National Coal Gasification Mission
National Coal Gasification Mission
National Coal Gasification Mission
Mission Document
Ministry of Coal
Government of India
New Delhi
September, 2021
India has a reserve of 307 Billion tonnes of thermal coal and about 80% of coal produced is
used in thermal power plants. With environment concerns and development of renewable
energy, diversification of coal for its sustainable use is inevitable. Coal gasification is
considered as cleaner option compared to burning of coal. Gasification facilitates utilization
of the chemical properties of coal. Syn Gas produced from Coal gasification can is usable in
producing Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG), energy fuel (methanol & ethanol), ammonia for
fertilizers and petro-chemicals. These products will help move towards self-sufficiency
under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan. In line with the above objective, Ministry of Coal has
taken initiative for utilizing coal through coal gasification and as such this Mission document
has been prepared to achieve 100 MT coal gasification by year 2030.
I am thankful to Shri Pralhad Joshi, hon’ble Minister for Coal, Mines and Parliamentary
Affairs for encouraging the Ministry in this endeavor. I am indebted to Dr Anil Kumar Jain,
Secretary Coal for his keen guidance in making the Mission document and Dr V. K. Saraswat,
NITI Aayog for his unstinted support in gasification efforts. I would also like to appreciate
the contributions made by Technical Division of MoC, CMPDI Delhi, CIL, CIMFR, M/S PDIL,
M/S Delloitte and Shri Ripunjay Bansal, Consultant to Secretary Coal through their timely
inputs. I also take this opportunity to thank Shri Peeyush Kumar, Director (Technical), MoC
who made invaluable contribution in finalizing this report. I hope this document which set
the roadmap for country in achieving the Mission will be useful in meeting the coal
gasification objectives.
Table of Contents
List of Figures.................................................................................................................................. 4
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Annexures ............................................................................................................................ 4
List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.1. Need for Coal Gasification ................................................................................................. 7
1.2. Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan: ........................................................................................... 7
2. Coal Resources in India..................................................................................................... 10
2.1. Category Wise Breakup of Coal Resources ................................................................... 10
2.2. Depth wise Breakup of Coal Resources ......................................................................... 11
2.3. Grade wise Breakup of Non-Coking Coal ....................................................................... 12
2.4. R/P Ratio of Different Countries as of 2020 .................................................................... 12
3. Gasification Potential Study of Indian Coal ................................................................... 13
3.1. Important Coal Properties in View of Gasification .......................................................... 13
3.2. Experimental Methodology ............................................................................................... 14
3.3. Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 14
4. Gasification Technology.................................................................................................... 19
4.1. Coal Gasification Process ................................................................................................ 19
4.2. Categories of Coal gasification Technologies ................................................................ 20
5. Coal Gasification Products: Sectoral Potential ............................................................ 23
5.1. Chemicals and Petro-chemicals ...................................................................................... 23
5.1.1. Methanol......................................................................................................................... 23
5.1.2. Ethanol ........................................................................................................................... 24
5.1.3 Olefins (Primarily- Ethylene and Propylene) ............................................................... 25
5.1.4 DME, Acetic Acid and Formaldehyde .......................................................................... 25
5.2 Fertilisers and NH3 based products ................................................................................ 26
5.2.1 Urea ................................................................................................................................ 26
5.2.2 Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) ................................................................................. 26
5.2.3 Ammonium Nitrate (AN) ................................................................................................ 27
5.3 Hydrogen ........................................................................................................................... 27
5.4 Steel Making ...................................................................................................................... 27
5.5 Pharmaceutical Sector...................................................................................................... 28
6 Global Experience in Coal Gasification .......................................................................... 29
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Annexures
1. Annexure I
2. Annexure II
3. Annexure III
4. Annexure IV
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
Coal is the most abundant and important fossil fuel in India. The coal production in
India touched 730 MT in the financial year 2019-20 (provisional) & 716MT in the
financial year 2020-21 (provisional)1 despite the downturn in demand due to COVID-
19 pandemic. 80% of the coal produced is consumed in thermal power plants 2
representing about 55% of the total fuel source for power in India3 along with lignite.
The world moves towards cleaner forms of energy, India, being a signatory to the
Paris Agreement, 2016 has declared three quantitative climate change goals as its
Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)4:
In the past, number of efforts has been made to gasify coal in India. Fertiliser plant at
Sindri used to gasify coal for production of fertiliser in 1960s (now closed). JSPL in
its Angul plant is operating gas based DRI plant by domestic coal. Talcher Fertilizer
Limited (TFL) is also going ahead with mixing of pet coke in high ash domestic non-
coking coal for urea production.
Production and Supplies, Ministry of Coal Website
Year End Review 2020 - Ministry of Coal, Press Information Bureau
Power Sector at a Glance – All India, Ministry of Power Website
Key Declaration on Climate Change to be signed at the India CEO Forum on Climate Change, Press Information Bureau
nodal officer and to prepare an action plan for gasifying at least 10% of their coal
production. Further, in all future commercial coal block auctions, a provision has
been made for 20% rebate in revenue share for the coal used for gasification
purpose provided the coal quantity used for gasification is at least 10% of total coal
On the request of Ministry of Coal, NITI Aayog had constituted a Steering Committee
under the Chairmanship of Member, NITI Aayog. A technical standing committee of
experts constituted by NITI Aayog assists this steering committee. MoC has also
constituted an implementation committee involving all industry stake holders under
the chairmanship of Additional Secretary, Ministry of Coal. Further, a resource group
consisting of experts from CIMFR, IIT Bombay, IIT ISM Dhanbad and IIT Madras has
been constituted to take care of research need for the gasification mission.
In order to implement various coal gasification projects, it has been planned to set up
various gasification projects in phases. In phase I, the project based on low ash coal
available in CIL will be taken up. CIL will take care of mining of coal and marketing of
the product and the gasification and product conversion plant will be set up on
BOO/BOM/LSTK contract basis. Considering the low availability of low ash coal,
gasification plants will be set up based on high ash coal and with concessions given
for commercial mining of coal it is expected to reach the goal of 100 MT gasification
by 2030.
India has a huge reserve of coal of about 344 BT of non-coking coal out of which
about 163 BT is proved reserves and with the current rate of consumption; it is
expected to last for more than 5 decades. About 80% coal is used in thermal power
plants. With environment concerns and development of renewable energy,
diversification of coal for its sustainable use is inevitable. Coal gasification is
considered as cleaner option as compared to burning of coal and has diversified use
of coal in other form of energy.
With 344 BT of coal resources including 163 BT of proved reserves, India has the 4 th
largest reserves of coal in the World. The total World proved reserves of coal are
1074 BT and India accounts for around 10% of the global reserves. US has the
largest coal reserves followed by Australia and China.
A detailed analysis of the Indian coal reserves by category and depth is given in the
tables below:
Sub-Total of
Coking 20,073 12,882 2,049 35,004 10.1
It is evident from Table 2.1 that 90% of the coal reserves in India constitute non-
coking coal or thermal coal which is primarily used for power generation and in
industries such as cement and brick-kilns. Whereas approximately 10% of the
reserves are coking coal reserves which are majorly used in steel production
process. India imports a quarter of its coal requirements.
Depth Range (m) Proved Indicated Inferred Total Share
It is evident from Table 2.2 that around 56% of the total coal resources or 72% of the
total proved reserves lie up to the depth of 300 metres. The shallower the depth,
easier the mining. More than 90% of the coal production in India is done through
open-cast mining, which is usually up to a depth of 300 metres, whereas the rest is
done through underground mining.
The above tables make it clear that India has huge reserves of coal. Therefore, it
would be beneficial for India if it finds a sustainable way of using these reserves as
the world including India is gradually transitioning away from coal toward cleaner
fuels in the wake of climate change. The use of domestic coal reserves becomes
even more important, especially when India does not have other sources of fuel –
crude oil and natural gas, 82% and 45% of the requirement of those fuels is met
through imports. This exposes India to the vagaries of price volatility and supply
Table 2.3 – Source: GSI Coal Inventory’2020
Figure 2.1 shows that the proved reserves of coal for India will last 147 years if India
produces its coal at the current level as of 2020. This implies that India must figure
out a sustainable way to use its coal reserves, otherwise this resource would remain
buried under the ground as the transition towards cleaner fuels accelerates.
Gasification Potential Mapping of high ash Indian coals have been carried out as per
the following coal characterization matrix:
Coal choice is the least flexible factor considering economic, geographical and
political reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a coal gasifier, which best suits
to the properties of the coal to be processed. The important coal properties which
affect the gasifier performance are to be determined from proximate and ultimate
analysis, cold and hot crushing strength, gasification reactivity & surface area, ash
fusion temperature (AFT), slag behaviour, ash composition, caking index, rank and,
petrographic characteristics, etc.
3.3. Recommendations
Recommendations for different potential seams of different mines are as shown
1. MCL, Talcher, Bhubaneswari OCP, Seam 2
Recommendations: High-temperature EFG seems the most suitable gasifier
option for this coal and can also be handled in a low-temperature refractory
lined EFG. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG, however, care
should be taken in view of agglomeration due to iron & calcium content.
2. MCL, Talcher, Bhubaneswari OCP, Seam 3
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option for this coal. This coal can also be handled in MBG
and FBG.
3. MCL, Talcher, Jagnnath, Seam 2
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option for this coal. However, washing/blending with low ash
feed recommended. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
4. MCL, Talcher, Kaniha area, Seam 2
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX& OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
5. MCL, Talcher, Balram, Seam 2
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX &OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
6. MCL, Talcher, Bharatpur, Seam 2
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option for this coal. However, washing/blending with low ash
feed recommended. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
However, care should be taken to avoid agglomeration in FBG.
7. MCL, Talcher, Ananta OCP, Seam 2
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX &OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
8. MCL, Talcher, Lingraj OCP, Seam 2
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX &OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
9. MCL, Talcher, Lingraj OCP, Seam 3
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX & OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
10. MCL, Talcher, Hingola, Seam 8
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX &OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
11. MCL, IB Valley, Lakhanpur OCP, Lajkura Seam
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX &OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
12. MCL, IB Valley, Kulda OCP, Lajkura Seam 2(Orient)
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX & OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
13. MCL, IB Valley, Kulda OCP, Lajkura Seam 2
Recommendations: Membrane lined high-temperature EFG seems the
suitable gasifier option after washing/blending with low ash coal. However,
high ash content will attract high CAPEX &OPEX otherwise impose a high
thermal penalty. This coal can also be handled in MBG and FBG.
4. Gasification Technology
The gasification technology is now marching towards maturity with the history that
dates back to 1800s. The first patent was granted to LURGI GmbH in Germany in
the year 1887. In 1940, commercial coal gasification was used to provide “town gas”
for streetlights in both Europe and United States. Since then, many coal gasification
plants have come up in the world for the downstream production of chemicals like
methanol, ammonia etc. and combined cycle power generation. Appropriate
technology selection depends upon the characteristics of coal feed and the end
product required from the coal gasification island. A large number of products can be
produced based on coal gasification.
Coal gasification offers a practical means of utilizing coal for meeting stringent
environmental control requirements. In the gasification process, sulphur present in
the coal is converted to hydrogen sulphide (H 2S) and minor amounts of carbonyl
sulphide (COS). These sulphur compounds can be easily and economically removed
from gas streams by a wide variety of commercially available processes (i.e., acid
gas removal systems). The separated acid gas is further processed to recover
elemental sulphur. After the acid gas removal treatment, only few ppm of sulphur
remains in the coal gas. Nitrogen oxides (NO x) are not formed to any appreciable
extent in the reducing atmosphere of coal gasification. The particulate content in the
fuel gas after gasification is negligible since the gas cleaning steps (hot cyclones,
water scrubbing or hot gas cleaning) capture almost all the particulate.
Except for hot gas clean up, other two systems are commercially established and
practiced. Most part of the wash water is recycled and the residual waste waters
from gasification plants can be effectively treated. The coal gasification plants do not
produce any scrubber sludge which need careful and costly disposal.
Though ash handling is an issue while using high ash Indian coals, the coal ash from
gasifier is not hazardous and its leaching effect is very low. The fine ash generated
in the processes using pulverized coal feed may be used for value added products
like manufacturing of fly ash bricks. In slagging type of Gasifier wherein slag is
produced as a bottom product instead of ash, this slag can be gainfully employed in
cement industries and simultaneously eliminating the problem associated with
handling of ash.
successfully gasified. Coal can be fed to the gasifier in the form of crushed coal of 5
to 50 mm size, coal fines, pulverized coal or coal water slurry depending upon the
generic type of gasification process (i.e., moving bed, fluidized bed and entrained
bed). Oxygen enriched Air or oxygen can be used as gasification medium. If oxygen
is used in a coal gasifier instead of air, carbon dioxide is emitted as a concentrated
gas stream. In this form, it can be captured more easily and at lower costs for
ultimate disposition in various sequestration approaches. By contrast, when coal
burns or is reacted in air, 80 percent of which is nitrogen, the resulting carbon
dioxide is much more diluted and is costlier to separate from the much larger mass
of gases flowing from the combustor or gasifier. Carbon conversion efficiency of as
high as 99% can be attained in the gasification process. The major advantage of
gasification is that coal is converted into a gaseous fuel which is easy to handle and
is a clean form of energy. In the gaseous form, it enables to substitute petroleum
products and natural gas. The synthesis gas has wide range of applications. It can
be used in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) system for efficient and
clean generation of electric power. It is suitable for the manufacturing of hydrogen
and basic chemicals such as ammonia, methanol, substitute natural gas, CTL (coal
to liquid), as reduction gas in steel industry etc. It can be used in complex of plants
for the simultaneous production of electric power, chemicals/ fertilizers, reduction
gas and fuels which also improve the economics of coal gasification.
The process technologies may further be classified according to feed use and heat
recovery e.g., use of pulverized coal as dry or in slurry form and heat recovery in
form of steam generation or direct quenching there by generating process vapour
along with the gasifier effluent gas. All these have to be analysed carefully while
selecting a technology. The aforesaid categories of Coal Gasification Technologies
have been described below:
Moving bed type gasifier is among the various types of Gasifiers commercially
operated. It operates with a counter current flow of oxidant through a series of
reaction zones – gradually changing from coal-coke-tar-ash. The moving bed reactor
requires sized coal, generally in the range of 5-50 mm with a limitation on the fines
content (-6 mm) in the feed. Air blown gasifiers do not exceed ash melting point
whereas oxygen blown moving bed gasifiers can be either dry ash or slagging.
Dry ash gasifier uses considerable excess process-steam, required to control the
bed temperatures below the ash fusion point to avoid formation of clinkers. Highest
bed temperature is generally maintained below the ash fusion point. Dry- ash
Removal System is highly suitable for High-ash Indian Coals having High Ash Fusion
Slagging gasifier: Highest bed temperature is allowed to exceed ash fusion point
producing slag. It operates at pressure around 30 kg/cm 2 and around1100OC. This
process is highly suitable for non-caking and weakly caking high ash coal with a high
fusion point of ash more than 1400 O C. Slagging type with a bath of molten slag at
the bottom has different reaction zones viz., drying, devolatilization, gasification and
combustion. The char from devolatilization is partly gasified by steam and CO2 while
the residual char is burnt with the oxygen input.
Fluidized bed gasifier is fed with 5 to 50 mm size coal as well as pulverized coal
which is fluidized and gasified by the oxidant gas either oxygen or air. The reactor
operates around 30 kg/cm2 pressure and at a temperature well below the ash fusion
temperature of coal, typically ranging from 800 to 1050 OC depending on the
feedstock characteristic. As a result of maintaining constant low temperature, clinker
formation and possible defluidisation of the bed is prevented.
Low temperature operation makes fluidized bed gasifiers ideal for reactive coals.
Due to the restricted flow of oxidant most of coal particles do not burn completely but
form char particles which are entrained the raw gas exit gasifier. This necessitates
separation and recycle of substantial quantity of char particles.
In this fine coal feed and oxidant are fed co-currently. As a result, oxidant and steam
is entraining the coal particles. This results in high throughput and high carbon
conversion efficiencies. Entrained flow type gasification is the cleanest and efficient
type of coal gasification. The entrained flow gasifiers are widely used abroad. It is
ideal for coal with low ash content. If ash content of coal fed in entrained flow gasifier
is high, considerable part of energy will be consumed in melting & slagging the ash
content of high ash coal resulting in lower gasification energy.
Coal to Liquids is an upcoming industry which can play a vital role in India’s chemical
and petrochemical industry as majority of chemicals and petrochemicals are derived
from products which are derived from crude oil and natural gas. Coal can be used to
make the following products:
a) Methanol
b) Ethanol
c) Olefins – (Primarily - Ethylene and Propylene)
d) DME, Acetic Acid and Formaldehyde
5.1.1. Methanol
Natural gas to methanol is an established process, however, coal is also being used
to produce methanol in some parts of the World, mainly China. India having
abundant reserves of coal can produce methanol from coal.
It is estimated that 2.7-3 tons of coal would be required to produce 1 ton of Methanol.
Therefore, 5-6 MT of coal would be required to produce around 2 MT of Methanol.
Also, methanol can be used as a feedstock to produce Olefins, DME and Acetic
Acid, however, Olefins are currently produced from natural gas and naphtha.
5.1.2. Ethanol
Under the national policy on bio fuels 2018, Government of India with effect from
01.01.2003 resolved to supply 5% ethanol blended petrol under its First-Generation
Ethanol blended petrol(EBP). Government of India has also advanced the target for
20% ethanol blending in petrol (also called E20) to 2025 from 2030. Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas is in the process of modifying National Policy on Bio
fuels 2018, to include production of ethanol also from coal gasification route. Primary
discussions with licensors such as Synata Bio (USA) revealed that ethanol can be
produced in a cost-effective manner from Syn Gas. Oil companies have also shown
interest to buy cost effective ethanol and this will help in reducing imports.
Ethanol is envisaged for being a downstream product from syngas obtained by coal
gasification. Opinions were voiced regarding fermentation of syngas to meet the
demand of ethanol blending projected by 2025-26. India’s net import of petroleum
stood at 185 million T putting the cost at 55 billion USD, which is used primarily for
products in the transportation sector. NITI Aayog has laid out a roadmap for ethanol
blending preponing the target from the earlier 2030 to 2025. Additionally, ethanol has
medical applications as an antiseptic and disinfectant. It is also used as a chemical
solvent and in the synthesis of organic compounds.
Ethanol Demand Projection in India
Supply Year Projected Petrol Requirement of ethanol for
Sales (MMT) blending in Petrol (Cr. Litres)
2021-22 31 437
2022-23 32 542
2023-24 33 698
2024-25 34 988
2025-26 35 1016
Table: 5.1
Source: Roadmap for Ethanol Blending in India 2020-2025, Report of Expert Committee, NITI Aayog
Currently, ethanol is obtained from biochemical processes using sugar, starch and
oilseed-based feedstocks. However, these first-generation bio-based ethanol
feedstocks have some concerns regarding food supply & security, limited impact on
emission reduction and impact of land & water usages. Second generation ethanol
feedstock have also emerged using feed such as energy crops, municipal wastes,
forest & agricultural residues. However, the major challenge related to production of
ethanol through the biochemical route is the lower conversion achievement.
Synata Bio has designed an advanced syngas to ethanol technology to ferment
syngas. The plant design includes utilization of unique and proprietary anaerobic
microorganisms which provides higher hydrogen uptake and increases overall yield
to ethanol. Syngas introduced at the bottom of the bioreactor and injection
technology maximizes syngas dissolution and mass transfer. A sterile seed train of
reactors is employed to grow the necessary population of Synata Bio’s proprietary
microbes to populate the production reactors. The production reactors produce a
liquid product stream, “broth”, containing the dilute ethanol product (about 2.5%-3%
w/v) in water that is distilled and dehydrated to produce the desired high purity
ethanol, prior to being sent to the finished product tanks.
Olefins are currently produced from natural gas and naphtha. Natural gas is a scarce
natural resource in India as it imports almost 45% of its requirement. Moreover,
Naphtha is derived from crude oil which is again an imported commodity as India
imports around 82% of its crude requirement. Therefore, coal to methanol and then
further production of olefins would help India to substitute the use of imported
products to produce olefins. The production of olefins is about 9 MT in India from
crude oil however economics of product is to be examined for setting up plant since
about 3 tons of Methanol are required to produced 1 ton of olefins.
Acetic Acid (CH₃COOH), popularly known as Vinegar, is a clear liquid with a pungent
odour, sharp taste and is widely used as a food preservative. The most common
route for its production is the carbonylation of methanol. GNFC is the only producer
in India using methanol to acetic acid route – therefore, low cost of methanol is
imperative to make acetic acid competitive.
Formaldehyde is the simplest form of aldehyde (HCHO) which is a colourless gas
with a pungent odour. Formaldehyde is used in the production of household
products, building materials, glues and adhesives, resins etc. It is commonly
produced through the dehydrogenation of Methanol, so Methanol to Formaldehyde is
5.2.1 Urea
Department of Fertilisers have made a plan to ensure meeting demand of urea
through domestic production and accordingly revival of old plants and new fertiliser
plants have been planned.
regulated sector and Department of Fertiliser may look into production of DAP under
Atmanirbhar Bharat Scheme.
Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) (Figures in MT)
5.3 Hydrogen
Currently hydrogen is playing as an important part of the world energy scenario as
‘Net Zero’ Targets has been announced by many nations and companies and the
voice for decarbonizing the Energy Sector, not only the Electric Sector is being
strong. The green hydrogen will also enhance renewables deployment.
Coal can be a competitive source to produce hydrogen in India, however, the
emissions from coal-based hydrogen are double that of gas based. Hydrogen
production is sensitive to electricity and gas prices, whereas in the case of coal, the
price also depends on capex and opex. India unlikely to be competitive for hydrogen
produced from gas, low cost of renewable electricity presents an opportunity, though
the cost of electrolysers is high. Dovetailing Coal to Hydrogen with the existing
Gasification Projects is a low hanging fruit. Methanol being a promising hydrogen
carrier and methanol prices being discovered around INR 22/Kg, a separate detailed
analysis on hydrogen production from coal should be done. CIL can produce low-
cost electricity for electrolysis through pit head plants, though the hydrogen produced
will not be green, which is the Global emphasis.
would be to the tune of 300 mtpa of which around 165 mt would be coking coal, 35
mtpa coal for PCI (pulverized coal injection) and around 100 mt would be non-coking
coal for DRI (direct reduced iron or sponge iron prod).
Coke is an essential input for production of steel and currently about 0.9 Tonne of
coke is required to produce 1.0 Hot Metal (HM) through blast furnace route. Indian
coking coals are inferior to imported coking coals in terms of ash and other
properties. At present, SAIL & TATA use about 90% of imported coking coal in the
blend and rest 10% through indigenous sources.
CO and H2 of Syn gas are important reducing agent for steel making and are
environment friendly method of steel making through DRI route. JSPL has already
set up a plant for steel making through Gas based DRI. Promotion of setting up of
such plant for steel making thus reducing the dependence of coking coal which is
mainly imported is recommended as Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan
b) North America is likely to show a good rate of growth. The U.S. contributed the
majority market share in the year 2017.
d) The Middle East and Africa and Latin America are likely to witness good market
6.1 China6
a) The Chinese government’s initiatives in its 11th and 12th five-year plans have
boosted the gasification industry in the country.
b) China produces more than 90% of its ammonia through coal gasification.
b. Higher self-reliance in energy supply and lower risk of oil and gas supply from
abroad are the major drivers of coal gasification related industries.
c. China has been pushing for coal gasification in a major way by adopting
proven western-developed gasifiers to gain operational experience.
d. It is the only country in the world, where large-scale coal gasification related
industries play a significant role in economic development.
h. Role of Coal Gasification in Methanol: China has become by far the largest
producing country in the world, representing 54% of world methanol capacity
(~80 MTPA) and 48% of world methanol production in 2018.
i. China is the incremental methanol supplier to the world. Around 70% of China
methanol is produced from coal.
Coal gasification projects started in the 1990’s in the US, however, it did not have a
very successful experience. Efforts to gasify coal for power generation have failed,
technologically and financially. Only two of the 25 coal-gasification electricity
generating plants proposed in the U.S. since 2000 have ever come online: Southern
Company’s Kemper plant in Mississippi and Duke Energy’s Edwardsport plant in
Under pressure from the Mississippi Public Service Commission for having logged
billions of dollars in cost overruns at Kemper and one of the reasons being the
technological problems with the gasifier, the Southern company affiliate, Mississippi
Power which started operations in 2014 had announced in 2017 that it will halt
burning the coal at its facility, leaving Edwardsport as the only plant gasifying coal.
Edwardsport, which started operations in 2013, has been plagued by technological
problems and is still not running properly. Because of its operational problems and
huge construction cost overruns, Edwardsport’s electricity is wildly expensive.
Most importantly, the natural gas prices in the US crashed post the shale oil and gas
revolution which meant that the cost of producing electricity using natural gas was
lower than that for coal. With abundant oil and gas reserves, sufficient production of
oil and gas and declining cost of renewables – solar and wind, US is unlikely to
gasify coal for power generation or for producing chemicals in the future since
natural gas provides a much cheaper and technologically established option for the
6.3 Japan
Japan has done quite a lot of research on coal gasification, especially IGCC
technology and is continuing its R&D efforts in the clean coal technology space. The
reliance on coal plants increased more after the Fukushima disaster in 2011. Many
Japanese corporations such as Mitsubishi, Nakoso and others have developed
IGCC technologies because of which Japan supports clean coal technology.
According to the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade (MEITY), Japan will retire
the inefficient older coal plants by 2030 but will continue to use Ultra-supercritical
and IGCC plants. There have been two IGCC plants in operation with a total capacity
of 800 MW. And another plant is likely to be added with a capacity of 543 MW this
year. Therefore, Japanese have not shunned the coal gasification projects like the
US, they are gradually moving ahead with this technology.
In the past, number of efforts has been made to gasify coal in India. These efforts
started in year 1960s and are continuing even now with varying capacities/scales.
Most of them are aiming for self-reliance for India by using high ash domestic coal
with end products like fertilizer (urea), power generation and methanol. Some Indian
companies have gained experience while successfully commissioning gasification
project abroad.
In the past, several efforts have been made to gasify coal in India. Fertiliser plant at
Sindri used to gasify coal for production of fertiliser in 1960s (now closed). JSPL in
its Angul plant had tried mixing of imported coal with domestic coal for gasification
process (currently in-operational or running sub optimally). Talcher Fertilizer Limited
(TFL) is also going ahead with mixing of pet coke in high ash domestic non-coking
coal for Syn Gas production. BHEL has set up a pilot plant in Trichi and has
produced 6.2 MW power but the plant has faced many issues in handling high ash
coal. M/s Thermax has also set up a pilot plant for coal to methanol production with
DST funding under the aegis of NITI Aayog in Pune. L&T has commissioned many
gasifiers in China and are in the business of erection and commissioning of gasifiers.
(i) CO and H2 of Syn gas are important reducing agent for steel making and are
environment friendly method of steel making through DRI route. Jindal Steel &
Power Limited has installed world’s first DRI plant based on Coal gasification
technology by using domestic coal which is already operating in Angul District of
Orissa for steel making. The Syn Gas project started in 2007 and commissioned in
2014. It is a technology demonstrator and can be very important for expanding the
way for Sustainable and Green Development of India. With NSP of 300 Mt crude
steel by 2030, the adoption of Coal Gasification technology will create a new
segment of capacity addition in India, therefore minimising the need of imported
coking coal.
(ii) BHEL has set up a pilot plant in Trichi and has produced 6.2 MW power but the
plant has faced many issues in handling high ash coal.
(iii) M/s Thermax has also set up a pilot plant in 2014 for coal to methanol production
with DST funding under the aegis of NITI Aayog in Pune.
(iv) L&T has commissioned many gasifiers in China and are in the business of
erection and commissioning of gasifiers.
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India had laid the Foundation Stone of the plant at Talcher
on 22.09.2018. M/s Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL) is the Project
Management Consultant (PMC) for this project. The project is being implemented on
partial Lump Sum Turn Key (LSTK) basis. LSTK tenders for major plants (Coal
Gasification & Ammonia-Urea) are under evaluation. NIT for Captive Power Plant
and other Off-sites & Utilities are under preparation by the consultant. Currently, all
pre-project works such as Commissioning of Water System, Supply-cum-Erection for
Power Works, Land Development etc. are progressing in full swing.
CIL has further identified four different coal gasification projects in ECL, SECL, WCL
and CCL wherein methanol, ammonia, ammonium nitrate and urea are expected to
be produced. The pre-feasibility report has been prepared by PDIL and CMPDI has
been engaged as a principle implementing agency for the project getting completed.
NLCIL has also taken up one lignite to methanol project at Neyveli.
8.1 Challenges
In order to take up this mission, number of committees has been formed and nodal
officers in various organisations have been created. Efforts taken so far as
mentioned below:
NITI Aayog has also constituted a Technical Standing Group for supporting the
Steering committee for technological advances & feasible options for the coal
Ministry of Coal has also created a Resource Group of academic and research
institutions for research activities related to Coal Gasification. The members of this
group are listed below:
The group has been assigned the task to prepare a technology road map for Coal
Gasification and conversion of Syn gas to various end products. The work will
include establishing:
i. State of the art analytical hub for characterization, understanding coal towards
gasification vis-à-vis selection of matching gasifier as well as utilization pattern
and strategies.
ii. Laboratory scale to pilot scale fluidization, gasification facilities along with
expertise for design of pilot scale, demo-scale gasifiers, performance
evaluation, techno-economic feasibility towards methanol, chemical feedstock,
SNG, DRI, Fertilizer etc.
Various research and development programs are currently going on for the overall
growth of coal gasification sector in India. Some pilot projects are on their way to
make the establishment and smooth running of large-scale commercial projects in
the future. Some of these projects are shown below:
1050 oC
Pressure: 10
a. M/s Synata bio in collaboration with M/s Thermax is planning to set up a Coal
to Ethanol demonstration plant of 20K capacity to establish the technology of bio
conversion of Syn Gas to Ethanol.
b. CMPDI in collaboration with GTI, USA is planning to set up a pilot project for
production of Hydrogen with CCUS technology.
In order to take ahead the Vision of 100 MT coal Gasification by 2030, Ministry f coal
has chalked out implementation strategy which include:
The Ministry of Coal has planned to execute the vision of establishing the
commercial scale projects in a three-fold implementation strategy:
The Ministry of Coal has aimed for gasification of 4 MT of coal through 2 projects –
The Talcher Fertilizer Plant & the Dankuni Methanol Plant. The Talcher Fertilizer
Plant will be based on gasification of high ash coal with blending of petcoke and will
be accomplished through a joint venture of Coal India Limited (CIL), Rashtriya
Chemicals & Fertilizers (RCF) and GAIL India Limited. The methanol plant at
Dankuni will utilize low ash coal sourced from the eastern part of the country and will
be implemented through Build-Own-Operate (BOO) mode.
Coal India Limited, which is the major coal producer of the country has identified 4
key gasification projects across its subsidiaries, Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL),
South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) &
Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) to gasify 6 MT of coal and produce various
downstream products such as methanol, ammonia & synthetic natural gas (SNG).
After successfully setting up technology in the Phase II, more projects shall be
identified. Stakeholders are expected to be active participants in the gasification
roadmap for India for which Ministry of Coal shall extend support for sourcing of coal.
Coal gasification projects will need a dedicated infrastructure to be able to get them
on ground. Availability of basic facilities such as land, water and feedstock, which is
coal, is extremely important for these projects to get kick-started. Investors could
either join hands with any of the PSU’s, most likely CIL, or independently go for the
projects. Initially, the former approach is likely to yield better results as CIL can
readily provide basic amenities such as land, coal and water that will fast-track the
implementation because land acquisition can be an arduous process in India. Here,
there is a distinction between upstream and downstream infrastructure. Upstream
infrastructure largely comprises coal gasification technologies that will gasify coal to
produce syngas and consequently other downstream products. Whereas the
downstream infrastructure will focus on the product specific pipelines and the
The implementation of the projects will require coordination of various central, state,
and local Government offices. And it becomes extremely important to get the active
support of the local population to successfully implement the projects. Benefits to the
locals in the form of jobs and social infrastructure such as hospitals, schools,
providing clean drinking water etc., through CSR activities will fetch their support.
The projects must be designed in a way to have minimal impact on local air quality,
water, and soil.
Infrastructure development will call for a massive infusion of capital in the system.
The Government has to take calls based on specific projects whether to jointly
develop the infrastructure projects with private partners or fund them by itself. The
Government will attract various private investors through financial tools such as
Viability Gap Funding, long term off-take contracts, creation of special economic
zones and low cost of capital. Several business models such as Build Own Operate,
Build Own Operate Transfer, and Build Own Transfer can be used depending upon
the specific project and investor.
The National Coal Gasification Mission’s objective to gasify 100 MT of coal will
definitely require collaboration amongst the Government at various levels – Central,
State and Local. As seen from table 9.1, the different products that could be
produced through coal gasification will require coordination of the respective
Ministries as well. For example, if methanol is blended with gasoline and the
transportation of methanol is done through inter-state pipelines – this will require
close coordination of Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, and the
State Governments. Moreover, the support from the local Governments will play a
key role in implementing the projects. A three-tier Institutional Frameworkhas been
created to steer the National Coal Gasification Mission and it would be one of the
most important tasks of the teams to ensure coordination and collaboration between
various departments. Since coal gasification involves different Ministries, it would be
efficient for the Government to have a single team of members to interact with
investors interested in coal gasification projects.
The Government would need to take some major and path breaking policy decisions
to create a technologically and economically feasible environment to push coal
gasification in India. For example, blending of methanol with gasoline may require
the Government to forego some of its tax revenue on gasoline to make Methanol
economically viable and similar might be the case with DME blending with LPG or
diesel. The policy decisions and statutory approvals will have to provide a level-
playing field for the private and public sector companies to attract serious
investment. The policy makers would strive to eliminate any distortions in the market
for the different products produced through coal gasification route.
A number of efforts have been taken to provide support to private sector and public
sector for setting up of Coal Gasification plants. This includes concessions in
revenue share for commercial auction of coal blocks. If the successful bidder
consumes the coal produced either in its own plant(s) or plant of its holding,
subsidiary, affiliate, associate for coal gasification or liquefaction or sells the coal for
coal gasification or liquefaction process, a rebate of 20% on the revenue share
quoted by the successful bidder will be allowed on the total quantity of coal
consumed or sold or both for gasification or liquefaction on an yearly basis, subject
to the following conditions:
i. At least 10% of scheduled coal production as per approved mining planfor that
year shall be consumed or sold for gasification or liquefaction;
ii. Coal Controller's certification would be required for the quantity of coal consumed
or sold or both for gasification or liquefaction.
MoC has also proposed to give freedom to Coal India Limited for utilising coal for its
own gasification projects at a rate to be decided by CIL. Further, all coal companies
have appointed nodal officers for taking up coal gasification projects in their
company. However, due to dependence on foreign licensors for technology and
competition from other feed stock such as natural gas, there is a need to provide
incentives and policy support to companies for taking up coal gasification projects..
NITI Aayog's 'Methanol Economy' programme is aimed at reducing India's oil import
bill, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and converting coal reserves and municipal
solid waste into methanol. Although slightly lower in energy content than petrol and
diesel, methanol can replace both these fuels in the transport sector (road, rail and
marine), energy sector (comprising DG sets, boilers, process heating modules,
tractors and commercial vehicles) and retail cooking (replacing LPG [partially],
kerosene and wood charcoal). Blending of 15% methanol in gasoline can result in at
least 15% reduction in the import of gasoline/crude oil. In addition, this would bring
down GHG emissions by 20% in terms of particulate matter, NOx, and SOx, thereby
improving the urban air quality
Further, Coal India Limited, on behalf of the Ministry of Coal, conducted the
stakeholder consultation involving industry and coal consumers for coal gasification
on 8th June 2021 over video conferencing.
Based on various consultations made, the following actionable points have emerged
for the mission:
a. The best suited condition for the lower maintenance and operational cost for
the optimum performance of the gasifiers is when the feedstock is not diversified.
Grant of long-term Fuel Supply Agreements will ensure the supply of coal from a
single source helping to curb the sensitivity of the gasifiers due to the difference of
physical and chemical properties of coal from different sources.
b. The identification of mines with better Grade of Coal suitable for Surface
Gasification will help the stakeholders to identify assets for future auctions. Keeping
in the mind about the mega gasification projects, allocation of coal blocks will be
better option than long term coal linkages as far as the pricing of coal is concerned.
a. For the marketability and the upcoming demand of various products like
ammonia, urea, methanol, ethanol and other chemicals the need for a balanced
poly-product portfolio design would be critical to ensure market resilience and to
promote economically sustainable coal gasification in line with the risk hedging
strategy used by established players like SASOL. Policy introduction for the
substitution of naphtha as feedstock for chemical products needs to be framed.
Further, MoP&NG is to modify National Policy on bio fuels to include ethanol
produced through coal gasification route.
b. The syngas obtained from the coal gasification can be used to obtain multiple
products like methanol, DME, olefins etc. of which India is a net importer presently.
One of the major challenges is the end-product prices are market driven and it is
essential for coal-based gasification products to be price-competitive with imported
products. The separation of Sulphur from crude oil to produce a cleaner oil also
requires huge quantities of hydrogen obtained from the gasification process.
c. The coking coal imported for steel making causes a huge outflow of Forex
from the country. Syngas can be made available for steel making through the Direct
Reduced Iron (DRI) route and increase in usage of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and
Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) will and also help towards reduction of import bill for
furnace oil.
d. Coal to syngas route can be adopted for ammonia production with the
liberated carbon dioxide being used to produce urea in a single complex, thus
contributing to lower carbon emissions and lowering the import of ammonia and urea
(around 2.5 million MT of ammonia & 7-8 million MT urea are being imported into the
country presently). But the differential higher CAPEX of 30-40% for a coal
gasification-based ammonia plant makes it less attractive for fertilizer sector than a
natural gas-based plant. However, India being an importer of natural gas, can
leverage the vast reserves of coal to substitute natural gas as the primary feedstock
for ammonia production.
Various business models were deliberated during discussions wherein coal may be
offered at a discount for SCG projects and Coal India may be offered equity in the
venture.It will ensure long term tie up with the key raw material supplier and secure
supply of key feedstock coal at a discounted price.
EPC model of project implementation can also be taken up by companies where a
reputed EPC contractor develops the project from commencement to final
completion. The owner or principal of the EPC project provides the EPC contractor
with a detailed design including technical and functional specifications, in order for
the EPC contractor to build and deliver the project to the "turn of the key", within a
specified time period. An EPC contract is often a fixed price contract or an all-
encompassing lump sum contract and any shortfall of costs is a risk that rests with
the EPC contractor, making cost control their number one priority.
Build-Own-Operate (BOO) will be a suitable model as it will bring substantial benefits
to the owner. Build, Own, Operate (BOO) is also a widely recognized mode of
implementation of a project where the project owner grants the right to finance,
design, build, operate and maintain a project to an independent entity, which retains
ownership of the project. The primary advantages of BOO model are de-risking the
project owner from various risk associated with technology, process integration,
construction, operations & maintenance and it offers long term reliability and
efficiency if a renowned BOO operator backed by strong execution background and
financial capability is selected for the project.
The landed cost of coal is almost double than the notified price of coal on account of
high rail freight, levy of royalty (14% of the cost of coal), additional duty & cess (GST
@ 5% of cost of coal, DMF @30% and NMET 2% of Royalty and GST compensation
Cess @Rs 400 per tones) etc. It is thus proposed to reduce the royalty and freight
charges and provide waiver on application of GST on coal, to make coal gasification
competitive. With waiver of GST on coal (5%) and 15% reduction in freight charges
for coal and final product, the cost of final product (Methanol) may further be reduced
by ~Rs. 650-750 per MT. Due to curtailment of GST compensation cess and
additional duty on coal, the tentative reduction on aggregate price of final product
(Methanol) may be in the range of Rs. 1,450-1,650 per MT.
Tax holiday for 15 years may reduce the average cost of production of methanol by
Rs. 700-1000 per MT and the same may further increase depending upon the scale
of operation and profitability of the company.
Subsidy for purchase of capital equipment may be provided and depending on the
quantum of capital subsidy (say 15-25% of capital cost) the venture may reduce cost
of production of methanol in the range of Rs.600-Rs.1100 per MT.
Interest Rate Subvention @ 20-30% may be provided thereby reducing the interest
burden on coal gasification projects and improve the bankability of these projects.
Interest rate subvention of 20-30% may reduce average cost of production of
methanol by Rs. 400 - 600 per MT.
Import duty exemption for capital goods for setting up coal gasification projects may
be considered. The incentives should be on the same lines as given to the petroleum
sector for upstream projects as these projects are also going to make available oil
and gas substitutes.
Power sector. The initial floor price shall be the relevant CIL/ SCCL ROM price for
regulated sector and the tenure of the linkages shall be for up to the life of the End
Use Plant (in line with the policy and methodology adopted for auction of coal
linkages for medium term and long term under paragraph B(iii) of SHAKTI Policy).
The below course of action may further assist to achieve the goal of using 100 MT of
coal for coal gasification by 2030.
a) Focused group discussions may be held with the potential companies (who
may want to be BOO operator) to sense their interest and to understand their critical
b) Allocation of ear-marked land for development of pit-head surface coal
gasification projects. This shall significantly reduce logistics cost and improve the
overall profitability and viability of the project.
c) Introduction of policy regarding M15 blend & provision of subsidy to refineries
to incentivize blending and provision of subsidy of methanol shall be in line with
ethanol. It has been envisaged that the target of substituting 10% crude oil imports
by 2030 can be met under the M15 programme and M15 has the potential to achieve
up to 20% crude oil import substitution by 2030.
d) Introducing economical financing options for SCG projects. Lower rate of
interest coupled with flexible repayment option shall reduce the burden of debt trap
for SCG projects. The stakeholders are of the common opinion that CAPEX
financing is a major impediment to implement SCG projects.
e) Exemption of GST Compensation Cess, reduction of duty on raw coal to
make domestic product competitive, such policy-driven measures are a major need
for domestic players, which will make price of final products highly competitive and at
par with global standards.
f) Rationalizing domestic coal prices on an integrated basis to ensure viability of
coal gasification.
g) Development of Single window clearance system for requisite approvals for
surface coal gasification projects & creation of guideline templates for smooth
acquisition of regulatory & statutory approvals.
h) Incentives may be given to steel producers for usage of coal gasification. It
shall also minimise GHG emission and reduce foreign exchange outflow through
reduction in import of coking coal.
i) Investment and fund allocation for capacity building for capital equipment
manufacturing in the country. In line with “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” capacity
building for capital equipment manufacturing industries shall act as catalyst in
reducing import of heavy machineries and spares. The reduction dependence on
imports for critical machineries and spares shall provide reliability of supply to the
domestic producers and eradicate the uncertainty like exchange rate fluctuation,
customs policy, etc. related to cross border transactions.
j) A common platform may be designed to provide all the relevant information
about SCG projects like details of most widely accepted technologies, case studies
from around the world, research papers, key success stories, policy driven incentives
and road map for undertaking mega projects. It may act a ready reckoner for MSME
as well as large scale industrialist and may also be utilised as an interactive platform
to voice opinion of all stakeholders.
k) A reward and recognition policy may be introduced to honour
companies/ventures achieving given targets in the coal gasification projects. The
facilitation and recognition of successful and profitable ventures shall inspire others
to undertake investment in SCG projects.
l) Facilities may be established and funded to undertake research and
development in the field of coal gasification projects. It shall assist in the
development of SCG projects in the country and cater to the requirements of the
m) A robust and time bound fiscal incentive policy may be introduced like tax
holiday, exemption of duties or capital subsidies. The policy may be restricted to
companies which commence production in next 3-4 years. It shall provide ready
incentive to interested parties and fast-track the construction activities and project
implementation which is critical to the common objective of our nation of utilising 100
MT of coal per annum for gasification.
Annexure I
Annexure II
Annexure III
Annexure IV