ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide: Date: 2020-10-22

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ISO 20022

Business Application Header

Message Usage Guide
Version 2.0

Date: 2020-10-22

This Message Usage Guide for the Business Application Header

was drafted by the ISO 20022 Technical Support Group and
approved by the Registration Management Group.
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 How this Guide was created..................................................................................... 3
1.2 The ISO 20022 Standard......................................................................................... 3
1.3 Terminology.......................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Separation of layers................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Link between a Business Application Header and its Message........................................ 5
1.6 Related Documents and Guides................................................................................ 6
2 Scenarios ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Business Application Header deployment options ........................................................ 8
2.2 Business Application A sends a Business Message to Business Application B.................. 9
2.3 Business Application A informs Business Application B that Text based MessageElements
(in the BAH or the BusinessMessage) may contain non-Basic-Latin characters................11
2.4 Business Application A informs Business Application B of the Business Service within which
this BusinessMessage is exchanged..........................................................................12
2.5 Business Application A sends a Business Message with implementation specification ......13
2.6 Business Application A sends a Business Message with instruction of business processing
2.7 Business Application A sends a copy of a previously sent Business Message..................16
2.8 Business Application A sends a duplicate of a previously sent Business Message............17
2.9 Business Application A sends a duplicate of a previously sent copy of a Business Message
2.10 Business Application A suspects Business Application B has not received the
BusinessMessage ..................................................................................................19
2.11 Business Application A sends a Business Message to BusinessApplication B with a pre-
agreed priority ......................................................................................................20
2.12 Business Application A sends a signed Business Message to BusinessApplication B.........21
2.13 Business Application B sends a Business Message B that relates to Business Message A .21
3 Mapping of the BAH to other headers ..............................................................................24
3.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................24
3.2 BAH to SWIFTNet Application Header.......................................................................24
3.3 BAH to ebXML/ebMS Header...................................................................................26
3.4 BAH to FpML ........................................................................................................27
4 ANNEX A - Signature Guidelines......................................................................................28
4.1 Preface................................................................................................................28
4.2 Introduction .........................................................................................................28
4.3 Structure of the Signature ......................................................................................31
4.4 Process for signing and verifying .............................................................................33
4.5 Example ..............................................................................................................36
Disclaimer: ........................................................................................................................38
1 Introduction
This guide helps business analysts and software developers understand how to use the ISO 20022
Business Application Header (BAH) in various business scenarios. It provides a comprehensive view of
how the BAH complements any ISO 20022 Message. It acts as a supplement to the Message Definition
Report and the XML schema, which are published on the ISO 20022 website (
Additional documents, published by individual user communities, may be available that discuss the
implementation of the BAH in a more specific context. This guide should serve as the general basis
for these more specific community implementation guides.
Currently, the included descriptions and examples that are used in this document are based exclusively
on the ISO 20022 XML syntax. In the future, there may be a requirement to include descriptions or
examples in other syntaxes such as ASN.1 or, if approved as an ISO 20022 syntax, JSON depending
on the demand for this in the ISO 20022 community.

1.1 How this Guide was created

This guide was created through the combined efforts of the ISO 20022 Standards Evaluation Groups
(SEG) for the collection of the requirements, the ISO 20022 Technical Support Group (TSG) for
drafting the solution and the ISO 20022 Registration Management Group (RMG) for approving this
This guide is maintained by the TSG and published on the ISO 20022 website.

1.2 The ISO 20022 Standard

ISO 20022 – the Universal financial industry message scheme - defines a scalable, methodical process
to ensure consistent descriptions of messages throughout the financial services industry. It is an
international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and
prepared by Technical Committee 68 (TC68) for Financial Services.
This process results in models and artefacts stored in a central repository, serviced by a Registration
Authority. This repository is available on the World Wide Web and offers public access for browsing
at For more information on ISO and the standard itself, please see

1.3 Terminology
An ISO 20022 Message together with its Business Application Header forms a Business Message.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 3

1.4 Separation of layers
ISO 20022 messages and the BAH are designed to be transport protocol independent. The ISO 20022
standard does not provide any message transport conventions of its own (including header or trailer).
The Business Application Header is a business header and should not be confused with a file or
transport header. The Business Application Header is created and applied to its ISO 20022 Message
to form a Business Message. Subsequently, a file or transport routing header, if any, is applied to the
Business Message.
So, any parties between the two business applications that do not perform a business function are
not mentioned in the BAH. Such 'technical' middle men do not open or change the Business Message;
they only forward it to the correct business application.
So, a transport scenario like below

is from a business point of view the same as a transport scenario like this:

because the technical middle man is forwarding the message, without changing the contents.
However, as soon as a Business Application is in the middle (i.e. an Application that processes the
Business Message), it is identified in the BAH of the first message as the recipient, and in the BAH of
the second message as the sender, and therefore sends a different business message.

Although the BAH is not the transport header, data in the BAH, as data in the ISO 20022 message
itself, can be used by transport applications to determine the routing header since it does contain the
business sender, receiver and document details. It can also be used by the business applications to
determine the appropriate process to perform on the business message.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 4

1.5 Link between a Business Application Header and its Message
A Business Application Header is typically packaged with its ISO 20022 Message root element following
the BAH’s root element in an XML envelope. Other packaging is possible, such as zip files, or mime
multi part.
Although the standard does not specify the order of the Business Application Header (AppHdr XML
element) and the ISO 20022 Message (Document XML element), it is common best practice that the
Business Application Header precedes the ISO 20022 message.
Below XML Schema describes an element RequestPayload (used on SWIFTNet) that contains two
elements: AppHdr and any other element.

Refers to the
A valid XML instance would be structured as follows: schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Refers to the ISO
<n1:RequestPayload xmlns:n1="SWIFTNetBusinessEnvelope"
20022 Business
xmlns:xsi="" Application Header
xsi:schemaLocation="SWIFTNetBusinessEnvelope AppHdrBizMsg.xsd">
<n2:AppHdr xmlns:n2="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.02">
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.008.001.08">
Refers to the ISO
20022 Message

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 5

1.6 Related Documents and Guides
The complete catalogue of ISO 20022 messages, including the Message Definition Reports and XML
schemas, is available on the ISO 20022 website: Current and historical versions
of the schemas are available free of charge. Other useful documentation available from the ISO 20022
website includes:
• ISO 20022 Repository - Data Dictionary.
• Introduction to ISO 20022 – Universal financial industry message scheme.
• An introductory PowerPoint on the ISO 20022 standard family.
Useful documents are available from the following sources:
• An in-depth knowledge of XML can be found at:
• An in-depth knowledge of XML Schema can be found at:
• The UNICODE character set database can be found at:

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 6

2 Scenarios
This section explains how to use the BAH in specified scenarios. The list of scenarios is not exhaustive
and new scenarios may be added.
For clarity, each scenario includes a table showing optional fields in light grey and mandatory fields in
dark grey, the fields in bold emphasise the fields under discussion.
Emphasised fields
are discussed in
MessageElement Usage this scenario.
CharacterSet Light grey fields are optional.
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 7

2.1 Business Application Header deployment options
The choice of whether to send a BAH with a given message is taken by each implementing community.
Depending on how a given message was originally designed and/or any maintenance changes that
may have occurred over time, an implementing community can be confronted with the following
deployment options:

Message ISO 20022 message …

deployment with duplicated BAH elements without duplicated BAH
with BAH Business rules and market practice Only BAH elements within BAH are
should determine the use of BAH available for use
elements in the BAH itself and any
duplicated BAH elements in the ISO
20022 message
without BAH Only BAH elements duplicated within BAH elements are not available for use,
ISO 20022 message are available for neither in ISO 20022 message nor
use through the BAH

In the case of ISO 20022 messages without duplicated BAH elements, message deployment without
the BAH can produce challenging situations (i.e. bottom right scenario in above table).

In these scenarios, essential BAH elements like the unique message identifier (BAH element:
BusinessMessageIdentifier) or the message creation date (BAH element: CreationDate) cannot be
conveyed through the ISO 20022 message, nor through the BAH.

If for certain implementation communities the deployment of the BAH does not constitute a valid
choice, implementation communities are requested to get in contact with the ISO 20022 Registration
Authority (RA) for advice on how to proceed in order to employ a fully ISO 20022-compliant
implementation (e-mail: [email protected]).

Implementation communities may have alternative means to carry this information through non-ISO
20022 mechanisms (e.g. a network header). It should be noted that, in case of non-ISO 20022
mechanisms, not all scenarios covered in this BAH MUG could be fully implemented. For further
information, see chapter 2.3.

ISO 20022 messages without duplicated BAH elements are labelled, in the Business domain
catalogues on the ISO 20022 web-site, with the sentence “The message definitions below are intended
for use with the Business Application Header.”.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 8

2.2 Business Application A
sends a Business Message to
Business Application B

Above is the most common, vanilla scenario, i.e. no special features of this BAH are used.

When there is a 'middle man' between the two Business Applications, it is the function/role of that
middle man that will determine whether the Business Message from the middle man to Business
Application B is a new Business Message.

If the middle man only forwards the Business Message, i.e. it does not process the Business Message,
then only the transport header changes, but the Business Message (with its BAH) remains the same.

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this
BusinessApplicationHeader (and BusinessMessage)

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 9

NOTE In the case of ISO 20022 messages without duplicated BAH elements, the ‘technical middle
man’ scenario can pose implementation challenges, if the implementer community has chosen not to
use the BAH.
If the ‘technical middle man’ were to realise the link between two separate networks (e.g. each with
its distinct network header), it may be that the non-ISO 20022 mechanisms employed are not
sufficiently compatible in order for the business elements, otherwise conveyed through the BAH and/or
the ISO 20022 message to travel from Business Application A to Business Application B.
In order to avoid such situation, the process outlined in chapter 2.2 can be employed to realise a fully
ISO 20022-compliant implementation without requiring the mandatory deployment of the BAH.
If the middle man processes the Business Message, then the middle man is considered a Business
Application and hence a new Business Message is created and sent to Business Application B (see
scenario 2.11).

A Securities Settlement platform serves as technical middle man:

<Fr>System Member A</Fr>
<To>System Member B</To>



Example code for technical middle man

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 10

There may be several CreationDate elements but they may not have the same definition.
As a general rule, the CreationDate in the BusinessApplicationHeader contains the date and time at
which the Business Message was produced by the BusinessApplication. The term BusinessApplication
must be interpreted in a broad sense: it may be a payments factory application; it may also be an
operator at a screen who is manually inputting the business information.
Depending on the definition that is given to a CreationDate in the ISO 20022 Message (Document
XML element) itself, the date and time could vary from the date and time in the Business Application
Header. The creation date in the BAH applies to the entire Business Message whereas other creation
dates apply to only parts of the Business Message.

1 John Doe at Bank A prepares the payments;
2 The same person creates an activity report on September 28th at 09:00AM UTC;
3 The same person signs it at 9:50AM UTC with the signature in the BAH;
4 The BAH contains the CreationDate of the BusinessMessage, the Document contains the
CreationDate of the activity report.

<AppHdr> (3)



<ActvtyRpt>… (2)
</ ActvtyRpt >

2.3 Business Application A informs Business Application B

that Text based MessageElements (in the BAH or the
BusinessMessage) may contain non-Basic-Latin characters

In this case, each additional character set will be specified in the CharacterSet MessageElement,
separated by a semicolon.
All relevant Text based Datatypes may then contain characters belonging to the character sets
specified in this MessageElement.
Some Text based DataTypes may be further constrained than what is specified here in which case the
character set restrictions specified in the BAH do not apply.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 11

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
CharacterSet Character set 1; Character set 2
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)

2.4 Business Application A informs Business Application B

of the Business Service within which this BusinessMessage is

This enables the Receiver to unambiguously relate the BusinessMessage to the BusinessService in
which it is used.
Normally this MessageElement is used when this BusinessMessage is used in multiple services.
It can be the service identified by the service provider or a bilaterally / multilaterally agreed service.
Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
BusinessService Identification of the Service within which this Message is
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 12

2.5 Business Application A sends a Business Message
with implementation specification
Market practices are a set of rules agreed between parties and specify the business context in which
business messages are exchanged.
A market practice specification consists of restrictions of the underlying message definition combined
with optional extensions of the underlying message definition by using extensions or supplementary
data of this underlying message.
MarketPractice is identified by reference via the following sub-elements:
• Registry
Name of the implementation specification registry in which the implementation specification of
the ISO 20022 message is maintained, for example, "MyStandards".
• Identification
Identification, which unambiguously identifies, within the implementation specification registry,
the implementation specification to which the ISO 20022 message is compliant. This can be done
via a URN. It can also contain a version number or date.
For instance, "2018-01-01 – Version 2" or "urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66".

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
MarketPractice The market practice to which the message conforms
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 13


<Fr>Securities Settlement Platform</Fr>
<To>System Member</Fr>



2.6 Business Application A sends a Business Message

with instruction of business processing date
The purpose of the timestamp in the BusinessProcessingDate is to indicate which business processing
date the message refers to. The business processing date may be different from the date provided in
the CreationDate element.
A market practice or bilateral agreement should specify how this element should be used.
1 If a transaction was reported overnight Friday (i.e. after 12:00 am Saturday), the transaction
would likely be deemed complete on Monday (Business Processing Date), not Saturday
(effective Processing Date);
2 After-hours transactions or transfers that are executed on a calendar date different to the
legal business date;
3 Extended processing beyond the calendar date – especially to avoid doubt when there are
time zone changes relative to the UTC Date and Time;
4 Forward dated requests for migration or scheduled events.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 14

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
BusinessProcessingDate Processing date and time indicated by the sender for the
receiver of the business message

<Fr>Securities Settlement Platform</Fr>
<To>System Member</To>



ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 15

2.7 Business Application A sends a copy
of a previously sent Business Message

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
CopyDuplicate COPY
Related Copy of the relevant MessageElements of the
BusinessApplicationHeader of the original BusinessMessage
sent to Business Application B

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 16

2.8 Business Application A sends a duplicate
of a previously sent Business Message

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
CopyDuplicate DUPL
Related Copy of the relevant MessageElements of the
BusinessApplicationHeader of the original BusinessMessage
sent to Business Application B

Upon request, the Securities Settlement platform resends BusinessMessage1

<Fr>Securities Settlement Platform</Fr>
<To>System Member</To>

<Rltd>relev ant MessageElement s of original BA H</Rltd>


ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 17

2.9 Business Application A sends a duplicate
of a previously sent copy of a Business Message

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
CopyDuplicate CODU
Related Copy of the relevant MessageElements of the
BusinessApplicationHeader of the copy BusinessMessage
sent to Business Application B

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 18

2.10 Business Application A suspects Business Application B
has not received the BusinessMessage

PossibleDuplicate is used when the Business Application that sent the message has not received any
reply (because of technical or other problems).
It will therefore resend THE SAME BusinessMessage, adding the relevant header elements from the
original BusinessMessage in the 'Related' MessageElement.
If the receiver did receive the original BusinessMessage identified in 'Related', then this
BusinessMessage MUST BE IGNORED.
If the receiver did NOT receive the original BusinessMessage, then it must treat this BusinessMessage
as if it was the original BusinessMessage.

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
PossibleDuplicate YES
Related Copy of the relevant MessageElements of the
BusinessApplicationHeader of the original BusinessMessage
sent to Business Application B

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 19

2.11 Business Application A sends a Business Message
to BusinessApplication B with a pre-agreed priority
The standard does not define the meaning of the values. The meaning is service/market/business
area depended and must be pre-agreed within a specific context like the BusinessService,
MarketPractice, BusinessArea, etc.
Where required, the BusinessService and/or MarketPractice should be used to identify that specific
context (i.e. when there may be ambiguity) about the meaning of the value in Priority.

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
Priority The priority as defined within the BusinessService

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 20

2.12 Business Application A sends a signed Business Message
to BusinessApplication B
The signature must be structured as per the W3C XML Signature specification and any additional
constraints stated for the service / market practice / business area within which this BusinessMessage
is exchanged.
Refer to the Signature Annex for more information.

Following MessageElements must be used:

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
Signature Signature specification containing the signature of the
Sending Business Entity

2.13 Business Application B sends a Business Message B

that relates to Business Message A
In this type of scenario, BusinessMessage B is neither a copy nor a duplicate of BusinessMessage A.
This scenario can be witnessed in a number of ISO 20022 domains. Whenever an ISO 20022 business
process foresees that multiple business messages of potentially different message definitions are
employed, a particular business message may refer, for instance, to a message previously received
and/or a message previously sent.
This pattern is particularly common when a business process extends over a chain of multiple
intermediaries, for example, a chain of investment funds order execution intermediaries, a chain of
securities settlement agents, a securities custody chain or a chain of payment correspondent banks.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 21

As depicted in the diagram, this scenario is used when it is relevant for the recipient of
BusinessMessage B to know about the underlying BusinessMessage A which triggered the creation of
this BusinessMessage B. BusinessMessage B will indicated in its Related element all details of the
Business Application Header of BusinessMessage A, for instance, the entity who created the original
BusinessMessage A (in the From element of the Related element).
CopyDuplicate and PossibleDuplicate are not used in this scenario.

MessageElement Usage
From Id of BusinessApplication A
To Id of BusinessApplication B
BusinessMessageIdentifier Identification of the BusinessMessage A
MessageDefinitionIdentifier Identification of the MessageDefinition
CreationDate Date (and time) of the creation of this BusinessApplicationHeader
(and BusinessMessage)
Related Copy of the relevant MessageElements of the
BusinessApplicationHeader of BusinessMessage A

As a business message may be related to multiple other business messages, it is necessary to be able
to distinguish the function of each of the business messages referred to. For this purpose, the
MessageDefinitionIdentifier of the business messages referred to can be used.
Consider the following scenario of the investment funds order execution business process.
The SubscriptionOrderConfirmationCancellationInstruction (setr.047) cancels a previously sent
SubscriptionOrderConfirmation (setr.012) and is related to a previously received SubscriptionOrder

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 22

If in this example the three messages involved are used with the BAH, one instance of the Related
element of the BAH with the setr.047 message can be used to identify the previously sent business
message (setr.012) and the other instance can be used to identify the previously received business
message (setr.010).
The mandatory MessageDefinitionIdentifier, which is indicated for each of the two business messages
in their respective Related element, can be used to distinguish the function of the two related business
In the payments domain, consider the ResolutionOfInvestigationV08 message (camt.029). The
elements OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus / OriginalMessageIdentification and
OriginalGroupInformation / OriginalMessageIdentification refer to other linked messages, i.e. the
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequestV07 message (camt.056) and the
FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV07 message (pacs.008), respectively. These messages are used for
exceptions and investigations.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 23

3 Mapping of the BAH to other headers
In a number of situations, ISO 20022 (business) messages are employed in heterogeneous
environments where the end-to-end use of the BAH cannot be taken for granted or where over time
the migration from proprietary headers to the BAH is foreseen.
In these situations, it can be useful to understand the equivalencies of the elements of the various
headers in use.

3.1 Introduction
Below list contains all MessageElements of the BusinessApplicationHeader.
For reference, this table lists the top MessageElement names of the BAH and their
equivalent XML abbreviation.

MessageElement abbreviation
CharacterSet CharSet
From Fr
To To
BusinessMessageIdentifier BizMsgIdr
MessageDefinitionIdentifier MsgDefIdr
BusinessService BizSvc
MarketPractice MktPrctc
CreationDate CreDt
BusinessProcessingDate BizPrcgDt
CopyDuplicate CpyDplct
PossibleDuplicate PssblDplct
Priority Prty
Signature Sgntr
Related Rltd

3.2 BAH to SWIFTNet Application Header

The table below states the equivalencies of the BAH elements in comparison to the elements of the
proprietary SWIFTNet Application Header.

This mapping can be useful in a number of cases:

a) Introducing the BAH for ISO 20022 message sets modelled for use with and without
the BAH

As such message sets do not require the use of the BAH, it is often the case that such message
sets are deployed with a non-ISO 20022 header, for instance, the SWIFTNet Application

As and when such communities decide to migrate from the proprietary header to the BAH, the
mapping table can be employed as a migration support tool.

b) ISO 20022 message sets employed in a multiple network environment

It is not uncommon that in an end-to-end scenario the exchange of ISO 20022 message sets
spans multiple underlying networks, amongst others, SWIFTNet. SWIFTNet may still foresee
its own proprietary Application Header whilst others may already have migrated to using the

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 24

In order to ensure that the business information of the BAH elements can be correctly conveyed
to and from their sibling elements of the SWIFTNet Application Headers, the mapping table can
be used to support the implementation of the information exchange at the gateways between
SWIFTNet and the other networks.

Business Application Header MessageElement SWIFTNet Application


character set -
the additionally used character set(s) in the BusinessMessage for Text

Sending Business Entity <RequestorDN>

the Business Entity that created the BusinessMessage
Receiving Business Entity <ResponderDN>
the Business Entity that will process the BusinessMessage

BusinessMessageIdentifier <MessageReference>
the identification of the BusinessMessage, unique to the
MessageDefinitionIdentifier <MessageIdentifier>
the identification of MessageDefinition
BusinessService Example: EnI <ServiceName>
Market Practice -
Set of rules agreed between parties that restricts the usage of
the messages in order to achieve better STP (Straight Through
Processing) rates.
CreationDate <CreationDate>
Creation date (and time) of the Business Message

Business Processing Date -

Processing date and time indicated by the sender for the receiver
of the business message.

Copy / Duplicate / <SnFCopy>

Functionality to indicate this message is a copy / duplicate of another

Possible Duplicate <PossibleDuplicate>

The BusinessMessage may have been sent before.

Priority <Priority>
Relative indication of the processing precedence of the message over
a (set of) BusinessMessages with assigned priorities

Signature <Signed>
Contains the digital signature of the person authorised to sign this
BusinessMessage (based on W3C’s XML Signature standard)

Related Reference <Related>

Reference of the original BusinessMessage


ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 25

3.3 BAH to ebXML/ebMS Header

Business Application Header element ebMS 3.0

Sending Business Entity <eb:From>

the Business Entity that created the BusinessMessage

Receiving Business Entity <eb:To>

the Business Entity that will process the BusinessMessage

character set _
the additionally used character set(s) in the BusinessMessage for Text

BusinessService Example: E&I <eb:Service>

MessageDefinitionIdentifier <eb:Property>
the identification of MessageDefinition

BusinessMessageIdentifier <eb:MessageId>
the identification of the BusinessMessage, unique to the
Copy / Duplicate / _
Functionality to indicate this message is a copy / duplicate of another
Related Reference <eb:RefToMessageId>
Reference of the original BusinessMessage

Possible Duplicate _
The BusinessMessage may have been sent before.

Priority _
Relative indication of the processing precedence of the message over a
(set of) BusinessMessages with assigned priorities
Signature _
Contains the digital signature of the person authorised to sign this
BusinessMessage (based on W3C’s XML Signature standard)
CreationDate <eb:Timestamp>
Creation date (and time) of the BusinessMessage
Market Practice _
Set of rules agreed between parties that restricts the usage of the
messages in order to achieve better STP (Straight Through Processing)

Business Processing Date _

Processing date and time indicated by the sender for the receiver of the
business message.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 26

3.4 BAH to FpML

Business Application Header element Message Header

Sending Business Entity <sentBy>

the Business Entity that created the BusinessMessage

Receiving Business Entity <sendTo>

the Business Entity that will process the BusinessMessage

character set <?xml version="1.0"

the additionally used character set(s) in the BusinessMessage encoding="UTF-8">
for Text datatypes
BusinessService Example: E&I -

MessageDefinitionIdentifier v5: root element

the identification of MessageDefinition v4: xsi:type of Document

BusinessMessageIdentifier <messageId>
the identification of the BusinessMessage, unique to the

Copy / Duplicate / <copyTo>

Functionality to indicate this message is a copy
/ duplicate of another BusinessMessage
Related Reference <inReplyTo>
Reference of the original BusinessMessage

Possible Duplicate
The BusinessMessage may have been sent before.

Priority _
Relative indication of the processing precedence of the
message over a (set of) BusinessMessages with assigned

Signature <dsig:Signature>
Contains the digital signature of the person
authorised to sign this BusinessMessage
(based on W3C’s XML Signature standard)
CreationDate <creationTimestamp>
Creation date (and time) of the Business Message

Market Practice <implementationSpecification>

Set of rules agreed between parties that restricts the
usage of the messages in order to achieve better STP
(Straight Through Processing) rates.
Business Processing Date _
Processing date and time indicated by the sender for the
receiver of the business message.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 27

4 ANNEX A - Signature Guidelines
4.1 Preface
It is recommended that implementers create clear guidelines for messaging scenarios and related
use cases, in which the BAH signature mechanism is employed. Such guidelines can ensure a
common understanding of the way the signature is structured, and they can constitute a shared
agreement of how the creator of the signature and all verifiers of the signature must apply the
signature mechanism.

The guidelines in the remainder of this annex can serve as an illustrative model. Based on the model,
specific guidelines can be created for each distinct use case in which the BAH signature mechanism
is to be employed.

The guidelines are pure technical guidelines, which only discuss the formal aspects of the
construction of the signature. All other aspects of the signature, such as, who can sign and such as
the message scenarios, which require signing, are not part of this annex.

4.2 Introduction
A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital messages. A valid
digital signature, where the prerequisites are satisfied, gives a recipient sufficient confidence that the
message was created by a known sender (authentication) and that the message was not altered in
transit (integrity).
The optional Signature element of the BAH can be employed to contain the digital signature of the
Business Entity authorised to sign the Business Message, i.e. the ISO 20022 Business Application
Header and the ISO 20022 Message.
There is no support for signatures covering only a part of the business message.
The Signature must be structured as per the W3C XML Signatures specification and any additional
constraints stated for the service and business area within which this BusinessMessage is exchanged.
This requires that the creator of the Signature and all verifiers of that Signature agree how the
Signature is structured.
4.2.1 Current Signature Guidelines

The Business Application Header Message Usage Guidelines specifies: "Signature contains the digital
signature of the person authorised to sign this BusinessMessage (based on W3C’s XML Signature
This means that:
• The Signature element conforms to the W3C Signature Syntax and
Processing Recommendation
• The BusinessMessage is the ISO 20022 Business Application Header and the
ISO 20022 Message
• The person authorised to sign is not further specified; this depends on the
particular context in which the message is sent.
As a reminder, the terminology of BusinessMessage, ISO 20022 Business Application Header and ISO
20022 Message is shown in the following picture

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 28

Figure 1 - Business Message

4.2.2 Short introduction to W3C Signatures

This short introduction provides an overview of signing and verifying based on the W3C Signature
Syntax and Processing (Second Edition) W3C Recommendation 10 June 2008.
The following diagram shows the process followed to sign and verify an XML digital signature.

Figure 2 Signing and verifying process

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 29

The message that is to be signed is made available. The first step in the signing process is to
canonicalize the message. This is a transformation that constructs the canonical form of the XML that
is being signed. By doing so, the input of the digest algorithm is robust enough to be independent on
the parsing technology used.
The calculated digest is placed into the DigestValue (a sub-element of SignedInfo). The exact mapping
is made clear in the picture below. The SignedInfo element itself is canonicalized, and as last step the
SignedInfo itself is signed using the signing algorithm. The result is placed in SignatureValue. The
diagram shows a private key used for this purpose.
The message and its signature are then sent to the receiver. The verification of the Signature follows
the reverse process. First, the SignatureValue is verified to be correct. The input to the verification
algorithm is the canonicalized SignedInfo, the certificate containing the certified public key and the
SignatureValue containing the result of the signing operation. In case the verification succeeds, the
SignedInfo is authentic and signed by the signer. The verification process continues and checks if the
digest within the SignedInfo matches the Message that is covered by the digest. This is done by
canonicalizing the Message and then digest the canonicalized Message. The verification is ok if the
calculated digest is equal to the digest within the SignedInfo.
The Signature elements used are illustrated in the following picture:

Figure 3 - XML Signature elem ents

As shown, the SignedInfo contains one or more Reference elements. Each Reference identifies an
XML resource that is to be signed. The example in the picture shows a KeyInfo element with as content
a KeyValue. Using a Public Key Infrastructure
4.2.3 Scope of this documents Signature Guidelines
This document does not introduce any change in business requirements related to the signature within
the Business Application Header.
This document proposes the approach to implement the current signature guidelines. In particular, it
addresses the following
• The structure of the Signature

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 30

o Algorithms used
o KeyInfo
o Structure of Reference elements
• The process used for signing and verifying

4.3 Structure of the Signature

4.2.4 Overview
This section describes the structure of the Signature signing the Business Message. The elements used
within the Signature of the BAH are discussed. An example of a Signature used in the BAH can be
found in Example on section Example.
The next section describes the processing of signing and verifying the Signature of a Business
4.2.5 Algorithms used
Security algorithms are selected to be widely available but yet strong enough to offer sufficient
security. It is possible that algorithms need to be updated to a stronger version, for example SHA3 for
the digest algorithm. Applications should take this into account.
The following section shows an illustrative selection of algorithms:
• The signing algorithm is RSA based on the SHA-256 digest on the
information signed
• The digest algorithm is SHA-256
• The canonicalization algorithm is the Exclusive XML Canonicalization. This
algorithm is applied prior to digesting the XML. Using the canonicalization
allows applications to use XML processing and parsing on the XML data
without breaking the signature. The Exclusive Canonicalization algorithm is
chosen to avoid any impact of enveloping elements when sending or
receiving Business Messages.
This is shown in the following table:

Purpose Element Algorithm attribute value

PKI sign algorithm SignMethod
more#rsa- sha256
Digest algorithm DigestMethod
Canonicaliza tio n CanonicalizationMethod

4.2.6 KeyInfo
The KeyInfo must contain the X509v3 certificate containing the validation key. Optionally, it can also
contain the certificates that are part of the certification chain. This depends on the allowed PKI
infrastructures used within the business context. For instance, when between sender and receiver
always the same PKI infrastructure is used, then it can be better to use the CA root certificate from
the environment than to check that the correct CA root certificate is used within the KeyInfo .
NOTE It is recommended not to use any other elements within the KeyInfo .
The KeyInfo itself is signed and must contain the Id attribute. This attribute should contain a unique
The KeyInfo looks like:

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 31

<ds:KeyInfo Id="Unique-id-to-KeyInfo">
<ds:X509Certificate>MIID1DCCArygAwIB... </ds:X509Certificate>

The X509Certificate contains the certificate that is used to verify the Signature. In case the full
certification chain is to be present at least the CA root certificate is added as shown in the following
example. The order of the different certificates is not relevant.
<ds:KeyInfo Id="Unique-id-to-KeyInfo">
<ds:X509Certificate>MIID1DCCArygAwIB... </ds:X509Certificate>
<ds:X509Certificate>MIIDkDCCAnigUoSI... </ds:X509Certificate>

NOTE Inclusion of the entire certification chain is recommended. Only when signatures must be
performed using certified keys by a specific PKI infrastructure, only the signing certificate is sufficient.
4.2.7 SignedInfo
The SignedInfo contains the 3 Reference elements.
• Reference digesting the ISO 20022 Message

• Reference digesting the BAH

• Reference digesting the KeyInfo
The order of the Reference elements in the SignedInfo is not relevant.
4.2.8 Reference of ISO 20022 Message
The Reference is identified by the fact that the URI attribute is absent. The absence of the URI
attribute indicates that the logic for de-referencing this reference is part of the application logic. The
processing of such Reference is further described in section Process for signing and verifying.
NOTE Although the Business Message, as illustrated in Figure 1, consists of the BAH and the ISO
20022 Message, it is not possible to refer easily from the BAH to the ISO 20022 Message. Therefore,
the option to use the absent URI attribute was selected, since this is possible on one Reference
element within the SignedInfo .
The Reference looks like
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

4.2.9 Reference of BAH

The Reference of the BAH is identified by the empty URI attribute URI="".
Such empty URI attribute URI="" refers to the XML element in which the Signature is placed. This
means that the signing and verifying of the Signature within the BAH happens within the context of
the BAH.
The complete BAH is signed except the Signature itself. This is indicated in the first Transform
algorithm within the Transforms . The second algorithm contains the Exclusive XML canonicalization.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 32

<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm=""/>
<Transform Algorithm=""/>
<DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

4.2.10 Reference of KeyInfo

The reference to the KeyInfo requires that the KeyInfo can be identified with an Id attribute. To
ensure that such an attribute can be handled correctly when the Signature is enveloped within other
XML elements, that attribute should contain a unique value within the XML document enclosing the
NOTE The Signature is XAdES-BES compliant by adding the Reference within the SignedInfo .

<ds:Reference URI="#Unique-id-to-KeyInfo">
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

The optional attribute Type="" can be present on

the Reference element referring to the KeyInfo . There is no obligation to further process this

<ds:Reference URI="#Unique-id-to-KeyInfo"
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

4.4 Process for signing and verifying

4.2.11 Signing is performed as last step in generating the Business Message
When an application prepares a Business Message several steps may be needed. Indeed, some
applications require an approval process where the message may be amended.
In some cases, some elements of the BAH may be created after the ISO 20022 Message has been
In any case, the last step in the creation of the Business Message is calculating the SignatureValue
within the Signature. The creation of the signature can be implemented within the flow of sending the
Business Message as long as the process as described in this section is applied.
4.2.12 Two node-sets
As illustrated in Figure 1, the Business Message consists of two XML documents. The way in which
those two documents are created, sent, received and processed depends on the infrastructure used
by the sender and receiver. It is therefore important that the process in creating the Signature is
independent of the infrastructure used.
This is achieved by performing the Signature creation and verification using a well-defined XML
context. Two such contexts are used:
• The context of the BAH element (AppHdr)
• The context of the ISO 20022 Message element (for instance Document)

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 33

4.2.13 Signing a BAH
The process of signing is illustrated in the following flowchart. The start is a Business Message
composed of a BAH and an ISO 20022 Message. The Signature is created, similar to the example in
next section. The DigestValue and SignatureValue have to be created. It is worth noting that the
digest of the BAH is computed without the signature element. This process is described in the

Figure 4 - Flow chart signing a BAH

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 34

Verifying a BAH Signature

Figure 5 - Verifying a BAH signature

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 35

4.5 Example
An example of a Signature within the BAH that can be verified is as follows:

<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="
<ds:Reference URI="#Unique-id-to-KeyInfo">
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestValue> QYYVi9JdlsOxjplrW3vIjT8cWYyzYD4ZnnNJ9SH+dvQ=
<ds:Reference URI="">
<ds:Transform Algorithm="
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
<ds:DigestValue> QYYVi9JdlsOxjplrW3vIjT8cWYyzYD4ZnnNJ9SH+dvQ=
<ds:SignatureValue> IKDs7kwX14CxK3AZ1ojJLr35A4eU/98tp/10KFQTtPOwR5WCKyx
<ds:KeyInfo Id="Unique-id-to-KeyInfo">
<ds:X509Certificate>MIID1DCCArygAwIB </ds:X509Certificate>

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 36

Revision Record
Revision Date Author Description Sections affected

1.0 15/04/2010 ISO 20022 Initial version All

1.1 30/06/2010 TSG corrected typos in some and
secretariat examples using T2S and
added this revision record

1.2 20/10/2010 TSG Corrected typos, clarified 2.1.2, 3.x, 2.10, TOC
secretariat scenario 2, updated the
in chapter 3
Added new scenario 2.10

1.4 20/4/2011 TSG corrected typos, added 1.7, 2.4

secretariat 1.7,
corrected scenario 2.4
1.5 TSG Corrected typo; 2.3 Diagram
secretariat Added an XML Schema 1.7
that formally describes an
ISO 200222 Business

1.6 8/5/2013 TSG Added ANNEX A - 4

secretariat Signature Guidelines
1.7 23/5/2013 TSG Added last paragraph 1.1
secretariat about use of ISO 20022
XML syntax
1.8 8/4/2016 TSG Added new section on 2.2 and 2.3
BAH deployment options
1.9 15/10/2019 TSG Updated for BAH V2 All

2.0 22/10/2020 TSG Updated for BAH v2 All

Clarification of text,
diagrams and formatting.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 37

Although the Registration Authority has used all reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy of the
contents of the website and the information published thereon, the Registration
Authority assumes no liability whatsoever for any inadvertent errors or omissions that may
appear thereon. Moreover, the information is provided on an "as is" basis. The Registration
Authority disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including but not
limited to implied warranties of merchantability, title, non-infringement and fitness for a
particular purpose. The Registration Authority shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special
or consequential damages arising out of the use of the information published on the website, even if the Registration Authority has been advised of the possibility of
such damages.

ISO 20022 Business Application Header Message Usage Guide v2.0 38

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