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DGS-MU-008-R1 Plant Noise Control

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company


Rev-1 May 2009



Amendment History

1 May 2009 AMD-MU-008-001-BECHTEL Section # 2.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.1, SMK / QAM / May 2009
10.2, 10.5, 10.7 & 11.0 HD MAY

Clause # 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.3.1,

10.6.2, 10.6.4, 9.2.3, 9.3.2,
9.3.5, 10.6.1, 10.6.2,
10.6.5, 10.6.6, 14.1.2,
14.1.4, 14.2.1, 14.2.2,
14.3.2, 14.3.6 & 14.3.7

No Date Amendment Description Proposed Approved Incorporated

DGS History

1 May 2009 DGS-MU-008-Rev-1 AMD-MU-008-001-BECHTEL SMK / HD QAM / MAY

0 Mar 2006 DGS-MU-008-Rev-0 Previous Projects SMK / HD ETSDM / EPDM

No Date Description Source Reviewed Approved

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1.0 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................4

1.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................4
1.2 PURPOSE..................................................................................................................4
1.3 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................4
2.0 CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................................5
3.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ..............................................................................................7
4.0 DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE ..............................................................................................7
5.0 SPECIFICATION DEVIATION/CONCESSION CONTROL .................................................7
6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ...................................................................7
7.0 ACOUSTICAL DESIGN .......................................................................................................8
8.0 NOISE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................8
9.0 GENERAL NOISE LIMITS...................................................................................................9
9.1 ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE ........................................................................................9
9.2 IN-PLANT NOISE.....................................................................................................10
10.0 SPECIFYING EQUIPMENT NOISE LEVELS....................................................................12
10.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................12
10.2 EQUIPMENT EMITTING CONTINUOUS NOISE ....................................................13
10.4 EQUIPMENT LOCATED OUTSIDE THE WORK AREA ..........................................14
COMPONENTS ..............................................................................................15
10.8 NOISE LIMIT INFORMATION COHERENCE ..........................................................18
11.0 CORRECTIVE MEASURES AND SILENCING EQUIPMENT...........................................18
12.0 DATA/REQUISITION SHEETS AND EQUIPMENT SELECTION......................................19
13.0 NOISE ACCEPTANCE TESTS..........................................................................................19
14.0 NOISE CONTROL PROJECT EXECUTION .....................................................................20
14.1 NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING PROCESS .......................................................20
14.3 NOISE CONTROL REPORTING .............................................................................23
ADDENDUM SHEET ..................................................................................................................28

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company


Rev-1 May 2009

List of Authorized Signatures/ Initials

DGS Discipline Committee Member, ADRD: None

DGS Discipline Committee Member, RRD: Hani Dawod (HD)

DGS Discipline Committee Member Leader, E&PD: Shivaji M. Karade (SMK)

Engineering & Technical Services Manager, E&PD: Quazi Abdul Matin (QAM)

Engineering & Projects Division Manager, E&PD: Mohamed Al Yabhouni (MAY)

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This Specification defines the overall noise control requirements and the procedures
for plant noise control for equipment installed for the Project.

In addition to this specification, Specification DGS-MU-009, "Equipment Noise

Control," provides details on how to derive maximum allowable noise levels for
individual equipment items or trains as well as how to measure and report noise
levels for compliance with the project requirements. Specification DGS-MU-010,
"Acoustic Insulation for Pipes, Valves, and Flanges," provides details on how to
design and install acoustical insulation for noise reduction.

CONTRACTOR shall use the project noise specifications to develop plant and
individual equipment noise limits. These noise limits and the associated equipment
requisitions shall be specified under the guidance of an in-house Noise Control
Engineer/Specialist or an Acoustical Consultant employed by CONTRACTOR.


This specification is intended to be used by the CONTRACTOR(S) for use in the

overall design effort for the project. DGS-MU-010, "Acoustic Insulation for Pipes,
Valves, and Flanges," is also to be used by CONTRACTOR for overall plant noise
control design. Specification DGS-MU-009, "Equipment Noise Control,” is intended
to aid the MANUFACTURER/VENDOR in their selection of equipment and/or noise
control designs such that individual equipment items comply with the equipment
noise limits. Further, DGS-MU-009 specifies how equipment noise levels are to be
measured, reported, and guaranteed for this project. The CONTRACTOR is
responsible for the implementation of DGS-MU-009 by each of his VENDORS.

The overall noise control design, implementation, and compliance is the

responsibility of the CONTRACTOR for the area(s) of the project in their scope. It is
the responsibility of the MANUFACTURER/VENDOR to comply with equipment noise


For the purposes of this specification, the following General Definitions shall apply:

CONCESSION REQUEST — A deviation requested by the CONTRACTOR or

VENDOR, usually after receiving the contract package or purchase order. Often, it
refers to an authorization to use, repair, recondition, reclaim, or release materials,
components or equipment already in progress or completely manufactured, but
which does not meet or comply with COMPANY requirements. A CONCESSION
REQUEST is subject to the COMPANY'S approval.

SHALL — indicates a mandatory requirement.

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SHOULD — The use of the word “should” indicates a strong recommendation to

comply with the requirements of this document.

In addition to the above general definitions, the following Technical Definitions shall

All notations and definitions as stated in EEMUA 140.

Noise Level may refer to either a sound pressure level (Lp) with reference to 20 µPa,
or a sound power level (Lw) with reference to 1 pW.

Where: Lp = 20 log10 (P/P0) P0 = 20 µPa

Lw = 10 log10(W/W0) W0 = 1 pW

NOTE: All logarithms in this specification are to the base 10.

Noise Limit is a maximum allowable noise level.

Impulsive Noise is when a noise source contains significant irregularities, such as

bangs, clanks, or thumps, or if the noise is only existent momentarily and is of a
character to attract attention. Under these conditions, the noise shall be considered
as impulsive for the purpose of this specification.

Narrow-band Noise is when a noise source contains a pure tone or narrow-band

component which is noticeable to the ear as a noise of distinguishable pitch, and
which represents a dominant feature of the total source noise. Under these
conditions, the source noise shall be regarded as containing narrow-band noise for
the purpose of this specification. Note: Where there is doubt about the subjective
assessment of narrow-band noise, it shall be resolved by narrow-band analysis using
an instrument with a band-width not more than 10 Hz or 1%, whichever is the less
(also see Appendix E of EEMUA 140).

Work Area is any position not less than 1 meter from equipment surfaces accessible
to personnel, or any position where a worker's ear may be exposed to noise in the
normal course of his duty. It includes any platform, walkway, or ladder.


It shall be the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to be, or to become, knowledgeable of

the requirements of the referenced Codes and Standards.

The following codes and standards, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this
specification. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest
edition in force at the time of CONTRACTOR’S/VENDOR’S proposal shall apply.

Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe (CONCAWE)

Report 85/52 Acoustic Fatigue in Pipes

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Marine Technology Directorate Publication

99/100 Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue in

Process Pipe work

American Petroleum Institute (API)

API RP 521 Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems.

British Standards (BS)

BS EN 61260 Electroacoustics, Octave-band, and fractional-octave-band


BS EN 61672 Electroacoustics, Sound Level Meters.

BS EN 60942 Electroacoustics, Sound Calibrators

Engineering Equipment And Materials Users Association (EEMUA)

EEMUA 104 Noise – A Guide to Information Required from Equipment


EEMUA 140 Noise Procedure Specification.

EEMUA 141 Guide to use Noise Procedure Specification

EEMUA 161 Guide to Assessment and Selection of Silencers and Acoustic


International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

IEC 61260 Electroacoustics, Octave-band and fractional-octave-band


IEC 61672 Recommendations for sound-level meters.

IEC 60942 Electroacoustics, Sound Calibrators.

IEC 60534-8-3 Industrial Process Control Valves Part 8 – Section 3

Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction Method

IEC 60534-8-4 Industrial Process Control Valves Part 8 – Section 4

Prediction of Noise Generated by Hydrodynamic Flow

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

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ISO 266 Acoustics – Preferred frequencies for measurements.

ISO 1996 Acoustics, Description and Measurement of Environmental


ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System Requirements

ISO 9004-2000 Quality Management Guidelines for Performance Improvement


ISO 19011 Quality Management Guidelines for Performance Improvement


ISO 15664 Acoustics – Noise Control Design Procedures for Open Plant


The following Project reference documents, to the extent specified herein, form a part
of this specification. When an edition date is not indicated for a document, the latest
edition in force at the time of MANUFACTURER/VENDOR'S proposal submittal shall

DGS-MU-009 Equipment Noise Control

DGS-MU-010 Acoustic Insulation for Pipes, Valves, and Flanges


The CONTRACTOR shall notify the COMPANY of any apparent conflict between this
specification, the related data sheets, the Codes and Standards and any other
specifications noted herein. Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be
obtained from the COMPANY in writing before proceeding with the

In case of conflict, the order of precedence shall be stated in the AGREEMENT or other
PROJECT documents as applicable.


Any technical deviations to this specification and its attachments shall be sought by
REQUESTS require COMPANY’S review/approval, prior to the proposed technical
changes being implemented. Technical changes implemented prior to COMPANY
approval are subject to rejection.


CONTRACTOR’S proposed quality system shall fully satisfy all the elements of ISO
9001 - 2000 and ISO 9004 - 2000. The quality system shall provide for the planned
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and systematic control of all quality-related activities performed during

design/development, production, installation or servicing (as appropriate to the given
system). Implementation of the system shall be in accordance with the
CONTRACTOR’S Quality Manual and Project Specific Quality Plan, which shall both
together with all related/referenced procedures, be submitted to COMPANY for
review, comment and approval as required by purchase/contract documents.


The CONTRACTOR shall assume unit responsibility and overall guarantee for the
noise production for his scope of supply.

EEMUA 140 forms an integral part of this Specification and the EEMUA definitions
have been used throughout. Where conflict arises, the requirements of this
Specification shall take preference.

For acoustical design purposes, all calculations should be performed in the eight
octave bands centered between 63 Hz and 8 kHz (see ISO 266). If the frequency
spectrum of a source is not known, a frequency spectrum can be estimated from
empirical data, published data, measurements of similar equipment, or by using the
noise rating curve numerically 5 dB less than the given dB(A) criterion.. The octave
band values of the appropriate noise rating curves are given in ISO 1996. The
overriding requirement for acoustical design, however, is that the A-weighted Noise
Level shall be met.


The control of noise in a plant is required for the following reasons:

• To conserve the hearing of personnel

• To reduce speech and work interference

• To ensure that warning signals are audible

• To allow adequate speech, telephone, and radio communication

• To maintain working efficiency

• To provide quiet accommodation for personnel

• To prevent annoyance to the neighboring community.

Noise limits can be given for each of the above aspects of noise control, relative to
certain areas inside or outside the plant. These noise limits are specified in
Section 9, "General Noise Limits." These general noise limits shall be used by the
CONTRACTOR(S) to derive noise limits for each item of equipment, as applicable,
for its specific position in the plant.

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These individual equipment limits are referred to as “Equipment Noise Limits.”

Procedures for deriving equipment noise limits are specified in Project Specification
DGS-MU-009, “Equipment Noise Control.”

Each potential source of noise shall be subject to the requirements of this

specification and to the requirements of DGS-MU-009.

The specified limits shall be met for the design operating conditions of the plant and
for other operating conditions which occur occasionally, such as startup, shutdown,
regeneration and maintenance. The only requirement for emergency situations, i.e.
any conditions other than just described, which can be foreseen or predicted (e.g.
relief) is that the absolute limit of subsection 9.2.3 shall not be exceeded.

During construction, noise levels shall not exceed the limits applicable for operation
of the completed plant. During precommissioning, noise levels shall not exceed the
absolute limits applicable for operation of the completed plant.

For some equipment, calculations or measurements may indicate that the noise
limits will be exceeded, but with a margin of uncertainty extending down to levels
below the limit (i.e. there is a possibility that the limits may be met). For such
equipment the application of noise control measures shall not be postponed until
actual noise levels have been obtained after startup, unless installation of
prospective retrofit noise controls, which may be needed, is feasible. Feasible
includes ability to provide adequate noise reduction and space has been allocated. If
there is doubt about the feasibility of prospective retrofit noise controls, the
COMPANY’S advice shall be sought.



The Phase 1 HSEIA Report will provide details on existing background noise levels.

Noise levels generated by the new facilities superimposed on the existing

background level shall not exceed 60 dB(A) sound pressure level at any point
beyond 600 meters from the Plant battery limit. The 60 dBA environmental noise limit
at any point beyond 600 meters applies to normal operation at or near full capacity; it
does not apply to emergency situations or abnormal operating conditions.

For design purposes, this sound pressure limit shall be converted into a maximum
allowable sound power level for the plant or composing parts of the plant under
consideration. The resultant limit(s) shall be included in the project specifications by
the CONTRACTOR. Conversion of environmental sound pressure levels into plant
sound power levels and vice versa shall be carried out in accordance with EEMUA
140 (using the calculation curves for either minimal or significant screening effects)
or in accordance with a national standard agreed by the COMPANY.

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Noise levels generated by the new facilities superimposed on the existing

background level shall not exceed the following in-plant noise requirements.

9.2.1 Work Area Limit

Sound Pressure Level, superimposed on the existing background noise level, in the
work area within the new facilities shall not exceed 85 dB(A) at any point 1 meter
away from any equipment surface. Where it is not practical to achieve 85 dB(A) at
any point 1 meter away from equipment surface, Section 9.2.2 shall apply

9.2.2 Restricted Area Limit

Restricted areas are those work areas in the plant where it is not reasonably
practicable to reduce the noise level below the work area limit. Such a restricted
area limit may be between 85 and 115 dB(A). However, attempts shall be made to
reduce the level below 90 dB(A). In all cases, the absolute limit of 115 dB(A)
remains valid in such areas.

If it is unavoidable that the work area limit will be exceeded around particular
equipment, action shall be taken to reduce the area involved as much as feasible;
this may include the installation of an acoustical enclosure. It is accepted that areas
inside acoustical enclosures around such equipment are restricted areas.

Written permission shall be obtained from the COMPANY to designate an area as a

restricted area. COMPANY’S permission may include a maximum allowable sound
pressure level for the area under consideration.

Permanent warning signs to indicate the mandatory use of ear protectors shall be
erected at the boundaries of restricted areas. The signs should be of the type given
in ISO 3864.

9.2.3 Absolute Limit

The sound pressure level for broadband noise shall not exceed 115 dB(A), measured
with an instrument set to slow response, at any time and at any place which is
accessible to personnel in any situation, including emergencies such as the blowing
of safety relief valves. The absolute limit does not apply inside of any vendor
supplied enclosure.

9.2.4 Other In-Plant Limits

In addition to the above requirements, the CONTRACTOR shall investigate whether

any local regulations exist with respect to noise in the plant. These regulations may
focus on noise control for hearing conservation, speech and work interference,
accommodation, etc.

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For locations where local regulations, statutory requirements, or national standards

are more stringent than this specification, the most stringent applicable limit(s) shall
be stated in the project specification by the CONTRACTOR and these limit(s) shall
govern for the plant.


9.3.1 Narrow-band or Impulsive Noise

Further restrictions shall apply if the noise contains narrow-band or impulsive

components and this shall be taken into account when specifying equipment noise
limits. See section 10.5 of this specification.

For environmental noise, any narrow-band or impulsive component shall be

sufficiently below the broadband noise from the plant so that it is no longer audible
(see Appendix E of EEMUA 140). If this is not feasible, the COMPANY’S advice shall
be obtained.

9.3.2 Speech and Work Interference

The following noise level limits shall apply in order to reduce speech and work
interference from equipment to acceptable proportions:

Area Description Maximum Allowable sound

pressure level, SPL in dB(A)

- General workshops and machinery buildings 70

where communication is required
- Workshops for light maintenance
- Workshop Offices 60
- Control rooms (not continuously manned)
- Computer Rooms
- Control rooms, continuously manned 50
- Open Plan Offices
- Social rooms
- Changing rooms
- Wash places and toilets
- Offices 45
- Conference rooms

NOTE: The maximum allowable sound pressure level mentioned here above refer
to the background noise existing inside the concerned area (room) when unoccupied,
and includes ventilation and contribution of all external noise sources, Noise that is

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not related to equipment, but is produced by users of the various areas need not be

9.3.3 Accommodation

The sound pressure level shall not exceed 40 dB(A) inside personnel
accommodation such as bedrooms, private cabins, etc.. This requirement is
applicable even for the on-site accommodation provided during construction period
either for COMPANY’S or CONTRACTOR’S personnel.

9.3.4 Noise Related to Buildings

Noise levels inside buildings or shelters shall be calculated, taking into account both
the noise from equipment in the building and the noise from outside. Calculation of
the attenuation of noise from outside to within a building, and vice versa, shall be
based on standard acoustical principles.

It shall be ensured that sound-absorbing materials or constructions are incorporated

in the design of potentially reverberant spaces. The minimum absorption coefficient,
averaged over the walls and ceiling, shall be 0.2 for frequencies above 200 Hz.

Screening effects of large buildings and tanks shall be taken into account where

9.3.5 Plant Warning Signals

All sirens, audio alarms, sentinel valves, etc. shall be effective under all operating
conditions. If public address systems are used, they shall be designed and installed
to provide effective speech intelligibility in all areas designated for speech
communications. In any area expected to exceed 90 dBA, visible strobe warnings
shall be used in addition.



Contractor shall specify, in the Requisition/Purchase Order Documents, the

maximum allowable noise limit(s) for each equipment item or component based on
the work area noise limits, the environmental/community noise limit(s), and/or any
other limits stated in the project specifications.

For equipment where no other limit than the work area limit is applicable, the
equipment sound pressure limits as given in the following shall apply:

Where more or less stringent area noise limits apply, the equipment noise limits
given below shall be adapted accordingly.

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The equipment noise limits shall be given in an overall dB(A) value or, where
considered more appropriate, the corresponding octave band spectrum may be
specified instead.

In all cases, the appropriate equipment noise limit(s) shall be established by the
CONTRACTOR and shall be based on his acoustical calculations, performed per
EEMUA 140. These limits shall be given to the VENDOR on the project Equipment
Noise Data Sheet (attached to DGS-MU-009).

Equipment including pumps, compressors, drivers, transmission systems, lube and

seal systems, and other auxiliaries shall be designed to minimize generation of noise
and shall not exceed the noise limits so specified. The use of acoustical insulation,
silencers, and/or enclosures is not as preferable as noise control by design.

All definitions, notations, measuring equipment, measuring procedures, test

reporting, calculation methods, and calculation procedures shall be in accordance
with EEMUA 140.


Unless other limits are established via this specification, the equipment noise limit
shall be a sound pressure level of 85 dB(A) +0. The specified noise limit shall be
guaranteed by the VENDOR and met at any measuring location not less than 1
meter from the equipment surface.

If equipment consists of components, e.g. a driver and a driven part, the above limits
applied to each component separately will not ensure that the assembled equipment
meets the work area limit. For such equipment, more stringent limits shall be
specified by CONTRACTOR on the data/requisition sheets for the separate
components. The permissible noise limit, per component, shall be based on
acoustical calculations. As a guideline, the CONTRACTOR should use the following

• A reduction of 3 dB(A) shall be made for each item of a 2-component train

• A reduction of 5 dB(A) shall be made for each item of a 3-component train.

A further reduction of the equipment noise limit shall be made when several
equipment items or trains are to be mounted close together, i.e. when the distance
between equipment surfaces is less than the largest equipment dimension or when
equipment is located in a reverberant area. The appropriate equipment noise limit
shall be based on acoustical calculations by the CONTRACTOR.


Where the equipment emits an intermittent or fluctuating noise (e.g. depressurization,

boiler blow-down, sump pump), the equivalent continuous sound level, Leq, over the
most noisy consecutive 8-hour period shall not exceed the limits for equipment

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emitting continuous noise, given above. The maximum level shall not be more than
10 dB(A) higher than the limit for continuous noise.

For intermittent noise, the equivalents of 85 dB(A) over 8 hours are:

With equipment actually Maximum Sound Pressure Level, SPL in

operating dB(A), with equipment operating

8 hours 85
4 hours 88
2 hours 91
1 hour 94

provided that no significant noise (i.e. above 70 dB(A)) is emitted for the remaining
time in the 8-hour period.

Where the equipment emits noise fluctuating in a more complicated manner, the
equivalent continuous sound level shall be calculated according to the method given
in EEMUA 140, paragraph 3.1.6.


The maximum allowable sound pressure level at 1 meter from the equipment for
equipment located outside the work area may be higher than the limits given in
subsections 10.2 and 10.3. At positions which are inaccessible for personnel, such
as may be the case for vent stacks and certain control valves, the allowable increase
shall be:

20 log10 (x) dB(A) for point sources (e.g. vent openings)

10 log10 (x) dB(A) for line sources (e.g. piping)

Where x is the shortest distance from the equipment under consideration to the
nearest work area, expressed in meters. For valves, the distance should be taken
from directly-connected piping to the nearest work area.


Further noise level restrictions shall apply when the noise of an equipment item
contains narrow-band and/or impulsive components, as defined in EEMUA 140. Any
narrow-band or impulsive components shall be reduced sufficiently below the
broadband noise from the equipment so that it is no longer audible (see Appendix E
of EEMUA 140). If this is not feasible, the equipment noise limit shall be reduced by 5
dB(A) for such equipment and the COMPANY’S advice shall be obtained.

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10.6.1 Control Valves and Depressuring Valves

For each control valve and its associated pipe work, the requirements of sections
10.2 through 10.5 apply. This also holds for low-rate depressuring valves.

Control valve noise shall be determined for three operating conditions: minimum,
normal, and maximum throughput. Noise limits shall not be exceeded for any of
these three conditions.

Unless otherwise specified, control valve noise evaluation shall follow the prediction
method given by the following IEC publications:

IEC 60534-8-3 Industrial Process Control Valves Part 8 – Section 3

Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction Method

IEC 60534-8-4 Industrial Process Control Valves Part 8 – Section 4

Prediction of Noise Generated by Hydrodynamic Flow

10.6.2 Safety/Relief And Emergency Depressuring Valves

The noise from safety/relief valves and hi-rate depressuring valves (and their piping)
which blow under emergency conditions only, shall not exceed the absolute limit of
115 dB(A) in any work area.

The party which sizes safety/relief and emergency depressurizing valves shall also
be responsible for the calculation of their noise levels, according to a method to be
approved by the COMPANY. If these calculations are performed by the
CONTRACTOR, they shall be confirmed by the VENDOR, and vice versa.

If it is not feasible to remain within the absolute limit for safety/relief or emergency
de-pressuring valves, they should either be:

• Positioned well away from the work area, so that personnel shall not have
access to their immediate vicinity. [In this case the maximum allowable sound
pressure level, Lp, 1 meter away from the valve and/or piping shall be
calculated using the following equations:

Lp = 115 + 20 log10 (x) dB(A) for point sources (e.g. relief valves) and

Lp = 115 + 10 log10 (x) dB(A) for line sources (e.g. pipe line)


x is the shortest distance in meters between the source and the nearest work area;

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• Provided with a screen that shall deflect noise away from the nearest work


a. The above procedures will allow safety/relief valves and their piping to emit
noise above the limits of 115 dB(A) at 1 meter distance. The corresponding
high levels of vibrational energy in the piping, which could cause acoustic
fatigue, shall be taken into account in the design of the piping system.

b. Deleted

c. Connected pipe work can also radiate excessive noise. Care shall be taken
that these noise sources are taken into account and/or fitted with silencers or
acoustical insulation. Suggestions and/or proposals for pipe noise mitigation
should be submitted by the VENDOR to the CONTRACTOR and the
COMPANY for approval.

d. CONTRACTOR shall assess all such high noise valves (and all other high
differential pressure devices) in accordance with CONCAWE Report No. 85/52
and Marine Technology Directorate Publication No. 99/100. CONTRACTOR
shall prepare a report recording this assessment and identifying any proposal
modifications to piping design to mitigate the risk of acoustic failure. These
mitigating measures shall be subject to approval by COMPANY.

10.6.3 Piping

Noise emitting from piping is of major importance in plant noise control and shall be
subject to the same restrictions as General Equipment. Such noise usually has its
origin in equipment such as a valve or compressor. The CONTRACTOR shall
control piping noise by selecting low-noise equipment (by design) or, when this is not
reasonably practicable, by incorporating in-line silencers or acoustical insulation.
Guidance into the assessment and reduction of noise emitting from piping by the use
of acoustical insulation is given in DGS-MU-010. The use of in-line silencers in the
suction line of compressors requires approval from the COMPANY.

10.6.4 Vents

All vents incorporated in the design to meet operational requirements shall be subject
to the same restrictions as General Equipment. Vents intended for emergency use
only shall be subject to the same requirements as safety/relief valves per subsection
10.6.2. Where necessary, 'vent' or 'blow-down' silencers shall be incorporated in the


a. An acceptable method of calculating vent noise is given in API RP 521.

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b. A characteristic difference between vent silencers and blow-down silencers is in

the pressure drop. The pressure drop in vent silencers is as low as feasible,
whereas in blow-down silencers, it is a significant proportion of the system
pressure. For venting purposes, both types should be considered and the most
economical type chosen.

10.6.5 Flares

Since there are environmental noise requirements for this project, low-noise flares
are required, even if the flare is to be used for emergency conditions only.

Operationally-used flares shall be taken into account when assigning equipment,

area, or plant noise level limits. Also see section 10.7 below.

Elevated flares shall not exceed 85 dB(A) — i.e. the work area limit — at the
perimeter of the sterile area (which should be at least 60 meters from the flare base)
when operating at flow rates up to 15% of maximum flaring capacity.

Sound Pressure level shall not exceed 115 dB(A) at the perimeter of the sterile area
when flow rates exceed 15 % of maximum flaring capacity.

Ground flares shall not exceed 85 dB(A) outside the windscreen or louver wall.

10.6.6 HVAC Systems

For each mechanical and / or rotating equipment such as air conditioner, fan, pump,
etc including their drivers, Vendors shall note that emitted noise shall be subject to
the same restrictions as general equipment, see section # 12.2 of Specification DGS-

For the air distribution devices used for heating and / or ventilating, the indoor
acoustical objective shall be as defined in the indoor design conditions mentioned in
Specification DGS-AU-063.


When an environmental noise limit is specified in terms of sound power level, the
sound power limit for individual equipment shall be determined such that the sum of
the levels of all equipment does not exceed the total limit.

The allocation to individual equipment items in an early stage of a project can best be
performed using VENDOR data, data bases, and experience taking into account
type, size, and speed of equipment.

Unless otherwise specified, equipment emitting intermittent or fluctuating noise shall

not cause the environmental limit to be exceeded during design operating conditions.
(i.e. the equivalent noise level concept of section 10.3 does not apply).

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The equipment noise limits of sections 10.2 through 10.6 are sufficient only to ensure
that the work area limit will not be exceeded in the completed plant. Since other
noise limits also apply, it shall be investigated by the CONTRACTOR as to whether
they will be met by using the standard individual equipment noise level limits.

For the purpose of this investigation, the sound power levels of individual equipment
should be estimated. Sound power levels are either derived according to section
10.7 or are calculated from equipment sound pressure levels, assuming that the
requirements of sections 10.2 through 10.6 will just be met. Where actual sound
power levels or sound pressure levels are known, they should be used instead.

It is appropriate to add up the sound power levels of individual equipment in order to

arrive at a total sound power level per plant or composing part. These totals shall be
compared with the environmental noise limit which has been converted to an
aggregate plant sound power level per methods given in EEMUA 140. If the results
of the investigation indicate that one or more of the limits will be exceeded, the
equipment concerned should be reconsidered and be replaced by equipment
emitting less noise or, if this is not reasonably practicable, be treated with noise
control measures (e.g. acoustical insulation, silencers, or an acoustical enclosure).

The sound power levels of individual equipment and their location thus form the basis
of a calculation of noise levels in the plant. Calculations shall be carried out in
accordance with EEMUA 140 or in accordance with an industry standard agreed to
by the COMPANY.

The CONTRACTOR shall consider the extent of noise control measures to be taken
versus the severity of the requirements and consult with the COMPANY, as needed.


Noise emission of certain silencing equipment (e.g. silencers on vent stacks,

acoustical insulation on pipes) is not always the responsibility of any particular
equipment VENDOR. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that such silencing
equipment is incorporated in the design and that the relevant data/requisition sheets
are prepared.

Where excessive noise from equipment cannot be eliminated by low-noise design(s),

corrective measures may take the form of:

• Acoustical insulation for piping, suction vessels, gearboxes

• Direct lagging of equipment

• Incorporation of in-line silencers (such as in the suction and/or discharge piping

of equipment

• Provision for noise-attenuating enclosure(s)

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Prior approval of the COMPANY is required for any of the above noise control
measures, except when acoustical insulation Class A, B or C is used on pipelines.

Further guidelines, details, and requirements for corrective measures and silencing
equipment are contained in section 13.2 of DGS-MU-009.


The CONTRACTOR shall prepare equipment noise limit data sheets for all relevant
items of equipment or of an equipment train, specifying the limits as given in
sections 10.2 through 10.8, and include the same in the inquiry/order. The project
Equipment Noise Data Sheet shall be used (see Attachment 1 of DGS-MU-009).

The equipment noise limit data sheet shall specify either a maximum sound pressure
level at any location 1 meter from the equipment surface or a maximum sound power
level, or both.

NOTE: The maximum for sound pressure level and sound power level need not be
related or equivalent since they may originate from different general limits,
i.e. the sound pressure limit may originate from the work area noise limit
and the sound power limit from the environmental limit.

For equipment emitting fluctuating or intermittent noise, temporary excursions above

the equipment noise limit may be permissible, see sections 10.3 and 10.8. If such
excursions can be avoided by selecting a less noisy and otherwise acceptable
alternative, then this shall be preferred.

Also, where a technical choice is available between equipment of low noise emission
by design and equipment with 'path-treatment', the former is preferred. However, the
estimated cost in operation and maintenance that may result from path treatment
should be capitalized and taken into account in the ultimate selection. In decisions
involving trade-offs between noise control performance and additional
expenditure(s), the COMPANY shall be consulted and shall have the final decision.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all VENDORS have provided in their
tenders all the information required in accordance with the project noise
specifications. Further, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the VENDOR is
made aware of the obligation to state noise guarantees for the equipment to be
provided, for any of the conditions of operation for which the equipment may
be expected to be used.


The CONTRACTOR shall decide which equipment shall have a noise test run at the
VENDOR'S works and shall inform the COMPANY and the VENDOR accordingly.
The purpose of the shop acceptance test is to identify and rectify major problems, if
any, to assure that the equipment, when finally tested at site, will meet the overall
noise level criteria. All shop test runs shall reflect the in-situ arrangement and a
suitable test procedure shall be agreed upon by the CONTRACTOR and the
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VENDOR. The COMPANY reserves the right to review and comment on any shop
noise test procedure.

For all special-purpose equipment, multi-stage pumps, diesel engines, electrical

generators, and other equipment as designated by the CONTRACTOR, a shop noise
level acceptance test shall be done. When several identical units are to be
purchased, a shop noise level test on one of the units is suitable.

During the shop noise test, noise control treatments (such as job silencers and/or
acoustical enclosures) may be used, provided they are included in the equipment

If the equipment exceeds the guaranteed noise limits during an on-site field test,
remedial action shall still be required to be performed by the CONTRACTOR.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all noise acceptance tests are conducted by
the VENDOR(S) in accordance with the provisions and requirements of subsections
15.3.2 through 15.3.4 of DGS-MU-009.



The CONTRACTOR shall employ an in-house Noise Control Engineering Specialist

or, alternatively, an independent Acoustical Consultant to manage all the aspects of
noise control of the plant.

14.1.1 Ambient Noise Survey

Since more than one CONTRACTOR may be involved with the Project, each
CONTRACTOR shall submit a separate bid package, for the Ambient Noise Survey.
This package shall include evidence of similar previous efforts, proposed personnel
(with experience summaries), and proposed survey procedures and instrumentation.
At the discretion of the COMPANY, a single CONTRACTOR or a collaboration of
several CONTRACTORS may be selected to perform the Ambient Noise Survey for
this project.

The selected CONTRACTOR(S) noise control engineer or their Consultant(s) shall

conduct a site noise level survey at the very early stages of the project to establish
background noise level in all the areas of the proposed plant as well as in the
existing plant and surrounding neighborhood. The survey shall be performed when
the existing and surrounding plants, if any, are in normal production. The survey may
have to be performed more than once in order to establish the influence of seasonal
variations on the noise levels and/or atmospheric conditions (wind, temperature etc.).
The study results shall be submitted to COMPANY via an Ambient Noise Survey

14.1.2 Noise Allocation Analysis

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Utilizing state-of-the-art computer software, the contractor’s engineer or the

Consultant shall conduct a noise modeling analysis of the facility, prepare maps or
drawings showing the predicted noise level contours throughout the facility, and
generate a report to show how sound power levels are allocated to various
equipment items. This Noise Allocation Report, with noise source values based on
MANUFACTURER'S information, contractor’s experience, or data bases, shall serve
to set equipment noise limits and anticipate noise abatement measures. The report
shall be submitted to the COMPANY by the CONTRACTOR for approval before
data/requisition sheets are released for tendering.

In particular, the report shall identify the requirement for noise control measures such
as acoustic insulation, silencers and enclosures, and shall be sufficiently early in the
engineering phase that allowance for these measures can be incorporated in plant

14.1.3 Noise Control Summary

After the major part of the equipment selection has taken place, an interim Noise
Control Design Report shall be prepared for approval by the COMPANY. The report
shall give sufficient data and calculations to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
COMPANY that the acoustical design of the plant will meet the requirements. If there
is a significant change in the overall noise control features of the plant design after all
the equipment has been selected/tested, an updated Noise Control Design Report
shall be prepared for approval by the COMPANY.

14.1.4 As-Built Noise Assessment

After the plant has been operating at normal condition for at least 14 days, the
CONTRACTOR’S engineer or the Consultant shall make a survey of the plant noise
and issue interim noise results for all of the plant and the surrounding neighborhood.
This information may be used by Contractor to identify areas of concern requiring
further noise control measures, as well as providing information to update the data
base and the acoustical model of the plant. At this stage, CONTRACTOR shall
satisfactorily resolve all the areas of concern with the COMPANY.

Once the plant is in normal operation, a noise level acceptance survey of the plant
and surroundings shall be made by CONTRACTOR’S noise control engineer or the
Acoustical Consultant. The results of this acceptance test shall be reported in a
Noise Verification Survey Report which shall include measured noise level contour
maps of the work areas showing contours of 75 dB(A) and higher, with incremental
steps of 5 dB(A). The report shall also present the survey data regarding
environmental noise issues. The COMPANY’S approval is required for the timing of
this survey. The environmental survey and the work area noise contours shall
conclusively establish that all contractual obligations have been met by the
CONTRACTOR. Responsibility of the CONTRACTOR for meeting the specified
noise limits will not end until the noise level survey has shown that limits are not
exceeded. Corrective action shall be taken if actual sound levels or levels calculated
from measurements made in the acceptance test exceed the specified limits. The
corrective measures shall have the COMPANY’S approval.
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14.1.5 Project Close-out

When all corrective measures have been implemented and when all project noise
limits have been met, the CONTRACTOR shall issue the Final Noise Control Report.
This final report shall contain all the updated acoustical data, final noise control
treatments, and measured results of the Noise Verification Survey.


For all noise measurements undertaken by the CONTRACTOR or by the Acoustical

Consultant, the following standards apply. Procedures for measuring sound pressure
levels and for performing sound level calculations shall be per EEMUA 140.

14.2.1 Instrumentation

Sound pressure levels shall be measured using a precision, Type 1 sound level
meter, SLM (or equivalent) that is fitted with A- and C-weighting filter networks in
accordance with IEC 61672 or BS EN 61672. If frequency-level measurements are
made for design purposes, the frequency-band filter set should comply with the
requirements of IEC 61260 or BS EN 61260. The center frequencies of these bands
should correspond to those given in ISO 266.

All sound level measurement equipment used for any noise test procedure, whether
by a CONTRACTOR or a VENDOR, shall have had its calibration certified by an
authorized service center or calibration laboratory (per the MANUFACTURER’S
specifications/instructions) within one year of the actual measurement sessions(s).

14.2.2 Procedures

The sound level measurement system shall be field-calibrated using an appropriate

acoustical calibration device that conforms to IEC 60942, class 1 or BS EN 60942.
The system shall be field calibrated before and after every group of measurements.
In addition, the noise measurement instruments and calibration device shall have
had an acoustical and electrical calibration over the entire frequency range of interest
by a qualified and certified calibration laboratory within the last year prior to the field

The measuring instruments shall be installed in such a way so that the

measurements are not affected by external factors (drafts, vibrations, etc.).
Measurements shall be carried out at 1.5 (± 0.2) meters from the ground or working

All A-weighted sound pressure levels and any findings shall be recorded, along with
the following information.

• Make, Model number, and Serial Number of the measuring instrument.

• Local weather conditions during the measurement (wind speed and direction,
rain, humidity level, atmospheric pressure, temperature, fog, smog, etc.)
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• Date and Time of measurement

• Measurement position on a plan drawing along with a brief location


• Description of the source of noise and its position in the area where
measurements are carried out. Include Plant Unit/Tag Number of the
equipment/Line number, as applicable.

• Type of noise (continuous, intermittent, fluctuating etc.). In the case of

intermittent sound pressure levels, the maximum and minimum levels as well
as the intermittence shall be recorded.

• In the case of closed spaces, room dimensions, location of openings, and the
position of windows and doors (indicate whether open or closed) shall be

14.2.3 Calculations

All noise level calculations, including general acoustical calculations, methods for
calculating sound power levels, and the conversion of sound pressure levels to
sound power levels shall be performed per EEMUA 140.


The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the generation of the following reports.
In all design reports, due attention shall be given to the prediction and control of
piping noise.

14.3.1 The Ambient Noise Survey Report shall include the following:

1. Measurement data

• Measured environmental or community noise levels at representative

locations sufficient to establish the existing ambient noise environment.

2. Comparison of measured data with the project noise limit requirements.

• Discussion of existing noise sources in the vicinity of the plant site.

• Discussion of adjustments that may be necessary if the existing ambient

is within 10 dB of the boundary noise limit.

14.3.2 The Noise Allocation Report shall include the following:

1. Specified limits

• Quote the original requirements and make any comments necessary;

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• Indicate the basis for Noise Allocation.

• Description of the modeling

• Assumptions used

2. Allocated equipment noise levels

• Tables of octave band sound power, sound pressure, and overall levels of
all equipment per plant unit.

• Projection of resulting environmental/community and on-site levels.

• Tabulated predictions and contours using only standard vendor supplied


3. Qualitative discussion of noise control measures

14.3.3 The (interim and updated) Noise Control Design Reports shall include the

1. A summary showing to what extent:

• The acoustical design of the plant has been completed.

• The guaranteed noise level data has been obtained from VENDORS.

• The specified noise limits have been met.

2. Specified limits

3. VENDOR noise data

• Tables of octave band sound power, sound pressure, and overall levels of
all equipment per plant unit. The origin of the data shall be indicated
(estimate from VENDOR, guarantee from VENDOR, estimate from
CONTRACTOR, test data from CONTRACTOR, etc.).

• The results of noise test runs, if any.

• A list of control valves with a noise level above 80 dB(A) with an indication
where low-noise control valves will be applied.

4. Noise control measures, as designed

• The details of equipment noise control treatments (designed).

• A list of proposed silencers and acoustical enclosures.

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• The detail and extent of any proposed acoustical insulation.

5. Calculations

• In-plant work area noise contour maps showing projected contour levels
of 75 dB(A) and higher, with incremental steps of 5 dB.

• Evaluation of the expected sound power level of the plant even in the
case that no plant sound power limit is required.

• Separate evaluation of and prediction of plant piping noise and its

appropriate control.

• Calculations of expected noise levels inside buildings and shelters.

6. Discussion and description of expected Restricted Areas, if any.

7. Outstanding items, if any

14.3.4 The Noise Verification Survey Report shall include the following:

1. Measurement data

• Measured in-plant work area contour maps showing contour levels of 75

dB(A) and higher, with incremental steps of 5 dB.

• Measured environmental or community noise level summary maps

showing sufficient noise measurement data to establish environmental
noise limit compliance.

• Evaluation of the aggregate sound power level, Lw, of the entire plant
(even in the case that no plant sound power limit is required).

2. Comparison of measured data with the project noise limit requirements.

• Environmental/community noise limits

• Work area limit

• Restricted area limit

• Absolute limit

• Speech and work interference

• Others, as appropriate

3. Discussion of potential corrective actions, if any.

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14.3.5 The Final Noise Control Report shall include the following:

1. A summary discussing:

• The final acoustical design of the plant (including plant piping noise and
its control).

• The compliance of the plant with project noise requirements.

2 Final VENDOR noise data

• Tables of octave band sound power, sound pressure, and overall levels of
all installed equipment per plant unit. The origin of the final data shall be
indicated (estimate from VENDOR, guarantee form VENDOR, estimate
from CONTRACTOR, test data from CONTRACTOR, etc.) The tables
should clearly indicate all updates and/or deviations from the last Noise
Control Design Report.

• The results of noise test runs, if any.

• A list of control valves with a noise level above 80 dB(A) with an indication
where low-noise control valves were applied.

3. Noise control measures, as installed

• The details of equipment noise control treatments (installed).

• A list of installed silencers and acoustical enclosures.

• The detail and extent of any installed acoustical insulation.

4. Noise level verification results

• Final in-plant work area noise contour maps showing measured contour
levels of 75 dB(A) and higher, with incremental steps of 5 dB. These final
contour maps should include all noise mitigation treatments used to
achieve compliance.

• Evaluation of the final plant sound power level.

• Evaluation of the measured noise levels inside buildings and shelters.

• Discussion and description of actual Restricted Areas, if any.

14.3.6 Acoustic Fatigue Report – Preliminary shall include the following:

1. Extent of Investigation

2. Study Methodology
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3. Results of Assessments

4. Proposed Remedial Measures

14.3.7 Acoustic Fatigue Report – Final shall include the following:

1. Extent of Investigation

2. Study Methodology

3. Results of Assessments

4. Agreed Remedial Measures

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All revisions to this DGS subsequent to the issue of Rev Zero shall be recorded in this addendum
sheet and shall be incorporated into the DGS in the next revision.

Date Proposed Revision Remarks

May 2009 In Section # 2.0: Change / add as follows Incorporated in

Revision 1
Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe (CONCAWE)

Add “Report 85/52 Acoustic Fatigue in Pipes”

Marine Technology Directorate Publication

Add “Report 99/100 Guidelines for the Avoidance of

Vibration Induced Fatigue in Process Pipe work”

British Standards

Replace “BS EN 60651” with “BS EN 61672”

Engineering Equipment And Materials Users Association


Add “EEMUA 104 - Noise – A Guide to Information

Required from Equipment Vendors”

Add “EEMUA 141 – Guide to use Noise Procedure


Add “EEMUA 161 – Guide to Assessment and Selection of

Silencers and Acoustic Enclosures ”

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Replace “IEC 60651” with “IEC 61672”

Add “IEC 60534-8-3 – Industrial Process Control Valves

Part 8 – Section 3, Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise
Prediction Method ”

Add “IEC 60534-8-4 – Industrial Process Control Valves

Part 8 – Section 4, Prediction of Noise Generated by
Hydrodynamic Flow”

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Replace “ISO 9011” with “ISO 19011”

Add “ISO 15664 – Acoustics – Noise Control Design

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Procedures for Open Plant”

In Section # 7.0:

Replace second sentence of third paragraph “To approximate

the frequency spectrum of given noise source, the noise rating
curve numerically 5 dB less than dB(A) criterion should be used”
with “If the frequency spectrum of a source is not known, a
frequency spectrum can be estimated from empirical data,
published data, measurements of similar equipment, or by using
the noise rating curve numerically 5 dB less than the given dB(A)

In Section # 8.0:

Replace in last sentence of last paragraph “specifically agreed

to by the COMPANY” with “installation of prospective retrofit
noise controls, which may be needed, is feasible. Feasible
includes ability to provide adequate noise reduction and space
has been allocated. If there is doubt about the feasibility of
prospective retrofit noise controls, the COMPANY’S advice shall
be sought”

In Section # 9.1:

Add in the beginning “The Phase 1 HSEIA Report will provide

details on existing background noise levels”

Add at the end of existing first paragraph “The 60 dBA

environmental noise limit at any point beyond 600 meters applies
to normal operation at or near full capacity; it does not apply to
emergency situations or abnormal operating conditions.”

In Clause # 9.2.1:

Add at the end “Where it is not practical to achieve 85 dB(A) at

any point 1 meter away from equipment surface, Section 9.2.2
shall apply.”

In Clause # 9.2.2, 9.3.1, 10.5, 10.6.2 & 10.6.4:

Replace “possible” with “feasible”

In Clause # 9.2.3:

Add at the end “The absolute limit does not apply inside of any
vendor supplied enclosure”

In Clause # 9.3.2:

Add in the beginning of the Note “The maximum allowable

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sound pressure level mentioned here above refer to the

background noise existing inside the concerned area (room) when
unoccupied, and includes ventilation and contribution of all
external noise sources”

In Clause # 9.3.5:

Add at the end “In any area expected to exceed 90 dBA, visible
strobe warnings shall be used in addition”

In Section # 10.2:

Delete last sentence of first paragraph “There shall be no

positive tolerances on the emitted noise throughout the operable
range of equipment, including at low flows.”

In Clause # 10.6.1:

Add at the end

“Unless otherwise specified, control valve noise evaluation shall

follow the prediction method given by the following IEC

IEC 60534-8-3 – Industrial Process Control Valves Part 8 –

Section 3, Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction Method

IEC 60534-8-4 – Industrial Process Control Valves Part 8 –

Section 4, Prediction of Noise Generated by Hydrodynamic Flow”

In Clause # 10.6.2:

Delete Note b

“The limit of 115 dB(A) may need to be reduced to meet the

requirements of environmental noise. In this case, repositioning
and shielding shall not be allowed.”

Add new Note d

“CONTRACTOR shall assess all such high noise valves (and all
other high differential pressure devices) in accordance with
CONCAWE Report No. 85/52 and Marine Technology Directorate
Publication No. 99/100. CONTRACTOR shall prepare a report
recording this assessment and identifying any proposal
modifications to piping design to mitigate the risk of acoustic
failure. These mitigating measures shall be subject to approval by

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In Clause # 10.6.5:

Add “Sound Pressure level shall not exceed 115 dB(A) at the
perimeter of the sterile area when flow rates exceed 15 % of
maximum flaring capacity”

Add new Clause # 10.6.6: HVAC Systems

“For each mechanical and / or rotating equipment such as air

conditioner, fan, pump, etc including their drivers, Vendors shall
note that emitted noise shall be subject to the same restrictions as
general equipment, see section # 12.2 of Specification DGS-MU-

For the air distribution devices used for heating and / or

ventilating, the indoor acoustical objective shall be as defined in
the indoor design conditions mentioned in Specification DGS-AU-

In Section # 10.7:

Replace in the last paragraph “at any time” with “during design
operating conditions”

In Section # 11.0:

Add at the end of third paragraph “except when acoustical

insulation Class A, B or C is used on pipelines.”

In Clause # 14.1.2:

Add “In particular, the report shall identify the requirement for
noise control measures such as acoustic insulation, silencers and
enclosures, and shall be sufficiently early in the engineering
phase that allowance for these measures can be incorporated in
plant layout.”

In Clause # 14.1.4:

Replace in the beginning of Clause “at the time of pre-

commissioning and commissioning” with “After the plant has
been operating at normal condition for at least 14 days”

In Clause # 14.2.1:

Replace “IEC 651 or BS 4197” with “IEC 61672 or BS EN 61672”

Replace “IEC 225 or BS 2475” with “IEC 61260 or BS EN 61260”

In Clause # 14.2.2:

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Replace “IEC 942 or BS 7189” with “IEC 60942 or BS EN 60942”

In Clause # 14.3.2:

Add new third & fourth bullets in first item

* Description of the modeling

* Assumptions used

Add in second bullet of second item “and on-site”

Add new third bullet in second item

* Tabulated predictions and contours

using only standard vendor supplied

Add new Clause # 14.3.6: Acoustic Fatigue Report –


“Acoustic Fatigue Report – Preliminary shall include the


1. Extent of Investigation

2. Study Methodology

3. Results of Assessments

4. Proposed Remedial Measures”

Add new Clause # 14.3.7: Acoustic Fatigue Report – Final

“Acoustic Fatigue Report – Final shall include the following:

1. Extent of Investigation

2. Study Methodology

3. Results of Assessments

4. Agreed Remedial Measures”

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