T TH Hee A Arrc Ca An Nee D Diiv Viin Niittyy W Wa Arrllo Oc CK K
T TH Hee A Arrc Ca An Nee D Diiv Viin Niittyy W Wa Arrllo Oc CK K
T TH Hee A Arrc Ca An Nee D Diiv Viin Niittyy W Wa Arrllo Oc CK K
NLIKE MOST PATRONS, YOURS IS MOTIVATED know. You can cast this spell at its lowest level at will,
mainly by the pursuit of knowledge. without expending a spell slot. If you want to cast this
Whether a god of magic, an ascended spell at a higher level, you must expend a slot of a
archmage, or a keeper of arcane relevant level. You may change this spell after a week
secrets like an Arcanaloth, the divinity has passed since you chose the last spell.
grants you power more like that of a wizard than a
typical warlock. This obsession over knowledge often Arcane Intervention
causes your patron to see you as a test subject instead When you reach 14th level, you gain the ability to
of a servant. They are not typically malicious or beseech your patron for an advance on your allowance
corrupting, but this type of patron may see you as a of power. As a bonus action, you can restore all of your
dispensable tool rather than an agent of their will. missing warlock spell slots immediately. However, for
Expanded Spell list each spell slot restored using this feature you take 2d10
psychic damage. This feature can only be used once per
The Arcane Divinity lets you choose from an expanded short rest.
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for
Level Spells
1 Mage Armor, Magic Missile
2 Knock, Levitate
3 Blink, Fireball
4 Fabricate, Polymorph
5 Telekinesis, Teleportation Circle
Arcane Communion
Starting at 1st level, your patron gives you the ability to
act as an arcane magnifying glass for them. By spending
a minute in meditation, you gain the effects of the
Detect Magic spell for the next ten minutes or the
effects of the Commune spell.
Borrowed Knowledge
Also at 1st level, you can choose to gain a single level 2
subclass feature from any wizard subclass. You can
choose to switch this feature for a different level 2
wizard subclass feature each time you level up.
Excessive Arcana
Starting at 6th level, you can channel a greater amount
of your patron’s energy into a single spell. Doing so
causes damage to your own physical form. When you
cast a warlock spell, you can choose to double the DC of
a spell, the to-hit modifier of the spell, or the damage of
the spell. If you do so, you immediately gain a level of
Arcane Imprint
When you reach 10th level, you have gained such
mastery over a specific spell that the arcane forces
required to cast it become permanently accessible; the
sigils, text, and glyphs required to unleash it are etched
into a book, a weapon, a piece of armor, or even your
very skin. Choose a 1st level warlock spell that you