Math 4 Week 7

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Teaching Dates &
Time: MARCH 28-31, 2023 (Week 7) Quarter: THIRD


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
of the concept of time, of the concept of time, the concept of time, perimeter, of the concept of time, of the concept of time,
perimeter, area, and volume. perimeter, area, and volume. area, and volume. perimeter, area, and volume. perimeter, area, and volume.

B. Performance Is able to apply the concepts Is able to apply the concepts Is able to apply the concepts of Is able to apply the concepts Is able to apply the concepts
Standards of time, perimeter, area, and of time, perimeter, area, and time, perimeter, area, and of time, perimeter, area, and of time, perimeter, area, and
volume to mathematical volume to mathematical volume to mathematical volume to mathematical volume to mathematical
problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Visualizes the perimeter of Visualizes the perimeter of Visualizes the perimeter of any Visualizes the perimeter of Visualizes the perimeter of
Competencies/ any given plane figure in any given plane figure in given plane figure in different any given plane figure in any given plane figure in
Objectives different situations. different situations. situations. different situations. different situations.
( Write the Lode for M4ME-IIIg-48 M4ME-IIIg-48 M4ME-IIIg-48 M4ME-IIIg-48 M4ME-IIIg-48
each) Measures the perimeter of Measures the perimeter of Measures the perimeter of any Measures the perimeter of Measures the perimeter of any
any given figure using any given figure using given figure using appropriate any given figure using given figure using appropriate
appropriate tools. appropriate tools. tools. appropriate tools. tools.
M4ME-IIIh-49 M4ME-IIIh-49 M4ME-IIIh-49 M4ME-IIIh-49 M4ME-IIIh-49
Finds the perimeter of Finds the perimeter of Finds the perimeter of triangles, Finds the perimeter of Finds the perimeter of
triangles, squares, triangles, squares, squares, rectangles, triangles, squares, triangles, squares, rectangles,
rectangles, parallelograms, rectangles, parallelograms, parallelograms, and trapezoids. rectangles, parallelograms, parallelograms, and
and trapezoids. and trapezoids. M4ME-IIIi-51 and trapezoids. trapezoids.
M4ME-IIIi-51 M4ME-IIIi-51 M4ME-IIIi-51 M4ME-IIIi-51
II.CONTENT Visualizing the perimeter of Measuring the perimeter of Finding the perimeter of Finding the perimeter of
( Subject Matter) any given plane figure in any given figure using triangles, squares, rectangles, triangles, squares,
different situation appropriate tools. parallelograms and trapezoids. rectangles,
parallelograms and
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Can you do this? Let’s have a Use an appropriate Fill in the blanks with the correct a. Use a ruler to measure Summative Test
Lesson or presenting guessing game on polygons. measuring tool to find the word to correct the statement. the sides of each figure in
new lesson _______ 1. I am a polygon perimeter of thepicture Write your answer on a centimeters.
with four equal sides and 4 shown. Put the separate sheet of paper. b. Write each length in the
right measurements in the box blank.
corners. What am I? provided. _______ is the distance around c. Compute for the
_______ 2. I have three sides the polygon. To get the perimeter.
and three angles. What am I? perimeter of a polygon, we
_______ 3. I have two pairs ________ the measurements of
of parallel sides and four right all its sides.
angles. What shape am I?
_______ 4. I am a polygon
with 4 sides and one pair of
is parallel. What am I?
_______ 5. I have two pairs
of opposite sides which are
parallel. What am I?
B. Establishing a purpose This lesson will help you This lesson is about Everything we see around us This lesson will help you
for the lesson develop your skills in measuring the perimeter of have a shape. These shapes learn how to find the
visualizing the any given figure using appear in objects we see such perimeter of a
perimeter of any plane figure appropriate tools. as ball, buildings, cards, tables parallelograms and
in different situations. windows, balloons and many trapezoids.
more. Have you ever wondered
of measuring the length of
those things? In this lesson you
will learn to find the perimeter of
different polygons such as
triangles, squares, rectangles,
parallelograms, and trapezoid.
C. Presenting examples/ Study this figure: Look at the pictures below, Pia wants to stay fit during this Shane wants to build a fence
instances of the new Kylhie made this figure using what appropriate tools you pandemic. She runs around a around her field. The sides
lesson. matchsticks. will rectangular park every day of her field measures 19
How many sides does this use to measure the following before going to work. How meters, 16 meters, 13
figure have? pictures? many meters does Pia run if the meters and 9 meters. What
length of the park is 20 meters is the distance around the
and its width is 15 meters? field?
How will you solve the

How many matchsticks do How do get the perimeter of

you think she used to form
the figure? If 1 matchstick is the field?
equivalent to 1unit? How many meters of barbed
wire will she need?

The perimeter of the figure

What unit of measurements To solve for the answer to the above will be the length of
and appropriate measuring problem, add the side the fence.
tools on the above pictures measurements of the park. Thus, we need to add all the
that should be used to get given measurements to
the know the total length needed
perimeter? for the fence.

Let the rectangle at the left

represent the park. The length
and the width are the
of the rectangle. To find the
distance around the park, we
the measurement of its sides.
Therefore, Pia walks a distance
70 meters. This distance is
the perimeter.
D. Discussing new The figure has 6 sides. To Centimeter (cm) is a unit in How to find the perimeter? 4. Perimeter of
concepts and practicing find the number of matchstick the metric system which is When calculating the perimeter parallelogram – to find the
new skills. #1 she used, add all the used in of any plane figure that has perimeter of
matchsticks around the measuring shorter lengths. straight sides, we can simply parallelogram, you need to
figure, so Kylhie used 10 While, meter (m) is a unit in add the lengths of all the sides find the sum of base and
matchsticks to form the the metric system which is together. height
figure. The 10 matchsticks the Here are some of the examples multiply by 2.
give the distance around the standard unit in measuring in finding the perimeter of:
close figure. lengths.
The perimeter of the figure is 1. Perimeter of a rectangle –
10 units A ruler is the common rectangle has 2 pairs of The perimeter of
measurement tool in opposite sides which are equal parallelogram is 86 inches.
mathematics. It is used to in length. Given that, the longer
measure small objects, like side is called the length while 5. Perimeter of trapezoid –
pencils, toothpicks and the shorter side is the width. to find the perimeter of
paper clips. Most ruler come Finding the trapezoid, you need to solve
with two perimeter of a rectangle uses for the sum of the measures
measurement metrics, the formula: of the sides of the trapezoid.
centimeters and inches and Representing the sides as a,
are made usually in lengths b, c and d. The formula will
of 15cm and 30cm. be:
A meter stick is a P=a+b+c+d
measurement tool that
measures one meter
(hundred centimeters) and is
used to measure thing in
meters and centimeters.
Things like the length of the

E. Discussing new Another example: A notebook is a small object, 2. Perimeter of a square – 6. Perimeter of regular
concepts and practicing so we can measure it in Square has 4 congruent sides polygons – all sides of a
new skills #2. A handkerchief measuring inches or centimeter using a and in order to find the regular polygon are equal.
4cm on each side. ruler. perimeter of a square, we need A regular hexagon has 6
What is its perimeter? The measurement of a to add the measures of all 4 equal sides.
notebook is 8 inches long equal sides. So, its perimeter will be 6
and times the length of one side.
6 inches wide. To get the
perimeter of the notebook
using ruler is just simply add
all the length of each side. Aside from adding all the sides
of a square, you can also
8inches + 6inches + 8inches multiply the number of sides by
What is the perimeter of a + 6inches = 28 inches the measure of one side.
handkerchief if each side The perimeter of a notebook
measures 4 cm? is 28inches

A basketball court measures

22 meters long and 15
meters wide. What is the 3. Perimeter of a triangle –
appropriate tool will we use? equilateral triangle has three
If we are going to measure sides that are congruent. To
the actual size of the find the perimeter of a triangle
basketball court whichtool is which has
more appropriate to use, is it equal sides, we use the
the ruler or the meter stick? formula:
What is the perimeter?

22meters + 15meters +
22meters +15meters =
74meter If the given triangle has no
The perimeter of a equal sides, simply add the
basketball court is 74meters lengths of
the three sides. The formula will
F. Developing Mastery Give the perimeter of the If you measure the following Given the perimeter, find the Find the perimeter of each
(Lead to Formative following figure below. Write given object, what missing sides. Write the answer figure.
Assessment 3) the answer on your answer appropriate on your answer sheet.
sheet. tool will you use? Write
Ruler or Meter Stick on your
answer sheet.
1. Bond paper - _________
2. Bedroom floor -
3. Notebook - ________
4. Plant box - _________
5. Television screen -

G. Finding practical Give the perimeter of the Show the perimeter of each Follow the directions. Matching type: Identify what
application of concepts following figure below. Write object by highlighting the 1. Draw a rectangle. is referred to in column A
and skills in daily living the answer on your answer sides 2. Measure its sides. Then, with
sheet. and measuring the sides write the measurements on its the terms in column B.
using a ruler. corresponding sides.
3. Write a formula to find the
perimeter of the figure you
4. Find the perimeter.

H. Making Generalizations The word ‘perimeter’ derived In order to get the perimeter • To find the perimeter of any The perimeter of a closed
and Abstraction about from the Greek word “peri’ of a figure/shape, we first figures with equal sides, just figure is the distance around
the Lesson. which means around, and need to measure the lengths simply multiply the number of its the figure. To find the
‘metron’ which means of the sides. There are sides by the measure of one perimeter of a polygon get
measure. different side. the sum of the lengths or
The total length of the outer tools we can use to measure • To find the perimeter of any measurements of its sides.
boundary of any plane figure the sides. figures/shapes with no equal
or Here are some examples of sides, simply add the measures
the distance around a plane tolls that we can use to of all the sides.
figure is called perimeter. measure the lengths of the
To get the perimeter, add all sides of a figure:
the measurements of the 1. ruler
side. 2. meter stick
We often find the perimeter 3. measuring tape
when fencing the backyard
garden or finding the total
length of a field.
I. Evaluating Learning Find the perimeter of the Use a ruler to find the Find the perimeter in meters. Draw, label and find the
following. Write your answer perimeter in cm of the perimeter of the following:
inside the figure. following figures. (Use 1. A square with a side that
centimeters) measures 7 dm.
2. A rectangle with a length
of 5 cm and a width of 3 cm.
3. A hexagonal lot with 4 m,
5m, 6 m, 7m, 8m and 2m
Rectangle ABCD = ________ dimensions of each side.
m 4. A triangle with sides that
Triangle ABC = ________ m measures 4 cm, 5cm and 4
Triangle BCD = ________ m cm.
5. A pentagon with sides of 2
cm, 2cm, 4 cm, 4cm and 5
J. Additional Activities for Give the formula in finding
Application or the perimeter of the following
Remediation polygons, then solve for its
perimeter. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of


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