Daily Lesson Plan in Health 9

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 9

3rd Quarter


A. Content Standard
 The learner demonstrates understanding of first aid principles and

B. Performance Standard
 The learner performs first aid procedures with accuracy.

C. Learning Competencies
At the end of this module, learners are expected to:
1. Identify the different types of carrying and transporting of an
injured person.
2. Demonstrate proper techniques in carrying and transporting an
injured person.


a. Topic: Carrying and Transporting an Injured Person
b. Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material for Grade 9, pp.
350- 355.
c. Materials:
PowerPoint Presentation/ Visual Aids
Book/ Learner’s Material


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Preliminary Activity

1. Prayer

Please stand up. Let us feel the presence

of the Lord.

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and In the name of the Father, of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit. Amen. of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Almighty Father, we praise and thank you Almighty Father, we praise and thank you
for this day. Watch over us as we go about for this day. Watch over us as we go about
our works and studies. Help us in every our works and studies. Help us in every way
way so that we may become the children so that we may become the children you want
you want us to be. Amen. us to be. Amen.

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and In the name of the Father, of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit. Amen. of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. Greetings

Good afternoon, Class! Good afternoon, Ma’am!

You may now take your sit. (The students will now sit down)

3. Attendance

Is everybody present today? Yes, Ma’am.

Very Good!

4. Motivation
The teacher will let the students play the game
4 pics 1 word. The students will guess what
the set of picture shows.

 Carrying a person
 Transportation

5. Presenting the new lesson

The two words that you have guessed are related to

our topic for today which is Carrying and Transporting
an Injured Person.

What emergency situations can we apply the

transporting techniques? When the patients or victim are in an
unconscious state.
Okay. If the injury is severe, that’s the time that we
need to transfer the victim to nearest health facilities.

b. Lesson Proper

Transporting an injured person requires great care.

A first aider must undergo proper training.

Why is it important to undergo training first when it

comes to transporting a victim? Because it needs a lot of care especially to
the injury of the victim.
Because there’s an instance that the injury
will get worsen if the first aider doesn’t have
skills in transporting a victim/ patient.
Alright. Very good. It is a need for first aider to have a
training first to properly execute the transport as well
as for the safety of victim and first aider/s.

There are factors that needs to be consider by a first


a. Weight and height of the victim

b. Status of the victim (conscious or
c. Environment (safe, floor is smooth,
narrow or wide)
d. Special need considerations (injuries of
the victims)
It is important to identify first the situation of the scene
and the condition of the victims to properly assess
what kind of transport to do by the first aider.

ACTIVITY: What to do
I will give a situation and then you will share your idea
about what to do/ use if the victims need to be

1. Unconscious but has no injury on arm, leg, rib,

neck, and back. (Lover’s carry)
2. A victim experiencing a very serious injury and
should not be lifted (Blanket Drag)
3. Conscious and the victim is smaller than the first
aider. (Piggy back) (the students will share their ideas)
4. Unconscious but needs to pass underneath a low
structure. (Tied- hands crawl)
5. Unconscious and the victim is fat. (shoulder drag/
blanket drag)

Let’s see if your answer is correct.

There are different kinds of transport.
First, we have the One- man Transport:
a. Fireman’s Carry- easiest way to transport a light and
smaller victim.
b. Piggy Back- when the victim is conscious.
c. Pack Strap Carry- when the victim is smaller than the
first aid.
d. Shoulder Drag- used when the floor is smooth, short
distance transport.
e. Fireman’s Drag or Tied- hands Crawl- used when first
aider and victim must crawl underneath a low structure.
f. Blanket Drag- used when the victim is seriously injured
and should not be lifted.

Among the given one- man transport, what have you

already tried or the easiest for you to try?
It’s easy for you since you have already experience Piggy back
some of it. But, we also need to consider the proper Pack strap carry
way on how to carry a victim and the tools/ materials Shoulder drag
to use when carrying them. Blanket drag

We now come up to the second transport, the Two-

man Carry:

a. Chair or Seat Carry- when there are two first aiders and a
chair is available.

Third transport, Three or More- man Transport:

a. Hammock Carry- when there are three first aiders.

b. Bearer Alongside Carry- carriers will stay on the
uninjured side of the victim.
c. Six Man Lift and Carry- when there are six first aiders.

That concludes our lesson about transporting a victim

in case of emergency.

c. Generalization

What are the factors that needs to consider by a first

aider in transporting a victim?

What are the different One- man transport?

Weight and height
Status of the victim
Special need considerations

Fireman’s Carry
How about Two- man Carry? Piggy Back
Pack Strap Carry
For Three or More- man Transport? Shoulder Drag
Fireman’s Drag or Tied- hand Crawl
Blanket Drag

Why is it important to have a proper training first in Chair or Seat Carry

transporting a victim?
Hammock Carry
Bearer Alongside Carry
Six Man Lift and Carry

d. Application Because proper training will allow the first

aider to do the transport safely and properly
Group Activity: without affecting the injury of a victim.
The class will be divided into 4-5 groups. Each group (student share ideas)
will watch video/ picture of the proper execution of the
different kinds of transport. After viewing, answer the
following questions.

Process questions:
1. Which among the techniques do you find the
easiest and the most difficult? Why?
2. What fitness components are needed by a first
aider or rescuer in transporting a victim to a safer
3. What are the things to consider in transporting a

Identification: Choose the correct answer from the box above. Write your answer in each item.

Fireman’s Carry Blanket Drag

Piggy Back Chair Carry
Pack Strap Carry Hammock Carry
Shoulder Drag Bearer Alongside Carry
Tied- hands Crawl Six Man Lift and Carry

1. It is a transport used when the victim is smaller than the first aider.
2. Transport used when first aider and victim pass underneath a low structure.
3. The easiest way to transport a light patient.
4. It is used when the floor is smooth and the distance of transport is short.
5. Used when the victim is conscious.
6. A transport used when the victim experiencing a severe injury and should not be lifted.
7. The carriers will stay on the uninjured side of the victim.
8. A kind of transport that have a three first aiders.
9. A transport used when there is an available chair and carried the victim with two first
10. A transport used when there are six first aiders.
1. Each group will be given different first aid method. You will make a simple role
play showing the first aid method given to each group.
Prepared by:
BUCE Student Teacher

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