Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Bhopal Gas Tragedy
On the night of December 2, 1984, chemical, methyl isocyanate (MIC) spilt out from Union Carbide India Ltd’s (UCIL’s) pesticide factory
turned the city of Bhopal into a colossal gas chamber. It was India's first major industrial disaster. At least 30 tone’s of methyl isocyanate gas
killed more than 15,000 people and affected over 600,000 workers. Bhopal gas tragedy is known as world's worst industrial disaster.
i. Methyl Isocyanate is a colourless liquid used for making pesticides. MIC is safe when maintained properly. The chemical is
highly reactive to heat. When exposed to water, the compounds in MIC react with each other causing a heat reaction.
ii. Methyl Isocyanate is no longer in production, although it is still used in pesticides. The Bayer CropScience plant in Institute,
West Virgina is currently the only storage location of MIC left across the globe.
i. Immediate health effects include ulcers, photophobia, respiratory issues, anorexia, persistent abdominal pain, genetic issue,
neuroses, impaired audio and visual memory, impaired reasoning ability, and a lot more.
ii. Long-term health effects include chronic conjunctivitis, decreased lung function, increased pregnancy loss, increased infant
mortality, increased chromosomal abnormalities, impaired associate learning and more
Failure of MIC Lacked happened.
Union Carbide India's Bhopal facility housed three 68,000-litre liquid MIC storage tanks: E610, E611, and E619. Months before the
tragedy, MIC production was in progress and was being filled in the tanks. No tank was allowed to be filled more than 50% of its
capacity and the tank was pressurized with inert nitrogen gas. The pressurization allowed liquid MIC to be pumped out of each tank.
However, one of the tanks (E610) lost the ability to contain nitrogen gas pressure, hence liquid MIC could not be pumped out of it. As
per the rules, each of the tanks could not be filled with more than 30 tone’s of liquid MIC. But this tank had 42 tone’s. This failure
forced UCIL to halt methyl isocyanate production in Bhopal and the plant was partly shut for maintenance. An attempt was made to
make the defective tank functional again on December 1, however the attempt failed. By then, most of the plant's methyl isocyanate
related safety systems were malfunctioning. According to reports, by December 2 eve, water had entered the malfunctioning tank,
which resulted in runaway chemical reaction. The pressure in the tank increased five times by night. By midnight, the workers in the
MIC area started feeling the effects of MIC gas. The decision to address the leak was to be made a couple of minutes later. However,
by then the chemical reaction in the tank had reached a critical state. About 30 tone’s of MIC escaped from the tank into the
atmosphere within an hour. Most Bhopal residents were made aware of the gas leak by exposure to the gas itself.
Doctors were not aware of proper treatment methods the incident. Methyl isocyanate gas leak killed more than 15,000 people and
affected over 600,000 workers. The stillbirth rate and the neonatal mortality rate increased by up to 300% and 200%
respectively. The gas leak impact trees and animals too. Within a couple of days, trees in the nearby area became barren. Bloated
animal carcasses had to be disposed of. People ran on the streets, vomiting and dying. The city ran out of cremation grounds.