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Print & Play Rules: Setup

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Print & Play rules

Centurion follows all of the rules of The Duke, with the follow- FORMATION ICONS
ing additions. There are two types of Formation icons:

SETUP Single Formation: Only one Single Formation icon

The Centurion replaces the Duke, while two Legionnaires re- may be used in a turn. (Icon is found on the Primus
place both Footman. Pilus.)
Non-Starting Side: If a tile does not have a non-Starting Side
(see the War Dogs tile) the player may select either side to face Full Formation: Any or all Full Formation icons on a
up when placing the tile for the first time. If any rule moves one single tile may be used in the same turn. (This icon is
of these tiles to the “starting side”, the player once again chooses found on the Centurion, Legionnaire, Tribune, Hastati,
which side to place facing up. and Optio Tiles.)

MOVEMENT ICONS A tile with either Formation icon can be activated and used
The following rules provide new Movement icons for Centurion. to reposition other friendly tiles by pairing their movement to the
active tile’s movement for that turn.
Hammer: This icon follows the exact rules for Strike, This is done as follows:
with the following additions: this icon ignores any icon • When a player activates a tile containing a Formation
with “Defense” in the name (and can capture a tile icon, the player may also nominate any friendly tile from
occupying the Fort Tile). a square indicated by that Formation icon: for this turn
only, they are now considered paired with the active tile.
Smash: This icon follows the exact rules for Move, with
• The player then chooses another Movement icon from
the following additions: this icon ignores any icon with
the active tile. The active tile and the paired tiles are
“Defense” in the name.
all moved simultaneously while retaining their original
Shield Defense: This icon follows the exact rules for
Defense, with the following additions: • Both the active tile and paired tiles may capture opposing
This icon does not protect the tile displaying the tiles at their final destination, following standard rules
icon from capture; i.e., it has no effect for the tile dis- based on the Movement icon chosen for the active tile. For
playing the icon. example, if the active tile use a Jump icon to move and
This icon protects a friendly tile in the indicated square as capture a tile, all paired tiles must move and capture as
though that tile had Defense icons in every square surrounding it. though they have the same Jump icon on their profile, in
an identical position.
Non-Capture Move/Jump/Slide: • A paired tile must be able to legally reach the new location
Non-Capture Move/Jump/Slide icons as though it was moving by itself using the same move-
follow all the same rules as the Move, ment icon from the active tile. If a paired tile cannot move
Jump and Slide icons, with the following legally, it cannot move in the formation with the other
exceptions: there cannot be a tile (either friendly or enemy) in the tiles.
target square or in a square the tile is attempting to move through. • At the end of movement, the activated tile flips; paired
If there is a tile, the active tile cannot be moved into that square tiles do not.
(meaning an enemy tile cannot be captured using these icons.)
• The Strike/Hammer/Dread/Defense/Shield Defense icons
[These icons are the same as those used in the Jarl, for those that
cannot be used with Formation icon(s).
have played them there; i.e. smaller versions of the standard icons.]


Print & Play rules

The following rule provides a new enhanced ability.

Ready: If a tile with the Ready ability is in play and has the
side up displaying the Ready icon, the player may choose to
“move” the tile by flipping it to its other side (it remains in its
square). (Playtest Note: See the Legionnaire tile.)

The following provides clarifications of how some Movement
icons in Centurion are used, as well as how they interact with a
few other icons.

The following text replaces the standard Dread icon text
from The Duke rulebook:
EXAMPLE 1 After any movement or placement of a new tile is complete,
In the Example 1 diagram the War Dogs are in a square where a
any tile (friendly or enemy) in a square covered by a Dread icon is
Full Formation icon is indicated on the Centurion tile. If there was no
frozen in place. The tile cannot be moved, captured, be shifted by
Optio tile, the Centurion could use that Full Formation icon to move
or use Formation icons, or use any ability until the Dread icon is
the Centurion tile into the square as indicated by its left-side Smash
removed (i.e., the Dread icon is no longer covering the previously
icon. Which would then also move the War Dogs into the Velites’
frozen tile at the start of the controlling player’s turn).
square, capturing it; remembering that for that move, the War Dogs
then have that same Smash icon in the same indicated square. Yet • Any Leader Tile (i.e. the Centurion), as well as any tile
there is the Optio tile, so the Centurion cannot move there.  with a Dread icon on either of its sides, is immune to the
Meanwhile, the War Dogs themselves have a Slide icon into the Dread icon.
Triarri occupied square, but the Defense icon is protecting the Triarri.
However, the Centurion can use that forward Full Formation icon, Non-Capture Slide Icons At Angles
then move into the square indicated by the right-side Smash icon, The Legionnaire and Centurion have unique placement of
which will move the War Dogs into the Triarri occupied square— non-capture Slide icons. Usually all slide icons are oriented di-
since Smash ignores Defense icons—thus capturing the Triarri.  rectly away from the square that contains the tile. These two tiles
If there were a tile directly behind the Centurion, the player have icons that start in a square diagonal from the central square,
could decide to also move that tile, while moving the War Dogs. and then point in lateral directions.
This means the tile is first moved into that square indicated
by their non-capture Slide icons. Then the player can either stop
right there, or can slide the tile any number of squares, using the
standard rules, all as part of a single movement action.


Print & Play rules

and bring the Slingers Tile because that would place it off
the board. Nor could it pair with and bring the Legion-
naire Tile, because the War Dogs Tile blocks that move-
ment; i.e., to mimic the Centurion’s move, the Legionnaire
would first have to move into the square occupied by the
War Dogs, which it cannot do.
• Square E: The Centurion cannot end its turn in square E,
because that would allow for the Velites Tile to capture it
with the Strike icon covering square E.
• Squares F, G and H (by itself): The Centurion, without
using the Full Formation icon paired to the Legionnaire on its
right, could move into square F, and then end its turn there, or
end its turn in either G or H after its Non-Capture Slide.
• Squares F and G (paired): Finally, the Centurion could
pair itself with the Legionnaire and move to either square
F or G, which would move the Legionnaire to either
square G or H, respectively.
Kevin decides to pair up with the Legionnaire and move the
Centurion and Legionnaire to square F and G. In all instances of
the use of Full Formation, only the Centurion will flip at the end
of its turn, which Kevin does, and his turn is over.
In the diagram above, Kevin is playing as the light tiles, and
his Centurion Tile has just come under Guard from the Velites Tile
and so must move.
A powerful move enabled by Full Formation icons would be for
the Centurion Tile to activate and pair itself with both the Slingers
and Legionnaire Tiles and use the Smash icon to move itself and
both paired tiles into squares A, B and C with a single movement.
Regardless of the Shield Defense from his opponent’s Legionnaire
Tile protecting the Velites Tile, and the Triarii Tile’s own Defense
icons, the Centurion’s Smash icon enables both paired tiles to
ignore those Defense icons and capture.
Unfortunately for Kevin, he cannot make that move since that
would place his Centurion into danger by his opponent’s rearmost
Legionnaire and its Strike icon threatening square B. So it’s time
for a tactical withdrawal.
With the horizontal Non-Capture Slide icons to the left of right
on the Centurion, combined with its Full Formation icons, these
are the options:
• Square D: The Centurion could move into square E and
finish the slide into D to end its turn. It cannot pair with


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