Audit in CBS Environment: CA. Kuntal P. Shah Background
Audit in CBS Environment: CA. Kuntal P. Shah Background
Audit in CBS Environment: CA. Kuntal P. Shah Background
Over the years, the banking operations have been automized to a large extent and wide range of banking
softwares have been developed for accounting of transactions and core banking operations.
Bank software is becoming more sophisticated all the time. As new accounting methods develop and more
people bank online, private banking software is being developed to streamline the processes
Current Scenario
The face of Banking Industry is changing continuously. What Banking is today is quite different from what it
was in the years gone by. Some of the present trends in banking industry include
Focus on Customer Relationship (Service Oriented Architecture[SOA])
Introduction of Value Added Services
Connectivity of branches
Multiplicity of Delivery Channels (ATM, Cash Deposit Machines, Cheque Deposit Machine, Point of
Sale Units, Credit Card, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking)
Focus on MIS & Risk Management
Focus on Reduction of Transaction Cost
Future Scenario
One can visualize future scenario in the industry on current trends. Going by the current happenings one can
expect the future of Banking Industry.
Increase in the expectations of Customers
Increase in Healthy Competition due to issue of New Banking Licenses
A greater variety of Products and Delivery Channels in the market
Centralised Customer Management (Service Centric Approach)
Information Technology to act as an integrator and enabler between demands on the industry and
services rendered
The biggest challenge before the Banking Industry today is posed by its customers’ expectations. The customer
today is more informed and aware than before. Customers demand more and more services and delivery channels.
Customers’ Expectations
Anywhere, Anytime banking
Diverse products and facilities
There are challenges posed by Market Forces due to stiff competition wherein the differentiator or selection of
bank by the customers is based on quality of Services. However, the Service up-gradation comes with a cost for
the Bank. Hence, a Tradeoff between cost of Transaction and Quality Service to Customer is the key. Moreover,
due to diversified products and services, upto date information for Customer and Banker is very important.
On the other front the Regulatory requirements are rapidly increasing. Apart from handling Transactions, Customer
and competition it is very important to pay equal attention to adherence to regulatory guidelines.
A composite system / software which handles Transactions, Customer Relations, Regulatory compliances, MIS /
Reports request is the need of an Hour. Core Banking Systems provide the solution for the same. There are various
Core Banking Softwares available in the market. More prominent and used in India are,
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FLEXCUBE Oracle Financial Services Software, (By iflex)
TCS BaNCS Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
As we have witnessed, during the last decade there has been large scale growth in banking services, covering
more and more geographical area and large number of population. This has necessitated applying modern
technology, particularly in the field of data capturing, recording and processing. CBS is outcome of the same.
For obvious reasons audit methodology can not remain static, it has also to change. Therefore, with the spread of
CBS in large number of cases, changing audit methodology also became inevitable. If the auditee’s dependence
on technology hinges heavily, there is no reason why auditor should not apply the same technology.
The CBS is based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). It helps banks to reduce risk that can result from manual
data entry and out-of date information. It also helps banks to improve Service Delivery quality and time to its
The software is accessed from different branches of bank via communication lines like telephones, satellite,
internet etc.
Core Banking System [CBS] works on a concept of Centralized Database and Processing. Transactions take place
at various geographical locations which get recorded and processed at a Centralized Server. Updation of Database
is on Real Time Basis. Due to the Centralization of Transaction Processing, issue of Out of Date Information is
eliminated. All the users connected to CBS will be able to get upto date information. CBS also enhances quality of
Reporting and strengthens Access Control.
Under CBS, the branches, back offices are defined as SOL (i.e. Service Outlets) where each SOL functions as a
service window. The CBS is capable of processing any transaction from any branch location connected to CBS. It
can be equated with single window operations at airline counters or railway reservation counters wherein all the
services can be obtained at one place. Hence, under CBS customer is now a customer of the bank and not merely
a customer of a branch of the Bank. This has facilitated Any-where, Anytime Banking convenience for the customer.
From Bank’s perspective, control over the application and processes has been entrusted at Data Center Level. In
addition to it CBS also makes available effective MIS on real-time basis. It enables generation of all periodical
returns centrally.
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As mentioned above there are various CBS developed by various software companies are available in the marked
however, out of the all, highly acclaimed and widely used Core Banking Softwares are a) FINACLE by Infosys, b)
BaNCS by Tata Consulting Services and c) FlexCube by Oracle Financial Services
Part - A
Introduction to FINACLE
A Financial Package, for Banking Solution developed by Infosys on a platform of Oracle, is thus named as FINACLE.
Presently, many Indian Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Foreign Banks operating in India are using this software
as banking solution due to high flexibility and scalability. Finacle is an integrated, on-line, enterprise banking system designed
to provide the "e-platform”.
Prior to 1995 it was known as BANC 2000, a Total Branch Automation package with a distributed network. After 1995 Infosys
developed the same as FINACLE, a Core Banking Solution.
Finacle facilitates anywhere banking
It is menu driven software with easy navigation.
It is functionality rich and addresses the retail and corporate banking requirements.
Customization and parameterization are two special features of Finacle.
Finacle provides multi-lingual support
Finacle provides multi-level security i.e. operation, database and application level security
It supports workflow based Transaction Processing.
It has High level of security control and audit capabilities
It has a common transaction interface for all type of transactions.
It provides a browser based GUI interface to Finacle
SQL & PL SQL is used for generation of MIS, Reports, Queries at Centralized Level.
Designed for optimum Usage Of Network Bandwidth
There are two Functional Modules -
a. Retail and Corporate Module - Encompassing Saving Accounts, Current Accounts, Term Deposits, Cash Credit
Accounts, Overdraft Accounts, Term Loans, Demand Loans.
b. Trade Finance Module - Encompassing Inland & Foreign Bills, Forward Contracts, Inland & Foreign Documentary
Credits, Inland & Foreign Bank Guarantees, Inland & Foreign Remittances and Preshipment Credits.
Finacle Overview
Finacle User Menu
Menu Block Favorites !
Main Menu
-> Sub Menu
-> Menu Description [Menu
Code] User Defined Favorites
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• Action Bar: User can execute the process of Finacle Operations by clicking on various options on this bar. The Hot-Keys
are also assigned for all options, which appear on the bar.
• Action Buttons: Every action button has a specific purpose. E.g. On clicking WhoAmI button, system will display user_id
of the user who is currently logged in & other information viz. date, name of SOL in a message box.
• Message Bar: The message bar displays warnings, exceptions, errors or Lists under a specific field code.
• Favorites: Menu items which are required and used on Regular basis can be put in favorites by copying from Menu
Block. As a one time process Specific Menu Item which is required to be copied to Favorites should be located in Menu
Block and with the use of Drag and Drop the function can be stored under Favorites menu.
• Progress Indicator: It shows the progress of the action initiated through the use of Colours (i.e. Green indicates that the
System is “Ready” for processing, Red indicates that the “System is busy in Processing Activity and Yellow indicates
that browser is performing internal processing like assembling / painting screen as per requirement. User should not
operate the system)
General Key Map
Default Physical Keys in Finacle are as follows. However, default key map differs in individual bank.
Physical Key What does it do?
F1 Field level help. Like in several word processors and spreadsheet packages, F1 displays
context sensitive help messages and field level help messages.
F2 List. This key lists the codes that may be used in a particular field.
F3 / ESC Quit/ Back. Quits and takes the user back to where he started when in action. It can be used
when the input is incorrect and the user wants to abandon what he has been doing. It can also
be used to go back to the previous menu.
F4 Accept. After the user has completed the input, this key can be used to accept the data.
F5 Background Menu
F6 Next Block
F8 Copy Record
F9 Display Signature
F10 Commit/ Save. This is very important key and this concludes the transactions. This is the
commit and transactions get into the General Ledger (database) when this key is used.
F11 Next field
F12 Previous Block
TAB Go to next valid field
ENTER Go to the next field
DOWN Arrow ↓ Next Record (In a list or result of a query)
(NextRec button)
UP Arrow ↑ Previous Record (In a list or result of a query)
(PrecRec button)
CTRL+F1 Help maintenance
CTRL+F3 Show key map
CTRL+F4 Display error
CTRL+F8 Terminal lock
CTRL+F9 Memo pad look up
CTRL+F11 Context level help
CTRL+D Page down on a list
CTRL+E Explode. This key is particularly useful for the further inquiry.
CTRL+F Clear field. This key combination can be used when the user wants to clear the field.
CTRL+T Display LGI. The user ID, Terminal ID, SOL, BOD Date and language details are displayed.
CTRL+U Page up on a list
CTRL+X Put BOD date. This key combination populates the default BOD date in the field.
SHIFT+F4 Select the current item from the list. This key combination can be used to select a value from
the list of valid values listed for a particular field.
SHIFT+F11 Transmit
SHIFT+TAB Go to the previous field
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Introduction to TCS BaNCS
A Financial Package, for Banking Solution offered by Tata Consulting Services. The Core Banking solution TCS BaNCS is an
integrated solution that automates all aspects of core banking operations across entities, languages and currencies. BaNCS
is built on open architecture, component-based product suite to leverage service-oriented and event-driven architectures.
Entire range of banking products including savings, checking, overdraft and deposit accounts
Entire range of lending products
Complement of transactional services including remittance, foreign exchange, cards and trade finance
Accessibility through multiple channels, including mobile banking and web
Full integration of front-, middle-, and back-office processes
Accurate, timely and actionable information about customer relations
Single view between bank and customer
“Anytime anywhere” banking
24/7 processing of large transaction volumes, with high availability
Multiple delivery channel support
Security management covering application and role-based access
Service-oriented architecture supports agile business process management
Componentized architecture helps build scalable and reusable solutions
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E.g.: Transaction of a Cash withdrawal by a customer of Mumbai Branch (SOL ID “0044”) from Delhi Branch (SOL ID
“0089”). In the instant case “0089” is Init. Br. ID and “0044” is Account SOL ID.
In order to search transactions based on the branch who initiated transactions in Finacle, SET ID (Init. Br. ID) parameter
is required to be used under Menu Code “FTI”.
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2. Difference in customer’s name at CUST ID and at Account Level:
At the time of opening of Account, Finacle automatically displays the name of Account Holder based on CUST ID
details. However, Finacle also allows user to amend the name. Generally the said change is configured as an
exception which requires sufficient powers / work class in the system to override.
The Auditor at the time of Account Opening verification should verify the details as per CUST ID and in Account.
Difference in names at both the places increases unwarranted confusion. Moreover, auditor should seek help of
bank’s IT Dept. for generation of report based on difference in name as per CUST ID and as per Accounts opened
(if any).
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In case of a fixed rate loan, the interest rate is updated as absolute figure in Interest Rate field instead of Table. However,
few banks follow the practice of updating “ZERO Interest Rate Table” with necessary interest rate at Account Preferential
Debit Interest.
Interest Flags
Values at Interest Flags determine the payment & collection of Interest. Applicable flags (i.e. Interest payment, Interest
collection) are required to be updated at Account Master Level. Hence, if the Interest Collection Flag is updated as “N”,
there will not be charging of interest by system, although proper Interest Table Master is selected.
Exception Types
The transaction errors are handled in CBS through following modes.
Warning – Warns user for possible errors based on prefixed criteria
Exception – Allows user (with sufficient power) to override. However, the transaction will be recorded in Exception
Report for the day
Error – Does not allow user to proceed further, unless the correct values are filled in.
Inventory Locations
The inventory concept under CBS refers to handling of security stationeries viz. Non-personalized cheque books,
Demand Drafts, Term Deposit Receipts. Each bank, as per the requirement, creates different inventory location and
inventory sub location codes in CBS.
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Predominantly, locations are created for Joint Custody (Dual Custody), Employee Custody, External Locations. Barring,
external location, balancing of security stationery is available for all the locations.
In Finacle the report on outstanding inventory items can be generated through Menu command ISRA. Whereas under
BaNCS the same set of reports can be generated through VPIS (Valuable Paper Inventory System) module.
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Mode Narrative
Single (S) It refers to TOD for specific Purpose / transaction. It can be used only for the specific
transaction during which the same was granted.
Running (R) It refers to setting up of a parallel limit at account level for a defined period over and above
credit limits (if any).
Adhoc (A) Adhoc allows customer with OD / CC Accounts to operate within TOD Limits for defined
From above narrative it appears that running and adhoc TODs serve the same purpose. However, from CBS perspective,
both the events are different. In case of single and running TOD, CBS computes the number of TOD sanctioned in the
account. In case the cumulative number exceeds the prescribed limit for an account, an exception gets triggered for all
subsequent transactions. Whereas in case of Adhoc TOD the said TOD is not counted under number of TODs thereby
circumventing the exception controls embedded in the system.
It is important for auditors to verify cases wherein Adhoc Limits have not been delinked on expiry in system.
Part - B
List of Important Menu Commands of CBS
Following is the list of various important menu commands for Auditors based on area of operations in the bank.
i. Accounts, Customer Master and Inquiry
CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
Finacle 7 CUMM / CUMI Customer Master Maintenance / Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 7 ACM / ACI Account Master Maintenance / Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 7 ACLI Account Ledger Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 7 ACCBAL Component of Account Balance Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 7 ACS Account Criterion Search Inquiry (Search /
Criterion based)
Finacle 7 CUS Customer Selection / Inquiry Inquiry (Search /
Criterion based)
Finacle 7 ACINT Interest Run for Accounts Inquiry / Report
Finacle 7 INTTM Interest Table Master Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 7 AFI Audit File Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 10 CRM Module Customer Master maintenance Inquiry &
Finacle 10 HACLI, HACLINQ Account Ledger Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 10 HACM, HACMTD Account Master, Account Master Term Inquiry
Finacle 10 HINTTM Interest Table Master Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 HAFI Audit File Inquiry Inquiry
BaNCS Customer Management -> To verify all accounts of one Customer Inquiry
Enquiries -> Search by CIF
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CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
BaNCS Customer Management -> Search using available information (ID Inquiry
Enquiries -> Search by ID Number)
BaNCS Customer Management -> Search using available information (Name) Inquiry
Enquiries -> Search by
BaNCS Customer Management -> Inquiry on Linked Accounts, Owned Inquiry
Relationship / Ownership -> Accounts etc.
Associated Accounts
FlexCube CH021 Account Master Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube CH701 Customer account balances-Other than Inquiry
loans-For standard accounts but including
CC limit accounts
FlexCube CH703 RD account balances- Customer wise Inquiry
FlexCube 2000 CTI Customer Search Inquiry
FlexCube 7004 Customer Name and Address Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube 7100 All Balance Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube 7105 Display Customer Image Inquiry
FlexCube BA095 Account Level Attributes Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube 7002 Balance Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube CH031 Statement Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube BAM24 Account Status Audit Trail Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube 1337 Term Deposit Interest Payout Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube 7020 TERM DEPOSIT Balance Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube TD023 TERM DEPOSIT Rates History Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube TD031 TERM DEPOSIT Audit Trail Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube TD037 TERM DEPOSIT Account Ledger Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube TD050 TERM DEPOSIT Interest Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube TD11 TDS Inquiry Inquiry
ii. Transactions
CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
Finacle 7 TM / TI Transaction Maintenance / Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 7 FTI Financial Transaction Inquiry Inquiry (Search /
Criterion based)
Finacle 7 FTR Financial Transaction Inquiry Report Report
Finacle 10 HTI Transaction Maintenance / Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 10 HFTI Financial Transaction Inquiry Inquiry (Search /
Criterion based)
BaNCS Deposit / CC / OD Accounts Transaction Enquiry Inquiry
& Services -> Enquiries -> (Additional options available: Transaction
Transaction Types: 99 – All Financial, 98 – Cash
Transaction, 25 – Repayment Details, 33 –
Message Details
BaNCS -> Branch Accounting (BGL) BGL Transaction Enquiry Inquiry
-> Enquire -> Transaction
FlexCube TD044 TD Transactions Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube LN058 Loan Interest Adjustment Transaction Inquiry
FlexCube PM025 Payment Transaction Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube GLM04 GL Transactions and Movements Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube AT002 Audit Trail Financial Transactions Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube BA777 Audit Trail Inquiry for Non-Financial Txns Inquiry
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CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
Finacle 7 MCLZOH Maintain Clearing Zone Inquiry
Finacle 7 OCTM Outward Clearing Transaction Inquiry
Finacle 7 ICTM Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 HOCTM Maintain Clearing Zone Inquiry
Finacle 10 HICTM Outward Clearing Transaction Inquiry
Finacle 10 HMCLZOH Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance Inquiry
BaNCS Collection and Cheque Inquiry for Cheque Purchase / on Inquiry
Purchase -> Enquiries -> Collection
FlexCube ST023 Outward Clearing Inquiry
FlexCube ST033 Inward Clearing Inquiry
FlexCube BA990 Clearing Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube ST002 Value Date Clearing Inquiry Inquiry
vi. DD / PO, Cheque Book maintenance, Stop Payments and Security Stationery maintenance
CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
Finacle 7 DDSM DD Status Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 7 DDIP Inquiry on Specific DD Paid Inquiry
Finacle 7 ISRA Inventory Status Report Report
Finacle 7 IMI Inventory Movement Inquiry Inquiry
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CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
Finacle 7 ICHB Issue Cheque Book Inquiry
Finacle 7 CHBM Cheque Book Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 7 SPP Stop Payment of Cheque Inquiry
Finacle 7 SPRG Stop Payment Register Report
Finacle 10 HDDSM DD Status Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 HDDIP Inquiry on Specific DD Paid Inquiry
Finacle 10 HISRA Inventory Status Report Report
Finacle 10 HIMI Inventory Movement Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 10 HICHB Issue Cheque Book Inquiry
Finacle 10 HCHBM Cheque Book Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 HSPP Stop Payment of Cheque Inquiry
Finacle 10 HSPRG Stop Payment Register Inquiry
BaNCS -> Valuable Paper Inventory To check inventory status Inquiry
System [VPIS] -> Enquiry of
VPIS -> General Enquiry
BaNCS -> VPIS -> Lost / Damaged / Location for Lost / Damaged / Cancelled Inquiry
Cancelled Inventories Inventories
BaNCS -> VPIS -> Enquiry of VPIS - Details of Inventory available at Teller level Inquiry
>Teller Level Inquiry
FlexCube CH078 Cheque Status Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube CHM35 Stop Cheque Instructions Inquiry
FlexCube CHM37 Cheque Book Issue Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube IV011 Stock Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube IV004 Inventory Lost report Register maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube MCA80 Inquiry of sold/issued inventory Inquiry
vii. Compliances
CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
Finacle 7 TDSIP TDS Inquiry / Print Inquiry and Report
Finacle 7 AFSM Account Freeze Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 HTDSIP TDS Inquiry / Print Inquiry and Report
Finacle 10 HAFSM Account Freeze Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube TDS06 Tax Parameters Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube TDS04 Tax waiver criteria Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube TDS05 Customer special Tax code maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube TDS11 Tax Inquiry Inquiry
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CBS Package Menu Code / Access path Menu Name Menu Type (Inquiry
/ Report)
Finacle 7 BRCR Balancing Report for Bills on Collection Report
Finacle 7 FBBR Balancing Report for Foreign Bills Report
Finacle 7 DCQRY Documentary Credit Query Inquiry (Criterion
based search)
Finacle 7 GI Guarantee Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 7 IRM Inward Remittance Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 7 ORM Outward Remittance Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 HINBOEM Bill of Entry Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 MIIB Maintain Import & Inward Bills Inquiry
Finacle 10 MEOB Maintain Export & Outward Bills Inquiry
Finacle 10 IBL Bill Inquiry Inquiry (Criterion
based search)
Finacle 10 HBRBPR Balancing Report for Bills Purchased Inquiry
Finacle 10 HBRCR Balancing Report for Bills on Collection Inquiry
Finacle 10 HFBBR Balancing Report for Foreign Bills Inquiry
Finacle 10 HGI Guarantee Inquiry Inquiry
Finacle 10 HIRM Inward Remittance Maintenance Inquiry
Finacle 10 HORM Outward Remittance Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube SY001 Guarantee Inquiry Inquiry
FlexCube BIM04 Bill Parameters Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube BIM05 Bills Processing Maintenance Inquiry
FlexCube BI001 Bills Data Entry Inquiry
The discussion of Menu codes / commands in this chapter is only for guidance of members. The purpose of inclusion of the
same here is to understand functioning of banking software. Moreover, with the continuous changes and customization
requests by banks, all the menu codes may not be available / accessible in all the banks.
The Finacle menu codes discussed in this chapter is for version 7 (except expressly mentioned). Finacle has introduced new
version namely Finacle 10.X. Few banks have already migrated to newer version and few more are in process of migration.
Under Finacle 10.X there are changes in Menu Codes apart from other navigational changes.
Images, Logo, Screen Shots, Menu Codes, Software Name etc are the property of respective Software developer / Trademark
Part - C
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Parameters Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
Whether EMI / installment amount – DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Enquiries ->
is matching with the Sanctioned Account
Terms. – Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Whether periodicity of Installment is Enquiries -> Deposit / CC / OD Account
correctly classified as per (Short & Long Inquiry options are available
Sanctioned Terms? under both menu.)
Multiple sets of EMI / For case of Multiple sets of EMI e.g. Finacle:
Installments For 1-5 years EMI of Rs. 7,000 and – ACI -> Option “E” Repayment details
after 5 years Rs. 7,500 BaNCS:
Whether sets of EMI are properly – DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Enquiries -
entered? > Account
Is there any substantial difference – Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
between 1st set of EMI and 2nd or Enquiries -> Deposit / CC / OD Account
other sets (e.g. 1st set Rs. 5,000 and (Short & Long Inquiry options are available
2ndRs. 1,00,000) which cast doubt under both menu.)
on debt serviceability?
System determined CBS contain two sets of Finacle:
Asset Classification vis parameters. At first instance CBS ACM / ACI Option – ‘Y’ Asset Classification
a vis User defined identify the account based on set Inquiry
Asset Classification parameters under Asset A report containing accounts wherein there
Classification types. is difference between Asset Classification
In few CBS it has been observed by System and by user should be
that user is generally given the requested for. Accounts listed in the said
option to differ and select / amend report should be thoroughly verified.
the classification. In such cases
detailed scrutiny of NPA system is
required to be carried out.
Due to errors in certain Master
Data, there can be erroneous
identification of account as NPA.
However, such accounts require
detailed scrutiny.
Manipulation in SL / DP Changes in SL / DP should be Finacle:
cross checked with Sanctioned ACLHM – Account Limit History
Letter. Maintenance
Whether any change in Limit is BaNCS:
supported by necessary Tailormade report on Changes in Account
documentation? Limits
Incorrect moratorium Based on moratorium period CBS Finacle:
period will identify the Loan Installment ACI – Option “E” – Repayment Details
and will track repayment. BaNCS:
In case the moratorium period / Account Master details (Long Inquiry)
installment start date is erroneously
updated system will not show
correct result.
Re-phasement without Loan Account Installments are Finacle:
reporting it as rephased / recalibrated without ACI – Option “E” – Repayment Details
reschedule reporting the same as Re-schedule. BaNCS:
Verify whether any change in Account Master details (Long Inquiry)
Repayment instruction is made Report containing details of all the cases
through System. Compare the said wherein EMI / Installment is changed
accounts with list of Restructured should be sought
Installment Start Date is Check whether Installment Start Finacle:
Future Date Date entered as per sanctioned ACI – Option “E” – Repayment Details
term? BaNCS:
In case of future date system will Account Master details (Long Inquiry)
not identify installment and any
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Parameters Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
repayment received will be shown
as “Overflow”.
Interest Demand date Check whether Interest Start Date Finacle:
(Future Date) entered is as per Sanctioned Term? ACI – Option “E” – Repayment Details
In case of future date as Interest BaNCS:
Demand Date system will not Account Master details (Long Inquiry)
accrue interest and any repayment
received will be shown as
Fictitious credit Are there any quarter / year end Finacle:
through Office Account credits cited in the account? ACLI – (Use CTRL + E to Explore the Tran)
/ Inter-branch Account Check the source of Credit Entries. Review of Office Account Ledgers
Review transactions in Office BaNCS:
Accounts / Inter Branch Accounts. Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Enquiries -> Transaction
DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Enquiries -
> Transaction
Round tripping from Close scrutiny of transaction and Finacle:
internal accounts review of chain / series of ACLI – (Use CTRL + E to Explore the Tran)
transaction for accounts with Using only Account Turnover Information
deficiency is required. generated through “ATOR” / “CUTI” /
Such transactions will inflate the “ACTI” menu may lead to incorrect
Credit Turnover in the account. inference, since the credits are not solitary
credits in account.
Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Enquiries -> Transaction
DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Enquiries ->
Temporary Overdrafts Check whether the TOD is Finacle:
sanctioned in order to bring the ACLI – Option “O”
overdrawn limit to base level TODRP – TOD Register Printing
additional facility through TOD is BaNCS:
sanctioned. TOD Report
Devolved bills parked Devolved Bills under LCs are Finacle:
in Office Accounts and required to be debited to the Limit BI & FBI – with Bill Status as “K” using
not in limit account Accounts only. Assessment of status date filter
Asset Classification will be based BaNCS:
on composite overdrawn portion Report on Devolved bills under Import LC
Limit + LC Devolved amount (if any
on devolvement)
Check whether the amount of
devolvement of LC backed bills are
parked in Office Accounts or any
separate account?
Multiple CUST ID to Check whether multiple CUST IDs Finacle:
prevent the other have been opened for the borrower ACS – Account Selection (Search based
account from becoming with different accounts? on Name)
NPA NPA Report and search all the case LAGI – Loan Account General Inquiry
by few characters of Name. (Inquiry based on other parameters)
Customer Management -> Enquiries ->
Search by Name
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Important Interest Parameters
Interest Table
Debit Interest Rate & Credit Interest Rate
– Interest Version
– Currency
– Limit Level Interest
Penal Interest
Interest Rate (Static / Absolute & Based on Ref. Rate)
Interest Preferential Customer Level: Interest Rate preference will be applied to all the accounts of the customer
based on type of Interest.
Debit Interest Preferential
– Positive preference value
– Negative preference value
Credit Interest Preferential
– Positive preference value
– Negative preference value
Interest Preferential Account Level: Interest Rate preference will be applied to the specific account wherein the
preference is updated.
Debit Interest Preferential
– Positive preference value
– Negative preference value
Credit Interest Preferential
– Positive preference value
– Negative preference value
System Support / Important Menu Codes:
TCS Bancs: i) OD/CC Accounts -> Interest Rate History ii) DL / TL -> Interest Rate History
Following are few events / scenarios wherein there is a possibility of non application / incorrect application of Interest.
Sr. Event / Scenario
1 Interest pegging in Advance Accounts set as “Y”. (If “Y” is selected, system will charge interest at the rate
prevailing at the time of Account Opening. For the cases of Fixed Rate Loans Pegging Flag will be “Y”)
2 Future Date is updated in Interest Demand Date
3 Interest on Principal / Payment of Interest Flag is set as “N”
4 Effective Rate of Interest is updated as “0”
5 Account Open and Installment Start Dates are identical.
6 Account Open and Interest Demand Dates are identical.
7 Interest Table Code “Zero” is selected
8 Interest Demand Date is Past Date
9 Interest Demand Frequency is Blank.
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Audit Activity Important Menu Codes of Finacle
For specific bill: FBM
Audit of outstanding Foreign Bills Report – FBBR
Audit of Inward and Outward Remittances (Other For Inward Remittance: IRM
than Import and Export Transactions) For Outward Remittance: ORM
Tracking of Packing Credit granted and tracking of Account wise Packing Credit: ACLI
order in case of Running Packing Credit Running Packing Credit: RPCTM
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Events Audit actionable Suggested system support
Review transactions with same Debit
and Credit amount through Ledger
Correctness in mapping of reversal If the transactions have not been Finacle:
transaction to originating reversed against the related originating ACLI – For Reversal
transaction entries the report generated by CBS will Transaction in Office Account
show incorrect outstanding items. BaNCS:
BGL -> Enquire -> Transaction
Value Dated (Back Dated) Transaction credited in the Advance Finacle:
Transactions type accounts, Operative accounts with ACLI – For Transaction in
a value date (Back date) wherein the Office Account
clear funds were not available in the FTI – For Value Dated
office accounts. Transaction
Review the transactions from Revenue BaNCS:
Leakage perspective. BGL -> Enquire -> Transaction
Round Tripping Rotation of entry from office account to Finacle:
operative account(s) without any ACLI – For Transaction in
justification / source document. Office Account
Review the transactions from the BaNCS:
perspective of inflating credit turnover of BGL -> Enquire -> Transaction
Advance paid for Fixed Assets not Entries for payment of advance against Finacle:
capitalized procurement of Fixed Assets not ACLI – For Transaction in
reversed. Office Account
IOT – For inquiry on
outstanding transaction
MSGOIRP – For Printing of
outstanding office account
transaction report
BGL -> Enquire -> Transaction
“Outstanding BGL
Transaction” Report
Income realized not credited to Loan Installment received from Finacle:
Revenue Account Customer, not adjusted. ACLI – For Transaction in
Processing Fees received, not credited Office Account
to Income Account IOT – For inquiry on
Charges collected, not credit to Income outstanding transaction
Account MSGOIRP – For Printing of
outstanding office account
transaction report
BGL -> Enquire -> Transaction
“Outstanding BGL
Transaction” Report
Page 20 of 28
Manual Entry Probable impact
Backdated Renewal Date updation (Updating Date of NPA Identification
Renewal on running date with past date)
Change in Limit – From Non Fund Base to Fund Base NPA Identification
Account & Customer Master
Tax exemption updation Non compliance with TDS provisions
Dormant to Active Susceptible to fraud
Interest Table Code as “0” Revenue Leakage
Interest Collection Flag “N” Revenue Leakage
Reclassification of Agriculture Advance as per Sectorial Classification
revised RBI norms dt. April 23, 2015
Foreign Exchange Transactions
Erroneous Foreign Exchange Rate Revenue Leakage, Accommodation to customer
Full BOE received flag marked as “Y” wherein BOE Reporting to RBI under BEF Return
for entire transaction is not received
FIRC Issuance (without updating flag printed “Y”) Duplicate issuance of FIRC without “Duplicate FIRC”
Merchant Trade Transaction (Manual mapping) Reporting to RBI
Transaction Processing & Housekeeping
Changes / Modification in Auto Calculated charge Revenue Leakage
amount at the time of posting of transaction
Ineligible Credits to NRE and FCRA Accounts Non compliance of FEMA Guidelines
ATM Replenishment entries Susceptible to Fraud
Payment for FD Closure proceeds in Cash through Non compliance with Income Tax Guidelines
Office Accounts in excess of Rs. 20,000
Revalidation of Old DDs Susceptible to Fraud
Value Dating (Credit Transactions in CC / OD Revenue Leakage
Account with Value Date without Value Dating at
Debit Leg)
Debit to Income Account (though Transaction Revenue Leakage
Maintenance Menu)
Manual Credit to Income Account (though Revenue Leakage (Computation of Income credited to be
Transaction Maintenance Menu) verified)
RTGS / NEFT in cash through office accounts > Non compliance with AML guidelines
Delay in posting of clearing cheque return Accommodation to customer
Manual Transfer of Security Stationery from Susceptible to Fraud (Avoid reporting of missing inventory)
Inventory location to External Location
7. Guide on Audit Activity through CBS for LFAR and Tax Audit Requirements
Following are few checkpoints for auditors for reporting under Long Form Audit Report alongwith suggested system
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Audit Activity / Process Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
/ Audit Area
Cash Physical verification of Cash Finacle-7:
Balance “ACLI” - Account Ledger Inquiry (Vault A/c
Cash Balance as on the date of and Teller Accounts)
Audit Period Finacle-10:
-> Reports -> Cash Related -> View Cash
Summary (Click on Fetch)
-> Branch Reports -> Cash Officer’s Jotting
Book Report
-> Reports -> Printing Reports -> Cashier /
Teller Cash Report
GLM02 - Chart of Accounts
GLM04 - GL Transactions and Movement
Balances with RBI / SBI / Balance as on Date Finacle-7:
Other Banks Transactions in Mirror Accounts “ACLI” - Account Ledger Inquiry (Vault A/c
Reconciliation Statement and Teller Accounts)
(Generally outside of CBS)
-> Branch Accounting (BGL) -> Enquire ->
GLM02 - Chart of Accounts
GLM04 - GL Transactions and Movement
Advances Sanction Limit / Drawing Power Finacle-7:
setup “ACLHM” – Account Limit History
“ACM / ACI” – Account Master (Go to Limit
“LTL” – Limit Tree Lookup (Tree view of all
HACLHM - Account Limit History
HLMTREEI Customer Limit Tree Details
DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Enquiries ->
Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Enquiries -> Deposit / CC / OD Account
CHM07 (OD Limit Master Maintenance)
CH409 (OD Limit History Report)
Advances Account & Customer Master Finacle-7:
parameters setup viz.
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Audit Activity / Process Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
/ Audit Area
Interest Parameters “ACLHM” – Account Limit History
(Regular & Penal Interest) Maintenance for DP & SL – Account
Repayment Instructions Specific
Standing Instructions (SI) “ACM / ACI” – Account Master
Parameters “CUMM / CUMI ” – Customer Master
Linking of Interest Rates
with Benchmark Rates Finacle-10:
HACLHM - Account Limit History
CRM Module
DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Enquiries ->
Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Enquiries -> Deposit / CC / OD Account
(Short & Long Inquiry options are available
under both menu.)
BAM12 (Interest Index Maint.)
BAM13 (Interest Index Rates)
LN060 (Loan Product Rates Plan)
LNM41 (Interest Rules)
LNM42 (Product Interest Attributes
LNM81 (Rate Change)
Advances Transactions in Borrower’s Finacle:
Account “ACLI” - Account Ledger Inquiry
Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Enquiries -> Transaction
DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Enquiries ->
CH031 (Statement Inquiry)
Advances Interest Rate History Finacle-7:
“INTTM” – Interest Table Master
Maintenance (Under Inquire Mode –
Account Specific)
Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Interest Rate History
DL/TL Accounts & Services -> Interest Rate
LN022 (Interest Calculation Inquiry)
LN608 (Interest Charges Report)
Page 24 of 28
Audit Activity / Process Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
/ Audit Area
LN801 (Loan Interest Report)
Advances Conduct of Account and Credit Finacle:
Turnover “ATOR” – Account Turnover Report
Turnover of CC Account based “ACTI” – Account Turnover Inquiry
on Borrower’s Business profile “CUTI” – Customer Level Turnover Inquiry
In case of Loan accounts
ACTUAL recovery of BaNCS:
Installments and Interest DL / TL Accounts & Services ->Enquiries -
Deposit/CC/OD Accounts & Services -
>Enquiries ->Long
Finacle – 10:
HACTODI - Account TOD Inquiry
HTODRP - TOD Register Printing
Deposit / CC / OD Accounts & Services ->
Enquiries -> Interest Rate History -> Select
‘Limit history’ from drop down menu
CHM07 (OD Limit Master Maintenance)
CH226 (Adhoc List of Overdue CASA
Advances Non Performing Asset Finacle-7:
Search an Account based “ACS” – Account Selection (2nd Screen –
on Criteria IRAC Code – Main Asset Classification)
DL / TL Accounts & Services ->Enquiries -
>Short -> Select Option “1” – TL / DL
[Long Inquiry for NPA Date]
Deposit/CC/OD Accounts & Services -
>Enquiries ->Short -> Select Option “2” –
CC / OD [Long Inquiry for NPA Date]
Common Processing ->Overdue / NPA -
>NPA Enquiry (Risk Grade Inquiry / NPA
Status Inquiry)
AC02 - CRR (Credit Risk Rating) Inquiry
LN156 - Non Performing Loan Details
LN191 - Accounts in NPA Status
Advances Interest Report Finacle-7:
“AINTRPT” – Interest Report for Account
Page 25 of 28
Audit Activity / Process Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
/ Audit Area
HAINTRPT Interest Report for Accounts
HINTPRF Interest Proof Report
Product Sheets – To be requested from
Data Center (if not available through user
LN022 (Interest Calculation Inquiry)
LN608 (Interest Charges Report)
LN801 (Loan Interest Report)
Advances Primary & Collateral Security Finacle-7:
Maintenance “SRM” – Security Register Maintenance
CLL Collateral Maintenance
HCLM Collateral Maintenance
HSCLM Collateral Maintenance
DL/ TL Accounts & Services -> Security
(Primary/ Collateral) ->Customer -> Amend /
Enquiry ->Amend / Enquire Security
CH066 Limit Collateral Inquiry
CHM06 OD Collateral Maintenance
Advances Lien Marking Finacle-7:
“ALM” – Account Lien Maintenance
HALM – Account Lien Maintenance
DL/ TL Accounts & Services -> Security
(Primary/ Collateral) ->Customer -> Amend
/ Enquiry ->Amend / Enquire Security
(Under BaNCS – Collateral ID is required
to be created before setting up limits)
TDM24 Lien Master
Advances Account Ledger Printing Finacle-7:
“PSP” – Pass Sheet Print
“ACLPCA” – Customer Ledger Account
“HPSP” – Pass Sheet Print
Print Menu available under DL / TL
Accounts & Services and Deposit / CC /
OD Accounts & Services
Page 26 of 28
Audit Activity / Process Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
/ Audit Area
CH031 Statement Inquiry
7010 Passbook update
LNM10 Account Transactions Inquiry
LN421 Statement of Account NPA
Advances Non Fund based Facility (LC, Finacle-7:
BG) “GI” – Guarantee Inquiry
“DCQRY” – Documentary Credit Query
HGI – Guarantee Inquiry
Report generated from Trade module
Stationery Physical Verification of Stationery Finacle-7:
and confirmation of Balance as “ISRA” – Inventory Status Report
per CBS (Locationwise viz., Dual Lock, Individual,
Cancelled etc.)
HISRA Inventory Status Report
HIIA Inventory Inquiry All
Through Valuable Paper Inventory System
[VPIS] module
IV011 – Stock Inquiries
IV001 – Stock Transactions
IV002 – Stock Adjustment
Office Accounts Outstanding entries for reporting Finacle-7:
(Suspense, Sundry etc.) Entries outstanding – Whether “IOT” – Inquire on Transaction (As on date
any provisioning is required? Inquiry)
“MSGOIRP” – Outstanding Items Report
MSOIRP Minor Subsidiaries Outstanding
Items Report
“HIOT” – Inquire on Transaction (As on date
Through offline reports viz. “Audit BGL
accounts age wise break up“ and “GL-
Outstanding-Accnts” report.
GLM02 - Chart of Accounts
GLM04 - GL Transactions and Movement
Office Accounts Printing of Office Accounts Finacle-7:
(Suspense, Sundry etc.) “ACLPOA” – Account Ledger printing Office
“HACLPOA” – Account Ledger printing
Office Account
Page 27 of 28
Audit Activity / Process Auditors’ Primary Checks Suggested System Support
/ Audit Area
BGL Accounting Menu
Inter Branch Account Un-reconciled transactions Finacle:
Through Outstanding IBR Report.
Through offline “Outstanding IBR Report“/
“IBR Summary report”
TDS Related TDS Information and Reports Finacle-7:
“TDSIP” – TDS Inquiry & Reports
Month-end report on accountwise /
transactionwise Tax deduction.
Bank specific customized Menu / report
“HTDSIP” – TDS Inquiry & Reports
Through offline monthly report on
accountwise / transactionwise Tax
TDS11 TDS Inquiry
TDS15 Inquiry on Projected Tax
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