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DGS-AU-055-R1 Thermal and Moisture Protection

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

Rev-1 Mar 2009



Amendment History

1 Mar-09 AMD-AU-055-001-BECHTEL Clause 1 & 2 FK QAM Mar-09

No Date Amendment Description Proposed Approved Incorporated

DGS History

1 Mar 2009 DGS-AU-055-Rev-1 AMD-AU-055-001-BECHTEL FK/DDC QAM/MAY

0 Mar 2006 DGS-AU-055-Rev-0 Previous Project / Lessons AB/DDC ETSDM / EPDM

Learnt Incorporated

No Date Description Source Reviewed Approved

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

Rev-1 Mar 2009

Table of Contents

1.0 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 3

2.0 CODES AND STANDARDS....................................................................................................... 3
3.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................... 4
4.0 DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE.................................................................................................... 4
5.0 SPECIFICATION DEVIATION/CONCESSION CONTROL........................................................ 5
6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ......................................................................... 5
7.0 DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................... 5
8.0 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING................................................................ 6
9.0 DESIGN (ROOF AND METAL WALL PANEL SYSTEM).............................................................. 6
10.0 VAPOR BARRIER ..................................................................................................................... 6
11.0 ROOFING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 6
12.0 BUILDING SEALANT ................................................................................................................ 8
13.0 FIRE RETARDANT SEALANT .................................................................................................. 9
14.0 METAL PANEL SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................11

List of Authorized Signatures/ Initials

DGS Discipline Committee Member, ADRD ------------------------------

DGS Discipline Committee Member, RRD ------------------------------

DGS Discipline Committee Member Leader, E&PD Adham Barakat (AB)

Engineering & Technical Services Manager, E&PD Quazi Abdul Matin (QAM)

Engineering & Projects Division Manager, E&PD Mohamed Al Yabhouni (MAY)

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

Rev-1 Mar 2009

This Specification establishes the minimum criteria for the Thermal and Moisture Protec-
tion for the Buildings.
The Design General Specification purpose is to define the criteria for procurement and in-
stallation of all Thermal and Moisture protection materials in enclosed and environmental
controlled weather proof buildings as outlines on the Drawings, in the Contract and this
CONCESSION REQUEST - A deviation requested by the CONTRACTOR, MANUFAC-
TURER or VENDOR, usually after receiving the contract package or purchase order. Of-
ten, it refers to an authorization to use, repair, recondition, reclaim, or release materials,
components or equipment already in progress or completely manufactured but which does
not meet or comply with COMPANY requirements. A CONCESSION REQUEST is subject
to COMPANY approval.
SHALL - Indicates a mandatory requirement.
SHOULD — The use of the word “should” indicates a strong recommendation to comply
with the requirements of this document.
The following codes and standards, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this speci-
fication. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition in
force shall apply.
American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA):
501 Methods of Test for Exterior Walls
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
A 653 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-coated or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated by the
Hot-Dip Process
A 924 General Requirements for Steel Sheet Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip
B 221 Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars,
Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes
C 272 Test Method for Water Absorption of Core Materials for Structural Sand-
wich Contruction
C 920 Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants
C 578 Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation
C 665 Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for
Light frame construction and Manufacturing housing.

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

Rev-1 Mar 2009

D 41 Specification For Asphalt Primer Used in Roofing, Damp-proofing and

Water Proofing
D 312 Standard Specification for Asphalt Used in Refining
D 1621 Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
D 1622 Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics
D 1623 Test Method for Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular
D 4397 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting for Construction, Indus-
trial and Agricultural applications.
D 4801 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting in Thickness of 0.25 mm
and Greater.
D 5147 Standard Test Method for Sampling and Testing Modified Bituminous
sheet material.
E 72 Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Con-
E 84 Test Method For Surface Burning Characteristics Of Building Materials
E 119 Test Methods For Fire Tests Of Building Construction And Materials
Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation:
Fire and Windstorm Ratings
British Standards (BS):
BS EN 10147 Continuously Hot-Dip Zinc Coated Structural Steel Sheet and Strip
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System Requirements
ISO 9004-2000 Quality Management Guidelines for Performance Improvement System
Project Specifications:
DGS-CU-002 Structural Engineering Design Criteria
DGS-CU-010 Concrete Construction, Formwork and Coatings
It shall be the MANUFACTURER/VENDOR responsibility to be, or to become, knowledge-
able of the requirements of the referenced Codes and Standards.
The MANUFACTURER/VENDOR shall notify the CONTRACTOR of any apparent conflict
between this specification, the related data sheets, the Codes and Standards and any
other specifications noted herein. Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be ob-
tained from the CONTRACTOR in writing before proceeding with the design/manufacture.
In case of conflict, the order of precedence shall be stated in the AGREEMENT or other
PROJECT documents as applicable.

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

Rev-1 Mar 2009


Any technical deviations to the Purchase Order and its attachments including, but not lim-
ited to, the Data Sheets and Narrative Specifications shall be sought through CONCES-
COMPANY'S review/approval, prior to the proposed technical changes being imple-
mented. Technical changes implemented prior to COMPANY approval are subject to rejec-
The MANUFACTURER/VENDOR shall have in effect at all times, a QA/QC program which
clearly establishes the authority and responsibility of those responsible for the quality sys-
tem. Persons performing quality functions shall have sufficient and well defined authority
to enforce quality requirements, initiate, identify, recommend and provide solutions to qual-
ity problems and verify the effectiveness of the corrective action.
MANUFACTURER/VENDOR proposed quality system shall fully satisfy all the elements of
ISO 9001 - 2000 and ISO 9004 - 2000. The quality system shall provide for the planned
and systematic control of all quality-related activities performed during fabrication. Imple-
mentation of the system shall be in accordance with the Quality Manual and Project Spe-
cific Quality Plan, which shall both together with all related/referenced procedures, be
submitted to the CONTRACTOR for review, comment, and approval.
The CONTRACTOR reserves the right to inspect materials and workmanship at all stages
of fabrication and to witness any or all tests. The MANUFACTURER/VENDOR, 30 days af-
ter award but prior to the preinspection meeting, shall provide the CONTRACTOR with a
copy of its Fabrication and Inspection Plan for review and inclusion of any mandatory
CONTRACTOR witness points.
The MANUFACTURER/VENDOR shall submit the type and quantity of drawings and
documentation for CONTRACTOR’S authorization or information as listed in the individual
Material Requisitions and Purchase Orders.
Mutual agreement on scheduled submittal of drawings and engineering data shall be an
integral part of any formal Purchase Order.
Comments made by the CONTRACTOR on drawing submittal shall not relieve the MANU-
FACTURER/VENDOR of any responsibility in meeting the requirements of the Project
Specifications. Such comments shall not be construed as permission to deviate from re-
quirements of the Purchase Order unless specific and mutual agreement is reached and
confirmed in writing.
Each drawing shall be provided with a title block in the bottom right-hand corner incorpo-
rating the following information:
• Official trade name of the company.
• MANUFACTURER/VENDOR’s drawing number.
• Drawing title giving the description of contents whereby the drawing can be identified.
• A symbol or letter indicating the latest issue or revision.

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

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Revisions to drawings shall be identified with symbols adjacent to the alterations, a brief
description in tabular form of each revision shall be given, and if applicable, the authority
and date of the revision shall be listed. The term "Latest Revision" shall not be used.
Delivery of materials shall be in accordance with the MANUFACTURER/VENDOR'S stan-
dards and as noted in the purchase order.
The roofing system shall meet the requirements for a Factory Mutual Class 1 Fire Rating
and I-90 Windstorm Rating.
The Wind Load shall be that as listed in referenced Specification DGS-CU-002 "Structural
Engineering Design Criteria."
Provide under-slab moisture vapor barrier of 0.25 mm thick polyethylene film conforming
to ASTM D 4801 “Standard Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting.”
10.2.1 Smooth subgrade site to prevent protrusions that may cause damage or rupturing of mois-
ture vapor barrier.
10.2.2 Immediately under membrane vapor barrier, place sand to compacted depth of 100 mm.
Wet down not less than 6 hours nor more than 20 hours before placing concrete. Remove
free water before placing moisture vapor barrier and concrete (Concrete per Specification
10.2.3 Install vapor barrier in accordance with MANUFACTURER’S instruction rolling out to mini-
mize wrinkles and bubbles.
10.2.4 Where laps are required, lap moisture vapor barrier a minimum of 150 mm, with top lap
placed in direction of spreading concrete
10.2.5 Carry vapor barrier to inside face of footings and up and around perimeter of the slab.
All roofing system materials shall be the products of a single Manufacturer/Vendor to in-
sure a compatible system. The roofing system listed herein is Siplast system in order to
establish a level of quality. Approved manufacturers are listed, other MANUFACTURER’S
products may be acceptable provided they meet the requirements of this specification and
are approved by the CONTRACTOR.
Schuller International
Firestone Building Products

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11.2.1 Roof Slope
Lightweight concrete screed, density 650-800 Kg/m3, minimum thickness 50 mm, laid to
falls and cross falls to roof drains.
11.2.2 Roof Insulation
The roof insulation shall be a rigid polyurethane fiberglass faced (Saptex Glass Tissue or
equal) foam board having a compressive strength of not less than 70.2 g/mm2 (100 psi)
and shall afford a roof construction “U” value of not more than 0.35 W/m2 degree C.

11.2.3 Roof Membrane

A 4 mm thick SBS elastomeric bitumen membrane, reinforced with a 200 g/m2 polyes-
ter/glass composite with high mechanical resistance and stability at high temperatures,
underfaced with factory-applied lines of self-adhesive compound on 15% of its area and
surfaced with colored ceramic granules factory-treated for enhanced adhesion and color
durability, such as ADESOLO from Siplast.
11.2.4 Related Materials
Bituminous primer to ASTM D41 for 0.25 kg/m2.
Hot applied bitumen to ASTM D312 type IV for 1.5 kg/m2.
11.2.5 Roof Flashing
A 250 mm wide corner reinforcement strip, 3 mm thick SBS elastomeric bitumen mem-
brane, polyester reinforced, such as PARAFOR.M3 SP from Siplast, fully torched at the
A 4 mm thick SBS elastomeric bitumen flashing membrane, with a reinforcement similar to
the one of the flat area membrane, such as PARAFOR SOLO FE from Siplast.
Membrane Termination: metal flashing reglet cast into the concrete parapet a minimum of
150 mm above the top level of the roofing.
11.3.1 The roofing system shall be installed per MANUFACTURER’S written instructions.
11.3.2 Lightweight concrete, minimum thickness 50 mm, laid to falls and cross falls to roof drains
with a 1% minimum slope.
11.3.3 Roofing membrane shall be bonded onto the unprimed board by peeling off the release
paper and pressing down. Membrane 80 mm sidelaps and 120 mm endlaps shall be fully
torched and seamed.
11.3.4 Roof Insulation shall be installed in a solid mopping with hot bitumen continuously, in par-
allel courses with staggered joints in one direction. Butt panels tightly together, do not use
damaged panels. Cut and shape insulation as required at all projections, allowing mini-
mum clearance.
11.3.5 Roof Flashing shall be installed as recommended by the roofing MANUFACTURER.

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Dow Corning
GE Silicones
Fosroc, Inc.
12.2.1 Silicone (exterior)
a. ASTM C920, Class 25, Type S, Grade NS, One-Part. "Dow Silicone Building Sealant
b. ASTM C920, Class 25, Type S, Grade NS, One-Part. "Dow Silicone Perimeter Seal-
ant 791" (Adjacent to window or door frames)
12.2.2 Polysulfide (interior)
a. ASTM C920, Class 25, Type S, Grade NS, One-Part, Nonsag.
12.3.1 Compressible rod stock of neoprene foam, permanent, durable nonabsorbent material 33
percent to 50 percent larger than joint as recommended for compatibility with sealant
12.4.1 Primers shall be as recommended by the sealant manufacturer to provide adhesion of the
sealant to, and to prevent staining of, adjacent surfaces for all conditions.
12.4.2 Bond Breaker Material shall be as recommended by the sealant manufacturer to prevent
bonding of the sealant to back surface of recess, for all conditions.
12.4.3 Cleaners for nonporous surfaces shall be nonstaining chemical cleaner of a type accept-
able to the manufacturer of the sealant and sealant backing materials and are not harmful
to substrates and adjacent nonporous materials.
12.5.1 Joint Preparation
Prepare joints to receive compound and verify suitability. Failure of compound due to
claimed unsuitability of joint will not be valid. Installation of compound is considered as
evidence that joint is suitable to receive compound.
12.5.2 Joint Cleaning
a. Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealers to comply with recommen-
dations of joint sealer manufacturers.
b. Remove from joint substrates foreign material that could interfere with adhesion of
joint sealer. Such foreign material may include dust, paints, oil, grease, waterproof-
ing, water repellents, water, and surface dirt.
c. Clean concrete, masonry, and unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile and similar porous
joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading,

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Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

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acid washing or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate

capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealers. Remove remaining loose
particles by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air.
d. Remove Latinate and form-release agents from concrete.
e. Clean metal, glass, glazed surfaces of ceramic tile and other nonporous surfaces by
chemical cleaners or other means that are not harmful to substrates or leave resi-
dues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint sealers.
12.5.3 Joint Fillers and Backing Material
Install these materials at proper depth to provide support and correct joint width to joint
depth ratio as recommended by the manufacturer. Do not leave gaps between ends of
joint fillers. Do not stretch, twist, tear, or puncture joint filler or backing material. Remove
joint fillers which have become wet and replace with dry joint fillers before installing seal-
12.5.4 Sealants
Install Sealants using proven methods that allow sealant to directly contact and fully wet
joint substrate, to completely fill recesses provided for each joint configuration, and to pro-
vide uniform cross-sectional shapes while maintaining proper joint width-to-joint depth ra-
Dow Corning
Rector Seal Corp.
Hilti Inc.
GE Silicones
a) Cavity Filler
Two component, RTV silicone liquid foaming compound, Underwriters Laboratories
Inc. listed and meeting requirements of ASTM E84 and ASTM E119, equal to Gen-
eral Electric Company Pensil 200 foam or Dow Corning Fire Stop 2001 foam.
b) Adhesive/Sealant
One component silicone, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. listed and meeting require-
ments of ASTM E84 and ASTM E119, equal to General Electric Company Pensil 100
sealant or Dow Corning fire-stop sealant.
c) Damming Form Board
Fire-resistant rigid insulating fiberboard, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. listed, mini-
mum 25.4 mm thick, equal to Johns-Manville “Cera Form.”
d) Packing
Loose or blanket type fire-resistant aluminum silica fiber, equal to Johns-Manville

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e) Primer
Liquid bond-enhancing agent equal to General Electric Company SS4155 Bonding
Primer. Do not use primer for Dow Corning products unless sealing against alumi-
num or metal surface. Use Dow Corning 1200 prime coat when sealing against
these surfaces.
f) Fire-stopping Materials/Systems
Fire-stopping materials shall be asbestos-free, emit no toxic or combustible fumes,
and be capable of maintaining an effective barrier against flame, smoke, water and
toxic gases in compliance with referenced standards in 2.0 and 3.0.
Fire-stopping materials/systems shall be flexible to allow for normal movement of
building structure and penetrating item(s) without affecting the adhesion or integrity
of the system.
g) Cleaning Solvent
Hydrocarbon-based liquid solvent cleaning agent such as naphtha, methylethyl-
ketone or high-flash mineral spirit.
h) Local Materials
Local materials of comparable quality and characteristics may be submitted to the
CONTRACTOR, for approval.
13.3.1 Preinspection
Prior to work of this Specification, carefully inspect surfaces to receive sealants and verify
that such surfaces are complete to a point where this installation may properly commence.
Verify that sealants may be installed in accordance with MANUFACTURER’S recommen-
13.3.2 Preparation
a. Clean receiving surfaces immediately before installation of sealant materials. Re-
move dirt, insecure coatings, moisture and other substances which would interfere
with bond of sealant. Etch concrete and masonry surfaces as recommended by
sealant manufacturer.
b. Prime or seal receiving surfaces wherever recommended by sealant manufacturer.
Do not allow sealer to spill or migrate onto adjoining surfaces.
c. Clean ferrous metals of rust, mill scale and coatings by wore brush, grinding, or
sandblasting. Remove oil, grease and protective coatings with solvent and clean
lintless paper towels, and then wipe dry. Do not allow solvent to air dry without wip-
13.3.3 Installation
a. General
Install fire retardant sealants, where indicated on Contract Drawings, strictly accord-
ing to MANUFACTURER’S written instructions. Strictly adhere to MANUFAC-
TURER’S limitations due to adverse weather conditions.

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b. Forming
Install damming materials to cover and seal penetration openings as required by
MANUFACTURER’S recommendations. Cut damming materials to suit opening and
neatly perforate with holes in damming materials to allow injection/venting of liquid
foaming compound as recommended by the manufacturer.
Secure damming materials firmly in place at penetration openings using adhe-
sive/sealant as required by MANUFACTURER’S recommendations. Tightly fill all
gaps between penetrations and damming materials by stuffing with fiber packing, fol-
lowed by bead of adhesive/sealant. Apply sealant also to all edges and joints of
damming materials as recommended by the MANUFACTURER.
c. Sealing
Inject liquid foaming compound into openings enclosed by damming materials in
strict accordance with MANUFACTURER’S written instructions, ensuring that each
entire cavity and all interstices between penetrations are completely filled with foam,
without gaps or air pockets. Do not allow compound to overflow or spill onto adjoin-
ing surfaces. Clean adjoining surfaces, using methods recommended by the manu-
facturer, to eliminate evidence of spillage.
13.3.4 Curing and Protection
Cure sealant materials in accordance with MANUFACTURER’S written instructions and
recommendations to obtain high early bond strength, internal cohesive strength and sur-
face durability. Protect sealed penetrations during construction period, to prevent deterio-
ration or damage other than normal wear and weathering.
All Metal wall, both horizontal and vertical panels including the window system shall be
products of a single Manufacturer/Vendor to ensure a compatible weather tight system.
The wall system listed herein is Centria in order to establish a level of quality.
Centria (Smith/Steelite) (USA)
Corus (Europe)
System: Factory Insulated Metal Panel System shall be Foamwall-H (horizontal), and
Foamwall-V (vertical). Panels shall be factory assembled, 50mm (2 inches) thickness,
metal faced sandwich panels, with poured in place rigid expanded polyisocyanurate insu-
lating core. A 3mm (1/8 inch) nominal vertical side joint will be used.
The panel facings shall be steel conforming to ASTM A653 Structural Quality Grade 33
(A653M), with ASTM A924-94 (A924M) Class G-90 (Z275) galvanizing or BS EN 10147.
Face sheets and interior sheets shall be 0.6mm (24 gage).
Both panel faces shall be embossed with a non-directional pattern.
Horizontal Side Joints: Shall be a double interlock, double sealed system, with factory in-
stalled noncuring sealant in both interior and exterior panel joints.

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The double side lap design shall insure that both interior and exterior panel skins are me-
chanically attached to the structural support system at both top and bottom of panel.
The panel attachment fasteners and anchor clip shall be concealed from view, as well as
protected from the elements.
The foam core and continuous metal edges shall be concealed and protected from corro-
sive elements.
Extruded trim members shall be of aluminum to match the other extrusions in color and
finish which are part of the factory insulated panel system. They shall have preformed in-
terior lap strips or splice plates to provide continuity and weather protection.
When sheet metal trim members are required, they are to be of same material and finish
as the exterior panel skins.
Thermal Break Construction: No through metal conductance will be permitted from the ex-
terior side to the interior side of the panel.
Vertical End Joints at Horizontally Applied Panels: Shall be a dry seal system with the use
of a specially designed rain screen gasket. Provide a vertical flashing member behind
each vertical panel joint.
Primary Seal at Horizontally Applied Panels: At the vertical panel joint shall be 10 mm (3/8
of an inch) wide x 6 mm (1/4 of an inch) deep silicone seal capable of accommodating
thermal and structural movements of the foam panels. The joint depth shall be set with
adhesive backed silicone compatible foam tape applied to the panel. Blind seals com-
pressed to a thin film will not be acceptable as the vertical joint seal.
Fastening: Insulated metal panels shall be secured to the structural frame with Type 305
stainless steel self-tapping screws and galvanized steel clips so that no panel fasteners
are visible from the exterior face of the wall. Flashings and accessories shall be installed
with stainless steel Type 305 sheet metal screws or stainless steel pop-rivets as per
MANUFACTURER'S standard practice.
Provide TAF 6V fixed windows. All window framing members shall be specially designed
to integrate with the insulated metal panel systems provided.
The window head member shall provide the means of retaining the panel above it as well
as to incorporate drainage to the building exterior.
The sill and head members shall be of thermal break design with no through metal con-
ductance from the exterior to the interior face of the members.
If exposed mullion design is required, provide a pressure bar and snap-on cover members
attached to the vertical mullions.
Window framing members shall be fabricated from 6063-T5 Aluminum extrusions in ac-
cordance with ASTM B221.
All parts of the curtainwall system shall be of the materials, design, sizes and thickness,
subject to commercial tolerances, shown or called for on the CONTRACTOR approved

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drawings and herein specified. Methods of fabrication and assembly, unless otherwise
specifically stated, shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer.
All exposed work shall be carefully matched to produce continuity of line and design, with
all joints, unless otherwise shown or specified, being accurately fitted and rigidly secured.
Protection against galvanic action shall be provided wherever dissimilar metals are in con-
tact, except in the case of aluminum in contact with galvanized steel, zinc, or relatively
small areas of stainless steel or nickel silver white bronze. This protection shall be pro-
vided either by painting the contact surfaces with zinc chromate primer or by application of
an appropriate sealant or tape.
All shop welding shall be in accordance with recommendations of the American Welding
Society and shall be done with electrodes and by methods recommended by the suppliers
of the metals being welded.
Sealing materials shall be used in accordance with the recommendations of the manufac-
turer of the material and joints to be sealed shall be in accordance with the designs and
tolerances shown on the approved shop drawings.
The exterior and interior of Foamwall panels and flashings shall receive factory applied
Interior side to be Polyester - 2 coat textured off white interior finish.
Exterior side to be Duragard Plus (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) -or Corus Versacor PF. Color
to be as selected by COMPANY from the MANUFACTURERS standard colors.
Protective Coating: Exterior face of panels and flashings shall receive a factory applied
plastic strippable coating.
Core Material Cell Structure: Poured in place rigid expanded polyisocyanurate foam with
a minimum of 95 percent closed cell structure.
Shear Strength: 0.207 MPa (30 pounds/sq. inch) minimum determined from actual full
length panels subjected to simulated wind loads by the chamber method determined in
accordance with the procedures specified in ASTM E72.
Bond Strength: No metal corrosion at interface of primer or delamination of foam core
from metal shall occur after periodic checks at 7, 14, and 28 days at 48.9°C (120 F), 100
percent relative humidity.
Freeze and Heat Cycle: No delamination, surface blisters or large bubbles when sub-
jected to cyclic temperature extremes of -29°C to 82.2°C (-20 F to 180 F).
Tensile Strength: 0.241 Mpa (35 pounds/square inch) minimum determined in accordance
with the procedures specified in ASTM D1623.
Tensile Adhesive Strength: 0.290 Mpa (42 pounds/square inch) minimum determined in
accordance with the procedures specified in ASTM D1623.
Compressive Strength: 0.297 Mpa (43 pounds/square inch) minimum determined in ac-
cordance with the procedures specified in ASTM D1621.

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Density: 48 kg/m3 (3.0 pounds/cubic foot) minimum determined in accordance with the
procedures specified in ASTM D1622.
Humid Age Exposure: There shall be no more than 6 percent increase in volume when a
sample of the insulated metal panel is subjected to a humid aging environment at 100 per-
cent relative humidity and 49.9°C (120 F) for periodic volume checks at 7, 14, and 28
Heat Exposure: There shall be no more than 5 percent increase in volume when a sam-
ple of the insulated metal panel is subjected to an elevated temperature environment at
82.2°C (180 F) for periodic volume checks at 7, 14, and 28 days.
Water Absorption of Foam Core: The relative weight increase due to water absorption,
when a sample of the insulated metal panel is immersed, shall be no greater than 4 per-
cent when tested in accordance with the procedure specified in ASTM C272.
Fatigue Test: Panels shall withstand a deflection cycling of 1.5 million cycles at 0.96 kPa
(+20 psf) simulated wind load with no delamination of failure of the foam core.
Examine supporting structure and conditions under which the work is to be erected, and
notify the CONTRACTOR in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely comple-
tion of the work. Do not proceed with erection until unsatisfactory conditions have been
Complete installation of all work under this Section shall be by the MANUFACTURER, or
by an installer pre-approved by the MANUFACTURER.
Do not cut, trim, weld, or braze component parts during erection, in a manner which would
damage finish, decrease strength, or result in a visual imperfection or a failure in perform-
ance of wall panels. Return component parts which require alteration to the shop for re-
fabrication, if possible, or for replacement by new parts.
Metal separation: Apply a coat of bituminous paint, concealed on one or both surfaces
wherever dissimilar metals would otherwise be in contact. Use gasketed fasteners where
needed to eliminate the possibility of corrosive or electrolytic action between metals.
Anchor component parts of the metal wall securely in place, providing for necessary ther-
mal structural movement.
Sealing materials shall be used in strict accordance with the MANUFACTURER'S written
instructions, and shall be applied only by installers specially trained or experienced in their
use. Before applying sealant, all mortar, dirt, dust, moisture and other foreign matter shall
be completely removed from surfaces it will contact. Adjoining surfaces shall be masked
when required to maintain a clean and neat appearance. Sealing compounds shall be
tooled to fill the joint and provide a smooth finished surface
Tolerances: Provide adjustment within curtainwall to accommodate variations of existing
structure. Deviation from established vertical, horizontal, or designed position must not
exceed 6 mm (1/4") per 305 mm (12") of length of any member of 13 mm (1/2") in any total
run in any line.
Takreer DGS-AU-055-Rev-1 Mar-2009 Printed 25-Mar-09 11:11:29 Initials Page 14 of 15
Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company

Rev-1 Mar 2009


Field Check for Water Leakage
Upon completion of the installation the wall shall be checked for water penetration in ac-
cordance with AAMA Standard 501, Field Check of Metal Curtainwalls for Water Leakage.
The CONTRACTOR will designate an area to be so checked.
Remove from site debris, excess materials and equipment at the completion of the work
and legally dispose of.
Make sure weep holes and drainage channels are unobstructed and free of dirt and seal-

Takreer DGS-AU-055-Rev-1 Mar-2009 Printed 25-Mar-09 11:11:29 Initials Page 15 of 15

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