Arcane Head

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Arcane Head

Armor Class 3 (7)

Hit Dice 2*
Size T (1')
Move Fly 30 (15)
Attacks 1 bite or special
Damage 1d6
No. Appearing 2-13
Save as F2
Morale 8
Treasure Nil
Intelligence Average (10)
Alignment Chaotic
XP Value 35
Monster Type Undead
Frequency Very Rare
Terrain Ouliandris; any

them in their occult experiments. If they have no immediate use for a

Arcane heads are the severed heads of wanderers whose physical wanderer, he or she is cast into a NNightmare Prison for safekeeping.
bodies died in Ouliandris. The heads are then magically animated by one As supernatural creatures, arcane heads have no place in the natural
of the Nightlords. A flock of up to 13 arcane heads serve The Night Lords, order. They feed on the flesh of physical beings, preferring the taste of live
searching for physical wanderers traveling in the Nightmare Lands. wanderers though they also sustain themselves with the flesh of lost souls
An arcane head looks much as it did in life, except that it has no body. created in Ouliandris.
Its eyes are empty and white, and a supernatural glow surrounds it. Its
teeth are much sharper than those of a normal human, and its neck has
been sewn shut where it was severed from its body. An arcane head moves
through the power of magical flight, tracing mystical patterns in the air as
it travels. When the mystic patterns of several heads are combined in a
specific way, a portal opens through which its Nightlord controller may
travel to reach its ghastly servants.
The only sounds made by an arcane head are low, pathetic moans and
the grinding of sharp teeth. It appears they can communicate with its
Nightlord in some way, but they do not speak or otherwise talk to their
Arcane heads always attack in a flock, flying around their victims and
darting in to bite or bash. In the first round of combat, the heads dive at a
victim, trying to employ their special bash attack. A bash attack requires a
successful attack roll. It is actually a magical attack that inflicts no physical
damage. Instead, the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell or be
stunned by the touch of the head’s arcane aura for 1d4+1 rounds. Stunned
characters suffer automatic bite damage round from any arcane heads that
attack them.
Each head bites for 1d6 points of damage. The speed and small size of
each head accounts for its Armor Class. If held in place (such as by a web
spell), a head only has an AC 7.
In addition to flight and the bash attack, the heads use their arcane
powers to open a magical portal controlled by a Nightlord. It takes at least
five heads spinning in unison for 1d4+1 rounds to open the portal. Its
Nightlord can step through the portal or use it to transport wanderers into
a the Nightlord’s Demesne.
When not prowling the dark hours on behalf of their Nightlord, the
flock of arcane heads rests in one of the caverns or decimated forests of
Ouliandris. There are never more than 13 heads in the flock. If any are
destroyed. the Nightlord makes an effort to replace them as soon as
possible. The heads serve as that Nightlord’s spies throughout the
Ouliandris, checking on the activities of wanderers and other Nightlords.
The heads specifically search for wanderers so that their Nightlord can use

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