Maintenance Manual Supplement Instructions For Continued Airworthiness

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The document provides instructions for maintaining components added to a Cessna 208B Caravan aircraft by Raisbeck Systems to reduce drag.

The document describes forward fairings, rib assemblies, aft body strakes, and internal doublers added to the aft fuselage.

Daily checks require examining components for condition and security. Periodic inspections require the same plus examining internal doublers. Inspections occur at standard Cessna intervals.


Raisbeck Systems
as installed on

Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Model Raisbeck Systems

 208B  Caravan Drag Reduction System

Document No. 19-120

Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Log of Revisions
Rev Section Description Date Approved By
IR All Initial Release 9/28/2021 Tim Morgan
A All Changed ‘Raisbeck’ to ‘Caravan’ Drag
Reduction System.
00 Added Chapter 30 description.
05-20-00-02 Updated Inspection Checklist.
05-20-00-03 Updated Inspection Checklist.
05-20-00-04 Removed Approved Lubricants table.
12-00-00-20 Removed Approved Lubricants table.
11/4/2021 Tim Morgan
30 Added Chapter 30.
53-10-10-00 Added description of Doublers and
inserted FIGURES 3 and 4.
53-10-10-05 Clarified Daily and Periodic inspections.
53-10-20-00 Added description of Doublers and
added Figure 2.
53-10-20-05 Clarified Daily and Periodic inspections.
B Introduction Added 19CS-3253-053 Installation
Manual and associated attention note to
Reference Documents List.
Commercial Removed CPL document 19C-2353-090
Parts from section. No commercial parts
category components are used.
30-10-10-00 Revised to thoroughly describe
deactivation of Cargo Pod deicer boot
and optional removal. Added Figure 2.
53-10-10-00 Revised to describe deactivation or
removal of the Cargo Pod deicer boot
prior to installation of the Forward
Fairings and describe modification/
extension of drain and vent lines.
53-10-10-05 Added a more thorough description of
drain and vent line modifications with
reference to maintenance and inspection
53-10-10-20 Corrected order of forward fairing

Revision B ii
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

The purpose of this manual is to give the necessary data for the normal maintenance of any Raisbeck
System installed on Textron Aviation’s Cessna Model 208B Caravan aircraft. Chapter 51 gives data
for acceptable repairs and repair limits for selected Raisbeck System components. All data given in
Chapter 51 are approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Northwest Mountain Region
on Date TBD. Service Publication reissues or revisions are not automatically provided to the holder
of this manual.
Information in this document is given as supplemental to the applicable Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEM) model and/or component specific documents listed below at the revision listed,
or later revision:

Copyright © Textron Aviation Inc.

ML-C-208-10 – Model 208 Maintenance Library

Document Date
D2078-13 – Model 208 Series Maintenance Manual Mar 1, 2020
Chapter 4 Revision 22 Mar 1, 2017
P688 – Model 208 Series Illustrated Parts Catalog Mar 1, 2020
D2079-13 – Model 208 Series Wiring Diagram Manual Oct 5, 2020
D5132-13 – Model 208 Series Structural Repair Manual Aug 1, 2018
208ND – Model 208 Series Nondestructive Testing Manual Mar 1, 2020
D5108 – Model 200 and 300 Series Alternator Charging System (95 Amp) Sep 1, 1993
Temporary Revision RT1-13 Feb 1, 1994
D5321 – Emergency Rescue Access and Fire Fighting Procedures Manual Oct 18, 2019
D5587 – Air Conditioning System Service/Parts Manual Oct 1, 1991
D7493 – Accessory Kit Index – Single and Multi-Engine Propeller Driven Aircraft Apr 15, 1996
D5552 – Progressive Care & Inspection Oct 1, 1994

NOTE: The document(s) listed below are an essential part of the set of complete
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness provided by Raisbeck Engineering in
accordance with CFR Part 21, sec. 21.50(b).

Raisbeck Engineering Documents

Document Date
19CS-3253-053 – Installation Manual, Caravan Drag Reduction System, Cessna Jan 20, 2022
Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

NOTE: Always use the most current revision of the manuals listed above.

Revision B iii
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Commercial Parts
Maintenance on Raisbeck Systems involving the replacement of Commercial Parts (as defined in
FAA Advisory Circular No. 21-45) should reference the latest revision of a Supplemental Type
Certificate (STC) specific Commercial Parts Lists (CPL) for accepted parts.
Commercial Parts Lists
Caravan Drag Reduction System:
The CDRS does not incorporate components that are categorized as Commercial Parts.
A Commercial Parts List is not required for this STC.

Raisbeck Engineering specifically reserves the right to supersede, cancel, and/or declare inactive any
part number, kit, or publication that may be referenced in this manual without prior notice.

Use only genuine Raisbeck or Cessna approved parts in connection with the maintenance and repair
of Raisbeck Systems.
Do not use the data in this Maintenance Manual for the installation of any Raisbeck System. Specific
FAA-Approved Installation Manuals and drawings for Raisbeck Systems are supplied with each kit

Revision B iv
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Raisbeck Engineering, Inc.
4411 South Ryan Way
Seattle, WA 98178
Domestic (206) 723-2000
International (800) 537-7277
Facsimile (206) 723-2884

Company website:

Technical Support:
e-mail [email protected]
AOG (206) 390-8690

Spare Parts:
e-mail [email protected]
AOG (206) 390-8690

This Manual is arranged according to ATA Code by Chapter, Section, System, and Subject.
Chapter 12 Servicing
Section 30 Ice and Rain Protection
System 53 Fuselage
Subject 20 Standard Practices (Maintenance Procedures)

Revision B v
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

The Caravan Drag Reduction System is approved by the FAA under STC TBD.

Revision B vi
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Table of Contents
00  Chapter Descriptions ............................................................................................................ 1 
04  Airworthiness Limitations .............................................................................................................. 1 
05  Time Limits/Maintenance Checks .................................................................................................. 1 
11  Placards and Markings................................................................................................................... 1 
12  Servicing ......................................................................................................................................... 1 
20  Standard Practices – Airframe ....................................................................................................... 1 
30  Ice and Rain Protection .................................................................................................................. 1 
51  Standard Practices – Structures ..................................................................................................... 1 
53  Fuselage ......................................................................................................................................... 1 
04  Airworthiness Limitations .................................................................................................... 2 
04‐00‐00‐01  Mandatory Modification, Replacement, and Structural Inspection for Airframe Systems ............ 2 
04‐00‐00‐02  Mandatory Replacement Time, Inspection Intervals, and Procedures for Fuel Tanks ................... 2 
04‐00‐00‐03  Mandatory Replacement Time for EWIS Components ................................................................... 2 
04‐00‐00‐04  Limits of Validity of Engineering Data for Structural Maintenance ............................................... 2 
04‐00‐00‐05  Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ....................................................................................... 2 
05  Time Limits/Maintenance Checks ......................................................................................... 3 
05‐00‐00‐00  Description ..................................................................................................................................... 3 
05‐20‐00‐00  Scheduled Inspection...................................................................................................................... 4 
Daily Checks ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 
Annual/100 Hour Inspection ................................................................................................................................. 4 
Task Based Inspection............................................................................................................................................ 4 
05‐20‐00‐01  Daily Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 5 
05‐20‐00‐02  Annual/100 Hour Inspection Checklist ........................................................................................... 6 
05‐20‐00‐02  Annual/100 Hour Inspection Discrepancy Sheet ............................................................................ 7 
05‐20‐00‐03  Task Based Inspection Checklist ..................................................................................................... 8 
05‐20‐00‐03  Task Based Inspection Discrepancy Sheet ...................................................................................... 9 
05‐20‐00‐04  Special Inspection Maintenance Practices ................................................................................... 10 
05‐20‐00‐04  Special Inspection: Hard/Overweight Landing ............................................................................. 11 
05‐20‐00‐04  Special Inspection: Overspeed ...................................................................................................... 12 
05‐20‐00‐04  Special Inspection: Severe Air Turbulence or Severe Maneuvers ................................................. 13 
05‐20‐00‐04  Special Inspection: Abusive Ground Handling/Foreign Object Damage ...................................... 14 
05‐20‐00‐04  Special Inspection: Lightning Strike .............................................................................................. 15 
11  Placards and Markings ........................................................................................................ 16 
11‐00‐00‐00  Description ................................................................................................................................... 16 
11‐00‐00‐10  Interior Placards and Limitation Markings .................................................................................. 16 
11‐00‐00‐11  Exterior Placards and Markings Maintenance Practices .............................................................. 17 
12  Servicing ............................................................................................................................. 18 
12‐00‐00‐00  Description ................................................................................................................................... 18 
12‐00‐00‐20  Maintenance Practices ................................................................................................................. 18 
12‐53‐00‐20  Caravan Drag Reduction System Practices .................................................................................. 18 

Revision B vii
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

20  Standard Practices – Airframe ............................................................................................. 19 
20‐00‐00‐00  Description ................................................................................................................................... 19 
20‐01‐00‐00  Torque Application Information ................................................................................................... 19 
20‐02‐00‐00  Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Information ........................................................................... 19 
20‐03‐00‐00  Electrical Bonding Information .................................................................................................... 19 
20‐04‐00‐00  Anti‐Static Coating ....................................................................................................................... 19 
20‐05‐00‐00  Fastener Locking Device Information ........................................................................................... 19 
20‐06‐00‐00  Airplane Finish Information ......................................................................................................... 19 
20‐07‐00‐00  Corrosion Control ......................................................................................................................... 19 
30  Ice and Rain Protection ....................................................................................................... 20 
Inactive Cargo Pod Pneumatic Deicer Boot ............................................................................................................. 20 
30‐10‐10‐00  Description ................................................................................................................................... 20 
30‐10‐10‐05  Inspection ..................................................................................................................................... 21 
Periodic Inspections ............................................................................................................................................. 21 
30‐10‐10‐20  Maintenance Practices ................................................................................................................. 21 
Repair/Replacement ............................................................................................................................................ 21 
51  Standard Practices – Structures ........................................................................................... 22 
51‐00‐00‐00  Description ................................................................................................................................... 22 
51‐00‐11‐00  Composite Description ................................................................................................................. 22 
51‐11‐11‐20  Wet Layup Repair Maintenance Practices ................................................................................... 22 
Materials .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 
Wet Layup Repair Instructions for Damaged Laminated Plies ............................................................................ 23 
51‐12‐11‐20  Prepreg Layup Repair Maintenance Practices ............................................................................. 25 
Materials .............................................................................................................................................................. 25 
Prepreg Layup Repair Instructions for Damaged Laminated Plies ...................................................................... 26 
51‐20‐11‐20  Repainting Fiberglass Practices ................................................................................................... 28 
Materials .............................................................................................................................................................. 28 
Repainting Fiberglass Components ..................................................................................................................... 29 
53  Fuselage ............................................................................................................................. 31 
Caravan Drag Reduction System – Forward Fairing ................................................................................................ 31 
53‐10‐10‐00  Description and Operation ........................................................................................................... 31 
53‐10‐10‐05  Inspection ..................................................................................................................................... 34 
Daily Checks ......................................................................................................................................................... 34 
Periodic Inspections ............................................................................................................................................. 35 
53‐10‐10‐20  Maintenance Practices ................................................................................................................. 35 
Repair/Replacement ............................................................................................................................................ 35 
Removals/Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 35 
Caravan Drag Reduction System – Aft Body Strakes ............................................................................................... 37 
53‐10‐20‐00  Description and Operation ........................................................................................................... 37 
53‐10‐20‐05  Inspection ..................................................................................................................................... 38 
Daily Checks ......................................................................................................................................................... 38 
Periodic Inspections ............................................................................................................................................. 38 
53‐10‐20‐20  Maintenance Practices ................................................................................................................. 38 
Repair/Replacement ............................................................................................................................................ 38 

Revision B viii
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

00 Chapter Descriptions
04 Airworthiness Limitations
This chapter details:
Mandatory modifications, replacement and structural inspection requirements for the airframe and
propellers, mandatory replacement time, inspection intervals; and procedures for fuel tanks.
Mandatory replacement time for Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS) components, limits of
validity of engineering data for structural maintenance, and instructions for continued airworthiness.

05 Time Limits/Maintenance Checks

This chapter contains the minimum requirements for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for all Raisbeck
Systems as installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan aircraft. Maintenance checks shall be
concurrent with the existing Cessna Time Limits and Maintenance Checks including the allowable
time tolerances between checks as described in the applicable Cessna Maintenance Manual,
Chapter 05.
Daily Checks are intended as preflight checks for pilots and/or technicians. Daily Checks are not
intended to require a logbook entry. All other periodic inspections are intended for technician’s entry
in the logbook or other appropriate documentation.

11 Placards and Markings

This chapter details all interior and exterior placards associated with Raisbeck Systems.

12 Servicing
This chapter details general servicing of Raisbeck Systems.

20 Standard Practices – Airframe

This chapter details standard maintenance practices to maintain the aircraft in an airworthy condition.

30 Ice and Rain Protection

This chapter details maintenance practices associated with Raisbeck Systems.

51 Standard Practices – Structures

This chapter provides information on acceptable repairs and repair limits for Raisbeck Systems.

53 Fuselage
This chapter details maintenance practices on the Forward Fairing and Aft Body Strakes Raisbeck

Revision B 1
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

04 Airworthiness Limitations
04-00-00-01 Mandatory Modification, Replacement, and Structural
Inspection for Airframe Systems
There are no mandatory modification or replacement intervals on any Raisbeck Engineering Cessna
Model 208B Caravan airframe systems.

04-00-00-02 Mandatory Replacement Time, Inspection Intervals, and

Procedures for Fuel Tanks
There are no mandatory Raisbeck Engineering Cessna Model 208B Caravan systems that affect fuel
tank airworthiness requirements.

04-00-00-03 Mandatory Replacement Time for EWIS Components

There are no EWIS components associated with any Raisbeck Engineering Cessna Model 208B
Caravan system.

04-00-00-04 Limits of Validity of Engineering Data for Structural

There are no time or cycle limited components on any Raisbeck Engineering Cessna Model 208B
airframe systems. Components are repaired or replaced when inspection or performance of items
reveals a potentially unsafe condition or performance degradation.

04-00-00-05 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

The Airworthiness Limitations section is FAA approved and specifies maintenance required under
§43.16 and §91.403 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, unless an alternative program has been
FAA approved.

Revision B 2
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05 Time Limits/Maintenance Checks

05-00-00-00 Description
This chapter contains the minimum requirements for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for all Raisbeck
Systems as installed on all Cessna Model 208B Caravan aircraft. If there are any conflicts between
requirements in Chapter 4 of this manual and Chapter 5 of this manual, Chapter 4 requirements must
be met.
Daily Checks are intended as pre-flight checks for pilots and/or technicians and do not require a
logbook entry. All other inspections are intended to be accomplished by a qualified technician and
require entries into the appropriate logbook, or other documentation.
There are two inspection programs available for Cessna Model 208B Caravan aircraft: Annual/100
Hour Inspection and Task Based Inspection.
Annual/100 Hour Inspection may be utilized by:
US-registered civil aircraft that meet the requirements of 14 CFR 91.409(a) and complete an
Annual Inspection every 12 months.
US-registered civil aircraft that complete an Annual Inspection and complete a 100 Hour
Inspection if the aircraft carries passengers for hire or provides flight instruction as required by 14
CFR 91.409(b).
Task Based Inspection Program may be utilized by:
US-registered Part 135 operators as the basis for an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program under
14 CFR 135.419.
US-registered fractional operators (Part 91K) as the basis for an Approved Aircraft Inspection
Program under 14 CFR 91.1109(b)(1).
US-registered operators or non-US operators that receive specific approval from their local
regulatory authority to use the Task Based Inspection Program as a basis for an inspection
Regardless of which inspection program is utilized, all operators must comply with all other
maintenance requirements including, but not limited to:
Airworthiness Limitations
Component Time Limits
Regulatory Inspections
Airworthiness Directives
Inspection for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) Supplements
STC Modification
Service Letters and Service Bulletins
Supplier Information
Discretionary Maintenance

Revision B 3
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-00 Scheduled Inspection

Daily Checks, Annual/100 Hour Inspections and Task Basked Inspection Program requirements are
set forth in this document for individual Raisbeck Systems. Inspections are to be accomplished in
concurrence with the applicable Cessna Model 208 Caravan inspection program’s time limit and
calendar month requirements.
Aircraft structure and components should be sufficiently clean to allow for effective inspection.
Inspections should be performed to a degree to ensure systems and components will remain
serviceable until the next applicable inspection is performed. Ensure that all placards and markings
are in place and legible, especially those listed in the limitation’s sections of the Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement.
To facilitate scheduling Special Inspections, Raisbeck Engineering authorizes the inspection interval
tolerances to coincide with the owner’s/operator’s approved maintenance program.

NOTE: Tolerances specified by suppliers, manufactures, DOT regulations, or FAA

regulations take precedence over inspection interval tolerances authorized by
Raisbeck. Tolerances do not accumulate.
Daily Checks
Daily Checks are intended as preflight checks for pilots and/or technicians. Daily Checks are not
intended to require a logbook entry. All other Scheduled Inspections are intended for technician’s
entry in the logbook or other appropriate documentation.
Annual/100 Hour Inspection
The Annual/100 Hour Inspection is to be accomplished every 12 calendar months or 100 Hours
concurrently with the Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance Manual Annual/100 Hour
Inspection requirements.
Task Based Inspection
The Task Based Inspection is to be accomplished every 12 calendar months or 200 hours
concurrently with the Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Task Based Inspection requirements.

Revision B 4
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-01 Daily Checklist


A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00

1. Examine for condition and security. 53-10-10-05
2. Examine drain and scupper holes and clear any obstructions. 53-10-10-05
B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00
1. Examine for condition and security. 53-10-20-05
2. Examine drain hole and clear any obstructions. 53-10-20-05
C. AFT BODY STRAKE RH 53-10-20-00
1. Examine for condition and security. 53-10-20-05
2. Examine drain hole and clear any obstructions. 53-10-20-05

Revision B 5
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-02 Annual/100 Hour Inspection Checklist


A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00 -- --

1. Remove fairings and examine interior and exterior of 53-10-10-05

fairings for condition.

2. Examine rib assemblies for condition and security. 53-10-10-05

3. Examine drain valves and tubes for condition. 53-10-10-05

4. Examine LH and RH lower engine cowl doublers for 53-10-10-05

condition and security.

B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

2. Gain access to the aft fuselage and examine LH 53-10-20-05

strake doublers for condition and security.

C. AFT BODY STRAKES RH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

2. Gain access to the aft fuselage and examine RH 53-10-20-05

strake doublers for condition and security.


1. Gain access to the forward cargo pod and examine 30-10-10-05

connection of pneumatic hoses to union.

2. If de-ice boot has been removed examine rubber 30-10-10-05

seal for condition and security.

Revision B 6
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-02 Annual/100 Hour Inspection Discrepancy Sheet


Revision B 7
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-03 Task Based Inspection Checklist


A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00 -- --

1. Remove fairings and examine interior and exterior of 53-10-10-05

fairings for condition.

2. Examine rib assemblies for condition and security. 53-10-10-05

3. Examine drain valves and tubes for condition. 53-10-10-05

4. Examine LH and RH lower engine cowl doublers for 53-10-10-05

condition and security.

B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

2. Gain access to the aft fuselage and examine LH 53-10-20-05

strake doublers for condition and security.

C. AFT BODY STRAKE RH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

2. Gain access to the aft fuselage and examine RH 53-10-20-05

strake doublers for condition and security.


1. Gain access to the forward cargo pod and examine 30-10-10-05

connection of pneumatic hoses to union.

2. If de-ice boot has been removed examine rubber 30-10-10-05

seal for condition and security.

Revision B 8
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-03 Task Based Inspection Discrepancy Sheet


Revision B 9
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-04 Special Inspection Maintenance Practices

When unscheduled maintenance and detailed secondary inspections are necessary due to
operations in conditions which could require unscheduled maintenance, the affected Raisbeck
System, Airframe, Powerplant, and Accessory Systems shall be inspected in conjunction with the
inspection requirements set forth in the Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance Manual for
unscheduled maintenance.
To facilitate scheduling Special Inspections, Raisbeck Engineering authorizes the inspection interval
tolerances to coincide with the owner’s/operator’s approved maintenance program.

NOTE: Tolerances specified by suppliers, manufactures, DOT regulations, or FAA

regulations take precedence over inspection interval tolerances authorized by
Raisbeck. Tolerances do not accumulate.
Special/unscheduled inspections shall be accomplished when the aircraft has been subjected to:
1. Hard/Overweight Landings:
A hard landing is any landing made at what is believed to be an excessive sink rate. An
overweight landing is a landing at any gross weight which exceeds maximum gross landing
weight as specified in the FAA Approved Pilot’s Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Flight
2. Overspeed:
Any time the aircraft exceeds placard speed limits of flaps or airframe design limits.
3. Severe Air Turbulence or Severe Maneuvers:
When the aircraft experiences atmospheric conditions producing violent buffeting of aircraft
or maneuvers exceeding Pilot’s Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight
Manual limits.
4. Abusive Ground Handling/Foreign Object Damage:
Any damage inadvertently caused by ground handling or impact of a foreign object during
flight or ground operations.
5. Lightning Strike:
When the aircraft is flown through an electrically charged region of atmosphere and
becomes part of the discharge from cloud to cloud or cloud to ground.

Revision B 10
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-04 Special Inspection:

Hard/Overweight Landing

A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00 -- --

1. Examine the exterior of the fairing for condition and 53-10-10-05


B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

C. AFT BODY STRAKE RH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

Revision B 11
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-04 Special Inspection:


A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00 -- --

1. Examine the exterior of the fairing for condition and 53-10-10-05


B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

C. AFT BODY STRAKE RH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

Revision B 12
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-04 Special Inspection:

Severe Air Turbulence or Severe Maneuvers

A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00 -- --

1. Examine the exterior of the fairing for condition and 53-10-10-05


B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

C. AFT BODY STRAKE RH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

Revision B 13
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-04 Special Inspection:

Abusive Ground Handling/Foreign Object Damage

A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00 -- --

1. Examine the exterior of the fairing for condition and 53-10-10-05


B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

C. AFT BODY STRAKE RH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

Revision B 14
Document No. 19-120
Maintenance Manual and
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

05-20-00-04 Special Inspection:

Lightning Strike

A. FORWARD FAIRING 53-10-10-00 -- --

1. Examine the exterior of the fairing for condition and 53-10-10-05


B. AFT BODY STRAKE LH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

C. AFT BODY STRAKE RH 53-10-20-00 -- --

1. Examine strake for condition and security. 53-10-20-05

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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

11 Placards and Markings

11-00-00-00 Description
This chapter details all interior and exterior Raisbeck Systems installed placards and limitation
TABLE 1 Placard Effectivity


A Cessna Model 208B Caravan aircraft equipped with:

Caravan Drag Reduction System.

11-00-00-00 FIGURE 1

11-00-00-10 Interior Placards and Limitation Markings

There are no Raisbeck Systems that require interior placards or limitation markings.

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

11-00-00-11 Exterior Placards and Markings Maintenance Practices

This section details all exterior Raisbeck Systems placards and markings.
FIGURE 1; TABLE 1 Caravan Drag Reduction System - Forward Fairing Placards

11-00-00-11 FIGURE 1

TABLE 1 Caravan Drag Reduction System - Forward Fairing Placards


Raisbeck: 19C-11-351-103
1 Tow Caution A
Textron: S3815-2

Raisbeck: 19C-11-351-101
2 Tow Limit A
Textron: S3815-3

Raisbeck: *19C-11-351-107
3 Red Line A
Textron: *S3815-5

Raisbeck: **19C-11-351-105
4 Jack Limitation A
AeroAcoustics: **C208002-2

* Install placard 2.75 inches aft from front of Forward Fairing NGC.
** Applicable if equipped with an AeroAcoustics Aircraft Payload Extender System, STC SA01213SE,
SA00392SE, or SA01805SE.

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12 Servicing
12-00-00-00 Description
This chapter details general servicing of the aircraft.

12-00-00-20 Maintenance Practices

TABLE 1 Lubrication Schedule


Caravan Drag N/A 12-53-00-20

Reduction System

12-53-00-20 Caravan Drag Reduction System Practices

Clear all Forward Fairing and Aft Body Strake drain holes of obstructions.

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20 Standard Practices – Airframe

20-00-00-00 Description
This chapter details standard maintenance practices to maintain the aircraft in airworthy condition.

20-01-00-00 Torque Application Information

Unless otherwise stated within this manual, reference the Torque Application Information and
Standard Torque Values within the applicable Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance
Manual, Chapter 20.

20-02-00-00 Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Information

Unless otherwise stated within this manual, reference the Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity
Information in the applicable Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance Manual, Chapter 20.

20-03-00-00 Electrical Bonding Information

Reference Chapter 20 of the applicable Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance Manual for
electrical bonding information.

20-04-00-00 Anti-Static Coating

Reference Chapter 51-20-11-20 of this manual for Anti-Static Coating information.

20-05-00-00 Fastener Locking Device Information

Unless otherwise stated within this manual, reference the Fastener Locking Device Information of the
applicable Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance Manual, Chapter 20.

20-06-00-00 Airplane Finish Information

Unless otherwise stated within this manual, reference the Airplane Finish Information of the
applicable Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance Manual, Chapter 20.

20-07-00-00 Corrosion Control

Unless otherwise stated within this manual, reference the Corrosion Information of the applicable
Cessna Model 208 Series Caravan Maintenance Manual, Chapter 20.

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30 Ice and Rain Protection

Inactive Cargo Pod Pneumatic Deicer Boot
30-10-10-00 Description
The Caravan Drag Reduction System’s Forward Fairing eliminates the need for a cargo pod anti-ice
provision for flight into known icing, such as the cargo pod pneumatic deicer boot. If equipped, the
deicer boot is deactivated. The boot may be deactivated and left in place, or deactivated and
removed at the discretion of the operator during installation of the Raisbeck System. In both cases
(deactivation only or removal) the pneumatic hose to the cargo pod deicer boot is removed and the T-
Union replaced with a straight Union, separating the cargo pod deicer boot from the pneumatic
system while leaving the remaining pneumatic system operative. Reference FIGURE 1.
If the deicer boot is removed, the pass-through hole for the deicer boot spud is covered with a rubber
seal. Reference FIGURE 2. Inspection and maintenance criteria pertaining to the changes from
deactivation of the deicer boot are described in the following sections.

Deicer Boot Deactivation Configuration

30-10-10-00 FIGURE 1

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Deicer Boot Removed Configuration (Optional)

30-10-10-00 FIGURE 2

30-10-10-05 Inspection
Periodic Inspections
Periodic Inspections of the cargo pod pneumatic deicer boot deactivation shall be accomplished at
the same time as the existing Cessna inspections as given in the Cessna Model 208 Caravan
Maintenance Manual, Chapter 05.
1. Examine connection of pneumatic hoses to Union.
2. Examine Plug on deicer boot spud (if deactivated deicer boot is in place) for condition and
security. Reference FIGURE 1.
3. Examine Rubber Seal (if deicer boot is removed) for condition and security. Reference

30-10-10-20 Maintenance Practices

All of the cargo pod pneumatic deicer boot deactivation components are replaced “On Condition”.
“On Condition” items are to be replaced when inspection or performance of item show a potentially
unsafe condition or reduction in performance.
An example of an unsafe condition is a pressure leak involving the pneumatic hose union and the
adjacent hoses and clamps.
As required use a Class B Fuel Tank Sealant to secure the Rubber Seal to the cargo pod.

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

51 Standard Practices – Structures

51-00-00-00 Description
This section provides information for acceptable repairs and repair limits for selected Raisbeck
Systems components. In general, the repair methods used on all Raisbeck Systems may be in
accordance with AC43.13-1B Aircraft Inspection and Repair Manual and AC43.13-2B Aircraft
Alterations Manual. The repair information below is recommended in addition to the information given
in AC43.13-1B and AC43.13-2B.
It is the responsibility of the owner or facility performing the work to obtain approval of their particular

51-00-11-00 Composite Description

This section gives instructions for the repair of fiberglass components made from epoxy resin that is
reinforced with several layers of glass fabric. This section describes two methods of repair – Wet
Layup and Prepreg Layup.
The wet layup repair method is acceptable on all fiberglass composite Raisbeck System components.
The wet layup method uses dry fiberglass fabric impregnated with epoxy resin during repair work.
This method will cure at room temperature for 16 to 24 hours.
The prepreg layup uses a pre-impregnated fiberglass fabric with epoxy resin and requires a controlled
temperature cure of 270 F with vacuum pressure for 120 minutes.

51-11-11-20 Wet Layup Repair Maintenance Practices

The following repairs may be performed on any fiberglass component of a Raisbeck System. Repair
size is limited to the ability to maintain component contours if damage is greater than 2 inches in
diameter. Repairs may be round or rectangular with round corners.
a. Paint Stripper


Eldorado PR-4028LO Commercial PPG Aerospace

Eldorado PR-2002 Commercial PPG Aerospace

b. Dry Fiberglass


Style 7781 Commercial
Type VIII B, Class 1 & 2

Style 1581 Commercial
Type VIII A, Class 1 & 2

Style 120 Commercial
Type III, Class 1 & 2
* Dry fiberglass fabric shall be treated to be compatible with epoxy resins.

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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

c. Parting Film


Non-Perforated Fluorinated
Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Commercial Open

Commercial Open
(PTFE) Film

d. Epoxy Resin


Epocast 50A-1/946 Commercial Huntsman

Epocast 50A-1/9816 Commercial Huntsman

Wet Layup Repair Instructions for Damaged Laminated Plies

1. Remove paint approximately 1 inch beyond the repair area. Strip paint with paint stripper or
remove by wet sanding with 220-grit or better abrasive until outer layer of resin is lightly abraded
over entire surface.
2. Examine the area around the damage for evidence of water, oil, fuel, or other foreign matter.
Examine for delamination around the damage. Delamination can be detected by tapping the skin
with a metallic object, such as a half-dollar coin.


3. Remove the damaged plies and increase the cutout ½ inch for each ply removed from the
undamaged ply out to the surface per FIGURE 1. Areas contaminated by water that cannot be
dried out by heating must be removed with the damaged material.
4. If damage is through all plies, use a layer of parting film with a metal backup on the far side of
repair during layup and cure. After cure remove parting film.
5. Cut dry fiberglass to match the removed plies as shown in FIGURE 1.
6. Cut 2 pieces of parting film approximately 2 inches larger than each dry fiberglass ply and tape
one piece of each size film to a smooth flat surface.
7. When the repair preparation work is complete, clean the rework area with oil-free air. Wipe the
surface with a clean cloth moistened with MEK (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone).
8. Mix resin per the manufacturer’s recommendations and apply to each taped-down piece of
parting film. Put a ply of dry fiberglass over the resin and press into resin. Add resin over the top
of each dry fiberglass ply and cover with the second piece of parting film. Use a roller or a
squeegee to press the resin into the dry fiberglass and to eliminate entrapped air.
9. Remove the parting film from the smallest ply and put on the repair area. Smooth the ply into
10. Use the next largest ply and repeat Steps 8 and 9 until all plies are in position.
11. Cover the entire rework area with a layer of parting film. With a squeegee remove excess resin
form the repair. Air bubbles should be removed with the squeegee. Use caution to not remove
too much resin when removing excess resin and air bubbles.
12. Allow the repair to completely cure at room temperature over a 16 to 24 hour period. Remove
parting film and lightly sand to match contour. Wash sanded areas with isopropyl alcohol.

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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

NOTE: Cure time may be decreased to 2 hours by applying uniform heat

(170-200 F) to the part after allowing for room temperature gel.

51-11-11-20 FIGURE 1

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

51-12-11-20 Prepreg Layup Repair Maintenance Practices

The following repairs may be performed on any fiberglass component of a Raisbeck System. Repair
size is limited to the ability to maintain component contours if damage is greater than 2 inches in
diameter. Repairs can be round or rectangular with round corners.
a. Paint Stripper


Eldorado PR-4028LO Commercial PPG Aerospace

Eldorado PR-2002 Commercial PPG Aerospace

b. Fiberglass Prepreg


Toray Composites
FGF7781-071 (America), Inc.
TCSPF-T-FG04, Rev. F
GF/#2510:301/38% 19002 50th Avenue E.
Tacoma, WA 98446
* Dry fiberglass cloth shall be treated to be compatible with epoxy resins.
c. Parting Film


Polytetrafluoroethylene Commercial Open
(PTFE) Coated Fiberglass

Non-Perforated Fluorinated
Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Commercial Open

Commercial Open
(PTFE) Film
* Pin-hole diameter of Ø.015 inch, maximum 1 inch center.
d. Breather


Dry Fiberglass,
Commercial Open
Style 1581 or 7781

Dry Fiberglass,
Commercial Open
Style 120

Synthetic Non-Woven Mat,

Commercial Open

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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

e. Vacuum Bag Film


Nylon Film* Commercial Open

* Minimum 2 mil thickness.
f. Vacuum Bag Sealant Tape


Chromate Tape Commercial Open

Prepreg Layup Repair Instructions for Damaged Laminated Plies

1. Remove paint approximately 1 inch beyond the rework area. Strip paint with paint stripper or
remove by wet sanding with 220-grit or better abrasive until outer layer of resin is lightly abraded
over entire surface.
2. Examine the area around the damage for evidence of water, oil, fuel, or other foreign matter.
Examine for delamination around the damage. Delamination can be detected by tapping the skin
with a metallic object, such as a half-dollar coin.


3. Remove the damaged plies and increase the cutout ½ inch for each ply removed from the
undamaged ply out to the surface per FIGURE 1. Areas contaminated by water that cannot be
dried out by heating must be removed with the damaged material.
4. If damage is through all plies, use a layer parting film with a metal backup on the far side of repair
during layup and cure. After cure remove parting film.
5. Cut the fiberglass prepreg to match each ply removed as shown in FIGURE 2 with an extra repair
ply over the top.
6. When the repair preparation work is complete, clean the rework area with oil-free air. Wipe the
surface with a clean cloth moistened with MEK (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone).
7. Assemble cut fiberglass prepreg repair plies over the repair area
8. Place a layer of porous PTFE parting film cut such that the film’s edges extend approximately 2
inches past the top ply.
9. Space at least two thermocouples evenly around repair (at the outer edge).
10. Place non-perforated parting film over the repair layup so the film edges extend approximately 1
inch past repair edge. Place a layer of breather over the parting film.
11. Put a heat blanket on the layup. Heat blanket area should be the same or slightly greater than
the parting film and breather.
12. Put a ply of breather over the layup. The breather must extend beyond the parting film and heat
blanket. The breather must make contact with the porous PTFE parting film.
13. Place vacuum sealant around the entire repair area. Tie in a vacuum outlet.
14. Lay vacuum bag film over the entire repair area and seal edges.
15. Apply vacuum and maintain a minimum of 22 in-Hg pressure.
16. Cure by heating the repair to 270 F ±10 F. Temperature rise should not be greater than 5 F
per minute. Hold at temperature for 120 minutes.
17. Release vacuum pressure after repair has cooled to less than 120 F.
18. Remove all equipment, breather, and parting film.
19. Lightly sand to match contour. Wash sanded areas with isopropyl alcohol.

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51-12-11-20 FIGURE 1

51-12-11-20 FIGURE 2

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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

51-20-11-20 Repainting Fiberglass Practices

The following instructions are for repainting all fiberglass Raisbeck Systems.
a. Paint Stripper


Eldorado PR-4028LO Commercial PPG Aerospace

Eldorado PR-2002 Commercial PPG Aerospace

b. Surfacer/Filler


464-3-1/CA-142 Commercial AkzoNobel Aerospace

28C1 Commercial AkzoNobel Aerospace

DeSoto 513X393/910X669 Commercial PPG Aerospace

P-14 Commercial Adtech

c. Anti-Static


10P2-3/EC-110 Commercial AkzoNobel Aerospace

Desoto 528X310/910X464 Commercial PPG Aerospace

d. Primer Coating


10P4-2/EC-117(S) Commercial AkzoNobel Aerospace

DeSoto 512X310/910X553 Commercial PPG Aerospace

DeSoto 513X384/910X456 Commercial PPG Aerospace

Super Koropon
Commercial PPG Aerospace

e. Top Coat


ECL-G-10/PC-233 Commercial AkzoNobel Aerospace

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Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for
Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Repainting Fiberglass Components

1. Mask off area to be repainted with vinyl tape.
2. Strip paint with paint stripper or remove by wet sanding with 22-grit or better abrasive until outer
layer of resin is lightly abraded over entire surface.


3. Scrub surface with bristle brush, powder cleanser (Bon Ami), and water.
4. Wet sand lightly and wash with 1,1,1-trichloroethane (Methyl Chloroform).
5. Fill exterior pinholes and surface depressions, if required, with surfacer/filler.
6. Sand lightly and wash with isopropyl alcohol. Wipe surface with naphtha moistened cheesecloth.
7. Apply anti-static coating to a thickness of .0004 to .0008 inch on the entire area including
countersunk fastener holes.
8. Cure anti-static coating at the desired temperature and time as given below:

Time Between
Time at
Application and Temperature Cool Time Total Time
Cure Temp
Raised Temperature (°F) (minutes) (minutes)
15 210-161 15 15 45
15 160-131 30 15 60
15 130-111 45 15 75
15 110-91 75 15 105
15 90-70 105 15 135

9. After full cure of the anti-static coating do a resistivity measurement verification as follows:
a. Place 2 strips of 3M X-1170 (aluminum) or X-1181 (copper) conductive adhesive tape
on the surface of the cured antistatic coating. Press strips firmly against the surface.
Reference FIGURE 1 for layout.
b. With a multimeter measure the resistance between the two metal strips. Multiply the
ohms reading by 10 to give resistance per square inch. Coating is sufficient if
resistance per square inch is 500,000 ohms or less.
c. If resistance per square inch is more than 500,000 ohms, apply another coat of anti-
static coating after sanding with 240 grit of finer abrasive paper and cleaning with
naphtha-wet cheesecloth and wiping dry.

51-20-11-23 FIGURE 1
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10. Apply one coat of primer coating.

11. After full cure of primer coating (24 hours at room temperature), a dry tape test to test paint
adherence may be accomplished as follows:
a. Apply 1 inch wide strip of 3M 250 masking tape.
b. Press down firmly with burnisher of stiff putty knife, making sure there are no bubbles.
c. Remove tape with one abrupt jerk; paint should remain on component surface.
12. Apply two coats of top coat. Apply first top coat layer within 48 hours of primer coating
application or recondition primer by lightly sanding and wiping with solvent, either methyl
chloroform or MEK.

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

53 Fuselage
Caravan Drag Reduction System – Forward Fairing
53-10-10-00 Description and Operation
The Forward Fairing is designed to reduce drag on Cessna Model 208B Caravan aircraft equipped
with an OEM cargo pod. The Forward Fairing, composed of 3 separate fairing assemblies and ribs, is
installed under the engine cowling forward of the OEM cargo pod. The Forward Fairing is attached to
the lower engine cowling and cargo pod using a combination of screws and Camloc ¼-turn fasteners.
The lower engine cowling is reinforced with internal shims and doublers to support the installation of
the ribs and fairing assemblies. Reference FIGURES 1 and 4 for general arrangement and
Prior to installing the fairings, the OEM cargo pod pneumatic deicer boot is deactivated by
disconnecting the pneumatic supply to the de-ice boot and replacing the T-Union with a straight union
as a means of isolating the cargo pod deicer boot from the pneumatic system. The Forward Fairings
are then installed, covering the deactivated deicer boot. As an option, at the discretion of the
operator, the cargo pod deicer boot may be removed during the Fairing installation. If removed the
deicer boot spud pass-through hole is covered with a rubber seal.
OEM drain and vent lines are extended through the Forward Fairing using an arrangement of flexible
drain lines and rigid tubes. No drains are added or reconfigured other than to extend the existing
lines to accommodate installation of the fairings. Though the drain lines have been extended to pass
through the fairings, maintenance and inspection of the drains exposed on the exterior of the fairings
are consistent with the OEM Maintenance Manual. Maintenance and inspection of the extended
drain lines are described in the following sections. Reference FIGURES 5 and 6 for drain and vent
line general arrangement and identification.





53-10-10-00 FIGURE 1

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53-10-10-00 FIGURE 2



SHIM 19C-53-316-105
SHIM 19C-53-316-107
SHIM 19C-53-316-111 SHIM

53-10-10-00 FIGURE 3

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53-10-10-00 FIGURE 4






19C-53-312-1 DRAIN CAN
53-10-10-00 FIGURE 5

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1 19C-53-313-1
2 3 4
6 7

1 Oil Collection Can Drain Valve
2 Fuel Control Unit Oil Drain Valve
3 OEM Battery Vent Inlet and Outlet Assembly
4 Combustion Chamber Drain Line
5 Fuel Control Unit Lube Oil Drain Can Overboard Vent Line
6 Fuel EPA Can Overboard Vent Line
7 Oil Collection Can Overboard Vent Line

53-10-10-00 FIGURE 6

53-10-10-05 Inspection
Daily Checks
Daily Checks are intended as preflight checks for pilots and/or technicians. The Daily Checks are not
intended to require a logbook entry. All other periodic inspections are intended for technician’s entry
in the logbook or other appropriate documentation.
1. Examine the forward fairings for condition and security of attachment.
2. Examine drain and scupper holes and clear any obstructions. Operate Oil Collection Can
Drain Valve (FIGURE 6, Item 1) and Fuel Control Unit Oil Drain Valve (FIGURE 6, Item 2)
to clear any accumulated fluids as required per the Cessna Model 208 Caravan
Maintenance Manual.

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Periodic Inspections
Periodic Inspections of the Forward Fairing shall be accomplished at the same time as the existing
Cessna inspections as given in the Cessna Model 208 Caravan Maintenance Manual, Chapter 05.
1. Remove fairings and examine interiors and exteriors for condition.
2. Examine the rib assemblies for condition and security.
3. Examine drain valves and tubes for condition. Operate Oil Collection Can Drain Valve
(FIGURE 6, Item 1) and Fuel Control Unit Oil Drain Valve (FIGURE 6, Item 2) to clear any
accumulated fluids as required per the Cessna Model 208 Caravan Maintenance Manual.
4. Examine LH and RH lower engine cowl doublers for condition and security.

53-10-10-20 Maintenance Practices

All of the Forward Fairing components are replaced “On Condition”. “On Condition” items are to be
replaced when inspection or performance of item show a potentially unsafe condition or reduction in
Examples of unsafe conditions are: propagating cracks, enlarged fastener holes that do not meet
minimum edge distance requirements, and/or damaged/missing fasteners.
Reference Chapter 51 of this manual for allowable damage limits.
Reference 53-10-10-00 FIGURES 1 through 4.

NOTE: It is only necessary to remove the FWD Fairing LH, 19C-53-210-3, to

facilitate jacking the aircraft.
1. 19C-53-210-3 FWD Fairing LH Removal/Installation
a. Remove aft and outboard flange perimeter screws and washers.
b. Remove inboard perimeter screws from the 19C-53-210-3 FWD Fairing LH only.
c. Remove screws from the ribs.
d. Disconnect Camloc ¼-turns from the ribs.
e. Remove the 19C-53-210-3 Forward Fairing LH by dropping down and clearing the drain
f. Installation is the reverse of removal.
2. 19C-53-210-1 FWD Fairing RH Removal/Installation
a. Remove aft and outboard flange perimeter screws and washers.
b. Remove inboard perimeter screws from the 19C-53-210-1 FWD Fairing RH only.
c. Remove screws from the ribs.
d. Disconnect Camloc ¼-turns from the ribs.
e. Remove the 19C-53-210-1 Forward Fairing RH by dropping down and clearing the
exhaust duct.
f. Installation is the reverse of removal.
3. 19C-53-210-5 FWD Fairing NGC Removal/Installation
a. Remove perimeter screws and washers.
b. Remove screws from the ribs.
c. Remove the 19C-53-210-5 Forward Fairing NGC by dropping down and forward to clear
landing gear.
d. Installation is the reverse of removal.

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

4. 19C-53-311-1 FWD Rib Assembly Removal/Installation

a. Remove 19C-53-210-1, 19C-53-210-3, and 19C-53-210-5 Forward Fairings.
b. Disconnect Camloc ¼-turns and remove 19C-53-311-1 FWD Rib Assembly.
c. Installation is the reverse of removal.
5. 19C-53-312-1 Mid Rib Assembly Removal/Installation
a. Remove 19C-53-210-1 and 19C-53-310-3 Forward Fairings.
b. Disconnect hose clamp from Oil Collection Can Overboard Vent line and route tube
through lightening hole.
c. Remove upper-tab screws into the cowling.
d. Disconnect upper Camloc ¼-turns and remove 19C-53-312-1 Mid Rib Assembly.
e. Installation is the reverse of removal.
6. 19C-53-313-1 Aft Rib Assembly Removal/Installation
a. Remove 19C-53-210-1 and 19C-53-210-3 Forward Fairings.
b. Disconnect upper hose clamp from Oil Collection Can Overboard Vent line and route
tube through the Mid Rib Assembly’s lightening hole.
c. Disconnect lower clamps from Battery Box Vent Lines and route tubes through
lightening hole.
d. Disconnect the lower hose clamps from the valve and drain tubes.
e. Disconnect upper Camloc ¼-turns and remove 19C-53-313-1 Aft Rib Assembly.
f. Installation is the reverse of removal.

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

Caravan Drag Reduction System – Aft Body Strakes

53-10-20-00 Description and Operation
The Aft Body Strakes incorporate two strakes on the underside of the aft fuselage. This system is
designed and engineered to streamline the airflow around the aft fuselage, which improves aircraft
stability. Inside the aft fuselage a series of doublers are added between frames and stringers.
Reference 53-10-20-00 FIGURES 1 and 2 for general arrangement and identification.


53-10-20-00 FIGURE 1

DOUBLER 19C-53-331-107
DOUBLER 19C-53-331-105
DOUBLER 19C-53-331-115
DOUBLER 19C-53-331-113
DOUBLER 19C-53-331-111
DOUBLER 19C-53-331-109
DOUBLER 19C-53-331-101

53-10-20-00 FIGURE 2

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Raisbeck Systems as Installed on Cessna Model 208B Caravan Aircraft

53-10-20-05 Inspection
Daily Checks
Daily Checks are intended as preflight checks for pilots and/or technicians. The Daily Checks are not
intended to require a logbook entry. All other periodic inspections are intended for technician’s entry
in the logbook or other appropriate documentation.
1. Examine the strakes for condition and security of attachment.
2. Examine drain holes and clear any obstructions.
Periodic Inspections
Periodic Inspections of the Aft Body Strakes shall be accomplished at the same time as the existing
Cessna inspections as given in the Cessna Model 208 Caravan Maintenance Manual, Chapter 05.
1. Examine strakes for condition and security of attachment.
2. Examine the internal aft fuselage doublers for condition and security of attachment.

53-10-20-20 Maintenance Practices

The Aft Body Strake components are replaced “On Condition”. “On Condition” items are to be
replaced when inspection or performance of the item shows a potentially unsafe condition or
reduction in performance.
Examples of unsafe conditions are: propagating cracks, enlarged fastener holes that do not meet
minimum edge distance requirements, and/or damaged/missing fasteners.

Revision B 38

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