ADC Lab 2
ADC Lab 2
ADC Lab 2
Data presentation
Experimental results
Date: Signature:
To design and construct active band-pass Butterworth filter using operational amplifier.
Equipment required:
Function Generator
Operational Amplifier (LM-741)
For a low pass filter this pass band starts from 0Hz or DC and continues up to the specified cut-
off frequency point at -3dB down from the maximum pass band gain. Equally, for a high pass filter
the pass band starts from this -3dB cut-off frequency and continues up to infinity or the maximum
open loop gain for an active filter.
However, the Active Band Pass Filter is slightly different in that it is a frequency selective filter
circuit used in electronic systems to separate a signal at one particular frequency, or a range of
signals that lie within a certain “band” of frequencies from signals at all other frequencies. This
band or range of frequencies is set between two cut-off or corner frequency points labelled the
“lower frequency” ( ƒL ) and the “higher frequency” ( ƒH ) while attenuating any signals outside of
these two points.
The cut-off or corner frequency of the low pass filter (LPF) is higher than the cut-off frequency of
the high pass filter (HPF) and the difference between the frequencies at the -3dB point will
determine the “bandwidth” of the band pass filter while attenuating any signals outside of these
�� = �� − �� 2.1
One way of making a very simple Active Band Pass Filter is to connect the Active high and
Active low pass filters in series. When the separation between the upper and the lower cutoff
frequencies ( f1, f2) exceeds a ratio of approximately 2, the band-pass filter is considered a wide-
band filter. The specifications are then separated into individual low-pass and high-pass
requirements and met by a cascade of active low-pass filters having a cutoff frequency of f1 and a
high-pass filter having a cutoff frequency of f2.
This cascading together of the individual low and high pass passive filters produces a low “Q-
factor” type filter circuit which has a wide pass band. The first stage of the filter will be the high
pass stage that uses the capacitor to block any DC biasing from the source. This design has the
advantage of producing a relatively flat asymmetrical pass band frequency response with one half
representing the low pass response and the other half representing high pass response as shown.
The higher corner point ( ƒH ) as well as the lower corner frequency cut-off point ( ƒL ) are
calculated the same as before in the standard first-order low and high pass filter circuits. Obviously,
a reasonable separation is required between the two cut-off points to prevent any interaction
between the low pass and high pass stages.
Multiple Feedback Band Pass Active Filter
We can improve the band pass response of the above circuit by rearranging the components again
to produce an infinite-gain multiple-feedback (IGMF) band pass filter. This type of active band
pass design produces a “tuned” circuit based around a negative feedback active filter giving it a
high “Q-factor” (up to 25) amplitude response and steep roll-off on either side of its center
frequency. Because the frequency response of the circuit is similar to a resonance circuit, this
center frequency is referred to as the resonant frequency, ( ƒr ). Consider the circuit below
Resonant Frequency Point
The actual shape of the frequency response curve for any passive or active band pass filter will
depend upon the characteristics of the filter circuit with the curve above being defined as an “ideal”
band pass response. An active band pass filter is a 2nd Order type filter because it has “two”
reactive components (two capacitors) within its circuit design.
As a result of these two reactive components, the filter will have a peak response or Resonant
Frequency ( ƒr ) at its “center frequency”, ƒc. The center frequency is generally calculated as being
the geometric mean of the two -3dB frequencies between the upper and the lower cut-off points
with the resonant frequency (point of oscillation) being given as:
�� = √�� × �� 2.2
frequency f0
Q 2.3
bandwidth fH fL
In this experiment we demonstrate the operation characteristics of a multiple feedback active BPF.
The multiple feedback BPF is only one of a number of possible BPF circuits which enable one to
specify individually the centre frequency (fo), gain (���), and quality factor (�). Because of its
simplicity, it is limited for �� less than 10.
The general transfer function of a 2nd order BPF is given by
A s
Av (s) 2.4
s2 w
s w2o
The transfer function of such a filter is
1 1
w0 Av0 2.6
C1C2 Q
R3 2.7
C1 C2 w0
From Equations (2.6)-(2.8), the values of R1, R3, C1 and C2 can be obtained for specific values
of fo, Q and Avo. However, since only three equations for the five parameters are available, we
may select C1 = C2.
Design and construct a 2nd order active BPF having Butterworth characteristics. Set the
center frequency 40KHz.
Now increase the frequency of the function generator and record the peak value of Vo.
Note the values in the given table for different values of input frequency.
Note the frequencies at which the output voltage Vo equals 3dB less than the peak value.
The two values determined will be the low cut-off and the high cut-off frequencies of the
filter respectively.
Plot the frequency response of the filter clearly mentioning the cut-off frequency.
Frequency Response
Home Task
Perform a wideband band pass filter in Proteus by connecting 2nd order High Pass filter with 2nd
order Low Pass filter using fL=20KHz and fH=40KHz.