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Name: au

Let’s Read: au Words

I Can Identify
“au” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/aw/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “au” words.
Autumn lives in Austin, Texas. In
I caught a butterfly August, she is going to fly to Australia
in my net!
to see her friend, Paul. They are going
to meet their favorite author, Laura
The leaves fall in Faulter. Autumn is going to ask Laura
autumn. for her autograph! Autumn can’t wait
to go to Australia!
I don’t like to put
sauce on my pasta. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: au
Let’s Read: au Words
I Can Identify
“au” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/aw/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “au” words.

Mom hangs the Paul bumped into Austin and made him spill
laundry on the line. sauce all over the folded laundry. “Now I am
going to be in trouble because of you,” said
Austin. “It was not my fault!” Paul replied. Paul
Dad paused the TV and Austin paused the TV and cleaned up the
for a minute. sauce. Then, they hauled the laundry to the
washer and washed the clothes all over again.
The author writes a Problem solved!
story about cats. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: aw
Let’s Read: aw Words
I Can Identify
“aw” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/aw/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “aw” words.
At dawn, Shawn rushed over to his Paw-Paw’s
I help Dad use the house. “Today is the day you are going to learn
saw to cut wood. how to use the saw,” his Paw-Paw said. Shawn
sat out on the lawn and watched as his Paw-
Mr. Spaw taught me Paw cut up some wood. Shawn’s jaw dropped!
how to draw a house. “You are great at using the saw,” Shawn said.
“Now it is your turn,” his Paw-Paw replied.
Shawn did a flawless job using the saw!
The claw on that
crab is really big! Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: aw
Let’s Read: aw Words
I Can Identify
“aw” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/aw/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “aw” words.
Mr. Bawn had an awful day! First, a
Look at that paw hawk pooped on his head. Next, he
print on the ground! tripped and fell on his lawn. Then, his
dog tracked muddy paw prints all over
I always use a straw the house. “It is time for bed,” Mr.
when sipping water. Bawn said, as he yawned. Mr. Bawn
crawled into bed. “Tomorrow will be
Do you see that better,” he said.
hawk in the tree? Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oi
Let’s Read: oi Words
I Can Identify
“oi” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/oi/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oi” words.

Don’t forget to flush Oinky the Pig rolled around in moist soil!
the toilet! “OINK! OINK! OINK! This is so fun. The soil
feels so good on my joints,” Oinky the Pig
The pig says, “Oink! said in a squeaky voice. “What is all that
Oink! Oink!” noise?” asked the other pigs on the farm. It
was Oinky the Pig! Soon, all of the pigs joined
That is a big bottle in on the fun!
of poison. Yikes! Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oi
Let’s Read: oi Words
I Can Identify
“oi” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/oi/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oi” words.
“Son, I need your help!” Mom yelled in a
The water began to urgent voice. Pat ran to the kitchen. “Will you
boil on the stove. grab those items for me?” Mom asked, as
she pointed to the foil and oil on the counter.
Max pointed at me “Sure thing, Mom!” Pat replied. Mom drizzled
on the playground. some oil in the boiling pot of water and then
covered the pot with foil. “You’re a big help!”
Mom said, as she smiled.
Mom covered the
pasta with foil. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oy
Let’s Read: oy Words
I Can Identify
“oy” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/oi/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oy” words.

I rush home to play Leroy is a seven year old boy who

with my T-Rex toy. lives near Monroy Beach. He enjoys
There is a shiny going to the beach with his friend,
pearl in that oyster. Troy. They love to play with beach
toys and look for oysters all day long!
Kings and queens
wear royal clothing. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oy
Let’s Read: oy Words
I Can Identify
“oy” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/oi/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oy” words.

The wall is being McCoy loves to pretend! Some days he

destroyed. pretends he is a cowboy. Other days he
pretends that his toy truck destroys
Mag was full of joy everything in its path. “McCoy, sometimes
this morning.
you annoy me!” Joy says. “I’m sorry, Joy! I
don’t mean to annoy you,” McCoy replies.
Tom likes to annoy his
big sister. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oo
(as in boot)

Let’s Read: oo Words

I Can Identify
“oo” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/ew/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oo” words, as in boot.
I loop the rope Cooper and his dad grab a stool and a big
before tying it to scoop of ice cream before heading to the
the tree.
backyard. They are going to look at the
There is a full moon full moon. “Maybe we will even see a
shooting star zoom by!” his dad says.
I pull out the stool so “Woo! That would be cool!” Cooper replies.
I can sit down. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oo
(as in boot)

Let’s Read: oo Words

I Can Identify
“oo” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/ew/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oo” words, as in boot.
Joon is leaving for her trip to the zoo at
Jess went to the
store to buy food. noon! Joon hopes she gets to see the
giraffes eat their food. She also hopes to
The roots of the see the elephants splash in the huge pool.
tree are strong.
Joon knows it is going to be a cool trip to
I have to help Dad the zoo!
find his other boot. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oo
(as in foot)

Let’s Read: oo Words

I Can Identify
“oo” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/oo/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oo” words, as in foot.
Brooke goes to the library to look for a new
I put the hook on my
fishing line. book. She wants to find a book that will
teach her how to cook. Brooke looks and
I got a new book at looks! Then, she finds a recipe book written
the library today! by Chef Shook. Brooke learns how to make
chocolate chip cookies. Brooke is a great
The cook makes a cook!
tasty meal for lunch. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: oo
(as in foot)

Let’s Read: oo Words

I Can Identify
“oo” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/oo/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “oo” words, as in foot.
It’s chilly today! I pull up my hood and head
The baby’s foot is outside. “You can’t go outside barefoot! It’s
really tiny. too cold,” Mom yells. I slide on my shoes and
grab my football. Then, I run to the brook
Grandma gave me near my house. My friend, Ted, and I play
milk and cookies. football all day. “Look! It’s getting dark,” Ted
says. It’s time to go home. “Goodbye,” I say.
Rita puts on her hood “See you soon!”
before going outside. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: ou
Let’s Read: ou Words
I Can Identify
“ou” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/ou/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “ou” words, as in foot.

Jake likes to bounce I am counting down the days until I get to go

his ball. to South Carolina to see my grandpa. We are
going to watch movies on his comfy couch.
We are also going to go fishing for flounder.
The mouse is looking Last year, Grandpa showed me how to
for food. bounce three balls at once. I hope gets to
show me other neat tricks this time around!
I cuddle on the couch
with my mom. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: ow
Let’s Read: ow Words
I Can Identify
“ow” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/ow/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “ow” words, as in foot.

The owl sat on the Today is the big day! I am going to be

branch. the flower girl in my aunt’s wedding. I
woke up early to put on my gown.
I got a pretty gown
Mom said there is going to be a crowd
for my birthday. of people watching me. I have to make
sure I do not frown. I may take a bow
as I walk down the aisle.
The silly clown has on
a big hat. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.


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