Several studies have demonstrated increased morbidity and mortality in patients with cirrhosis
undergoing anesthesia and surgery. Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease, which may affect all body
systems. The severity of the disease, assessed by the Child-Pugh classification, has a substantial
effect on patient outcome. The extent of surgery and co-morbid conditions also have a major
impact. In the past few years, changes have been made in the diagnosis, preoperative preparation,
surgical and anesthetic management and perioperative care of patients with liver disease. The aim
of this review is to examine whether these changes have resulted in improved perioperative
METHODS: The study is a retrospective analysis of charts of 106 consecutive adults transplanted
over a 1-yr period. All patients had ultrasonography (US), computerized tomography (CT), and
serum alpha fetoprotein (AFP) testing within 6 months of transplantation. Radiographic reports
were subdivided into low-risk and high-risk groups, based upon level of suspicion for HCC. The
results were compared to explant pathology.
RESULTS: Pathological analysis of 106 explants revealed HCC in 19 patients. High-risk US exams
had a positive predictive value (PPV) of 0.69 and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 0.91 in the
diagnosis of HCC. High-risk CT exams had a PPV of 0.67 and an NPV of 0.90. When patients had
either a high-risk US or a high-risk CT, there was a PPV of 0.59 and an NPV of 0.83. Of the 19
patients with HCC, three had high-risk US and low-risk CT; two had high-risk CT and low-risk US.
Four patients, all with HCC <4 cm, had low-risk US, CT, and serum AFP.
CONCLUSIONS: US, CT, and serum AFP, as single tests, are insensitive for detection of HCC in the
cirrhotic liver. However, they are highly specific. Sensitivity and specificity for US are comparable
to those for CT. Given its lower cost, US is preferable to CT for routine screening of HCC in patients
with end-stage liver disease undergoing liver transplantation.