Nidia Rosilié Bazo-ENGLISH MODULE II
Nidia Rosilié Bazo-ENGLISH MODULE II
Nidia Rosilié Bazo-ENGLISH MODULE II
1st YEAR
Student: Teacher:
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Concepts and definitions .......................................................................................... 4
3. Development ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.1. The importance of creating a study routine and the techniques and methods used . 4
3.1.1 The importance of creating a study routine .......................................................... 4
3.1.1. .................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Techniques and methods used .............................................................................. 5
3.1.3 My routine and study methods as a student at UNISCED ................................... 5
3.1.4 My free time outside UNISCED .......................................................................... 6
4. Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 6
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction
When entering a university we are faced with so many changes, we are forced to create a new
routine and adapt to it. Change is part of life and adaptations will always be necessary.
However, they are easier to manage if we have the right guidance and information, and for
this we need to understand how the college routine works and make efforts to get used to this
changes. (CARNEGIE,2015) as quoted in (2016,p.20 ) says that the act of
studying, has to be pleasurable on the part of those who do it,) "People rarely reach success if
they do not feel pleasure in what they are doing". During my period of study before the
obstacles encountered, I found that create a routine of studies is the start to make a difference
in both learning and in results, and that goes from preparation for an assessment until the
exams which is only possible by seeking knowledge and to seek this knowledge, Carvalho
(2009) quoted by (2016,p.8 ) says that "motivation is the fuel, the energy base to
overcome obstacles.’’
The truth is, with the tasks we are bombarded every day, focusing time for learning has
become increasingly complex, but still necessary. For (Carnegie, 2015) cited by
(2016,p4) "There is only one way [...] to get someone to do something. And that is to make
the other person want to do it". Mendes (2017) says that the ultimate end of academic work is
the dignity of the human person. But we know beforehand that this conquest is not easy, it
requires a lot of renunciation, focus, and determination to reach the goal.
Since knowledge is the act of learning, this learning must be planned and this requires a lot of
discipline from the planner, because how we manage our time is what determines the success
or not of our plan. The present work intends, as a general objective, to explain the importance
of the study routine as well as the techniques and methods used, and as specific objectives to
identify the advantages of creating a study routine and finally; explain as a student of
UNISCED how my study routine helps me to retain as much information as possible and
consequently achieve good results at the end of each module.
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Concepts and definitions
The term method is known as the set of procedures, rules and operations previously fixed that
allow reaching a certain goal, end or knowledge. The method is present in several human
activities, but it acquires a special relevance in the scientific area, therefore, the applied
scientific method establishes a huge source of knowledge, since its results can be considered
objective and correct and are not subject to discussion. In order for a student's learning to be
effective and to assimilate knowledge in the best way, it is advisable to employ a study
technique, that is, a useful strategy for achieving good academic results and, at the same time,
learning. Some techniques are based on concentrated reading that allows one to retain as
much information as possible. Editorial QueConceito. Dr.Sousa.(2018) cited in (Lakatos,
2001, p. 174) Says that study methods are a set of strategies used to achieve study while, for
Technique is a set of processes or precepts that a science or art uses. According to ELLO's
website The study routine works as a guide, like a map, on which you will base yourself to
follow a pre-established study plan. This planning will be structured according to your life
specifically, orbiting around your reality, which is what will enable you to get the most out of
3. Development
3.1. The importance of creating a study routine and the techniques and
methods used
Souza.A.(2018), makes it clear that for the study to be successful we need to use some
techniques that can be organized as follows: Techniques of Analysis; Techniques of Synthesis
and Techniques of Information Management. The use of these methods and techniques has its
advantages and the main one is to enable the assimilation of the content, that is, to make the
student understand the subject studied more quickly and easily and consequently improve his
academic performance.
Twice a day I enter the platform to see if there is any update in what concerns the discussion
forums of each chair always trying to intervene; I try to read and understand each module, if
there is any doubt I contact the teacher; I prioritize the contents proposed by the teachers and
the deadlines and deliveries of the work; I do not let accumulate matter until the day of the
test, Organizing myself to study before the assessments arrive.
I always try to read or research on the internet about topics that the platform do not have a
information, researching the thoughts of different authors and books on the topic in question
with the content;
I write the subjects and make summaries of what I managed to assimilate from the subject
read, and review where I detect gaps;
I underline important parts of the text to help highlight what is most relevant for memorizing
the content;
And finally, I explain the content to myself and, with the help of a smartphone, I record
audios, and always listen to them again to make sure that the material was understood in its
4. Conclusion
The application and familiarization with the techniques and study method will bring important
contributions to the development of the capacity of analysis and synthesis, fundamental for
communication and the practice of discussion that are indispensable to the student of
Communication Sciences. These methods and techniques presented here are directly related to
the practice of reading, which is the source of knowledge, wisdom and inspiration, and it is in
the school environment that this habit is developed.
Garcia, C., & Simões, J. (2012). Time management and study organization. Available at:
Ruiz, J.A.(1996). Metodologia científica: guia para eficiência nos estudos. 4. São Paulo:
Atlas. Available at: