SPD 490B IEP Performance Template
SPD 490B IEP Performance Template
SPD 490B IEP Performance Template
The IEP Performance Standards is the process for preparing and implementing the IEP
process. This template will be used to address specific standards and go through the process
of creating an IEP for a student in your placement.
Demographic Information
For Students with SLD only, the following area(s) of eligibility was/were previously determined:
Katie was referred for an eligibility assessment by her 3rd grade teacher at Greenwood Elementary. Data
from progress monitoring, classroom observations and standardized and cognitive assessments determined
that Katie was deficit in the areas of math, reading and writing. Katie demonstrated to be weak in reading
in the areas of basic reading skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency and broad reading. Deficits in
math included calculations, math reasoning, and broad math. Additionally, Katie was deficit in written
language, and basic writing skills.
Level of Services: (A) Specially designed instruction in the general education class 100%. Instruction will be
provided by the general education teacher in consult with the special education teacher.
Type of Meeting: Annual IEP review
Date Meeting Notice Sent to the Date Procedural Safeguards given to the
Parent(s): 03/10/2023 Parent(s): 03/22/2023
The following persons participated in the conference and/or the development of the IEP. Additionally, parents have
been given a copy of their rights regarding the student’s placement in special education and understand that they
have the right to request a review of their child’s IEP at any time.
If during the IEP year the student turns 16, if the student is not present at the IEP meeting, the service coordinator
must review the IEP with the student and obtain the student’s signature and the date of this review.
Areas of Eligibility:
Statewide Standardized Assessments are given to students in grades 3-8 to measure progress in the areas
of ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Students performance scores range from a level 1 through
level 4. Level 1 being minimally proficient, level 2 as partially proficient, level 3 as proficient, and level
4 as being proficient for grade level. Katie’s most recent scores were taken when she was in the 6 th grade
with the following results:
ELA- Level 2 in reading for information. Level 2 in reading for literature, and Level 1 for reading for
writing. The overall score was a level 2.
Math- Level 1 in ratio and proportional reasoning. Level 1 in the number system. Level 2 in the
expression and equations, and a level 1 in geometry, statistics, and probability. The overall score was a
level 1.
The district assessments use iReady for grades K-8. The assessment system only measures the content
areas of math and reading. Students are tested 3 times a year. The assessments are used for leveled
performance standards in the classroom and can be used for placements or progress monitoring. In this
system calculates the difficulty of questions and number of correct responses. The data provides
measurements of the population across the district, as well as comparing and ranking students nationally.
The system offers grade equivalencies to determine if the student is performing at, below or above grade
level. Katie received the following scores in iReady on the date of 09/26/2022.
Reading-percentile rank 23rd. Grade equivalent 1.3. Katie improved 124 points from previous test.
Math- percentile rank 13th. Grade equivalent 1.6. Katie improved 64 points from previous test.
A. Cognitive (academic performance in content areas, e.g., ELA/Reading/Writing, Math, Science, Social
Studies, Technology and Fine Arts, as applicable)
ELA/Reading/Writing- Katie’s current scores for writing samples indicate that she is at a grade level
ability of 1.6 in written language. Katie struggles with linear structure in her writing and
conventions. Katie’s reading fluency is at the 1.2 grade level and reading comprehension is at the
grade level of 1.4.
Math- Katie’s scores in math calculations indicates that she is at a 1.5 grade level and in math
reasoning and broad math she came in at 1.2 grade level. Katie is struggling with multiplication and
division facts, as well as understanding fractions. Her accuracy in 2-minute drills for multiplication
average about 20%. Katie has difficulty with story problems and finding key information.
E. Adaptive
Katie does not use adaptive technology.
Not Needed Included
Rationale: Katie advocated that she would like to use a separate setting for taking tests. She stated that
she feels less distracted and concentrates better. The team agreed that Katie would also benefit from
using a multiplication chart for computations and text to speech applications to help meet her learning
State Assessments
Standard Accommodation(s):
ELA- embedded supports, text to speech, separate setting
Math- multiplication chart, embedded supports, text to speech, separate setting.
District Assessments
Standard Accommodation(s):
ELA- embedded supports, text to speech, extended time, separate setting spell checker, graphic organizer.
Math- embedded supports, text to speech, extended time, separate setting, multiplication chart,
calculator, graphic organizers.
Consider any potential harmful effects of this placement for the child or on the quality of
services that he or she needs §300.552 (a-b): Katie’s placement in the general education setting
with supports will help make reasonable progress for her.
Reason for different services at school: Katie’s learning disability may hinder her advancement
to grade level work. As a result, Katie will receive accommodations in the general education
setting. This includes testing in a separate setting, extra time to complete assignments and tests,
multiplication charts to enhance learning, clarifications in directions and assignments, and check
for comprehension. These accommodations will help Katie feel less frustrated in completing
tasks in the general education classroom.
OR, if the above LRE information does not apply to this student, explain why:
Annual Goal: In 12 months, Katie will demonstrate an increase of mathematical skills to grade
level 6 when dividing multi-digit numbers. Given a set of 10 problems, will successfully solve
the equations with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive trials.
Annual Goal: In 12 months Katie will demonstrate an increase in writing skills in the areas of
development and organization, when given a writing sample prompt so that on a minimal of
three grade level writing samples, Katie will score a 75% or better.
Skill Area:
Annual Goal:
Annual Goal:
Date Given to General Education Teacher: 09/2022 Service Coordinator: Tami Goddard
Family Communication
How will the family be informed of their child’s academic progress and the extent to which that progress
is sufficient to enable the child to achieve annual goals by the end of the year?
Families will be provided in writing, progress reports and other achievements once a month.
Consideration for eligibility: Katie is not considered for extended school year. No regression is
Written explanation as to why ESY is or is not needed: The data taken does not support that Katie
experiences significant regression on her IEP goals or objectives.
Special Instructional
Education Setting/ Start Date Frequency Provider Duration/ End
Services Location Date
Parents/Guardians: Parents or guardians offer details and insights on their child’s strengths,
interests and needs. Parents can also share history, cultural expectations and offer suggestions
or communicate concerns.
General Education Teacher: At least one of the students general education teachers must
attend the IEP meeting. The role of the general education teacher is to provide information
about the curriculum taught in the classroom, citing the areas of strengths and needs they see.
General education teachers also offer suggestions on how to modify the curriculum and
instruction to help meet the needs of the student. Additionally, general education teachers
often supplies important data.
Special Education Teacher: Is the main source of knowledge about the student. The role of
the special education teacher is to help to develop the modifications and accommodations for
the student and collect the data for progress in the goals.
Specialists: These can include school nurses, speech services providers, occupational
therapists, physical therapists. These specialists provide expert knowledge in addressing
specific needs.
Required Agenda Outline: In 500-750 words, create an agenda for the IEP meeting. Discuss the
required topics you must address (i.e., introduction of team members, whether or not this is an initial or
review or an annual IEP, discussion of test results, present levels, goals, services, Least Restrictive
Plan for Conflicts: Provide a description of ways you can involve parents in the development of
the IEP. Discuss whether you anticipate issues or conflicts that may arise during the meeting and your
plan on addressing those concerns.
Reflection: In 250-500 words, reflect on your IEP meeting practice session. In what areas do you
feel you did well? In what areas would you like to have more guidance and coaching before conducting
your first official IEP on your own? What plan of action do you have for more coaching and guidance?
On the Accommodations Table, note the dates when you will obtain progress reports from the general
education teacher or related services staff so that you can gather data on progress (if applicable). If no
general education teachers are reporting, indicate the dates of your (special education teacher)
In addition, use the Accommodations Table to gather data on the student’s progress for the first
Quarterly Progress Report.
NOTE: Only two dates are included on the Accommodations Table for the purpose of this assignment.
You may not gather data on both dates in the duration of your placement, but dates should be noted.
Accommodations Table
Goal 1:
Implemented Accommodations: Person(s) Responsible:
Data Results:
Data Results:
Goal 2:
Data Results:
Data Results:
Accommodations Summary:
In 100-150 words, summarize information from the Accommodations Table as well as data you have gathered
through teaching and observing the student. Address mastery of goals, progress towards mastery, and overall
service provision.
Communication Plan for General Education Teachers and Related Services Staff:
After completing the accommodations table and summary, in 150-250 words, describe a communication plan that
outlines how you plan to share the student’s progress information with the necessary faculty and staff. Address how
you and your colleagues will continue to monitor progress along the way, prior to receiving the quarterly
progression updates.
After reflecting on your completed Standard 5 content, create a progress report addendum and/or
amendment (based on changes needed) to be added to the initial IEP, or describe why neither an
addendum nor amendment are not needed.
Continued Learning
After completing the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Performance Template, reflect
upon three best practices you have learned from this student teaching experience in 50-150
Improved Practice
Based on your experience of developing and delivering your Individualized Education
Program (IEP) Performance Template, list three implications for your future teaching practices
in 50-150 words. Consider concepts you want to take with you into your own classroom, such
as how you will establish and maintain organization in order to facilitate the IEP process in
your classroom.