Advent Christian Church

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Advent Christian Church

Chapter · January 2003

Source: OAI

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1 author:

Jeff Crocombe
Pacific Adventist University


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ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ordinated, although not controlled, by the Advent
The Advent Christian Church is an evangelical de- Christian General Conference of America. Missionary
nomination that arose in the United States during the activity was begun in 1891 and remains an important
mid-1800s. The church was formally established as focus, with the Advent Christian Church active in
the Advent Christian Association in 1860 by a group more than 30 countries. According to 2003 figures the
of former Millerites—followers of WILLIAM MILLER world membership of the Advent Christian Church is
who had predicted Christ’s literal return for October 61,000 with 26,000 members in the United States,
22, 1844. Advent Christians were distinguished from 17,000 in India, and 5,000 in Nigeria. In 1964 the Life
most other adventist groups by their belief in condi- and Advent Union, another denomination with Mil-
tional immortality, and from the conditionalist SEV- lerite roots, merged with the Advent Christian Church.
ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS by the Advent Christian’s Sun-
day observance and the decision not to recognize the See also Congregationalism; Millenarians and Millen-
prophetic ministry of ELLEN GOULD WHITE. Condi- nialism; Miller, William; Missions; Seventh-day Ad-
tional immortality, the view that immortality is ventists; White, Ellen Gould
granted to the righteous only through the grace of God
at the resurrection, is a belief the Advent Christian References and Further Reading
Church still holds and was originally advocated by
George Storrs. Two related doctrines are that of “soul Hewitt, Clyde E. Midnight and Morning. Charlotte, N.C.: Ven-
ture Books, 1983.
sleep,” the view that death is a state of unconscious-
———. Devotion and Development. Charlotte, N.C.: Venture
ness lasting until the resurrection; and annihilational- Books, 1990.
ism, the belief that the unrighteous are annihilated Knight, George R. Millennial Fever and the End of the World.
permanently rather than suffering eternally in hell. Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press, 1993.
The Advent Christian Church is congregational in JEFF CROCOMBE
nature, with regional conferences and institutions co-

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