least 39 because he was not authorized to speak to her voice cracking. lum seekers in February, hoping to stifle the
migrants died in a fire that broke out at an the media, said there were about 70 A heavy military and national guard rush of migrants to the southern border
immigration detention center in a Mexican migrants, mostly Venezuelans, at the center. presence blanketed the site early on Tues- when Covid-related controls are lifted.
city on the US border, the Mexican govern- Numerous migrants have been detained day. The new rules say migrants who arrive at
ment said Tuesday. in the center in recent days after local Ciudad Juarez, which neighbors El Paso, the border and simply cross into the United
The fire broke out shortly before mid- authorities rounded up street vendors, Texas, is one of the border towns where States will no longer be eligible for asylum.
night at the National Migration Institute some of whom were foreigners, from the numerous undocumented migrants seek- Instead, they must first apply for asylum
(INM) facility in Ciudad Juarez, prompting area. A Venezuelan woman who gave her ing refuge in the United States remain in one of the countries they pass through to
the mobilization of firefighters and dozens name as Vinagly stood outside the immigra- stranded. get to the US border or apply online via a US
of ambulances. tion center, desperate for information Fed up with the wait, hundreds of them government app.
An AFP journalist saw forensic personnel about her 27-year-old husband who had attempted to storm an international bridge The new measures came as Biden was
remove a dozen bodies from the INM’s park- been detained there. on March 13 but were blocked by US agents. facing accusations from Republicans of hav-
ing lot, where several other bodies were laid “He was taken away in an ambulance,” The administration of US President Joe ing lost control of the border.
and covered with blankets. she told AFP, adding that her husband had Biden has been hoping to stem the record About 200,000 people try to cross the
“The National Migration Institute (INM) documents allowing him to remain in Mex- tide of migrants and asylum seekers under- border from Mexico into the United States
of the Interior Ministry regrets the deaths— ico. taking often dangerous journeys organized each month.
Firefighters and police remove the body of
a migrant from an immigration station in
so far—of 39 foreign migrants, caused by a “They (immigration officials) don’t tell by human smugglers to get to the United Most are from Central and South Amer-

Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state.

fire,” an INM statement said. you anything. A family member can die and States. ica and cite poverty and violence back home
A rescuer, who asked not to be identified they don’t tell you he’s dead,” Vinagly said, Biden proposed new restrictions on asy- when requesting asylum. – AFP

Caution in Israel after PM pauses reform

JERUSALEM: Caution prevailed in Israel we are ready to engage in a real dialogue,” asserted “there will be no turning back” on
Tuesday after Prime Minister Benjamin he said in a televised address on Monday. the judicial overhaul, in a tweet Monday.
Netanyahu vowed to pause controversial The opposition had previously refused Fellow far-right cabinet member,
judicial reforms which sparked a general to negotiate over the reforms—which National Security Minister Itamar Ben-
strike and mass protests, with the crisis far would hand politicians more power over Gvir, had pressed his supporters to rally in
from over. the judiciary—until the legislative process favour of the reforms.
Netanyahu bowed to pressure in the was stopped. Ben-Gvir’s Jewish Power party revealed
face of a nation-wide walkout Monday, Activists who have led nearly three on Monday that the decision to delay the
which hit hospitals, flights and more, months of protests against the reform legislation involved an agreement to
while tens of thousands of reform oppo- package vowed to continue their rallies. expand the minister’s portfolio after he
nents rallied outside parliament in “This is another attempt of Netanyahu threatened to quit if the overhaul was put
Jerusalem. trying to gaslight the Israeli public in on hold.
“Out of a will to prevent a rupture order to weaken the protest and then Writing in the left-wing daily Haaretz,
among our people, I have decided to pause enact a dictatorship,” the Umbrella Move- political correspondent Yossi Verter said
the second and third readings of the bill” ment of demonstrators said. the pause was “a victory for the protesters,
to allow time for dialogue, the Prime Min- “We will not stop the protest until the but the one who really bent Netanyahu
ister said in a broadcast. judicial coup is completely stopped,” it and trampled on him is Itamar Ben-Gvir.”
The decision to halt the legislative added in a statement. “Netanyahu has come out of this story
process marked a dramatic u-turn for the President Isaac Herzog called for “sin- like a pressed orange,” wrote Verter.
premier, who just a day earlier announced cere, serious and responsible dialogue”. He The affair has hit the coalition’s stand-
he was sacking his defence minister who said Monday he would host talks on the ing among the Israeli public, just three
had called for the very same step. reforms, but when contacted by AFP a months after it took office.
Israeli security forces use water canons to disperse protesters in Tel Aviv. The decision
The move was greeted with scepticism spokesman was unable to provide a sched- Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud party
to halt the legislative process marked a dramatic U-turn for Netanyahu (inset).
in Israel, with leading daily newspaper ule for such negotiations. dipped seven points, according to a poll by
Yediot Aharonot commenting the premier The crisis has revealed deep rifts within Israel’s Channel 12 which predicted the
“knew how to transform a crushing defeat proposing is procedure,” wrote columnist warily, saying he wanted to be sure “that Netanyahu’s fledgling coalition, an alliance government would lose its majority in the

World awaits Trump’s indictment

with pretty words into a draw”. Nahum Barnea. there is no ruse or bluff ”. with far-right and ultra-Orthodox parties. 120-seat parliament if elections were held.
“Israeli society is boiling and what he’s Opposition leader Yair Lapid reacted “If the legislation truly and totally stops Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich The fate of the ousted defence minister,
Yoav Gallant, was unknown on Tuesday
with speculation in Israeli media that he
could be reinstated.
Gallant, who had warned of a threat to
national security over the crisis, on Mon-
NEW YORK: Nine running again for the White House—to pect accounting were part of a cover-up, day welcomed “the decision to stop the
days after Donald be read his Miranda rights any day now. intended to benefit Trump’s election legislative process in order to conduct dia-
Trump (pic) A grand jury—a panel of citizens with campaign by burying the scandal. logue,” his team said. – AFP
announced he was broad investigative powers that works There are strict laws about how much
about to be with prosecutors—reconvened Monday candidates can contribute to their own
arrested over a in Manhattan, where they reportedly election bid, and secretly funneling
hush-money pay- heard from the former publisher of the money toward campaign coffers can lead

Scottish National Party (SNP) candidates

ment to a porn star, National Enquirer, a central player in the to jail terms of several years.

Ash Regan (left) and Kate Forbes

the world still hush money payment scheme. Criminal charges of any level would be

(right) applaud Humza Yousaf.

awaits what would The probe centres on $130,000 paid uncharted territory in the United States,

Scottish parliament
be one of the most famous police weeks before the 2016 election to adult which has never indicted a sitting or for-
mugshots in history. film star Stormy Daniels to stop her from mer president.

set to confirm
The Republican former US president, going public about a sexual encounter If the jury votes to indict Trump, Man-
who has never been shy about grabbing she says she had with Trump a decade hattan’s chief local prosecutor is obliged

A woman looks at the affected area

the limelight, sent newsrooms in the earlier. to comply with their decision and

Yousaf as
following a landslide in Alausi, Ecuador.

Seven dead, 60
United States and beyond into a spin on Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, announce it to the public.
March 18 when he announced he was who has testified before the grand jury, In an interview that aired Monday

first minister
three days away from being brought told Congress in 2019 that he made the night with Fox News, Trump said the pro-

missing in southern
before a New York judge. payment on Trump’s behalf and was later ceedings against him amount to election
Trump, it turned out, had bad infor- reimbursed. interference as he makes another shot for

Ecuador landslide
mation or was simply guessing, and his Prosecutors say the checks were not the White House.
equally baseless claim a week later that properly registered, which might nor- “In my opinion, it is a way of cheating,”
EDINBURGH: Scotland’s parliament is set the case had been dropped altogether mally result in a misdemeanour charge Trump said. “It’s election interference.”
to confirm Humza Yousaf as the new first was greeted with due incredulity. of falsifying business records. “We are dealing with dishonest people
minister on Tuesday, after he narrowly won The prosecutors may not be marching But that could be upgraded to a felony and thugs and dealing with people, I
the contest to succeed Nicola Sturgeon as to Trump’s tune but legal analysts gen- if the district attorney can persuade the believe, that hate our country,” he added. ALAUSI , Ecuador: Rescuers searched for

France faces new turmoil, Macron remains defiant

Scottish National Party (SNP) leader. uinely expect the 76-year-old—who is grand jury that the payment and the sus- – AFP more than 60 people reported missing
Yousaf beat two SNP rivals on Monday after a landslide triggered by months of
to clinch the party’s top job, vowing to heavy rain killed at least seven people in
rejuvenate its signature policy of pursuing southern Ecuador.
independence for Scotland which has The mudslide happened overnight Sun-
stalled in recent months. day into Monday, burying dozens of
The 37-year-old will be the youngest first PARIS: Fresh strikes and protests roiled homes and injuring 23 people in the vil-
minister since devolution reforms created France on Tuesday with a record number lage of Alausi in Chimborazo province,
the Scottish parliament in 1999, and the of police deployed, as President A protester holds some 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of
first leader of a national UK party from a Emmanuel Macron remained defiant over a placard Quito, officials said.
minority ethnic background. a pensions reform that is sparking tur- reading ‘Here Shocked residents, many in tears, stood
“We should all take pride in the fact that moil in the country. are the breakers, waiting for news Monday as crews with
today we have sent a clear message that The day of action is the tenth since wanted notice !!!’ shovels, pick axes and sniffer dogs dug
your colour of skin, or your faith, is not a protests began in mid-January against the with the through the debris to get to survivors
barrier to leading the country we all call law, which includes raising the retire- portraits of (left stuck between sheets of twisted metal and
to right) Macron,
home,” Yousaf said in his victory speech. ment age from 62 to 64. split tree trunks.
PM Borne,
Promising to be a leader “for all of Scot- Last Thursday saw the most violent “Five are buried here,” Manuel Upai, a
Labour Minister
land”, he pledged to “kickstart” a civic clashes yet between protesters and secu- 40-year-old laborer, told AFP, referring to
Dussopt and
movement that would “ensure our drive rity forces, as tensions erupted into relatives of his as he stared at the muddy
Interior Minister
for independence is in fifth gear”. pitched battles on the streets of Paris and ground.
“We will be the generation that delivers police reported 457 arrests across France Alausi, a village of some 45,000 people
independence for Scotland.” and injuries to 441 officers. Interior Min- surrounded by green hills, also saw several
Members of the Scottish Parliament ister Gerald Darmanin said 13,000 mem- public buildings hit by the avalanche,
(MSPs) will vote to confirm a new first bers of the security forces would be which damaged roads and closed three
minister later on Tuesday, with Yousaf deployed on Tuesday — 5,500 of them in schools.
ensured of succeeding Sturgeon given the Paris alone. The number, a record, was parliament using a special provision side- down. Ecuadoran President Guillermo Lasso
SNP is the largest party in the devolved justified by “a major risk to public order”. stepping a vote in the lower house, A state visit to France by Britain’s King said on Twitter that firefighters from
assembly. Nearly two weeks after Macron unions have vowed no let-up in mass Charles III, which had been due to begin neighboring areas had been rushed to the
He will then be sworn in at a ceremony rammed the new pensions law through protests to get the government to back on Sunday, was postponed because of the village to help people affected by the

AU urges calm after violent Kenya protests

on Wednesday, following formal approval unrest. Macron on Monday instead met tragedy.
from King Charles III—whom Yousaf wants Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, other He urged all citizens to evacuate the
to dislodge in favour of an elected head of cabinet ministers and senior lawmakers affected areas.
state for Scotland. for crisis talks at the Elysee Palace. The government mobilized the
The seismic shift in Scottish politics fol- “We need to continue to hold out a national police, armed forces, the health
lows Sturgeon’s surprise resignation NAIROBI: African Union Commission head Moussa Faki Mahamat on Tuesday voiced hand to the unions,” a participant in the ministry and the Red Cross to help with
announcement last month after more than “deep concern” after anti-government protests in Kenya turned violent, and appealed meeting quoted Macron as saying, the rescue efforts.
eight years at the helm. for calm. although the president rejected any revi- “We have activated temporary accom-
The 52-year-old said she was quitting Opposition leader Raila Odinga has called for regular protests every Monday and sion of the pensions law. modation and mobilized sleeping kits for
because she felt unable to give “every Thursday, accusing President William Ruto of stealing last year’s election and of fail- In a conciliatory gesture, Borne has those that have lost their homes,” said a
ounce of energy” to the job. ing to control the surging cost of living. scheduled talks over three weeks with government statement on Twitter.
But it followed a difficult period for her On Monday, police fired tear gas in Nairobi and the western city of Kisumu—an members of parliament, political parties Since the start of the year, heavy rains in
government, during which support for Odinga stronghold—to disperse crowds, aiming canisters at cars carrying journalists and local authorities, while still hoping to Ecuador have caused the deaths of 22 peo-
independence has slipped. in the capital, while looters went on the rampage. meet union leaders. ple, destroyed 72 homes and damaged
Recent surveys show around 45 percent Officers also used tear gas and water cannon as Odinga’s convoy moved through She is expected to offer worker repre- more than 6,900 residences, according to
of Scots support Scotland leaving the a congested neighbourhood in Nairobi, sending people running for cover. sentatives new measures designed to ease the SNGR risk management secretariat.
United Kingdom—the same tally recorded One man was shot dead in Kisumu, the head of the city’s main hospital told AFP, the impact of the pensions law targeting The downpours have caused close to
in a 2014 referendum which London insists the second fatality reported since the demonstrations kicked off the previous Mon- physically demanding jobs, conditions 1,000 dangerous events, such as landslides
settled the matter for a generation. – AFP day, when a university student was killed by police fire. – AFP for older workers and retraining. – AFP and flooding. – AFP
BUSINESS WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 13

Analysts positive after Gamuda’s

14 Confident of Malaysia’s leadership role in Halal 15 World’s largest microalgae plant opens in Sarawak

Green rubber products acquisition of Winchester House

a must to stay ahead

KUALA LUMPUR: Research houses are eight-storey Grade B office building but
mainly positive on Gamuda Bhd’s acquisi- upon refurbishment will be upgraded to
tion, via a joint venture, of Winchester Grade A.
House from Wessex Winchester LP. Hong Leong Investment Bank gathers
The purchase of the London property, that “Gamuda has potential co-investors
which currently houses Deutsche Bank AG’s and tenants knocking on the door.”
KUALA LUMPUR: demand conditions where there was a been affected not only by the pandemic
London headquarters, is part of the prop- It said the asset’s estimated rental yields
Malaysia must capi- sharp drop in the glove export value, from but also by the recent price volatility, with
erty and construction group’s Quick Turn- are healthy at 6.5 per cent in the event of
talise on its global RM54.8 billion in 2021 to RM19 billion in low prices impacting their income.
around Projects (QTP) strategic plan. worst-case non-disposal.
leadership in glove 2022, due to the influx of supply in the One of the key policy initiatives to
CGS-CIMB said the RM1.4 billion deal Thus, it is maintaining a “buy” call on
production by man- market. address this issue was to have a certain
“features minimal capital outlay, a high Gamuda with a target price of RM4.88.
ufacturing environ- Still, rubber gloves, used in the medical, mechanism or incentive to ensure small-
internal rate of return, and attractive mon- Public Investment Bank Bhd, however,
mentally-friendly industrial, cleanroom and food service sec- holders would continue tapping rubber
etisation/future earnings potential.” was neutral on this acquisition as Gamuda
tyres and green rub- tors, were the main contributor at around trees to supply the downstream sector.
“Successful execution of this QTP deal could only monetise the investment in “as
ber products to stay 40 per cent to the industry’s export earn- Zairossani noted that Malaysia is cur-
will demonstrate Gamuda’s strength in long as five years.”
ahead in the game ings, he said. rently experiencing a shortage of raw
expanding its property “We understand that the acquisition
for the long run. Aside from gloves, latex products materials, which is why a key initiative is
development/investment ventures overseas could only start contributing to Gamuda’s
Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) direc- exports include foam products, catheters to ensure that the upstream sector
and more so in prime property markets, on earnings from the financial year 2026
tor-general, Datuk Dr Zairossani Mohd and condoms, while exports of rubber remains active and produces rubber based
top of ongoing overseas expansion of its (FY2026) onwards, assuming the refurbish-
Nor (pic) said the board and relevant products comprised tyres, general rubber on the demand from the downstream sec-
construction division,” it said in a note. ment is completed in two years’ time.
agencies should support the industry to goods, automotive components, precured tor.
Nevertheless, the research house said it “Hence, we are leaving our FY2023-
ensure that Malaysia maintains its leading tread rubber for tyres, structural bearings To this end, the government introduced
is maintaining current revised net asset FY2025 earnings forecast unchanged pend-
position as the manufacturer of rubber and sporting goods. a few incentives to support smallholders,
value estimates pending the progress and ing deal completion in the third quarter
gloves as well as latex and engineering Despite the challenges, Zairossani is including the latex production incentive
completion of the QTP venture. and the earnings recognition timeline.
rubber products. optimistic that the industry will perform and the rubber production incentive to
It also maintained an “add” rating and “Our outperform call is affirmed with an
With this strength, Malaysia can main- better compared with the pre-pandemic support prices so that smallholders con-

LSH Capital gets shareholders’

target price of RM4.69 for Gamuda. unchanged sum-of-the-parts target price of
tain its key position in not only producing period and chart better growth this year tinue tapping and producing rubber and
Analysts said Winchester House is an RM5.10,’’ it said. –Bernama
higher value-added rubber products but compared with 2022. increasing their income.
also sustainable products, thus ensuring Total rubber demand, which con- “We are also continuing to ensure the

nod for diversification plan

the sustainability of the industry, he said tracted marginally last year, is estimated transfer of the best technology to our
during Bernama TV’s “The Brief ” pro- to rebound modestly to 2.6 per cent in industry, promote the use of high-yield-
gramme aired recently. 2023, mainly driven by China’s reopening, ing rubber clones and effective tapping
However, Zairossani said the fallout given that it is the biggest export market systems using latex stimulants technology
from the Russia-Ukraine geopolitical ten- for Malaysia. to increase the productivity of smallhold-
sions, pressure on energy costs, rising Looking ahead, he said Malaysia should ers,” he said.
interest rates, tightening financial condi- emphasise capturing new markets in MRB is also promoting solar technol- KUALA LUMPUR: LEAP Market-listed Lim Capital would be able to leverage the con-
tions in most regions and supply chain newly-emerging economies, noting that ogy, including crop integration to enable Seong Hai Capital Bhd (LSH Capital) has struction expertise of ASSB to create synergy
disruptions presented significant chal- steps are being taken to capitalise on the smallholders to generate additional received approval from its shareholders for a with increased efficiency, improved innova-
lenges, making 2023 a tough year for the demand for rubber products, with small- income. series of corporate proposals. tion, enhanced solutions, and a larger order
industry. holders adapting to changing market con- Zairossani reiterated that the MRB will The corporate proposals entail diversify- book.
Nevertheless, he said the rubber sector ditions to improve yields and profitability. continue to fulfil its primary objective of ing its business into a proposed expansion “This results in a stronger and more effec-
benefited from the Covid-19 pandemic “Malaysia has always been a producer assisting the development and moderni- into the property and construction segments tive entity that will propel the growth and
which skyrocketed demand for Malaysia’s of high-quality rubber products so we sation of the rubber industry by ensuring with the acquisition of Astana Setia Sdn Bhd profitability of the group moving forward,”
rubber gloves in 2021, chalking up an must try to capitalise on our strengths as sustainability and competitiveness, raising (AASB) and Lim Seong Hai Ventures Sdn Bhd. it said.
industry export value of RM81 billion - the the promotion and commercialisation of the incomes of smallholders and raw In a statement to Bursa Malaysia Tuesday, Meanwhile, LSH Capital non-executive
highest in the history of the industry. rubber products is imperative,” he said. material production, increasing export the group said upon completion of the cor- chairman Tan Sri Lim Keng Cheng said the

Int’l demand, offer determine rubber prices

After 2021’s strong performance, the However, he lamented that for the past value and producing value-added prod- porate proposals, it will be in line to further group will continue to implement its growth
industry had to adjust to supply and three years, rubber smallholders have ucts and services. –Bernama expand its construction capabilities by fully strategy and pursue other future opportuni-
integrating digital technologies to optimise ties to further enhance the RM775.0 million
operations. outstanding construction work order book.

Yenher aims to export animal health,

“Through the corporate proposals, LSH – Bernama

nutrition products to 15 more countries

KUALA LUMPUR: Rubber prices are deter- the MPC said in a statement. The government had also allocated RM50
mined by international demand and offer, Smallholders participating in the IPL pro- million to introduce the Cuplump Modified
and it is also affected by the futures market gramme have also received assistance in the Bitumen technology for the purpose of road
performance, world crude oil prices, foreign form of agricultural inputs such as fertilisers maintenance under Budget 2023 which is
currency exchange rates and the economic and pesticides worth RM850 per hectare on expected to increase the use of natural rub-
growth of the world’s main rubber produc- a one-off basis, and the MRB has also ber in Malaysia. BATU KAWAN: Yenher Holdings Bhd, a Cheng said the company also plans to
ing and importing countries. improved the payment process to facilitate “The ministry also welcomes suggestions manufacturer and distributor of animal build a new manufacturing plant that
To boost the development of the rubber the distribution of aid such as the IPG and the and recommendations from various parties health and nutrition products, has plans complies with good manufacturing prac-
industry, the Ministry of Plantation and IPL. including the Association of Rubber Tappers to export its products to 15 more coun- tices by the second quarter of this year,
Commodities (MPC) and its agency, the The ministry has also introduced the TAR- and Entrepreneurs towards improving the tries in the next five years. with its target completion by the third
Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) have imple- GET Programme to improve the model and country’s rubber industry. Group managing director Cheng quarter of 2024.
mented various initiatives to help the small- structure of operations of smallholders and “The government is always committed to Mooh Tat said various efforts are cur- He said with new machinery and
holders, especially those in the rubber sector. the rubber supply chain at the upstream formulating policies and strategies to rently being undertaken to export its equipment in the factory, the company
The initiatives include the Rubber Pro- level. increase the competitiveness and viability of products to new markets, namely would be able to increase its production
duction Incentive (IPG) and raising the acti- Aside from boosting smallholders’ the country’s rubber industry,” it said. Bangladesh and Myanmar. capacity and be ready to meet higher
vation price level to RM2.70 per kilogram income, the initiative is also expected to The statement was issued in response to a “We believe that we can expand the demand for its products.
(kg) from RM2.50 per kg with an allocation attract the youth to work in the rubber newspaper article which touched on the low business to 15 more countries and now the “The company can triple its production
of RM350 million, as well as introducing the industry and reduce dependence on foreign and continuously unstable rubber price. – company is actively conducting various output, especially for animal feed prod-
promotions in the countries involved ucts, as the existing factory has limitations

Press metal, PChem lead Bursa rally

Latex Production Incentive Programme (IPL), workers, it said. Bernama
including showcasing our products. At to produce them in large quantities.
bursa closing report
the same time, efforts are also being made “The new factory will definitely help
to increase sales for the local market. Yenher attract new customers and
“Currently, we have exported to 15 expand our customer base,” he added.
countries, including Indonesia, Hong The group, which has been in business
Kong, Brunei, Belgium, Pakistan, South for over 20 years, has one manufacturing
Korea, Nigeria, Thailand, and Vietnam, plant, a warehouse and an in-house labo-
KUALA LUMPUR: Improved risk sentiment “As for the local bourse, despite the surged 137.89 points to 15,560.39, the representing about 10 per cent of our ratory for research and development with

MIDF sees lower cost pressures

and bargain hunting in heavyweights led improving market sentiment, investors Energy Index perked up 20.48 points to total sales,” he said at a press conference about 140 employees based in Penang. –
by Press Metal and Petronas Chemicals need to remain vigilant due to the rising 813.43, the Plantation Index garnered 58.02 here. Bernama
(PChem) saw Bursa Malaysia’s main index volatility and uncertainty globally,” he told points to 6,714.74, and the Industrial Prod-

for producers going forward

gaining 0.9 per cent at the close. Bernama. ucts and Services Index inched up 2.04
At 5 pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Thong expects the FBM KLCI to consoli- points to 168.00.
(FBM KLCI) advanced 12.49 points, or 0.89 date within the 1,400-1,415 range for the The Main Market volume dwindled to
per cent, to 1,409.09 compared with Mon- rest of the week. 1.79 billion shares worth RM1.23 billion
day’s close of 1,396.60. Among other heavyweights, most were against 2.13 billion shares worth RM1.45 bil-
The market bellwether, which opened in positive territory except for Tenaga lion on Monday.
five points higher at 1,401.60, moved Nasional, MISC, Axiata and Genting which Warrants turnover decreased to 367.94 KUALA LUMPUR: MIDF Research sees 0.8 per cent year-on-year in February. On a
between 1,398.42 and 1,409.23 throughout were in the red. million units worth RM56.89 million from lower cost pressures for Malaysia’s produc- month-on-month basis, the input infla-
the session. Press Metal and Sime Darby Plantation 456.14 million units worth RM66.12 million ers amid lower commodity prices and eas- tion fell by 0.2 per cent, marking the third
Market breadth remained mixed with jumped 14 sen to RM4.83 and RM4.30 previously. ing global supply chain issues. straight month of negative growth.
decliners leading gainers by 416 to 410 respectively, PChem rose 13 sen to RM6.95, The ACE Market volume fell to 671.62 The reopening of China and the better MIDF Research said the tapering price
while 430 counters were unchanged, 1,040 Public Bank gained five sen to RM3.94, and million shares worth RM222.67 million supply of labour and materials globally pressures on producers were mainly due
untraded and 24 others suspended. Maybank put on seven sen to RM8.51. from 779.51 million shares worth RM202.91 provide further support, it said. to the persistent contraction of the cost of
Turnover, however, shrank to 2.83 bil- Among the actives, Computer Forms million Monday. The continuous decline in producer crude materials and the moderation in the
lion units worth RM1.51 billion from Mon- trimmed 4.5 sen to 18.5 sen, Vinvest Consumer products and services coun- price index (PPI) inflation provides a pos- cost of intermediate materials.
day’s 3.37 billion units valued at RM1.72 improved two sen to 24.5 sen, Vizione ters accounted for 274.03 million shares itive signal, especially for consumers’ price Inflation of crude materials stayed con-
billion. perked up half-a-sen to six sen, while traded on the Main Market, industrial index (CPI) trajectory in the near term, it tractionary since last August while the cost
Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd equity research Sapura Energy and Fitters were unchanged products and services (528.06 million); added. growth of intermediate materials moder-
vice president Thong Pak Leng said, simi- at four sen and eight sen respectively. construction (111.09 million); technology “However, the higher interest rates in ated to an almost two-year low at 3.3 per
larly, key regional markets were mostly in On the index board, the FBM Emas (236.30 million); SPAC (nil), financial serv- major economies, elevated energy prices, cent year-on-year in February 2023.
positive territory as concerns over the Index gained 67.89 points to 10,301.91, the ices (53.25 million); property (99.15 mil- currency fluctuations, and continuous “We believe the persistent contraction
banking sector crisis have eased. FBMT 100 Index advanced 70.42 points to lion); plantation (26.96 million); REITs geopolitical tensions will continue to pose of crude materials inflation was due to
“Nonetheless, we believe it is too early 10,000.83 and the FBM Emas Shariah Index (6.97 million), closed/fund (3,000); energy downside risks to global inflation, includ- lower global energy prices whereas the
to gauge whether the overall banking sec- put on 51.81 points to 10,619.29. (222.27 million); healthcare (106.88 mil- ing Malaysia’s price growth pressure in improvement in intermediate materials
tor problems in the US and Europe have The FBM 70 Index improved by 17.90 lion); telecommunications and media 2023,” the research house said in a note cost inflation was partly attributed to the
been resolved completely until the situa- points to 13,289.54 and the FBM ACE Index (54.53 million); transportation and logis- Tuesday. easing global supply chain pressures and

February import unit value index up 0.6pc Icon bags Hibiscus OSV contracts
tion remains stable for at least nine to 12 lost 11.44 points to 5,205.51. tics (50.33 million); and utilities (22.50 mil- Malaysia’s input inflation contracted better US dollar/ringgit levels,” MIDF said.
months. Sector-wise, the Financial Services Index lion). –Bernama for the first time in two years, shrinking by –Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: Icon Offshore Bhd’s second work order on Feb 17, 2023, it
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s import unit It said the import volume index, however, Meanwhile, the country’s export prices in wholly-owned subsidiary, Icon Offshore said, adding that both contracts com-
value index showed a positive trend month- fell 2.5 per cent against the previous month, the month under review fell 1.0 per cent from Group Sdn Bhd has secured two off- menced on March 1, 2023, and will
on-month (m-o-m) with a 0.6 per cent due to a decline in the miscellaneous manu- 142.7 points in the preceding month to 141.2 shore support vessel (OSV) services con- utilise 422 combined vessel days in
growth to 128.7 points in February 2023 from factured articles index (16.2 per cent), man- points. DoSM said Malaysia’s terms of trade tracts from Hibiscus Oil & Gas Malaysia total.
128.0 points in January 2023. ufactured goods (-11.4 per cent) and remained negative with a growth of 1.6 per Ltd (Hibiscus). “These contracts will positively con-
The Department of Statistics (DoSM), in machinery and transport equipment (9.7 per cent m-o-m to 109.7 points in February 2023. In a statement, the company said the tribute to our earnings and strengthen
its February External Trade Indices cent). According to its chief statistician Datuk contracts involve the provision of plat- our leadership in the OSV segment.
(2010=100), said the increase in import unit The seasonally adjusted import volume Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin, the decline in the form supply vessels with crew and “We look forward to executing this
value index was supported by a rise in index grew by 10.9 per cent from 165.6 points export unit value was due to the decline in equipment for 24-hour support services contract and all the other contracts in
machinery and transport equipment index to 183.6 points, it added. the mineral fuels index (3.6 per cent), animal to the offshore construction and inte- our orderbook that currently stands at
(1.4 per cent), mineral fuels (1.1 per cent) and On a year-on-year basis, the import unit and vegetable oils and fats (2.7 per cent) and grated well services scope. well above RM600 million,” said the
miscellaneous manufactured articles (0.3 per value index rose 4.6 per cent while the vol- machinery and transport equipment (0.4 per The company received the first work company’s managing director, Datuk
cent). ume index expanded 7.7 per cent. cent). – Bernama order on Jan 18, 2023, followed by the Seri Hadian Hashim. –Bernama
BP, ADNOC place $4b bid for
14 Business Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

Confident of Malaysia’s half of Israel’s NewMed Energy

JERUSALEM: Gas giants British Petroleum NewMed Energy.”

leadership role in Halal

(BP) and Abu Dhabi National Oil Com- The deal would “be a significant first
pany (ADNOC) placed a $4 billion offer to step” in BP and ADNOC’s intention “to
purchase half of NewMed Energy, the form a new joint venture that will be
Israeli company said Tuesday. focused on gas development in interna-
The participation of Emirati firm tional areas of mutual interest, including

Since its
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia could maintain ADNOC is the latest sign of the quickening the East Mediterranean,” BP said in a state-

inception in
its leadership position in halal products normalisation of relations between Israel ment.

2004, Mihas
and services that meet the highest quality and the UAE since their opening of diplo- NewMed CEO Yossi Abu said the offer

has become
standards as Malaysia has the right ecosys- matic relations in 2020 and their signing was “the result of the warm relationships

an event for
tem and strategy to capture more global of a free trade deal last year which takes and bridges we have built in recent years
effect next month. with the energy companies working in the
local and
halal business.
NewMed, which holds 45 percent of region”.
International Trade and Industry Minis-
Israel’s Leviathan offshore gas field, said To Abu, the offer was also “an impor-
ter Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz is
the “non-binding indicative offer” was tant vote of confidence” in “the Israeli gas
to thrive in
confident that with the Halal Industry Mas-
received on Monday, noting it had market in general, and to the business and
the Halal
ter Plan 2030 (Himp 2030), the Ministry of
appointed an audit committee to examine assets of NewMed Energy in particular,” a
trade and to
International Trade and Industry’s (Miti)
the deal. company statement said.
vision in developing the industry and busi-
The cash purchase would include all of Leviathan, discovered 130 kilometres
ness-to-business (B2B) platforms like
NewMed’s publicly held participation (80 miles) west of the Mediterranean port
to the global
Malaysia International Halal Showcase
units, and a small number of participation city Haifa in 2010, is estimated by NewMed
(Mihas), Malaysia could maintain the lead-
units held by Israeli holding firm Delek, of to hold 605 billion cubic metres (21.3 tril-
ership position.
“Malaysia is known to be a leading sup- which NewMed is a subsidiary. lion cubic feet) of natural gas, along with
plier of a wide range of halal-certified BP said that “together with ADNOC, it 34.1 million barrels of condensate.
products and services, namely food, cos- has made a non-binding offer to take Production began in December 2019.
metics, pharmaceuticals, finance and US$113.2 billion by 2030, with a gross from Sept 12-15, 2023 at the Malaysia Inter- NewMed Energy private through an acqui- The field is connected by a pipeline to
tourism. domestic product (GDP) contribution of national Trade and Exhibition Centre sition of the free float and a partial acqui- Israel, which uses part of the gas with the
“To promote the growth of Malaysia’s 8.1 per cent by 2025. (Mitec). sition of Delek’s stake, which would result rest exported to neighbouring Egypt and

N American consortium agrees $12b

halal economy, the government recently “We are confident of achieving this Themed ‘Paving the Way of Halal’, the in BP and ADNOC holding 50 percent of Jordan. –AFP
launched the Himp 2030 which sets out because the government has invested heav- Mihas 2023 edition will feature the latest
ily in enhancing the halal ecosystem, halal trends, technologies and innovations

deal for Australia’s Origin Energy

clear action plans on how we can strategi-
cally capitalise on the growing global including promoting halal research and across 13 clusters comprising food and
demand for halal products and services, as development (R&D), and nurturing the beverages; modest fashion and lifestyle;
well as strengthen Malaysia’s leadership enabling infrastructure to support halal cosmetics and personal care; and food
role by leveraging on our world-recog- production and distribution,” he added. technology and packaging, besides
nised halal industry ecosystem and cumu- Meanwhile, Tengku Zafrul said Mihas, as Islamic finance and fintech, media and
lative expertise,” he said during his address a B2B platform that has grown from recreation, retail and franchise, Muslim- SYDNEY: A North American consortium If approved by regulators and share-
at the Mihas 2023 soft launch here Tuesday. strength to strength, has also been estab- friendly hospitality and tourism, pharma- says it has agreed to take over Australia’s holders, Brookfield will take over Origin’s
He said Malaysia has once again been lished as one of the key drivers to build on ceutical and medicals, services and Origin Energy in a deal valued at Aus$18.7 major power generation and energy retail
ranked as the leading halal economy in the the halal momentum by exploring new enablers, education, e-Commerce, and billion (US$12 billion), vowing to slash car- operations, while EIG’s MidOcean will snap
world for the 9th consecutive year and the frontiers and untapped opportunities in Islamic arts and culture. bon emissions. up the gas and LNG side of the business,
Himp 2030 will help cement Malaysia’s the industry. Mihas 2023 is expected to be the largest Origin shares crept a little higher in the firms said on Monday evening.
position as the undisputed global leader in The 19th edition of Mihas 2023 is hosted post-pandemic as it is expected to attract early Sydney trading Tuesday, after its “As the energy transition gathers pace,
the halal industry. by Miti and organised by the Malaysia over 35,000 local and international visi- board unanimously called on shareholders what’s needed is increasingly clear: faster

Asian regional econ

Through Himp 2030, Miti is projecting External Trade Development Corporation tors, and 1,500 booths, targeting 40 coun- to back the binding offer by a consortium deployment of large-scale renewables, the

Washington, Tokyo reach deal

that the halal industry will expand to (Matrade) and will be held over four days, try pavilions. –Bernama led by Canada’s Brookfield and US investor accelerated, responsible retirement of coal
EIG. generation, and an interim, supportive role
for gas as the dependable back-up fuel,”

on critical EV battery minerals integration advancing

said Brookfield Asset Management chair
Mark Carney, a former Bank of England
“Brookfield is determined that the new
Origin Energy Markets will lead the way in
WASHINGTON: The United States and This figure is set to rise to 80 percent in all respects at this critical moment for the
Japan have reached an agreement on trade 2027 and the rule would have excluded the BOAO (Hainan): Regional economic inte- nent products such as integrated circuits Australian economy.”
in minerals that are key to electric vehicle European Union and Japan—drawing con- gration has been advancing in Asia, growing the fastest, at a growth rate of up Brookfield said it planned to invest at
batteries, US trade officials said, a move to cern from both parties. according to a report released by the Boao to 28.8 per cent in 2021,” the report said. least Aus$20 billion over the next decade in
reinforce supply chains in a sector domi- But the latest deal opens the doors for Forum for Asia (BFA) on Tuesday, reported In 2021, foreign direct investment (FDI) building renewable energy and storage in
nated by China. critical minerals processed in Japan to qual- Xinhua. inflows into the Asia-Pacific region Australia.
Rare earth elements and minerals such ify for some US subsidies under the act. The BFA Asian Economic Outlook and accounted for 45 per cent of global FDI The investment is expected to allow the
as lithium are becoming increasingly The Treasury Department will issue a Integration Progress Annual Report 2023 inflows, reaching a record high of over 710 early retirement of one of Australia’s largest
important in clean energy technologies, notice by the end of this month with pro- states that in 2021, global dependence on billion U.S. dollars, according to the coal-fired power plants, Eraring, which lies
but the United States is set to face gaps in posed guidance on the IRA’s critical miner- Asian trade in goods remained stable, and report. on the east coast about 90 kilometres (60
such critical mineral supplies when it als and battery components requirements. the trade dependence between Asian “Deepened financial integration in Asia miles) north of Sydney, Brookfield said.
comes to meeting expected demand for Boosting the critical minerals supply economies remained at a relatively high has made regional economies more The takeover bid, first announced in
EVs. chain “advances economic security and sta- level. The status of Asean and China as resilient against negative impacts from November last year, offers Origin share-
The latest US-Japan deal includes com- bility by ensuring the United States and hubs for trade in goods remained international capital flows. As of the end of holders a mix of Aus$5.78 and US$2.19 a
mitments not to impose export duties on allies and partners are not reliant on other unchanged. 2021, the stock of global portfolio invest- share, with a total value estimated at
critical minerals shipped to the other coun- countries for critical minerals,” said a senior Most major Asian economies have ment outflows in Asia was close to US$11.7 Aus$18.7 billion, subject to currency
try, said statement released by the US Trade US administration official on condition of increased their dependence on Asian fac- trillion,” the report said. swings.
Representative (USTR). anonymity. tories over the past decade, according to By the end of 2021, Asian economies Australia, one of the world’s largest coal
“The United States and Japan share a The pact covers five critical minerals the report. allocated 19.5 per cent of their global port- exporters, has pledged to reduce its carbon
common interest in strengthening supply most needed for EV batteries, and will be “Asia has a significant advantage of pro- folio investment to markets in Asia. Among emissions by 43 percent before the end of
chains between like-minded partners and reviewed every two years, the official ducing competitive products in global Regional Comprehensive Economic Part- 2030.
increasing resilience against threats such as added. value chains. Of the top 22 intermediate nership (RCEP) economies, Indonesia, Ferocious forest fires and floods have
economic coercion,” the USTR added. According to the USTR, the US-Japan products from Asian factories in terms of Malaysia, and Singapore had the highest swept swathes of the country over the past
Ambassador Katherine Tai said the agreement also involves commitment to export value, 21 have shown significant level of portfolio investment allocation to five years, raising many people’s concerns
agreement marks “a welcome moment” as confer on “best practices regarding review growth in exports, with electronic compo- the region, the report added. –Bernama about the impact of climate change. –AFP
Washington continues to work with allies of investments within their territories in the
and partners to boost supply chains, critical minerals sector by foreign entities.”
including through the Inflation Reduction
Act (IRA).
That law stipulates that 40 percent of
This month, US President Joe Biden and
top EU official Ursula von der Leyen
announced the start of negotiations on a
China breakthrough by Viet durians
critical minerals in an eligible EV battery critical minerals agreement to enable the
needs to be extracted from, or processed in, relevant resources extracted or processed in HANOI: The export of Vietnamese durian fresh durian per year, accounting for over export enterprises and farmers must reg-
countries that have free-trade agreements the European Union to qualify for IRA sub- to China through the official channel one-third of the total durian output of ularly update and strictly comply with
with America. sidies. –AFP since September 2022 opened up a new the country, Huy said. regulations on quality standards, testing,
prospect for Vietnam’s fruit and veg- La Tran Vinh, Director of Vinh Khang quarantine, packaging, and traceability

Asian, European markets rise

foreign closing report
etable industry. Cooperative in Tien Giang, said the coop- of the Chinese market.
According to statistics from the Min- erative has worked with farmers in China’s customs authorities have
istry of Agriculture and Rural Develop- Mekong Delta localities such as Tien approved Vietnam’s 51 farming area

as banking crisis fears ease

ment (MARD), Vietnam has over 100,000 Giang, Can Tho, Vinh Long, and Ben Tre, codes and 26 packaging facility codes
ha of durian with an annual output of and the Central Highlands province of that fully meet the requirements for
about 1.3 million tonnes. However, only Dak Lak to grow a total of over 100 ha of export to the Chinese market, Trung said.
3,000 ha (3 per cent) of the total meet the fruit. The MARD has asked authorities of
standards for export to China. All durian from the localities will be southern localities to improve the quality
HONG KONG: Asian and European mar- tractor of the global economy, and that will The Mekong Delta province of Tien provided for Chanh Thu Fruit Import- of the durian value chain, toward meet-
kets traded higher on Tuesday, as fears of a have to change because China’s growth Giang and the Central Highlands Export Group JSC to export to the Chinese ing standards for exporting the fruit,
banking crisis eased thanks to the sale of rate is going to go down over time,” World province of Dak Lak have the largest market via the official channel, he said. Minister of Agriculture and Rural Devel-
fallen lender Silicon Valley Bank. Bank Chief Economist Indermit Gill said. durian areas meeting export standards in After China officially opened its door opment Le Minh Hoan said.
News that North Carolina-based First After last week’s tumult, traders were the country. to durian, Vietnamese farmers have more Specialised agencies have been tasked
Citizens Bank had agreed to take over most taking the opportunity to regroup, SPI According to the Deputy General opportunities to develop this crop, he with identifying areas where durian can
of SVB boosted European stocks and Wall Asset Management’s Stephen Innes said Director of Dung Thai Son Import-Export noted. be grown sustainably, while localities
Street on Monday. Tuesday. Company, Vu Ngoc Huy, China is a large To promote the export of the product have been urged to have policies for
The gains were led by banking shares, “US stocks are trading moderately market with a strong durian consump- to this billion-strong market, Hoang boosting the connection between farmers

SVB collapse ‘textbook case of mismanagement’

following a rout last week over concerns higher, and bonds lower Monday as bank tion capacity. Trung, Director of the MARD’s Plant Pro- and export enterprises, he added. –
that the turmoil in the sector could hit stresses relax a bit further,” he said. The firm can export 500,000 tonnes of tection Department, recommended that Bernama
other major institutions, such as German “This allows investors more breathing
giant Deutsche Bank. room to position ahead of a busy end-of-
Hong Kong and Tokyo closed higher, the-month data week docket and an even
while Sydney, Singapore and Seoul also busier April” as first-quarter earnings
gained. Shanghai was down, however. approach. WASHINGTON: The collapse of Silicon tion. ject to “less frequent stress testing” and
European equities were also higher in And while markets have responded Valley Bank (SVB) was a “textbook case of Its “concentrated” business model, “less rigorous capital planning and liq-
early trade, with London, Frankfurt and positively to the measures implemented by mismanagement” which requires which relied heavily on a closely-inter- uidity risk management standards.”
Paris all in positive territory. authorities to shore up the banking sector, tougher banking regulation, according connected network of venture capitalists, Barr said SVB’s failure “illustrates the
Ray Attrill, head of FX strategy at there are still concerns about the impact of to prepared remarks by a top Federal also left it vulnerable to a bank run by need to move forward with our work to
National Australia Bank, said Tuesday that ongoing rate hikes by central banks, espe- Reserve official. concerned depositors, Barr added. improve the resilience of the banking
the acquisition by First Citizens had cially the US Federal Reserve. “SVB failed because the bank’s man- “The bank waited too long to address system.”
“helped set a positive tone” in global mar- Despite the recent turmoil, central banks agement did not effectively manage its its problems, and ironically, the overdue The Fed will propose a number of
kets. have pushed on with monetary tightening interest rate and liquidity risk,” the Fed’s actions it finally took to strengthen its reforms to increase capital and long-
“Together with the absence of new scare as they focus on fighting inflation. vice chair for supervision Michael Barr balance sheet sparked the uninsured term debt requirements for banks of
stories over the weekend, banking shares BlackRock Investment Institute strate- said in remarks released ahead of a Sen- depositor run that led to the bank’s fail- SVB’s size, he added.
have driven a rally across most major gists, however, see the campaign easing, ate hearing Tuesday. ure,” he said. “We will need to enhance our stress
equity indices,” he wrote in a note. according to Bloomberg News. He added that its failure “demands a Barr said the passage of the 2019 Eco- testing with multiple scenarios so that it
On Monday, the World Bank warned “We see major central banks moving thorough review of what happened, nomic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and captures a wider range of risk and uncov-
that an anticipated economic slowdown in away from a ‘whatever it takes’ approach, including the Federal Reserve’s oversight Consumer Protection Act, led the Fed to ers channels for contagion, like those we
China is likely to drag global growth down stopping their hikes and entering a more of the bank.” reduce its regulation of smaller banks, saw in the recent series of events,” he
to its lowest level this century as it pro- nuanced phase that’s less about a relentless Silicon Valley collapsed on March 10 including SVB. said, adding that changes to liquidity
posed measures to prevent a “lost decade” fight against inflation but still one where after taking on excessive interest-rate The “less stringent” standards put in rules may also be required “to improve
of growth. they can’t cut rates,” Bloomberg quoted the risk, leaving it exposed when the Fed place by the Fed after the Republican- the resiliency of the financial system.” –
“We’ve grown used to China being the strategists as saying. –AFP began hiking rates to tackle rising infla- backed bill’s passage meant SVB was sub- AFP
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 Business 15

World’s largest SAHAM AMANAH SAbAH
VINVEST 120,596,200 24.5 22.5 24.5 +2.0 (MANAGER’S PRICES fOR MAC 27)
microalgae plant bUyING:
HSI-HKU 49,885,000 18.5 14.5 15.5 -2.0
opens in Sarawak n gold prices
THE physical price of gold as at 5pm stood at
KUALA LUMPUR: Chitose Group (Chitose), ogy Development Organisation, C4 is RM267.09 per gramme, down RM3.69 from
an entity formed by biotechnology startups expected to demonstrate the efficient and RM270.78 at 5pm Monday. – bernama
n bURSA SCOREbOARd managed by Chitose Bio Evolution Pte Ltd scalable production of microalgal biomass
based in Japan and Singapore, has (utilising photobioreactor technologies)
UP dOwN UNCHANGEd TRAdEd announced the construction of a five- and to produce 350 dry tonnes of microal-
CONSUMER PROd & SERV 51 56 65 172
INd-PROd & SERVICES 69 78 84 231
hectare (ha) microalgae production facility, gal biomass per year, fixing 700 tonnes of fbMEMAS 10,301.90 (+67.89)
CONSTRUCTION 19 12 23 54
Chitose Carbon Capture Central (C4) was carbon dioxide (CO2) per year.
fbMKLCI 1,409.09 (+12.49)
TECHNOLOGy 14 27 15 56
completed and the production of microal- At C4, gas exhausted from a neighbour-
CONSUMER PROdUCTS 567.82 (+3.11)
SPAC 0 0 0 0
gae has been started in Sarawak, Malaysia. ing coal-fired power plant is used as a car-
According to Chitose in a statement, it bon source, and the produced microalgal INdUSTRIAL PROdUCTS 168.00 (+2.04)
PROPERTy 28 38 30 96 plans to establish the stable, continuous biomass will be used for sustainable pro- CONSTRUCTION 159.10 (-0.92)
PLANTATION 17 7 14 38 and large-scale production of microalgae, duction of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
fINANCIAL SERVICES 15,560.30 (+137.80)
REIT 7 4 8 19 and its production technology aims at pro- and other products.
CLOSEd ENd fUNd 1 0 0 1 ceeding with the development of applica- Towards 2030, Chitose is planning to ENERGy 813.43 (+20.48)
ENERGy 21 5 9 35 tions for a wide range of industrial expand the production to 2,000 ha and is TELECOMMUNICATIONS590.45 (+5.89)
HEALTH CARE 4 10 2 16 materials, including fuels and plastics. currently in the process of raising funds for HEALTH CARE 1,754.67 (-15.00)
TRANSPORTATION 893.95 (-5.03)
Chitose aims for zero carbon emission this move.
TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 5 13 13 31 through photoautotrophic microalgae pro- In algae production on a scale of 2,000
UTILITIES 8 4 1 13 duction and through the MATSURI (mean- ha, approximately 140,000 dry tonnes of PROPERTy 684.15 (-1.29)
STRCwARR 75 102 70 247 ing “festival” in Japanese) project, which is microalgal dry-biomass per year will be pro- PLANTATION 6,714.74 (+58.02)
ACE-MKT 63 46 77 186 designed to establish a microalgae-based duced, and the production cost will be less fbMSHA 10,619.20 (+51.81)
bONd&LOAN 0 1 2 3
fbMACE 5,205.51 (-11.40)
industry replacing the petroleum-based than US$2.5 per kg biomass. (US$1=RM4.38)
ETf 2 5 1 8 industry. Further, it also aims to expand the pro-
LEAP-MKT 2 2 0 4 At the same time, the company plans to duction to over 10,000,000 ha, which is TECHNOLOGy 61.16 (-0.09)
develop diverse products used in daily life approximately 1/20 of the world’s maize-
410 416 430 1,256
from microalgae, including fuels, plastics, harvested area and will produce 700 million
foods and toiletry, in collaboration with its dry tonnes of microalgal biomass annually,
n bURSA dERIVATIVES ExCHANGE business partners. hence the production cost will potentially KUALA LUMPUR INTERbANK
Backed by the Japanese government- fall to less than US$0.5 per kg biomass. – OffER RATES: MAC 28
KUALA LUMPUR COMPOSITE INdEx fUTURES funded New Energy and Industrial Technol- Bernama
1M 2M 3M 6M 9M 12M
Anti-cartel watchdog suspects Microsoft 2.96 3.35 3.62 3.72 - 3.79
BERLIN: Germany’s anti-cartel watchdog mount significance for competition across SIbOR (S$) SIbOR (US$) HIbOR (HK$)
MAR-23 31,277 60,869 1396.0 1407.5 1385.5 1404.0 1404.0 said Tuesday it was examining if it needed markets. Such a finding would allow us to 1M – 3.19673
APR-23 27,745 30,493 1397.5 1409.0 1388.0 1405.5 1405.5 to place US giant Microsoft under close take action at an early stage and prohibit
JUN-23 96 846 1398.0 1410.0 1395.0 1407.5 1407.5 watch for any possible abuse. possible anti-competitive practices,” he 2M – 3.44476
SEP-23 20 347 1387.0 1399.0 1387.0 1398.5 1398.5
The Federal Cartel Office said it was tak- said. 3M – 3.71935
ing a first step to see if Microsoft is of The watchdog had already placed
3-MONTH KLIbOR fUTURES CLOSING: MAC 28 “paramount significance across markets”. Google and Meta—the company which 6M – 4.02446
If this is found to be the case, the action owns Facebook, WhatsApp and Insta- 12M – 4.18220
MONTH OPEN HIGH LOw SETTLE VOL OPEN could pave the way for the authorities to gram—under reinforced monitoring.
PRICE POSITION take preventive action against anti-com- Such action was made possible by the
APR-23 - - - 97.23 - -
petitive practices. amended German Competition Act, which n RINGGIT wATCH
The authority’s president Andreas came into force in January 2021, and which
MAy-23 - - - 97.23 - - Mundt noted that Microsoft has had a allows the authority to intervene earlier, The ringgit appreciated against the US dollar at the
JUN-23 - - - 97.23 - - longstanding and strong position with its particularly against huge digital compa- close Tuesday amid weakening demand for the green-
back, tracking the United States banking crisis.
SEPT-23 - - - 97.23 - -
Windows and Office products. nies.
The company has also significantly Big tech companies have been facing At 6 pm, the local note was traded at 4.3990/4030
dEC-23 - - - 97.23 - - grown its cloud services Azure and increasing scrutiny around the globe over versus the US dollar compared with Monday’s closing
rate of 4.4190/4240.
MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - -
bank Muamalat Malaysia bhd chief economist
OneDrive, as well as its Teams video con- their dominant positions as well as their
JUN-24 - - - 97.23 - - ference services. tax practices. Mohd Afzanizam Abdul Rashid said that as the ringgit
SEPT-24 - - - 97.23 - -
“More recently, the company has The EU and Britain in March opened breached its support level of RM4.4099, the next sup-
attracted attention with the integration of antitrust probes into a 2018 deal between port level is located at RM4.3297.
dEC-24 - - - 97.23 - - AI applications,” said Mundt. Google and Meta allegedly aimed at “This implies that the ringgit needs a strong cata-
MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - - “In light of this, there are good reasons cementing their dominance over the lyst to appreciate which can be none other than the
US federal Reserve (fed) taking a dovish stance in

Astro FY2023 profit falls to RM259m

JUN-25 - - - 97.23 - - to examine whether Microsoft is of para- online advertising market. –AFP
May’s federal Open Market Committee (fOMC)
SEP-25 - - - 97.23 - - meeting.
“Should the banking crisis in the US, sparked by
dEC-25 - - - 97.23 - - the Silicon Valley bank and Signature bank, be con-
MAR-25 - - - 97.23 - - tained, the ringgit could potentially be stronger than
what it is today,” he told bernama.
JUN-26 - - - 97.23 - -
KUALA LUMPUR: Astro Malaysia Holdings increase in sales of programming rights,”
Bhd’s net profit for the financial year Astro said in a filing to Bursa Malaysia. Looking ahead, Afzanizam said the market is also
SEP-26 - - - 97.23 - - ended Jan 31, 2023 fell to RM259.04 million In a separate statement, Astro group anticipating the release of US consumer confidence
dEC-26 - - - 97.23 - - from RM460.88 million registered in the chief executive officer Euan Smith said data due later today, and bank Negara Malaysia’s
(bNM) annual report wednesday, for fresh leads.
MAR-26 - - - 97.23 - - previous year after it recorded lower earn- Astro’s transformation plans have contin- Meanwhile, the ringgit traded mostly higher
JUN-27 - - - 97.23 - -
ings in the fourth quarter. ued apace this year as the group continues against a basket of major currencies.
Revenue for the year under review to put in place the structures and architec- The local note rose against the british pound to
SEP-27 - - - 97.23 - - declined to RM3.80 billion from RM4.18 ture that will define the Astro of the future. 5.4046/4095 from 5.4159/4221 at Monday’s close,
dEC-27 - - - 97.23 - - billion. “We are starting to see the benefits improved versus the Japanese yen to 3.3606/3642 from
3.3612/3653, but marginally eased vis-a-vis the euro to
MAR-27 - - - 97.23 - - For the fourth quarter ended Jan 31, from the investments in content, product,
4.7580/7623 from 4.7579/7633 previously.
2023, its net profit was down to RM54.75 connectivity, advertising, and customer
At the same time, the ringgit was traded mixed
TOTAL OPEN INTEREST : NIL CTRS TOTAL TURNOVER : NIL LOTS million from RM126.59 million recorded service, moving the company aggressively against Asean currencies.
previously, while revenue for the period into the new streaming, on-demand era,” It gained versus the Singapore dollar to
slipped 3.9 per cent to RM990.67 million he said. 3.3100/3135 from 3.3151/3191 and went up vis-a-vis the
bURSA MALAySIA dERIVATIVES ExCHANGE: MAC 28 from RM1.03 billion a year before. Smith added that customers are Philippine peso to 8.07/8.09 from 8.14/8.15 previously.
THE CRUdE PALM OIL fUTURES CLOSING (ALL PRCS ARE IN RM/MT) “Decline in the revenue for the quarter streaming more than ever on the Ultra and The local note decreased against the Thai baht to
was mainly (due to) the decrease in sub- Ulti boxes, as well as on Astro GO, with its 12.8288/8457 from 12.8236/8440 and fell against the
dEL OPEN HIGH LOw LAST VOLUME OPEN scription and advertising revenues and on-demand shows streamed rising 25 per Indonesian rupiah to 291.60/291.90 from 291.30/291.90
MONTH (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) POSIITON Monday. – bernama
merchandise sales, which were offset by an cent year-on-year to 660 million.

APR-23 3896 4013 3880 4013 688 3,761 n COCOA n ExCHANGE RATES
MAy-23 3718 3841 3690 3836 5,334 32,083
JUN-23 3600 3695 3567 3690 30,329 86,284 bEANS QUOTEd by THE MALAySIAN COCOA
JUL-23 3551 3621 3517 3615 11,763 42,637 bOARd ON TUESdAy, MAC 28 2023 SELLING bUyING bUyING
AUG-23 3535 3588 3511 3580 9,316 26,814 TT/Od TT Od
SMC 1 SMC 2 SMC 3 1 US dollar 4.4815 4.3455 4.3355
SEP-23 3525 3573 3491 3564 8,784 24,204 HIGH LOw HIGH LOw HIGH LOw HIGH LOw
1 Australian dollar 3.0030 2.8820 2.8660
OCT-23 3509 3562 3479 3555 3788 14,306 1 brunei dollar 3.3670 3.2690 3.2610
TAwAU 160 160 8250 8250 8100 8050 – –
NOV-23 3498 3553 3469 3548 2706 15,533 1 Canadian dollar 3.2780 3.1890 3.1770
dEC-23 3469 3550 3469 3550 1378 7,209 TENOM 155 155 8250 8250 8100 8050 – – 1 Euro 4.8500 4.6910 4.6710
JAN-24 3510 3552 3510 3552 1150 5,569 MUAR – – – – – – – – 1 New Zealand dollar 2.7930 2.6880 2.6720
1 Papua N Guinea Kina N/A N/A N/A
TOTAL OPEN POSITION : 264,927 CTRS JERANTUT – – – – – – – –
1 Singapore dollar 3.3670 3.2690 3.2610
TOTAL TURN OVER : 76,601 LOTS RAUb – – 8400 8400 8200 8200 – – 1 Sterling Pound 5.5200 5.3440 5.3240
MARKET TONE : HIGHER KUCHING – – 7750 7750 7600 7550 – – 1 Swiss franc 4.8840 4.7690 4.7540
100 UAE dirham 123.4500 116.9900 116.7900
SARIKEI – – 7750 7750 7600 7550 – –
MPOb PALM OIL PRICES (RM/MT): MAC 28 NOTE : PRELIMINARy PRICES UP TO 100 bangladesh Taka 4.3370 4.0660 3.8660
4.30 P.M. NT – NO TRANSACTION SIbU – – 7750 7750 7600 7550 – – 100 Chinese Renminbi 65.2000 62.7000 N/A
CPO (LOCAL dELIVEREd) 3,998.50 3,931.00 NT LOCAL MALAySIA CPO PRICE TRAdEd fIRM 100 danish Krone 66.7200 61.3800 61.1800
PK (Ex-MILL) 2,080.00 NT NT dUE TO STRONGER SOybEAN OIL PRICES ON n RUbbER 100 Hongkong dollar 57.6900 54.8000 54.6000
Rbd P. OIL (fOb) NT NT NT SUPPLy. CPO dELIVERy PRICES TRAdEd bETwEEN TONE Of MARKET: QUIET 100 Indonesian Rupiah 0.0306 0.0277 0.0227
Rbd P. OLEIN (fOb) NT NT NT RM3,920/TONNE ANd RM4,100/TONNE.
PALM KERNEL PRICE TRAdEd AT fEbRUARy SELLER’S OffER PRICE SEN/KG US CENTS/KG 100 Japanese yen 3.4270 3.3170 3.3070
Rbd P. STEARIN (fOb) NT NT NT RM2,080/TONNE. – bERNAMA 100 New Taiwan dollar 15.8000 N/A N/A
SMR CV – 876.50 / 201.95
100 Norwegian Krone 44.0200 40.4600 40.2600
SMR L – 866.50 / 199.65
dAILy ffb REfERENCE PRICE SUMMARy SMR 5 – 593.50 / 136.75
100 Pakistan Rupee 1.6100 1.5100 1.3100

by REGION (RM/TONNE) MAC 28 100 Philippine Peso N/A N/A N/A

SMR 10 – 583.50 / 134.45 100 Qatar Riyal 123.4400 117.1800 116.9800
dATE NORTH SOUTH CENTRAL EAST COAST SAbAH* SARAwAK* SMR 20 – 581.50 / 133.95 100 Saudi Riyal 120.6100 114.5000 114.3000
GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE 100 South Africa Rand 25.4000 22.9400 22.7400
RM/ 1% OER 42.02 42.57 42.43 42.10 38.15 38.71 100 Sri Lanka Rupee 1.4400 1.3000 1.1000
Note : OER - Oil Extraction Rate (Kadar Perahan Minyak) * Sandakan, Lahad datu and Tawau
CENTRIfUGEd LATEx: LOCAL PRICE (ISO 2004) SEN/KILO (wET): 100 Swedish Krona 44.6000 40.6000 40.4000
NT - No Trade ** Miri and bintulu.
SELLERS LATEx IN bULK: 514.00 100 Thai baht 13.6100 12.0700 11.6700
PH - Public Holiday
Comedy tricky
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 16

Iraq cancels TV Plaintiff says

17 Japan birth drive sparks online debate 18 Climate change threatens Asia’s water tower

as ‘you have
show for insulting Paltrow ski
tribal sheikhs
crash changed

to be careful’
his ‘essence’
BAGHDAD: Iraq’s media regulator has
ordered the cancellation of a Ramadan tel-
evision series accused of portraying the

now says Aniston

country’s tribal leaders as salacious
despots, following anger from politicians LOS ANGELES: The man suing Gwyneth
Paltrow over what he claims was a hit-and-
Paltrow sits in court during her
and local chiefs.
run ski accident on a posh US slope said
civil trial over a collision with
After only three episodes, the Commu-
the accident had changed his “essence”.
another skier. (Inset) Sanderson.
nications and Media Commission ordered
private channel UTV to stop broadcasting Terry Sanderson, a 76-year-old retired
“Al-Kasser” (“The Predator”), with the reg- optometrist, said the 2016 collision in
ulator saying in a statement Sunday it Utah had left him with four broken ribs attack, said the collision knocked him out.
would work to stop anyone “seeking to and lasting psychological damage. Asked about an email he sent to his
undermine social stability”. “I’m like living another life now,” he daughters about the crash with a Holly-
Tribal culture permeates daily life in told a court in Park City. wood celebrity with the subject line “I’m
“My interaction with my family has famous,” Sanderson said: “My head was

Iraq, particularly in the southern regions, ARIS: Jennifer Aniston said she
with the judgement of local sheikhs often wishes we could laugh more at our- been more difficult and I think.... I of scrambled.”
sought to resolve disputes – including selves, rather than having to police course... I’m desperate to be close to my “I didn’t pick my words well. I was try-
arguments over land and marital issues. every word in comedies. family and my girls. ing to add a little levity to a serious situa-
The weight of these decisions is often “Comedy has evolved, movies have “But something’s wrong with my tion and it backfired.”
trusted over those of state courts. evolved,” the “Friends” star, 54, told AFP in essence and what I bring to the table with He did not deny sending the email, but
The series had been criticised for its Paris, where her new film “Murder Mystery them. Communication is not as smooth insisted: “It’s the other personality that’s
depiction of tribal leaders as backward 2” with Adam Sandler, is set. and it’s been more difficult.” inhabiting my body right now.”
tyrants, abusive of their power and “Now it’s a little tricky because you have Sanderson is suing the “Shakespeare in Stephen Owens, representing Paltrow,
obsessed with women, with parliamentar- to be very careful, which makes it really Love” actress over the collision, which his argued that any changes in Sanderson’s
ian Mustafa Sanad describing it as “an hard for comedians, because the beauty of lawyers say caused him damage to the personality were more to do with the nat-
offence” to society in southern Iraq. comedy is that we make fun of ourselves, tune of $3.3 million. He filed the suit in ural ageing process.
Sanad, a member of Prime Minister make fun of life,” she said. 2019 and the case has taken this long to Paltrow was skiing with her children
Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s governing In the past, “you could joke about a reach court. and her partner, Brad Falchuk.
Coordination Framework bloc, released a bigot and have a laugh – that was hysteri- Paltrow has in turn countersued, for a Last week she told the court “Mr.
statement Friday calling for the cancella- cal. And it was about educating people on symbolic $1, plus legal expenses. Sanderson categorically hit me on that ski
tion of the show, saying it “harms the rep- how ridiculous people were,” she said. The actress told the trial last week that slope, and that is the truth.”
utation of our tribes”. “And now we’re not allowed to do that.” Sanderson had ploughed into the back of “I was skiing, and two skis came
UTV network, owned by the son of Aniston said the culture had changed her. between my skis, forcing my legs apart,
prominent Sunni Muslim politician dramatically since the days of “Friends” in But on Monday, Sanderson took the and then there was a body pressing
Khamis al-Khanjar, said the station had the 1990s. stand to insist that it was he who was the against me, and there was a very strange
been subject to anonymous threats and “There’s a whole generation of people, victim. grunting noise” she said.
stopped broadcasting the series. kids, who are now going back to episodes “I got hit in my back so hard and it was In his opening statement last week, Pal-
Mohammed al-Azzaoui, a spokesman of ‘Friends’ and find them offensive. right at my shoulder blades, a serious, seri- trow’s lawyer said Sanderson is “obsessed”
for UTV, confirmed the cancellation “There were things that were never ous smack. I’ve never been hit that hard, with the lawsuit, and that the case was a
despite the series having received the intentional and others... well, we should and I’m flying,” he told the jury. “meritless claim of false allegation.”
“approval” of Iraq’s actors guild. have thought it through – but I don’t think “Last thing I remember, everything was In addition to her Oscar-winning acting
Last year, Iraq’s media regulator also there was a sensitivity like there is now.” black.” career, Paltrow has forged a second career

Benin star Kidjo wins top music prize

forced UTV to suspend a satirical pro- These issues are perhaps the reason Sanderson, who before the incident marketing wellness products on her Goop
gramme after it aired an episode criticising why Hollywood is turning out far fewer had suffered vision problems and a heart website. – AFP
alleged corruption in the armed forces. comedies in recent years, which Aniston Aniston poses as she arrives for the
Activists and civil society organisations said was a tragedy. Premiere of the movie Murder
have recently expressed alarm over the “Everybody needs funny! The world Mystery 2 released by Netflix, in Paris.
increased repression of freedom of speech needs humour! We can’t take ourselves STOCKHOLM: Benin singer
by authorities in the conflict-scarred coun- too seriously. Especially in the United not too much money, and say: ‘Do what- Angelique Kidjo (pic) won one of
try. States. Everyone is far too divided,” she ever you can with that.’ Europe’s top music prizes Tuesday
In January, the interior ministry said. “And now they want us to look pretty along with Britain’s Chris Black-
announced a campaign to target “decadent For co-star Sandler, the other big awesome. We work harder on that,” he well, founder of Island Records,
content” on social media platforms like change has been the budgets, with come- said with a laugh. and Estonian composer Arvo Part.
YouTube and TikTok, which it described as dies now expected to look as good as “Murder Mystery 2” follows the hit Net- The five-times Grammy winner,
breaching Iraqi “mores and traditions”. expensive blockbusters and dramas. flix film from 2019 in which Sandler’s described by the organisers of Swe-
Some producers have been imprisoned, “You know what else has changed detective and his wife become embroiled den’s Polar Music Prize as “one of
including local TikTok personality Om about comedies? The look,” Sandler joked, in a whodunnit on holiday. the greatest singer-songwriters in
Fahad, who gained tens of thousands of pointing to his clothes. The sequel, streaming from Friday, sees international music”, sings her in
followers by uploading videos of herself the duo travel to Paris after a wealthy

Italy curator slams ‘ignorance’ in US Michelangelo row

“Remember when we used to make native Fon and Yoruba languages
dancing to pop music. – AFP comedies? They would give you a budget, friend is kidnapped. – AFP as well as in French and English.
Dubbed “Africa’s premier diva”
by Time magazine, she is best
known for her hits “Agolo” and “We
ROME: The head of the Italian museum with what was suggested, because obvi- board, confirmed that the art class “was an We”.
housing Michelangelo’s David criticised ously there is a big difference between issue, along with many others”. Blackwell founded the Island
Records label in Jamaica that went on to 1970s.
“twisted minds” who equated nudity with nudity and pornography.” But he told CNN that “we aren’t trying
sign such legendary stars as Bob Marley, The Polar Music Prize was founded in
pornography, after a US teacher was forced The director decried “a huge igno- to ban the picture”.
Cat Stevens, Roxy Music and U2. 1989 by former ABBA manager Stig Ander-
out for showing pupils the statue. rance” about history and the history of art He said David’s image was used every
Estonia’s Arvo Part, who the jury son and last year honoured Iggy Pop and
Cecilie Hollberg, director of the Accad- which, “more than anything, is quite sad”. year in the Renaissance Art class. But this
described as “the world’s most performed US songwriter Diane Warren.
emia in Florence, told AFP the row showed Florence mayor Dario Nardella, for his year, contrary to procedure, parents had
living composer”, was highlighted for his The laureates will receive their 600,000
a “huge ignorance” about art history, and part, condemned the US row as “simply not been notified in advance.
“unique compositional technique, kroner ($58,000) prize at a ceremony in
was the product of “misplaced puri- ridiculous”. While almost all the parents in the class
tintinnabuli” which he invented in the Stockholm on May 23. – AFP
tanism”. Michelangelo’s David, sculpted concerned were happy with the lesson, he
A school principal in Tallahassee, between 1501 and 1504 from a single block said, the school did receive some com-
Florida, was forced to resign last week fol- of marble, depicts the Biblical hero David, plaints.
lowing complaints that her class of 11 and who killed the giant Goliath with his sling, “We think it’s beautiful, but we are
12-year-olds was shown a picture of the and is considered an emblem of the Italian going to make sure the concept of
naked statue of David. Renaissance. parental rights is supreme in Florida and
One parent reportedly said the image “Anyone who feels disturbed by this has at our charter school,” Bishop said.
was pornographic. a serious problem with the roots of West- In a nationwide US debate, Florida
“This is absolutely astonishing because ern culture,” Hollberg said. emphasises parental rights in education a
we are talking about the icon of the Ren- She warned that “we are really losing policy driven by Governor Ron DeSantis,
aissance, Michelangelo’s David, which has our connection with our culture and his- who is forecast to run against Donald
been recognised across the world for gen- tory... to think that once in Greece, at the Trump to become the Republican Party
erations,” Hollberg said in a telephone Olympic Games, everyone was naked!” candidate for the 2024 presidential elec-
interview. The Tallahassee Classical School princi- tion.
She said the statue was hailed for its pal, Hope Carrasquilla, was told to resign “It saddens me that my time here had to
beauty and “purity”, adding: “One must or be sacked. end this way,” Carrasquilla told a local

Harry returns to court in tabloid phone hacking case

have a twisted mind to combine nudity Barney Bishop, chairman of the school newspaper, Tallahassee Democrat. – AFP

LONDON: Prince Harry returned to a Lon- document and illegally gleaned informa-
don court Tuesday for a second day of tion on Harry’s previous relationship with
hearings to see if the phone hacking law- Chelsy Davy, a jewelry designer from Zim-
suit he brought with Elton John and other babwe.
celebrities can withstand a challenge from The publisher is also alleged to have
the publisher of The Daily Mail. hired a private investigator to hack Hur-
The case is one of several brought by ley’s phone, stuck a mini-microphone on
the Duke of Sussex in his battle with the a window outside her home and bugged
press and alleges the publisher hired pri- ex-boyfriend Hugh Grant’s car to gather
vate investigators to illegally bug homes financial information, travel plans and
and cars and to record phone conversa- medical information during her preg- Test your logic skills with the Su Do Ku puzzle. The rules are simple: each of the smaller grids
tions. nancy. should contain the number 1 to 9, and in the large grid each row and column should contain the

Associated Newspapers Ltd. denies the The case is to some extent a replay of a number 1 to 9. These puzzle vary in difficulty and this is an easy one.

(Solution below)
allegations and is seeking to throw out the British phone-hacking scandal that was

‘The good
case, arguing that the claims are too old front page news a decade ago and eventu-

and rely on information they turned over ally brought down another tabloid and
in confidentiality for a 2012 probe into ended with the conviction of the former
media law breaking. Harry waves to the media as he arrives at spokesperson for then-Prime Minister
Actresses Liz Hurley and Sadie Frost, the Royal Courts Of Justice in London. David Cameron.
(Pic: AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

ideas will
and John’s husband, David Furnish, are The allegations date primarily from
also parties to the case. 1993 to 2011 but also stretch beyond 2018,
The lawsuit alleges Associated Newspa- later “concealed or covered up.” Sherborne said.

pers, which publishes The Daily Mail and Articles were falsely attributed to Associated Newspapers claims the
The Mail On Sunday, commissioned the “friends,” a family source, palace sources, information about the scandal was so
“breaking and entry into private property,” royal insider, or similar unnamed individ- widely known the subjects could have
and engaged in other unlawful acts that uals to throw subjects “off the scent” of the sued years ago.
invaded the privacy of the famous plain- true origin, Sherborne said. “It would be surprising indeed for any
tiffs. Among the allegations in court papers reasonably informed member of the pub-
Attorney David Sherborne, who repre- were that Associated Newspapers unlaw- lic, let alone a figure in the public eye, to – Quentin Tarantino
sents the prince and others, said the intru- fully obtained the birth certificate of John have been unaware of these matters,” attor-
sions were “habitual and widespread” and and Furnish’s child before they saw the ney Adrian Beltrami said in writing. – AP
‘Don’t blame women’
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 People & Places 17
OKYO: Japan’s government has
made tackling its falling birth rate a
top priority, but with few women

Japan birth drive sparks online debate

aries Mar 20 - april 19
involved in official debate on the issue,
some are making themselves heard on
social media. As an Aries, you’re a quick-thinking fire sign.
Japan recorded fewer than 800,000 While, by and large, that’s a gift, at the moment
births last year, the lowest in the country you could make swift, but unwise, decisions. The
of 125 million since records began. trick? Make those decisions, but regard them as
The prime minister has warned the an experiment more than anything meant to be
trend threatens “whether we can continue lasting. Also, importantly, ensure others realise
to function as a society”, and fresh focus you’re taking that approach.

People pay taurus apr 20 - May 20

on the issue has sparked countless articles.

a visit to
But one in particular, noting Japan has

the highest ratio in the OECD of women

Shrine, a
aged 50 who have never had children, trig- While you’d have good reason to be upset, if

gered an outpouring of responses using not seriously irritated by the abrupt and seem-

place to
the hashtag “life-long childlessness”. ingly thoughtless activities of others, ask a few

pray for a
Tomoko Okada had long felt questions. Their actions were based on facts

happy and
“ashamed” about not having children and you’re unaware of. Once you’ve learnt more

safe preg-
hesitated to click on the trending topic on about the situation and direction things are
going, you realise you should be grateful.
nancy and
Twitter initially, fearing the usual barrage

birth of a geMini May 21 - Jun 20

of criticism.
Instead, she found mostly sympathetic
and nuanced discussions, with women child, in the
explaining why they had been unable to Ningyocho One of your greatest gifts is your sense of humour.
area of
start a family or, in some cases, why they While, at times, you’re able to prevent others taking
had chosen not to. tricky situations too seriously, at the moment, you’re
“I used to strongly believe that giving the one who’d benefit from viewing certain matters
birth was the ‘normal’ thing to do,” the 47- in a more easygoing manner. This isn’t about rem-
year-old freelance writer told AFP. edying them, but instead coping with them until
She tried matchmaking services hoping everybody’s mood improves.

cancer June 21 - Jul 21

to find a partner, with no luck, and was left
feeling guilty when her dad asked for a
grandchild for Father’s Day.
Some time ago, you promised certain individu-
But posting her experiences and read-
als that if anything went wrong, you’d ‘be there’
ing those of others helped her feel “my way It has the world’s second-oldest popu- vowed policies including financial aid for erful lower house, and Kishida’s 19-minis- for them. Now they’re asking for your support.
of life is also OK”. lation after Monaco, and its relatively strict families, easier childcare access and more ter cabinet including just two women, The problem? They’re being lazy. The issues in
While many developed countries are immigration rules mean it faces growing parental leave. most of those involved in the debate are question are their fault, and they’re perfectly
struggling with low birth rates, the prob- labour shortages. But with female lawmakers accounting men. capable of dealing with them. Explain that to
lem is particularly acute in Japan.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has for fewer than 10 per cent of Japan’s pow- That has left some women feeling side- them, politely but firmly, and in detail.

leo Jul 22 - aug 22

lined, or even under attack.
“Don’t blame women for the low birth
rate,” tweeted Ayako, a 38-year-old Tokyo
resident without children, who used the Time spent with those you care about, from fam-
hashtag to call for recognition of “various ily and loved ones to valued friends, is always
choices” in life. important. At the moment, however, between
She told AFP that Japan’s traditional your own busy schedule and those of others,
gender roles are central to the problem. actually figuring out when you can get together
A 2021 government survey found that is tricky. The real problem? You’re expecting
Japanese women spend around four times them to make the changes.

virgo aug 23 - sep 22

as long on chores and childcare as men,
even with more husbands working from
Ayako is outspoken online, but said she The matters you’re currently dealing with may be
finds herself “shunned” when she speaks dull. However, they’ve been on your mind for
about gender-related issues in real life, ages and, what’s more, the fact they’re urgent
and preferred not to give her surname. means you’re able to make demands of others
“It’s hard to raise your voice in the real that previously weren’t possible. Now take things
world. I feel like women receive so much to the next level, and organise plans your way.
You’ll be glad you did.

criticism just for expressing their opin-
libra sep 23 - oct 22
ions,” she said.
On social media, however, “I’m often
surprised to find other people with the
Occasionally, you realise that as a Libra, you’ve
same views.”
a powerful need for peace and quiet. And it’s a
Yuiko Fujita, a media and gender stud-
need that not everybody understands. That being
ies professor at Meiji University, said social the case, you’re better off creating a place of
media has become a way for women in retreat, so when the time comes, there’s no ques-
particular to discuss political and societal tion where you should go. It’s a vital gift for your-
issues with less fear, often anonymously. self.
scorpio oct 23 - nov 21
Other birthrate-related hashtags, rail-
ing against mothers being “single-opera-
tor childcare services” or lamenting
rejected nursery applications, have also Last week your ruler Pluto moved into a new
gone viral. position in the heavens, and after years in the
But the outpouring has limited impact sign of Capricorn, it moved into visionary Aquar-
outside the “echo chambers” online, ius. While you may already have experienced
warned Fujita. changes in the world around you or, even more,
“Unfortunately... not many of these a major shift in your perspective on life, there’ll
voices make it beyond the community of be more, in stages.

sagitarius nov 22 - dec 20

women to reach the political arena.”
Experts believe the declining birth rate
is a complex problem with numerous
roots. Every once in a while, you realise you’ve com-
Just 2.4 percent of births in Japan are mitted unwisely to a plan or an arrangement with
outside of marriage, the lowest among the others, one that seemed exciting at the time.
OECD group of 38 countries – a figure Since then, however, changes in circumstances
often attributed to conservative norms or, possibly, your priorities require rethinking
and financial structures that favour fami- these. Forget about explanations. Once you’ve
lies. made those changes, everybody will understand
Some point to economics, arguing the exactly what you were thinking.

capricorn dec 21 - Jan 19

country’s long-stagnant growth discour-
ages couples from having babies.
Policy changes such as expanding day-
care provision can help boost birth rates, As a Capricorn, you’re cautious about the commit-
but the increase is often “temporary”, said ments you make. But, for that reason, you’re
always confident you can keep them. At the
Takumi Fujinami of the Japan Research
moment, however, you’ve run into obstacles. These
are triggered by changes in circumstances as sud-
As well as equality when it comes to
den as they are unsettling. Despite that, within days
household chores, he said, “long-term eco- you’ll recognise them as breakthroughs.

aquaris Jan 20 - feb 17

nomic stability and rising incomes are
key.” – AFP

Recent tricky situations made it clear that several

reverse engineer
arrangements you thought were going well aren’t
48. Personal journal
nearly as up to date as you thought. The problem?
49. Where people wait to get on board You trusted certain individuals with the details,
ACROSS 21. Name hidden in “white rice” 54. Take home, as a salary and their standards are far below yours. Forget
1. Food with a tortilla shell 22. Goals 55. Fuzzy kind of rug
5. Make a visit 23. “The Tell-Tale Heart” writer
about discussing this. Instead, firmly, but quietly,
56. Opposite of subtract
11. Gave a meal to 28. Houston slugger make the necessary changes.

pisces feb 18 - Mar 19

59. Like some meatless diets
14. Stench 30. Years and years and years 63. Board game with a miniature can-
15. Cyclops feature 31. Goof dlestick
16. Direction opposite WSW 32. “This ride is fun!” 64. 2021 M. Night Shyamalan thriller
17. Fortune’s partner 33. Field that includes farmland? in which people age suddenly
18. Alternative strategy, or a hint to the 36. Not too happy 65. “Present!”
Little is as exciting as knowing you’ve inspired
word whose letters progress in reverse 42. Bamboo ___ (edible sprouts) 66. Skeleton part somebody, and judging by the current planetary
through 18-, 23-, 36-, 49- and 59- 43. Practice boxing 67. 12/31: Abbr. setup, recently, you’ve done that in a number of
Across 44. Soak (up) 68. Went offstage
20. Home body? 47. Letters acknowledging a debt
situations, and in a range of settings. However,
69. Orchid support
balance is vital, which means it’s time to shift

solution to today’s
DOWN 33. French variant of “Ralph” the focus to you, and certain of your own plans

1. Miso soup cube 34. Sinus doc and passions.

Birthday Today
2. Lambert who sings with Queen 35. Name that anagrams to
3. Enters a tournament “Syria”
4. Quarry mineral 37. Like a beanpole
5. Hooded snake 38. Hula-___
6. Warning sign in a TV studio 39. Tony-winning Arthurian musical
7. Holy city in Saudi Arabia 40. Bandaged body part in a van
8. Mousy response? Gogh self-portrait Being an enthusiastic fire sign, you’ll leap on
9. College sponsored by the LDS 41. Not wet the ideas and offers indicated by your birthday
Church 44. Trample chart. Yet making the best of them means
10. “You got it!” 45. By mouth doing something that doesn’t come naturally
11. Name of Spain’s current king 46. “Don’t rain on my ___!”
12. Infatuate 48. Snoopy, e.g. to you, which is seeking the guidance of oth-
13. Like pound cake, vis-avis 50. Holiday ___ Express ers. This is partly about the unfamiliar circum-
sponge cake 51. Positive attribute stances you’re dealing with . But, it’s also
19. Ovenware vessel 52. When repeated, soothing words about taking the advice you’re given seriously.
21. Freudian concept 53. Stoned
24. Frock 57. 2021 sci-fi epic starring Zendaya It’s likely to be very different from anything
25. By ___ and bounds 58. Judge to be you had in mind, which in turn could trigger
26. Lounge around 60. Score such as 7-7 your Aries stubbornness. The secret? Be flex-
27. Initial poker bet 61. Stunt cyclist’s sport, briefly ible. Far more flexible than, otherwise, you’d
28. Leather punch 62. Type of tuna
29. Maroon 5’s “___ Will Be Loved” 63. “Big Broth even consider.
18 People & Places WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

Renoxification ups Zhao: A crypto king under pressure

atmospheric self-
cleaning capacity
PARIS: At parties, on stages and in meet- to Canada a decade later, young Zhao had
ings, Changpeng Zhao (pic), who has been to work at McDonald’s and a petrol station
charged with illegal trading in the United to help the family survive.
States, is rarely seen without his black polo This instilled “drive, grit, and initiative”
shirt, emblazoned with the insignia of his into the young man and helped to create
SCIENTISTS have shed new light on the crypto firm Binance. today’s “crypto leader”, according to the
‘self-cleaning’ capacity of the atmosphere. The humble look is vital to the myth of Binance website.
This process of self-cleaning is essential to Zhao, the boy from rural China who once Zhao’s nomadic childhood informed
remove gaseous pollutants and regulate flipped burgers for a living in Canada but his adult life, which has seen him crop up
greenhouse gases such as methane from now has a personal fortune estimated in everywhere from New York to Tokyo.
the atmosphere. the tens of billions. The official legend has it that he caught
Researchers were already aware that “I’m a small entrepreneur,” he told AFP the bitcoin bug during a conversation
By the end of the century, 84 to 97 per cent of High
the atmosphere had this ‘self-cleaning’ last year when comparing himself to Elon around a poker table, and started Binance
Mountain Asia and the Tibetan Plateau (pic) will
ability, but in a new study from the Univer- Musk, adding for good measure that he a few years later.
experience a large water storage deficit. Increased
sity York, experts have now shown a new was just a “normal guy” compared to the He quickly left China and has since
warming reduces the amount of moisture in the
process that increases the ability of the world’s richest man. hinted that he might set up Binance in
region, which causes a continual decline of water
marine atmosphere to self-cleanse. Yet Binance has cornered much of the many jurisdictions – Singapore, France,
Using a combination of aircraft and crypto-trading market. Malta, Dubai, Bahrain – without defini-
ground-based observations, scientists The 45-year-old, who founded Binance tively committing to any of them.
were able to confirm the widespread pres- in Shanghai in 2017, has emerged as the He often says he “favours good regula-
ence of nitrous oxide (HONO) in the most visible figure in crypto after his great tion over bad” and dismisses the idea of a
remote Atlantic troposphere formed by
so-called “renoxification,” whereby pho-
tolysis of aerosol nitrate returns nitrogen
oxides (NOx) and HONO to the marine
Climate change rival Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested last
year over claims he masterminded a giant
Ponzi scheme.
But Zhao’s breakneck rise has also been
dogged by controversy.
company needing headquarters as a “com-
plex issue”, before swiftly changing the
This opacity has made him a popular
figure among crypto purists, who loathe
Historically, aerosol nitrate had been His cryptocurrency exchange has long any form of regulation, and for years kept
considered a permanent sink for NOx. This
new process could increase the ability of
the atmosphere to self-cleanse on a global
Scientists say the findings, published
threatens Asia’s been accused of facilitating money laun-
dering, setting up complex structures to
avoid regulation, and busting sanctions –
claims it denies.
US regulators on Monday said Zhao
regulators from knocking too hard at his
But the whiff of scandal finally got too
much for the US Commodity Futures Trad-
ing Commission, which labelled Binance’s
in Sciences Advances, could be highly sig- had presided over years of wilful evasion compliance regime a “sham”.
nificant for atmospheric chemistry and
largely reconcile widespread uncertainty
on the importance of renoxification.
With funding from the Natural Envi-
water tower of the rules and wanted him and his com-
pany banned from trading in the US and
If the charges stick, it would be a major
The regulator accused Zhao, among
other things, of orchestrating a “secret
plot” to help VIP customers evade the law.
Apparently in response to the charges,

ronmental Research Council (NERC), sci- IBET is known as the “Water Tower of “The warming happening in the ocean wrinkle in a carefully orchestrated rags-to- Zhao indicated on Twitter that he
entists from the Wolfson Atmospheric Asia,” providing water to about 2 bil- changes how moisture originates and flows riches tale that has become intended to ignore such “attacks”.
Chemistry Laboratories (WACL) led exten- lion people and supporting critical in different parts of the world, and that will almost mythical in crypto When similar claims were made in
sive aircraft and ground-based observa- ecosystems in High Mountain Asia and the directly impact the Asian water tower.” circles. the media last year, Zhao feuded
tions in and around Cape Verde in August Tibetan Plateau, where many of the largest Using climate models to predict future Zhao’s early life in openly with journalists and
2019 and February 2020. Asian river systems originate. This region conditions combined with a model that China was scarred by accused outlets, including Reuters,
Lead author, Professor Lucy Carpenter is also one of the areas most vulnerable to tracks the source, movement and destina- hardship when his par- of peddling fake news.
said: “Importantly, the observations the compounding effects of climate tion of moisture around the globe, Pokhrel ents were sent to the Zhao’s bruising run-ins with
showed that the efficiency of renoxifica- change and human activities. Michigan and his team found that by the end of the countryside for a dose the media have seen him increas-
tion increased with relative humidity and State University researchers are identifying century, 84 to 97 per cent of High Moun- of peasant reality – a ingly champion the free speech
decreased with the concentration of policy changes that need to happen now tain Asia and the Tibetan Plateau will common punishment absolutism also favoured by Musk.
nitrate. to prepare for the future impacts projected experience a large water storage deficit. for those suspected of The Binance boss has curried
“This observation reconciled the very by climate models. Increased warming reduces the amount of having capitalist sympa- favour with Tesla CEO Musk, throw-
large discrepancies in the rates of renoxi- The rapid melting of glaciers and snow- moisture in the region, which causes a thies during the Cul- ing $500 million at the magnate’s
fication found across multiple laboratory pack due to regional temperature continual decline of water availability. tural Revolution. Twitter buyout.
and field studies. increases has caused an unprecedented “This is important because any changes After the fam- Yet Zhao told journalists in
“It was also consistent with renoxifica- decline in water availability. This creates to the water in this region — whether it is ily emigrated November last year that the
tion occurring on the surface of aerosols, cascading impacts on water, food and too little or too much water — impacts the two men had not met in
rather than within their bulk, a new and energy security. MSU researchers also have economy and livelihood of millions of person.
exciting finding with implications for how found that the warming of the northern people in nearby countries,” Pokhrel said. “He’s busy, I’m
this fundamental process is controlled Atlantic and Indian oceans is exacerbating “This can have huge global implications.” busy,” said Zhao.
and parameterised in models.” these issues, threatening water security in For Pokhrel and the team, now is the But ever
Recycling of nitrogen oxides on nitrate the region and interfering with the deli- time to act to prepare for the future. mindful of his
aerosol could have important, increasing, cate balance of water in the atmosphere “We want to know what the overarching blue-collar
and as yet unexplored implications for the and its transport. impacts of climate change are, how we can image, he
trends and distributions of atmospheric “It’s a global phenomenon,” said Yadu better understand the impacts on local added: “If

Ocean discs play key role in earth’s carbon cycle

oxidants such as tropospheric ozone, an Pokhrel, associate professor in the College communities and how we can develop we happen
important greenhouse gas. of Engineering at MSU. adaptation strategies for the future.” to be in the
same city, I
w o u l d n’ t
mind it. If
he’s a good
A RUTGERS-led team of scientists studying viously unrealized central player in viral armoured layer. drinker.” –
virus-host interactions of a globally abun- infections that can collapse phytoplank- These coccoliths are produced and then

Egyptians cling to Ramadan charity

dant, armor-plated marine algae, Emilia- ton blooms the size of some countries shed into the surrounding seawater in a
nia huxleyi, has found that the circular, within weeks. continuous cycle.
chalk plates the algae produce can act as “Coccoliths can act as catalysts for For years, the function of these coccol-
catalysts for viral infection, which has vast death, delivering viruses directly to algae iths has been poorly understood, accord-
consequences for trillions of microscopic cells for successful infection,” said Christo- ing to Bidle.
oceanic creatures and the global carbon pher Johns, a doctoral student in the Researchers believed the chalk armor
CAIRO: In a time of dire economic trouble, Egyptian city streets at sunset is the sight
cycle. Department of Marine and Coastal Sci- existed in part to protect phytoplankton
Egyptians are holding fast to the Ramadan of mawaed al-rahman, charity tables
“In a drop of seawater, there will be ences at SEBS and lead author on the study. from getting infected by viruses. And the
tradition of charity, with both donors and where strangers come to break their fast
about 1,000 to 10,000 E huxleyi cells, and E huxleyi is a one-celled species of phy- discarded, free coccoliths were commonly
those in need pinning hopes on holiday for free, sometimes hundreds at a time.
about 10 million viruses,” said Kay Bidle, a toplankton, which, like trees, performs thought of as passively drifting planktonic
generosity. Many are organised by anonymous
professor in the Department of Marine photosynthesis. In the case of phytoplank- particles with little biological or ecological
Families have buckled under the weight donors such as Fouad, a 64-year-old
and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers School of ton, they convert carbon dioxide dissolved roles.
of inflation, which hit 32.9 per cent in Feb- retired engineer, who asked to use a pseu-
Environmental and Biological Sciences in ocean water into organic compounds, But in experiments conducted in labo-
ruary as Egyptians tried to fill their shelves donym because his initiative is not a
(SEBS) and a senior author on the study. and at the same time produce oxygen. ratories on the Cook campus at Rutgers
ahead of the Islamic holy month of day- legally recognised charity.
“They’re all in a sort of arms race against “The phytoplankton in the oceans con- University-New Brunswick, Johns and
time fasting and special evening meals, This year, he and his group of friends
each other and we are studying it to see tribute about half of Earth’s oxygen, with other team members observed that the
known as iftar. who run the soup kitchen out of a local
how it plays out and impacts Earth’s car- the other half coming from land plants,” expelled coccoliths can find their way back
“Last year, we were giving out 360 iftar mosque have had to double their budget,
bon cycle.” Bidle said. “Every other breath you take is to the E. huxleyi cells, reattach, and at the
meals every day – this year, I’m not sure committing to feeding even more people
Reporting in Science Advances, the from phytoplankton.” same time ferry viral particles, facilitating
we’ll make it to 200,” said the founder of a in their community and “not just the least
researchers said they discovered, through E. huxleyi is well-known for its ability to infection. This ability to propagate and
small charity in the working-class Cairo fortunate.”
observations both in the ocean and in the biomineralise calcium carbonate, similar catalyze infection is one unexpected role
district of al-Marg. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, they have
laboratory, that the chalk (calcium car- to corals, by producing coccoliths, which of the coccoliths with important potential
Yet those meals have never been more forgone the conventional banquet table
bonate) plates, called coccoliths, are a pre- are arranged on the cell surface to form an ecosystem outcomes.
vital, the charity worker said, asking not to for a grab-and-go makeshift cafeteria.
The discovery also has an important
be named for privacy concerns. All month, the kitchen serves meals to
connection to climate change and the
For many families, Ramadan boxes of the community, including underprivileged
Earth’s carbon cycle, Bidle said. Infected E.
food staples or daily charity iftar meals, families and, increasingly, store clerks and
huxleyi cells produce a sticky glue that can
organised in droves across the country, other workers who can no longer afford a
help aggregate particles into what is called
“are their only chance to eat meat or mid-shift hot meal, saving them some 60
“marine snow.”
chicken,” she added. or 70 pounds, around two dollars.
When marine snow sinks to the deep
Even before the current economic crisis “They know their family needs that
ocean, it helps to sequester and bury car-
– worsened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine money,” Fouad said.
bon, removing it from the atmosphere for
last year, which destabilised crucial food According to the latest official figures
centuries to millennia. Coccoliths are
imports – 30 per cent of Egyptians were liv- from 2021, the average salary in Egypt is
important in this process because they are
ing under the poverty line, with the same 4,000 pounds a month, or $129.
heavier than seawater and help make par-
number vulnerable to falling into poverty, Meanwhile, the price of a kilogramme
ticles sink faster and more rapidly into the
according to the World Bank. of the cheapest subsidised local meat has
deep ocean.
In addition, surging costs of animal nearly doubled to 220 pounds, about a
By assisting in the death of the phyto-
feed have pushed the once-affordable quarter of a week’s pay.
plankton, as well as in marine snow forma-
meal of chicken out of reach for most of Savings have been slashed as the cur-
tion and sinking, the coccolith
Egypt’s nearly 105 million-strong popula- rency lost half its value in a year, and more
biominerals can ultimately have a positive
tion. and more people are struggling to make
impact on the removal of carbon dioxide
Before Ramadan began, the charities ends meet.
from the upper ocean and atmosphere,
upon which tens of millions of Egyptians With families across classes cutting
Bidle said.
depend raised the alarm that they were back on everything from grocery bills to
“This means the coccoliths facilitate the
struggling to meet more people’s needs, at schooling, charity budgets could have
process of sequestering or sinking carbon
higher costs, with dwindling donations. been the first to go.
into the deep ocean for thousands of years,
A drop of seawater (pic) contains between 1,000 to 10,000
But a focus on generosity, even and “Honestly, I had grown almost hopeless
making them important players in balanc-
E huxleyi cells (an electron microscope image, inset).

Greenland to stay in daylight saving time forever

especially in times of trouble, is baked into a couple of weeks ago, when we looked at
ing the Earth’s carbon cycle,” Bidle said.
Ramadan, “when most Egyptians give out the numbers and realised we may not be
their yearly charity, a very cherished cus- able to pull it off this year,” Fouad told AFP.
tom,” said Manal Saleh, who heads the “But those who could have doubled
Egyptian Clothing Bank. their donations from last year, because
COPENHAGEN: Residents of Greenland resolved to perennially remain only three to North America and Europe, and an Egyptians gave nearly five billion they know how important it is for us to
have switched to daylight saving time and hours behind Copenhagen and most other opportunity to slow down in a fast-paced Egyptian pounds to charity (at the time, step up in times like this.”
moved their clocks one hour forward this European countries instead of four. world,” Visit Greenland, the local govern- around $315 million) during 10 months of Saleh said that Ramadan charity is a
weekend for the very last time. Greenland’s parliament, Inatsisartut, ment’s tourism office said in a statement. donations recorded in 2021, according to tough habit to break.
Unlike most of Europe, Greenlanders voted to stick to daylight saving time year- Geographically, sparsely populated state media. “We’ve seen crises before, and people
will leave their clocks untouched come round on Nov. 24 last year. Officials say it Greenland belongs to the North American But of that, around “90 per cent” was stick together,” Saleh said.
autumn when daylight saving time ends. will give Greenlanders another hour of day- continent but geopolitically, it is in Europe. given during Ramadan, Saleh estimated, “I think that even if individuals can’t
While Europe and the U.S. debates light in the afternoons and more time to do Greenland is part the Danish Realm and who also helped found one of the coun- give as much, you’ll see more people lend-
whether to stick to the twice-yearly prac- business with Europe and farther afield. its southernmost tip is more than 3,200 try’s biggest charities, the Egyptian Food ing a hand, volunteering, making meals
tice, Greenland - a vast Danish semi-inde- “The shift of time zone marks an excit- kilometers (nearly 2,000 miles) west of Bank. for those around them, even if cash is
pendent territory in the Arctic - has ing new beginning, an equal connection Copenhagen. – AP Each day of the holy month, a staple of tight.” – AFP
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 19
Resolutions for Winding-up Ketetapan untuk Penggulungan AGREEMENT (TERM LOAN) IN THE MATTER OF ALL
(in Members’ Voluntary (dibawah Pembubaran WITH POWER OF ATTORNEY ASSIGNMENT BOTH DATED
Winding-Up Liquidation) Penggulungan Sukarela BOTH DATED 16TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2015
Registered office: LOT A7.09, Anggota) 7TH JANUARY, 2011 BETWEEN
RAZAK, 88000 KOTA KINA- [REG. NO. 196001000142
Principal trading address: LOT - ASSIGNEE/BANK
Alamat perdagangan utama: LOT SDN BHD (904542-A)
JUTAWAN EMAS SDN. BHD. In the exercise of the rights and
s INANAM 89350 KOTA KINA- [CO. NO. 839462-U] powers conferred upon the
MALAYSIA - ASSIGNOR/BORROWER Assignee/Bank under the Monies
The following written resolutions Facility Agreement and All Monies
Ketetapan bertulis berikut telah
were duly passed by the members PROCLAMATION OF SALE Deed of Assignment both dated
diluluskan dengan sewajarnya oleh
of the Company on 25 March IN EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS 16th day of February 2015 entered
ahli Syarikat pada 25 March
2023, as a special and an ordinary AND POWERS conferred upon into between the Assignee/Bank
2023, sebagai ketetapan khas dan
resolutions: and the Assignor/Customer IT IS
- Kedai Hardware, Inanam Batu 7
biasa: the Assignee/Bank under the mat-
“That the Company be wound up HEREBY PROCLAIMED that the
“Bahawa Syarikat digulung secara ter of Facility Agreement (Term
voluntarily and that LILIAN VOON sukarela dan LILIAN VOON YEN Loan) and 1st Party Deed of Assignee/Bank with the assistance
----------------------- (ORDINANCE NO. 11 OF 1961) (ORDINAN NO. 11 1961) (PINDAAN 2000)
YEN OROLFO, NRIC: Assignment together with Power of the under-mentioned Auctioneer,
OROLFO, NRIC: 720123125192
720123125192 of 112 PEARL WILL SELL THE PROPERTY
beralamat 112 PEARL TOWER of Attorney both dated 7th Janu-
CONDOMINIUM, JALAN BDC ary, 2011, it is hereby proclaimed
PHASE 10, LIKAS, 88450 KOTA that the said Assignee/Bank with
KINABALU SABAH MALAYSIA the assistance of the under men-
TIME: 09: 30 A.M.
Sila Hubungi Tel:
SABAH MALAYSIA be appointed dilantik sebagai Penyelia Syarikat tioned auctioneer, will sell the VENUE:
Pemilik dan penghuni harta berkadar adalah dimak-
Liquidator of the Company and dan dia diberi kuasa untuk bertin-
Property described below by pub- GA SPACE, No.1-1-6, 1st Floor,
that she be authorised to act.
Owners and Occupiers of rateable properties are lumkan bahawa menurut Seksyen 74 Ordinan Kera-
dak. lic auction on Wednesday, 12th Block B, Kolam Centre,
Further details contact: Maklumat lanjut hubungi: day of April, 2023 at 10.30 a.m.
hereby notified that by virtue of Section 74 of the Local jaan Tempatan, 1961, Majlis Daerah Lahad Datu
Phase 2, Hilltop, Luyang,
Julius Kong, Julius Kong, at GA Space, No. 1-1-6, 1st Floor, Jalan Lintas,
Government Ordinance, 1961, the Lahad Datu Dis- telah memberi kuasa kepada Jurunilai JS Valuers
Tel: 088 252139 Tel: 088 252139
Block B, Kolam Centre, Phase 2, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
trict Council has authorized the Valuers of JS Valuers Property Consultants (E.M.) Sdn Bhd untuk men-
Hilltop, Luyang, Jalan Lintas, IMPORTANT NOTE: Prospective
Director Pengarah 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. bidders are advised to: (i) seek
WELDER MEN Property Consultants (E.M.) Sdn Bhd to carry out a jalankan penilaian keatas hartanah berkadar termasuk
25 March 2023 25 March 2023 PARTICULARS OF PROPERTY independent legal advice on all
- With experience 5 years above Valuation on all those rateable properties inclusive of hartanah Kerajaan, Harta-Harta Khas dan Kilang
Description of Property: Lot No. matters relating to the sale includ- Government properties, Special Properties and Oil Mills Sawit dalam kawasan “Operasi” perkadaran Majlis
ing the Conditions of Sale, (ii)
RM1,800 to RM2,500
14, First Floor of a 4-storey inter-
inspect the Subject Property, (iii)
within the Operational Area of Rating Boundary in Daerah Lahad Datu dan kawasan-kawasan
mediate terrace shop/office build-
- Apprentice and below 5 years
check on the issuance of separate
ing known as Putatan Point,
experience RM1,500 to Lahad Datu District Council and any other Rateable perkadaran lain yang diarahkan oleh Majlis.
individual/strata title, (iv) conduct
Putatan, Sabah.
2016 OCI Manufacturing properties within the Rating area which are specifically Notis adalah diberi kepada pemilik dan penghuni
an official title search at the rele-
Title No.: Strata Title has not
OCI Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
vant land office, and/or other rele-
instructed by the Council. bahawa pegawai-pegawai daripada JS Valuers Prop-
been issued.
Penampang Area (No. Syarikat 597945-T )
vant authorities, (v) make the
Sdn Bhd
Presently held under Master
Please Call 016 8105979 NOTICE is hereby given to owners and occupiers of erty Consultants (E.M.) Sdn Bhd telah diberi kuasa
necessary enquiries with the
(Co. No. 597945-T ) (Penggulungan Sukarela
Title No.: Held under Block Title
rateable properties that officers from JS Valuers Prop- untuk memasuki dan ukur periksa ke dalam mana-
Developer and/or the Landowner
----------------------- Anggota)
CL265358898 (formerly held
(Members’ Voluntary
and/or State Authorities and/or Liq-
JOB VACANCY erty Consultants (E.M.) Sdn Bhd are authorized to mana juga harta berkadar pada bila-bila masa yang
under Block Title CL215358893) uidator and/or relevant bodies on
enter and survey at any reasonable hour into and upon munasabah bagi tujuan penilaian untuk maksud
in the District of Putatan, Sabah. the necessary confirmations/terms
AIRCOND TECHNICIAN Notis dengan ini diberikan,

Approximate Floor Area: of consent to the sale herein prior

- With Experience menurut Perkara 459(2) any rateable property for the purpose of such valuation kadaran berkuatkuasa mulai 20hb Mac 2023.
Notice is hereby given,
1,200 square feet (more or less). to the auction sale and (vi) conduct
- Willing to outstation Akta Syarikat 2016, bahawa with effect from 20th March 2023. Notis adalah juga diberi bahawa borang maklum-
pursuant to Article 459(2)
Mesyuarat Terakhir and rely on their own search, NOTICE is also hereby given that return forms required balas akan diberikan kepada pemilik dan penghuni
Tarlia Enterprises Sdn. Bhd. enquiries, investigations and verifi-
Area Penampang of the Companies Act
(Co. No. 81625-V). cations on the accuracy and cor-
016-8105979 anggota-anggota syarikat to be completed by owners and occupiers will be dis- untuk diisi dan dijawab. Sesiapa yang memberi mak-

2016, that the Final Meet-
s Tenure of Subject Property: rectness of the particulars and
yang dinamakan di atas tributed to the owners and occupiers to fill and answer. lumat atau kenyataan yang palsu adalah bersalah
ing of the Members of the
Assumed to be 99 years lease- information provided. Prospective
akan diadakan di KINA- Any person giving false answers or statements shall atas sesuatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum dibawah
bidder(s) is/are also advised that
above named company
no reliance may be placed on any
be guilty of an offence punishable under Section 76 of seksyen 76, Ordinan Kerajaan Tempatan 1961 yang
Encumbrances: Assigned to
statement (s) or representation (s)
Malayan Banking Berhad and
SDN. BHD. SPECIALIST CENTRE, 1ST the Local Government Ordinance, 1961 of which a mana denda adalah sebanyak lima ribu ringgit.
made in this Proclamation of Sale
LUYANG PHASE 8, 88820,
subject to all easements, leases,
fine of five thousand ringgit.
or by the Auctioneer at the auction
One-Stop Services FLOOR, LOT 19, LUYANG
tenancies, occupiers, charges,
concerning the Subject Property
Popular Management PHASE 8, 88820, KOTA Bertarikh di Lahad Datu pada 27hb Mac, 2023
caveats, previous sale and pur-
MALAYSIA pada pada 5hb
and that any prospective bidder (s)
chase, previous assignment,
Tel: 219055/216576 KINABALU, SABAH, Dated at Lahad Datu this 27 day of March, 2023
who choose (s) to rely on such
Mei 2023 jam 2.00 petang
covenants, liabilities subsisting
MALAYSIA on 5th May
statement (s) or representation (s)
B1201, 12th Floor, untuk tujuan memben-
thereon or thereover. do(es) so at his/her/their/its own
W. Merdeka Phase 2, KK 2023 at 2.00 pm for the tangkan laporan akaun di
----------------------- purposes of laying before Restriction: Bumi Lot risk. The successful bidder (s)
NOTE: Prospective bidders are
hadapan mesyuarat dan
[“The purchaser(s)”] (at
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ASIA the meeting the account
his/her/their/its own costs and
bagi memberikan apa-apa

property and check on the expenses) shall immediately upon

PLUMBING SERVICE and for giving any expla- penjelasan
issuance of subdivided title (ii) the sale undertake to apply for and
0168877738, 0178287898 nation
Ahmad seek independent legal advice on obtain the necessary confirma-
tion(s)/consent to transfer or assign
all matters in connection with the
(if any) from the Developer and/or
Pakar mengubahsuai rumah, Dated:
auction sale including the Condi-
tions of Sale herein (iii) conduct Proprietor and/or State Authorities
buat pagar, gate grill, manhole LILIAN VOON YEN OROLFO
sumbat, pasang mozek, plas-
official search at the relevant Land and/or Liquidator and/or relevant
bodies. All arrears of quit rent,
Office and/or other relevant
ter siling, pasang water pump,
assessment, and fees which are
authorities and (iv) make the nec-
lawfully due and payable to the
water heater, paip air, mem-
baiki atap bocor, tandas leak- essary enquiries with the relevant Government or local authorities (if
authorities as to whether the sale any) up to date of successful auc-
is open to all races or to
ing, paip leaking dan lain-lain VACANCY
tion sale of the Subject Property
Malaysian Citizens who are shall be paid out of the proceeds of


Bumiputra only and also on the the auction sale of the Subject
other terms of consent to the sale Property, subject to (i) the
herein prior to the auction sale. Assignee/Bank is in receipt of
1. general clerK 
An established company seeking for:
TYPISTS The Successful Purchaser shall copies of the statement which evi-
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- (Lelaki/perempuan) take to apply for and obtain the Successful Purchaser within
• Possess at least SPM or higher
SIXTY (60) DAYS from the date of
- Ada I/C
consent to transfer (if any) from
• Able to work irregular hours and on
the Developer and/or the Propri- the auction sale of the Subject

2. Mekanik Kereta
Property and (ii) the Assignee/Bank
certain public holidays
etor and/or State Authorities or
• Must be able to communicate and read English
relevant bodies. reserves the right to refuse to pay

(Ada pengalaman The property will be sold on an “as any sums of the said arrears which
is not lawfully due or time-barred
• Fresh school leavers are welcome
is where is” basis, subject to the
under Limitation Ordinance (Sabah
Reserve Price of RINGGIT
tel 019-8805558
• Teamwork spirit a must
Cap. 72). A Board of Directors’
MALAYSIA THREE HUNDRED Resolution and Written Authorisa-
• Only those who are able to start immediately
need apply. THIRTY THOUSAND tion are required where the bidder
(RM330,000.00) ONLY subject to is a company bidding through an
the Conditions of Sale and by way
• Priority for those with own transport, however
authorised person; and a Written
of an assignment from the above Authorisation is required where the
accommodation can given to those from
AN ESTABLISHED LEGAL FIRM IS LOOKING FOR A SUIT- Assignee/Bank, subject to consent bidder is acting as a proxy.
being obtained by the Successful
Purchaser from the Developer and Subject Property: Developer’s
ING LAWYER. Those interested please call 019-8819036 for relevant authorities, if any, includ- Unit No. C-46, Concourse Level,
ing all terms, conditions, stipula- Waterfront Mall held under Parent
REQUIREMENTS:- tions and covenants which were Title Town Lease 017553187, Dis-
arrangement of interview from 2pm onwards.
• Able to work independently with minimum supervision; and may be imposed by the rele- trict of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
• 3-5 years working experience in Conveyancing handling NEGERI SABAH
vant authority. Address of Property: Unit No. C-
All intending bidders are required 46, Concourse Floor, Oceanus
Sub-sale, Commercial Loans and General Conveyancing LAND ORDINANCE CAP. 68 Waterfront Mall, Jalan Tun Fuad
to deposit 10% of the Reserve
work; LAND ENQUIRY NO. 22 OF 2021 Price by BANK DRAFT OR Stephen, 88000 Kota Kinabalu,
• Good attitude and a Team player; and BETWEEN CASHIER’S ORDER ONLY in
Type of Property: A retail unit.
• Attractive remuneration including allowances will MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD [3813-K]
favour of MALAYAN BANKING Approximate Floor Area: 1,460
commensurate with working experience BERHAD prior to the sale with the
- CHARGEE under mentioned Auctioneer.
square feet (135.64 square metres)
Please send your application together with a passport size AND Any arrears of quit rent, assess-
Tenure of Subject Property:
Assumed to be 99 years leasehold
photograph to reach the following email on or before the 14th PHONG CHI KIONG [NRIC NO. 730510-12-5351] ment and fees due to the Govern- interest.
day of April, 2023. - 1ST CHARGOR ment (if any) which may be Developer: SUNSEA
lawfully due (the Assignee/Bank DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD
Email address: [email protected] CHONG PIK FONG [NRIC NO. 661119-12-5096] reserves the right to refuse to pay (210948-D).
- 2ND CHARGOR any sums not lawfully due and/or Landowner: DEWAN
those sums that are timebarred) BANDARAYA KOTA KINABALU.
Encumbrance: Assigned to
PROCLAMATION OF SALE to any relevant authority up to the
date of successful sale shall be
PURSUANT to an Order for Re-auction by the Assistant paid out of the proceeds of sale, (3813-K)
Collector of Land Revenue, Kudat (“ACLR”), made on the provided that the Assignee/Bank Reserve Price: Subject Property
application of the Chargee and dated the 30th March 2022, is in receipt of the extracted bills will be sold on an “AS IS WHERE
IS” basis subject to a reserve price
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under-mentioned from the Successful Purchaser
of RM1,300,000-00 only (RING-
within SIXTY (60) DAYS from the
land will be sold by public auction on Wednesday the 12th date of the sale. In the event such
day of April, 2023, at 9.30 a.m. at the Kudat Assistant extracted bills are not submitted
ONLY) and subject to the express
Collector of Land Revenue’s office, Kudat. within the stipulated SIXTY (60) terms and conditions of the CON-
DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND / days from the auction date, any DITIONS OF SALE and by way of
SUBLEASE REFERRED TO: subsequent claims made thereun-
der, the Assignee/Bank shall be
an Assignment from the above
Assignee/Bank and also subject to
Land Title No: CL055356833 entitled at their absolute discretion the consent being obtained by the
Tenure: 99 years commencing from 01 January 2015 and not to entertain and the same successful bidder (hereafter the
expiring on 31 December 2113 shall be borne by the Successful Purchaser) from the Developer
Area: 175.7 square metres (Approximately 1,891 square Purchaser. and/or Liquidator and/or the
Landowner, relevant authorities (if
The Balance of the Purchase
feet) Price is to be settled within applicable) including all terms, con-
Description: One (1) unit of single-storey intermediate ter- NINETY (90) DAYS from the ditions, stipulations and covenants
raced house of permanent constructions identified as “LOT date of auction sale by BANK which are and may be imposed by
the Developer and/or Liquidator
and/or the Landowner and/or rele-
drawn in favour of MALAYAN
District: District of Kudat BANKING BERHAD.
vant authorities in regard to the
Reserved Price: RM221,000.00 Prior to the commencement of the
Subject Property.
Deposit: All intending bidders are
All interested bidders are required to register with the auction sale, all bidders are required to pay a deposit which is
auctioneer appointed by the Assistant Collector of required to register with the Auc- equivalent to 10% of the fixed
Land Revenue Kudat who shall submit the following: tioneer appointed by the
Assignee/Bank and shall submit
Reserve Price for the Subject Prop-
(1) An amount equivalent to 25% of the Reserved Price;
erty by way of Bank Draft or
the following to the Auctioneer: Cashier’s Order only drawn in
(2) Board of Directors’ Resolution And Written Authorisation (1) An amount equivalent to 10% favour of MALAYAN BANKING
where the bidder is a company bidding through an autho- of the Reserve Price by Bank BERHAD, the Assignee/Bank prior
rised person. Draft or Cashier’s Order in favour to the auction sale with the under-

of Malayan Banking Berhad; mentioned Auctioneer and the bal-

(3) Written authorisation where the bidder is acting as a

(2) Board of Directors’ Resolution ance of the purchase price (90%)

PERMOHONAN NO: 2303-L1112-311-0152
& a Written Authorization where shall be settled within ninety (90)

A deposit of 25% of the Reserved Price to be paid by the bidder is a company or other days to the Assignee/Bank from
the date of the auction sale by
CASHIER’S ORDER or by BANK DRAFT to Messrs. Fer- body recognized by law as capa-
Bank Draft or Cashier’s Order
ble of purchasing and owning
nandez & Co., as agent for the Assistant Collector of Land only drawn in favour of MALAYAN
lands, bidding through an author-
Revenue Kudat immediately after the fall of the hammer BANKING BERHAD, failing which
ized person; and
and the balance of the purchase price shall be paid WITHIN
the Purchaser shall forfeit the 10%
(3) Written Authorization where deposit and pay the same
NINETY (90) days from the date of auction. Failure to pay
Semua Ahli Waris Simati Dan Sesiapa Yang Berkenaan
the bidder is acting as a proxy. absolutely to the Assignee/Bank.
the balance as stipulated above will result in FORFEITURE For further particulars, please
MUTALIP telah memohon kepada mahkamah ini pada pukul

of the deposit, time being of the essence. DEZ & ASSOCIATES, solicitors
please contact/liaise with MESSRS
9.00 pagi pada 12 haribulan APRIL tahun 2023 untuk mem-
BACHI BANTOI & CO., Solicitors
The auction and all bidders shall be SUBJECT TO the for the Assignee/Bank herein for the Assignee/Bank whose
bahagi harta pusaka simati ABDUL MUTALIP BIN KIDRI alasan

Conditions of Sale, details of which may be obtained whose address is at Lot 3, 2nd address is at 2nd Floor, Lot 53,
dan cara pembahagian yang terkandung dalam Afidavit bagi per-

from:- Floor, Fortuna Commercial Cen- Block H, Donggongon Square,

mohonan membahagi harta pusaka oleh EDA MADIHA BINTI

tre, Mile 2.5, Penampang Road, 88300 Penampang, Sabah. (Tele-

1. Messrs. Fernandez & Co.,

88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah phone No.: 088-733787 / Mobile-

Advocates & Solicitors
Harta Yang Dituntut:
[Tel. Nos.: 088-278874 / 088-288875, phone No.:016 832 4988),
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[email protected] or the
Karamunsing, 88100 Kota Kinabalu [email protected]]
or the under mentioned Auction- undermentioned Auctioneer:
Tel: 088 222 450 / 088 221 585
AMBIL PERHATIAN JUGA, jika kamu berhajat menentang
Fax: 088 538386 MEGA AUCTION HOUSE,
permohonan ini atau jika kamu mempunyai kepentingan ke atas
2. Messrs. Max Auctioneer,
Address: 13A, Taman Baginda,
harta-harta simati, kamu atau peguam syarie kamu bolehlah
Lorong Baginda 1,
Block 9, No. 6, Licensed Auctioneer
membuat semakan di mahkamah ini mengenai fakta-fakta
Off Jalan Penampang, 88300
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Difailkan oleh EDA MADIHA BINTI ABDUL MUTALIP yang alamat
20 Sport WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

Conte thanks Spurs fans

who shared his ‘passion’
LONDON: Antonio Conte has thanked Tot- “A special thought to the fans who tus, Chelsea and Inter Milan, but was
tenham Hotspur fans and all those at the always showed me support and apprecia- unable to end Tottenham’s 15-year wait to
club who shared his “passion” following his tion, it’s been unforgettable to hear them win a major trophy.
departure from the Premier League side. singing my name. Our journey together has His contract was due to expire at the end
The Italian left his position as Spurs ended, I wish you all the best for the future.” of the season.
manager “by mutual agreement” on Sun- Conte, who took over in November 2021, Following the Southampton match,
day following 16 months in charge of the will be replaced by his assistant Cristian Conte also took aim at Tottenham’s long
north London team. Stellini until the end of the season. trophy drought and pinned the blame on a
His departure came after the Italian’s The departure of Conte came with Spurs culture of repeatedly changing managers.
Conte’s contract was due to expire at the end of the season.

Man United to
extraordinary post-match rant following a fourth in the Premier League, but only two Spurs chairman Daniel Levy, however,
3-3 draw at Southampton on March 18, a points above fifth-placed Newcastle, who said Sunday: “We all need to pull together.
game in which Spurs blew a 3-1 lead, with have two games in hand in the race for Everyone has to step up to ensure the high-

play Wrexham
Conte slamming Spurs players as “selfish” Champions League qualification. est possible finish for our club and amaz-
and unable to perform under pressure. Stellini previously stood in for Conte on ing, loyal supporters.”

in San
Conte, 53, wrote on Instagram on Mon- the touchline this season when the experi- But one fans’ group, the Tottenham Hot-
day: “Football is a passion. I would like to enced manager was recovering from gall- spur Supporters’ Trust urged the board to

Diego friendly
deeply thank everyone at Spurs who appre- bladder surgery. be transparent about their strategy follow-

Rangers coach facing

ciated and shared my passion and my Conte won league titles in his previous ing a fourth consecutive season in which
intense way of living football as a coach. three spells in club management at Juven- the club have changed their manager. – AFP

probe for ‘headbutt’ on

RELOCATION NOTICE LONDON: English football giants Man-
chester United will play a non-league

Celtic women’s boss

Please be informed that Kudat Branch is now relocated to Wrexham team owned by two Hollywood
stars in a San Diego friendly on July 25, it
Wrexham co-owners Reynolds (left)
Kota Marudu Branch effective March 2023. This
was announced Monday.
and McElhenney. – Reuters photo
relocation is part of our efforts to streamline our operations This is the first match of United’s tour
and better serve our customers. of the United States, designed to help the
GLASGOW: Rangers assistant coach Craig McPherson is set to be club prepare for the 2023/24 English sea- first time in the club’s history. The match
investigated by the Scottish Football Association after appearing son. against Manchester United is sure to be a
We would like to provide the following addresses and to headbutt Celtic manager Fran Alonso in an extraordinary con- Welsh club Wrexham, who play in the memorable occasion at Snapdragon Sta-
contact information of our new Kota Marudu office and clusion to a women’s match between the bitter rivals. National League—the fifth tier of English dium, San Diego.”
warehouse:- In footage shown by Sky Sports after the finish of Monday’s football’s pyramid—have been owned The match against United is not the
Scottish Women’s Premier League fixture, McPherson seemed to since 2020 by Hollywood actors Ryan only game in the United States on Wrex-
aim a headbutt at the back of Alonso’s head as the players were Reynolds and Rob McElhenney. ham’s horizon.
shaking hands. The SFA will await the referee’s report but given This season Wrexham defied the odds Last month it was revealed Wrexham,
Harrisons Sabah Sdn. Bhd. the high-profile nature of the game—this was the first Scottish to make it to the fourth round of the who have shot to international fame
women’s game televised live by Sky Sports—an investigation now knockout FA Cup before losing to second- through a reality television series, are to
looks inevitable. tier Sheffield United in a replay. play in a one-million dollar seven-a-side
Kota Marudu Office Address: Rangers were on the brink of victory at Broadwood, the Monday’s statement said a “youth- tournament in North Carolina.
women’s team’s home ground, until Caitlin Hayes’s stoppage- focused team drawn from United’s travel- ‘The Soccer Tournament’ is a winner-
Lot 33-2A&B, 2nd Floor Block D time equaliser ensured the Glasgow clubs would share the points. takes-all competition featuring 32 teams
ling tour squad supplemented by
One Avenue Commercial Centre, Jalan WK Alonso, who has previously worked under Ronald Koeman and Academy prospects will take on Wrexham and will be played from June 1-4.
89108 Kota Marudu, Sabah. Mauricio Pochettino at Everton and Southampton respectively, AFC on 25th July, as part of a week-long Wrexham have gained a following in
General Line phone number: 088-611434 told Sky Sports he was called a “little rat” as the footage was training camp in San Diego”. the United States as a result of the series
shown to him after the match. Wrexham manager Phil Parkinson ‘Welcome to Wrexham’ which charts the

Spanish police scuffle with

“I don’t know. You can see there, somebody pushed me from added: “We’re looking forward to being fortunes of the team since Reynolds and
Kota Marudu Warehouse Address: behind,” said the 46-year-old Spaniard. able to play in the United States for the McElhenney took charge. – AFP
TGIP Block D (CL225317180), “I never talked to (McPherson) the whole game.

Peru national team in Madrid

“It’s obviously disappointing to concede a goal in the last
89108 Kota Marudu, Sabah minute, I totally get it. But I don’t know.
Warehouse phone number: 088-623125 “I was called a ‘little rat’, I don’t know why.”
Rangers women’s head coach Malky Thomson, asked about
the incident after the match, said: “Without me seeing it at all, I
don’t know that I can comment on it. “If that’s the case, then there
will be an investigation and we’ll obviously look at it.” MADRID: Spanish police scuffled with police station,” the spokeswoman added
Celtic and Rangers have dominated Scottish men’s football for Peru national football players in front of without naming the player.
decades, the Glasgow giants monopolising the domestic title for their hotel in Madrid and detained a mem- Peru’s foreign ministry said in a tweet
the best part of 40 years. ber of the squad, police and Peruvian offi- that the detained player was Peruvian
Yet it is the independent Glasgow City who lead the SWPL table cials said Tuesday. goalkeeper Pedro Gallese, who was
by six points from Celtic, with third-placed Rangers, the reigning The altercation happened when the released without being charged.
champions a further point behind. squad arrived at their hotel in Madrid on The Peruvian government has
The men’s Old Firm fixture has witnessed numerous violent Monday night where some 300 fans were demanded a “clarification” of what hap-
clashes between rival fans fuelled by religious bigotry, with waiting to greet them, a police spokes- pened from the “concerned authorities”, it
Rangers a predominately Protestant club and Celtic drawing the woman said. added. Videos shared on social media
bulk of its support from Glasgow’s Catholic community. – AFP The Peru squad are in Madrid to play a showed officers pushing and shoving the
friendly against Morocco on Tuesday night crowd gathered outside the hotel.
at Atletico Madrid’s Metropolitano sta- Among the players who can be seen in
NOTIS PROBATE AND dium. the crowd are Gallese and fellow goal-
“The supporters tried to reach the play- keeper Jose Carvallo as well as midfielder
ers and police got in the middle between Yoshimar Yotun.
(CAP. 109)
Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa TAN MING the fans and the players to avoid a crush,” Some Spanish media said some of the
ZU No. Kad Pengenalan 950514-12-5345 yang the spokeswoman said. officers failed to recognise the Peruvian

Juventus’ accounting trial

berniaga atas nama EMP O1 CAFE & BISTRO “A player hit an officer in the eye. The players and confused them with support-
telahpun membuat permohonan menjual minuman player was then detained and taken to a ers. – AFP
keras kepada Lembaga Pelesenan & Eksais, ESTATE OF:

hearing pushed back to May

Bahagian Pantai Barat Penampang bagi jenis lesen
Sebarang bantahan dari orang ramai hendaklah - DECEASED
dikemukakan kepada Lembaga Pelesenan & Eksais,
Bahagian Pantai Barat, Pejabat Daerah Penampang, All persons having
Peti Surat 320, 89507 Penampang dalam masa claims against the estate MILAN: Juventus will have to wait to see if which qualify clubs to Europe’s top club
empat belas hari (14) dari tarikh pengiklanan. of the abovementioned they and 12 other current and former club competition.
deceased who died figures will face trial for alleged financial On April 19 the country’s highest sport-
Tarikh Iklan: testate at Hospital Queen crimes after Monday’s preliminary hearing ing court will decide whether to uphold
28.03.2023 & 29.03.2023 Elizabeth 2 Kota in Turin was postponed until May. the points punishment inflicted by the
Kinabalu Sabah on 30 The hearing was set to decide whether FIGC’s appeals court. The court, based at
August 2021 are
NOTIS required to submit their
Italy’s biggest football club and individuals Italy’s Olympic Committee, will make its
claims in writing to the
including ex-chairman Andrea Agnelli and decision not on the merits but rather on
MINUMAN KERAS his former deputy Pavel Nedved would the legal legitimacy of the court’s ruling. It
under-signed not later
Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa 1. LIAU CHEN than 29 June 2023 have to defend themselves against accusa- can confirm the points deduction, accept
KIONG [761003-12-5367] 2. SOH TZE LEONG [760816- after which date the tions of a variety of accounting offences Juve’s appeal and completely cancel the
12-5511] yang berniaga dengan HI-JAU CAFE telah estate will be distributed over three Serie A seasons up to 2021. punishment or remove the points deduc-
membuat permohonan kepada Pengerusi Lembaga among the persons However a new hearing will be held on tion and send the case back to the appeals
Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian Pantai Barat Kota Kinabau,
entitled thereto subjects May 10 to decide where an eventual trial court.
Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, No. 1, Jalan Bandaran,
88675 Kota Kinabalu bagi lesen menjual minuman keras to claims received within would be held, with Juve’s legal team say- Meanwhile FIGC prosecutors are set to
PUBLIC HOUSE LICENSES 1ST CLASS di LOT 4, 1ST FLOOR, the said period. ing that as the club is listed on the Italian close by the end of March their probes into
LORONG MAWAS 1, TAMAN FOH SANG,LUYANG, 88300 stock exchange it should take place either the role of so-called “partner clubs”
KOTA KINABALU. Date : 29 March 2023 in Milan where exchange is based or Rome, involved in the suspected transfer trickery
Jika ada sebarang bantahan secaca bertulis, sila
maklumkan Pengerusi Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais
the location of its servers. and other alleged financial misdeeds
Ref : KK20200007/Ib Monday’s hearing was supposed to be including lying about their players giving
Bahagian Pantai Barat di alamat tersebut di atas dalam
tempoh 14 hari daripada tarikh notis ini dikeluarkan. the first stage in a series of off-field battles up salary payments during the Covid-19
Bantahan selepas tempoh berakhir tidak akan dilayan. [SAFTUYAH ADENAN] for Juventus who are making an unlikely pandemic.
bid for Champions League football next Uefa are also investigating Juve’s
Tarikh Iklan: Sabah
29.03.2023 & 30.03.2023
season despite being docked 15 points for finances in order to ascertain whether the
Amanah Raya Berhad
P.O. Box 10127
illicit transfer activity by the Italian Foot- Italian club misled European football’s
88801 KOTA KINABALU ball Federation (FIGC) in January. governing body when negotiating a “set-
PERMOHONAN LESEN With 11 matches remaining Juve are tlement agreement” following breaches of

Pepi strike lifts US over El Salvador

MENJUAL MINUMAN KERAS seven points off Serie A’s top four positions Financial Fair Play rules. – AFP
Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa LIM KOK
SHENG No. Kad Pengenalan 851006-12-5783
yang berniaga atas nama REEVA CAFE telahpun
membuat permohonan kepada Lembaga Pelesenan
Eksais Bahagian Pantai Barat Penampang bagi MIAMI: Second-half sub Ricardo Pepi through ball found him in the area and he
lesen RUMAH BIR KELAS SATU di LOT SH9-10-1, needed almost no time to make his pres- shook off defender Roberto Dominguez
TINGKAT 1, KEDAI TAMAN SURIA SHOP / OFFICE ence felt, delivering the game-winning and lofted a shot over Salvadoran keeper
PH. 1B, JLN. PENAMPANG LAMA, PENAMPANG. goal in the United States’ 1-0 victory over Mario Gonzalez in the 62nd minute.
El Salvador on Monday in the Concacaf Although the defending champions
Sebarang bantahan dari orang ramai hendaklah Nations League. needed only a point against El Salvador to
dikemukakan kepada Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais The Netherlands-based striker, who assure themselves of a place in the final
Bahagian Pantai Barat, Pejabat Daerah Penampang,
scored twice in a starting role in the four of the Nations League in June, Pepi
Peti Surat 320, 89507 Penampang dalam masa
empat belas hari (14) dari tarikh pengiklanan.
United States’ 7-1 thrashing of Grenada on said the win at home mattered.
Friday, came on in the 60th minute at “I think it was important for me person-
Tarikh Iklan: Exploria Stadium in Orlando, Florida. ally and for the team,” said the 20-year-old,
28.03.2023 & 29.03.2023 He’d barely had a chance to touch the who missed out on a place in the US World
ball when Weston McKennie’s crisp Cup squad last year. – AFP
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 21
22 WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3

Sabah Clubs and Kota Kinabalu Lions Ambulance Service Society (LASS) Provides
24 Hour FREE Ambulance Service. Also providing First-Aid Training
088-280200. Mon-Fri, time: 9am-5pm
D-Dash Compact Car Club Welcomes all Perodua and compact car
to the public and Mobile Health Service to the rural areas. Call: 088- owners to join in the club membership. For more info on club weekly
Non-Governmental Organisations 319699. gathering and events contact martin 019-8036019 or d-
Malaysian Red Crescent Kota Kinabalu City Chapter is providing
APRIL 29 (SATURDAY) Ambulance Services from 8pm to 6am (weekdays only), providing Sabah Government Pensioners’ Association Membership
SABAH INDIAN ASSOCIATION (SIA) has arranged for Consular Patient Transfer Services (daily), providing Basic First Aid and CPR recruitment exercise & pensioners’ problem 9.30am to 1pm (Mon
Officers from the Indian High Commission,KL, to be at SIA Hall,KK, Courses (Certificate Courses) – every 2nd week of the month and – Fri, except public holidays) at Maksak Complex, Likas. Details:
on April 29 and 30 to provide the following services: Malaysian also providing Emergency First Aid Standby Services (any events). 211282 Lucy.
Citizens of Indian origin: Facilitate applications for the OCI card. Details: 232718 (O), 232718 (Fax) or email: [email protected] Agriculture Institute of Sabah Alumni Association Membership
Indian Nationals: Applications for renewal of passports etc. Details: or [email protected] drive. Information to obtain membership forms from various district
WhatsApp Datuk Dr. G. Mohan 0198337401. Kinabalu Breast Cancer Support Association (Kinabalu Pink near you, contact Maidah 019-8414088 or Leong 019-8515893
Ribbon) Offering emotional, social & material support to women or email [email protected].
APRIL 30 (SUNDAY) with breast cancer (before/during/after treatment) and their families. Kent Teachers College Alumni Association Membership drive.
Careline: 016-8038553. Office: 216237 or Fax: 253679. FB: Membership forms are available at all district education offices in
Dementia, Know Alzheimer’s Seminar” to create awareness on Sabah. Details: Tajuddin 787581, 019-537-1178 or Eddy 016-
Alzheimer’s disease with Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu. Time: Please note that due to space constraints, 8223757.
Email: [email protected].
(am-3pm. Venue: Training Room, Level 2, Gleneagles Hospital KK. Sabah Week will only feature the immediate Sabah Mental Health Association PKJS Day Care Centre is open Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary Resources Library is free for
Details: 016-8173650 or 012-8330833. public to use. Details: 246955 or fax: 247955.
events due to take place for the next three days. to suitable candidate and it carries out several activities on
weekdays. Details: 248197. Sandakan Toastmasters Club Platform to improve effective
Regular Events The usual brief on the NGOs, voluntary
Alamesra Youth-PREP Centre Provides a place for youths to seek communication and leadership skills on every 2nd & 4th Thursdays
Sabah AZ (Sabah Alzheimer’s Disease Support Association: organisations and their activities of every month. Venue: Incorporated Society of Planters office,
assistance and support on issues such as education, relationships,
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain Taman Utama, Zone 3, Jalan Utara. Details: Alex 013-8803622 or
disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and,
will appear on Sunday. work, family and financial stability. Legal aid and counselling
services are free and are on appointment basis. Venue: Ground Jerry 012-8616743.
eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Sabah AZ Kota Kinabalu Advanced Toastmasters Club – Communication and
Floor, Lot 25, Block E, Phase 2, Alamesra, Jalan Sulaman. Opening
conducts Talks & Seminars, support, comfort families / caregivers / Sandakan Branch 089-212883, Tawau Branch 089-771172, leadership training meeting. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Hours: Weekdays 9am to 5pm. Tel: 395632 or fax: 485372.
AD sufferers. Bi-Monthly Memory Café sharing-session by Lahad Datu Branch 089-882895 or Kudat Branch 088-611088. at 7.30pm. Venue: Meeting Room 1, 1st Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan
Email: [email protected]
caregivers/carers. Details: [email protected],, Unplanned Pregnancy Careline: 088-210358. Facebook: Sabah Tuaran. Those interested are welcome to attend. Details: Irene 019-
FB:@Sabahalzheimer. Kent 019-8811030 (10am-6pm). Family Planning Association. Email: [email protected] 8211985 or Jess 0168302717.
The Sabah Australian Alumni Association (SAAA) invites all
Sabah State Administrative Centre Galleria Artisan PPNS is open Gerak Kasih Recycling Collection waste paper – newspapers, Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation KK Centre Open to all, accept
Graduates from any Australian Institutions of higher learning to join
to public from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Our gallery cardboard, boxes, magazines, books, paper bags, soft toys, children with Downs Syndrome below the age of 7. Details: Raneh
as members of SAAA. Details: Omar 019-8110125 or Khalilul 019-
boasts an array of local handicrafts from all over Sabah as well as clothing, plastic bottles, aluminium tins. Every Friday, Saturday and 219809, Fax: 219808.
8113777. Email: [email protected].
locally made Sabah Batik. All local entrepreneurs are welcome to Sunday. Time: 10am to 3pm. Venue: Rumah Titian Kasih, Lot 168, Consultancy Services & Training Centre For Consumerism,
The Kota Kinabalu AIDS Support Services Association (KASIH)
promote their products through this avenue. Come visit us: PPNS , Lot 17, Lorong Kerapu, Rumah Murah Kg Likas Phase 3, 89400 Environmental & Human Rights Seminar / talks consumer issues-
help line & free voluntary HIV screening tests, except sun & public
Menara Tun Mustapha and Sabah Handicraft Centre, Keningau. Likas. Details: Nooraisah 014-8586350 or Salina 012-8449139. your rights as consumer, how to complain and get effective results,
holidays. Office hours. Time: 9am to 5pm. Fri: 6pm to 9pm. Sat:
Details: Facebook or Sabah Natives Land Owners Association (SANLODA) is dedicated know about consumer laws, tribunal for consumer claims,
4pm to 7pm. provide confidential / free voluntary HIV screening test
Afnansyah Agimin at 088-332186 ext: 1501. to promoting optimum utilisation and preservation of native lands environmental, human rights & civil society. Except Saturday,
(rapid test) during office hours, Mon to Fri. result available 10 to
Parkinson Association of West Coast Sabah (PAWS) Conducts in Sabah. Membership Drive: Information for membership from Sunday and Public Holiday. Tel/fax: 234616 Datuk Patrick Sindu
15 minutes. Details: 712914 or email: [email protected]
monthly outdoor activities, hold regular fellowship and meetings for various districts can be obtained from Datuk Stephen 0138658333, (JP) 019-811-7369, 016-8007369 or
National Stroke Association of Malaysia Sabah Club Wisma
people with Parkinson’s disease (PWP). Carers and volunteers are Datuk George 013-851500, Petrus 0198529299 or Datuk Yusof [email protected].
Pandu Puteri, Kompleks Badan-Badan Sukarela, km 4, Jalan
welcomed to participate. The fellowship provides opportunity for PWP 012-8331950. United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation
Tuaran, KK. Centre’s opening Hours: 9am to 5pm. Mon to Fri, closed
to network, share experiences / info and also enjoys the various Malaysia Blood Donors Society Daily Blood Donation Drive. (UPKO) Offer opportunities to the public to voice their complaints
on Sat, Sun & Public holidays. Details: 261568.
complementary therapies such as body balancing, dancing, voice Inviting all NGO to collaborate and also calling members of the on various issues and offer advice to the complainants on how to
Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Association of
and music therapy, physiotherapy. Details: 016-8303888 Pat, 014- public to join its membership. Details: 012-8222779, 016- go about their grouses. Monday to Friday. Call: 721722 & 721723
Malaysia (FPMPAM) the public can obtain medical opinions,
6706118 JC or 019-8126196 James. 3551987 or 014-7342886. or
referrals or treatment for crisis intervention, detoxification, prevention
Sabah Law Society a weekly Free legal consultation and advice Sabah Cheshire Home & Asian Tourism International College Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Help available for those with
& counselling for drug abuse via
session for the public on Saturdays from 9am to 12.30pm (except Basic Pastry Skill Lesson for the physically disabled individuals alcohol related problems. Anonymity assured. Meetings in English
Special Olympics Sabah Weekly jogging exercise (so west coast).
the first Saturday of the month). Members of the public who are aged between 17 – 28. Details: 438202. Fax: 434570. every Tuesday at 8pm. Bahasa Malaysia every Thursday at 7pm.
Details: 016-8807703 or 223221. Details: 012-8039883 (ENG) or 016-8386386 (BM).
interested are advised to contact the SLS Secretariat at 088-251008 Taska Mesra Cheshire Early Education for children with physical Kota Kinabalu Falun Gong Exercise sessions every Saturday & Malaysian Ex-Police Association (Penampang Branch)
for an appointment or by email [email protected]. disabilities aged below four-years-old. Open Mon to Fri. Details: Sunday. Free of charge. All are welcome, Details: Kota Kinabalu Membership recruitment exercise and other related matters. Time:
Blood Bank Unit of Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital, Likas Sabah Cheshire Home 438202. 013-870-6558, Sandakan 089-229626, 089-229023 and Tawau 2pm to 5pm (Wednesday, Thursdays & Friday), except public
(HWKKS) Blood Donation Drive “Bah, Mari Menderma” 1 pint of School of Psychology and Social Work, UMS is offering 019-8536333. holidays. Venue: PME, 1st floor, Lot 3, Block 15, Penampang Baru
blood can save 3 lives. Urging army, RELA, police, fire brigades, Counselling Service, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy, Sensory SWEPA Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting to enhance (Protem office). Details: Joseph 016-8213013, 710557 (o) or
uniform bodies, government agencies, healthy public people, Integration Therapy and Applied Behaviour Analysis Session. The your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Time: 714557 (fax).
churches, mosques, corporate private companies with huge human services are on appointment basis. Time: 9am to 5pm. Details: 7.30pm (1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month). Venue: Swepa Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) Day Care
resources to donate generously to our SWACH. Details: 522600 Ext: Nurul Fatiha 019-8114573, 320000 Ext: 8833 or Secretariat, 2nd Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan Tuaran, KK. Details: Centre Every Thursday from 9am to 1pm at PWD 7396 & 7397,
2314. [email protected] President Dora 016-8300755 or VPPR 013-8603871. Taman Rose, Off Jalan Penampang for mobile patients who are
Heritage Toastmasters Club Learn to speak better and improve EXTOL is a non-profit youth club focusing on developing youths in The Cancer Society Of Sabah Provide services on hospice, cancer registered under our Home Care Programme. We help you to care
leadership skills in a fun and supporting environment. Meetings are stewardship and leadership. Calling on all non-Muslim parents to awareness / education, rural health project. Hotline / counselling for your loved ones. Free Home Care Support service for your family
held every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Time: 7.30pm. Venue: encourage their children between the ages of 13 to pre-university / pertaining to cancer & clinic by a lady consultant gynaecologist. members, relatives or friends who are diagnosed with advanced
6th Floor, Wisma Bandaraya. All are welcome. Details: President college to attend our meetings held every Friday. Time: 7.45pm to Details: 210377 or 222315. cancers. Referrals may be from private / government hospital or self-
Sabrina 016-8287675 or VPPR Ooi 012-4150046. 9.30pm. Venue: Agape Methodist Church, Agape Hill, Jalan The Befrienders Kota Kinabalu offers confidential emotional support referred. Details: Grace 231505 or 257507.
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society invites affiliates to join as Shantung Baru, Penampang. Details: Patrick 0109317118. to those feeling depressed and in despair which may lead to loss of KK Mandarin Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting. Time:
volunteers for its community development projects for the benefits of Pusat Jagaan Seri Murni provides counselling and support services life. Call us if you need to talk. We are here if you feel confused or
the local communities. Youths and college graduates are encouraged 7.30pm. (2nd & 4th Thursday of each month). Venue: 3rd Floor, Lot
for women / girl in situation of crisis such as unplanned pregnancies upset and need someone to talk to. We care, we listen. Call: 088- 14, Block B, Lintas Square, KK. Details: Yan 012-8023264, Chua
to apply for Free Entrepreneurship and financial planning programs and sexual gender based violence. Details: Counselling or interview 255788, 088-335793 or 0168036945 every night, 7pm to 10pm.
in order to be offered career prospects as marketing executives or, 016-8100282 or Lim 016-8302552.
019-5349044. Fama Pasar Tani Asia City variety of vegetables, fishes, sugar cane
financial advisors with a well-established financial institution through The Committee of Communication For Behavioural Impact Sabah Society For The Deaf Registration for pre-school deaf
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society. Details: Prof. Dr. Benjamin 010- juice, soya bean milk, pastries and many other food items will be
(COMBI) Lok Kawi Town, Papar invites the residents of Taman children ages 2 – 6 & hearing sibling ages 2 – 4. Language on sale. Every Wednesday & Saturday. Time: 6am to 5pm. all are
8887850. Pantai Lok Kawi to be a promoter / volunteer of COMBI committee. Development & Vocational Programme for deaf children & adults welcome. Details: Wasri 013-5555451.
Sabah Society For The Blind has moved to the 1st floor, Lot 3, Sri All are welcome. Details: Zainal 016-8450717, Hj Mataris 010- ages 8 and above. Venue: SSD premise, Jalan Khidmat, Bukit Happy Family Homes Malaysia KK we welcome volunteers to join
Damai building, Jalan Kolam, Lorong Nibung, KK on Sept 1. Monday 9488846. Padang, KK. Details: KK – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089- us in our house builds on Saturdays. Those with masonry &
to Friday 9am to 5pm. Saturday 9am to 12.30pm. Details: 250388, HANDPRINTS – Toy Library & Resource Centre is to educate, enable 219160, Keningau – Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin carpentry skills are most welcome. Details: 088-395989.
218130 or Fax: 316588. Email: [email protected]. and empower parents, so that they are able to help and guide their 622697, Lahad Datu – Asmah 089-887895. Bukit Harapan 424567.
Website: children with special needs. Thematic monthly play day on 2nd Sabah Society for the Deaf Registration for Sign Language Class. Sabata 255916.
Sheltered Workshop. Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm. Tel/ Fax: Saturday of each month. Operating hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Details: KK – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160, Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library Opening
788543. Address: Jalan Stesen Pertanian, ARC, 89207, Tuaran, Friday 2pm to 5pm. Wednesday: 7pm to 9pm. Saturday: 9.30am Keningau – Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5pm. Saturday / Sunday &
Sabah. to 2pm. Venue: Lorong Pokok Saka, Dah Yeh Villa, Off Mile 2 3/4, Datu – Asmah 089-887895. Public Holiday : Closed. Venue: Menara Tun Mustapha, Likas Bay.
Sabah Family Planning Association provides services & treatments Jalan Damai, Luyang. Tel: 016-4172298. Facebook: Sabah Women Action-Resource Group (SAWO) provides Helpline Details: 326300 Ext: 1152 or 1154. Fax: 326490.
relating to sexual reproductive health, family planning and general Email: services to support women and girls who face domestic violence, Email: [email protected] or website: Open to
health and cancer screening. Details: KK Branch 217553. [email protected]. rape, sexual harassment and other gender-based violence. Call: public.
WE D NE S D AY, MARCH 2 9 , 2 0 2 3 Sport 23

Rybakina, Sabalenka march on in Miami

MIAMI GARDENS (United States): Elena Trevisan beat former French Open win- Indian Wells but said her rapid-fire open-
Rybakina extended her winning streak to ner Jelena Ostapenko 6-3, 6-3. ing to matches in Miami had not been part
11 matches as she booked her place in the Sabalenka looked in ominous form as of any strategy.
Miami Open quarter-finals with a 6-4, 6-3 she blasted her way to victory over Krej- “It wasn’t something I was really think-
win over Belgium’s Elise Mertens on Mon- cikova, the 2021 French Open winner, 6-3, ing about. I think it just has been happen-
day while world number two Aryna 6-2. ing that way, which is nice,” she said.
Sabalenka powered past Barbora Kre- Krejcikova had ended Sabalenka’s 13- “It was kind of a weird match. I had
jcíkova in straight sets. match win streak in February in Dubai but strings of games where I was playing really
But there was agony for Canadian for- Sabalenka defeated the Czech two weeks well, then (went) a little bit off. For the
mer US Open winner Bianca Andreescu, ago at Indian Wells. most part I was able string together good
who had to be wheelchaired off court after This time Sabalenka took just 65 min- games, so that’s always a good sign,” she
suffering a left ankle injury and retiring utes to take care of business, going unbro- said.
against Ekaterina Alexandrova. ken in the match and facing just one break The American will face Anastasia
Rybakina is looking to complete the point. Potapova after the Russian beat China’s
“Sunshine Double” after her triumph in The Belarusian lost just 10 points on her Zheng Qinwen 6-4, 7-6 (7/4) to continue
Indian Wells, but she was far from serve and will start as strong favourite on her impressive run.
euphoric after her victory. Wednesday against Romanian Sorana Romanian Cirstea followed up her
“Physically I’m not the freshest, but I’m Cristea. quarter-final at Indian Wells by securing
happy that I’m managing and finding my Andreescu’s return to form was cut bru- another last eight appearance thanks to a
way. To be in a quarter-final is great and tally short when she suffered a left ankle 7-6 (7-3), 6-4, win over Czech Marketa Von-
Rybakina plays a forehand return to Mertens.
hopefully I’m going to play better,” she injury in her match against Ekaterina drousova.
said. Alexandrova. Revitalised by her Swedish coach
The Kazakh allowed Mertens to break in While attempting a return, Andreescu after a six-month break. the opening nine minutes and won the Thomas Johansson, Cirstea is enjoying a
the sixth game of the first set but then two injured the ankle, collapsing to the court In Miami she has looked very much first three games. With only 19 minutes on revival in fortunes at the age of 32 but
double faults from the Belgian allowed as she yelled in pain. back to her best with wins over Emma Rad- the clock she was 5-0 up. knows she will need to produce one of the
Rybakina to swiftly break back and then After receiving medical attention on ucanu, Maria Sakkari and Sofia Kenin. The second set was a different story performances of her life is she is to get past
she struck again to take the opening set. court she was lifted into a wheelchair and American Jessica Pegula looked com- though with Linette grabbing a 5-2 lead. Sabalenka.
The Wimbledon champion broke early taken off court in tears. fortable and in command of her game as However, she twice let set point slip on her “I know it’s going to be very tough but
in the second set and never looked back The 22-year-old, who won the US Open she beat Poland’s Magda Linette 6-1, 7-5. serve and Pegula went on to win the final I’ve been winning a lot of matches this

Cirstea credits Johansson for late career revival

and she will now face Italian Martina Tre- in 2019 but then missed all of 2020 due to World number three Pegula got off to a five games to secure victory. American swing and I have the confidence.

Tsitsipas wins
visan in the quarters. injury, returned to the circuit last April flying start - she struck seven winners in Pegula had lamented her slow starts at I know what I can play.” – AFP

after long
wait in Miami
MIAMI GARDENS thing becomes a bit more automatic,” she search of some ideas.
(United States): Sorana said. The impact wasn’t immediately evident
Cirstea (pic) reached the “You don’t think so much. Tennis is a bit in results but has been clear to see in her
quarter-finals of the more simple. When you’re struggling with performances on the “Sunshine Swing.”
MIAMI: World number three Stefanos Tsit- Miami Open for the first confidence, you’re overthinking every shot “He made me a bit more aware of every-
sipas finally got his Miami Open campaign time with victory over and you are playing in your mind at each thing. He taught me a bit of tennis IQ,” she
under way on Monday with a 6-3, 4-6, 6-4 Czech Marketa Von- point and you tend to complicate things,” said.
win over Cristian Garin while Argentine drousova on Monday as she said. But there is much more to “I think he was one of the best players
Francisco Cerendulo upset fifth-seeded she continued her unexpected late career Cirstea’s upsurge in form, after 17 years as to read the game when he was playing and
Felix Auger-Aliassime. revival. a professional, than simply self-belief. he had the best tennis IQ out there. So he’s
There were no shortage of upsets at The 32-year-old Romanian has followed Cirstea has proven the truth behind the been sharing that with me a little bit,” she
Hard Rock Stadium with 12th seeded Amer- up her run to the last eight at Indian Wells sporting cliche, that a player should never added.
ican Francis Tiafoe beaten by 59th ranked - her best ever showing at the Californian stop learning, by radically rethinking her Johansson encouraged Cirstea to forget
Italian Lorenzo Sonego in straight sets. event - with another impressive showing approach to the game under the guidance the mantra used by so many players on the
France’s Adrian Mannarino beat sev- in South Florida. of Swedish coach Thomas Johansson. tour, that the game is best played by focus-
enth-seeded Pole Hubert Hurkacz and In both tournaments she knocked out After injury cut her season short after ing on themselves. “He was a player that
American qualifier Christopher Eubanks world number four Caroline Garcia and the US Open last year, Cirstea turned to was reading his opponent very, very well.

Hogg to retire after Rugby W Cup

defeated Gregoire Barrere in straight sets. not surprisingly she is brimming with 2002 Australian Open champion and for- So he’s teaching me that also. I felt that was

Jokic leads
Tsitsipas arrived in Miami a week ago, confidence. “When you play good, every- mer world number seven Johansson in missing completely,” she said. – AFP
had a first round bye and then had a

walkover win in the second round when
Richard Gasquet pulled out with injury.

over Sixers
“It has almost felt like a vacation this LONDON: Scottish rugby star Stuart Hogg is “I’ve always wanted to finish at the top
past week, staying in Miami. I glad I got Tsitsipas celebrates to hang up his boots following the Rugby end of the game. After the tournament, a
a point against Garin.
started. It was a difficult match against an World Cup later this year, he announced on new career beckons and I will attack it in the
opponent who has played good tennis Monday, saying he felt the physical demands same manner as I play the game.”
against good opponents in the past,” said many observers to go deep in the tourna- of the sport were beyond him. Hogg made his Scotland debut during
the Greek. ment but he fell 6-3, 6-4 to Sonego in a LOS ANGELES: The Denver Nuggets contin- The full-back, who turns 31 in June, won the 2012 Six Nations and was selected for the
Tsitsipas has not be on court much in game disrupted by a second set rain delay ued their march toward the Western Con- his 100th cap for his country in the Six British and Irish Lions on three successive
recent weeks. He withdrew from Acapulco of over an hour. ference top seed Monday with a 116-111 win Nations defeat by Ireland earlier this month occasions (2013, 2017 and 2021).
due to a shoulder injury and was beaten in Mannarino, playing inventive tennis, over Philadelphia, while the Sacramento but limped off injured and missed their final His 2017 tour was cut short by a facial
his opening match at Indian Wells this beat Hurkacz 7-6 (7/5) 7-6 (7/0) but will face Kings’ hopes of ending a 16-year NBA play- game against Italy. fracture, but in 2021 he gained two Lions Test
month. a tricky test against the 26-year-old off drought remained on hold. Hogg, who signed his first professional caps against South Africa.
The rest has, however, helped Tsitsipas Eubanks who will break into the top 100 for Two-time reigning NBA Most Valuable deal with Glasgow Warriors in 2011, said a His relationship with present Scotland
to recover a little from his injury and the first time in his career thanks to his vic- Player Nikola Jokic had his 29th triple-dou- “new career beckons”. coach Gregor Townsend has not been plain
although he was not at his sharpest, he did tory over 65th ranked Barrere, who had ble of the season for Denver with 25 points, “I don’t feel my body can achieve the stan- sailing—there have been disciplinary issues
dards that I set myself for much longer,” he and he was replaced as captain last October

VLS-WMS friendly ends in a draw

enough to book his place in the fourth beaten Britain’s Cam Norrie in the previous 17 rebounds and 12 assists.
round against Karen Khachanov. said. by Jamie Ritchie. – AFP
round. But he was unhappy that the Nuggets
Tsitsipas broke at 4-4 in the third set to Eubanks trailed 6-2 in a second-set tie- let a 20-point fourth-quarter lead dwindle
make sure of his progress against the break before a rain delay of more than an to just three with 28.9 seconds remaining
Chilean, who enjoyed plenty of support hour and he won seven of the next eight against a Sixers team missing star centre
from the South Florida crowd. Khachanov points for an emotional 6-3, 7-6 (9/7) vic- Joel Embiid and playmaker James Harden.
defeated Czech Jiri Lehecka 6-2, 6-4 to reach tory. “We didn’t do a good job today,” Jokic Jinius Pandakin
the Miami last 16 for the first time. French qualifier Quentin Halys hit 15 said. “We had control of the whole game, SIPITANG: Sarawak Veteran Team (VLS) and Wira Mendulong Sipitang (WMS) team
Cerundolo was knocked out of Indian aces as he beat American Mackenzie and then in the fourth quarter, we lost drew 2-2 in a friendly football match at the Sipitang District Council (MDS) field last
Wells in straight sets by Canadian Auger- McDonald 7-6 (7/2), 6-3 to set up a fourth control. We took bad shots, we didn’t play Saturday.
Aliassime two weeks ago, but it was a very round clash with world number five Daniil defense, and that’s why they came back.” The two teams were evenly matched but VLS displayed an interesting performance

different game on the faster courts in South Medvedev. The Nuggets pushed their lead to three throughout with good coordination and accurate passing of the ball.
Florida. Halys had never won a match at ATP and a half games over Memphis atop the
The 25th-seeded Argentine was on top 1000 level prior to this tournament but has West with a fourth straight victory.
from the outset, taking the first set 6-2 and beaten Spain’s Pedro Martinez and Aus- The absence of MVP candidate Embiid
he kept his nerve to triumph 7-5 in the sec- tralian Alex de Minaur before taking out took some shine off the contest, but
ond. McDonald. “I think I’m just the same player, Philadelphia coach Doc Rivers said the
Miami is a happy hunting ground for I am just more confident, I know exactly decision to hold him out because of a sore
Cerundolo, who made a surprise run to the what I have to do on court and I am very calf was “not a hard decision for us. IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE LATE
semi-finals last year, and he relished the confident in my serve,” Halys said. “We want to get him and the whole
vocal support from his fans in the crowd. The 26-year-old said he has sharpened team healthy for the playoffs,” Rivers said.
“That was another important win for his mental approach to the game, handling The stage was set for a celebration in
me, I think I played really good from begin- better the disappointment of missing out Sacramento, but the Minnesota Timber-
ning to end,” he said. on break opportunities against McDonald wolves crashed the party with a 119-115 vic-
“It is super nice to play here, a lot of in the second set. tory over the Kings, who could have sealed
Argentinians, a lot of people, so I really “I was still very focused, very positive their first playoff berth since 2006 with a
enjoyed it. Last year was amazing, so I’m after those games. Maybe in the past I was victory. Jaden McDaniels scored 20 points
really excited to be in the round of 16 again negative with myself and I am more posi- to lead seven Minnesota players in double


and to try to keep winning,” he added. tive now, maybe that is the key,” said Halys figures as they notched a fourth straight
Exciting American Tiafoe was tipped by who is ranked 79th in the world. – AFP win and tied reigning champions Golden

Japanese boxing champ Murata retires

State for sixth in the West.
Trailing by one entering the fourth
quarter, the Timberwolves gradually AGE: 85 YEARS OLD
pulled away, a dunk by McDaniels giving
them a 114-104 lead with 3:52 to play – to
TOKYO: Japan’s former “After that, I couldn’t really find any- the dismay of the sell-out crowd at the Passed away peacefully at 11:38am on 28th March 2023 (Tuesday)
world and Olympic thing more that I wanted out of boxing,” Golden 1 Center. at KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital.
boxing champion local media quoted the 37-year-old as say- De’Aaron Fox scored 29 points and
Ryota Murata (pic) ing. Domantas Sabonis added 24 points and 10 Funeral service will be held at 9:00am on 30th March 2023 (Thursday)
announced his retire- Murata retires with a professional rebounds for the Kings, who are third in
ment Tuesday, saying record of 16-3, winning 13 by knock-out. at Fook Lu Siew Funeral Parlour (Ground Floor - Room 1E), Mile 2 Tuaran
the West and will try again this week to
he had run out of chal- He became a big star in his home end the longest active playoff drought in Road and thereafter will proceed to Nirvana Memorial Park,
lenges following his country after beating Brazil’s Esquiva Fal- any major US professional sports league. Mile 17 Off Tuaran Road for burial.
loss last year to Kazakh star Gennady cao to win gold at the London Games, Elsewhere, there was good news for the
Golovkin. becoming Japan’s first Olympic boxing slumping Dallas Mavericks, who snapped WIFE: LEE SIEW CHING
Murata became Japan’s first-ever champion since 1964. a four-game skid with a 127-104 victory CHILDREN: IN-LAWS: GRANDCHILDREN:
Olympic middleweight gold medallist at His humble, easy-going character won over the Indiana Pacers. Luka Doncic led
the 2012 London Games before turning him friends in and out of the ring, and LIM VUN CHEONG LINDA H. PUDIN JESS LIM ZII YING
the Mavs with 25 points—starting the
professional and capturing the WBA Golovkin presented him with his ring game after the NBA rescinded the techni- CAYDEN IVAN LIM CAY DEN
world title at the same weight five years gown following their match as a mark of cal foul he was assessed in a loss at Char- WENDEN IRVINE LIM WEN DEN
later. respect. lotte on Sunday, which would have been LIM VUN CHERNG ADELINE BEH AI LAN SARAH LIM SUE ER
He was back in the global spotlight Murata said he wants to become “a his 16th of the season and triggered an RYAN LIM MING YUAN
last April when he fought Golovkin in good role model” now that his career is automatic one-game suspension. LIM YE TING LIM CHUN HSIUNG CHLOE LIM YU SHYEN
Saitama, north of Tokyo, putting in a over. Doncic made the most of the reprieve,
strong performance until the man “If you’re an athlete, once your dream JESPER LIM YU HENG
adding seven rebounds and six assists –
known as “GGG” stopped him in the comes true, you lose your enthusiasm,” one of them an impressive side-armed
ninth round. he said. pass across the court to rookie Jaden Telephone contacts: 011-1600-6138 (Fook Lu Siew Funeral Parlour)
Murata told reporters in Tokyo he had “Now I want to build a career and Hardy for a three-pointer when Doncic H/P: 013-888-3378, 019-813-8801
“always thought that the Golovkin fight prove that life isn’t just about competi- himself couldn’t get a shot off in the face
would be the last one”. tion.” – AFP of a fierce double team. – AFP
Conte Rybakina,
thanks Sabalenka
Spurs fans march on
who shared in Miami
his ‘passion’ 24

Super League champs

to receive RM2.4mil
KUALA LUMPUR: The Ramalingam (pic) said a total of RM6.95 He said the MFL saw that the revenue
Super League champions million will be distributed to each club distribution system would encourage all
of this season will receive based on their performance at the end of clubs to compete fiercely to get the best
RM2.4 million in prize the season while the champions and run- position and thus receive more revenue. “It
money through the 2023- ners-up of the MFL Cup will receive is MFL’s responsibility as the governing
2025 merit-based income RM500,000 and RM250,000 respectively. body of the league to try to increase the
distribution system intro- “This merit-based income distribution sys- income of the clubs and we believe that
Ram (seated centre) with the new committee.

Ram re-elected KKDAA president

duced by the Malaysian Football League tem has already been presented to league with the cooperation of corporate compa-
(MFL). partners in a meeting with all M-League nies and broadcasting partners, the M-
The introduction of the distribution club CEOs on Feb 15. This system is seen as League can continue to be commercialised
system also allowed the top six clubs, fairer for clubs that have performed well to increase the income of the clubs,” he said.
excluding the champions, to collect more throughout the 2023 M-League season. For the record, following the impact of
than RM1 million while the bottom teams “The presentation that was made the Covid-19 pandemic, the distribution of GL Oh his new team to work even harder to
still carry a winning prize amounting to receive good reaction and they accepted income for the 2021 and 2022 seasons is KOTA KINABALU: Ram Singh has continue the association’s legacy.
RM600,000 compared to only RM250,000 the proposed income distribution based based on two areas, the first being the retained his position as Kota Kinabalu He said in a statement on Tuesday
last season. The rate of income distribu- on merit to be introduced this year,” he equal distribution of RM500,000 and District Archery Association’s (KKDAA) that it is important to further improve
tion to all 14 clubs competing this season said in an MFL statement on Tuesday. RM250,000 respectively to each Super president for a fourth consecutive term the sport that will eventually lead to
saw an increase of 96.55 per cent which is Meanwhile, MFL president Datuk Ab League and Premier League club. during its Annual General Meeting held more glory for the State and country in
RM15.675 million compared to RM7.975 Ghani Hassan said the increase in income The second principle is that only clubs recently. the future. “We are looking forward to
million distributed to the same 14 clubs in distribution to all Super League clubs this that finish in the top three of the Super Kartini Kamis also kept her deputy working closely with our State body

Is Zii Jia
2022. season is a positive sign for the develop- League and Premier League will earn addi- president seat, while Clarence Jews was (Sabah Archery Association), Youth and

Fifa to pay clubs combined RM1.5bil

MFL chief executive officer (CEO) Stuart ment of the domestic competition scene. tional prize money. – Bernama elected as the vice president. Sports Ministry, Sabah Sports Council,
Secretary general is Shiu Vay Leung Sabah Sports Board in a joint effort to

returning to
and he will be assisted by Eugenius Lo push the sport to a greater height,” he
Foh Soon with the treasurer and assis- said.
tant treasurer posts going to Stephanie He added that a few programmes will
ISTANBUL (Turkiye): Fifa will pay clubs a sated all clubs who release players for

BAM’s fold?
Chin and Elaine Van Shuk Lei respec- be implemented soon including a semi-
combined US$355 million (RM1.5 billion) the men’s World Cup and was a tively. nar to be conducted by South Korean
for sending their footballers to the 2026 key achievement of the previous MoU, The seven elected committee mem- coach Kim Hyung Tak in May, to prepare
and 2030 World Cup tournaments, the will now increase from US$209 million for bers are Richard Chong, Somphon the archers in adapting to the new for-
European Club Association (ECA) con- the 2018 and 2022 Fifa World Cup final Sararaks, Anthony Lee, Emily Lo, Charlie mat during the CPL Archery tournament
firmed Monday. tournaments to US$355 million for the Jikulis, Kenneth Chow and Renee Sew. in April, a youth development pro-
The ECA said in a statement that Fifa 2026 and 2030 tournaments,” the ECA The new committee also opted to gramme with inputs from three young
KUALA LUMPUR: Is President Gianni Infantino and ECA Chair- said. include some senior archers, experi- archers, as well as educational tours for
national men’s singles man Nasser Al-Khelaifi signed a renewed It added that the long-term deal would enced personnel and active parents into their members to some government
professional shuttler Lee Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) enable the ECA and Fifa to build on their the team in their quest to improve the agencies.
Zii Jia (pic) set to rejoin between them at the 29th ECA General close collaboration which has existed association’s performance. Meanwhile, the State Para-Archery
the Badminton Associa- Assembly in Budapest, Hungary. since the birth of the ECA 15 years ago, now Ram, who expressed his gratitude to Club is now under KKDAA as an affiliate
tion of Malaysia (BAM)? “The Club Benefits Programme, for with a new term until Dec 31, 2030. – the support and confidence given, urged member.

Maybank Golf
Rumours have been example, which has historically compen- Bernama-Anadolu
swirling that Zii Jia will rejoin BAM, more
so since BAM president Tan Sri Mohamad

C’ship returns
Norza Zakaria uploaded photographs of

him meeting the 25-year-old shuttler sev-

with women’s
eral times on his Instagram account


However, Mohamad Norza, when con-

saves a
tacted Tuesday, said the two times he met

shot from
the world number four shuttler at a restau-

rant were mere coincidences.

He also refused to comment on

whether the 2021 All England champion
KUALA LUMPUR: After a three-year hiatus,
will rejoin the national body. “For now, no
comment. I bumped into him twice, they the 2023 Maybank Golf Championship,

France survive Ireland scare, Dutch ease past Gibraltar

were not planned. Youth and Sports Min- which is sanctioned by the Ladies Profes-
ister Hannah Yeoh also wants to meet sional Golf Association (LPGA), will tee off at
him… I’m waiting to see what will be the the Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club
outcome of that meeting,” he said. (KLGCC) in Bukit Kiara, here, from Oct 26-29.
Local media recently reported that Zii Maybank Group president and chief
PARIS: France held on to beat Ireland 1-0 in over half an hour as the Netherlands over- Cologne winger Florian Kainz opened his executive officer Datuk Khairussaleh Ramli
Jia may rejoin BAM as the Road To Gold
Dublin on Monday to win their second came 10-men Gibraltar, 200th in the Fifa account for his country with 22 minutes to said the championship, offering total prize
(RTG) team, it is learned, is trying to get
Euro 2024 qualifier, while the Netherlands rankings. play before Michael Gregoritsch com- money of US$3 million (about RM13 mil-
the shuttler to return to the national gov-
eased past Gibraltar 3-0. Atletico Madrid forward Memphis pleted the comeback with two minutes to lion), is set to be contested by 78 profes-
erning body. sional women golfers, with 10 slots set aside
Mohamad Norza, who is also Olympic Right-back Benjamin Pavard pounced Depay opened the scoring in the first half go.
for Malaysian and Southeast Asian golfers.
Council of Malaysia (OCM) president, with half an hour remaining at a sold-out with a towering header before veteran Real Madrid’s David Alaba came off the
He said the championship this year,
confirmed that an official meeting with Lansdowne Road before two superb Mike Liam Walker was shown a red card the bench after 46 minutes after Gregoritsch
themed “Retake the Green”, reflects May-
the shuttler, who hails from Alor Setar, Maignan saves in the final two minutes. other side of the break. has missed a first half penalty. “I’ve had bank’s confidence in the women golfers to
Kedah, would be held through the With 30 seconds to play in Dublin, AC Oranje captain Virgil van Dijk enough of rollercoaster rides,” Gregoritsch show their true potential by turning on the
RTG programme, which is jointly chaired Milan’s Maignan, who has succeeded for- bemoaned a lack of goals at De Kuip from told broadcasters ORF. style on the greens.
by him and Yeoh. “We will see his (Zii mer captain Hugo Lloris as Les Bleus’ goal- his team, who lost heavily to France in “I also have to apologise to the team for “Women’s golf has a great following
Jia’s) requirements,” he said briefly. – keeper, tipped over team-mate Jules their Group B opener on Friday. “You score letting them worry for so long,” he added.

MP’s views
worldwide, especially in this region and, if
Bernama Kounde’s panicked header. three goals, but you have to score many Dominik Szoboszlai superb free-kick we look at the LPGA, some of the most
From the resulting corner Maignan more,” van Dijk said. “This is a game where set Hungary on their way to a 3-0 success famous golfers are from Asia, including

taken out of
saved the visitors’ skin as he made a similar you can hardly ever get it right. You have over Bulgaria as they started their cam- Malaysia’s Kelly Tan. That is why, if possible,
save from Nathan Collins’ powerful effort. to win 10-0, so to speak,” he added. paign clinically. I want all the top-ranked players to compete
“Mike’s stop allowed us to stay in the In Group F, Sweden bounced back from Elsewhere in Group G, Dusan Vlahovic’s in this championship.

context: BAM
match and claim a clean sheet, so I’m a heavy opening defeat to Belgium by double were more than enough as Serbia “We, however, are still retaining the
going to say that he’s the man of the hammering Azerbaijan 5-0 in Solna. Emile beat Montenegro 2-0 in only their third championship name because we already
match,” Bayern Munich’s Pavard told tele- Forsberg, Viktor Gyokeres, Jesper Karlsson meeting since Montenegro declared inde- have a collaboration with the LPGA, so
vision channel TF1. “I had the chance to and Anthony Elanga netted for the hosts pendence in 2006. surely everyone knows it is a women’s cham-
play, it was successful, I scored, even if a and Bahlul Mustafazade scored an own In Group E, the Czech Republic were pionship. The collaboration with the LPGA
KUALA LUMPUR: The Badminton Associa- defender’s main objective is to defend goal. held 0-0 by lowly Moldova as Karol Swider- will be for at least three years,” he told
tion of Malaysia (BAM) said the issues well,” he added. Austria avoided an upset at home to ski scored his ninth goal in 21 internation- reporters, here, Tuesday.
raised by Bandar Kuching Member of Par- In Rotterdam, Manchester City centre- beat Estonia 2-1 despite trailing after 25 als as Poland beat Albania 1-0 after losing Also present at the launch of the cham-

Mitsuki can win a medal: Coach

liament Dr Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen regarding back Nathan Ake scored twice in a little minutes from a Rauno Sappinen effort. to the Czechs on Friday. – AFP pionship were Youth and Sports Minister
it’s training structure, has been resolved. Hannah Yeoh, Maybank Group chairman
The national badminton governing
Tan Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, LPGA’s
body in a statement said, Dr Yii had con- Chief Business Officer Asia Sean Pyun and
tacted BAM President Tan Sri Mohamad KLGCC president Tun Musa Hitam.
Norza Zakaria to seek an explanation Meanwhile, Hannah, who launched the
KUALA LUMPUR: National tennis coach deputy chef de mission Datuk Shalin Zulk-
about BAM’s training programme. “YB (Dr Zulkhairi Mohd Khir believes that ifli visited the national tennis team train-
2023 Maybank Golf Championship, is confi-
Yii) clarified that his views were taken out dent that the international-level tourna-
teenager Mitsuki Leong is capable of win- ing camp at the Jalan Duta Tennis Complex
of context. He was only giving advice to a ment will provide a platform for national
ning a medal at the 2023 Cambodia SEA in Bukit Tunku, Tuesday.
few parents with regards to their chil- women golfers to showcase their talent and
Games based on his impressive perform- Earlier, Tennis Malaysia named the five
help boost the country’s economic develop-

National rugby team eye top four

dren’s future. ance in several tournaments. men and three women who will carry
“Following their discussion today (yes- ment.– Bernama
The coach said the 19-year-old, who is Malaysia’s challenge at the Cambodia SEA
terday) Tan Sri Norza and Dr Kelvin con- competing in the March 27-April 2 Interna- Games. They are Mitsuki, Koay Hao Sheng,
sider the matter resolved,” according to tional Tennis Federation (ITF) Mysuru Imran Daniel Abd Hazli, S. Darrshan and
BAM’s statement posted on social media Open in India, is on the right track to col- Christian Andre (men); as well as Saw Jo
on Monday night. lect ITF points to ensure a favourable pas- Leen, Shihomi Leong and Lim Sze Xuan
On Monday, DayakDaily news portal sage at the May 5-17 biennial Games in (women). KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia are hoping to here, Tuesday. A total of 18 players have
reported that Dr Yii warned children and Phnom Penh. “I feel that Mitsuki’s game is Imran Daniel, who will be making his go one better in the men’s 7s rugby com- been shortlisted under the National Sports
parents to think twice before pursuing at a very good level now. When we were in second appearance in the SEA Games after petition at the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Council (NSC) and MR Podium Pro-
their badminton dream with BAM, claim- Lucknow, India, he made it to the third the previous Hanoi edition in Vietnam, Games in China after finishing fifth at the gramme for the Hangzhou Asiad from
ing that many senior and junior shuttlers round and he also reached the quarter- has been putting in the hard yards in the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang edition. Sept 23-Oct 8 and the Asia Rugby Sevens
received termination for non-perfor- finals in Jakarta in January. hope of doing better this time. “I hope the squad, comprising experi- Series.
mance. He was quoted as saying that, “So, Mitsuki can help the men’s team “I feel that my performance is good… enced players and newcomers, will con- The national team, also known as
those who chose to stop the training pro- bag a bronze and, judging by his perform- just that didn’t get the opportunity to tinue to have a high spirit of Bunga Raya (Hibiscus), will also be com-
gramme with BAM, would have to pay ance, if he can reach the men’s singles compete overseas to test myself. But that competitiveness at the international level,” peting in the South East Asia 7s in Singa-
RM30,000 in compensation, which he said semi-finals or final, Insya-Allah, he can hasn’t stopped me from using the time Malaysia Rugby (MR) president Datuk pore on April 7-8 and in Thailand on May
doesn’t protect the interest of the players. bring home a medal too,” he said. available to train and become better,” he Shahrul Zaman Yahya said after the con- 13-14 as part of their preparations for the
– Bernama He said this after 2023 SEA Games said. – Bernama tract signing ceremony with the players, Hangzhou Asiad. – Bernama

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Imsak Subuh Zohor Asar MaghribIsyak
KK/Pantai Barat 4.59 5.09 12.24 3.28 6.28 7.37
Sungguh Sandakan Timur 4.52 5.02 12.16 3.20 6.20 7.29
Sandakan Barat 4.56 5.06 12.21 3.23 6.24 7.33
Tawau Timur 4.49 4.59 12.14 3.16 6.17 7.26
Suami isteri
Tawau Barat 4.53 5.03 12.17 3.18 6.21 7.30
Aku Rindu
Kudat 4.55 5.05 12.20 3.26 6.24 7.34
dapur gas
Pedalaman Atas 4.57 5.07 12.22 3.25 6.26 7.35
Pedalaman Bawah 5.01 5.11 12.25 3.28 6.29 7.38
Lelaki dipercayai tidur atas Penyerang sekolah Kristian kisah luka

PM cadang badan
jalan, maut dilanggar > 2 Nashville dikenal pasti > 5 >6

Belanjawan 2023 Anwar bebas siasat aduan,

salah laku badan
lulus selepas bacaan akhir KUALA LUMPUR: Perdana Menteri Datuk
Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah meminta

Kunjungan perpisahan
Peguam Negara (AGC) untuk mengkaji
semula cadangan agar diwujudkan badan
KUALA LUMPUR: Rang Undang-Undang Mulai 13 Mac, perbahasan peringkat bebas dalam mengambil tindakan dan
(RUU) Perbekalan (Belanjawan) 2023 jawatankuasa mengenai Bajet 2023 menyiasat semua aduan, tuduhan dan
pentadbiran Perdana Menteri Anwar diteruskan selama 10 hari, dengan dua salah laku membabitkan semua badan
Ibrahim diluluskan untuk peringkat atau tiga kementerian menyampaikan penguatkuasaan.
jawatankuasa di Dewan Rakyat pada ucapan penggulungan mereka selepas Beliau berkata ini bagi memastikan
Selasa melalui undi suara. Ahli Parlimen bercakap selama lima badan penguatkuasaan yang terlibat
Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan minit setiap satu. dalam kes salah laku tidak menyiasat
Rakyat Alice Lau membuat undi suara Oktober lepas, menteri kewangan sendiri secara dalaman mana-mana kes
selepas perbahasan belanjawan ketika itu Tengku Datuk Seri Tengku atau aduan diterima membabitkan
kementerian terakhir, iaitu Kementerian Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz memben- pegawai atau anggota mereka.
Pendidikan Tinggi diikuti Kementerian tangkan Belanjawan 2023 berjumlah Perdana Menteri berkata ini meli-
Pendidikan, diluluskan untuk peringkat RM372.3 bilion. batkan badan penguatkuasaan seperti
jawatankuasa. Bagaimanapun, ia tidak pernah dilu- Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), Jabatan Kas-
Sejurus itu, Timbalan Menteri Kewan- luskan kerana sejurus selepas itu, Parli- tam Diraja Malaysia, Jabatan Imigresen
gan Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan memben- men dibubarkan untuk Pilihan Raya dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah
tangkan Belanjawan 2023 untuk bacaan Umum Ke-15 pada 19 Nov. Malaysia (SPRM).
ketiga dan terakhir. Ini memaksa kerajaan Anwar mem- “Saya telah minta Peguam Negara kaji
Selepas jelas suara “setuju” oleh ahli bentangkan belanjawan baharu selepas semula cadangan awal supaya ada
parlimen yang hadir, Lau kemudian berkuasa pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-15. mekanisme untuk semua badan pen-
mengumumkan belanjawan tersebut Pada 20 Disember tahun lepas, Anwar guatkuasaan kalau ada pertuduhan khas
diluluskan. membentangkan “bajet mini” melalui terhadap pegawai SPRM, Imigresen, polis,
KETUA Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor menerima kunjungan perpisahan daripada
RUU tersebut, yang merupakan Rang Undang-Undang Kumpulan Wang kastam, maka ada badan bebas,
Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah Datuk Idris Abdullah di pejabatnya di Menara Kinabalu,
belanjawan pertama pentadbiran Disatukan (Perbelanjaan Masuk Akaun) (mungkin) dalam bentuk suruhanjaya,
di sini, Selasa. Idris menjadi ketua Kontinjen Polis Sabah pada September 2021,
Anwar, dibahaskan di peringkat 2022 untuk memberi kerajaan RM107.72 belum pasti.
menggantikan Datuk Hazani Ghazali. Bersama Idris dalam kunjungan hormat itu
jawatankuasa selama 10 hari, bermula 13 bilion dan memastikan tiada perkhid- “Sudah ada arahan kepada Peguam
adalah Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah Datuk Jauteh Dikun.

Sabah catat pelaburan

Mac lalu. matan terganggu sehingga Belanjawan Negara untuk kemuka cadangan supaya
Belanjawan tersebut dibentang 2023 diluluskan. badan penguat kuasa ini tidak menyiasat
Anwar, yang juga menteri kewangan, Ia meliputi, antara lain, pembayaran sendiri, tapi ada badan lain yang bebas

RM11.5 bilion tahun lepas

pada 24 Februari lalu dengan perun- gaji penjawat awam, utiliti, biasiswa, menyiasat, perkara ini saya rasa tidak
tukan sebanyak RM386.14 bilion - tert- bantuan kebajikan serta perkhidmatan begitu sukar kerana ada cadangan awal,”
inggi dalam sejarah negara. pendidikan dan kesihatan, selain perun- katanya.
Belanjawan kali ini juga menyediakan tukan untuk memastikan projek yang Beliau berkata demikian pada Waktu
peruntukan pembangunan tertinggi sedang berjalan diteruskan. Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan Menteri di Dewan
iaitu sebanyak RM99 bilion, Mulai 29 Mac dan seterusnya, Parli- Rakyat, Selasa bagi menjawab soalan tam-
merangkumi suku daripada keselu- men akan disambung semula dengan bahan Gobind Singh Deo (PH-
ruhan belanjawan. hal ehwal kerajaan dan Rang Undang- KUALA LUMPUR: Negeri Sabah men- Selain itu, Tengku Zafrul berkata projek
catatkan pelaburan sebanyak RM11.5 bil- berprofil tinggi bernilai lebih RM100 juta Damansara) berhubung langkah kerajaan

Kes denggi meningkat 400 peratus

Belanjawan 2023 lulus di peringkat undang, serta Rang Undang-undang dalam memastikan siasatan dibuat ter-
dasar pada 9 Mac lalu. Ahli Persendirian. ion dalam pelbagai sektor ekonomi pada adalah terutamanya dalam sektor produk
tahun 2022, Dewan Negara diberitahu petroleum, produk mineral bukan logam hadap pegawai agensi pengkuatkuasaan
pada Isnin. dan peralatan pengangkutan. seperti SPRM, dibuat secara bebas.
Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa Sementara itu, beliau berkata kemente- Anwar berkata cadangan penubuhan
dan Industri Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul riannya menerusi Lembaga Pembangunan badan bebas berkenaan ketika ini dilihat
KUALA LUMPUR: Mesyuarat Jawatan- berkenaan turut bersetuju mewujudkan Tengku Abdul Aziz berkata ia melibatkan Pelaburan Malaysia (MIDA) komited wajar kerana ia lebih menyeluruh dan
kuasa Kabinet Menangani Denggi diak- High Level Committee Menangani 89 buah projek dan bakal menjana 4,566 untuk menarik FDI ke Malaysia, termasuk boleh mengambil tindakan terhadap
tifkan semula susulan berlaku Denggi di peringkat negeri untuk dise- jumlah peluang pekerjaan. di negeri Sabah, khususnya bagi industri- semua aduan membabitkan badan
peningkatan lebih 400 peratus kes laraskan di peringkat daerah, mukim dan “Daripada jumlah keseluruhan pelabu- industri yang disasarkan. pengkuatkuasaan.
denggi pada tahun ini, kata Timbalan kawasan kampung atau perumahan yang ran tersebut, sebanyak RM9.2 billion “Dalam hal ini, MIDA sentiasa beker- “Bila timbul isu Suruhanjaya Bebas
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad dikenal pasti sebagai hotspot bagi men- merupakan pelaburan langsung asing jasama secara strategik dengan semua Aduan dan Salah Laku Polis (IPCMC) yang
Zahid Hamidi. gatasi permasalahan kes denggi. (FDI) manakala RM2.3 billion adalah agensi pelaburan di peringkat negeri dan dipertikai polis ialah mengapa dituju
Beliau berkata sehingga 25 Mac lepas, Dalam pada itu, Ahmad Zahid turut pelaburan langsung domestik. Koridor Ekonomi dalam menarik pelabu- khusus untuk mereka padahal permasala-
sebanyak 26,222 kes denggi telah dila- yakin Kerajaan Perpaduan mampu men- “Sektor perkilangan merupakan ran. MIDA sentiasa bekerjasama dengan han itu harus melibatkan semua agensi
porkan berbanding 8,124 kes bagi tempoh capai matlamat sifar denggi menjelang penyumbang terbesar sebanyak RM8.4 bil- Kementerian Pembangunan Perindustrian penguatkuasaan,” katanya.
sama tahun lepas manakala jumlah akhir penggal pentadbiran kerajaan itu. ion atau 72.9 peratus manakala sektor dan Keusahawanan (MIDE Sabah) dan Dalam pada itu menjawab soalan asal
kematian akibat komplikasi demam Beliau berkata ini kerana Kerajaan Per- utama menyumbang RM1.6 bilion dan Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Ekonomi Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin (PN-Masjid
denggi turut meningkat iaitu 17 kes paduan sentiasa mengambil berat menye- sektor perkhidmatan sebanyak RM1.5 bil- dan Pelaburan Sabah (SEDIA) di dalam Tanah), Anwar berkata undang-undang
berbanding empat kes bagi tempoh yang lesaikan masalah denggi dengan ion,” katanya, menjawab soalan tambahan misi pelaburan dan perdagangan untuk sedia ada menjamin kebebasan SPRM
sama. melaksanakan beberapa kaedah pencega- Senator Datuk Noraini Idris mengenai mempromosikan peluang-peluang dalam menjalankan siasatan dan tidak ter-
“Maka, bagi menyelesaikan isu ini, kita han yang proaktif untuk mencapai matla- jumlah pelaburan ekonomi negeri Sabah pelaburan yang terdapat di negeri Sabah,” takluk di bawah arahan Perdana Menteri.

21 notis dikeluarkan terhadap peniaga Bazar Ramadan

akan libatkan pertubuhan bukan kera- mat berkenaan secepat mungkin. – bagi 2022 serta sektor yang terlibat. katanya. – Bernama “Sebab itu, bila saya ambil alih saya
jaan (NGO) dan doktor sukarelawan Bernama memilih untuk tidak menukar Ketua
untuk turun secara berjadual dan bukan- Pesuruhjaya SPRM yang dilantik Pagoh
nya berkala ke kawasan tumpuan penye- untuk tidak menimbulkan persepsi

sherell Jeffrey
baran nyamuk Aedes di daerah atau bahawa seorang Perdana Menteri akan
lokasi tertentu. melantik seorang ketua SPRM yang
“Untuk itu, kita tidak akan menggu- KOTA KINABALU: Sebanyak 21 notis baharu, sebab itu saya kekalkan,” katanya.
nakan kaedah memohon peruntukan dikeluarkan terhadap peniaga Bazar Terdahulu, Mas Ermieyati meminta Per-
tambahan tetapi sebaliknya menggu- Ramadan sepanjang Ops Ramadan yang dana Menteri menyatakan kesediaan ker-
nakan beberapa pendekatan bagi tang- dijalankan oleh Jabatan Kesihatan ajaan melaksanakan syor daripada
gungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) seperti Negeri di seluruh Sabah sejak 27 Mac Transparency International Malaysia (TI-
memobilisasikan aset NADMA (Agensi lalu. M) supaya SPRM diletakkan di bawah
Pengurusan Bencana Negara) di luar Notis dikeluarkan di Kota Kinabalu, bidang kuasa Parlimen dan bukan lagi di
musim banjir untuk membawa peralatan Papar, Tawau, Kudat dan Sandakan, di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri bagi
bagi operasi (denggi) yang dilakukan,” bawah Seksyen 32B Akta Makanan 1983 memastikan proses semak dan imbang
katanya. lebih telus.
atas kesalahan termasuk gagal memakai
Ahmad Zahid berkata demikian pada Anwar berkata beliau tidak mempun-
apron, kuku jari panjang, tiada sijil kur-
sidang media selepas mempengerusikan yai masalah untuk mempertimbangkan
sus pengendali makanan, tiada suntikan syor TI-M tersebut, namun penelitian ter-
Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kabinet Menan-
vaksin tifoid, antara lain. hadap syor itu mesti dibuat secara
gani Denggi di Bangunan Parlimen, di
“Pasukan kami juga mengumpul menyeluruh dari semua aspek dan meli-
sini, Selasa yang turut dihadiri Menteri
empat sampel makanan sejak Isnin,” batkan semua pihak.
Kesihatan Dr Zaliha Mustafa.
Mengulas lanjut, Ahmad Zahid kata Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Datuk “Kita juga tentulah sebaik ada perkem-
berkata antara pencegahan yang telah Dr Rose Nani Mudin pada sidang media bangan syor ini harus dikemukakan
dilaksanakan dan akan disebar luas selepas kunjungan Ops Ramadan di kepada Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parli-
adalah kaedah penggunaan BioGel iaitu Bazar Ramadan Lintasan Deasoka, di men untuk meneliti supaya keupayaan

DR ROSE (kedua dari kanan) dan pasukannya bergambar dengan

manik hidrogel bagi memerangkap dan sini, Selasa. SPRM akan dapat ditingkatkan dan tidak

sepanduk menunjukkan kod QR untuk pengguna menyalurkan aduan.

membunuh nyamuk Aedes. Operasi itu dijalankan Penguatkuasa ada kekangan dan campur tangan yang
“Begitu juga dengan melakukan satu Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah bertu- dibimbangi akan menjejaskan usaha
kaedah nyamuk (yang disuntik bakteria) juan memastikan peniaga Bazar pelaksanaan membanteras rasuah,”
wolbachia bagi melawan nyamuk Aedes. Ramadan mematuhi prosedur pengen- bazar menyalurkan aduan mengenai laman web Sistem Pengurusan Aduan katanya.
Ini adalah satu kaedah baharu secara dalian makanan dan kebersihan premis kebersihan pengendalian makanan Awam Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Katanya, untuk memperkukuh
puratanya lebih murah,” katanya. perniagaan. melalui medium ini. di kedudukan, SPRM dipantau lima badan
Beliau berkata perbelanjaan keselu- “Ini perlu untuk mengekalkan keber- Kod QR boleh dilihat dalam sepan- / pemantau bebas iaitu Jawatankuasa Khas
ruhan bagi menangani kes denggi adalah sihan dan keselamatan makanan yang duk yang diletakkan di Bazar Ramadan Dr Rose mengingatkan orang ramai Mengenai Rasuah (JKMR), Lembaga
sekitar RM240 juta setahun, namun pen- dijual kepada pengguna,” kata Dr Rose. di seluruh negeri. supaya bijak memilih makanan sihat Penasihat Pencegahan Rasuah (LPPR),
dekatan kerajaan ialah untuk menggu- Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri turut mem- Selain itu, aduan juga boleh diajukan dan premis makanan bersih. Jawatankuasa Aduan (JKA), Panel Penila-
nakan 1/8 daripada peruntukan tersebut. perkenalkan penggunaan kod QR di melalui Aduan Talian Kesihatan Sabah “Kesihatan anda dan keluarga adalah ian Operasi (PPO), Panel Perundingan dan
Selain itu, katanya, jawatankuasa Bazar Ramadan untuk pengunjung melalui WhatsApp ke 019-860 2929 dan tanggungjawab anda,” katanya. Pencegahan Rasuah (PPPR). – Bernama
2 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I RAB U, 2 9 MAC, 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
Kanak-kanak tanpa kerakyatan

Selesai proses permohonan

kewarganegaraan mereka: MP
MASIDI (keenam dari kanan) menerima cenderahati

‘Pelabur domestik juga penting’

daripada Lee semasa kunjungan hormat itu.
Winnie Kasmir berpisah, anak-anak mereka hanya negara dari RM363.9 juta pada 2022
SANDAKAN: Kementer- memiliki surat beranak sahaja. kepada RM387.8 juta bagi 2023.
ian Dalam Negeri “Lebih memburukkan keadaan lagi Justeru , beliau mahu kementerian
(KDN) digesa untuk apabila anak-anak ini sudah dewasa mengatasi segera dua isu tersebut kerana
menyelesaikan proses mereka tidak dapat membuat kad penge- perkara ini telah berlanjutan sekian lama.
permohonan kewar- nalan kerana mereka tiada rekod rawatan Dalam masa sama, Suhaimi turut
KOTA KINABALU: Menteri Kewangan Datuk bersama, Datuk Lee Swi Heng, di sini,
ganegaraan bagi di klinik kerajaan,” katanya. membangkitkan isu bekalan air di
Seri Masidi Manjun berharap penganjur Selasa.
kanak-kanak tanpa ker- Beliau berkata demikian semasa Per- pangsapuri PDRM Sandakan di Batu 4,
Ekspo Antarabangsa Sabah 2023 (SIE2023) Dalam pertemuan itu, Masidi diberi tak-
akyatan di Sabah. bahasan Peringkat Jawatankuasa Sandakan. akan memberi tumpuan lebih kepada limat mengenai agenda dan program yang
Ahli Parlimen Libaran Datuk Suhaimi Kementerian Dalam Negeri di Dewan “Maklumat yang saya perolehi menge- pelaburan langsung domestik (DDI) dan sedang dirancang untuk SIE2023, termasuk
Nasir turut meminta KDN menyelesaikan Rakyat, Isnin lalu. nai isu ini adalah, sistem perpaipan di bukan hanya pelaburan langsung asing Bicara Makan Tengah Hari Perniagaan
isu penduduk Malaysia yang sudah Suhaimi menjelaskan antara sebab perumahan ini telah berkarat. Sekiranya (FDI). Antarabangsa Sabah 2023 (SIBLT2023), yang
bermastautin di negara ini tetapi permo- anak-anak ini tidak mendapat rawatan di air ini digunakan untuk minum ia sangat Beliau juga menggalakkan mereka mana beliau dijemput untuk menjadi mod-
honan mereka masih belum mendapat fasiliti kesihatan kerajaan adalah kerana tidak baik untuk kesihatan,” katanya. untuk berusaha sedaya upaya tahun ini, erator.
kelulusan taraf kewarganegaraan. jarak rumah mereka yang jauh dan Suhaimi mahu perkara tersebut diberi memandangkan Sabah menyambut 60 Lee, yang juga Pengerusi Dewan Pernia-
Suhaimi membangkitkan isu taraf memerlukan kos tinggi untuk pergi men- perhatian sewajarnya oleh pihak tahun kemerdekaan serta pembentukan gaan dan Industri Antarabangsa Malaysia
kewarganegaraan berkenaan kerana dapatkan rawatan. kementerian kerana ia boleh menje- Persekutuan Malaysia. Sabah (MICCI), mengucapkan terima kasih
perkara itu turut berlaku di beberapa “Lebih menyedihkan lagi, apabila kad jaskan keselamatan dan kesihatan SIE2023 adalah saluran bagi bagi untuk kepada Masidi atas sokongannya terhadap
tempat di kawasan parlimennya terma- pengenalan ini tidak dapat dibuat anak- anggota polis yang menetap di situ. warga antarabangsa dan rakyat Malaysia SIE2023 dan atas pandangan serta ideanya.
suk Kampung Pulau Nunuyan, Kampung anak ini sukar untuk melanjutkan pela- Beliau turut bertanya, daripada perun- untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang apa “Kami percaya Masidi, sebagai Menteri
Pulau Libaran, dan Kampung Semawang. jaran di sekolah. Mereka terpaksa tukan RM44.8 juta bagi 2023 ini, berapa yang Sabah telah capai dan apa yang Kewangan dengan pengalaman dan penge-
“Punca utama permasalahan ini membayar yuran yang mahal sekiranya jumlah yang diperuntukkan bagi menye- ditawarkan oleh Negeri ini, katanya. tahuannya yang amat luas, adalah tokoh
adalah terdapat sebilangan pasangan ibu mahu meneruskan persekolahan,” lesaikan isu sistem perpaipan di kawasan “Saya juga berharap SIE2023 akan mem- terbaik untuk menjadi moderator
atau bapa yang berkahwin dengan pasan- katanya. perumahan polis ini, serta adakah terda- berikan lebih tumpuan kepada DDI dan SIBLT2023 dan mampu menjadikan sesi itu
gan bukan warganegara. Selain itu, Suhaimi menyambut baik pat sebarang jaminan bahawa isu ini bukan hanya FDI untuk terus membina sangat menarik,” kata Lee.

KKD perkasa
“Apabila pasangan ibu atau bapa ini peningkatan peruntukan pendaftaran akan diselesaikan segera. ekonomi Sabah, dan akhirnya SIE2023 akan diadakan dari 22-24 Sept
meningkatkan KDNK dan hasil negeri,” dan SIBLT2023 pada 21 Sept di Pusat Kon-

strategi tangani
katanya, ketika menerima kunjungan hor- vensyen Antarabangsa Sabah (SICC), yang

Jumlah kes usahawan bankrap

mat daripada jawatankuasa penganjur turut menampilkan penceramah Datuk Seri
SIE2023 yang diketuai pengerusi penganjur Anifah Aman dan Tan Sri Andrew Sheng.

berita palsu
AZDY dan

menurun tahun lepas: Ewon

di gudang.
Kementerian Komu-
nikasi dan Digital KUALA LUMPUR: Jumlah kes kebankrapan
(KKD) mem- yang direkodkan pada tahun lepas menu-

Bekalan gula Sandakan stabil: KPDN

perkasakan per- run kepada 5,695 berbanding 6,554 kes
anan dan pada 2021, kata Menteri Pembangunan
strateginya untuk Usahawan Dan Koperasi Datuk Ewon
menangani berita Benedick.
palsu. Menurutnya, ia susulan pindaan perun-
Mardinah Jikur beli gula dengan sewajarnya dan tidak
Menteri Sains, tukan perenggan 5(1)(a) Akta Insolvensi
SANDAKAN: Bekalan gula pasir di San- perlu panik agar semua mendapat 1967 (Akta 360) melalui Akta Insolvensi
bekalan dengan sebaiknya,” katanya. Teknologi dan Inovasi, Datuk Dr Mohd
dakan masih stabil. (Pindaan) 2020 (Akta A1624) yang Hashim (PN-Pendang) mengenai langkah
“Segera lapor kepada pihak KPDN seki- Arifin Mohd Arif berkata pihaknya
Ketua Cawangan Pejabat Kementerian menaikkan nilai had minimum keber- jangka panjang bagi mengurangkan
ranya orang ramai mengalami masalah mengambil perhatian serius terhadap
Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara hutangan kepada RM100,000. kadar kebankrap dalam kalangan usa-
bekalan gula dan barang keperluan yang penularan berita palsu yang mampu
Hidup (KPDN) Sandakan, Azdy Zukkry “Sebagai usaha membantu mengu- hawan Bumiputera serta meningkatkan
lain,” katanya dalam kenyataan, di sini, menggugat keharmonian serta perpad-
John berkata, menerusi pemantauan rangkan kadar kebankrapan dalam kalan- kemampanan golongan terbabit.
Selasa. Beliau turut menjelaskan bahawa uan dalam masyarakat.
gudang di Sandakan pada Selasa, bekalan gan usahawan, kerajaan telah Ewon berkata pada masa sama, Jabatan
bekalan gula seterusnya akan sampai “Kita mengambil perhatian serius
gula juga telah sampai pada Isnin. memperkenalkan Perkiraan Sukarela (Vol- Insolvensi (MdI) melaksanakan program
bulan depan. berhubung perkara ini, dan untuk
Susulan itu, bekalan sebanyak 238.08 untary Arrangement) dalam Akta 360 seperti MdL Prihatin dan penyebaran mak-
Sebelum ini, orang ramai mendakwa mendepani berita palsu, kita perlu
tan metrik gula itu juga telah mula yang mula berkuat kuasa pada 6 Okt 2017. lumat di media sosial untuk mewujudkan
sukar mendapatkan bekalan gula, namun perkasakan kaedah penyampaian berita
diedarkan kepada peniaga pada pagi “Penghutang boleh memohon perintah kesedaran masyarakat berhubung isu

Halal: Majlis bawa banyak manfaat

Selasa. KPDN daerah memberi jaminan bekalan interim daripada mahkamah untuk peng- muflis.
itu mencukupi. “Apabila kita menyebut berita sahih gantungan prosiding kebankrapan Bermula 1 Mac lepas, beliau berkata
“Nasihat saya kepada semua pengguna,
sudah pastilah tunjangnya adalah sementara rundingan diadakan antara kerajaan melaksanakan inisiatif untuk
Jabatan Penerangan (JaPen), Jabatan penghutang dengan pemiutang melepaskan individu yang bankrap bagi
Penyiaran (RTM) serta agensi-agensi di berhubung pelan cadangan bayaran balik kategori hutang berskala kecil iaitu jum-
bawah KKD. hutang,” katanya pada sesi soal jawab di lah tuntutan hutang yang diperakukan
Clarence Dol halal, Isnin lalu. “Demikian juga dengan program pen- Dewan Rakyat, Selasa. dengan jumlah RM500,000 dan ke bawah

97 peratus kontrak DNB diperolehi

KOTA KINABALU: Cadangan penubuhan Dr Jeffrey berkata penubuhan majlis itu jelasan isu yang berkaitan dengan Sabah, Beliau menjawab soalan Datuk Awang dengan bersyarat. – Bernama
Majlis Pembangunan Industri Halal di di Sabah dan Sarawak adalah wajar bagi penerangan tentang dasar-dasar kera-
Sabah dan Sarawak akan memberi banyak memudahkan proses pengeluaran lesen

secara bidaan kompetitif: Fahmi

jaan dan kita juga fokus dengan peranan
manfaat kepada industri kecil dan seder- kerana kedua-dua wilayah itu sangat jauh yang dimainkan JaPen kepada
hana daripada komuniti nelayan dan usa- dari ibu negara. masyarakat,” jelasnya.
hawan. Beliau mengulas cadangan itu ketika Arifin yang juga Exco Komunikasi
Pengerusi Korporasi Kemajuan menghadiri mesyuarat pertama Majlis Pem-
mendedahkan, beliau akan mengadakan
Perikanan Dan Nelayan Sabah (Ko- bangunan Industri Halal 2023 bagi pihak
mesyuarat bersama jabatan serta agensi SEHINGGA Disember tahun lalu sebanyak ran yang tidak tersedia ada dan hanya
Nelayan), Kong Soon Choi berkata kerajaan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor di
di bawah KKD untuk menyelaraskan 215 kontrak dengan nilai keseluruhan boleh diperoleh daripada syarikat global
pusat perlu meneliti perkara itu bagi mem- bangunan Parlimen, Khamis lalu.
Sementara itu, Kong turut berpendapat
semua program serta aktiviti kementer- RM7.8 billion telah ditandatangani oleh berkepakaran sesuai,” katanya sesi soal
bolehkan kerajaan negeri mengeluarkan
nelayan di Sabah akan menerima kesan ian itu di Sabah. Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) dengan 97 jawab di Dewan Rakyat di sini, Selasa.
lesen halal, yang memudahkan semua per-
pendapatan lebih tinggi sekiranya lebih “Kita akan mengadakan perbincan- peratus (138 kontrak) daripada nilai Beliau menjawab pertanyaan Datuk
ingkat pengusaha produk halal di Sabah
ramai peniaga tempatan mempunyai lesen gan dan mesyuarat selanjutnya bersama keseluruhan kontrak, diperoleh secara Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad (PH-Kuala
dan Sarawak untuk memohon.
“Saya melihat keperluan untuk Kerajaan halal untuk berniaga. jabatan serta agensi di bawah KKD bidaan kompetitif (tender terhad). Selangor) mengenai kesediaan men-
Pusat mempercepatkan penurunan kuasa Beliau berkata, pada masa ini beberapa berhubung dengan program serta aktiv- Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital guatkuasakan perolehan secara tender
kepada kerajaan Sabah dan Sarawak untuk produk koperasi akan dieksport ke luar iti JaPen, RTM dan agensi-agensi lain Fahmi Fadzil berkata sebanyak tiga pera- termasuk projek pelancaran 5G yang dit-
mengeluarkan sendiri lesen halal,” katanya. Sabah, termasuk mencari peruncit dan sesuai dengan amanah yang diberikan tus lagi atau 77 kontrak telah dianuger- erajui DNB yang mengundang pelbagai
Beliau mengulas saranan Datuk Seri Dr bergantung kepada beberapa usahawan kepada saya sebagai Exco Komunikasi ahkan secara rundingan terus yang kontroversi sejak dilancarkan.
Jeffrey Kitingan supaya kerajaan di Borneo terlatih dari Ko-Nelayan untuk tujuan Sabah. dibuat pada 2021, ketika DNB baru Katanya, kerajaan tidak bercadang
diberi kuasa untuk mengeluarkan lesen pemasaran. “Dalam kunjungan hormat saya ditubuhkan dengan matlamat melak- untuk membuka semula kontrak yang
kepada Menteri KKD baru-baru ini, saya sanakan rangkaian 5G dalam jangka telah dimeterai dengan DNB sebagai
telah membawa beberapa permohonan masa yang singkat. menghormati prinsip ‘sanctity of con-
berhubung dengan keperluan-keperluan “DNB baru ditubuhkan pada 2021 den- tract’, namun memberi jaminan bahawa
di Negeri Sabah termasuk liputan jalur gan matlamat melaksanakan rangkaian semua kontrak berhubung perkara itu
5G dalam jangka masa yang singkat. pada masa depan akan dilaksanakan
Ketika itu, DNB memerlukan set kemahi- secara tender terbuka. – Bernama
“Kita menyasarkan liputan penuh

menjelang 2024 dan kita berharap Sabah

mayat mangsa
akan menerima prasarana dan perun-

yang tersepit.
tukan yang disediakan oleh KKD,” ujar
Beliau berkata demikian menerima

Lelaki dipercayai tidur

kunjungan hormat Pengarah Peneran-
gan Sabah, Jainisah Mohd Noor yang
diiringi Timbalannya, Supian Musa serta

atas jalan, maut dilanggar

Timbalan Pengarah Penyiaran Sabah,

Lelaki ditahan
Aminah Samsudin.

Johan Aziz Sapong – Kemabong. bersama dadah

TENOM: Seorang lelaki yang dipercayai “Kemalangan berlaku apabila seorang
tidur di atas jalan, maut selepas dilanggar lelaki berumur 40 tahun memandu Ahmad Apong

Pemandu lori balak maut

sebuah kereta Proton Gen 2 berhampiran kenderaan sedan dari arah Kemabong BEAUFORT: Polis di sini menangkap seo-
MANGSA maut selepas tercampak dari lorinya.
SK Sapong, di sini. menuju ke Pekan Tenom. rang suspek lelaki berumur 35 tahun di
Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat mener- “Dalam masa sama, mangsa yang sebuah rumah tidak bernombor di
ima panggilan pada 12.16 pagi Selasa dan memandu kereta pacuan empat roda Menumbok kerana kesalahan dadah.
sembilan anggota bomba diketuai keluar dari keretanya dan berada di Ketua Polis Daerah Yusoff Zaki Mat
Komander Operasi Mohd Zainal Sinsian lorong sebelah kanan ketika menaiki Yaacob mengesahkan tangkapan terse-
bergegas ke lokasi bersama jentera. bukit,” katanya dalam kenyataan. but dilakukan pada Selasa lalu semen-
Komander operasi melaporkan mangsa Beliau berkata pemandu kereta sedan tara pihaknya juga menemui dadah Lagatah Toyos kawalan lalu memasuki laluan bertentan-
berusia 55 tahun itu disahkan meninggal itu memotong kenderaan mangsa dari jenis amfetamin dan syabu seberat 5.68 TAWAU: Seorang pemandu maut selepas gan dan tergelincir ke bahu jalan sebelah
dunia oleh pegawai perubatan dan mayat- arah belakang dalam keadaan perseki- gram. lorinya yang membawa muatan kayu kanan.
nya diserahkan kepada polis untuk tin- taran jalan yang gelap. “Ujian awal juga mendapati air kenc- balak, terbabas sendiri dalam kemalangan “Lori mangsa turut terbabas sejauh
dakan lanjut. “Pemandu sedan terbabit kemudian ing suspek positif dadah jenis syabu. di KM136 Jalan Kalabakan - Maliau Basin lebih kurang 66 meter dan mengaki-
Operasi ditamatkan pada jam 1.12 pagi merasakan terlanggar sesuatu objek “Suspek akan didakwa di bawah sekitar jam 9 pagi Isnin. batkan mangsa tercampak keluar melalui
selepas pasukan memastikan tiada bahaya (mangsa) menyebabkan keretanya men- Seksyen 39A(1) dan Seksyen 15(1)(a) Ketua Polis Daerah Tawau, ACP Jasmin cermin hadapan yang pecah,” katanya.
lain di tempat kejadian. jadi berat semasa mendaki bukit. Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952,” katanya. Hussin berkata, mangsa berusia 33 tahun Jasmin berkata, mangsa meninggal
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah “Selepas itu, pemandu berkenaan Beliau menegaskan, polis akan terus itu dikatakan memandu dari arah Kal- dunia di tempat kejadian akibat keceder-
Tenom Deputi Superintendan Hasan berhenti dan keluar dari keretanya untuk membanteras aktiviti dadah di daerah abakan-Serudung menuju ke Ladang aan parah.
Majid berkata kejadian itu berlaku selepas memeriksa sebelum mendapati seorang ini, sekali gus mengurangkan kadar Brantian untuk menghantar muatannya. Siasatan masih diteruskan di bawah
mangsa dipercayai keluar dari keretanya lelaki terperosok di bawah kenderaannya,” jenayah seperti samun dan kes curi yang “Apabila tiba di tempat kejadian, lori Seksyen 41 (1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan
di kawasan gelap di Kilometer 9, Jalan katanya. berkaitan. yang dipandu mangsa dipercayai hilang (APJ) 1987.
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I RAB U, 2 9 MAC, 2 0 2 3 Tempatan 3

Ahli Majlis Daerah digesa

komited majukan daerah
KOTA MARUDU: Ahli-ahli Berdasarkan kuasa yang diberi di berkuasa tempatan yang dapat
Majlis Daerah diminta bawah Seksyen 10 (1) Akta Kerajaan Tem- memenuhi kehendak dan ekspektasi
untuk menunjukkan patan 1976, Kementerian Kerajaan Tem- masyarakat, sentiasa dapat memberikan
komitmen tinggi dalam patan dan Perumahan Sabah telah perkhidmatan terbaik dan bertekad
apa juga perancangan melantik Ahli Majlis Daerah Kota Marudu untuk menjadikan pengurusan dan pen-

Ibu bapa mesti pantau maklumat

dan program yang akan untuk berkhidmat mulai 20 Januari 2023 tadbiran pada landasan yang tepat dan
dilaksanakan oleh Majlis sehingga 20 Januari 2025. konsisten agar perkhidmatan yang

media sosial diterima kanak-kanak

Daerah, serta memberikan sokongan dan “Sebagai Ahli Majlis, amanah dan diberikan kepada masyarakat sentiasa
kerjasama padu dalam memajukan tanggungjawab ini bukan semata-mata relevan dan memuaskan hati pelanggan
daerah masing-masing. untuk memajukan diri sendiri, tetapi dan pemegang taruh.
Timbalan Ketua Menteri merangkap untuk membantu dan memenuhi “MDKM diharap dapat mencapai dan
Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Peruma- kepentingan penduduk Kota Marudu, meningkatkan kewangan serta mencari
han, Datuk Seri Dr. Joachim Gunsalam menyumbangkan idea-idea bernas dan sumber-sumber baru supaya kemam- KANDUNGAN video bentuk pendek, akademik dan sosial, hanyalah beberapa
(gambar) berkata, Ahli-ahli Majlis hen- kepakaran kepada MDKM, serta memaju puan kewangan Majlis dapat dit- yang dikenali sebagai reels, boleh dida- kesan negatif kerana membebankan
daklah menanamkan sikap kerja berpa- dan meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan ingkatkan. pati di pelbagai laman media sosial, ter- kanak-kanak dengan maklumat.
sukan, tegas, cekap dan kreatif dalam majlis,” katanya. “Ahli-ahli Majlis hendaklah masuk Instagram, Facebook dan TikTok. Ia juga boleh membuat kanak-kanak
mencetuskan idea-idea untuk Beliau berkata, Ahli Majlis perlu menanamkan sikap kerja berpasukan, Reels biasanya berdurasi antara 15 resah dan tertekan, terutamanya bagi
meningkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan menunjukkan komitmen tinggi dalam tegas, cekap dan kreatif dalam mence- dan 60 saat, dan mungkin mengandungi anak-anak muda yang tidak mempunyai
yang lebih berkesan. apa juga perancangan dan program yang tuskan idea-idea untuk meningkatkan pelbagai bahan, seperti lip synching, tar- sumber kognitif atau emosi untuk men-
“Pelantikan ini adalah satu amanah akan dilaksanakan oleh MDKM, dan kualiti perkhidmatan yang lebih berke- ian, skit komedi dan video pendidikan gendalikan bahan yang rumit atau
dan tanggungjawab yang amat berat dan berikan sokongan dan kerjasama padu san. ringkas. menyakitkan.
penting,” katanya ketika merasmikan untuk memajukan Kota Marudu agar “Idea-idea bernas anda hendaklah Ia semakin popular sejak beberapa Selain itu, corak tidur mereka akan
Majlis Upacara Angkat Sumpah Ahli-ahli dapat bersaing seiring dengan daerah selari dengan hala tuju pelan tindakan tahun kebelakangan ini, terutamanya terganggu akibat pendedahan berlebi-
Majlis Daerah Kota Marudu (MDKM) bagi lain. Sabah Maju Jaya yang mana menjurus dalam kalangan generasi muda. han kepada maklumat daripada skrin,
Sesi 2023-2025 di Bilik Gerakan Majlis “Saya berharap, dengan pelantikan ini kepada pelaksanaan yang terancang dan Bagaimanapun, pengguna mesti yang boleh menjejaskan kesihatan dan
Daerah Kota Marudu, di sini, Isnin. juga akan memudahkan Majlis Daerah strategik agar dapat mencapai sasaran berhati-hati dengan kesan negatif reels, kesejahteraan am mereka secara negatif
Upacara tersebut melibatkan 17 orang dalam membuat keputusan dengan dan matlamat yang bertepatan dengan terutamanya ke atas anak muda. dan mungkin membawa kepada gang-
(sebahagian lantikan baharu dan sebaha- mengambil kira pandangan wakil keperluan pembangunan di Kota Terdapat bukti bahawa terlalu banyak guan tingkah laku dan mental.
gian lantikan semula) yang telah dilantik masyarakat iaitu ahli-ahli majlis yang Marudu,” katanya. penggunaan skrin, termasuk menonton Akhir sekali, jika kanak-kanak diberi
bagi meneruskan khidmat untuk mem- dilantik namun demikian, apa juga ben- Beliau menyeru kepada semua Ahli media bentuk pendek seperti reels, terlalu banyak maklumat, ia mungkin
berikan perkhidmatan terbaik kepada tuk keputusan yang diambil hendaklah MDKM untuk menjalankan tugas yang boleh membahayakan pertumbuhan menghalang pertumbuhan sosial dan

Kabel rosak punca

penduduk Kota Marudu. selaras dengan undang-undang, peratu- diamanahkan dengan komitmen dan kognitif dan jangka masa perhatian emosi mereka kerana mereka mungkin
ran-peraturan serta dasar dan polisi yang tanggungjawab yang tinggi. kanak-kanak. sukar untuk berhubung dengan orang

gangguan elektrik
sedia ada. Dr Joachim turut menyerahkan Bagi kanak-kanak, penggunaan skrin lain atau menyampaikan emosi mereka.
“Di samping itu, saya juga menghara- watikah pelantikan kepada semua Ahli berlebihan dikaitkan dengan isu dengan Secara amnya, adalah penting bagi

di Tebobon,
pkan kerjasama terbaik dalam kalangan MDKM bagi tahun 2023 – 2025. perhatian, konsentrasi berkurangan dan ibu bapa untuk memberi perhatian
ahli majlis dengan pegawai-pegawai Turut hadir ialah Pembantu Menteri kawalan impuls, menurut penyelidikan. kepada maklumat dan media yang
MDKM dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas Pertanian dan Industri Makanan Sabah Skrin boleh menjadi sangat menarik dan didedahkan kepada anak-anak mereka

dan tanggungjawab kerana dengan yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri melebihi kapasiti otak untuk mengenda- dan mengutamakan pengalaman dan
adanya kerjasama ini akan dapat meman- (Adun) Tandek, Hendrus Anding; Tim- likan maklumat, yang dianggap sebagai aktiviti yang menyokong pertumbuhan
tapkan lagi perkhidmatan yang akan balan Setiausaha Tetap II Kementerian sebab di sebalik isu ini. dan kesejahteraan sihat.
diberikan kepada penduduk di Kota Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perumahan Kurangkan jangka masa perhatian,
Marudu,” kata beliau. Sabah, Faridah Giau; Pegawai Daerah yang boleh menyukarkan kanak-kanak Nazirul Mubin Mohd Noor
KOTA KINABALU: Gangguan bekalan elek- untuk menumpukan perhatian, serta Pensyarah, Akademi
trik yang berlaku di kawasan Tebobon dan Selain itu, Dr Joachim juga menghara- Kota Marudu, Alexander Yong; Pegawai

9 peniaga bazar Ramadan dikompaun di Sandakan

pkan MDKM boleh menjadi sebuah pihak Eksekutif, Abdul Sani Arsat, antara lain. potensi kesan ke atas pembangunan Pengajian Bahasa, UiTM
Sepanggar, Menggatal pada malam Ahad
lalu berpunca daripada kerosakan kabel
bawah tanah milik Sabah Electricity Sdn
Bhd (SESB).
Pengurus Besar Kanan (Pengurusan
Aset) Ir. Idris Mohd Noor berkata itu
adalah hasil analisis pasukan teknikal SESB Mardinah Jikur peniaga gagal menunjukkan kad kuning yai telur lalat yang dibeli oleh pengguna
yang melakukan pencarian punca gang- SANDAKAN: Seramai sembilan peniaga atau kesihatan serta suntikan tifoid, tiada di salah sebuah bazar Ramadan di sini,
guan tersebut. Beliau berkata, kerosakan bazar Ramadan di sini dikompaun sijil pengendali makanan, selain gagal dan kita akan menyiasat perkara ini,”
itu disyaki disebabkan oleh kerja-kerja RM100 akibat gagal mematuhi peraturan memastikan kebersihan kawasan jualan jelasnya.
pembesaran jalan di kawasan itu. kebersihan makanan. masing-masing dan tidak memakai Menurut beliau, operasi itu akan
“Kabel milik SESB disyaki termampat Kompaun dikeluarkan selepas apron selaku pengendali makanan,” diteruskan dan akan dilaksanakan oleh
akibat kerja-kerja pembesaran jalan di pemeriksaan Operasi Bazar Ramadan katanya. 40 anggota PKS dan MPS di tiga tapak
kawasan itu,” katanya dalam satu keny- yang dilaksanakan Pejabat Kesihatan Beliau ditemui sejurus mengetuai bazar kendalian MPS iaitu di bandar San-
ataan media, Selasa. Kawasan Sandakan (PKS) bersama Unit Operasi Bazar Ramadan di Bandar San- dakan, Batu 8 dan Sejati Ujana.
Sementara itu, beliau berkata SESB kini Kesihatan Awam Majlis Perbandaran San- dakan pada Isnin. Sementara tapak bazar kendalian
dalam proses untuk menaiktaraf sistem dakan (MPS) di sini pada Isnin. Sebanyak 60 daripada 164 gerai di pihak penganjur swasta dan badan
pembahagian bekalan elektrik dari Pen- Pegawai Kesihatan Kawasan Sandakan, Bazar Bandar di Jalan Coastal Sandakan bukan kerajaan juga akan diperiksa.
cawang Pembahagi Utama Menggatal Dr Johari Awang Besar berkata, operasi diperiksa dalam operasi itu. Johari menasihatkan peniaga agar
untuk meningkatkan dayaharap serta itu antara lain bertujuan untuk memas- Dalam perkembangan sama, beliau sentiasa ambil peduli dan peka berke-
mempercepatkan kerja-kerja pemulihan tikan makanan disediakan atau dijual berkata, sebuah restoran di daerah ini naan tahap kebersihan jualan mereka.

Paip rosak di
bekalan di kawasan tersebut. adalah selamat untuk pengguna dan telah dikompaun RM1,000 kerana didap- “Pembeli juga perlu bijak menilai
mematuhi kehendak Akta Makanan 1983, ati kehadiran lalat pada menu berbuka peniaga mana yang mempunyai tahap

sepanjang projek
puasa pelanggan. kebersihan sewajarnya, seperti makanan
JOHARI (kanan) dan pegawainya
Peraturan-Peraturan Makanan 1985 dan

memeriksa kad kesihatan dan sijil

Peraturan-Peraturan Kebersihan “Kita juga ada menerima satu lagi sentiasa tertutup dan tidak terdedah, dan

pengendali makanan di bazar itu.

Makanan 2009. laporan berkenaan juadah berbuka pengendali menggunakan apron,” tam-

Pan Borneo ‘Kenang nasib golong kurang bernasib baik ketika Ramadan’ KPDN Labuan
“Antara kesalahan yang dikenal pasti, puasa ikan keli yang dikatakan mempun- bahnya.

44,000 liter
Ahmad Apong Noor Zafira Zayn “Usaha Pertubuhan Kadazan Dusun gai aspek,” katanya.
SIPITANG: Bekalan air bersih terputus aki- KOTA KINABALU: Yang DiPertua Majlis Murut Muslim (KDMRS Muslim) dalam Dalam pada itu, Yahya memberitahu

bat kerja-kerja di lebuh raya Pan Borneo Ugama Islam Sabah (Muis), Datuk Seri usaha outreach kebajikan dan pen- program iftar yang julung kali diadakan
bermula Isnin. Gangguan itu menjejaskan Yahya Hussin menyeru semua umat didikan dalam kalangan asnaf mualaf itu adalah berfokuskan untuk meraih
khususnya dan seluruh masyarakat sumbangan bagi program serupa yang

beberapa kampung, kata jurucakap Islam untuk mengenang nasib golongan
Jabatan Air. kurang bernasib baik dalam menyam- Sabah amat disokong dan dikagumi akan diadakan di 12 daerah seluruh
Antara kampung terlibat ialah Pekan but Ramadan. oleh Muis,” katanya dalam Majlis Peras- negeri.
Sipitang, Kg Lubang Baya, Kg Parusiku, Kg Katanya, kepahitan hidup golongan mian Grand Iftar Perdana Amal KDMRS “Acara ini adalah acara tahunan kita,
Kaban, Kg Bangsal, Kg Tanjung Nipis, Kg itu dalam usaha mencari rezeki bagi Muslim di sini pada Isnin. di mana kita menyantuni saudara asnaf,
Pantai, Kg Kawang Tali Air, Kg Ranau- menampung keperluan hidup perlu Menurut Yahya lagi, usaha memupuk mualaf dan keluarga mereka yang LABUAN: Kementerian Perdagangan
Ranau, Kg Bahagia, Kg Seri Menanti dan disokong dan dibantu oleh semua keharmonian dalam toleransi agama bukan Islam dengan program bersama Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN)
seluruh kawasan Sindumin. pihak. amat jelas dipamerkan oleh perpaduan berbuka puasa di kampung-kampung di Labuan menahan seorang lelaki tempatan
Turut terjejas ialah Kg Batu 7, Jalan Lua- “Muis menyokong usaha murni pihak masyarakat di Sabah. sekitar pedalaman Sabah. dan merampas lebih kurang 44,000 liter
gan, Jalan Samur, Kg Padang Berempah, yang prihatin terhadap golongan ini, “Kita raikan dan tonjolkan perpad- “Mudah-mudahan usaha ini mampu minyak diesel bersubsidi dalam satu ser-
Jalan Sungai Batat, Kg batu 1 dan 2, lebih-lebih lagi kepada saudara-saudara uan dan kehormanian kita di samping mengeratkan ukhwah sesama kita buan di sebuah stor di Jalan Mohd Salleh,
Perumahan Petronas, Kg Tanjung Pagar, baharu kita yang telah membuat kepu- memberikan kesedaran kepada semua sebagai saudara semanusia di di sini, Isnin.
Kg Ulu Sipitang, Jalan Naparan Ulu Sipi- tusan untuk memeluk Islam yang wajar masyarakat Islam bahawa saudara dunia, dan mengekalkan keharmonian Pengarah KPDN Labuan Junaidah

Suami isteri melecur dapur gas meletup

Waris kanak-kanak ini dicari
tang dan kawasan sekitarnya. kita bantu bersama. baharu perlu disantuni daripada pelba- dan perpaduan,” jelasnya lagi. Arbain berkata suspek berusia 31 tahun
dipercayai pemilik stor itu ditahan dalam
serbuan pada 12 tengah hari dan hasil
pemeriksaan telah menemukan minyak
Lagatah Toyos diesel bersubsidi disimpan dalam tangki
TAWAU: Sepasang suami isteri dilaporkan penyimpanan yang diubah suai dalam
Winnie Kasmir Namun sehingga kini ibu bapa kan-
dua kenderaan.
melecur hampir keseluruhan badan selepas SANDAKAN: Jabatan dung kanak-kanak itu tidak dapat
dapur gas bocor dan berlaku letupan dalam Turut dirampas dua buah kontena
Perkhidmatan Keba- dihubungi dan ditemui.
insiden di Tingkat 4 Blok C12 Projek Peruma- berisi minyak diesel serta peralatan
jikan Am (JPKA) Baha- Pelindung Kanak-Kanak Bahagian
han Rakyat (PPR) Sri Semarak awal pagi, disyaki digunakan untuk aktiviti
gian Kinabatangan Kinabatangan Musminah Mustain
Selasa. penyelewengan barangan kawalan itu
sedang mengesan berkata pihaknya kini sedang men-
Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat (BBP) dengan nilai keseluruhan berjumlah
keluarga atau waris jalankan siasatan untuk mengesan
Tawau, Jemishin Ujin berkata, sepasukan 15 RM94,600.
kepada seorang keluarga atau waris Aina Hana Delisha.
pegawai dan anggota dikerah ke lokasi Beliau berkata berdasarkan keteran-
kanak-kanak perempuan bernama “Penjaganya telah membuat laporan
selepas menerima panggilan kecemasan jam gan awal, pemilik stor terbabit gagal
Aina Hana Delisha (gambar). polis pada 24 Januari lalu berhubung
3.36 pagi menerusi MERS 999. mengemukakan sebarang dokumen
Kanak-kanak itu, yang kini berusia 5 kes ini.
“Insiden itu membabitkan kebakaran kebenaran dan lesen yang sah untuk
tahun lapan bulan, diberikan oleh ibu “JPKA sedang menjalankan siasatan
dapur yang berpunca daripada gas bocor dan menyimpan barang kawalan di lokasi
kandungnya yang dikenali sebagai dan kes ini sedang diambil tindakan di
menyebabkan berlaku letupan serta mengak- berkenaan.
Puan Sara kepada pengadu yang kini bawah Seksyen 17(1)(d) Akta Kanak-
ibatkan kemusnahan 100 peratus dan keced- Junaidah berkata kes berkenaan disi-
merupakan penjaga kanak-kanak terse- Kanak 2001 (Pindaan 2016),” katanya.
eraan melecur kepada isi rumah tersebut asat di bawah Seksyen 21 Akta Kawalan
but sejak 2017. Sehubungan itu, keluarga atau waris
(suami isteri),” katanya. Bekalan 1961 kerana memiliki barang
Menurut pengadu, kanak-kanak itu kanak-kanak berkenaan atau sesiapa
Menurutnya, apabila tiba di lokasi api kawalan dengan tujuan untuk melakukan
diserahkan kepadanya ketika berusia yang mempunyai maklumat mengenai
sudah dipadamkan orang awam menggu- kesalahan yang dibaca bersama Peraturan
sebulan di rumah kakak kandung pen- ibu kandung atau waris diminta tampil
nakan alat pemadam api. 3(1) Peraturan-Peraturan Kawalan
gadu di Taman Mawar Batu 5, di sini, menghubungi Pelindung Bahagian
Susulan itu, katanya, pihaknya hanya men- Bekalan 1974 kerana menjalankan urus
kerana ibu kandung tidak mampu Kinabatangan bagi memudahkan
jalankan pemeriksaan dan mengambil niaga barang kawalan tanpa lesen.
untuk menjaga disebabkan masalah segala urusan berkaitan kanak-kanak
keterangan mangsa sebelum menghantar “Siasatan juga akan dilakukan di
kewangan. itu.
mereka ke Hospital Tawau menggunakan jen- bawah Seksyen 20(1) akta sama kerana
Pengadu kemudiannya bersetuju Untuk sebarang maklumat, hubungi
KEADAAN dapur rumah yang
tera EMRS untuk rawatan lanjut. mengalihkan barang kawalan dari tempat
menerima dan memberi penjagaan Pelindung Daerah Kinabatangan, Puan
musnah dalam kejadian itu.
Jemishin menambah, operasi itu terkawal yang dilesenkan,” katanya dalam keny-
jam 4.10 pagi dan ditamatkan jam 4.15 pagi. kepada kanak-kanak tersebut. Musminah Mustain di 089-561873.
ataan. – Bernama
4 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I RAB U, 2 9 MAC, 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
Lelaki Pekerja am
didakwa miliki Hilux curi
rogol kena 14 bulan
anak, 12 Jo Ann Mool
KOTA KINABALU: Seorang pekerja am beru-
Cynthia D Baga sia 24 tahun dijatuhi hukuman penjara 14
KOTA KINABALU: Seorang lelaki berusia 39 bulan pada Selasa kerana mempunyai
tahun didakwa merogol anak perempuan- kenderaan curi.
nya berusia 12 tahun lima bulan. Ardie Ariansyah Abd Salam mengaku
Lelaki itu mengaku tidak bersalah di bersalah di hadapan Majistret Lovely
hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Amir Natasha Charles atas pertuduhan memiliki
Shah Amir Hassan, terhadap pertuduhan Toyota Hilux kepunyaan Mohd Azmir Nasir
yang dikenakan ke atasnya pada Selasa. jam 4.55 petang pada 19 Mac tahun ini di
Lelaki berkenaan didakwa merogol kawasan lapang dekat pencawang teleko-
anak perempuannya pada jam 7 pagi, 12
Durinah Fatimah Abdul Habil
munikasi Suria Sabah, Jalan Tuaran Bypass,

Untuk kegunaan sindiket penyeludupan PTI

Mac tahun ini di sebuah rumah di Mang- Inanam.
gatal, dekat sini. Pertuduhan di bawah Seksyen 411 Kanun
Kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 376(3) Keseksaan itu membawa hukuman penjara
Kanun Keseksaan itu membawa hukuman antara enam bulan hingga lima tahun dan
penjara antara lapan dan 30 tahun, dan boleh didenda jika sabit kesalahan.
sekurang-kurangnya 10 kali sebatan, jika

Pinjamkan kad pengenalan:

Majistret dimaklumkan oleh pendak-
sabit kesalahan. waan bahawa kenderaan itu dilaporkan
Mahkamah menetapkan 25 April tahun dicuri dari Plaza YLY Kolombong pada 7 Mac
ini untuk pengurusan kes pra-perbicaraan tahun ini.
dan memerintahkan lelaki itu direman Ardie ditahan polis pada 19 Mac di sebuah
sementara menunggu tarikh tersebut.

Tiga dipenjara, didenda

restoran di Inanam ketika dia sedang beru-
Lelaki berkenaan dinasihatkan untuk rusan menjual kenderaan itu.
mendapatkan peguam. Ardie kemudian membawa polis untuk
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP) Najiha mendapatkan semula Hilux yang dicuri itu.
Farhana Che Awang tampil untuk pendak- Peguam dilantik Carmen Khoo, yang
waan manakala lelaki berkenaan tidak Lagatah Toyos tentang kepentingan dokumen penge- mewakili Ardie, merayu hukuman ringan
diwakili peguam. TAWAU: Tiga warga tempatan yang men- nalan diri kerana ia merupakan dokumen atas alasan dia sudah menyesal dan perlu
Di mahkamah berasingan, seorang gaku meminjamkan kad pengenalan terpenting bagi setiap individu di menjaga ibu bapanya.
lelaki berusia 36 tahun didakwa kepada orang lain untuk kegunaan Malaysia. Pendakwaan memohon hukuman setim-
melakukan gangguan seksual fizikal ter- sindiket penyeludupan pendatang tanpa Malah, kerajaan katanya, mengelu- pal dan kenderaan itu dikembalikan kepada
hadap seorang kanak-kanak perempuan. izin ke Sabah, dipenjara dan didenda ker- men pengenalan diri dan siasatan menda- arkan kos yang tinggi untuk sentiasa pemilik sahnya.
Ismail Kassim terdahulu mengaku ana gagal membawa dokumen penge- pati mereka adalah warganegara Malaysia menambah baik ciri keselamatan kad Mahkamah memerintahkan Ardie men-
bersalah di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah nalan diri pada setiap masa. dan mempunyai kad pengenalan dengan pengenalan yang dikeluarkan kepada jalani hukuman itu dari tarikh dia ditangkap
Sesyen Ummu Khaltom Abd Samad, tetapi Abdul Habil Mobin, 58, dan Fatimah mereka mengaku meminjamkan doku- setiap rakyat negara ini. dan memerintahkan kenderaan berkenaan
semasa mitigasi dia mendakwa dia men- Hasan, 50, masing-masing dijatuhi huku- men itu kepada orang lain. Beliau seterusnya berhujah bahawa dikembalikan kepada pemiliknya.
galami masalah mental dan mahkamah man penjara dua bulan dan denda Ketiga-tiga mereka didakwa mengikut tindakan tertuduh telah mencemarkan Dalam kes lain, seorang pengumpul besi
menetapkan tarikh lain untuk menge- RM2,500 atau dua bulan penjara, man- Peraturan 25 (1)(n) Peraturan-Peraturan kedaulatan dan keselamatan negara serta buruk dipenjara dua bulan kerana mem-
sahkan dakwaannya. akala Durinah Suaib, 36, dipenjara 12 Pendaftaran Negara 1990 (Pindaan 2007) isu kad pengenalan adalah isu sensitif. punyai alatan tanpa alasan yang sah.
Semasa mitigasi, Ismail yang tidak minggu, selepas mereka mengaku yang membawa hukuman penjara Mohamad Faizal menambah, tindakan Budiman Tanai, 41, mengaku di hadapan
diwakili, mendakwa dia sakit jiwa dan bersalah di hadapan Majistret Leona sehingga tiga tahun, atau denda sehingga memberikan identiti atau dokumen sese- Majistret Jessica Ombou Kakayun kerana
mempunyai ‘kad biru’ serta mendapatkan Dominic Mojiliu dan Majistret Dzul Elmy RM20,000, atau kedua-duanya, jika sabit orang kepada pendatang tanpa izin mempunyai gergaji besi dan pemotong
ubat dari Hospital Mesra Bukit Padang. Yunus, secara berasingan, pada Selasa. kesalahan. adalah satu perbuatan mengkhianati diri keluli pukul 12.30 tengah hari pada 23 Mac di
Mahkamah kemudian menetapkan 10 Abdul Habil dan Fatimah melakukan Semasa mitigasi, Durinah yang diwak- sendiri dan negara. tepi jalan Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, dekat
April depan untuk sebutan bagi meman- kesalahan itu di Pejabat UTC Jabatan ili peguam Jhesseny P. Kang dari Yayasan Untuk rekod, ketiga-tiga tertuduh UTC Sembulan.
tau status psikologi Ismail dan sementara Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Tawau pada 24 Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK) adalah pemilik sebenar kad pengenalan Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 18(e)
menunggu tarikh itu, dia diperintahkan Mac jam 4 petang, dengan pertuduhan merayu hukuman ringan manakala Abdul yang didakwa digunakan oleh pendatang Ordinan Kesalahan-Kesalahan Kecil yang
direman lanjut. menyatakan mereka gagal mematuhi Per- Habil dan Fatimah yang tidak diwakili tanpa izin dalam sindiket penyeludupan membawa hukuman penjara sehingga
Ismail didakwa melakukan kesalahan aturan 6 kerana gagal membawa kad pen- turut memohon hukuman ringan. PTI ke Sabah yang berjaya ditumpaskan enam bulan jika sabit kesalahan.
itu terhadap kanak-kanak perempuan genalan sepanjang masa. Fatimah yang menangis ketika prosid- oleh JPN dengan kerjasama Suruhanjaya Budiman memberitahu mahkamah
berusia lapan tahun itu dengan memeluk Durinah telah melakukan kesalahan ing meminta tiada hukuman penjara ker- Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan bahawa dia mengumpul barangan itu ker-
dan mencium bibirnya jam 9.30 malam, itu di tempat dan masa sama. ana suaminya tidak bekerja. polis, baru-baru ini. ana ingin menjualnya.
pada 14 Feb tahun ini di Kg Gusung Likas, Mengikut fakta kes, kesemua mereka “Saya rasa mahu mati di lokap, tidak Susulan itu, lima pegawai Jabatan Imi- Peguam dilantik Khoo, yang mewakili
dekat sini. ditahan dalam Ops Lancar oleh sepasukan boleh tidur… Saya tidak akan buat lagi,” gresen Malaysia (JIM) yang bertugas di Budiman merayu hukuman ringan dan
Perbuatan di bawah Seksyen 14 (a) Akta pegawai Bahagian Siasatan dan Pen- katanya sambil menambah, dia men- Lapangan Terbang Tawau (LTT) turut dita- berhujah anak guamnya seorang duda den-
Kesalahan-Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap guatkuasaan dari JPN pada 24 Mac, mas- galami hipertensi dan anemia. han pada 23 Mac lalu kerana disyaki gan dua anak dan menyesal dengan tin-
Kanak-Kanak 2017 itu membawa huku- ing-masing , antara 10 pagi dan 10.30 Pegawai Pendakwa JPN Mohamad terbabit dalam sindiket berkenaan. dakannya itu.
man penjara sehingga 20 tahun, dan pagi, dalam serbuan rumah di Kg Air dan Faizal Tahir menggesa mahkamah men- Sementara itu, seorang lagi pegawai Sementara itu, 12 orang telah dihukum
sebatan jika sabit kesalahan. Kg Panji, Semporna. jatuhkan hukuman setimpal sebagai pen- JIM yang bertugas di LTT turut dilaporkan kerana melakukan kesalahan berkaitan
DPP Siti Hajar Mazlan melakukan pen- Dalam pemeriksaan, mereka didapati gajaran bukan sahaja kepada trio ditahan SPRM pada Isnin, menjadikan dadah.
dakwaan. gagal mengemukakan sebarang doku- berkenaan tetapi juga kepada masyarakat keseluruhan enam orang setakat ini. Lapan daripada mereka mengaku
bersalah mengambil amphetamine dan
syabu manakala empat lagi mengaku memi-
liki syabu.
Lapan orang Damasus Malik, Rasman
Osman, Md Syazwan Dominic, Haziq Haikal,
Md Asdi Lazim, Sulaiman Hamid, Jonaidi
Junior dan Affendi Rahman ditahan di
lokasi berasingan di sini dan di Penampang
antara 20 Okt 2022 dan 12 Jan tahun ini
selepas didapati positif untuk dadah mas-

Pesalah berulang

miliki pisau daging

tanpa permit
dijel 6 tahun
JURUTEKNIK jabatan mengesahkan air sampai ke kedai BEKALAN air di dapur untuk kedai makan SEORANG pemilik rumah di bahagian lain di Putatan
makan di Putatan ini, sambil diperhatikan pemiliknya. itu didapati keluar seperti sepatutnya. mengesahkan bahawa bekalan sampai ke premisnya. KOTA KINABALU: Seorang pesalah beru-
lang berusia 51 tahun, yang mempunyai

Penyelenggaran di Loji Rawatan

rekod sabitan lampau sejak 1992, dijatuhi
hukuman penjara enam tahun kerana
mempunyai pisau daging di tempat awam
tanpa sebarang permit.

Kasigui punca masalah air di Putatan

Victor Joseph mengaku bersalah di
hadapan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Amir
Shah Amir Hassan, terhadap pertuduhan
itu pada Selasa.
% KERJA-KERJA penyelenggaraan yang “Mereka mendapati bekalan mencecah Tiada sebatan dikenakan terhadap Vic-
dijalankan pada pepasangan Jabatan Air, meter dan kekuatan bekalan boleh diter- tor disebabkan usianya dan mahkamah
untuk kawasan Putatan, menyebabkan ima.” memerintahkan Victor menjalani huku-
masalah bekalan yang dialami sebahagian Dalam kedai kopi pula, katanya, kakitan- man penjara itu dari tarikh dia ditangkap
pengguna di daerah ini sejak minggu lepas. gan agensi itu mengesahkan bahawa air di pada 23 Mac tahun ini.
Jurucakap agensi itu berkata operasi di sinki dapur keluar seperti sepatutnya. Victor ditemukan mempunyai pisau
Loji Rawatan Kasigui dihentikan pada “Kakitangan kami secara berkala daging itu pukul 11.10 malam pada 23 Mac
kebanyakan masa 23 Mac supaya takungan memantau keadaan untuk memastikan tahun ini di hadapan Kedai Runcit Maniha
R9nya di Bukit Kuda – dekat Jalan Ramayah bekalan sampai kepada pengguna kedia- Garden Kinarut di Papar.
– dapat dibersihkan dan dinyahjangkit man dan komersial di kawasan ini.” Perbuatan mengikut Seksyen 6(1) Akta
secara menyeluruh. Penjual Ngiau Chap DAWN mengeluh Bahan-Bahan kakisan Dan Letupan Dan
“Pembersihan itu dianggap perlu tentang kesulitan yang disebabkan oleh Senjata Berbahaya 1958 membawa huku-

KEKUATAN air yang datang dari

memandangkan banyak alga, kulat dan bekalan yang tidak teratur itu. man penjara antara lima tahun hingga 10

meter ini didapati boleh diterima.

lumut yang tumbuh di dalam dalam “Air dalam tangki simpanan kedai saya tahun dan sebatan, jika sabit kesalahan.
takungan,” katanya. telah kering,” katanya sambil menambah Semasa mitigasi, Victor yang tidak
“Tindakan juga diambil untuk men- nakan rizab ini secara berhemat.” ati tekanan bekalan air di rumahnya dia tidak mempunyai bekalan di premis itu diwakili, merayu hukuman ringan dengan
geluarkan lapisan sedimen yang mendap Kawasan yang mengalami gangguan lemah. sejak beberapa hari lalu. mengatakan bahawa dia mempunyai seo-
di bahagian dasar.” bekalan termasuk Kg Ramayah, Kg Duvan- Dia berkata air menitis dari beberapa “Sukar untuk menyediakan makanan, rang isteri dan dua anak kecil untuk
Menurutnya, kira-kira 53 juta liter air son, Kg Terawi, Kg Buit Hill, Kg Bukitas Ulu paip di tingkat bawah rumahnya, man- apatah lagi membuat minuman atau men- dijaga.
terawat dihasilkan setiap hari di Loji Putatan, Kg Kandazon, Kg Botong, Kg akala tiada setitik pun keluar daripada cuci pinggan dan kutleri, apabila bekalan “Beri saya peluang terakhir untuk
Kasigui, dalam keadaan biasa. Dabak, Kg Baru Putatan, Taman Malakkun mana-mana paip di tingkat satu. air bermasalah. memperbaiki diri menjadi lelaki yang
“Keluaran terjejas teruk semasa takun- dan Taman Lembah Impian. Seorang pengusaha kedai makan di Suri rumah RIA bercakap mengenai lebih baik dan saya berjanji tidak akan
gan sedang diselenggara.” Mereka yang menghadiri Pusat Latihan pusat komersial Putatan Jaya pula sukar masalah air di Taman Bersatu. mengulangi sebarang kesalahan. Saya
Dia berkata notis telah dikeluarkan Jabatan Pertanian serta mereka yang ting- menjalankan perniagaannya dalam “Saya perasan tekanan air dari paip di benar-benar menyesali kesalahan saya,”
beberapa kali sejak beberapa bulan lalu, gal di sepanjang Jalan Ramayah Terawi, keadaan sama. rumah saya semakin lemah menjelang kata Victor merayu hukuman ringan.
melalui media sosial, untuk memak- turut merasai impaknya. Kedua-duanya secara berasingan mem- hujung minggu lalu,” katanya. Bagaimanapun, Timbalan Pendakwa
lumkan kepada orang ramai mengenai Jurucakap itu berkata pembersihan R9 berikan alamat mereka kepada Hotline. Ia Menjelang Isnin, apabila dia Raya Najiha Farhana Che Awang
penyelenggaraan ini. telah selesai pada malam 23 Mac tetapi kemudian dikemukakan kepada Jabatan. menghubungi Hotline, bekalannya berku- menggesa mahkamah menjatuhkan
“Pengguna telah diberi amaran tentang tekanan air di beberapa kawasan terjejas Jurucakap itu berkata jurutekniknya rangan dan hanya tersedia untuk beberapa hukuman berat dengan berhujah bahawa
kemungkinan penurunan tekanan air di masih lemag setakat Isnin minggu ini. datang ke kedua-dua lokasi sejurus jam selepas tengah malam. Victor adalah seorang pesalah berulang
premis mereka. Hotline dibanjiri dengan panggilan mengetahui tentang kejadian ini. Ria berkata, dia terpaksa berhenti mem- kerana dia mempunyai beberapa rekod
“Mereka dinasihatkan untuk mengam- daripada pengguna Putatan yang marah “Mereka memeriksa keadaan paip yang bersihkan rumah dan mencuci pakaian- sabitan lampau sejak 1992.
bil langkah bagi membuat persediaan tentang masalah air di premis mereka. menuju ke setiap premis ini dan member- nya, kerana dia mahu menjimatkan air Najiha berkata Victor mempunyai sen-
berdepan kemungkinan ini dengan meny- Lebih seminggu baru-baru ini, seorang sihkan sebarang kunci udara yang terben- untuk mandi dan penggunaan tandas di jata itu di tempat awam tanpa sebarang
impan air terlebih dahulu dan menggu- penduduk Taman Bersatu Fasa 2 mendap- tuk di dalamnya,” katanya. rumahnya. (SS) permit. – CDB
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I RAB U, 2 9 MAC, 2 0 2 3 Dunia 5
Taliban berkas
Kim Jong Un mahu Korea Utara tingkat aktivis perjuang
hak gadis dapat
pengeluaran bahan nuklear gred senjata akses pendidikan
SEOUL: Pemimpin Korea Utara, Kim Jong Justeru, beliau berkata terdapat keper- Seong-chang. sebagai kuasa nuklear dan mereka akan MOSCOW: Misi Bantuan Pertubuhan
Un mahu negaranya mengembangkan luan untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran Beliau menjangkakan kemungkinan beralih kepada rundingan dengan AS,” Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu di Afghanistan
pengeluaran bahan nuklear gred senjata bahan nuklear gred senjata secara pesat Korea Utara akan melakukan ujian nuk- katanya. (Unama) pada Selasa memaklumkan
dan membina lebih banyak senjata hebat, sebagai pelindung negara. lear ketujuh dengan kepala peledak nuk- Terbaru, Korea Utara melancarkan bahawa pergerakan Taliban telah menahan
lapor media tempatan pada Selasa. Dengan dorongan untuk meng- lear taktikal sebagai langkah ke hadapan. peluru berpandu balistik jarak dekat di seorang aktivis terkemuka yang memper-
Memetik laporan Agensi Berita Pusat hasilkan senjata nuklear berkuasa, beliau Seorang lagi pakar dari Universiti Laut Jepun semalam. juangkan hak kanak-kanak perempuan
Korea (KCNA), Jong Un yang menerima berkata ia sekali gus akan mencetuskan Ewha, Prof Park Won-gon, berkata setiap Terdapat juga beberapa petunjuk Korea mendapat akses pendidikan.
taklimat daripada pegawai institut senjata ketakutan kepada musuh negara. kali latihan ketenteraan bersama antara Utara sedang membangunkan kapal “Matiullah Wesa, ketua @PenPath1
nuklear negara itu berkata, Korea Utara KCNA turut menerbitkan laporan Korea Selatan dan Amerika Syarikat (AS), selam tanpa pemandu, namun ada pihak (masyarakat sivil) dan peguam bela untuk
bersiap sedia untuk menggunakan senjata berkaitan nuklear semalam, yang mana Korea Utara akan memberi amaran den- mengatakan ia masih di peringkat awal, pendidikan kanak-kanak perempuan, telah
itu pada bila-bila masa dan di mana jua. penganalisis menyifatkan ia satu petunjuk gan melancarkan tindak balas. kata Ketua Turus Bersama.

Disney tamatkan
ditahan di #Kabul pada Isnin.
bahawa negara itu sedang membina Melihat jumlah peluru berpandu yang Pyongyang pada Isnin lepas berkata, Unama menyeru pihak berkuasa de facto
membina pelancar nuklear ketujuh. dilancarkan, beliau berpandangan negara kapal selam diberi nama Haeil sudah untuk mendedahkan keberadaannya, sebab

“Korea Utara melancarkan kepala itu tidak lagi boleh meneruskan kaedah bergerak selama 41 jam dan 27 minit penahanannya dan memastikan aksesnya
peledak taktikal yang sangat kecil hari ini seperti itu selama-lamanya. menelusuri laluan simulasi sepanjang kepada undang-undang dan keluarga,”

7,000 pekerja
dan ramai yang mempersoalkan sama ada “Jika ya, ujian nuklear ketujuh bakal 600 kilometer (km) sebelum memus- menurut Unama menerusi ciapan di Twitter.

Penyerang sekolah Kristian Nashville dikenal pasti

ia benar-benar boleh meletup,” kata menandakan beberapa jenis penamat. nahkan sasaran di wilayah Hamgyong Selepas Taliban kembali berkuasa di
penyelidik di Institut Sejong, Cheong Mereka akan mengisytiharkan diri mereka Utara. – AFP

minggu ini
Afghanistan pada 2021, ia mengarahkan
semua pertubuhan bukan kerajaan tem-
patan dan antarabangsa menggantung
perkhidmatan pekerja wanita mereka.
IMEJ tangkap
Taliban menghalang wanita dan kanak-
layar video yang
WASHINGTON: Penjenayah dalam kes kanak perempuan daripada menghadiri sesi
LOS ANGELES: Gergasi hiburan
diedarkan oleh
tembak di sebuah sekolah swasta di Ten- persekolahan dan pengajian di peringkat
Amerika Syarikat (AS) Walt Disney
Jabatan Polis
nessee Amerika Syarikat dikenali sebagai menengah dan universiti.
akan mula mengeluarkan notis pem-
Audrey Hale, 28, kata Ketua Polis Nashville Keputusan pihak berkuasa Afghanistan
berhentian untuk lebih 7,000 kakitan-
John Drake dalam sidang media. telah dikritik keras oleh organisasi antara-
gan minggu ini, lapor Xinhua yang
Hale dikenal pasti sebagai lelaki trans- bangsa dan pemimpin global.
memetik Variety, pada Isnin.
suspek Audrey Hale
gender dan dipercayai pernah bersekolah Menurut laporan Unicef yang dikelu-
Ketua pegawai eksekutif Disney Bob
memegang senapang
di sekolah Kristian itu, kata Drake. arkan Ogos lalu, hakikat bahawa gadis di
Iger mengesahkan perkara berkenaan
serangan di dalam
Insiden tembakan pada Isnin menye- Afghanistan dihalang mendapat akses pen-
menerusi memo bahawa pemberhent-
bangunan sekolah
babkan enam orang terbunuh termasuk didikan telah menyebabkan kerugian
ian dilaksanakan dalam tiga per-
Kristian itu.
tiga kanak-kanak berumur bawah 10 kepada ekonomi negara sekurang-
– Foto AFP
tahun. Seorang daripada mangsa, Kather- kurangnya AS$500 juta sejak larangan itu
Selepas minggu ini, peringkat
ine Koonce, merupakan Pengetua Sekolah diperkenalkan, iaitu bersamaan 2.5 peratus
kedua membabitkan “lebih banyak”

Sekatan baharu ke atas Myanmar,

berkenaan, lapor Sputnik. daripada KDNK. – Bernama-Sputnik
pekerja diberhentikan pada April dan
Suspek dilaporkan terbunuh dalam “Sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada
peringkat terakhir akan berlaku
kejadian itu hasil tindakan pantas polis. mangsa keganasan yang dilakukan pada
“sebelum permulaan musim panas”

sasar pembekal alatan tentera

Polis sedang menjalankan siasatan di 27 Mac 2023, di Nashville, Tennessee,
menurut laporan itu.
kediaman yang dikaitkan dengan Hale, di menurut Perlembagaan dan undang-
Iger berkata Disney telah membuat
mana mereka menemui manifesto dan undang Amerika Syarikat, saya dengan ini
“keputusan sukar” untuk mengu-
peta sekolah itu, kata Drake. mengarahkan bendera hendaklah dik-
rangkan tenaga kerja dan dilihat seba-
Presiden AS Joe Biden telah diberi tak- ibarkan separuh tiang di Rumah Putih dan
gai “sebahagian daripada penjajaran
limat mengenai insiden itu, kata Seti- di semua bangunan dan kawasan awam, LONDON: United Kingdom pada Isnin dikenakan sempena Hari Angkatan Ten-
semula syarikat, termasuk langkah
ausaha Akhbar Rumah Putih Karine di semua pos tentera, dan di semua kapal mengumumkan sekatan baharu ter- tera Myanmar.
penjimatan kos untuk mewujudkan
Jean-Pierre pada Isnin. tentera laut Kerajaan Persekutuan di Dis- hadap Myanmar, termasuk menyasarkan “Mereka yang dikenakan sekatan ter-
pendekatan yang lebih berkesan, dise-
Biden dalam ucapannya memuji tindak trict of Columbia dan di seluruh Amerika pembekal peralatan ketenteraan kepada masuk sebuah syarikat dan pengarahnya
laraskan dan diperkemas”.
balas pantas penguatkuasa undang- Syarikat serta Wilayahnya sehingga mata- junta. yang membekalkan bahan api penerban-
Disney mengumumkan penamatan
undang dan menyeru negara itu mengam- hari terbenam, 31 Mac 2023. “Sekatan baharu ini menyasarkan gan untuk Angkatan Udara Myanmar dan
perkhidmatan 7,000 pekerja pada 8
bil langkah menghentikan keganasan “Saya juga mengarahkan bahawa ben- individu dan syarikat yang mem- pengarah syarikat yang membekalkan
Feb. yang mewakili sekitar 3.2 peratus
senjata api. dera itu hendaklah dikibarkan separuh bekalkan bahan, termasuk peralatan barangan dan teknologi melalui pernia-
daripada 220,000 pekerjanya di selu-
Biden turut mengarahkan supaya ben- tiang untuk tempoh masa yang sama di ketenteraan yang masih digunakan gaannya,” menurut kenyataan itu.
ruh dunia.
dera Amerika Syarikat dikibarkan separuh semua kedutaan Amerika Syarikat, legasi, untuk menyerang orang awam,” lapor Anne-Marie Trevelyan, menteri untuk
Syarikat itu menyasarkan penji-
tiang selepas kejadian tembakan di pejabat konsular, dan kemudahan lain di
matan kos US$5.5 bilion, termasuk Agensi Anadolu memetik kenyataan Indo-Pasifik, berkata UK mengutuk
sebuah sekolah Kristian di Nashville, Ten- luar negara, termasuk semua kemudahan
penjimatan kandungan sebanyak US$3 Pejabat Luar London. “kempen kejam” tentera terhadap rakyat
nessee, menurut Rumah Putih dalam satu tentera dan kapal dan stesen tentera laut,”
bilion. – Bernama-Xinhua Ia menambah bahawa sekatan itu Myanmar. – Bernama-Anadolu
pengisytiharan. menurut Rumah Putih. – Bernama-Sputnik

Polis tahan pemilik agensi umrah tipu jemaah

JAKARTA: Polis menahan sepasang suami laporan mengenai penipuan itu daripada Jemaah haji dibawa ke Hotel Prima
isteri yang mengasaskan Naila Syafaah Kementerian Hal Ehwal Agama. selama tiga hari dan kemudian dipin-
Wisata Mandiri, agensi umrah yang “Mangsa memfailkan laporan kepada dahkan ke Pakons Prime Hotel sebelum
menipu ratusan jemaah Indonesia malah Konsulat Jeneral Indonesia di Arab Saudi, pulang ke tanah air pada 29 September.
ada yang terperangkap di Arab Saudi sebelum mengemukakan maklumat ini Namun, tidak semua orang dapat
selama beberapa hari. kepada Kementerian Hal Ehwal Agama pulang ke Indonesia. Enam belas jemaah
Pasangan itu, Mahfudz Abdullah, 52, yang akhirnya memaklumkannya kepada haji terpaksa menunggu di Arab Saudi
dan Halijah Amin, 48, sedang menginap di kami,” kata Hengki. dan tersekat di Mekah selama lebih semi-
sebuah hotel di Yogyakarta ketika ditahan. Polis sehingga hari ini masih tidak nggu tanpa tempat untuk dituju dan tiada
“Kami menangkap pelaku pada 27 Feb- mendedahkan jumlah sebenar mangsa khabar dari agensi Naila Syafaah.
ruari lepas,” kata Ketua Komisioner terlibat. “Saya Abdus, salah seorang mangsa
Hengki Hariyadi dari Polis Metropolitan Nailah Syafaah, mangsa Abdus adalah Naila Syafaah. Saya di sini bagi pihak 16
Jakarta pada hari Selasa, seperti yang dila- sebahagian daripada kumpulan umrah jemaah haji yang gagal pulang ke Indone-

ORANG Islam berdoa sebelum berbuka puasa di Masjid Besar Nurul

porkan oleh portal Beritasatu. seramai 64 orang. Penerbangan pulang sia tepat pada masanya. (Kami ter-

Islam di Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah, pada 24 Mac lepas.

Polis juga menangkap Hermansyah, 59, mereka dijadualkan pada 18 September perangkap) di Mekah selama lebih kurang
yang merupakan pengarah presiden di 2022 jam 5.50 petang, masa Arab Saudi. 8 hari,” kata Abdus.
Naila Syafaah Wisata Mandiri. Ketiga-tiga Para jemaah itu tiba di lapangan terbang Abdus berkata mereka akhirnya dapat
suspek boleh menjalani hukuman penjara di Mekah kira-kira jam 3 petang tetapi pulang ke Indonesia selepas menghantar

Jokowi gesa pegawai

Polis beri amaran akan
sehingga 10 tahun. mereka tidak dapat menaiki kapal terbang surat kepada konsulat jeneral Indonesia. –

Jawa Timur sedia

Menurut Hengki, polis mula menerima kerana masalah visa. Agensi

terus buru baki anggota JI

k’jaan guna bajet
161 bas percuma
majlis buka puasa untuk balik raya
JAKARTA. Polis Negara pada Isnin berkata negara,” kata Dedi semasa lawatan ke B-

bantu golongan miskin SURABAYA: Kerajaan Jawa Timur menyedi-

akan 161 bas percuma bagi memudahkan
penduduk yang ingin balik ke kampung
mereka akan terus memburu baki
anggota Jemaah Islamiyah walaupun
pemimpin utama kumpulan itu yang
Universe Media Holdings di Jakarta.
“Operasi anti-keganasan adalah tang-
gungjawab Detasmen 88 yang mempun-
JAKARTA: Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) berkumpulan. halaman bagi menyambut Aidilfitri, bulan didakwa melakukan banyak serangan yai pangkalan data mengenai anggota
pada Isnin mengarahkan pegawainya Jokowi minggu lalu meminta pegawai depan. keganasan pada 2000an telah pun semasa JI.”
untuk menyalurkan bajet majlis iftar bagi kanan kerajaan supaya tidak mengan- “Pendaftaran (untuk bas percuma) ditangkap atau dibunuh. Pegawai komunikasi awam Brig. Jen-
membantu golongan miskin, susulan jurkan majlis berbuka puasa. adalah dengan melampirkan (salinan) Kenyataan itu dikeluarkan hampir dua eral Ahmad Ramadhan menyifatkan
kehidupan mewah segelintir kakitangan Dalam pekeliling asal, Jokowi berkata kad pengenalan diri, kad pengenalan minggu selepas lima suspek militan yang keadaan semasa JI sebagai “kumplan
kanan kerajaan menjadi kontroversi larangan itu perlu kerana Indonesia kini keluarga, dan bukti menerima vaksin dikaitkan dengan JI ditangkap semasa ser- pengganas tidur” yang sering beroperasi
selepas didedahkan kepada umum. dalam proses peralihan ke fasa endemik penggalak,” kata Gabenor Jawa Timur buan di wilayah Sulawesi Tengah tetapi di bawah kumpulan gabungan untuk
“Gaya hidup pegawai kerajaan Covid-19. Pekeliling itu tidak secara jelas Khofifah Indar Parawansa di sini, pada polis masih belum mendedahkan mak- menyembunyikan aktiviti mengumpul
semakin mendapat perhatian umum. Jadi menyebut gaya hidup mewah penjawat Selasa, seperti dilaporkan portal lumat mengenai sebarang ancaman dari- dana dan memperoleh senjata.
saya minta pegawai kerajaan menyambut awam. pada kumpulan itu. Semasa penangkapan di Sulawesi Ten-
Ramadan ini dengan semangat keseder- Setiausaha Kabinet Pramono Anung Penduduk yang ingin mendapatkan JI bertanggungjawab ke atas pengebo- gah baru-baru ini, skuad anti-pengganas
hanaan, dan tidak melampaui batas. kemudian mengeluarkan kenyataan men- perkhidmatan bas percuma untuk percut- man berkembar pada Oktober 2002 di merampas dokumen, pisau, teleskop, dan
“Kita akan mengagihkan semula bajet genai larangan itu, dengan mengatakan ian Aidilfitri boleh mendaftar melalui Bali yang mengorbankan lebih 200 orang senapang pelet daripada suspek.
majlis berbuka puasa untuk aktiviti yang bahawa pegawai kanan kerajaan mesti pejabat pengangkutan wilayah di laman dalam serangan dahsyat yang menjadi “Jangan lupa bahawa JI telah diklasi-
lebih bermanfaat seperti membantu menjalani kehidupan yang sederhana. sesawang Mudik Gratis 2023 dari 27 Mac titik permulaan kepada siri letupan maut fikasikan sebagai organisasi pengganas
golongan miskin, anak yatim, dan orang Lebih ramai pegawai kanan kerajaan hingga 10 April. di Jakarta dan beberapa bandar lain yang yang kini digelar sebagai sel pengganas
yang memerlukan,” kata Jokowi dalam didedahkan memiliki kekayaan yang Bas percuma itu akan berlepas ke pel- menyasarkan kemudahan kerajaan dan yang sedang tidur,” kata Ahmad.
satu siaran video. diragukan ketika ramai rakyat Indonesia bagai wilayah di Jawa Timur bermula 9 aset asing termasuk bangunan kedutaan Polis juga menuduh JI menempatkan
“Kita juga boleh menggunakan bajet masih bergelut dengan kemiskinan. April dari pejabat pengangkutan wilayah dan hotel. kotak derma di pasar mini di beberapa
untuk menganjurkan Pasar Murah,” kata Kementerian Pengangkutan pada Isnin di Jalan Ahmad Yani, Surabaya. Bagaimanapun, sejak sedekad lalu, JI wilayah di seluruh Indonesia untuk
Jokowi, merujuk kepada bazar yang men- mengumumkan mereka telah memecat “Sekitar 90 bas akan berlepas pada 9 dilihat kurang aktif dengan pemimpin- menipu orang awam supaya menderma
jual makanan ruji pada harga jauh lebih sementara Muhammad Rizky Alamsyah hingga 20 April ke pelbagai daerah dan nya yang masih hidup secara sukarela wang mereka yang akan digunakan bagi
murah untuk golongan miskin dan daripada jawatannya sebagai pegawai di bandar,” kata Parawansa. menyertai program deradikalisasi kera- membiayai aktiviti keganasan kumpulan
kurang berkemampuan. Direktorat Perhubungan Laut untuk siasa- Bas percuma untuk program mudik jaan. itu.
Dalam video itu, Jokowi mengin- tan lanjut. Isteri Rizky sebelum ini dilihat (balik kampung) Aidilfitri itu mem- Tetapi jurucakap Polis Negara Insp. Kumpulan itu menggunakan dana
gatkan rakyat bahawa larangan men- sering menunjukkan kekayaan keluarga babitkan laluan Surabaya-Madiun, Jeneral Dedi Prasetyo memberi amaran berkenaan untuk menerbangkan peng-
gadakan majlis iftar hanya dikenakan ke mereka di media sosial. Surabaya-Magetan, Surabaya-Ponorogo, bahawa skuad anti keganasannya, Detas- ganas ke Syria bagi menyertai latihan
atas pegawai kerajaan, khususnya Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB) mela- Surabaya-Nganjuk, Surabaya-Tulunga- men 88 memiliki pangkalan data anggota ketenteraan dan membeli senjata dan
menteri dan ketua agensi kerajaan. porkan bahawa 10.1 peratus rakyat gung, Surabaya-Blitar, Surabaya-Treng- JI yang masih aktif. bahan letupan untuk digunakan dalam
Dalam erti kata lain, orang ramai bebas Indonesia masih hidup di bawah garis galek, Surabaya-Bondowoso, dan “JI terus menimbulkan ancaman serangan pengganas pada masa hadapan,
untuk menganjurkan majlis iftar kemiskinan pada 2021. – Agensi Surabaya-Pacitan. – Agensi tersembunyi kepada keselamatan menurut polis. – Agensi
6 Hiburan
Tempoh reman penyerang Kamal Adli dilanjutkan seminggu lagi
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I RAB U, 2 9 MAC, 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
dan Athalia
TEMPOH tahanan reman ke atas lelaki April. dengan sengaja menggunakan senjata siasatan sedang dijalankan.
yang didakwa menyerang pelakon Kamal Pada 14 Mac lalu, mahkamah berbahaya di bawah Seksyen Kamal yang cedera terpaksa menjalani
Adli dilanjutkan tujuh hari lagi bagi menetapkan lelaki itu direman dua 324 Kanun Keseksaan membawa pembedahan di sebuah hospital di sini.
melengkapkan pemeriksaan perubatan minggu untuk menjalani penilaian hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun, Beliau dan isterinya Uqasha Senrose
di Institut Kesihatan Mental (IMH) psikiatri di institut berkenaan. denda, rotan, atau mana-mana berada di Singapura untuk acara Jualan
Singapura. Lelaki berusia 33 tahun itu menjawab kombinasi hukuman itu. Mega Hari Raya 2023 selama tiga hari
Menurut Hakim Daerah Terence Tay, “ya” apabila ditanya sama ada dia Pada 12 Mac kira-kira jam 9.19 malam, bermula 10 Mac, di Dewan 5A Ekspo
IMH memohon tempoh reman terhadap mendengar keputusan itu. Pasukan Polis Singapura menerima Singapura.
suspek dilanjutkan bagi melengkapkan Dia didakwa di Mahkamah Negeri laporan mengenai satu kes di 1 Expo Menurut Uqasha, kejadian itu berlaku
pemeriksaan. pada 14 Mac kerana “disyaki terlibat Drive di mana suspek didakwa telah di penghujung acara.

Hakim Syarie nasihat

“Saya membenarkan permohonan dalam kes menyebabkan kecederaan menyerang seorang lelaki berusia 36 Turut hadir di mahkamah pada Selasa
untuk anda direman selama seminggu menggunakan senjata berbahaya.” tahun dengan menggunakan cota. ialah peguam Kamal, Jason Wee dari
lagi di IMH,” katanya sambil menambah Jika sabit kesalahan, menyerang Polis telah merampas cota berkenaan Firma Undang-undang AVW yang
sebutan kes seterusnya adalah pada 4 hingga menyebabkan kecederaan untuk dijadikan bahan bukti dan berpangkalan di Malaysia. – Bernama

Sungguh Kamu

Farid, Diana berdamai

Aku Rindu
daripada kisah luka
AHKAMAH Rendah Syariah
Petaling, Subang Bestari di
Petaling Jaya pada Selasa, MENGHARGAI keberadaan orang lain
menasihatkan pelakon Farid Kamil dan adalah hal yang sederhana tapi amat
isterinya yang juga pelakon iaitu Diana bermakna. Hargai setiap insan yang
Danielle, untuk berdamai bagi kita sayang selagi mereka masih
menyelesaikan kemelut rumah tangga bernyawa.
mereka. Demikian mesej utama yang cuba
Peguam Syarie Fakhrul Azman Abu dibawakan penyanyi Fahimi Rahmat
Hassan, yang mewakili Farid atau nama dan Athalia dalam single duet
penuhnya Farid Kamil Zahari, 42, terbaharu mereka berjudul Sungguh
memberitahu pemberita selepas Kamu Aku Rindu (SKAR).
sebutan kes perceraian pasangan Kolaboratif sulung dua bakat muda
pelakon itu di hadapan Hakim Syarie itu merupakan hasil kerjasama antara

Dayang Nurfaizah
Shukran Yusof. label Universal Music dan Faithful
Beliau berkata hakim itu berkata Music.

gegar Singapura
“Benda yang boleh selesai secara baik, SKAR yang dilancarkan secara rasmi
cubalah mengislahkan (usaha untuk pada 3 Mac lalu dicipta sepenuhnya

Mei depan
memperbaiki keadaan)”. oleh Fahimi sejak dua tahun lalu
Fakhrul Azman berkata hakim selepas melalui satu peristiwa yang
FARID Kamil menunjukkan cincin
berkenaan turut memerintahkan sangat berbekas dalam hidupnya.
perkahwinannya sebaik keluar DIANA Danielle ketika keluar
pasangan itu melantik wakil masing- “Lagu ini memberi peringatan agar
dari Mahkamah Rendah Syariah dari Mahkamah Rendah Syariah
masing dalam Jawatankuasa Pendamai sentiasa menghargai orang yang kita
Petaling, Subang Bestari Petaling, Subang Bestari
SELEPAS lima tahun, penyanyi terkenal, (JKP) dan menetapkan 30 Mei ini untuk rapat. Sebab kita tidak akan pernah
pada Selasa. – fotoBERNAMA pada Selasa. – fotoBERNAMA
Dayang Nurfaizah (gambar) kembali mengetahui laporan jawatankuasa tahu bila dia akan pergi. Jadi hargailah
menggegarkan pentas Esplanade, terbabit. setiap insan yang berada di sekeliling.
Singapura menerusi Konsert Belagu yang “Pada prosiding hari ini, mahkamah membaca laporan JKP yang akan berkenaan dengan lebih terperinci. “Sebenarnya lagu ini sudah
akan berlangsung pada 20 Mei depan. dimaklumkan mengenai lantikan wakil dipengerusikan oleh pegawai daripada Dalam pada itu, Diana berkata, dihasilkan dua tahun lalu tetapi saya
Menurut Dayang atau nama sebenar, JKP dan Farid telah melantik kakaknya Jabatan Agama Islam (JAIS),” katanya. tuduhan yang dilemparkan suaminya simpan sekejap kerana menunggu
Dayang Nurfaizah Awang Dowty, 42, dia manakala Diana melantik rakannya Sementara itu, Akberdin berhubung isu orang ketiga sebagai waktu yang terbaik untuk dilancarkan.
juga tidak sabar untuk kembali beraksi sebagai wakil JKP dan proses memaklumkan bahawa pada 24 Mac fitnah. Tahun ini adalah waktu terbaik
di pentas Esplanade sekali gus mengubat perbincangan dalam jawatankuasa itu lepas, Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Shah Terdahulu, Farid yang tiba di merealisasikannya,” ujar Fahimi.
kerinduan peminatnya di Singapura. akan didakan di pejabat agama Shah Alam mengeluarkan perintah hak mahkamah kira-kira 9 pagi berkata Tambahnya, lagu yang mendapat
“Alhamdulillah, saya berasa terharu Alam, yang mana tarikhnya akan penjagaan sementara dua anak pasangan beliau membawa sejambak bunga sentuhan daripada komposer Mike
dan bersyukur kerana jualan tiket ditentukan kemudian. berkenaan, yang berusia 10 dan lapan sebagai tanda perdamaian dan sebentuk Chan tersebut diinspirasikan daripada
konsert Belagu yang mula dijual kepada “Seterusnya, pihak-pihak akan melalui tahun kepada Diana, namun tiada cincin emas untuk diberikan kepada kisah luka yang dilaluinya sebelum ini.
orang ramai sejak 16 Mac lalu juga sudah proses hakam (kalau JKP tidak mencapai halangan untuk Farid berjumpa dengan Diana. Sementara itu, bercakap tentang
‘sold out’. persetujuan) dan mahkamah akan anak-anaknya. Pada 10 Mac lepas, Diana selaku gandingannya bersama Athalia,
“Konsert ini hanya satu malam saja dan menentukannya,” katanya. Farid ketika ditemui pemberita plaintif memfailkan permohonan cerai pemilihan penyanyi itu sememangnya
pihak kami tidak akan menambah Sementara itu, peguam syarie Datuk selepas prosiding mendakwa hampir 23 terhadap Farid mengikut Seksyen 47 bertepatan kerana mereka mudah
persembahan kepada dua malam,” katanya. Akberdin Abdul Kader yang mewakili hari beliau tidak dapat bertemu dua Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga mencipta keserasian ketika proses
Mengulas mengenai konsert itu, kata Diana yang nama sebenarnya Diana anaknya itu. Islam (Negeri Selangor) 2003 atas alasan rakaman meskipun ini kali pertama
Dayang, persembahannya akan diiringi Danielle Danny Beeson, 32, mengesahkan Pelakon Lagenda Budak Setan itu tiada persefahaman dan berlaku shiqaq Fahami menyanyi lagu duet.
tarikh 30 Mei yang ditetapkan oleh berkata, keretakan rumah tangganya atau perbalahan berpanjangan serta

‘Kalau boleh saya nak bantu semua orang’

barisan 18 pemuzik di bawah pimpinan “Selama berada dalam industri, saya
pengarah muzik, Aubrey Suwito. mahkamah. berpunca daripada “pihak ketiga” tidak lagi mampu hidup bersama sebagai tak pernah berduet dengan mana-
“Ia berbeza dengan konsert Belagu di “Pada tarikh tersebut mahkamah akan namun enggan mendedahkan isu suami isteri. – Bernama mana penyanyi. Tetapi kali ini saya cari
Dewan Filharmonik Petronas (DFP) di kelainan.
mana persembahan saya bersama dengan “Pada peringkat awal, ada beberapa
Orkestra Filharmonik Malaysia (MPO). nama penyanyi lain yang disenarai
“Manakala, konsert Belagu di pendek. Tetapi pada akhirnya, Athalia
Esplanade pula bersama dengan band TIDAK hanya menjadi inspirasi daripada semua orang, tetapi mungkin ketika ini kecil saya itu sangat besar ertinya pada yang dipilih sebab sewaktu
tapi konsep persembahan masih sama populariti yang dikecap sebagai anak saya lebih terarah kepada kanak-kanak orang lain, malah membahagiakan mendengar suaranya, saya dapat
iaitu mengangkat karya irama klasik seni, pelakon Anzalna Nasir juga dipuji dan ibu tunggal. kehidupan mereka. Terharu bila ramai rasakan lagu SKAR sangat sesuai
yang masih segar. memiliki keperibadian terpuji apabila “Mungkin kerana status saya sebagai yang sentiasa kirimkan doa buat saya dengan dia,” ujarnya.
“Seramai 1,500 peminat di Singapura sangat dekat dengan kerja-kerja amal seorang ibu, saya jadi mudah tersentuh dan keluarga,” katanya. Dalam pada itu, Athalia yang
akan turun untuk menyaksikan konsert dan kebajikan. melihat anak-anak yang perlukan Meski kadang-kala berdepan dengan merupakan anak kepada penyanyi
saya di dewan Esplanade nanti,” katanya. Sentiasa prihatin dengan golongan bantuan. Saya sedih bila tengok mereka yang suka mengambil Sharifah Zarina menyifatkan
Ditanya persiapan pula, kata Dayang, tidak bernasib baik, terutamanya mereka tidak cukup keperluan kesempatan dan cuba menipu, ibu kerjasama dengan Fahimi sebagai
dia akan berlatih bersama dengan band golongan ibu tunggal dan kanak- seperti susu dan lampin,” ujarnya. kepada dua anak itu tetap positif dan pengalaman berharga cukup manis
di bawah pimpinan Aubrey selepas kanak, bintang drama Dendam Aurora Anzalna, 35, yang ditemui pada berusaha memberikan yang terbaik. untuk dikenang.
sambutan Aidilfitri nanti. itu sentiasa terbuka berkongsi majlis memperkenalkan dirinya “Biasalah dalam hidup ini, memang Demi menyelami maksud sebenar
“Selain menjalani ibadah puasa, saya rezeki. selaku wajah kempen Flora akan ada orang yang suka ambil lagu berkenaan, kedua-duanya
juga berlatih sendiri dulu sepanjang “Kongsi rezeki itu adalah Nostalgia Raya oleh Isetan kesempatan. Pada mulanya saya kecewa menterjemahkan emosi dan nyanyian
Ramadan ini. Saya akan menyampaikan antara cara mensyukuri apa Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini juga bila jumpa orang seperti ini. Mereka mengikut pemahaman sendiri.
rangkaian lagu dari album Belagu dan yang Tuhan berikan untuk kita turut berhasrat untuk menutup peluang orang lain yang lebih “Lagu ini dekat dengan kehidupan
Belagu II, pastinya saya dan Aubrey mahu dan bukanlah saja nak tunjuk menyumbang pakaian raya berhak. orang yang pernah melalui cerita
memberikan yang terbaik untuk peminat baik. Saya pun menghulurkan untuk anak-anak yatim “Bagaimanapun bila fikir balik, niat indah atau segala memori bersama
pada konsert Belagu di Singapura nanti,” bantuan mengikut sempena Syawal nanti. saya ikhlas membantu. Jadi hal-hal lain, pasangan mahupun insan tersayang.
katanya. kemampuan diri sahaja. “Saya sangat gembira bila biarlah itu menjadi urusan dia dengan “Sejujurnya, kerjasama ini adalah

Salman Khan sekali lagi terima ugutan bunuh

Terdahulu, Dayang berjaya “Kalau boleh saya nak bantu dapat tahu pertolongan Tuhan,” katanya. – Sinar Plus satu pengalaman hebat buat diri saya
mengangkat karya irama klasik menerusi sebab kami masing-masing ada
konsert Dayang Nurfaizah & MPO: Belagu pandangan makna yang tersendiri.
yang berlangsung di DFP, KLCC pada 11 Tambahan pula, dalam video muzik

Bill Entertainment
Mac lalu. – Harian Metro ada banyak babak yang dekat dengan
AKTOR Salman Khan (gambar) Apatah lagi ugutan tersebut Begitupun, ini bukan ugutan kisah hidup,” luahnya.

‘ikat’ Jin Hyuk

terpaksa mengetatkan kawalan turut menyebut mengenai pertama diterima pelakon Hum Menyifatkan Fahimi sebagai
keselamatan apabila sekali lagi keselamatan keluarga Dil De Chuke Sanam itu daripada seorang penyanyi yang komited
berdepan ugutan bunuh daripada Salman yang mendorongnya Lawrence. Tahun lalu, ugutan dengan setiap hasil kerjanya, Athalia
kumpulan gengster Rajasthan, meminta pihak polis sama turut diterimanya. berharap SKAR dapat diterima baik
Lawrence Bishnoi. menambahkan pegawai Terdahulu, ancaman bunuh oleh pendengar.
BEKAS ahli kumpulan Biarpun penjenayah kini berada di untuk berkawal. Lawrence terhadapnya Lagu SKAR kini tersedia dalam
idola UP10TION iaitu penjara, mesej yang disampaikan terus Salman dan ahli keluarganya dipercayai berkaitan kes semua platform penstriman
Lee Jin Hyuk kepada aktor berusia 57 tahun itu dinasihatkan supaya tidak kerap pembunuhan pada 1998 yang termasuklah video muzik rasmi yang
(gambar) membuatkan Salman diselubungi keluar di tempat umum yang didakwa membabitkan aktor tersebut boleh ditonton menerusi YouTube

Ali janji selesai hutang RM60,000 Siti Norhidayah sebelum Aidilfitri

menandatangani kebimbangan. mendedahkan mereka kepada risiko. dan beberapa rakannya. Faithful Music. – Kosmo! Online
kontrak eksklusif
bersama syarikat
pengurusan artis, Bill
Ia diumumkan secara
rasmi oleh pihak pengurusan Bill SELEPAS permohonan bayaran ansuran semalam, dan rasanya hari ini surat pun sebelum arwah Abam meninggal dunia, kerana rumah itu adalah rumah pusaka
Entertainment Isnin lalu. Syarikat ditolak, pelawak, Ali Puteh (gambar) akan sudah dihantar. Insya-Allah, sebelum rasanya sudah lebih kurang enam bulan arwah ibunya. Justeru, kata Ali, pihaknya
berkenaan dijangka menguruskan semua menjelaskan bayaran RM60,000 kepada Aidilfitri selesai,” katanya ketika saya tiada ‘job’. Sekarang saya berniaga akan membayar saman untuk
aktiviti lakonan dan nyanyian Jin Hyuk. balu Allahyarham Abam Bocey, Siti rakaman program Melodi Raya di dalam media sosial. Saya gunakan platform mengelakkan rumah berkenaan disita.
Jurucakap syarikat berkenaan berkata Norhidayah Mohd Ali sebelum Luxury Garden Hall, Isnin lalu. apa yang ada untuk cari duit. “Sebenarnya, ada perselisihan faham
pihaknya sentiasa menyokong Aidilfitri ini. Pada 18 Februari tahun lalu, “Jadi, saya gunakan apa yang saya ada mengenai rumah berkenaan. Ia adalah
pembabitan Jin Hyuk dalam dunia seni “Dari awal saya mohon untuk Mahkamah Sesyen untuk selesaikan bayaran balu Abam. Saya rumah pusaka arwah ibu, tetapi banyak
dan mempunyai perancangan khas bagi bayar secara ansuran, tetapi memerintahkan Ali atau nama kesal sebab saya bukan penjenayah, di pula peguam bersuara. Saya juga sudah
artis berbakat itu. Jin Hyuk, 26, juga ditolak. Jadi, saya akan usahakan sebenarnya, Syed Ali Mubarak mana saya digari dan dimasukkan dalam menghubungi peguam balu Abam dan
dijangka mengeluarkan album solonya untuk bayar serentak dengan Syed Mohd Ridzuan dan tiga ahli penjara, sebaliknya ini hanyalah urusan mereka minta saya menjawabnya di
pada tahun ini. penuh seperti yang diminta. Insya- keluarganya membayar RM60,000 keluarga yang tidak membabitkan jenayah. mahkamah. Tetapi, saya malas nak teruskan
Beliau mula menyertai UP10TION sejak Allah, sebelum Aidilfitri ini saya akan kepada Siti Norhidayah kerana “Saya pelik sampai begini kerjaya saya di mahkamah lagi.
2015 dan tampil dalam beberapa drama selesaikan. mengeluarkan kata-kata mengaibkan terganggu. Saya merasakan ia tak adil, “Jadi, kami tolak tepi perkara itu sebab
TV antaranya Find Me in Your Memory “Apa nak buat, saya tak boleh nak wanita itu di Instagram (IG), dua tahun lalu. tetapi nak buat macam mana, saya harap mereka tidak tahu apa terjadi dengan
dengan watak Jo-II Kwan pada 2020. menidakkan sebab ini kerja Tuhan. Tak Ali turut tidak menafikan dia bila bayaran selesai, isu ini tidak keluarga kami. Dan selepas berbincang
Bakat seninya berjaya menarik mengapa, saya bincang dengan isteri, kami mempunyai kekangan untuk membayar berpanjangan,” katanya. dengan kakak dan adik susulan rumah
perhatian ramai sehingga berjaya akan usahakan apa yang termampu jumlah sebesar memandangkan sudah Sementara itu, mengenai rumah arwah pusaka disita, kami akan sediakan bayaran
meloloskan diri dalam senarai beberapa biarpun terpaksa bergadai. lama tidak menerima tawaran kerja seni. Abam yang dituntut Siti Norhidayah, Ali saman secepat mungkin. Insya-Allah
anugerah utama. – Agensi “Saya pun sudah hubungi peguam saya “Memang tawaran kerja tidak seperti berkata, dia tidak boleh menyerahkannya rumah itu akan selamat,” katanya. – BH
Perlu lebih ramai pemimpin
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I RAB U, 2 9 MAC, 2 0 2 3 Rencana 7

wanita dalam organisasi korporat

ERUBAHAN amalan kerja akibat
pandemik Covid-19 membawa
hanya sedikit kemajuan daripada
sudut bilangan wanita yang menyandang
jawatan kanan dalam organisasi
korporat di Malaysia, demikian menurut
satu laporan baru-baru ini.
Menurut Grant Thornton
International Business Report: Women in
Business 2023, hanya 40 peratus jawatan
pengurusan kanan di negara ini
dipegang oleh wanita dan peratusan itu
adalah sama seperti tahun sebelumnya. bekerja dari rumah. matlamat yang strategik pihak pasukan
Grant Thornton adalah syarikat “Dengan hampir separuh perniagaan dan organisasi.
antarabangsa yang menawarkan kembali beroperasi di pejabat, ini “Jurang gender akan berterusan jika
perlbagai khidmat nasihat yang memberi kesan kepada kemajuan untuk DEI hanya dilihat sebagai menanda kotak
menyeluruh. meningkatkan kepimpinan wanita jawapan. DEI memerlukan kepimpinan
Rakan kongsi Grant Thornton dalam perniagaan dan tanpa amalan kanan mengambil tanggungjawab serta
(pengurusan kualiti), Silvia Tan berkata: kerja yang fleksibel, ini membuatkan memastikan perlaksanaannya,” beliau
“Hasil dapatan kajian kami tidak ramai wanita yang menyandang memberitahu Bernama dalam
menunjukkan secara keseluruhannya jawatan kanan berminat. wawancara menerusi emel.
bilangan wanita dalam kepimpinan “Sekiranya perniagaan berkenaan
kanan terus meningkat berbanding di tidak mendokong kaedah kerja hibrid Isu kesihatan mental
Malaysia yang agak perlahan dan ini atau fleksibel, wanita mungkin Ami, yang juga penasihat Perniagaan
sesuatu yang perlu diberi perhatian. melepaskan jawatan mereka dan dan Kemampanan Maybank berkata, 30%
“Penyelidikan kami turut menimbangkan kerja secara sambilan Club Malaysia menggalakkan PLC perlu
mendedahkan bahawa ada risiko ia atau memulakan perniagaan sendiri,” keluar mencari mereka yang boleh
boleh merosot dan pihak perniagaan katanya. memberikan pandangan yang lebih
perlu berusaha lebih serta pantas untuk Tan menambah, di tengah-tengah pelbagai.
meraih kesaksamaan,” katanya. berlakunya kekurangan kemahiran di “PLC perlu juga membuat
Di peringkat global, menurut laporan peringkat global serta krisis bakat, pertimbangan yang strategik untuk
Grant Thornton, 32.4 peratus jawatan perniagaan yang mendokong model menjadikan syarikat lebih berdaya tahan,
pengurusan kanan dalam ‘mid-market kerja fleksibel mungkin juga mendapat mampan dan berjaya. Kajian
Gambar hiasan.
businesses’ kini disandang wanita iaitu manfaat daripada bekerja rentas menunjukkan ada kaitan antara prestasi
kenaikan separuh mata peratusan (pp) sempadan dan akses kepada tenaga kerja kewangan syarikat dan kepelbagaian ahli
sejak tahun 2022 dan hanya 13pp sejak seperti mereka yang kurang upaya, Pencapaian ESG global memberi tekanan kepada firma lembaga pengarah mereka,” katanya.
penyelidikan ini mula dijalankan pada mereka yang tinggal di lokasi pedalaman Tan juga berkongsi bahawa syarikat untuk mewujudkan pasukan Menurut Ami, pelabur institusi seperti
tahun 2004. atau mereka yang mencari yang menepati matlamat Environmental, kepimpinan yang pelbagai dan Khazanah Nasional dan Kumpulan Wang
Kajian laporan ini melibatkan keseimbangan kerja-kehidupan yang Social, and Governance (ESG), lazimnya kegagalan berbuat demikian mungkin Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) mengiktiraf
pemimpin kanan dari 5,000 perniagaan lebih baik. mempunyai lebih ramai wakil wanita menyebabkan mereka gagal menambah trend ini dan memberi keutamaan
antara Oktober dan November 2022 “Sebagai contoh, saya mungkin kerja dalam bilik lembaga pengarah dan modal serta menarik pelabur. kepada DEI dalam lembaga pengarah
merentasi 29 ekonomi. di Kuala Lumpur tetapi ibu pejabat saya mereka ini mungkin kurang membesar- Sementara itu, kerajaan juga semakin syarikat yang mereka membuat
“Memandangkan keadaan ini, hanya berpangkalan di Pulau Pinang. Kami besarkan kelayakan mereka semata-mata memberi penekanan kepada dasar pelaburan dan mungkin mengundi tidak
34 peratus jawatan kepimpinan kanan tidak dikehendaki bekerja di ibu pejabat untuk dikekalkan kedudukan mereka.. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) menyokong sebarang perlantikan
(secara global) akan disandang wanita tetapi kerana komitmen keluarga serta “Wanita dalam kepimpinan kanan dalam perniagaan. baharu yang tidak menambah kepada
pada tahun 2025. keperluan untuk hampir dengan lebih cenderung bersikap terbuka “Penting untuk meningkatkan inisiatif kepelbagaian itu.
“Berdasarkan laporan World mereka, kami memilih untuk di tentang pencapaian ESG syarikat mereka DEI, memandangkan syarikat Malaysia Sementara itu, pakar psikiatri Aurelius
Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap, tempatkan di mana yang kami berasa dan kurang mahu memberikan menghadapi persaingan sengit untuk Hospital Nilai, Dr Malini Elangovan
iuntuk menangani jurang gender global selesa,” katanya. maklumat yang mengelirukan tentang mendapatkan mereka yang berbakat dan berpandangan, wanita terutamanya yang
ini, ianya akan mengambil masa 132 “Di Grant Thornton Malaysia, kami syarikat mereka kerana mereka lebih perlu menangani isu penggantian dan memainkan peranan kepimpinan mungkin
tahun lagi,” Tan memberitahu Bernama melancarkan ‘Your Time Your Place’– lantang bersuara, berbanding lelaki, risiko orang penting,” katanya. berhadapan dengan risiko isu kesihatan
baru-baru ini. aturan kerja fleksibel untuk pekerja kami dalam menyuarakan sikap yang tidak (DEI adalah elemen penting untuk mental yang lebih tinggi, antaranya akibat
bagi memperkasakan mereka mendapat beretika serta menyokong keputusan mengukur tahap tadbir urus korporat diskriminasi jantina, kesukaran
Model kerja fleksibel pasca keseimbangan kerja-kehidupan, beri yang memberatkan alam sekitar,” dalam organisasi. Mulai tahun 2014, melaksanakan kuasa serta komitmen atau
pandemik mereka ruang serta masa untuk katanya, menambah, syarikat yang Bursa Malaysia mengkehendaki semua ketidaksamaan di tempat kerja.
Menurut Tan lagi, hasil penyelidikan menampung tanggungjawab serta mengamalkan prinsip ESG mungkin syarikat yang disenarai awam [PLC] “Wanita sering berasa tertekan untuk
itu juga mendapati model kerja keperluan mereka. lebih menarik pelabur serta pelanggan untuk mendedahkan dalam laporan melaksanakan tugas dan membuktikan
mempunyai impak besar ke atas “Ini menyumbang kepada hasil positif antarabangsa. tahunan mereka akan dasar DEI mereka, kemampuan mereka di tempat kerja.
bilangan wanita dalam pengurusan untuk syarikat kami mempunyai 45 Menurut Tan, di Malaysia, lebih meliputi semua pekerja lelaki dan Mereka juga dihantui perasaan bersalah
kanan. peratus pekerja wanita menyandang banyak syarikat mendokong amalam ESG wanita, tanpa mengira umru, kaum, untuk memenuhi jangkaan keluarga
Beliau menambah, di Malaysia, ekoran jawatan kanan,” katanya. untuk mempamerkan komitmen kemampuan dan kekurangan.) mereka di rumah,” katanya.
daripada pandemik Covid-19, 45 peratus Sebagai langkah untuk menarik lebih terhadap kemampanan, termasuk Pengerusi 30% Club Malaysia Datuk Menurut Dr Malini, seorang dalam
perniagaan kini beroperasi di pejabat ramai wanita menyertai organisasi, Tan kesaksamaan gender dalam jawatan Ami Moris berkata, sebarang sasaran dan lima wanita mengalami masalah
sementara 52 peratus adalah hibrid dan juga mencadangkan pihak perniagaan kepimpinan kanan. dasar yang ada kaitan dengan DEI, perlu kesihatan mental yang biasa seperti
mengambil pendekatan kebolehsesuaian menawarkan peluang untuk kenaikan Tan menambah, fokus kepada mempunyai konteks, yang bermaksud, ia kemurungan dan kebimbangan. –
atau fleksibel dan tiga peratus lagi pangkat jawatan kanan yang lebih telus. tanggungjawab korporat dan standard perlu mengambil kira keperluan serta Bernama

Mohammad Fitri
Skuad ragbi 7s sasar kedudukan kembali bersama
Speedy Tigers
empat terbaik di Hangzhou KUALA
Mohammad Fitri Saari
(gambar) yang kembali
KUALA LUMPUR: Selepas menamatkan pemain di sini, pada Selasa. pasukan, yang sudah memulakan latihan Muhammad Zulhisham Rasli, menyertai latihan
saingan di tempat kelima pada Sukan Seramai 18 pemain ragbi disenarai di sejak dua hari lepas tidak terganggu, Muhammad Kamal Hamidi Mohd skuad hoki lelaki
Asia Jakarta-Palembang 2018, skuad bawah program podium Majlis Sukan biarpun dalam bulan puasa. Raihan, Mohamad Shah Izwan Nordin, kebangsaan tidak
ragbi tujuh-sebelah (7s) kebangsaan, kali Negara (MSN) dan Kesatuan Ragbi “Saya banyak bertanya kepada Wan Azley Wan Omar, Muhd Danish mahu mensia-siakan
ini menyasarkan kedudukan empat Malaysia (MR), untuk menghadapi Sukan jurulatih dari luar negara dan juga Haikal Shahizam, Muhammad Ali Imran peluang kedua itu.
terbaik di Hangzhou, China. Asia Hangzhou bermula 23 Sept hingga 8 berjumpa dengan pakar-pakar sukan Mohd Suhaimi, Muhd Danish Ikhmal Pemain berusia 30 tahun itu yang
Presiden Malaysia Ragbi Datuk Okt dan Kejohanan Siri Ragbi Asia. dan makanan, kita tidak ada isu dengan Shahizam, Suhaikal Suhaimi, teruja dapat kembali berlatih bersama
Shahrul Zaman Yahya berkata sasaran Pasukan negara yang diberi julukan pemain kami sebab mereka ini pemain Muhammad Harith Iqbal Muhamad skuad Speedy Tigers mahu memastikan
itu, ditetapkan berdasarkan kemampuan skuad Bunga Raya 7 itu, bakal menyertai bermusim. Anhar, Adeen Imann Putra Md prestasinya pada tahap terbaik untuk
skuad negara. Kejohanan SEA 7s yang akan berlangsung “Bulan puasa ini kita membuat Baharudin, Aiman Nasri Awaludin, terus berada dalam pasukan.
“Saya berharap skuad yang terdiri dari 7-8 April di Singapura dan di latihan macam biasa pada waktu petang Muhammad Azwan Zuwairi Mat Zizi, Mohammad Fitri berkata hasratnya
daripada pemain berpengalaman dan Thailand pada 13-14 Mei ini sebagai dan selepas berbuka, pada setiap Isnin, Amirul Ramzan Amir, Muhammad Alif adalah untuk beraksi bersama
baharu ini akan memberi impak untuk persediaan ke Hangzhou. Rabu dan Jumaat, kita akan ke gim serta Aiman Abdul Majid, Eddie Arrif Ferdaus skuad kendalian A. Arul Selvaraj di
terus bersaing di peringkat Sementara itu, ketua jurulatih skuad pada Khamis dan Sabtu, kita akan turun Freedy, Muhammad Hafizize Sudin, Sukan Olimpik Paris 2024 dengan

Kenyataan Dr Yii diambil luar konteks – BAM

antarabangsa,” katanya selepas majlis negara yang baharu, Ahmad Fadzlee padang,” katanya. Shamsul Md Salleh, Asrin Azman. – muncul juara di Sukan Asia Hangzhou

Karate sasaran
menandatangani kontrak bersama Ahmad Idris berkata persediaan Berikut senarai 18 pemain: Bernama bermula 23 September hingga 8 Oktober ini.
“Saya tak nak sia-siakan peluang kedua

lubuk emas
ini. Saya teruja untuk berlatih semula
sebab saya tak nak terlepas kejohanan

negara di Sukan
bersama pasukan kebangsaan kerana
KUALA LUMPUR: Isu yang dibangkitkan pandangan beliau telah diambil di luar supaya berfikir dua kali sebelum impian saya nak ke Olimpik.
Ahli Parlimen Bandar Kuching Dr konteks. Beliau sekadar memberi mengejar impian mereka bersama BAM, “Sasaran saya adalah pingat emas

Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen berhubung struktur nasihat kepada beberapa ibu bapa dengan mendakwa ramai pemain Sukan Asia kerana kalau melalui pusingan
latihan Persatuan Badminton Malaysia berkaitan masa depan anak-anak badminton senior dan junior kelayakan, agak susah untuk ke Olimpik,”
(BAM) telah selesai, menurut persatuan mereka. ditamatkan kontrak kerana kegagalan katanya ketika ditemui pemberita pada
itu. “Susulan perbincangan mereka hari prestasi. sesi latihan pertama skuad kebangsaan di
Badan induk sukan badminton itu ini Tan Sri Norza dan Dr Kelvin Beliau dipetik sebagai berkata Stadium Hoki Nasional Bukit Jalil, malam
KUALA LUMPUR: Sukan karate akan dalam kenyataan memaklumkan Dr Yii menganggap isu itu selesai,” menurut mereka yang memilih berhenti Isnin lalu. Mohammad Fitri, yang
menjadi sasaran lubuk pingat emas buat telah menghubungi Presiden BAM Tan BAM dalam hantaran menerusi media daripada program latihan diketepikan daripada skuad kebangsaan
skuad karate negara pada temasya Sukan Sri Mohamad Norza Zakaria bagi sosial malam Isnin lalu. BAM perlu membayar pampasan sejak awal 2020, kembali menyertai
SEA 2023 di Kemboja, Mei ini. mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai Isnin lalu, satu portal berita RM30,000, yang menurutnya tidak latihan skuad Speedy Tigers Isnin lalu,

Skuad hoki tolak aksi persahabatan, elak corak permainan diketahui lawan
Ketua Kontinjen (CDM) ke Sukan SEA program latihan BAM. melaporkan Dr Yii memberi melindungi kepentingan pemain. – yang diadakan pada waktu malam ketika
Kemboja 2023, Datuk Mohd Nasir Ali yang “YB (Dr Yii) menjelaskan bahawa amaran kepada anak-anak dan ibu bapa Bernama Ramadan. – Bernama
meletakkan harapan tinggi kepada skuad
itu berkata dengan kehadiran ketua
jurulatih baharu daripada Mesir, Tamer
Abdelraouf Mohamed Mourssy, beliau
yakin pasukan karate negara mampu KUALA LUMPUR: Skuad projek khas Stadium Hoki Nasional Bukit Jalil, temasya di Phnom Penh, Malaysia tetap menerusi penentuan penalti.
memperoleh pencapaian cemerlang. hoki lelaki yang bakal beraksi pada dijangka beraksi dalam aksi pemanas menjadi pilihan untuk mengekalkan “Kita akan ada lebih kurang 30
“Saya yakin pasukan karate mampu Sukan SEA 2023 di Kemboja, badan menentang skuad senior yang statusnya selaku pasukan terkuat Asia perlawanan antarabangsa menjelang
menyumbang pingat emas lebih daripada Mei ini, terpaksa menolak pelawaan sedang bersedia menghadapi Sukan Tenggara. Jun. Jadi kita boleh tahu di mana tahap
pencapaian yang diraih pada Sukan SEA Thailand dan Indonesia untuk aksi Asia Hangzhou, China, yang juga Sukan SEA boleh dianggap sebagai kita, kemudian kita tambah baik dan
Hanoi, di Vietnam tahun lalu,” katanya persahabatan bagi memastikan corak merupakan kelayakan Sukan Olimpik pemanas badan bagi pasukan betulkan dari segi teknikal, taktikal
kepada pemberita semasa meninjau permainan pasukan negara menjadi Paris 2024. itu menjelang Piala Remaja Asia dan strategi pukulan sudut penalti,
persiapan skuad berkenaan di sini Isnin ‘rahsia’. “Kita tidak mahu dedahkan strategi bermula 23 Mei hingga 1 Jun di Salalah, selain menguji bagaimana pemain
lalu. Ketua jurulatihnya, Muhammad dan corak permainan kepada musuh. Oman. beraksi dalam tekanan dan intensiti
Pada edisi tahun lepas, skuad karate Amin Rahim, berkata ia kerana Kalau tiada halangan, kita akan ke Namun, Muhammad Amin, berkata tinggi.
negara berjaya menamatkan kempen pihaknya tidak mahu strategi pasukan Australia minggu depan untuk latihan pihaknya enggan mendabik dada “Kita kini ada 35 pemain, dan hanya
dengan memenangi empat pingat emas diketahui oleh pihak lawan menjelang dan beberapa aksi menentang pasukan kerana tidak mahu peristiwa final edisi akan kekalkan 30 pemain menjelang
dan enam pingat gangsa. temasya dwitahunan itu yang dijadual kelab di sana,” katanya ketika ditemui 2015 berulang, apabila skuad negara akhir April, yang akan dijangka kekal
Sementara itu, mengenai larian obor berlangsung di Phnom Penh dari 5 pada sesi latihan skuad remaja negara, diheret sehingga penentuan penalti sehingga JWC nanti. Pingat emas Sukan
Sukan SEA, Mohd Nasir berkata ia telah hingga 17 Mei depan. baru-baru ini. oleh tuan rumah Singapura, selepas SEA pastinya dapat membakar
dijadual berlangsung di ibu negara pada Sebaliknya, pasukan muda negara, Walaupun hanya menghantar skuad terikat 2-2. semangat pemain menjelang Piala
11 April ini membabitkan atlet dan bekas dalam persiapan untuk Piala Dunia junior untuk mencabar negara lain Malaysia, bagaimanapun, berjaya Remaja Asia dan JWC,” katanya. –
atlet. Remaja (JWC) pada hujung tahun ini di yang dibarisi pemain senior pada meraih emas selepas menang 4-3 Bernama
SUKAN harianekspres Mohammad Fitri
kembali bersama
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I RAB U, 2 9 MAC, 2 0 2 3 8
Speedy Tigers

Liga Super
bakal terima
RM2.4 juta
KUALA LUMPUR: Juara Liga Super musim cadangan agihan pendapatan
ini akan menerima wang hadiah berdasarkan merit untuk diperkenalkan
kemenangan berjumlah RM2.4 juta tahun ini,” katanya dalam kenyataan MFL
menerusi sistem agihan pendapatan pada Selasa.
berasaskan merit 2023-2025 yang Sementara itu, Presiden MFL Datuk Ab
diperkenalkan Liga Bolasepak Malaysia Ghani Hassan berkata peningkatan agihan
(MFL). pendapatan kepada semua kelab Liga
Pengenalan sistem agihan itu turut Super musim ini adalah satu petanda
membolehkan enam kelab teratas tidak positif terhadap perkembangan kancah PEMAIN tengah Republik Ireland, Alan Browne (kiri) melakukan tandukan yang berjaya diselamatkan
termasuk juara, meraih lebih RM1 juta saingan domestik. oleh penjaga gol Perancis, Mike Maignan (kanan) semasa perlawanan tersebut. – Gambar AFP
sementara pasukan tercorot tetap Beliau berkata MFL melihat sistem

Pavard, Maignan pastikan kemenangan Perancis

membawa hadiah kemenangan berjumlah agihan pendapatan itu akan BOLA SEPAK – Kelayakan Euro 2024
RM600,000 berbanding hanya RM250,000 menggalakkan semua kelab bersaing
pada musim lepas. hebat bagi mendapatkan kedudukan
Kadar agihan pendapatan kepada terbaik sekali gus menerima lebih banyak
keseluruhan 14 kelab yang bertanding pendapatan.
musim ini menyaksikan peningkatan “Adalah tanggungjawab MFL sebagai PARIS: Perancis menewaskan Ireland 1-0 di pemain terbaik perlawanan,” kata pemain sepatutnya kami perlu menjaringkan
sebanyak 96.55 peratus iaitu RM15.675 juta badan pengelola liga untuk berusaha Dublin pada awal pagi Selasa untuk Bayern Munich, Pavard memberitahu lebih banyak lagi. Kami perlu menang 10-
berbanding RM7.975 juta yang diagihkan meningkatkan pendapatan kelab-kelab kemenangan kedua dalam aksi kelayakan saluran televisyen TF1. 0 pada perlawanan seperti ini,” kata Van
kepada 14 kelab yang sama pada 2022. dan kami percaya dengan kerjasama Euro 2024, manakala Belanda mengatasi “Saya diberi peluang untuk bermain, ia Dijk.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) MFL syarikat-syarikat korporat serta rakan Gibraltar 3-0. satu kejayaan, saya menjaringkan gol, Dalam saingan Kumpulan F, Sweden
Stuart Ramalingam berkata sebanyak penyiar, Liga-M dapat terus Pertahanan kanan Benjamin Pavard walaupun tugas utama pertahanan adalah bangkit daripada kekalahan di tangan
RM6.95 juta akan diagihkan kepada setiap dikomersialkan bagi meningkatkan memecah kebuntuan pada pertengahan untuk bertahan,” kata Pavard. Belgium dengan membelasah Azerbaijan
kelab berdasarkan prestasi masing-masing pendapatan kelab-kelab,” katanya. babak kedua aksi di Lansdowne Road Di Rotterdam, pertahanan tengah 5-0 di Solna. Emile Forsberg, Viktor
di penghujung musim sementara juara Sebagai rekod, susulan impak sebelum Mike Maignan memastikan Manchester City, Nathan Ake meledak dua Gyokeres, Jesper Karlsson dan Anthony
dan naib juara Piala MFL masing-masing pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda, agihan gawang Perancis tidak dibolosi dalam dua kali dalam kemenangan Belanda ke atas Elanga menemui sasaran untuk tuan
menerima RM500,000 dan RM250,000. pendapatan bagi musim 2021 dan 2022 minit terakhir. Gibraltar, pasukan ranking ke-200 yang rumah dan Bahlul Mustafazade
“Sistem agihan pendapatan dilakukan berdasarkan dua asas iaitu yang Ketika permainan berbaki 30 saat di terpaksa beraksi 10 orang. menjaringkan gol sendiri.
berdasarkan merit ini sudah dibentangkan pertama agihan sama rata sebanyak Dublin, penjaga gol AC Milan, Maignan, Penyerang Atletico Madrid, Memphis Austria menewaskan Estonia 2-1 selepas
kepada rakan kongsi liga dalam RM500,000 dan RM250,000 masing- yang menggantikan bekas kapten, Hugo Depay membuka jaringan pada babak ketinggalan hasil jaringan Rauno
pertemuan bersama kesemua CEO kelab masing kepada setiap kelab Liga Super dan Lloris, menepis keluar tandukan panik pertama menerusi tandukan padu Sappinen pada minit ke-25. Pemain sayap
Liga-M pada 15 Feb lepas. Sistem ini dilihat Liga Premier. rakan sepasukan, Jule Kounde. sebelum pemain veteran, Liam Walker Cologne, Florian Kainz menjaringkan gol
lebih adil buat kelab-kelab yang Asas kedua ialah hanya kelab yang Daripada sepakan sudut yang dilayangkan kad merah pada babak pertama untuk negaranya ketika
mempamerkan prestasi cemerlang menamatkan saingan Liga Super dan Liga diberikan, Maignan sekali lagi kedua. permainan berbaki 22 minit dan Michael
sepanjang musim Liga-M 2023. Premier dalam kelompok tiga teratas akan menyelamatkan gawang Perancis, kali ini Kapten Belanda, Virgil van Dijk Gregoritsch melengkapkan kebangkitan

Zii Jia kembali ke BAM?

“Pembentangan yang dibuat mendapat memperoleh hadiah wang tunai daripada percubaan pemain lawan, bagaimanapun menganggap pasukannya Austria pada minit-minit akhir.
reaksi cukup baik dan mereka menerima tambahan. – Bernama Nathan Collins. tidak menjaringkan gol yang mencukupi Sepakan percuma Dominik Szoboszlai
“Aksi Mike membolehkan kami terus selepas dibelasah Perancis pada aksi mencetus kemenangan 3-0 Hungary ke

Mitsuki sandaran pingat di Kemboja

mendahului dan menang tanpa bolos, pembukaan Kumpulan B Jumaat lalu. atas Bulgaria untuk permulaan kempen

Kejohanan Golf
jadi saya boleh katakan yang dia adalah “Kami menjaringkan tiga gol, tetapi yang cemerlang. – AFP

Maybank 2023
KUALA LUMPUR: Persoalan sama ada untuk kembali bernaung di bawah badan
perseorangan lelaki profesional negara, induk berkenaan.

kembali dengan
Lee Zii Jia, kembali ke pangkuan Persatuan Dalam pada itu, Mohamad Norza, yang KUALA LUMPUR: Jurulatih skuad Shalin Zulkifli ke pusat latihan skuad tenis
Badminton Malaysia (BAM) masih juga Presiden Majlis Olimpik Malaysia kebangsaan Zulkhairi Mohd Khir percaya negara di Kompleks Tenis Jalan Duta, Bukit

edisi wanita
menjadi tanda tanya. (MOM), mengesahkan pertemuan rasmi pemain tenis muda negara, Mitsuki Leong Tunku, pada Selasa.
Desas desus yang timbul mengatakan bersama pemain berasal dari Alor Setar, boleh diletakkan sandaran pingat pada Terdahulu, Persatuan Tenis Malaysia
Zii Jia akan kembali ke BAM semakin jelas Kedah itu akan diadakan melalui program Sukan SEA Kemboja 2023, berdasarkan (Tennis Malaysia) mempertaruhkan lima
selepas Presiden BAM, Tan Sri Mohamad RTG yang akan dipengerusikan oleh Yeoh prestasi cemerlang ditampilkan anak pemain lelaki dan tiga wanita bagi
Norza Zakaria memuat naik gambar beliau dan beliau sendiri. buahnya itu dalam beberapa siri menggalas cabaran negara pada Sukan
bertemu pemain berusia 25 tahun itu “Kita akan lihat keperluan dia (Zii Jia),” kejohanan sebelum ini. SEA di Phnom Penh, Kemboja yang akan KUALA LUMPUR: Selepas tertangguh
beberapa kali di laman rasmi katanya ringkas. Beliau berkata pemain berusia 19 itu berlangsung dari 5 hingga 17 Mei ini. selama tiga tahun, Kejohanan Golf
Instagramnya, baru-baru ini. Sebelum ini media melaporkan Yeoh yang kini bersaing pada Kejohanan Tenis Pemain lelaki ialah Mitsuki; Koay Hao Maybank 2023 kembali dianjurkan
Bagaimanapun, Mohamad Norza, memberitahu akan mengadakan Dunia (ITF) di Mysuru, India yang Sheng; Imran Daniel Abd Hazli; S. menerusi edisi wanita yang mendapat
ketika dihubungi Bernama pada Selasa, pertemuan empat mata dengan Zii Jia membuka tirai semalam hingga Ahad ini Darrshan dan Christian Andre manakala pengiktirafan Persatuan Golf Profesional
memaklumkan, dua pertemuannya sebaik pemain itu pulang ke tanah air (2 April), berada di landasan tepat untuk Saw Jo Leen; Shihomi Leong dan Lim Sze Wanita (LPGA) di Kelab Golf & Country
bersama pemain nombor empat dunia di selepas tamat siri kejohanan di Eropah mengumpul mata ITF bagi memastikan Xuan bagi wanita. Kuala Lumpur (KLGCC) di Bukit Kiara dari
sebuah restoran adalah secara kebetulan untuk membantu atlet berkenaan susulan laluan di temasya dwitahunan itu Dalam pada itu, Imran Daniel yang 26 hingga 29 Oktober ini.
dan tidak dirancang. prestasi tidak menentu pemain profesional berpihak kepada dirinya. akan membuat penampilan kedua di Presiden Kumpulan dan Ketua Pegawai
Beliau pada masa sama enggan itu sejak kebelakangan ini. “Saya rasa tahap permainan Mitsuki Sukan SEA selepas edisi Hanoi, Vietnam Eksekutif Maybank Datuk Khairussaleh
memberi sebarang komen mengenai Mengulas mengenai prestasi Zii Jia yang memang bagus sekarang. Semasa di tahun lepas kini sedang giat menjalani Ramli berkata kejohanan menawarkan
adakah juara Seluruh England 2021 itu baru pulang daripada Kejohanan All Lucknow, India dia mara sehingga ke latihan untuk mempertajamkan hadiah keseluruhan berjumlah US$3 juta
akan kembali bernaung di bawah badan England dan Terbuka Switzerland, peringkat ketiga dan di Jakarta, pada kemahirannya bagi memastikan (kira-kira RM13 juta) itu dijangka disertai
induk sukan badminton kebangsaan itu. Mohamad Norza menyifatkan pemain itu Januari lepas sampai ke peringkat suku penyertaan kali kedua membuahkan hasil. 78 pemain profesional, dengan 10 slot
“Buat masa ini tiada komen, setakat dua sudah menemui rentak kemenangannya akhir. “Saya rasa persembahan baik cuma dikhususkan kepada pemain Malaysia dan
pertemuan adalah terserempak, bukan dan perlu diberikan masa untuk beraksi “Jadi, Mitsuki boleh (membantu) tiada peluang nak menyertai kejohanan di Asia Tenggara.
dirancang, saya pun nak tunggu hasil lebih baik. pasukan lelaki meraih pingat gangsa luar negara untuk menguji kemampuan Beliau berkata kejohanan musim ini
Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Hannah Yeoh, Pada kejohanan All England menerusi acara kumpulan, dan jika diri sendiri. Namun, itu tidak yang menggunakan tema “Retake the
yang ingin bertemu Zii Jia,” katanya. menyaksikan, Zii Jia tersingkir di peringkat melihat kepada permainan perseorangan mematahkan semangat untuk Green” mencerminkan keyakinan
Baru-baru ini sebuah media tempatan separuh akhir selepas ditewaskan pemain kalau dia boleh lepas sampai ke separuh menggunakan waktu yang ada untuk Maybank kepada pemain wanita untuk
melaporkan Zii Jia berkemungkinan China, Shi Yu Qi 19-21,13-21, manakala akhir dan final, Insya-Allah (pingat berlatih,” katanya. menonjolkan potensi dengan permainan
kembali ke BAM apabila pasukan Road To beliau turut terkandas di pusingan sama di mampu dibawa pulang),” katanya. Pada edisi di Hanoi, skuad tenis negara penuh bergaya ketika beraksi di
Gold (RTG) difahamkan bakal tangan pemain Jepun, Koki Watanabe, 11- Beliau berkata demikian selepas meraih dua pingat gangsa menerusi acara lapangan.
menggerakkan semula pemain terbabit 21, 14-21 di Terbuka Switzerland. – Bernama menerima kunjungan Timbalan Ketua berpasukan lelaki dan beregu wanita. – “Golf wanita mempunyai pengikut di

Ram Singh kekal Presiden PMDKK

Kontinjen ke Sukan SEA 2023, Datuk Bernama seluruh dunia terutamanya di rantau ini
dan kalau tengok pemain terkemuka di
LPGA datangnya dari Asia contohnya,
pemain Malaysia iaitu Kelly Tan.
Disebabkan itu, kalau boleh saya mahu
semua pemain ranking dunia menyertai
GL Oh memilih untuk memasukkan beberapa
kejohanan ini.
KOTA KINABALU: Ram Singh pemanah kanan, kakitangan
berpengalaman dan ibu bapa yang aktif “Kita bagaimanapun masih kekalkan
mempertahankan jawatannya sebagai
ke dalam pasukan dalam usaha mereka nama kejohanan kerana sudah ada
Presiden Persatuan Memanah Daerah
untuk meningkatkan prestasi persatuan. kerjasama dengan LPGA jadi pasti semua
Kota Kinabalu (PMDKK) untuk penggal
Ram yang mengucapkan terima kasih sudah faham ia kejohanan wanita.
keempat berturut-turut semasa
atas sokongan dan keyakinan yang Kerjasama dengan LPGA ini akan
Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang
diberikan kepadanya, menggesa pasukan dijalankan sekurang-kurangnya selama
diadakan baru-baru ini.
baharunya bekerja lebih gigih bagi tiga tahun,” katanya kepada pemberita di
Hjh Kartini Kamis juga mengekalkan
meneruskan legasi persatuan itu. sini pada Selasa.
kerusi Timbalan Presiden, manakala
Beliau dalam satu kenyataan pada Turut hadir pada majlis pelancaran
Clarence Jews dipilih sebagai Naib
Selasa berkata adalah penting untuk kejohanan berkenaan ialah Menteri Belia
meningkatkan lagi sukan itu yang dan Sukan Hannah Yeoh, Pengerusi
Setiausaha Agung ialah Shiu Vay
akhirnya akan membawa lebih banyak Kumpulan Maybank Tan Sri
Leung dan beliau akan dibantu oleh
kegemilangan untuk negeri dan negara Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Ketua Pegawai
Eugenius Lo Foh Soon, sementara
pada masa hadapan. Perniagaan LPGA Asia Sean Pyun dan
jawatan Bendahari dan Penolong RAM Singh (duduk tengah) bersama jawatankuasa baharu.
“Kami berharap dapat bekerjasama Presiden Kelab KLGCC Tun Musa Hitam.
Bendahari masing-masing disandang
rapat dengan badan negeri (Persatuan Sementara itu, Hannah yang
oleh Stephanie Chin dan Elaine Van Shuk program akan dilaksanakan tidak lama pembangunan belia dengan input
Memanah Sabah), Kementerian Belia dan melancarkan Kejohanan Golf Maybank
Lei. lagi termasuk seminar yang akan daripada tiga pemanah muda, serta
Sukan, Majlis Sukan Sabah, Lembaga 2023, yakin kejohanan bertaraf
Tujuh ahli jawatankuasa yang dipilih dikendalikan oleh jurulatih Korea Kim lawatan pendidikan untuk ahli mereka
Sukan Sabah dalam usaha bersama antarabangsa itu mampu menyediakan
ialah Richard Chong, Somphon Sararaks, Hyung Tak pada Mei, mempersiapkan ke beberapa agensi kerajaan.
untuk melonjakkan sukan itu ke tahap pentas untuk atlet wanita negara
Anthony Lee, Emily Lo, Charlie Jikulis, pemanah menyesuaikan diri dengan Sementara itu, Kelab Memanah Para
yang lebih tinggi,” katanya. menonjolkan bakat sukan golf serta
Kenneth Chow dan Renee Sew. format baharu semasa kejohanan negeri kini berada di bawah PMDKK
Beliau menambah bahawa beberapa membantu pembangunan ekonomi
Jawatankuasa baharu itu juga Memanah CPL pada April, program sebagai ahli gabungan.
negara. –Bernama

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