The Posertm Method: A Biomechanical and Physiological Comparison With Heel-Toe Running
The Posertm Method: A Biomechanical and Physiological Comparison With Heel-Toe Running
The Posertm Method: A Biomechanical and Physiological Comparison With Heel-Toe Running
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FLETCHER, Graham J. (2006). The PoseRTM method : A biomechanical and
physiological comparison with heel-toe running. Doctoral, Sheffield Hallam University
(United Kingdom)..
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T h e Pose® M e th o d : a b i o m e c h a n i c a l a n d
ru n n in g
Graham J. Fletcher
December 2006
Title Page i
Table of Contents ii
List of Tables viii
List of Figures x
Acknowledgements xvii
Abstract xviii
2.2.1 Introduction 9
2.2.2 Kinematics and running economy 11
Impact patterns 11
Stride length and stride frequency 11
Lower and upper limb kinematics 12
Vertical oscillation of the body’s centre of mass and trunk lean 14
2.2.3 Ground reaction force and running economy 15
2.2.4 Electromyography and running economy 15
The stretch-shortening cycle of muscle contraction 16
2.3.1 Introduction 17
2.3.2 Rumiing kinematics 18
Introduction 18
Kinematics of the Centre of mass 19
Spring-mass model 21
Spinal Engine Theory 24
Converted heel-toe runners 24
Stride length and stride frequency 25
Lower and upper extremity limb kinematics 28
2.3.3 Ground reaction force and optimal running biomechanics 31
Introduction 31
The force plate and stride modification 31
Differences between heel-toe and forefoot ground reaction force patterns 32
Vertical ground reaction force 32
The posterior and anterior (horizontal) ground reaction force 33
Stance time 34
Inverse dynamics method 34
2.3.4 Electromyographical research and optimal running biomechanics 35
Introduction 35
Electromyography and muscle force prediction 35
Gait muscles and electromyography activity 36
The stretch-shortening cycle and electromyography 39
Introduction 42
Injury Incidence 42
Biomechanical research into injuries 44
Injury and technique 50
2.5 SUMMARY 51
3.3.1 Introduction 58
3.3.2 The current hierarchical model of running 59
Description of the current running model
(adapted from Hay and Reid, 1988) 59
Internal force: Muscle activity 63
Potential strain energy 65
External forces related to running: Ground reaction force 65
External forces related to running: Gravity 67
3.3.3 A Gravitational hierarchical model of running 69
Description of the Gravitational hierarchical running model 71
Support for the Gravitational hierarchical model of running 74
Gravitational torque from mid-terminal stance 75
Leg extension during the propulsive of stance 82
Flight Phase 89
3.4 SUMMARY 90
(R) <
4.3.1 Study 2 (Pose method training study; Chapter 6) hypotheses 94
4.4.1 Introduction 97
4.4.2 Sample size and selection criteria 97
Study 1: Experienced Pose® and heel-toe runner’s study 97
Study 2: Pose® method training study 98
4.4.3 Equipment and design 98
Study 1: Experienced Pose® and heel-toe runner’s study 98
Study 2: Pose® method training study 98
4.4.4 Identification of research variables 99
Study 1: Selection of research variables 99
Study 2: Selection of research variables 100
4.4.5 Treatment of collected data 101
Study 1: Experienced Pose® and heel-toe runner’s study 101
Study 2: Pose® method training study 101
Assumptions 102
4.4.6 Limitations 106
2.3.1 Variables found to be different between rear foot and forefoot strikers
(Williams et al., 2000) 25
5.4.1 Maximum vertical and anterior ground reaction force are recorded as
a percentage of stance and compared with maximum horizontal
acceleration of the centre of mass. Each value is an average of three
trials (N = 4). 138
5.4.2 Two experienced heel-toe and Pose® runner’s mean scores across all
collected speeds. The research variables are in bold (N = 4). 139
5.4.3 Variables are grouped as similar, lower and higher for the Pose®
runners compared with the heel-toe runners (TV= 4). 141
5.4.4 Variables for the heel-toe runners (N = 2) are matched with the literature
at similar speeds. Any minor speed differences are noted after the
v ii i
reference. The thesis’s research variables fall within one standard
deviation of the literature. Over-ground running studies were selected
over treadmill running where possible owing to kinetic and
kinematic differences (Wank et al., 1998). 142
3.3.4 A typical vertical and anterior and posterior ground reaction force
curve for a heel-toe runner. The first peak is associated with the
3.3.5 The Gravitational hierarchical model of ruiming. A gait cycle is right foot
3.3.7 A torque created around an axis (support limb; ball of foot) from
_Ld = moment arm and the axis of rotation is the ball of the foot. 75
3.3.8 a) The vector cross product of the centre of mass’s position vector
and the force of gravity (Fg) create a gravitational torque around the
components during stance are Fr, which is the force applied to the ground
and causes no torque while Fp is the propulsive force that causes the
gravitational torque. 77
Fp as the net force or the resultant of gravity and ground reaction force. 78
3.3.11 Two identical rectangles are given with their centre of masses marked
their centre of mass above the supporting limb (ball of the foot), b)
to the rectangles geometry geometry and the runner rises via elastic
recoil and leg extension from the rising body. 79
3.3.12 Vector representation of the ground reaction force in running for
view is of the right shoe from the lateral aspect with the shoe tilted
3.3.13 Vertical ground reaction force, during the stance phase of running
(a) vertical velocity of the centre of mass (b) and the vertical position
of the centre of mass (c). The vertical dotted line illustrates the timing
of maximal vertical ground reaction force with zero velocity and the
lowest point of the centre of mass (adapted from Enoka, 2002; p. 192). 83
the spike in ground reaction force at push-off with the feet (Yeadon
the Pose1^ runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 115
5.4.6 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for
the heel-toe runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 115
5.4.7 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for
the Pose® runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 116
5.4.8 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for
the heel-toe runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 116
5.4.9 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 2.5 m-s'1. 117
5.4.10 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 m-s'1. 117
5.4.11 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 3.35 m-s'1. 117
5.4.12 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 3.35 m-s'1. 117
5.4.13 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 118
5.4.14 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 118
5.4.15 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 118
5.4.16 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 118
5.4.17 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 2.5 m-s’1. 119
5.4.18 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 m-s'1. 119
5.4.19 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 3.35 m-s'1. 119
5.4.20 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 3.35 m-s'1. 120
5.4.21 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 120
5.4.22 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 m-s"1. 120
5.4.23 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 4.5 m-s’1. 120
5.4.24 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 m-s’1. 121
5.4.25 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 2.5 m-s'1. 121
5.4.26 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 m-s'1. 121
5.4.27 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 3.35 m-s'1. 122
5.4.28 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at
3.35 m-s'1. 122
5.4.29 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 122
5.4.30 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 122
5.4.31 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 123
5.4.32 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 123
5.4.33 Knee flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 2.5 m-s"1. 123
5.4.34 Knee flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 m-s’1. 124
5.4.35 Knee flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 3.35 m-s'1. 124
5.4.36 Knee flexion and extension forthe heel-toe runners at 3.35 m-s'1. 124
5.4.37 Knee flexion and extension forthe Pose® runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 124
5.4.38 Knee flexion and extension forthe heel-toe runners at 4.0 m-s'1. 125
5.4.39 Knee flexion and extension forthe Pose® runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 125
5.4.40 Knee flexion and extension forthe heel-toe runners at 4.5 m-s'1. 125
5.4.41 Pose® runner at 2.5 m-s"1for one step. 126
5.4.42 Pose® runner at 3.35 m-s'1for one stride. 126
5.4.43 Pose® runner at 4.0 m-s'1for one stride. 126
5.4.44 Pose runner at 4.5 m-s'1for one stride. 127
5.4.45 Heel-toe runner at 2.5 m-s'1for one stride. 127
5.4.46 Heel-toe runner at 3.35 m-s'1for one stride. 127
5.4.47 Heel-toe runner at 4.0 m-s'1for one stride. 128
5.4.48 Heel-toe runner at 4.5 m-s'1for one stride. 128
5.4.49 The second heel-toe runner at 3.35 m-s’1for one stride. 129
5.4.50 Pose® runner at 2.5 m-s'1. 130
5.4.51 Heel-toe runner at 2.5 m-s'1. 130
5.4.52 Pose® runner at 3.35 m-s'1. 131
5.4.53 Heel-toe runner at 3.35 m-s’1. 131
5.4.54 Pose® runner at 4.0 m-s'1. 132
5.4.55 Heel-toe runner at 4.0 m-s'1. 132
5.4.56 Pose® runner at 4.5 m-s'1. 133
5.4.57 Heel-toe runner at 4.5 m-s'1. 133
5.4.58 Ground reaction force, horizontal velocity and acceleration
of the centre of mass for a Pose® and heel-toe runner at 2.5 m-s'1. 134
5.4.59 Ground reaction force, horizontal velocity and acceleration
of the centre of mass for a Pose® and heel-toe runner at 3.35 m-s'1. 135
5.4.60 Ground reaction force, horizontal velocity and acceleration
of the centre of mass for a Posew and heel-toe runner at 4.0 m-s'1. 136
5.4.61 Ground reaction force, horizontal velocity and acceleration
of the centre of mass for a Pose® and heel-toe runner at 4.5 m-s'1. 137
5.5.1 The Gravitational hierarchical model. A gait cycle is right foot contact
to right foot toe contact of the same foot. 144
5.5.2 a) represents the vertical oscillation of a Pose® runner at 4.0 m-s'1.
b) represents a heel-toe runner at 4.0 m-s'1. 152
Rick Velati, High Performance coach for British Triathlon for his tireless pursuit of
suitable participants, for arranging use of the facilities at Loughborough University and
aiding with the video-data collection at the University’s ruiming track.
Dr. Ali Foutoir who offered his time to carefully review the data in order to give relevant
statistical advice.
Dr. Regan Arendse for his assistance during the laboratory data collection.
Dr. Steve Keen for his vigilant and reliable proof reading.
My gratitude to the participants for giving up their time and energy for the study during
their examination period.
My wife, for sustaining me as I worked for many years late at night plus long weekends
on tliis thesis, which took incredible patience on her part, I owe her so much.
Research into endurance running performance (economy, optimal running biomechanics,
and injury mechanisms) lacks a universal running technique; however, landing heel-toe
identified eighty percent of runners. A new Gravitational hierarchical model o f running was
developed based upon a novel technique Pose® running, owing to deficiencies in the current
hierarchical model (Hay and Reid, 1988) on the interaction of forces involved in running. A
major deficiency in the current hierarchical model is viewing gravity as only active during
flight. In contrast, the Gravitational hierarchical model defines a gravitational torque as the
motive force in running. Ground reaction force is not a motive force but operates according
to Newton’s third law. The ground can only propel a runner forward via muscle activity, but
leg and hip extensor muscles have consistently proven to be silent during leg extension.
High Achilles tendon forces at terminal stance suggest the elastic recoil creates a re-bound
effect in the vertical direction only, thus reducing work against gravity. Two experienced
Pose® runners were compared (study 1) with two experienced heel-toe runners using
primary and secondary research variables derived from the Gravitational hierarchical
model, which effectively distinguished the two techniques while establishing gravity as the
motive force. For example, maximum horizontal acceleration of the centre o f mass occurred
before maximum horizontal ground reaction force, supporting the Gravitational hierarchical
model that only a gravitational torque could create acceleration. Finally, sixteen male
recreational endurance heel-toe runners (study 2 using the same primary variables as study
1) were randomly assigned into two groups where one group received a 7-hour Pose®
intervention over 7-days while the other group remained as heel-toe runners. A 2 x 2 mixed
factorial ANOVA where group (control vs. treatment) and trial (pre to post changes)
assessed the primary research variables. Significant interactions were explored using Tukey
post hoc tests, which found significance (Pose® runners pre-post test) for stance time (P=
0.001), centre of mass to support limb at 25 ms (P= 0.042), centre of mass displacement
during stance (P = 0.001), knee flexion angular velocity during stance (P= 0.005) plus
swing (P= 0.043) and stride frequency (P= 0.002). After 12-days the Pose® group’s post
test time-trial (2400 m) improved by a mean of 24.7 s compared with a 3 s decrease in the
heel-toe group. No significant changes pre-post test, were found for an economy run (2400
m) at 3.35 m-s'1. A preliminary prospective 3-month injury report found no injury incidence
in the Pose® runners compared to six injuries in the heel-toe group. It was concluded, that
the Pose® technique is a valid biomechanical technique, which improved performance,
while reducing injuries. Future work should further quantify gravity’s role in accelerated
running by ascertaining whether the horizontal acceleration of the centre o f mass also
occurs before maximal horizontal ground reaction force.
Cavanagh (1990; p. 31) stated in a review of the running research literature over the last
one hundred years; “that today we are basically still tiying to answer questions posed by
Fischer and Fenn over 90 years agoF For example, Fenn (1930) suggested more
economical runners might waste less energy on forward pressure on the ground.
The literature describes two main running techniques, heel-toe and forefoot ground
contact. Approximately eighty percent of endurance runners are heel-toe runners,
making them the predominant technique compared to twenty percent of forefoot runners
(Kerr et al., 1983). Therefore, heel-toe running will be used as the current norm for this
thesis. Elite endurance heel-toe runners have a few biomechanical variables in common,
such as increased forward trunk lean (Girardin and Roy, 1984), increased knee flexion
during stance (Kerdok, et al., 2002) and decreased vertical oscillation (Williams and
Cavanagh, 1987). However, there are exceptions to these findings (Cavanagh and
Williams, 1982), suggesting the heel-toe technique is identified predominantly by initial
ground impact via the heel.
Several descriptions o f ‘good’ running have also been suggested in the trade literature:
“Good runners run tall, they tend not to hunch or lean. There is an economy and
integrity in their form and movement. Their heads remain poised and balanced on top o f
their spine. They run smoothly, lightly with the brakes off, they don 't pound or ‘excavate ’
on every stride. Good runners run with awarenessF (Alexander, 1989; p. 12).
Percy Cerutty, coach of Olympic gold medal winner Herb Elliot states:
“The head rests loosely on the shoulders, that is, it is not held rigid. It should be capable
o f movement as the needs o f the athlete demand. In my techniques I often test this rigidity
o f an athlete. Many are quite incapable o f turning their heads freely on their neck and
shoulders. Any rigidity here spreads right through the whole musculature. Keep the head
and neck free and the rest o f the moving parts will tend to be freeF (Simms, 2003; p. 31)
The trade and scientific literature have only made limited suggestions on improving
running technique, because no one has developed a running method that explains how to
effectively combine all the forces involved in running. Hay and Reid (1988) provide the
only attempt at modelling running. However, there are deficiencies with their model, for
example, viewing the constant force of gravity as only active during flight and not
relating gravity to forces exerted (muscle and joint forces) and the time forces act despite
gravity being a constant force.
In 1977, in the Soviet Union, a track and field coach and university lecturer in
biomechanics was wrestling with the question of how to teach rumiing. Dr. Romanov
rejected popular wisdom that running is a simplistic movement skill, and that the best
runners were genetically predisposed to success combined with hard training. He sought
a comprehensive technique that would create a universal running method. He
subsequently viewed teaching of other track and field events, throwing, jumping, and
other movement skills such as ballet, dancing and the martial arts. Technique, he
concluded, was of paramount importance for these sports, because, he realised that
complex skills such as ballet and karate are broken down into simple movements that
can be learned separately (i.e. Poses). Complex movements therefore derive from
individual Poses. A complex skill is achieved, only after each Pose through numerous
repetitions has thoroughly trained the neuromuscular pathways.
Using videotape of the world’s best runners, Dr. Romanov identified the rumiing Pose®.
The Pose® method technique is based upon a running Pose®, which is a whole body
Pose , that vertically aligns the shoulder, hip and ankle of the support leg, while standing
with the weight on the ball of the foot. This creates a ‘S’ like body shape. The runner
then moves from this Pose® on one leg to the other by potentially falling forward via a
gravitational torque. The support foot is pulled vertically upwards from the ground using
the hamstring muscles as the body falls forward, while the ipsilateral leg is not driven
forwards during flight but allowed to fall to the ground via gravity to land in the next
running Pose®. Many technique and strengthening drills have been developed to teach
the runner to fall forwards while pulling their support foot from the ground using their
hamstring muscles, and at the same time not driving their swing leg forwards via the hip
flexor muscles (Romanov, 2002). Romanov (2002) states the running Pose® is a
theoretically optimal position for external forces to cause displacement, without
requiring large reciprocal internal forces.
Dallam et al. (2005) identified a profile of economical endurance runners from the
literature. This profile included a reduced vertical oscillation, stance time and peak
vertical ground reaction force, alongside increased trunk lean and knee flexion during
support. Eight heel-toe male endurance runners trained in the Pose® method by Dallam
et al. (2005) found the above variables described Pose® running remarkably well, yet
their economy measures showed poorer economy for their Pose^ runners. These
conflicting results may originate from running on a treadmill, which inhibits Pose®
running owing to the foot being pulled backwards. Hence, clarification is needed on
whether Pose® running is more economical using over-ground running.
Arendse et al. (2004) explored Pose running (3-years after Dallam et al., 2005) in
reference to its similar lower-limb geometry with backward running in the hope it may
aid in injury prevention. They identified a distinct biomechanical profile for Pose®
running (supporting Dallam et al., 2005) compared to heel-toe and forefoot running.
However, they administered no performance test nor did they collect injury data for their
runners. This thesis will rectify these omissions and will attempt to explain the distinct
biomechanical profile of Pose® running.
Several beliefs predominate in the running community that have hindered the
development of a universal technique of running. For example:
1. Running technique is a simplistic movement pattern;
2. Individual differences between people make it impossible to have a universal
technique for all runners (Nytro, 1987).
3. Various distances and speeds require a different running technique;
4. There are numerous points of view based on subjective and unsubstantiated
non-biomechanical models (Wallack, 2004); and
5. Technique being solely associated with ground contact, i.e. eighty percent of
all endurance runners land on their heels (heel-toe runners) and twenty
percent of all endurance runners land on the front part of their foot (mid and
forefoot strikers) (Kerr et al., 1983; Whittle, 1991), whereas sprinters land on
the forefoot (Mann, 1980).
6. Hay and Reid's (1988; pp. 287-288) hierarchical model highlights the current
thinking that runners push off the ground via leg extension. The forces
exerted box in their model represents shoulders, hips, knees, ankles and other
joint forces (Hay and Reid, 1988; pp. 264 and 287-288). This focus on leg
extension via muscle force has hindered development of other viewpoints on
propulsive forces in running such as gravity being motive.
The primary aim of this thesis is to compare the Pose® method technique (Romanov,
2002; Arendse et al., 2004; Dallam et al., 2005) with the heel-toe running technique.
Development of a new Gravitational hierarchical model based on the Pose® method
using the laws of physics will enable the Pose® technique’s systematic evaluation. The
Gravitational hierarchical model and the current hierarchical model (Hay and Reid,
1988; p. 282) are reviewed highlighting the different biomechanical theories of running.
There are deficiencies with Hay and Reid’s model, for example, viewing the constant
force of gravity as only active during flight and not relating gravity to forces exerted and
the time forces act. Therefore, Hay and Reid’s model does not systemise the forces
involved in running but acts as general descriptor, whereas, the Gravitational hierarchical
model will aim to structure these forces. A comparison of the Pose® and heel-toe running
techniques will follow using two experienced male Pose® and heel-toe runners utilising
the primary and secondary research variables (study 1; chapter 5) derived from the
Gravitational hierarchical model. Upon establishment of the Pose® method technique, a
group of male heel-toe recreational runners (study 2; chapter 6) will participate in a
repeated measures design. An economy and time trial run will give the participants pre
test baseline physiological measures while the primary research variables will provide a
biomechanical profile. The post-test will determine whether there is an improved
performance on the economy and 2400 time trial run resulting from the potential
biomechanical changes in the Pose® group from a 7-hour Pose® training intervention. A
2 x 2 mixed factorial ANOVA will assess the main effects of group (control vs.
treatment) and trial (pre to post changes) on the primary research variables. Tukey’s tests
of honestly significant differences will be used to assess individual cell differences post
hoc. A prospective 3-month injury study on all the participants post intervention will
seek to determine injury incidence between the two running techniques.
Gravitational hierarchical model is developed and compared with Hay and Reid’s (1988;
p. 282) hierarchical model of running.
Chapter 5 compares data for study 1 from two experienced male participants in the
Pose® and heel-toe techniques of running. Kinetic and kinematic (primary and
secondary) variables established from the Gravitational hierarchical model, distinguish
the two running techniques. The Pose® method is discussed using the Gravitational
hierarchical model.
Chapter 6 presents results from study 2 using sixteen male heel-toe endurance runners,
where eight were trained for 7-hours in Pose® running (treatment/Pose^ group). Sixteen
2 x 2 mixed factorial ANOVAs will assess the main effects of group (control vs.
treatment) and trial (pre to post changes) on the primary research variables
(physiological and biomechanical) derived from the Gravitational hierarchical model.
Tukey’s tests of honestly significant differences will be used to assess individual cell
differences post hoc. A 2400 m time trial and economy run will record physiological
performance, optimal rumiing biomechanics will be documented via a laboratory
assessment and a 3-month prospective injury study will record injury incidence.
Chapter 7 summarises the findings of the previous chapters and suggests possible areas
for future research.
2.2.1 Introduction
Running economy refers to the energy cost of performing movement (Bransford and
Howley, 1977; Daniels, 1985). Research into running economy tries to identify patterns
of motion that improve economy and hence performance. Economy is defined as, the
oxygen cost per kilogram of body mass per kilometre run (Cavanagh and Williams,
1982; Morgan et al., 1989; Bergh et al., 1991; Noakes, 2002) with substantial individual
variation in running economy observed among those running at the same speed
(Mayhew, 1977; Daniels, 1985). Meaning, economical runners consume less oxygen
relative to body mass when running at a submaximal intensity. Changes in running
economy link to the biomechanics of running technique (Bransford and Howley, 1977;
Cavanagh and Williams, 1982; Daniels, 1985) with 54% of the variation in running
economy attributed to biomechanical variables (Williams and Cavanagh, 1987). Further
variance may have been unidentified owing to nonlinear relationships with the
biomechanical variables. Increased running training (volume) can change running
economy in individual runners (Bransford and Howley, 1977; Conley and Krahenbuhl,
1980). However, several studies have shown no improvement in running economy when
training was increased (Costill et al., 1973; Wilcox and Bulbulian, 1984). Furthermore,
intra-individual oxygen uptake variation exists between different test dates and running
speeds (Morgan et al., 1987). Nevertheless, the term economy is the accepted
physiological criterion for efficient running performance (Cavanagh and Kram, 1985).
The next section discusses biomechanical variables associated with economical ruiming.
2.2.2 Kinematics and running economy
Impact patterns
Research identifies two patterns of landing in runners: forefoot and rear foot or heel-toe
(rear foot and heel-toe are used synonymously for this thesis) runners (Whittle, 1991).
Nilsson and Thorstensson (1987) reported no significant difference in running economy
between a group of six forefoot and six rear foot strikers; even when the runners
voluntarily changed from fore to rear foot and vice versa. In contrast, Williams and
Cavanagh’s (1987) work indicated that heel-toe runners maybe more economical in their
running style, although this was not consistent across their participants. For example, the
fastest 10-km runner from their study was a heel-toe runner who had the third poorest
economy. However, impact patterns by virtue o f the kinetic chain are influenced by
stride-length, stride frequency, joint angles, and the position of the centre o f mass at
impact and terminal stance (Mero et al., 1992).
A four-year study by Nelson and Gregor (1976) in contrast observed varsity distance
runners decrease their stride length at a given speed as their performance improved. This
perhaps suggests that freely chosen stride length is possibly a variable quantity over a
runner’s life or they self-selected over-striding patterns to begin with. Morgan et al.
(1994) monitored runners who self-selected an over striding gait pattern. They responded
positively to step length optimisation training, because economy improved as step length
Rowland (1989) and Unnithan and Eston (1990) noted boys produced shorter stride
lengths and higher stride frequencies than men, but the oxygen demand per stride was
similar in both groups. It is possible that height and body mass in boys affect movement
differences with their lower-limbs, which constitutes a substantial part of metabolic
expenditure. Williams and Cavanagh (1987) however, found no differences in
anthropometric measures for segmental lengths and masses in relation to an adult
rumier’s economy.
Cavanagh et al. (1977) using elite runners demonstrated that more acute knee angles
during the swing phase enhanced economy. Theoretically, greater knee flexion allows a
faster recovery of the lower-limb by decreasing the moment of inertia (Bailey and Pate,
1991). In support, Enomoto et al. (1999) recommended a rapid recovery of the thigh
required a flexed lower-limb, and this action was associated with efficient runners.
Martin (1985) and Meyers and Steudel (1985) added leg weights to the distal end of
runners’ lower-limbs, producing oxygen consumption submaximal increases. It was
evident an increased moment of inertia for the lower-limb reciprocally increased oxygen
Maximum knee flexion during support has also been associated with improved running
economy (Williams and Cavanagh, 1987). Maximum knee flexion correlated
significantly with less contact time, shank angle at impact and the second vertical ground
reaction force peak. Improved economy was also associated with less extension of the
knee (in contrast to Miura et al., 1973) during terminal stance, and less rapid knee
flexion velocity during stance. Williams and Cavanagh (1987) speculated lower-limb
kinematics cause subtle changes in muscular activity patterns before and during support
that are related to differences in metabolic energy costs. An alternative explanation is
lower knee flexion, shank angle at impact, plus the second vertical ground reaction force
peak and the reduction in contact time, were a result of the centre of mass moving
anterior of the support foot more quickly allowing earlier forward progression.
Maximum ankle plantar flexion angles at terminal stance were a mean of 10° more for
good runners (mean marathon time 2:34:40) than elite runners (mean marathon time
2:15:52) (Cavanagh et al., 1977). Decreased plantar flexion would logically be
associated with less push-off and lower muscle force. In support of this idea, Williams
and Cavanagh (1987) found more economical runners had 6.4° less plantar flexion at
terminal stance than their least economical runners.
Williams and Cavanagh (1987) and Anderson and Tseh (1994) demonstrated a trend for
more economical runners to use less arm movement, measured by wrist excursion during
one stride. These economical runners have lower arm amplitudes, which may indicate a
skilled-balance mechanism rather than a method of forward drive. Arm action reduced
side-ways rotations in runners giving further support to this theory (Hinrichs, 1987).
Mann (1981) also concluded from extensive analysis of sprint running that the upper-
limb’s contribution is balance maintenance only. Therefore, arms appear not to
contribute to the drive of the body in the anterior and posterior direction (Hinrichs et al.,
1987), and were not studied in this thesis.
Williams and Cavanagh (1987) found runners with a mean forward trunk lean, relative to
the vertical axis, more economical at 5.9° compared with 3.3° and 2.4°. However,
excessive forward trunk lean may create increases in economy (James and Brubaker,
1973). There appears to be an optimal position for the trunk and by association the centre
of mass position, to maintain postural alignment for improved running economy.
Increased stance time correlated positively (r = 0.49) with poorer economy (Williams
and Cavanagh, 1986; Williams and Cavanagh, 1987), yet not all studies registered this
relationship (Cavanagh et al., 1977). An explanation for variations in stance time in the
three studies is use of both fore and / or heel-toe runners. For example, Williams et al.
(1987) used elite females (with no heel-toe or forefoot classification), whereas Williams
and Cavanagh (1987) used recreational runners, who were both forefoot and heel-toe
runners. Stance time differs between forefoot and heel-toe runners (Arendse et al., 2004).
Williams and Cavanagh (1987) found significantly lower first peaks for vertical ground
reaction force, plus less anterior and posterior ground reaction force in economical
recreational runners. They suggested lower extremity kinematic demands just before
ground contact, might have a significant affect on muscles both before and during
support, which in turn can affect economy. Forefoot strikers rely more heavily on the
musculature to assist with cushioning than heel-toe runners, who depend more heavily
on footwear and skeletal structures to cushion and support impact force (Williams and
Cavanagh, 1987). Kyrolainen et al. (2000a) speculated lower performances from poorer
economy stem from limited action of the hamstrings. They linked poor economy with
limited hamstring activity and higher braking forces at foot contact. Heise and Martin
(2001) found total vertical impulse and net vertical impulse correlated with running
economy (r = 0.62, r = 0.60, respectively) indicating a moderate correlation for stance
time and the amount of force applied during stance. Inferred, was increased muscle
support during stance produced reciprocal increases in economy.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
C o -a c t iv a t io n d u r in g s w in g (% s w in g ) .
Figure 2.2.1 S c a tte r -p lo t o f r u n n in g e c o n o m y v e r s u s h a m s tr in g - g a s t r o c n e m iu s c o - a c t iv a t io n d u r in g
s w in g ( H e is e et al., 1 9 9 6 ) . N o t e th e p o s it io n o f t h e t w o m o s t u n e c o n o m ic a l r u n n e r s.
2.3.1 Introduction
They highlighted that identifying ideal running biomechanics from elite runners can be
problematic. This section will use elite and recreational runners, to appraise kinematic
analysis, ground reaction force and electromyography. Several points are worth noting
when reviewing these areas of biomechanical research. Firstly, as stated earlier there are
two types of foot contact with the ground in running. Ken- et al. (1983) and Whittle
(1991) identified eighty percent of all runners land on the heel (heel-toe runners) and
twenty percent of all runners land on the front part of the foot (forefoot rumiers). As
speed increases, rumiers often change from a heel landing to a forefoot landing (Kerr et
al., 1983; van Mechelen, 1995). Secondly, attempts to quantify running biomechanics
fall within two methods (Williams and Cavanagh, 1987): measures sensitive to the entire
running cycle such as mechanical power, while other studies measure certain variables at
or between discrete points within the gait cycle, such as knee flexion at impact.
The kinematic review will only appraise biomechanical variables o f running
substantiated in the literature. Most studies are descriptive, with only a few finding
causative relationships between certain biomechanical variables and running
performance (Williams, 1985; McClay, 2000).
Kinematics of the Centre of mass
Vertical oscillation of the centre of mass decreased with increased running speed
(Luhtanen and Komi, 1980; Ito et al., 1983a). For example, Luhtanen and Komi reported
vertical oscillations of 10.9 cm, 8.6 cm, and 6.7 cm for speeds of 3.9 m-s'1, 6.4 m-s'1, and
9.3 m-s'1 respectively, for six runners. Ito et al. (1983b) obtained similar results for
speeds of 1.9 m-s"1 to 6.1 m-s"1, while also observing the vertical oscillation of the centre
of mass decreased during contact but increased slightly during flight as speed increased.
If vertical oscillation decreases and vertical ground reaction force increases (Cavanagh
and Lafortune, 1980; Roy, 1982; Hamill et al., 1983) at faster running speeds, logic
dictates there is less vertical work. The increased ground reaction force reflects increased
acceleration of the centre of mass, whereas decreased oscillation may reflect an
increased angle swept by the lower-limb (Ferris et al., 1999).
Cavanagh and LaFortune (1980) found a mean decrease in the horizontal velocity of the
centre of mass of 0.18 m-s'1 during the braking phase for seventeen participants running
at 4.47 m-s'1. The propulsive phase found a mean increase of 0.27 m-s'1. Wide variability
exists between rumiers, for changes in horizontal velocity of the centre of mass during
support (Fenn, 1930; Bates et al., 1979). Perhaps the variability found in the horizontal
velocity of the centre of mass during stance exists because impact patterns differed
between the runners measured. For example, if the foot lands further ahead of the centre
of mass at impact for one runner compared to others, a greater braking effect can occur
(Fenn, 1930; Deshon and Nelson, 1964; Cavanagh et al., 1977; Bates et al., 1979; Kunz
and Kaufman, 1981; Girardin and Roy, 1984; Hinrichs, 1990). Landing on the heel as
opposed to the forefoot may decrease horizontal velocity at impact or vice versa. Impact
patterns also affect stance-limb impact angles, at the hip, knee and ankle, via the kinetic
chain (Bartlett, 2000), which subsequently alter the centre of mass’s vertical
displacement (Lee and Farley, 1998). Lower-limb angles, centre of mass and foot
position at impact, therefore, have an important relationship to reductions in horizontal
velocity of the runner.
Deshon and Nelson (1964) also found that runners that are more proficient kept then foot
as close as possible beneath their centre of mass. Mann and Herman (1985) using all
sprint finalists (100 m, 200 m and 400 m) from the 1984 Olympics, determined Gold
medallist’s centre of masses were 0.217 m behind the foot at impact compared to Silver
medallists at 0.284 m and eighth position with 0.327 m.
Potential and kinetic energy of the centre of mass in running are minimum at mid-stance.
The knee is maximally flexed at mid-stance— the centre of mass at its lowest point—
which coincides with the braking phase during the first half of stance when horizontal
velocity of the centre of mass is reduced (Enomoto et al., 1999). During the second half
of stance, kinetic energy of the centre of mass increases owing to the accelerating affect
of ground reaction force and gravity. However, kinetic and potential energy in running
are nearly in phase with each other (see figure 2.3.1). Exchange of kinetic and
gravitational potential energy conserves less than 5% of the mechanical work required to
lift and accelerate the centre of mass (Cavagna et al., 1964). A biomechanical
intervention that could reduce braking force would conversely preserve the centre of
mass’s kinetic energy. In fact, Enomoto et al. (1999) found an improvement in
mechanical energy conservation owing to lower deceleration of the centre of mass in the
first half of support.
■cn bm
O n^
© 7s
© til
Estimated potential strain energy for a 70 kg man's total energy turnover in each stance
phase was 100 J at 4.5 m-s'1 (Ker et al., 1987). They estimated 35 J are stored as strain
energy in the Achilles tendon and 17 J in the arch of the foot, with more stored in the
quadriceps and patella tendons. Strain energy can reduce half of the energy needed by
muscles, for instance, when acting as brakes at impact or producing work at terminal
stance (Ker et al., 1987). This essentially reduces the muscles shortening and
lengthening action owing to the tendon being stretched while the muscles holds tension
(Alexander, 1992; Novacheck, 1998).
Spring-mass model
Spring-like motion of a bouncing ball models oscillation of a runner’s centre of mass
(figure 2.3.2). The spring-mass model consists of a single linear spring (leg-spring) and a
point-mass that is equivalent to the centre of mass (Alexander, 1988; Blickhan, 1989;
McMahon and Cheng, 1990). Leg-spring stiffness represents the overall stiffness of the
integrated musculoskeletal system. During early stance the leg-spring compresses (leg
flexion), and then lengthens (leg extension) for the second half of stance. This model
(figure 2.3.2) describes and predicts the dynamics of running remarkably well (Farley
and Gonzalez, 1996; Fukunaga, et al., 1997).
Centre of
AL mass
Figure 2.3.2 A spring-mass model and a stick figure representation of a single stance phase (Ferris and
Farley, 1997). The model consists of a linear spring representing the leg and a point mass equivalent to
body mass. This figure depicts the model at initial contact (left position), at mid-stance (middle position)
and terminal stance (right position). AL = change in length.
Dynamic interaction between the stance leg and the ground are important: leg stiffness
seeks to express this relationship. Components of leg stiffness include vertical excursion
of the body’s centre of mass, stance time and ground reaction force (McMahon and
Cheng, 1990; Farley and Gonzalez, 1996). Leg stiffness is defined as the ratio o f ground
reaction force to the compression of the leg-spring (AL) at the instance of mid-stance
when the leg is maximally compressed (figure 2.3.2). Increased ground reaction force
produces an increased leg-stiffness ratio. Conversely, an increased knee flexion reduces
leg stiffness. Running on five different surfaces o f varying stiffness ranging from 75 to
945 kN-m'1, a 12.5 fold change; knee angle increased by 2.5% as surface stiffness
decreased while time of ground contact did not significantly change (Kerdok et al.,
2002). Kerdok et al. (2002) credited changes in leg-spring to local joint stiffness
variations and overall limb posture adjustment. The more compliant running surface was
attributed to leg-spring change, because it acts as an elastic substrate capable of storing
and returning mechanical energy in this case, 1.8 W o f energy metabolism.
Leg stiffness remains virtually the same for running speeds between 2-6 m-s’1 (He et al.,
1991), although as stride length increases stiffness decreases by up to 51% (Derrick et
al., 2000). To maintain leg stiffness across the endurance speed range the angle swept by
the leg during stance increased enabling decreased stance times (figure 2.3.2; angle &).
Owing to the larger angle swept by the leg at faster speeds, the vertical displacement of
the centre of mass is less at faster speeds, which reduces stance time (Ferris et al., 1999).
Alterations in leg stiffness while running are possible. Leg stiffness occurs with a change
in stride frequency (Farley and Gonzalez, 1996), to reflect say, off-set changes in surface
stiffness (Ferris et a l, 1996). By adjusting leg stiffness, runners were able to have the
same peak ground reaction force, stance time and vertical displacement for the centre of
mass regardless of the surface stiffness (Ferns et al., 1996). Dixon et a l (2000) in
contrast, found individual variation in these variables. Individual variations are possible
revealing skill differences, but their model works on a premise that at impact the centre
of mass increases its distance behind the point of contact as running speed increases.
This is not evident however in faster runners (Fenn, 1930; Deshon and Nelson, 1964;
Cavanagh et al., 1977; Hinrichs, 1990).
Joint stiffness is defined as a change in joint moments divided by change in the joint
angle (Kuitunen et al., 2002). These two variables potentially affect vertical and
horizontal excursion of the centre of mass by their roles in limb displacement and force
production. Kuitunen et al. (2002) measured ten sprinters at different speeds, and
identified that ankle joint stiffness remained constant. Knee joint stiffness increased
across the speed range. However, only a minimal change in knee joint angle took place,
which suggested knee moment was a prominent factor, unless elastic mechanisms can be
As endurance runners fatigue, stance time increases (Nicol et al., 1991). This suggests
that a time delay between the muscle stretch and the shortening action may have
widened. In combination, peak braking and vertical ground reaction forces decrease with
fatigue (Paavolainen et a l, 1999b). These data suggest that many repetitive stretch
loads— fatigue—decreased the capacity of the neuromuscular system to generate force
rapidly (Mero et a l, 1992). One possible explanation may be a reduction of muscle
stiffness in the braking phase (Nummela et a l, 1994). This scenario would lead to a
reduction in stored elastic energy during the braking phase, reducing the ability to store
and return elastic energy. Knee flexion and extension angular velocity increases with
rising running speed allowing the spring-mass model to function. Greater impact spring
stiffness arises from increased stride length of up to 20% (Dietz et al., 1979; Derrick et
a l, 2000). At sprint running speeds, high leg stiffness may produce a stiff rebound
(Chelly and Denis, 2001). However, research does not support an equal flexion and
extension relationship during stance for thigh or knee angles (Milliron and Cavanagh,
1990; De Wit and De Clercq, 2000; Li, 2000). Non-equal knee/hip flexion and extension
may explain variations in position of the centre of mass to the support limb (see vertical
oscillation of the body’s general centre of mass p. 19). For example, Lee and Farley
(1998) concluded that stance-limb compression and impact angle both play an important
role in determining the trajectory of the centre of mass. However, they did not deduce
from their model that the centre of mass is behind the point of contact at impact thus
negatively affecting forward progression. In addition, vertical oscillations of the centre
of mass may reveal changes in the reciprocal knee flexion and extension angular
velocities, which may affect forward progression.
variables (table 2.3.1) that differentiated heel-toe and forefoot runners. Proceeding
sections concentrate on the kinematic analysis of rear and forefoot strikers; the kinetics
are discussed in section 2.3.3 p. 31.
SR (Hz) SL (m)
4.5 2.0
stride length (SL) 1.5
4 6 8 10
Running velocity (m-s*1)
Figure 2.3.3 Variations in stride length and stride rate with increase running velocity (Luhtanen and Komi,
Longer strides may be associated with higher ground contact forces. Weyand et al.
(2000) concluded maximal sprint speed occurs through an enhanced ability to generate
and transmit muscular force to the ground, in contrast to a rapid repositioning of lower-
limbs through stride length and stride frequency. Data collected on a treadmill rather
than by over-ground running, possibly altered the findings (van Ingen Schenau, 1980;
Nigg et al., 1995). For example, stance time for over-ground running was 15% higher for
world-class sprinters Weyand et al. analysed from live footage than for their own
treadmill data. The effective force applied to the ground and the time of foot contact
determined aerial times (Weyand et al., 2000). Ariel times at maximal sprint speed
between runners were similar, however, shorter stance times increased stride frequency
in the fastest athletes. By applying higher ground contact forces, faster runners were able
to increase both stride length and stride frequency. Although vertical force increased
across the speed range (2-10 m-s'1), impulse decreased after 6 m-s'1. Ground reaction
force reflects the acceleration of the centre of mass. This study showed a mean increase
of 1 BW from 2 m-s'1 to 10 m-s'1. It seems unlikely that this increase in force alone
reflects the considerable increase in speed. The top speed reached was 11.1 m-s'1 and the
slowest was 6.2 m-s'1 from similar increases in force. There was more vertical force in
the declined position (-6°) than the level, indicating body orientation to the ground
(gravity) played a role in the vertical force found in running (Weyand et al., 2000).
Speed increases at low running speeds occur primarily through amplified stride length,
for at high speeds, stride frequency is the primary factor (Weyand et al., 2000; Hay,
2002). Endurance runners’ stride frequency reached a theoretical maximum at 5 Hz
(Mann and Herman, 1985; Nilsson and Thorstensson, 1985). As noted earlier, Cavanagh
and Kram (1985) found stride frequencies were individual, because runners appeared to
maintain their chosen frequency for speeds of 3 m-s'1 to 4.2 m-s'1. With increased speeds
(above 7 m-s"1), stride length did not increase significantly, whereas stride frequency
continued to increase. Runners at high speeds, therefore, tend to enhance speed through
increased stride frequency rather than stride length (Luhtanen and Komi, 1980).
Increased frequency may cause shorter strides, casting reservation on the idea that this
increase would amplify internal work (Hinrichs, 1990).
The running stride, further subdivides into support (stance) versus non-support (flight)
(Bates et al., 1979). Saito et al. (1974) found as running speed increased, the time for a
complete running cycle decreased. Further, absolute and relative time spent in support
decreased as running speed increased (Saito et a l, 1974; Bates et a l, 1978; Chapman,
1982). Stance time changed from 68% at 3.35 m-s'1 to 54% at 6.4 m-s'1, although there is
substantial individual variation (Nelson et al., 1972). Mami et al. (1986) found enlarged
joint range of motion as speed of running increased, with subsequent reduction in
support time (stance). They concluded that rises in angular velocity at the joints would
create increased energy expenditure and force, thereby raising the possibility of injury.
For example, in sprinting, hip flexion during swing was 80° compared to 40° for jogging
(Mann et al., 1986). Increased hip motion during swing raises the foot higher from the
ground possibly elevating impact forces. Increased running speed, however, has not been
associated with increased running injuries (see p. 42; Yzerman and Van Galen, 1987).
The hip joint has been observed to extend during support from about 35°, and flex during
the swing phase from 40° for jogging, 60° for running and 80° for sprinting (Mann et al.,
1986). Maximum hip extension occurs at or immediately after terminal stance, and
maximum hip flexion occurs at about two-thirds of the way through the swing phase as
contralateral terminal stance begins (Sinning and Forsythe 1970; Dillman 1975;
Cavanagh et al., 1977; Mami et al., 1986). Maim et al. (1986) suggest hip flexion is the
main instigator for increasing running speed with the rest of the lower extremity
following the lead of the hip's increased angular velocity. Maim et al. (1986) also found
that knee extension began at the end of maximum hip flexion during the last third of the
movement, and occurred through the concentric contraction of the quadriceps. The
degree of maximal hip extension while occurring at terminal stance is less at moderate
than faster running speeds (Mann and Hagy, 1980). In contrast, Mann and Herman
(1985) found elite sprinters had less hip extension at terminal stance, because extension
occurred via momentum of the flexing hip, owing to silent quadriceps muscles during
hip extension. It might be pertinent to decrease elevation of the knee via decreased hip
flexion during swing because it would lower work done against gravity. Possible
differences in hip flexion and extension may also reflect the relationship with knee and
ankle kinematics owing to the kinetic chain (Bartlett, 2000).
At impact, the knee angle has been generally reported to be in the range of 10° to 30°
(Bates et al., 1978; Elliot and Blanksby, 1979; Clarke et al., 1983). A variety of angles
for knee flexion have been found for support, ranging from 38 to 50° for speeds of 3.4
m-s'1 to 7.5 m-s'1 (Cavanagh et al., 1977; Bates et al., 1978; Bates et al., 1979).
Although, only small changes of 1.5° to 4° in knee flexion have been identified during
support across speeds ranges of 3.33 m-s'1 to 6.67 m-s’1, despite absolute differences in
knee flexion among individuals (Sinning and Forsyth, 1970; Miller, 1978; Nilsson and
Thorstensson, 1985). After impact, flexion occurs in the cushioning phase and continues
through mid-stance, followed by a knee extension phase that lasts up to or slightly after
terminal stance.
At terminal stance, the knee does not fully extend although there appears to be a trend
towards greater extension with increased speed (Cavanagh et al., 1977; Bates et al.,
1978; Elliot and Blanksby, 1979). This finding is not universal (Sinning and Forsythe,
1970). Cavanagh et al. (1977) indicated that the knee did not fully extend throughout the
gait cycle and was almost the same angle at impact as terminal stance. At 2.5 m-s'1 to 5
m-s"1, knee extension was 23° (Elliot and Blanksby, 1979) and at 8 m-s'1, 18° (Mann et
al., 1986). Extension increases were found for sprinting at 8 m-s'1 but not for distance
running speeds of 2.5 m-s'1 to 5 m-s’1, contradicting a commonly held assumption, that
rumiers push off the ground via knee extension (Milliron and Cavanagh, 1990).
Bates et al. (1979) found no relationship between knee angle at impact and the amount of
decrease in horizontal velocity of the centre of mass during stance. Barefoot runners had
greater knee flexion angular velocity than shod, which began 0.02 s before impact (De
Wit et al., 2000). Running in shoes gave similar results, although comparison is not
straightforward owing to other altered kinematic variables in barefoot runners as
opposed to shod (Clarke et al., 1983). De Wit et al. (2000) concluded barefoot runners
make kinematic adaptations just before impact, including increased knee flexion velocity
0.02 s before, followed by a passive interaction between the ground and the contacting
leg. Further, the initial ground contact phase indicated the overall stiffness of the support
leg to be higher in barefoot running (see spring-mass model section p. 20).
At impact, the ankle is at approximately 90°, while at terminal stance, usually 20° of
plantar flexion occurs (Milliron and Cavanagh, 1990). Mann et a l (1986) observed for
jogging, running and sprinting dorsiflexion of the ankle joint occurred after foot contact.
Dorsiflexion continued through mid-support, which occurred at about 50% of the support
phase, followed by ankle plantar flexion until terminal stance and into swing. Magnitude
of dorsiflexion was 10° for jogging and running with 15° for sprinting (Nilsson et al.,
1985). The magnitude of plantar flexion, which began at mid-stance was 45° for jogging
and running with 35° for sprinting (Mann et a l, 1986). Plantar flexion is lower in
sprinting than running and jogging, again contradicting the assumption o f increased
push-off at faster speeds. At all speeds, plantar flexion reached its maximum at terminal
stance. For jogging and running progressive dorsiflexion occurred during the swing
phase. For sprinting, plantar flexion reached a maximum just before impact (Mann et a l ,
1986). Cavanagh et a l (1977) identified that elite runners had less plantar flexion at
terminal stance than good runners (67° versus 59°). If the runner is a heel-toe or forefoot
striker this will effect ankle dorsi and plantar flexion angles making comparisons
difficult (Williams et a l, 2000). For example, forefoot compared to heel-toe runners
plantar flexors, fatigue faster during exhaustive running (Pratt, 1989). Pratt suggested
this finding supported why eighty percent of distance runners are heel strikers.
Several studies found that the arms increased the vertical oscillation o f the body’s centre
of mass in running (Cavanagh, et al, 1977; Cavanagh and Williams, 1987; Hinrichs et
al., 1987). Hinrichs et a l (1987) concluded the arms tended to reduce fluctuations in the
forward velocity and in side-to-side movements o f the runner. Hinrichs (1987) measured
angular momentum during flight, finding total angular body momentum about the
vertical axis is constant in the absence of external torques. Therefore, the lower body
receives 100% of its angular impulse from the upper body. If the upper body where not
present (arms and upper trunk), the legs could not change direction while airborne, and a
recognisable swing would not be possible. The radius between the hip and ankle affects
angular momentum during flight, owing to an increased radius reducing the angular
velocity of the swing leg causing a potential increased energy cost.
Trunk lean has been observed to be in the range of 4° to 7° at impact at 7 m-s'1 with most
of the literature supporting a forward trunk lean (Fenn, 1930; Girardin and Roy, 1984;
Williams and Cananagh, 1987). Trunk lean in runners who ran against a head wind in a
wind tunnel, ‘leaned’ into the wind, indicating it was mechanically efficient to do so
(Davies, 1980). After impact, forward trunk lean has been reported to increase until mid
support, reaching 12 to 13° for speeds just over 5 m-s'1 (Elliot and Roberts, 1980; Elliot
and Ackland, 1981). An increased trunk lean would permit a more forward position of
the centre of mass during stance, subsequently allowing it to pass over the support foot
earlier, potentially generating faster running.
Ground reaction force reflects acceleration of the total body centre of mass. The position
and direction of the runner’s centre of mass determine the direction and magnitude of the
ground reaction force. Hence, it is the sum of the acceleration of individual segments
contributing in proportion to their masses. The support limb transmits the force to the
ground, and theoretically need not create any contribution to the push (Miller, 1990).
Collection of three-five trials is normally used to establish reliable data (Williams, 1980;
Cavanagh and LaFortune, 1980; and Clarke et al., 1983). Diss (2001) found a high
reliability (/* = < 0.94) for four ground reaction force variables from a single trial when
compared to ten trials. Of the sixteen ground reaction force variables sampled, fifteen
needed less than four trials at r = < 0.90. Only the commonly used ground reaction force
variables that are relevant to thesis are reviewed.
Payne (1983) using a sprinter running at 9.5 m-s’1 who landed on their heel found
increased ground reaction forces compared to forefoot sprinters. Normally sprinters land
on the ball of the foot (Mero and Komi, 1986). Mero et al. (1992) recommended that the
braking force and contact time be very short to avoid loss of velocity during impact with
the ground, and associated this with forefoot landing.
Williams et al. (2000) using six male and three female trained heel-toe runners, asked
them to land on their forefoot instead of their heels while running across a force platform
(table 2.3.1; p. 24). All runners successfully changed from heel-toe to forefoot contact,
eliciting loading rates lower than their heel-toe scores. Comparison of the converted
forefoot runners with experienced forefoot runners showed similar movement patterns,
with one significant exception, decreased peak vertical ground reaction force. The
authors suggested it was owing to decreased plantar flexion force at push-off.
P o ste r io r a n d
a n te r io r g r o u n d
o8 r e a c tio n fo r c e
H e e l- t o e F o r e fo o t
Twenty heel-toe runners in one laboratory session were asked to run normally—heel-
toe— then on their forefoot (Arendse et a l 2004). A Pose* running intervention
followed for an accumulative period of 7.5 h (1.5 h for 5-days). The heel-toe and
forefoot styles were accompanied by greater magnitudes (F = 28.2, p = <0.001) and
loading rates (F = 35 A, p = c.001) of the vertical impact force at 25 ms of stance and at
peak magnitude compared with Pose® method running. Increased vertical impact force
has been associated with injury mechanisms (see p. 44; Radin and Paul, 1971; Verbitsky
e ta l, 1998).
with running speed, the posterior component decreased in time in relation to the anterior
component, despite an increase in running speed. It appears in certain runners braking
force reduces as speed increases. Horizontal braking {F = 18.0, p = <.001) and
propulsive forces ( F = 3 . 6 , p = .035) were less in the Pose® than the heel-toe and forefoot
running styles (Arendse et al., 2004).
Stance time
Stance time is the period when the foot is in contact with the ground. Stance time and
velocity are negatively related (Munro et a l , 1987). Time spent on the ground can be
logically linked to the position and timing o f lower-limb in connection with the centre of
mass’s flight path. The more extended the knee at ground contact, and the further the
foot is in front of the centre of mass, the longer the foot remains on the ground (Kunz
and Kaufman, 1981; Mann and Herman, 1985). Barefoot runners compared with shod,
elicited shorter stance time when both landed on the heel at 3.5 m-s’1, 4.5 m-s'1 and 5.5
m-s'1 (De Wit et al., 2000). Stance time may denote global biomechanical changes,
because stride length, stride frequency, vertical loading rate and knee angular velocity
were significantly different between the two conditions (De Wit et al, 2000).
A simple joint system (rigid link, synovial joint, muscle, neuron and sensory receptor)
has five elements that interact to produce movement (Marieb, 1992). In this system, the
muscle is able to exert a force that can vary in magnitude, a variation that is profoundly
influenced by the nervous system. The most effective measurement of the neuromuscular
response to movement is electromyography (Basmajian and Deluca, 1985).
Physiologically muscles and motor units can be compared to one another based upon
discharge characteristics owing to biomechanical responses of the motor units to
different inputs: speed of contraction, magnitude of the force exerted and resistance to
fatigue (Burke et al., 1973). It is difficult to interpret the relationship between
estimations of muscle moments and measurements for electromyography activity,
because torque about a joint is affected by other anatomical and environmental factors.
At present, electromyography cannot therefore determine net muscle moments
(Pierrynowski, 1995). This section covers, muscle force prediction, electromyography of
gait muscles and the stretch-shortening cycle in relation to optimal running
reported at least qualitatively (Liu et al., 1999). Difficulties of relating
electromyography to corresponding force signals were associated with highly non-linear
and a time-variable relationship between these signals. Measuring electromyography
consistently and repeatedly compounds this relationship. Currently, the
electromyographical-force relationship in human skeletal muscle is still at a
developmental stage and actual force predictions plus validations across muscles are not
yet available. Liu et al. (1999) carried out promising work in this field with an artificial
neural network approach. They predicted cat gastrocnemius muscle force from
electromyographical data. Force predictions for walking cat’s gastrocnemius muscle
correlation coefficients were r = 0.96 at 0.4 m-s'1 and r = 0.93 for 1.2 m-s'1. This is
promising work but is not a feasible option for this thesis.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Semimembranosis is active just before maximum hip flexion and shortly after the onset
of knee extension. This activity continues throughout most of the support phase, where it
may act as a hip extensor during support (Mann et al., 1986). Kyrolainen et al. (2000a)
found as running speed increased hamstring activity for hip extension amplified in
magnitude and time duration during stance. Smidt (1973) using 26 runners reported
moment arm lengths for their hamstrings increased as the knee flexed, reaching a peak at
45°, then, decreasing again as flexion reached 90°. Relative positions of the knee and hip
affect the hamstrings role, which may explain this biarticular muscles varied, but
important activity.
The quadriceps femoris group includes: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis
and vastus intermedius. Rectus femoris is active during early swing, associated with hip
flexion (MacIntyre and Robertson, 1987). Both rectus femoris and vastus lateralis
recorded peaks during mid-stance (Elliot and Blanksby, 1979). Vastus lateralis’s main
activity was eccentric muscle action during early stance while the knee was undergoing
flexion. An interesting observation is that quadriceps muscles were quiet during the
extension phase of stance, suggesting knee extension may occur without their assistance
(see figure 2.3.5 and Figure 2.3.6) (Branded, 1973; Schwab et al., 1983; Nilsson et al.,
1985; MacIntyre and Robertson, 1987). During submaximal constant-speed running, the
electromyographic activity of the quadriceps muscles increased owing to marathon type
fatigue (Komi et al., 1986). Increased quadriceps muscles activity could raise internal
work, which may cause a detriment in running technique.
80 Stance(TS)
con Run
D£ 80 TS
20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of gait cycle
Figure 2.3.6 Range of motion of knee during sprinting, running and jogging (Mann et al., 1986). Notice
the absence of knee extension during stance in the sprint condition.
The tibialis anterior represents muscle function for the anterior compartment o f the lower
leg. It is active just after terminal stance, and remains active throughout most o f the
swing through mid-support, when maximum dorsiflexion occurs (Mann et al., 1986).
Elliot and Blanksby (1979) recorded tibialis anterior acting concentrically to bring the
shank forward, and eccentrically to control the lowering o f the foot during the first part
of ground contact (for heel-toe runners). This muscle identifies foot contact for heel-toe
Faster speeds showed more activity (Elliot and Blanksby, 1979; Mami et al, 1986) but
with slower speeds, the gastrocnemius muscle persisted for only 30-50% of plantar
flexion (see figure 2.3.5) (Mann and Hagy, 1980). Komi et al. (1987) found a higher
pre-activation before impact for the gastrocnemius muscle with barefoot compared to
shod runners, possibly identifying different body-foot landing positions. The activity of
the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, anterior tibialis, gastrocnemius and the hamstring
muscle group are, therefore, important in gaining understanding of lower-limb motion in
and frequency (see p. 10 Kyrolainen et al., 2000a). Long-term running training may
therefore decrease the stretch-shortening cycle possibly increasing muscle work and
Electromyographical studies have shown that the knee extensor (vastus lateralis) and
knee flexor (gastrocnemius) muscles are simultaneously active. There is a higher force in
the extensors if the flexors are in use (Ferris et al., 1996). Further, length-shortening of
the gastrocnemius muscle allows strain energy to be utilised. The vastus lateralis muscle
is not active as leg extension begins (MacIntyre and Robertson, 1987), possibly owing to
the potential use of elastic energy (figure 2.3.5). This may explain the decreased
eccentric loading at the knee recorded for Pose® compared to heel-toe and forefoot
runners (figure 2.3.7).
o 0.50-
Injury incidence and biomechanical research associated with injury are appraised.
Reference to injury and running technique are included.
Injury incidence
Running is one of the most popular leisure activities in the United Kingdom. Next to its
beneficial health effects, there are negative side effects in terms of sports injuries. A
runner has been defined as a person running a minimum of three days a week covering a
distance of at least 3 km during each session (Taunton et al., 1987). An injury—
specifically an overuse injury— is an overload or repetitive impact to the musculoskeletal
system (Renstrom, 1994). Since overuse symptoms usually occur over time, it may be
difficult to determine the onset and specific cause. Rate of exposure and intensity are
also difficult to define. For instance, is a two-hour run on concrete similar to a forest trail
run? Are hill repetitions the same intensity as track repeats? These areas require more
detailed scientific-work (Rolf, 1995). Reported injury incident rates differ between
studies. Person-incidence rates are the number of injured runners per 100 runners, injury -
incidence rates record the number of injuries per 100 runners and injury incidence per
exposure, are the number of injuries per 1000 hours of running (van Mechelen, 1992).
It appears that for the average recreational runner, who is steadily training for long
distance running, there is a large range in yearly incidence for running injuries. For
example, 37% and 56% injure using sample sizes > 500 runners (Yzerman and Van
Galen, 1987), 25% to 75% (van Mechelen, 1995), and 33-85% (Macera, 1992) for 583
runners with 24% for 482 runners (Blair et al., 1987). These rates are dependent on the
specificity of the group of runners concerned, such as, competitive athletes rather than
recreational joggers, or children as opposed to adults. If incidence is calculated in
relation to time, it varies from 2.5 to 12.1 injuries per 1000 hours of running (Lysholm
and Wiklander, 1987; van Mechelen, 1992). In comparison, skiers are six times more
likely to injure per 1000 hours of activity (Marti et al., 1988). Most running injuries are
lower extremity injuries, with the knee joint being the main site of injury (van Mechelen,
1992; Stanish and Wood, 1994). About 50% to 75% of all running injuries appear to be
overuse-injuries owing to constant repetition of the same movement (Lehman, 1984). A
recurrence of running injuries, results in 20% to 70% of recorded cases (van Mechelen,
1992; Brill and Macera, 1995). From epidemiological studies, it can be concluded, that
running injuries lead to a reduction or cessation of training for 30% to 90% of all
documented injuries (Walter et al., 1989). Medical consultation or medical treatment is
required for 20% to 70% of all injuries, with up to 5% resulting in absence from work
(Gudas, 1980; Macera et al., 1989).
Aetiological factors associated with running injuries include previous injury (Powell,
1986), lack of running experience (Powell, 1986; Blair et al., 1987), competitive rumiing
and excessive weekly running distance (James et al., 1978; Andrews, 1983; Harvey,
1983; Stanish, 1984; McKenzie et al., 1985). The association between running injuries
and factors such as warm-up, stretching exercises (Koplan et al., 1982; Jacobs and
Berson, 1986), stature (Walter et al., 1989), misalignment (Clement et al., 1981;
Lysholm and Wiklander, 1987), muscular imbalance (van Mechelen et al., 1987),
restricted range of motion (Subotnick, 1985), running frequency (Jacobs and Berson,
1986), ability (Clement et al., 1981) stability of running pattern (Stanish, 1984), and
shoes and in-shoe orthoses (Kaelin et al., 1985; Frederick, 1986; Winter and Bishop,
1992) remain unclear. Age (Koplan et al., 1982; Blair et al., 1987; Holmich et al., 1989;
Walter et al., 1989), gender (Johansson, 1986), body mass index (Koplan et al., 1982),
running hills (Yzerman and Van Galen, 1987; Macera et al., 1989), rumiing on hard
surfaces (Clement et al., 1981), participation in other sports (Jacobs and Berson, 1986;
Yzerman and Van Galen, 1987), time of the year and time of the day (Yzerman and Van
Galen, 1987) are not significantly associated with running injuries. Yet, Lysholm and
Wiklander (1987) registered a significantly higher injury incident rate during spring and
summer, a time typically associated with increased volume and intensity of running.
Running volume was an important risk factor for increased injury incidence, whereas,
running velocity was not associated with injury risk (Yzerman and Van Galen, 1987).
Powell (1986) concludes that sudden increases in volume and intensity are the cause of
running injuries, because the body has not had time to adapt to the new regimen.
Holmich et al. (1989) recommended as an injury prevention method that runners reduce
their volume. One solution was to run less than 30 km per week, which substantially
reduced injuries (Holmich et al., 1989), although it is not a realistic option for elite
Eccentric and concentric muscle contractions in a stretch-shortening cycle are potential
components for overuse injury (Johansson, 1992). Repetitive impact loads may decrease
the ability of leg extensor muscles to sustain impact loads and, subsequently, the muscles
would lose part of their recoil abilities (Komi et al., 1987). In support, muscle strains
usually occur during eccentric contractions (Glick, 1980). For instance, hamstrings
muscles act in the running stride to decelerate knee extension, and the quadriceps act to
decelerate knee flexion, therefore, acting eccentrically (Cavagna et al., 1977). No
mention of different running styles or technique was made in reference to eccentric
contractions and injury incidence.
Vertical impact force has been strongly associated with the transmission of shock waves
upward through the musculoskeletal system (Radin and Paul, 1971; Verbitsky et al.,
1998). It has been suggested that a positive relationship exists between the magnitude of
impact force and the numbers of overuse injuries (Voloshin and Wosk, 1982; Wosk and
Voloshin, 1982; Cavanagh, 1990). Impact force with insufficient attenuation by natural
shock absorbers of the locomotion system, may cause over-loading, resulting in
subchondral bone micro-fractures, and subsequent articular cartilage degeneration and
osteoarthritis (Wosk and Volishin, 1982). There is speculation that impact-force peaks
play a role in the development of pain and injuries in runners (James et al., 1978;
Clement et al., 1981), indicating potential differences in injury rates for forefoot and
heel-toe runners. Furthermore, increased ground reaction forces might result in the need
for more intense muscular contributions to control segmental movements and stabilise
body position during the support phase of running (Williams, 1990). This would result
in an increased metabolic demand from the muscles involved. Williams tested this
hypothesis using twenty-two runners by inducing fatigue (determined when end tidal C0 2
pressure decreased). A lightweight accelerometer was placed on the tibial tuberosity and
whenever fatigue ensued, peak acceleration during stance increased. He concluded, that
fatigue and heel-strike induced shock waves are correlated. Fatigue-induced changes in
shock wave attenuation can therefore have important implications for the etiology of
injuries (Verbitsky et al., 1998).
Laughton et al. (2003) found a direct linear relationship between vertical ground reaction
force and peak tibial acceleration. However, Hennig and Lafortune (1991) were only
able to find a moderate correlation. Clarke et al. (1985) clarified the issue through use of
an accelerometer attached to the lower leg. He identified tibial accelerations increased by
taking longer strides, giving circumstantial evidence that increased stride length results
in increased impact force. The estimated muscle moments during sprinting correlated
significantly (r = 0.7 at p = 0.05) with the magnitude of the knee flexor moment at
impact for athletes with a history of hip extensor and knee flexor injuries (Mann and
Sprague, 1980). Findings from Stergiou et al. (1999) support this study, in that they
identified coordination patterns between the ankle and knee joint change with vertical
impact forces. Overall, these studies suggest lower-limb activity at impact affects the
vertical loading of the body (increase risk of injury), but again no mention is made of
how technique modifications can affect these changes.
Crossley et al. (1999) using forty-six males, half with a history of tibial stress fractures
and half with no record were measured for ground reaction forces and tibial bone
geometry. They discovered the tibial stress fracture group had significantly less tibial
cross sectional area (p = 0.02) than the non-injured runners. No ground reaction force
differences were found, underlying the difficulty in early identification of chronic
injuries. Kawamoto et a l (2002a) measured torsional moments at the tibia for running on
curved paths. Six male participants running unshod at 3.5 m-s'1 navigated a track
curvature of radii 15 m and 5 m. For comparison, a straight section of track was used.
Torsion moments increased from the~straight to the most sharply curved track (11 Nm,
12.2 Nm and 28.5 Nm respectively). For comparison, a typical 400 m running track has a
radius of 35 m and the static fracture load o f human tibia is 100 Nm. However, track-
running speeds are usually several times faster than the study speed. Forwood and Parker
(1989) reported less than 16.3% of the ultimate loading force could cause observable
micro-damage in rat tibia, therefore, lending some risk of tibial torsion in running on
tightly curved paths. Kawamoto et al. (2002b) took eight male runners and ran them on a
straight running track at 5 m-s'1. The moment for tibial torsion showed considerable
inter-individual variations during stance, and was correlated with vertical ground
reaction force (r = 0.7 at/? = 0.05) and outward tilt angle of the shank in the frontal plane
(r = 0.78 at p = 0.05). A suggestion from the authors was reductions in ground reaction
force, which reflects the acceleration of the centre of mass, might lead to a reduction in
running injuries, in athletes’ tibiae. Perhaps, a more specific strategy should seek an
understanding of how to modify the centre o f mass’s movement patterns that
subsequently produced the different tibial torsion.
Loading characteristics of the foot that are associated with fatigue were investigated in
nineteen non-injured heel-toe runners (Willson and Kemozek, 1999). A Borg rate of
perceived exertion scale quantified fatigue. Increased cadence and decreased loading of
the heel at landing through increased medial forefoot loading occurred when fatigued.
Christina et al. (2001) measured eleven female recreational runners who produced
significant changes for loading rates, impact and push-off peak magnitudes for vertical
ground reaction force and ankle joint motion. Further, a less inverted foot at heel-strike
at 2.9 m-s'1 resulted from induced fatigue of the ankle invertors and dorsiflexors. These
changes may play a role in lower extremity running injuries (Christina et al., 2001).
During a 10-km race, eight elite runners were filmed at different stages o f the race (Elliot
and Ackland, 1981). Fatigue produced a more extended lower-limb throughout the gait
cycle during the later stages of the race. Clearly, different foot contacts and possibly
limb-body geometry affect loading and muscle activity at impact. Therefore, technique
should play an important role in injury reduction interventions.
Surface stiffness has been associated with overuse injuries, although mainly from
circumstantial evidence. Dixon et al. (2000) used six heel-toe runners who performed
shod running trials over three rumiing surfaces: conventional asphalt, a rubber-modified
asphalt surface and an acrylic sports surface. Surfaces were categorised according to
impact absorbing ability (BS 7044). Mechanical impact absoiption was greatest for
rubber-modified asphalt, whereas conventional asphalt was the least. The rubber-
modified asphalt compared with the conventional asphalt exhibited lower participant
loading rates for peak impact force (p = 0.1). Individual and not group differences were
found for kinematic variables. For example, peak joint angles, peak joint angular
velocities and initial joint angles. Explanation of the different peak impact forces on
conventional asphalt for some runners was via increased initial knee flexion, while
others did not show compliance. This suggests that the lower extremity exhibited
compliance on an individual basis to the harder surface stiffness, perhaps alluding to
certain runners’ skill in reducing load through attenuated movement patterns.
Where T is total movement time, and r is the position vector of a limb segment. When
applying this function to evaluate smoothness of complex multi-joint movements, it has
been demonstrated that the position vector, r, is best represented in terms of end-point
Cartesian coordinates (Hogan et al., 1987). The theory of maximum smoothness
(minimum jerk) suggests that the trajectory of a movement endpoint is planned in a
manner that would minimise the jerk-cost function. In running, the endpoint is the foot.
Winter (1987) suggested the major motor function during the gait cycle is control of the
foot. Control of the foot trajectory achieves safe ground clearance and a gentle heel or
forefoot landing. In support, Dixon and Kerwin (1999) found significant correlation with
heel-lift height and reduced ankle dorsiflexion at heel contact, signifying an increased
surface area for the foot at impact, suggesting heel contact is undesirable.
Using a 1-metre depth jumping exercise as an exaggerated motion for landing while
running, ten healthy males landed on their heels or forefeet (Kovacs et al., 1999). The
first vertical ground reaction force impact peak was 3.4 times greater for heel-toe landing
compared to forefoot landing. The second peak was 1.4 times lower. During flexion, the
hip and knee joints contributed 40-45% of the total torque (heel-toe group), whereas
forefoot landing found the knee and ankle joints contributed 37% each. Total torque
contributions were highest in the heel-toe landing (during the extension phase) with 41%
and 45% for knee and ankle joints and 34% and 55% with the forefoot.
Electromyography for vastus lateralis muscle activity differed during re-contact for the
heel-toe landing, whereas gastrocnemius muscle activity in the forefoot group increased.
Exaggerated motion (depth jumps) highlights greater loading characteristics between
heel and forefoot contact, which in light of previous comments, suggests limb and body
positions relationships play important roles in force attenuation and injury incidence.
(including increased flexibility), therefore, plays an important role in running
biomechanics, although its injury prevention remains unclear.
Overpronation at the subtalar joint, which is external rotation, dorsiflexion and calcaneal
eversion has been associated during the stance phase with injuries to the hip, knee,
Achilles tendon and the foot (James et al, 1978; Taunton et al. 1982). As body weight
moves forwards over the support foot after impact with the ground, the subtalar joint
everts, the ankle dorsiflexes, while the knee and hip joints also flex. Stress fractures have
been associated with poor alignment and overpronation (Slocum and James, 1968;
Lysholm and Wilander, 1987). However, Stanish (1984) contested that overpronation
was a causative factor in stress fractures. He cited lack of scientific support. A more
recent review concludes that lower extremities injuries are still not well understood in
reference to pronation in runners (Hintermann and Nigg, 1998). Risk of injury owing to
increased and excessive pronation is unclear at this time in heel-toe runners.
Iliotibial band friction syndrome (lateral knee pain) and patellofemoral pain syndrome
(anterior knee pain) are two of the most common complaints in runners (Clement et al.,
1981; Johansson, 1986). Downhill and fast running aggravated anterior knee pain. These
activities increase the negative impact from retarding knee flexion and extension motions
(Bennet and Stauber, 1986). To decrease load, increased initial knee flexion is used
(Dixon et al., 2000). Bennet and Stauber (1986) administered eccentric training to an
injured group of runners with good results, concluding motor control imbalance was a
contributing factor to anterior knee pain. Lateral knee pain results from an increased
compression of the iliotibial band against the lateral femoral epicondyle. Sutker et al.
(1981) reported iliotibial band friction syndrome was an overuse injury most commonly
affecting males running about 30 km a week for at least three years. Several etiological
factors given were excessive pronation of the subtalar joint, a tight iliotibial band and
excessive genu varum. Nutig (1981) observed this injury occurred from uphill running
owing to increased loading. Not mentioned was the runner’s uphill technique may have
altered their loading compared to level running.
A recent two-year study provides the latest published database for specific running
related injuries (Taunton et al., 2002). Risk factors were associated with being under
thirty-four years old for patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band friction syndrome,
patella tendinopathy and tibial stress syndrome. Interestingly, McKenzie et al. (1985)
recorded similar results nearly 20 years ago. Being active for less than eight and half
years was positively associated with tibial stress syndrome. Patellofemoral pain
syndrome was the most common injury, followed by iliotibial band friction syndrome,
plantar fasciitis, meniscal injuries of the knee and tibial stress syndrome (Taunton et a l ,
2002). These data suggest a chronic injury accumulation, possibly owing to poor running
biomechanics. Supporting this line of enquiry, Lewis et al. (2000) in their review on
back injuries identified runners lifetime prevalence is as high as 47%. Specific
predisposing factors to injury included: poor stability, muscle imbalances, weakness and
fatigue, including an increase in load imposed on the spine while running. Again, these
studies are descriptive without reference to prevention. However, a theoretical model
that follows the laws of physics could establish a standard (ideal technique). Deviation
from the standard technique would then quantifiably address injuries mechanisms. Those
runners that deviate from the standard in a certain dimension would possibly develop
certain types of injuries. Potentially, reduction in injuries may then occur through
changes in technique.
Only one injury and technique study was found: McClay et al. (1999), possibly owing to
the viewpoint above. In a single participant design, they used a 40-year old female with
right plantar fasciitis and a left tibial stress fracture (recently healed) who underwent a
gait analysis (VICON 6 cameras at 120 Hz; BERTEC Corp, OH.). An 8-week, 3-times
per week training intervention was administered. The training intervention took place on
a treadmill running at 3.35 m-s*1. A mirror provided feedback for the first three weeks.
The participant began running for 10 min and progressed to 32 min by the end o f the
eight weeks. Hip internal rotation and adduction plus knee abduction for the right leg
were altered (improved). Peak braking force and loading rates on the left foot decreased.
These results suggest it is possible to modify gait biomechanics and potentially reduce
the risk of injury, because previous symptoms of pain abated for their participant.
Many of the reported findings present conflicting observations for economy, optimal
biomechanics and potential injury mechanisms found in runners. The aim of the review,
therefore, has been threefold: To highlight confusion that exists within the research
literature, to review various assumptions, while presenting relevant findings. The
summary’s purpose is to draw together the various findings, in an attempt to clarify
whether a universal running technique currently exists.
Although there is an intuitive link between running biomechanics and energy cost, the
belief persists that individuals are unique both anatomically and biomechanically, and so
arrive at their own most economical running motion. However, biomechanical variables
account for at least 54% of the variation in running economy (Williams and Cavanagh,
1987). An alternative viewpoint suggests runners become economical through
continuous repetition of their gait pattern at a familiar speed, regardless of its
biomechanical effectiveness. For example, intra-individual oxygen consumption
variation exists between different running speeds— 2.83 m-s'1 to 4.88 m-s'1—highlighting
experienced runners become economical at their own well-trained pace (Morgan et al.,
1989), which might not always be associated with ‘good’ biomechanics. The optimal
economical solution identified was a combination of self-selected stride lengths and
stride frequencies.
Immediately a contention arises because, certain ‘skilled’ runners tend to have longer
strides at any given velocity than ‘poorer or less skilled' runners, while in contrast it was
found elite runners took shorter absolute and relative strides than good distance runners.
There appears to be an optimum stride length, however, its cause is complex. Driving the
leg forwards increases stride length, which is ineffective owing to increased braking
forces from longer strides. Foot placement in front of the body at impact decelerates the
body, which may affect the next stride. Further, driving the knee forwards increases
work against gravity. Increasing running speed through increased ground reaction force
appears to be ineffective, because amplified push-off from the ground was absent in elite
endurance runners, who recorded lower vertical ground reaction force for the second
vertical peak than good runners. Over-striding and short strides increase internal work.
Over-striding requires an increased thigh extension and leg drive shown to be
uneconomical. Further, tibial acceleration increases (from longer strides), raise impact
forces and potentially increase injuries. Shorter strides can increase internal work. An
alternative external force to ground reaction force that enabled forward progression in a
legless man was gravity. This novel idea of gravity being the prime motive force in
running requires exploration. If the length of stride were as long as the horizontal
displacement of the body during flight, and the foot landed under the body, theoretically
lower braking force would occur. Increased trunk lean from the vertical axis improved
economy and increased running speed, which suggests stride length from increased trunk
lean maybe effective. Hip horizontal velocity was greater than neck velocity at terminal
stance, indicating the drive forwards emanates from the hip. Increased forward
progression correlated with hip flexion. Less plantar flexion, and higher hamstring
activity after terminal stance were associated with runners that are more economical.
Further knee extension did not increase with rising speed while electromyography of all
gait muscles ceased well before terminal stance. It is therefore possible that running
speed originates from the body (gravity’s work on the runner’s mass) and not from the
leg-drive usually associated with stride length. Hence, differences in stride length maybe
attributed to the combination of gravity and ground reaction force, together with body-
foot position while reducing muscle activity at terminal stance.
The stretch-shortening cycle is maximised with a forefoot landing with increased knee
flexion (greater eccentric stretch) and shorter contact time. Forefoot landing, increased
knee flexion and shorter contact time may allow the lower-limb to facilitate improved
elastic energy, theoretically enhancing economy owing to reduced internal muscle force.
In support, economical runners have effective co-activation of their biarticular muscles,
which they potentially maximise via a certain lower-limb geometry.
Stride frequency increases by only 4% at speeds of 3 m s'1 to 4.2 m-s'1. With increased
speeds (sprinting above 7 m-s'1), stride length did not increase significantly, whereas
stride frequency continued to rise. At sprint speeds keeping the foot under the body
differentiated Gold from Silver medallists at the 1984 Olympics. Applying this concept,
stride frequency should correspond with the speed of the body to enable the foot to land
under the body to allow the next stride to begin. Lack of higher frequency at endurance
speeds may be associated with mainly heel-toe runners landing ahead of their bodies thus
creating a slower turn over. Possible support for this idea is more economical runners
had an increased hamstring activity during swing, which allowed for a faster leg
The review highlights the current lack of a clear universal running technique. However,
certain variables were associated with improved performance. Therefore, the summary
points out elite runners do not extend the knee, which requires less push-off and lower
vertical oscillation. They plantar flex the ankle less, have an increased trunk lean, land
with the foot more vertically aligned to their centre of mass and potentially utilise elastic
mechanisms more effectively. Further, leg and hip extensor muscles were not active
during leg extension. Finally, gravity, a constant force, may provide momentum
conservation through increased trunk lean. As the body leans past its point of support
(support foot), a gravitational torque overbalances the runner driving them forwards,
seen in the legless walkers. Gravity may provide an alternative external force for
locomotion. This thesis, therefore, aims to research a universal running technique that
explores gravity as the motive force. This universal running technique should potentially
reflect the variables associated with improved performance.
Running has interested people throughout history from a theoretical and practical
standpoint. Many earlier observations and measurements were attempts to develop or
understand a clear biomechanical model of efficient running.
Several Greek vase paintings depict sprinters (circa 470 B.C.) and endurance runners
(circa 525 B.C.), which clearly illustrate differences in limb range of motion (Gardner,
1967; p. 134 and p. 138 respectively). Both runners land on the ball o f the foot and no
one straightens their legs at terminal stance. Whether this is artistic license or astute
observation may never be known. During this time, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) wrote the
earliest known accounts of locomotion:
Concerning joint motion:
“For if one o f the parts o f an animal be moved, another must be at rest, and this is the
purpose o f their joints; an imals use joints like a centre, and the whole member, in which
the joint is, becomes both one and two, both straight and bent, changing potentially and
actually by reason o f the joint” (Nussbaum, 1978; p. 32).
Another eighteen hundred years passed before records of running research are available.
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) wrote the following concerning motion, balance and
foot contact.
“Motion is created by the destruction o f balance, that is, o f equality o f weight, fo r
nothing can move by itself which does not leave its state o f balance, and that thing moves
most rapidly which is furthest from its balance” (McMahon 1956; pp. 133-134).
Again, this is re-stated. “That figure will appear swiftest in its course, which is about to
fa ll foi'wards” (McMahon 1956; p. 135); “A man running on level ground has it first on
his heels and then on the toes o f his fe e d (Keele, 1983; p. 175).
Giovanni Borelli (1608-1679) was the first to systematically study locomotion in his
classic “De Motu Animalum” published in 1682. He measured the centre o f mass of the
body during walking and described how balance is maintained through constant forward
movement of the supporting area provided by the feet. Wilhelm and Eduard Weber one
hundred and fifty years later published in 1836 a detailed work on human gait. Basic
definitions established distinguishing differences between step length in sprinters and
walkers; running involved smaller vertical oscillation than walking and the lower-limb
appeared to act as a pendulum.
Etianne Jules Marey (1830-1904) was the first to record displacement and force
He noted: “All muscular actions which alter the centre o f gravity o f the body in such a
manner as to raise it augment the foot pressure on the ground’ (Marey 1972; p. 150).
Vierordt, (1881) was the first to record quantifiable evidence for the variability in step
parameters, and Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1894) produced excellent photographs of
running gait showing foot contact to be forefoot in barefoot running.
A.V. H ilf s (1927) Nobel Prize winning work, which included the development of a
velocity curve for sprinting and the efficiency of running, showed that a combined
physiological and biomechanical approach could provide considerably more insight than
either approach in isolation. Fenn (1930) building on Hill’s work used film records, and
a force platform, where he estimated the work completed against gravity through total
body segment analysis. The migration of the centre of mass with respect to a fixed point
on the body was studied showing it moves upwards and backwards, then downwards and
forwards twice in each running cycle.
The modern growth and interest in running research has been spurred by the vast
increase in participation in the late 1960's and early 1970’s. This period of research was
essentially descriptive. Early work focused on the rear foot using high-speed
cinematography in two-dimensions digitized by hand (for example, Inman, 1976; Bates
et al., 1978). Alongside this were technical advances in shoe design. Interest in
differences between barefoot and shod rumiing were identified during this period. Shoes
tend to cause greater pronation producing an increased impact angle (Bates et al., 1978;
Nigg and Luethi, 1980). They identified barefoot impact angles ranged from 0.8°-1.9°,
whereas shod runners ranged from 3.7°-11.8°.
Although rear foot motion was the focus of most running studies, other studies focused
on sagittal plane motion of the ankle, knee and hip joints (Nigg, 1986). Nilsson and
Thorstensson (1985) found as running speed increased, joints moved through increased
ranges of motion in less time, resulting in higher angular velocities. Cavanagh and
LaFortune (1980) were the first to identify differences between rear foot and forefoot
strikers: the impact peak of the vertical ground reaction force curve was attenuated or
missing in forefoot strikers.
A new generation of research emerged in the 1990’s with the advent of automated
motion-analysis systems capable of obtaining three-dimensional data. The ability to
assess secondary planes of motion must still be viewed with caution owing to errors
caused by marker placement and soft-tissue movement (Allard et al., 1995). However,
coordination and timing of lower extremity joints were topics that could now be
examined. Further, more hypothesis driven research was being reported in the literature
(Bartlett, 1997; McClay, 2000). Prior research focused on heel-toe runners, and it was
not until recently kinematic differences between rear foot and forefoot runners were
investigated. McClay and Manal (1997) compared lower extremity biomechanics of ten
rear and forefoot strikers. Forefoot strikers landed with greater flexion and external
rotation at the knee.
Recent research has focused on the interaction of lower-limb joints (Zajac, 1993), rather
than previously, on individual joint activity. For example, coordination of movement
between the rear foot and knee may result in injury (Bates et al., 1983). The rear foot and
knee are linked mechanically through the subtalar joint, thus motions at the foot will
influence movements of the knee known as a coupling effect (McClay, 2000). Joint
coupling can also be explored by assessing the relative timing of motion between two
joints (De Wit and De Clercq, 2000).
It is not possible, therefore, to conclude that before modern running shoes most runners
landed on the forefoot as opposed to eighty percent of runners today, landing on the heel
(Kerr et al., 1983). Leonardo da Vinci concluded many years before running shoes that a
man running lands first on their heel and then on their toes. Therefore, it is not certain
whether modern running shoes really changed the biomechanics of runners to create
predominantly heel-toe running. Individual technique differences seem a more plausible
explanation for choosing heel-toe or forefoot running.
Gravity’s role as a constant force in running has been the subject of little research in
modern times (1931-present). Observations and measurements from the past (Leonardo
Da Vinci, 1452-1519; Graham-Brown, 1912; Fenn, 1930) have still not been harmonised
into a universal running technique. Instead, the current prevailing scientific belief is that
each runner optimises their own ideal running biomechanics (Nytro, 1987). This is in
contrast to swimming which has attempted to teach universal techniques of freestyle to
children as the ‘only way to swim’ (for example, Counsilman, 1977; Laughlin and
Delves, 1996).
3.3.1 Introduction
Movement is the changing position of a material body in space, and the reason for this
change is the action of a force. Classical mechanics uses the term ‘force’ as a
quantitative measure of the interaction between material bodies. The action o f force on a
free material body (not interacting with a third party) is the acceleration of that body.
Therefore, a force alters, or has a propensity to alter, the state of motion of a runner’s
body. Whether at rest, or moving with constant velocity in a straight line, the runner will
continue in that state unless compelled to change by an external force exerted upon them.
An applied external force enables accelerated forward motion (horizontal displacement
of the centre of mass) for the runner. Their acceleration is directly proportional to the net
force acting on their body and inversely proportional to their mass. Hence, the body will
accelerate in the direction of the net unbalanced force. Increased horizontal acceleration
only occurs during stance, while during flight gravity accelerates the runner towards the
earth, with air resistance minimally reducing horizontal acceleration.
A certain number of known forces exist in running: external forces include gravity
(Graham-Brown, 1912; Femi, 1930) and ground reaction force (Cavanagh, and
Lafortune, 1980) plus an internal force, such as, muscle force (Heise et al., 1996); and
muscle elasticity (Cavagna et al., 1964). Air resistance is neglected in-line with most
other gait research (Anderson, 1996). These forces only increase horizontal acceleration
during stance but not flight. The centre of mass’s horizontal displacement during flight is
therefore, a consequence of the action of these forces throughout stance. The hierarchical
order of these forces involved in running and their relationship to each other is not
currently lucid. This thesis seeks theoretical (hypothetical) and numerical answers on the
role of gravity as the main force defining the interrelations between the applied external
and the internal forces involved in running. Numerical work on gravity’s role in running
will follow in later chapters. Section 3.3.2 briefly reviews the heel-toe technique of
running using Hay and Reid’s (1988) hierarchical model, while section 3.3.3 presents a
new Gravitational hierarchical model of running based upon the PoseR technique
(Romanov, 2002).
Description of the current running model (adapted from Hay and Reid, 1988)
In running (figure 3.3.2), the result is the time taken by the runner to cover a specified
distance. Two factors determine time: The distance involved and the mean speed of the
runner over that distance. The distance that the runner travels is generally subject to race
conditions with minor variations, and is therefore not developed any further in this
model. The mean speed of the runner is equal to the product of the runner’s mean step
length and mean step frequency.
Step length may be considered the sum of three separate distances:
1) The horizontal distance between the runner’s centre of mass and the toe of the
take-off foot at the instant of take-off (take-off distance);
2) The horizontal distance that the centre of mass travels while the runner is in the
air {flight distance); and
3) The horizontal distance between the centre of mass and the toe of the leading foot
at the instant the runner lands {landing distance).
Take-off distance (figure 3.3.1) for a given runner is determined by their physique and
body position at the instant of take-off. Landing distance is similarly governed by
physique and body distance at the instant of landing. Flight distance of a runner is
determined by the speed and angle of projection into the air, relative height at take-off
air resistance and acceleration o f gravity. These are expressed as velocity at take-off the
relative height at take-off and air resistance.
«----------- ►N—
T a k e - o f f d is t a n c e F lig h t d is ta n c e L a n d in g d is t a n c e
Figure 3.3.1 F lig h t, t a k e - o f f a n d la n d in g d is ta n c e to ta llin g th e r u n n e r ’s ste p fo r th e c e n tr e o f m a s s . N o t e
th e r u n n e r is f a llin g d u r in g m o s t o f f lig h t.
Change in velocity is equal to velocity at take-off and velocity at impact. The change in
velocity during the support phase is determined by the forces exerted (muscle and joint
forces) on the runner, the times for which these forces act {time forces act), and the mass
of the runner.
Mean step frequency of a runner is determined by the mean length of time taken to
complete one step {mean step time). Step time is the sum of:
1) Time of ground contact {time o f support).
2) Time in the air (time o f non-support).
Hay and Reid (1988) suggest that the sub-division of the performance criterion be
broken into a series of distinct, consecutive parts such as take-off distance and flight
distance etc. Following this procedure, the identification of performance parameters that
affect the performance criterion are selected. These performance parameters should be
mechanical quantities that are measurable (Bartlett, 1999). For practical application in
their running model, the forces exerted need clear specification similar to their high jump
model (Hay et al., 1981). For example, ground reaction force only acts during stance,
whereas gravity is a constant force. These differences should be distinct in the model and
their affects on performance measurable. In fact, forces exerted in their model, represents
shoulders, hips, knees ankles and other joint forces (Hay and Reid, 1988; p. 264).
Despite Hay and Reid (1988) focusing on muscle force, each force in running (gravity,
ground reaction force and muscle elasticity) will be reviewed. Potential inconsistencies
will be highlighted.
Body Body
position / position /
physique physique
Velocity at Change in
touchdown velocity
Forces Times
exerted forces act
Figure 3.3.2 Current hierarchical model of running (Hay and Reid, 1988; p. 282).
Internal force: Muscle activity
Co-ordinated muscle activity plays a significant role in running (Elliot and Blanksby,
1979). Muscles can change the motion of body segments so that their relative
accelerations contribute to the total ground reaction force (Cole et al., 1996). Hay et al.
(1981) include joint torques broken down into several time intervals in their updated
high jump hierarchical model, whereas their running model remains unspecified.
Beginning with muscle activation before impact, there are accelerations of body
segments from muscle contractions via the swing leg (Montgomery et al., 1994). From
impact until maximum vertical ground reaction force body weight lowers, which requires
the muscle system to support the runner at the knee and hip as the quadriceps and
hamstring muscle groups co-contract during early support during knee flexion (Elliot and
Blanksby, 1979; Mann et al., 1986; Montgomery et al., 1994; Heise et al., 1996). These
muscles are therefore, resisting the work of gravity, as the body lowers from impact to
mid-stance (maximum vertical ground reaction force and maximum knee flexion).
Maximum quadriceps muscle activity occurs at the transition between knee flexion and
extension coinciding with maximum vertical ground reaction force (Branded, 1973;
Nilsson and Thorstensson, 1985). After this, hip and knee extensor muscle activity
begins to decrease and ends just as leg extension begins (Branded, 1973; Mann and
Hagy, 1980; Schwab et al., 1983; Nilsson and Thorstensson, 1985; Montgomery et al.,
1994; Wank et al., 1998). Therefore, as the leg is rapidly extending, the leg extensor
muscles are silent; this has become known as the ‘extensor paradox’ (McClay et al.,
1990). Maclntrye and Robertson (1987) noted the hamstring group recorded the greatest
variability in phasic activity of ad the knee muscles they examined. Elliot and Blanksby
(1979) who reported maximal activity for one female for biceps femoris just before
terminal stance, in contrast to others who found no activity during terminal stance and
early swing (Branded, 1973; Mann and Hagy, 1980; Schwab et al., 1983; Nilsson and
Thorstensson, 1985). Kyrolainen et al. (2000a) identified poorer running performances
from limited action of their hamstrings.
Only two exceptions of muscle activity at terminal stance where identified. At terminal
stance the hip flexors are active, but show peak activity at the end of early swing
(Montgomery et al., 1994). Findings for the gastrocnemius muscle activity are
conflicting. Some studies have shown maximal activity at terminal stance suggesting a
push-off motion (Elliot and Blanksby, 1979, Mann, 1982; Jonhagen et al., 1996), while
others found activity persisted for only 30-50% of plantar flexion (Branded, 1973; Mann
and Hagy, 1980), or produced no push-off at all (Reber et a l, 1993).
However, it is commonly accepted that the foot pushes off the ground in running. Figure
3.3.3 shows muscle activity of the leg extensors for a single runner at 4 m s'1 taken from
a group of six participants. Muscle activity is synchronised with his knee flexion and
extension. Interestingly, all three leg-extensor muscles cease activity simultaneously
approximately 20 ms (mean for six participants 29.2 ±10.4 ms) after peak knee flexion,
while knee extension continues in this participant for another 150 ms (mean for six
participants 133.7 ± 16.5 ms). Extension time is longer than electromechanical delay
(range 30-100 ms) between electromyography activity and force production, meaning the
leg is extending without muscle force (Cavanagh and Komi, 1979). The mean knee
flexion and extension time for the six participants was 162.8 ± 19.5 ms.
P ea k k n e e fle x io n
4 u n n g sta n ce
P ea k k n e e
e x te n s io n after
Figure 3.3.3 R e s u lt s o f p h a s ic q u a d r ic e p s e le c t r o m y o g r a p h y a n d k n e e f le x io n - e x t e n s io n fo r a t y p ic a l
e n d u r a n c e ru n n e r a v e r a g e d o v e r s ix f o o t s tr ik e s (a d a p te d fr o m M c C la y et at., 1 9 9 0 ) .
These data (figure 3.3.3) were obtained from a treadmill, which may have influenced the
results. However, Mami et al. (1986) showed extensor muscle activity ceased as leg
extension begins using over-ground running. This lack of muscle activity is supported by
many studies using both treadmill and over-ground running (Branded, 1973; Mann and
Hagy, 1980; Pare et al., 1981; Schwab et al., 1983; Nilsson and Thorstensson, 1985;
MacIntyre and Robertson, 1987; Kyrolainen et a l , 2003). Gluteus maximus also extend
the hip, however their activity is in late swing and the first third of stance (Mann and
Hagy, 1980; Nilsson et al., 1985; Montgomery et al., 1994), showing this muscle is also
inactive during the propulsive phase of stance. No comprehensive explanation for this
‘extensor paradox’ presently exists.
To effectively use stored elastic energy in the muscle mechanisms, support time must be
short (Zatsiorsky, 1995; Paavolainen et al., 1999a). Although there is no exact method of
quantifying storage of elastic energy—although real-time B-mode ultrasound apparatus
looks promising (Fukunaga et al., 1997)—there is a consensus that this phenomenon
contributes to both efficiency and economy of movement (Cavagna and Citterio, 1974;
Winter, 1978; Luhtanen and Komi, 1980; Taylor, 1994; Cavanagh and Kram, 1985;
Komi, 2000). The runner’s body possesses minimum kinetic energy at maximum vertical
ground reaction force, while the stretch-shortening cycle of the muscular-tendon unit
contains maximal potential strain energy at this point. This potential strain energy results
from gravity’s work during impact. However, ‘an ideal’ body geometry and the ability to
reduce stance time have not yet been clearly documented.
Ground reaction force increases as it resists body weight from impact to maximum
vertical ground reaction force and reduces after this point reflecting a rising body. The
body is rising, but the ground is not pushing the runner upwards (Zatsiorsky, 2002).
Presently, conventional running theory postulates applying increased ground reaction
force to increase acceleration of the centre of mass (Munro et al., 1987; Hay and Reid,
1988; Weyand et al., 2000). Further, increased running speed is directly associated with
a greater force application to the ground enabling the runner/sprinter to drive themselves
forward (Hay and Reid, 1988; Weyand et al., 2000). Hunter et al. (2005) however, found
it was not advantageous to have a large vertical impulse during the acceleration phase of
a sprint. In fact, their fastest runners only produced relatively moderate vertical impulses.
Further, as running speed increases the decay rate during the propulsive phase from
maximal vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance increases (Miller, 1990).
Hunter et al. (2005) also found vertical impulse non advantageous, because maximal
vertical ground reaction force occurs at mid-stance while the body is at its lowest
position with the centre of mass poised to move almost vertically upwards. A large
vertically directed impulse cannot produce a horizontal displacement for example, a step
length of 1 m, but rather step length requires a horizontal force. The increased ground
reaction force in sprinters may simply reflect their increased acceleration from their
bodies at impact. However, sprinters also exhibit the ‘extensor paradox’ suggesting they
are also not using the ground to accelerate themselves (Mann and Hagy, 1980;
Novacheck, 1998).
Viewing ground reaction force in heel-toe runners, two peaks are usually identified,
while forefoot runners elicit an attenuated first peak (Cavanagh and LaFortune, 1980).
The first vertical ground reaction force impact peak (figure 3.3.4) is associated with the
shock of contact with the ground. The first impact peak is related to body mass, stature
and step length, vertical hip excursion, running speed, running technique, area of the
foot-ground contact, as well as the properties of the shoe and surface involved (Hamill et
al., 1983; Frederick and Hagy, 1986; Nigg et al., 1987; Bobbert et al., 1991; Nigg and
Wakeling, 2001). Frederick and Hagy (1986) found body mass correlated highly with the
second peak of the vertical ground reaction force (r = 0.95 at P = 0.05) coinciding with
the lowest position of the centre of mass. The leg and hip extensors are inactive after this
point coupled with decreasing ground reaction force, which strongly suggests another
force is causing propulsion.
Impact peak
.Vertical force
1 force
0 0.2
Time (ms)
Absorption Generation
Figure 3.3.4 A ty p ic a l v e r tic a l a n d p o s te r io r -a n te r io r g r o u n d r e a c tio n fo r c e c u r v e fo r a h e e l- t o e r u n n e r .
T h e fir st p e a k is a s s o c ia t e d w it h th e s h o c k o f c o n ta c t w it h th e g r o u n d (a b s o r p tio n ). T h e s e c o n d p e a k
(v e r tic a l d a sh e d lin e ) b e g in n in g at o r a b o u t m id - s t a n c e is a s s o c ia t e d w it h b o th b o d y m a s s a n d m u s c le f o r c e
g e n e r a tio n .
Animals exhibit a preferred walking speed above which they normally switch to a
running gait. The change from a walking to a running gait in humans occurs abruptly
rather than as a gradual transition (Thorstensson and Roberthson, 1987). Individual
humans switch from walking to running at different absolute speeds, but at
biomechanically equivalent speeds (Kram et al., 1997). That is the transition occurs at a
similar Froude number. Alexander and Jayes (1983) further state, that animals and
humans running have step lengths proportional to their leg lengths so:
Where 1 is leg length, A is step length and F is the same function for animals of different
sizes and species. This clearly illustrates again that the current model of running, which
postulates step length is from leg extensor muscle activity is questionable. Animals and
humans have consistently shown step length is based on running speed, gravity and leg
length without reference to strength or muscle activity. Maxwell-Donelan et al. (1998)
though, state the Froude-based hypothesis ignores the role of muscle-tendon spring
forces in determining running mechanics. However, their calculations must include the
vertical Froude number (instead of the horizontal Froude number) indicating the muscle-
tendon spring is predominantly vertical in direction not horizontal. Alexander (1989)
using the Strouhal number support the muscle-tendon spring motion is in the vertical
In summarising this critique of the current running model, there are several important
questions. Firstly, if the runner pushes off the ground why is ground reaction force
decreasing from mid-stance and why are the extensor muscles silent at this time?
Secondly, gravity is a constant force, yet its work has not been discussed during the
propulsive phase of stance nor hierarchcially linked to forces exerted. The Froude
number clearly shows the importance of gravity in running, which is illustrated in the
Gravitational hierarchical model.
Time 15
Figure 3.3.5 The Gravitational hierarchical model of running. A gait cycle is right foot contact to right
foot toe contact of the same foot.
Description of the Gravitational hierarchical running model
In running, the result is the time taken by the runner to cover a specified distance. The
distance is covered in less time by running faster. Angular velocity fo r knee flexion and
extension during stance reduce time o f support thus directly affecting running speed via
their relationship with reduced landing and take-off distance from a more aligned body
position/physique. Increased horizontal velocity o f the centre o f mass results from a
shorter step time (reduced time o f support/non support) because of a reduced landing
distance where the centre of mass is vertically above the support limb. Non-support time
decreases via increases in angular knee flexion velocity during swing leading to the
swing foot returning earlier to the ground. The relative vertical position of the centre o f
mass to the toe of the support foot determines the relative height at take-off Lower
angular knee flexion and extension velocity during stance affects the relative height at
take-off by increasing time o f support. Increased time o f support increases the relative
height at take-off through increased leg extension that raises the centre of mass, which
subsequently reduces the gravitational torque via work against gravity {gravitational
The time o f support and non-support affect the horizontal velocity o f the centre o f mass
(less time for a given distance). Air resistance can reduce the horizontal velocity o f the
centre o f mass, which consequently affects the time o f non-support. The horizontal
velocity o f the centre o f mass at terminal stance (with body position and height at take
off) determines time o f non-support and step length. Driving the swing leg forwards via
hip flexors causes the foot to land in front of the body increasing landing distance, thus
decreasing horizontal velocity o f the centre o f mass and flight distance (Cavanagh and
LaFortune, 1980). The body {acceleration o f the runner’s body) causes the runner’s
horizontal velocity o f the centre o f mass via a gravitational torque {gravitational force)
rather than using the leg extensors to push off the ground during leg extension. Muscle
force is the result of gravity (via impact) and the action of the swing leg is to keep up
with the body {acceleration o f the runner’s body) from gravity during flight.
Mean step frequency is determined by the mean length of time taken to complete one
step {mean step time). Step time is the sum of:
1) The time of ground contact {time o f support).
2) The time in the air {time o f non-support).
Step length may be considered as the sum of three separate distances:
1) The horizontal distance is from the runner’s centre of mass and the toe of the support
foot at the instant of take-off (take-off distance). Take-off distance creates the moment
arm for the gravitational torque. The relative position of the centre of mass to the toe of
the support foot determines the relative height at take-off The faster the foot leaves the
ground via reduced leg extension less vertical oscillation ensues, which increases the
gravitational torque.
2) The horizontal distance is the distance the centre of mass travels while the runner is in
the air {flight distance). This is affected by horizontal velocity o f the centre o f mass,
relative height at take-off and the take-off angle {body position).
3) Landing distance is the horizontal distance between the centre of mass and the toe of
the leading foot at the instant the runner lands. The more vertically aligned the centre of
mass is above the support limb upon landing, the shorter time required before the centre
of mass moves past the support point (ball of the foot). A more vertically aligned body
causes less reduction in the horizontal velocity o f the centre o f mass (Fenn, 1930;
Deshon and Nelson, 1964; Cavanagh et al., 1977; Bates et al., 1979; Kunz and Kaufman,
1981; Girardin and Roy, 1984; Hinrichs, 1987) and shorter stance time. A shorter stance
time improves elastic recoil (Zatsiorsky, 2002).
Step frequency and step length are a consequence of the forces of gravity, ground
reaction, muscle action and elastic strain energy/. The timing and combination of these
forces produce the mean velocity o f the centre o f mass throughout the gait cycle. These
forces cause the angular (limbs) and linear (displacement of centre of mass) motion of
the runner resulting in step length and step frequency, which is measured as mean
horizontal velocity o f the centre o f mass.
Ground reaction force reflects the acceleration o f the centre o f mass. During the first
half of stance, the gastrocnemius and quadriceps muscle groups {muscle force) are being
eccentrically stretched by gravitational force (absorption, figure 3.3.4). After maximum
vertical ground reaction force following muscle-tendon lengthening, the support leg
extends while the muscles shorten, known as the stretch-shortening cycle (Cavagna et
al., 1964). After mid-stance as the muscles shorten in elastic recoil, the hamstrings
{muscle force) begin to pull the support foot from the ground and continue their activity
into swing. Elastic recoil reduces work against gravity.
The mass is the body of the runner. Acceleration (horizontal and vertical) of the runner’s
mass is downwards by gravitational force during impact to mid-stance and during flight
(vertically downwards) but from mid-stance until terminal stance it is via a gravitational
torque (causing a horizontal acceleration). Centre o f mass position as it passes anterior to
the support limb via momentum from impact to maximum vertical ground reaction force
allows gravitational force to then create an external gravitational torque around the axis
of the support foot (ball of the foot) until terminal stance (figure 3.3.6).
Gravity (gravitational torque) is the motive external force from mid-stance until terminal
stance (see figure 3.3.6) because muscle activity is absent, but during flight, gravity
causes no horizontal acceleration.
T orque
Figure 3 .3 .6 T h e r u n n in g P ose® ( R o m a n o v , 2 0 0 2 ) a ) im p a c t to m a x im a l v e r t ic a l g r o u n d r e a c tio n fo r c e :
s h o u ld e r - h ip - a n k le v e r tic a l a lig n m e n t, w h ic h p o te n tia lly a llo w s g r a v ity to m a x im is e th e s t r e tc h -s h o r te n in g
r e fle x a n d e n a b le s th e w h o le b o d y to w o r k a s a u n it, b ) A g r a v ita tio n a l to r q u e a c c e le r a t e s t h e b o d y w h i l e
th e h a m s tr in g m u s c le g r o u p p u lls t h e su p p o r t f o o t fr o m th e g r o u n d .
The research variables that were readily quantifiable, identified as important from the
literature and that adequately describe the Gravitational hierarchical model are presented:
1. C e n tr e o f m a s s d is t a n c e b e h in d t o e m a r k e r (h o r iz o n t a l d if f e r e n c e at 2 5 m s ) ( c m )
2. P o s te r io r g r o u n d r e a c tio n fo r c e (b r a k in g ) ( B W )
3. M a x im u m v e r tic a l g r o u n d r e a c tio n f o r c e ( B W )
4. A n te r io r g r o u n d r e a c tio n fo r c e ( p r o p u ls io n ) ( B W )
5. S te p le n g th fo r t h e r ig h t f o o t (c m )
6. S te p f r e q u e n c y ( H z )
7. C e n tr e o f m a s s h o r iz o n t a l v e lo c it y la r g e s t d e c r e a s e a fte r im p a c t to m a x im u m v e r t ic a l g r o u n d
r e a c tio n fo r c e ( c m .s - 1)
8. C e n tr e o f m a s s h o r iz o n t a l v e lo c it y la r g e st in c r e a s e fr o m m a x im u m v e r t ic a l g r o u n d r e a c tio n f o r c e
to te r m in a l s ta n c e ( c m .s ’1)
9. C e n tr e o f m a s s h o r iz o n t a l d is p la c e m e n t d u r in g s ta n c e
10. S ta n c e t im e ( m s )
11. M e a n k n e e f le x io n a n g u la r v e lo c it y fo r sta n c e ( r a d .s '1)
12. M e a n k n e e e x t e n s io n a n g u la r v e lo c it y fo r sta n c e (r a d .s '1)
13. M e a n k n e e f le x io n a n g u la r v e lo c ity 7 fr o m te r m in a l s ta n c e to m a x im u m s w in g a n g le ( r a d .s '1)
14. V e r tic a l o s c illa t io n o f t h e c e n tr e m a s s ( c m ).
15. T im e ( s ) ( t im e tr ia l)
Support for the Gravitational hierarchical model of running
Clearly, if gravity, ground reaction force, muscle activity and muscle elasticity acted as a
precisely coordinated system, efficient running would ensue. The main requirement for
the interaction of forces in running is an efficient translation of body weight, regardless
of the speed or distance of the event. Bernstein (1947) defined efficiency of movement
as a ratio between external forces, such as gravity, which does not require or extensively
utilise adenosine triphosphate (muscle contraction), as opposed to those that do, such as,
ground reaction force. Efficient movement, he concluded, emphasised external forces
that do not heavily engage muscles. Applying Bernstein’s concept to running,
hierarchical relationships of these forces when structured reveal their specific functions
during the running step. Gravity is constant throughout the gait cycle, whereas the other
forces are restricted to a certain point in time and space. This section seeks to establish
gravity as the motive and hierarchically leading force, over the other forces. Following
this order, all forces will act efficiently in time and space.
Gravity was historically regarded as a key motive force: Leonardo Da Vinci was the first
to recognise gravity as a propulsive force, when he stated that “motion is created by the
destruction o f balance, that is, o f equality o f weight fo r nothing can move by itself which
does not leave its state o f balance and that thing moves most rapidly which is furthest
from its balance” (Keele, 1983: p. 173).
Graham-Brown (1912, p. 786) 400 years later wrote in support of gravity as a motive
force: “It seems to me that the act ofprogression itself- whether it be by flight through
the air or by such movements as running over the surface o f the ground-consists
essentially in a movement in which the centre o f gravity o f the body is allowed to fa ll
forwards and downwards under the action o f gravity, and in which the momentum thus
gained is used in driving the centre o f gravity again upwards and forwards; so that, from
one point in the cycle to the corresponding point in the next, no work is done
(theoretically), but the mass o f the individual is, in effect, moved horizontally through the
environment. ”
Fenn (1930) following extensive work on running found his fastest runner in comparison
to a slower runner had his centre of mass further forward during stance (an increased
body lean). He went on further to say: “that a runner does not leap into the air through
rises in their centre o f mass because they are maximal after take-off ’ (Fenn, 1930).
Instead, the centre of mass rises while the foot is still on the floor and can continue
briefly after terminal stance. The runner then falls while they are in the air for about 3 cm
(Fenn, 1930). However, this research was not pursued and it is still unclear today how
gravity relates hierarchically to the other forces in running. For example, no one has
combined gravity’s work on the runner with the action of the lower-limb until Romanov
(2002) identified as the body falls via a gravitational torque, the support foot needs to be
pulled from the ground rather than pushed, in order to catch up with the body.
Centre o f ^ ^ i
mass Gravitational Torque
r = position vector
from the support
foot to the centre
of mass -------
By taking the position vector and gravity vector from figure 3.3.7, it is possible to
represent the gravitational torque from its vector components (figure 3.3.8). The vector
product of any two vectors A x B is defined as a third vector C, the magnitude of which
is AB sin 0, where the angle 0 is the angle between A and B. That is, if C is given by
C = |A | X I BI (3.3.3)
| C | = \ A \ | B | sind (3.3.4)
Following the right hand rule the gravitational torque vector is in the clockwise direction
about the axis perpendicularly out of the paper. Therefore the gravitational torque is:
Fr + Fp = £F (3.3.6)
- G r a v ita tio n a l to r q u e
a) b)
Figure 3.3.8 a ) T h e v e c t o r c r o s s p r o d u c t o f th e c e n tr e o f m a s s ’s p o s it io n v e c t o r a n d th e f o r c e o f g r a v ity
( F g ) c r e a te a g r a v ita tio n a l to r q u e a r o u n d th e su p p o r t lim b in th e c lo c k w i s e d ir e c tio n , r = p o s it io n v e c t o r o f
th e c e n tr e o f m a s s fr o m th e su p p o r t lim b , b ) F g = g r a v it y , a n d its c o m p o n e n t s d u r in g s t a n c e a r e F r. w h ic h
is th e fo r c e a p p lie d to th e g r o u n d a n d c a u s e s n o to r q u e w h il e F p is th e p r o p u ls iv e f o r c e th a t c a u s e s th e
g r a v ita tio n a l to r q u e .
Ground reaction force is absent until two bodies contact one another and gravity has no
components (Fr and Fp) until the runner touches the ground. As the runner falls forwards
after mid-stance, ground reaction force is decreasing reflecting the runner’s rising centre
of mass. There is also another torque that occurs via the ground reaction force vector and
its moment arm about the centre of mass (figure 3.3.9), which reflects the acceleration of
the centre of mass, as it moves in a non inertial frame during stance because of its
acceleration and deceleration. A better option for an inertial frame is the gravitational
torque around the support foot making it more suitable for analysis. More importantly,
the point of application for the ground reaction force vector is the support foot and
therefore the ground reaction force is in fact reflecting Fr. Fr is equal to the ground
reaction force but in the opposite direction. Further, the ground reaction force is not
propulsive because it is a reactive force (reacting to Fr). There is also no ground reaction
from the leg and hip muscle extensors because they are not active during the propulsive
portion of stance. The gravitational torque is therefore the motive torque and not ground
reaction force, which is reflecting gravity’s work. The resultant (net) force (figure 3.3.9
b) is the resultant of the ground reaction force and gravity vectors. However, the
resultant vector of gravity and ground reaction force is the same as Fp (figure 3.3.10) the
propulsive component of gravity.
reaction force
ce ^
Centre of ^
vector / Resultant
mass y i / 1
'N ^^ector (Fp)
Moment arm reaction force Gravity
vector vector
a) by
Figure 3.3.9 a) Ground reaction force torque about the centre of mass b) The ground reaction force and the
gravity vector taken at the same point of stance as the vector product in figure 3.3.8.
Figure 3.3.10 uses figure 3.3.9 b but includes the components of gravity. Fp creates the
gravitational torque representing the resultant of the two external forces (gravity and
ground reaction force) acting on the runner and is the net force causing the gravitational
torque that accelerates the runner in the direction of the net force. The net force (Fp) is
perpendicular to the position vector representing the radius for the centre o f mass around
the support foot. Fp causes a tangential acceleration, which changes the speed of the
centre of mass. Fr causes a radial acceleration, which changes the direction o f the centre
of mass. This motion is similar to an inverted pendulum where the centre o f mass swings
around the support foot. The torque (tangential component of gravity) for a pendulum is
the same (if I = r) equation as the gravitational torque for running giving further support
the gravitational torque (inverted pendulum) is the motive torque in running:
Gro J
vector or (Fp)
\T vector
Figure 3.3.10 Gravity and ground reaction force vectors with gravity’s components included, showing the
net force is Fp. Notice Fr is equal and opposite to the ground reaction force vector, leaving Fp as the net
force or the resultant of gravity and ground reaction force.
The body is also moving upwards from mid-stance until terminal stance so the runner is
working against gravity, but this does not negate the gravitational torque seen from
figure 3.3.11.
R is in g c e n tr e o f m a s s
o w in g to th e g e o m e t r ic a l
s h a p e o f th e o b je c t
b) Id
Figure 3.3.11 T w o id e n tic a l r e c t a n g le s a re g iv e n w it h th e ir c e n tr e o f m a s s e s m a r k e d a s O F g = g r a v ity ,
a ) T h e u p r ig h t r e c t a n g le r e p r e s e n ts t h e r u n n e r a t m id - s t a n c e w ith t h e n c e n tr e o f m a s s a b o v e th e s u p p o r tin g
lim b (b a ll o f th e f o o t ) , b ) T h e r e c t a n g le (r u n n e r ) tip s fo r w a r d s v ia m o m e n t u m . A g r a v ita tio n a l to r q u e
a r o u n d th e r u n n e r 's c e n tr e o f m a s s s u b s e q u e n tly m o v e s th e m h o r iz o n t a lly fo r w a r d s . N o t e h o w e v e r , th e
c e n tr e o f m a s s r is e s o w in g to th e r e c t a n g le s g e o m e tr y a n d th e r u n n e r r is e s v ia e la s t ic r e c o il a n d le g
e x t e n s io n fr o m t h e r is in g b o d y .
The centre of mass rises (does work against gravity), because of the lower-limb
geometry (support/stance leg extends), whilst the gravitational torque horizontally
displaces the runner. The stance leg is extending (passively) at this time owing to
geometry of the body and elastic recoil, which raises the centre of mass. Obviously, less
leg extension will result in lower work against gravity. Cavanagh, et al. (1977) found
general support for improved running economy with lower vertical oscillation (less work
against gravity). The momentum of the runner in the vertical direction would slow at this
time owing to the work against gravity, except for the rebound effect of the muscle-
elastic system. The leg extensors are maximally active (eccentrically) at mid-stance as
the body absorbs landing and the centre of mass is at its lowest vertical position (Maim,
1980; Wank et al., 1998). The angle of the centre of mass at or just after this time is just
past the vertical (in the clockwise direction) where the leg extensor muscles become
inactive. Any muscle force at this time would be directed more vertically than
horizontally (Farley and Ferris, 1998). The elastic recoil of the musculotendinous
junctions therefore, contribute to the vertical oscillation of the centre of mass thus
reducing the work against gravity (Alexander, 1989). However, elastic recoil cannot
create a typical one-metre step length. Rather, the constant force of gravity after
maximum vertical ground reaction until terminal stance creates a gravitational torque,
which produces step length from horizontally accelerating the runner’s body.
Returning to the Froude number, comprised of leg length, running speed and gravity.
Gravity reflects the centre of mass’s height because it is the point about which gravity
acts. The height (centre of mass position) of falling is also dependent upon the length of
the leg. Alexander and Jayes (1983) proved that the longer the leg the longer the step. A
longer leg increases the height of release, which will increase step length. However,
running speed comprises of both step length and step frequency. When step length is
maximal the only way to increase speed is to increase step frequency. The increase in
step frequency at faster speeds is simply reflecting the ability to fall has been maximised
(angle of inclination is maximal), therefore, to increase running speed, higher step
frequency is required (more opportunities to fall), which is self-evident in sprinting. Step
length reaches a maximum value at a running speed of around 7.0 m-s'1 (Luhtanen and
Komi, 1978). To compensate, step frequency increases at faster rumiing speeds—than
7.0 m-s'1—and up to maximum speeds (Luhtanen and Komi, 1978). If step length
reflects these three components, it is possible to state, running speed increases via a
gravitational torque up to a point where the maximal angle of inclination (from the centre
of mass to the support foot) is reached, thus producing a maximal step length.
In support that gravity is creating forward progression, Chang et al. (2000) using three
conditions: increased gravity and inertia, increased inertia and reduced gravity, took
eight participants and ran them at 3 m-s'1 for all conditions. By increasing gravity and
inertia, the magnitude of the horizontal ground reaction force impulse increased. By
increasing inertia only, the horizontal impulse did not increase. As gravity was reduced,
the magnitude of the horizontal impulse reduced proportionally. This suggests gravity is
affecting the horizontal impulse. Perhaps this explains why the horizontal propulsive
ground reaction force does not coincide with maximal muscle activity, but in fact, may
reflect the gravitational torque. The vertical impulse had similar results to the horizontal
impulse, indicating gravity strongly influences the vertical ground reaction force. Step
length increased in reduced gravity and decreased in increased gravity and inertia but
remained stable with increased inertia. This clearly suggests gravity is affecting step
length and by implication, step length is created via a gravitational torque. The resultant
ground reaction force peak angles of braking, propulsive and peak force were constant
for all conditions. As running speed was constant for all conditions this would suggest
the angle of inclination of the body would be constant, which is exactly what their results
showed. A constant body angle would not change the gravitational torque (owing to the
same moment arm) and hence changes in the vertical and horizontal impulses would be
proportional to changes in gravity for the same leg-length.
Figure 3.3.12 illustrates the length of the force vectors are proportional to the vertical
and horizontal components of the ground reaction force. Regardless o f which technique
of running—heel-toe and forefoot—both show maximum ground reaction force occurs
on the ball of the foot when the body is in its lowest position reflecting maximum weight
illustrating gravity’s work (figure 3.3.13). It is important to also note that the body
cannot move forward until the centre of mass passes the ball of the foot (pivotal point of
support) which only begins after maximal vertical ground reaction force in constant
speed running.
Figure 3.3.12 Vector representation of the ground reaction force in running for two participants (a) A heel-
toe runner, (b) A forefoot runner. The view is of the right shoe from the lateral aspect with the shoe tilted
30° upward (adapted from Cavanagh and Lafortune, 1980).
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Time (ms)
Figure 3.3.13 Vertical ground reaction force, during the stance phase of running (a) vertical velocity of the
centre of mass (b) and the vertical position of the centre of mass (c). The vertical dotted line illustrates the
timing of maximal vertical ground reaction force with zero velocity and the lowest point of the centre of
mass (adapted from Enoka, 2002; p. 192).
In support of the muscle system not pushing the runner forwards, the flic-flac (figure
3.3.14) illustrates there is a distinct thrust (active leg extensors) just before leaving the
ground reflected by sudden increased vertical and horizontal ground reaction force
traces. This trace is not evident in running, because the leg extensors are not active. In
fact, in rumiing, there is a rapid decay in the vertical ground reaction force reflecting the
body leaving the ground coupled with silent extensor muscle activity (‘extensor
paradox’; McClay et al., 1990).
Fenn (1930) identified that the body pushes forwards from the hip at foot contact
because hip velocity exceeded that of the neck. In fact, the hips begin extension before
the knee and ankle during stance (Mann et al., 1986; Montgomery et al., 1994), which
supports Fenn’s observation. However, hip extension that produces forward movement,
which leads the knee and ankle joints, is not universally accepted (Winter 1983).
Montgomery et al. (1994) suggest the ankle musculature stabilizes the ankle while the
trunk moves forward rather than these muscles producing an active push-off (Reber et
al., 1993). Whereas, Winter (1983) suggested the calf musculature pushed off at terminal
stance. However, Cavanagh et al. (1977) found elite rumiers did not plantar flex the
ankle at terminal stance compared to less able runners, suggesting it is not effective. In
figures 3.3.15 and 3.3.16, at the third position for each runner, which is just past
maximum ground reaction force the hip is just about to begin extension. While positions,
4 and 5 show both runners extending their hips as vertical ground reaction force is
decreasing, noting leg extensor muscle activity ceases just after leg extension begins
(Montgomery et al., 1994; Wank et al., 1998). Hunter et al. (2005) also dismissed leg
extension at terminal stance as a cause of increased propulsion in sprinters, but found the
mean of hip extension velocity was associated with greater propulsion. Therefore, owing
to the body’s horizontal velocity, the body moves forward of the foot (having almost
zero horizontal velocity) and leg extension will occur primarily because of the body’s
inertia (reflected by hip motion). The body continues past the support point (ball of the
foot), where the ankle musculature stabilises the ankle, and then the body accelerates via
a gravitational torque. Leg extension is also aided via the stretch-shortening cycle.
Changes in the length of the muscles belly are minimal, because most of the change in
length comes from the stretch and recoil of the respective tendons (McMahon, 1990).
Consequently, muscle tendons lengthen during the eccentric phase (impact to maximum
vertical ground reaction force) and recoil elastic energy during the propulsive phase of
stance. The muscles still exert tension but elastic energy allows the muscles to shorten
less, thus reducing muscle work (Ker et al., 1987). Short stance time and correct body
geometry (landing with the centre of mass over the ball of the foot to increase the pre
stretch via a more vertical weight vector) all potentially increases the stretch-shortening
cycle. The release of elastic energy aids leg action through tension in the Achilles tendon
at terminal stance (Kyrolainen et al., 2003) rather than an active push-off. Shorter stance
time will result from a more vertically aligned body at impact, because the body travels a
shorter horizontal distance during stance. A shorter stance time also enhances the elastic
mechanisms (Zatsiorsky, 1995; Paavolainen et al., 1999a).
1 2 3 4 5
2000 T
0.1 SEC
Figure 3.3.15 Force-time recording of a forefoot runner (mass 80 kg, velocity 9.2 m-s'1) (Payne, 1983; p.
1 2 3 4 5
2 0 0 0 -T-
n s e c . ---------
Further evidence for the support leg being passively extended is seen in figure 3.3.17.
Both runners have similar vertical oscillations until position 3, possibly illustrating
comparable knee flexion angles. The vertical displacement of the centre of mass rises
from mid-stance (position 3) until terminal stance (or just after) in both runners.
However, the good runner does not extend his leg as much as the poor runner—position
6—possibly leading to lower vertical oscillation from position 4 to 7. Note the term
‘poor’ is relative in relation to his 5-km time making him still a very competitive athlete.
Miura et al. (1973) found that the good runner’s centre of mass deviation from the
vertical axis was greater on average at 34.7° compared to 31.8° for the poorer runner. A
larger angle from the vertical axis increases the moment arm for the gravitational torque,
which potentially increases forward progression (increases running speed) while
passively extending the leg. The lower leg extension in the faster runner may be related
to his increased angle of deviation.
Poor runner
Good runner
«J *
A! «w*
f vs "j
i W * 11
4 2
Milliron and Cavanagh (1990) also support a passive leg extension. Using four
participants on a treadmill at a negative grade of -20% , level and a positive grade of
20%, they found that leg extension decreased from level to uphill (20%) and increased
for downhill running (-20%). These data suggest that downhill running causes greater
extension (32.1°) owing to a faster body speed passively extending the leg further than
uphill (13.0°) or level running (15.1°). Paradisis and Cooke (2001) also found similar
results. In addition, the most variability in phasic activity of all the knee muscles is the
hamstrings (Heise et al., 1996). Hamstring variance might better explain runners who
flex their legs (via hamstring activity) earlier and faster at terminal stance than poorer
runners do. Earlier and faster flexion at terminal stance would possibly reduce leg
extension, maintain momentum—through reduced inertia of a less extended leg— and
hence lower vertical oscillation and work done against gravity. Potentially a runner then
leaves the ground as the body falls forwards. If the body is accelerating from the
gravitational torque and the next step is beginning, there is no need to push-off with the
stance leg. In fact, Romanov (2002) is the first to mention pulling the support foot from
the ground. If the foot is pulled from the ground, it is also moving in the same direction
(upwards) as the elastic recoil of the lower-limb muscles. Elliot and Blanksby (1979)
reported maximal biceps femoris activity at terminal stance suggesting rapid knee
flexion supporting a potential pulling of the foot from the ground. The concept of pulling
the foot from the ground among endurance runners is not common. However, in most
sprinters, the knee does not fully extend during stance and rapidly flexes at terminal
stance, suggesting the foot is indeed pulled from the ground (Mann and Hagy, 1980;
Mann et al., 1986). If the hamstring muscle group flexes the knee at the same time as the
muscles experience elastic recoil a coordinated lower-limb/body motion should ensue. If
this action is coordinated with the body falling forwards, at this point, the body is rising,
which un-weights the foot allowing it to be pulled from the ground. The foot will then
essentially be catching up to the body as the runner enters flight.
Flight Phase
During flight the runner falls to the ground under gravity’s work (Fenn, 1930) and
providing the opposite leg— swing leg— is not driven forwards (via hip flexion) gravity
should allow the foot to drop under the centre of mass for the next step cycle to begin
again. If the swing leg is driven forwards into the flight phase the swing foot will land in
front of the centre of mass at impact reducing horizontal velocity (Bates et al., 1979;
Hinrichs et al., 1987). A reasonable assumption is runners are thinking about driving
their swing leg forwards at terminal stance, rather than pulling the support foot from the
ground. This difference perhaps divides Pose® running from heel-toe rumiing (Romanov,
2002). If the runner is not thinking about pulling the foot from the ground—using the
hamstring muscles— as the leg extends, their centre of mass continues to rise via leg
extension completing more work against gravity, thus reducing the gravitational torque.
Reducing the gravitational torque reduces the take-off velocity, which subsequently
reduces running speed.
In summary of the Gravitational hierarchical model that describes the Pose® technique of
running, two key concepts emerge: falling under a gravitational torque and pulling the
support foot (knee flexion) from the ground via the hamstring muscle group. The
Gravitational hierarchical model has attempted to reflect these concepts while ordering
the timing of the forces involved in running. Support presented for gravity being the
motive force was the runner could only move forwards once the centre o f mass passes
the support point (ball of the foot) at mid-stance. Inertia brings the runner’s centre of
mass after impact to this point (mid-stance), where ground reaction force is maximal,
while vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of the centre of mass are minimal. In
a flic-flac, there is a clear push-off the ground, but in running the ground reaction force
decays from maximal vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance. The decay rate
increases with running speed, suggesting increases in the acceleration of the centre of
mass (faster angle of deviation) as it leaves the ground. A gravitational torque creates
acceleration of the runner from mid-stance, potentially explaining the lack of leg and hip
extensor muscle activity. In support, maximum propulsive horizontal ground reaction
force occurs after extensor muscle activity ceases. Pulling the foot from the ground as
the body is falling, reduces vertical oscillation by potentially decreasing leg extension
(Wank et al., 1998), which allows the foot to catch-up with the body more quickly as a
result of reduced lower-limb inertia. High Achilles tendon forces at terminal stance,
suggest the elastic recoil plays a significant role in reducing work against gravity from
mid-terminal stance. During swing, if the ipsilateral leg drops under gravity’s influence
during flight, and is not driven forwards via the hip flexors, the foot will land under the
centre of mass for the cycle to begin again.
There are three known forces involved in running (gravity, ground reaction force, muscle
force) and potential strain energy. Several deficiencies identified in the current running
model include: viewing the constant force of gravity as only active during flight and not
relating gravity to forces exerted and the time forces act despite gravity being a constant
force. The Gravitational model stated the forces involved in running could hierarchically
function when gravity orders their timing and work. A gravitational torque was shown to
be the main motive force in running as the body falls forwards. Ground reaction force is
not a motive force but operates according to Newton’s third law, which simply reflects
the forces it receives. The ground can only propel a runner forward via muscle activity.
Leg and hip extensor muscles have consistently proven to be silent during the support
leg’s extension, in contrast to Hay and Reid (1988; pp. 264 and 287-288), who suggest
leg extension via ankle, knee and hip musculature is the motive force in running. High
Achilles tendon forces at terminal stance suggest the elastic recoil is creating a re-bound
effect in the vertical direction thus reducing work against gravity. Gravity is the only
external force that can displace the centre of mass from maximal vertical ground reaction
force until terminal stance if muscle extensor activity is silent. The Gravitational
hierarchical model therefore, identifies gravity’s important role in running. Forward
movement (falling via a gravitational torque) begins once the centre of mass has passed
over the ball of the foot. The flic-flac shows a clear spike in the ground reaction force
trace reflecting a push-off, which is completely absent in runners. In fact, the ground
reaction force decay rate increases as running speed increases. The decay rate is
reflecting the body leaving the ground and not the support limb’s muscle activity
pushing off the ground because the lower-limb’s muscles are silent. The Froude number
supports gravity’s work in creating running speed, because step length differences from
short or long legged runners are proportional to leg length. Muscle force is not a
component of the Froude number because step length occurs via a gravitational torque
not muscle force. Further, the hip’s extension velocity was significantly associated with
the support leg’s passive extension. This again suggests the body is moving forward of
the support limb (via a gravitational torque) and not being pushed forwards via the ankle
and knee joints. The hip passively extends because the body moves past the stationary
foot extending the lower-limb. In Pose running the hamstring muscles pull the support
foot rapidly from the ground when the foot un-weights with the aid of the stretch-
shortening cycle optimised from a short contact time. By pulling the support foot and not
driving the swing leg forward of the body via the hip flexors, gravity can drop the swing
leg under the body at impact enabling the cycle to begin again. The swing leg’s centre of
mass must be vertically below the body’s centre of mass during flight for this to occur.
Driving the swing leg forwards causes the foot to land ahead of the body slowing
horizontal velocity of the centre of mass owing to increasing the distance of the centre of
mass from the support foot. The Gravitational model, therefore, hierarchically explains
the forces involved in running. Gravity causes the muscle system to absorb body weight
on landing (maximum ground reaction force), which then produces elastic strain energy
in the musculotendinous junctions. As the centre of mass passes over the support limb (at
maximum vertical ground reaction force), a gravitational torque is produced as extensor
muscle activity ceases. The runner falls forwards while ground reaction force decreases
(the body is leaving the ground) and vertical work against gravity is reduced via elastic
mechanisms. At terminal stance, as the foot is un-weighted, it is rapidly pulled from the
ground (hamstring muscle activity) in order to reduce lower-limb inertia and to catch up
with the body during flight. Finally, the runner returns to the ground via gravity during
flight. The ability to fall via a gravitational torque and to pull the foot from the ground
effectively, potentially divides the two techniques: Pose® and heel-toe running. The
Gravitational hierarchical model, therefore, reflects these differences between the two
running techniques and potentially offers a quantifiable method to differentiate between
the two.
The research aims are presented with the hypotheses for the main study. A research
design for each of the two studies is provided covering sample size, equipment, research
variables and treatment of data.
The primary aim of this thesis is to compare the Pose® method technique (Romanov,
2002; Arendse et al., 2004; Dallam et al., 2005) with the heel-toe rumiing technique.
Development of a new Gravitational hierarchical model based on the Pose® method
using the laws of physics will enable the Pose® technique’s systematic evaluation. The
Gravitational hierarchical model and the current hierarchical model (Hay and Reid,
1988; p. 282) are reviewed highlighting the different biomechanical theories of running.
There are deficiencies with Hay and Reid’s model, for example, viewing the constant
force of gravity as only active during flight and not relating gravity to forces exerted and
the time forces act. Therefore, Hay and Reid’s model does not systemise the forces
involved in running but acts as general descriptor, whereas, the Gravitational hierarchical
model will aim to structure these forces. A comparison of the Pose® and heel-toe running
techniques will follow using two experienced male Pose® and heel-toe runners utilising
the primary and secondary research variables (study 1; chapter 5) derived from the
Gravitational hierarchical model. Upon establishment of the Pose® method technique, a
group of male heel-toe recreational runners (study 2; chapter 6) will participate in a
repeated measures design. An economy and time trial run will give the participants pre
test baseline physiological measures while the primary research variables will provide a
biomechanical profile. The post-test will determine whether there is an improved
performance on the economy and 2400 time trial run resulting from the potential
biomechanical changes in the Pose® group from a 7-hour Pose® training intervention. A
2 x 2 mixed factorial ANOVA will assess the main effects of group (control vs.
treatment) and trial (pre to post changes) on the primary research variables. Tukey’s tests
of honestly significant differences will be used to assess individual cell differences post
hoc. A prospective three-month injury study on all the participants post intervention will
seek to determine injury incidence between the two running techniques.
The thesis will reject Ho and accept Hi at P < 0.05. Each research and null hypothesis for
study 2 are given including a brief explanation. Study 1 was a descriptive study.
The treatment group were heel-toe runners who had 7-hours o f Pose® instruction.
Fourteen null and research hypotheses derived from the Gravitational hierarchical
model’s primary research variables are given:
1. Reduced stance time correlates with elite runners and improved economy (Williams
and Cavanagh, 1987; Nicol et al., 1991).
• Hi: The treatment group will show a decrease stance time.
• Hq: The treatment group will show no change in stance time.
2. There will be a decrease in vertical ground reaction force betweenthe two groups
(Arendse et al., 2004).
• Hi: The treatment group will show a decrease in vertical ground reaction forces.
• Hq: The treatment group will have no change in vertical ground reaction forces.
6. Vertical alignment of the body at impact is associated with faster runners (Deshon
and Nelson, 1964; Mann and Herman, 1985).
• Hi: The treatment group will show increased vertical alignment of the body at
• Ho: The treatment group will show no change in vertical alignment at impact.
7. Less horizontal displacement of the centre of mass during stance will reduce stance
time (Ferris et al., 1999).
• Hi: The treatment group will show a decrease in horizontal displacement of the
centre of mass during stance.
• FL: The treatment group will show no change in horizontal displacement of the
centre of mass during stance.
8. Reduced vertical oscillation of the centre of mass has been associated with ‘good’
runners (Miura et al., 1973; Williams and Cavanagh, 1986).
• Hi: The treatment group will show a decrease in vertical oscillation of the centre of
• H0: The treatment group will show no change in vertical oscillation of the centre of
9. Mean knee angular velocity for flexion and extension during stance were
significantly correlated with stride length, stride frequency, vertical loading rate and
stance time (De Wit et al., 2000). A decrease in knee angular velocity for flexion and
extension may reflect lower muscle activity.
• Hi: The treatment group will show a decrease in mean angular knee flexion and
extension velocity during stance.
• H0: The treatment group will show no change in angular knee flexion and extension
velocity during stance.
10. Increased mean knee flexion angular velocity from terminal stance until maximum
swing shows a faster leg recovery, which correlates with faster running (Heise et al.,
• Hi: The treatment group will show an increase in mean knee flexion angular
velocity terminal stance until maximum swing.
• H0: The treatment group will show no change in mean knee flexion angular velocity
terminal stance until maximum swing.
11. Increased step length can cause braking of the runner’s horizontal velocity and
potentially increase injuries (Volishin and Wosk, 1982; Hunter et al., 2005).
• Hi: The treatment group will show a decrease in step length.
• Hq! The treatment group will show no change step length.
12. Increased step frequency is associated with Pose® running (Romanov, 2002; Arendse
et al., 2004).
• Hi: The treatment group will show an increase in step frequency.
• H0: The treatment group will show no change step frequency.
13. An increase in running speed for Pose® runners in the post-test 2400 m time trial will
establish the Pose® method enables faster rumiing.
• H i: The Pose® group will show an increase in speed for the post-test time trial.
• H0: The Pose group will show no change in speed for the post-test time trial.
14. An improved economy for Pose runners in the post-test 2400 m economy run will
establish the Pose® method enables more economical running.
• Hi: The Pose® group will show an increase (improvement) in economy for the post
test economy run.
• H0: The Pose® group will show no change in economy for the post-test economy run.
4.4.1 Introduction
On completion of the new Gravitational hierarchical model, two studies will assess the
Pose® technique. Comparison of two experienced male Pose® and heel-toe runners will
complete study 1 using the primary and secondary research variables from the
Gravitational hierarchical model. A pre and post-test design using sixteen male
recreational heel-toe runners, where eight will be trained in Pose® running, from a 7-hour
intervention over one-week, will be compared using inferential statistics on the primary
research variables.
Study 2: Pose® method training study
A population of local runners and triathletes recruited from Loughborough University
served as volunteers for study 2. The main criteria for participant selection included that:
(a) all subjects were males; (b) were of a competitive age of 18-30 years old; (c) were
sub-elite and had been running for at least two-years (10-km personal best time 37-45
min equating to 6 to 7 min per mile pace) who were distance runners (5-km-marathons).
Sub-elite runners were selected owing to their availability over elite athletes, (d) They
also had not read or heard of the Pose® method of running; (e) landed on their heel first
when running; (f) were willing to change their running technique for the testing period;
(g) had been without injury in the past 3-months and finally (h) were able to make the
study research dates.
These criteria were selected to give the study internal and external validity, which would
allow the results to be generalised to a population o f recreational male endurance
runners/triathletes. Selection of this population was based on them having the largest
number of participants relative to the total running population. The emphasis was on a
minimum and maximum age and ability, which reduced inter-participant variance in
scores. All participants were heel-toe runners, which represented eighty percent of the
endurance running population (Kerr et al., 1983). Using pilot data and data from the
literature a power test was calculated giving n = 16 for the desired sample size for 99%
confidence of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.
Secondary research variables aided the analysis of the two running techniques.
I. Time to maximum braking and propulsive ground reaction force (percentage of
II. Time to maximum vertical ground reaction force (percentage of stance).
III. Centre of mass horizontal velocity from terminal stance until maximum swing
IV. Centre of mass at terminal stance forward of the support foot (horizontal
difference) (cm).
V. Centre of mass horizontal velocity at terminal stance (cm-s"1).
VI. Horizontal velocity of the centre of mass from maximum vertical ground reaction
force until terminal stance minus horizontal velocity of the centre of mass from
impact until maximum vertical ground reaction (cm-s"1).
VII. Centre of mass and toe marker angle at terminal stance (rad).
VTII. Knee flexion from impact until mid-stance (rad).
IX. Knee extension from mid-stance until terminal stance (rad).
X. Knee flexion from terminal stance until maximum swing (rad).
XI. Knee angle at impact (rad).
XII. Knee angle at maximum vertical ground reaction force (rad).
XIII. Flight time (ms).
XIV. Time of maximum horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass (cm-s'2).
Secondary research variables aided the analysis of the two running techniques.
I. Time to maximum braking and propulsive ground reaction force (percentage of
II. Time to maximum vertical ground reaction force (percentage of stance).
III. Centre of mass horizontal velocity from terminal stance until maximum swing
IV. Centre of mass at terminal stance forward of the support foot (horizontal
difference) (cm).
V. Centre of mass and toe marker angle at terminal stance (rad).
VI. Knee flexion from impact until mid-stance (rad).
VII. Knee extension from mid-stance until terminal stance (rad).
VIII. Knee flexion from terminal stance until maximum swing (rad).
IX. Knee angle at impact (rad).
X. Knee angle at maximum vertical ground reaction force (rad).
XI. Flight time (ms)
4.4.5 Treatment of collected data
A 2 x 2 mixed factorial ANOVA assessed the main effects of group (control vs.
treatment) and trial (pre to post changes) on the primary research variables. Tukey’s tests
of honestly significant differences were used to assess individual cell differences post
hoc. Data analysis was completed using the Minitab (version 14) statistical analysis
package. An alpha level of P < 0.05 was used to establish statistical significance for the
inferential procedures.
Assumptions were satisfied for the inferential statistical analysis and are given below.
Significance is taken at P = 0.05.
1. Independence: In this study, the two groups contain separate individuals so the
data are independent.
2. Scale of measurement: The scale of measurement was ratio.
3. Normality:
4. Homogeneity:
The variances between each group was examined using Levene's test for homogeneity o f
Table 4.4.2 L e v e n e 's test fo r h o m o g en eity o f v aria n c e ( N = 16).
Table 4 .4 .3 In te r a c tio n s fo r th e p r im a r y r e s e a r c h v a r ia b le s fo r th e 2 * 2 m ix e d fa c to r ia l A N O V A fo r P =
0.05 (A =16).
2 3 0.8457
2 4 0.0006
Stance Time T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 su b tr a c te d fr o m : 2 3 0.7763
2 4 0.0004
Anterior-Posterior GRF (Brak) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f 1 4 0.9999
T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 s u b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0.4904
2 4 0.4904
Anterior-Posterior GRF (Brak) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 su b tr a c te d 2 3 0.4486
fr o m :
2 4 0.4486
Vertical GRF (Brak) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p 1 4 0.9975
T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 s u b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0.8187
2 4 0.5417
Vertical GRF (Brak) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 su b tr a c te d fr o m : 2 3 0.7145
2 4 0.4298
Anterior-Posterior GRF (Prop) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f 1 4 0.8421
T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0.9968
2 4 1.0000
Anterior-Posterior GRF (Prop) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 su b tr a c te d 2 3 0.9252
fro m :
2 4 0.8421
Centre of mass horizontal velocity (Brak) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls 1 4 0.9966
o f T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0.9217
2 4 0.8924
Centre of mass horizontal velocity (Brak) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 2 3 0.9749
s u b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 4 0.7940
Centre of mass horizontal velocity (Prop) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls 1 4 0.7612
o f T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 1.00000
2 4 0.7187
Centre of mass horizontal velocity (Prop) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 2 3 0.7855
s u b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 4 0 .9 9 9 8
Centre of mass at 25 ms I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f 1 4 0 .9 6 8 9
T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0 .8 0 4 7
2 4 0 .1 0 9 2
Centre of mass at 25 ms T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 su b tr a c te d fr o m : 2 3 0 .9 6 9 2
2 4 0.0420
Centre of mass horizontal displacement I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f 1 4 0 .9 8 2 0
T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0 .5 3 7 4
2 4 0.0002
Centre of mass horizontal displacement T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 2 3 0 .7 6 0 7
s u b tr a c te d fro m :
2 4 0.0005
Vertical oscillation In te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p 1 4 0 .9 9 8 6
T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0 .9 9 9 4
2 4 0 .2 7 6 6
Vertical oscillation T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 su b tr a c te d fr o m : 2 3 0 .9 9 2 5
2 4 0 .3 5 1 6
Knee flexion angular velocity (Stance) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f 1 4 0 .9 9 2 8
T r e a tm e n t * G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0 .2 6 7 9
2 4 0.0046
Knee flexion angular velocity (Stance) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 2 3 0 .4 0 1 7
s u b tr a c te d fro m :
2 4 0.0091
Knee extension angular velocity (Stance) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls 1 4 0 .9 8 1 7
o f T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0 .8 6 6 9
2 4 0 .7 0 1 7
Knee extension angular velocity (Stance) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 2 3 0 .9 7 8 5
su b tr a c te d fro m :
2 4 0 .4 7 4 6
Knee flexion angular velocity (Swing) I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e ls o f 1 4 0 .9 8 1 5
T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 3 0 .2 9 9 8
2 4 0.0180
Knee flexion angular velocity (S w ing) T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 4 2 3 0 .5 0 2 3
su b tr a c te d fro m :
2 4 0.0430
Step Length I n te r a c tio n s a m o n g L e v e l s o f T r e a tm e n t* G r o u p 1 4 0 .5 9 7 8
T r e a tm e n t = 1 G r o u p = 3 su b tr a c te d fr o m :
2 0 .9 1 5 4
2 4 0.0058
Step Length Treatment = 1 Group = 4 subtracted from: 2 3 0.9287
2 4 0.1046
Step Frequency Interactions among Levels of Treatment*Group 1 4 0.9999
Treatment = 1 Group = 3 subtracted from:
2 3 0.9937
2 4 0.0016
Step Frequency Treatment = 1 Group = 4 subtracted from: 2 3 0.9887
2 4 0.0019
Time Trial Interactions among Levels of Treatment*Group Treatment 1 4 0.9997
= 1 Group = 3 subtracted from:
2 3 0.9999
2 4 0.8760
Time Trial Treatment = 1 Group = 4 subtracted from: 2 3 0.9989
2 4 0.8344
Oxygen Consumption Interactions among Levels of Treatment*Group 1 4 0.8473
Treatment = 1 Group = 3 subtracted from:
2 3 0.6391
2 4 0.5372
Oxygen Consumption Treatment = 1 Group = 4 subtracted from: 2 3 0.9815
2 4 09475
4.4.6 Limitations
of how the two techniques are presently distinguished is given. Secondly, using the
primary and secondary variables from the Gravitational hierarchical model, the two
techniques of running are compared.
Skill, technique and style are terms used to describe human movement patterns
(Kreighbaum and Barthels, 1996). Skill is defined as a general movement pattern that is
adapted to the constraints of a particular sport, such as high jumping, which is a skill
within the general movement pattern of jumping (Kreighbaum and Barthels, 1996).
Technique represents the actions of internal and external forces on the human body,
which determine how the parts of the human body move during the performance of the
movement pattern (Hay and Reid, 1988). Following the high jump example, the Fosbury
flop and straddle are two high jump techniques. Style refers to individual adaptations of
a technique, such as a curved or straight run-up towards the high jump bar. Skills,
techniques and styles develop because of the constraints or limitations associated with a
particular sport. In running, the environment (forces of nature, hills, opponents and
visibility) and the human body (size, strength, power and endurance) are constraints
(Kreighbaum and Barthels, 1996). Heel-toe running is the predominant technique in
endurance runners (Ken* et al., 1983). However, a new technique (Pose®) has made
claims that it is an effective way to run. To compare the two running techniques, the
Gravitational hierarchical model (see chapter 3) will be employed.
Cavanagh and Kram (1985) in a descriptive study found at speeds of 3 m-s"1 to 4.2 m-s"1,
stride length increased as opposed to stride frequency. An increase in stride frequency
potentially requires greater muscle activity during a shorter time in stance (Kyrolainen et
ah, 2000). This possibly explains why endurance runners increase stride length over
stride frequency up to 7 m-s"1, but around 7 m-s"1 stride length maximises (Cavanagh and
Kram, 1990). An increase in stride length can involve a reciprocal increase in leg
extension (Williams, 1985), although this finding is not universal (Mami et al., 1986).
Clarke et al. (1985) identified tibial accelerations increased by taking longer strides,
giving circumstantial evidence that increased stride length results in an increased impact
force. Stride frequency increases over stride length above 7 m-s'1 lacks a clear
biomechanical explanation (Luhtanen and Komi, 1978). The Gravitational hierarchical
model seeks to offer a clear explanation of why stride length maximises at rumiing
speeds above 7 m-s'1.
A second finding is vertical oscillation of the centre of mass decreased in Pose® runners
(Arendse et al., 2004; Dallam et al., 2005). Vertical oscillation of the centre of mass
decreases in runners generally as running speed increases (Luhtanen and Komi, 1978;
Mero et al., 1992). Further, knee extension of the support leg correlates with increased
vertical oscillation of the centre of mass after mid-stance (Wank et al., 1998). However,
knee extension decreases as running speed increases (Mann et al., 1986). Logically,
excessive vertical oscillation would be ineffective for horizontal displacement (Williams,
1985) yet, many individuals run economically despite high vertical oscillation (Williams
and Cavanagh, 1987). Vertical oscillation is maximal at terminal stance or just after
coinciding with maximal leg extension of the support limb (Fenn, 1930). Dallam et al.
(2005) found that the hip to ankle distance at impact reduced as well as stance time in
Pose runners. It would be reasonable to assume that joint angles, impact patterns and
the position of the centre of mass at impact and terminal stance influence vertical
oscillation by virtue of the kinematic chain (Mero et al., 1992). The increased body
angles at take-off and impact found at faster speeds may be associated with potential
skill differences. Changes in the body angle at take-off affects performance owing to a
change in the gravitational torque on the runner’s centre of mass in relation to their
support limb (see chapter 3). In addition, at impact, a more vertical alignment of the
centre of mass to the support limb reduces losses in horizontal velocity (Cavanagh et al.,
1977; Bates et al., 1979; Girardin and Roy, 1984). Further study of these body positions
using these variables from the Gravitational hierarchical model will aim to clarify
biomechanical differences between heel-toe and Pose® runners.
Williams et al. (2000) identified that heel-toe and forefoot runners differed in knee
flexion at impact and knee flexion excursion during stance. Arendse et al. (2004) also
found an increased knee flexion in preparation for and at initial contact in Pose® runners
as opposed to when they were heel-toe runners. Williams et al. (2000) found peak knee
flexion moment, knee power absorption and negative work at the knee differed between
heel-toe and forefoot runners. Arendse et al. (2004) also measured less eccentric work at
the knee and more eccentric work at the ankle in Pose® runners compared with heel-toe
running. The position of the torso during the gait cycle may explain the reduced knee
eccentric work and increased ankle eccentric work in Pose® running compared with their
heel-toe running. Arendse et al. (2004) recommended that the position of the torso and
the centre of mass should be included in future studies o f running technique
Transition from walking to running occurs at a critical speed of 2.2 m-s*1 or a similar
Froude number, rather than at a critical stride rate or length (Alexander and Jayes, 1983;
Hreljac, 1995). This suggests the centre of mass’s horizontal velocity determines the
walk-run transition rather than a particular stride length or stride rate. A change in the
centre of mass’s horizontal velocity would obviously reflect work by an external force.
Pose® running technique suggests the external force is a gravitational torque. Therefore,
falling forwards as the centre of mass passes over the support limb’s foot causes a
gravitational torque while the support foot is pulled rapidly from the ground represents
the Pose® technique. The Pose® and heel-toe running techniques differ theoretically, in
which external force is motive. Pose® technique emphasises a gravitational torque as the
motive force in running, whereas heel-toe running suggest leg extension via increased
ground reaction force increases running speed. The aim therefore, using the primary and
secondary variables is to compare the two techniques of running using the new
Gravitational hierarchical model with two skilled heel-toe and Pose® runners.
Two experienced male Pose® runners were recruited for this study (aged: 28 yrs and 51
yrs, stature: 1.74 m and 1.86 m, mass: 75.5 kg and 71.4 kg and 10-km personal best
times of 42 min and 29 min) and were matched (in mass, stature and age) with two
experienced male heel-toe runners (aged: 24 yrs and 47 yrs, stature: 1.76 m and 1.95 m,
mass: 72.5 kg and 71.4 kg and 10-km personal best times of 34 min). Written informed
consent and ethical approval from Sheffield Hallam University were obtained. All
participants had no history of surgical intervention, chronic pain, orthotic use or current
pathology of the lower extremity. Each participant wore his normal running shoes. All
shoes were qualitatively assessed for rigidity o f the heel counter and compliance of the
cushioning element of the rear section of the shoe.
Experimental protocol
All participants were pre-selected before the testing date through personal contact. All
respondents were selected based on the following criteria: 1) they had been without
injury in the past 12 months, 2) were male, 3) competitive athletes and 4) were
experienced in their respective styles of running and were similar in age, experience,
stature and weight. After their individual warm up, each participant run across a force
plate at 2.5 m-s'1, 3.35 m-s'1, 4 m-s'1 and 4.5 m-s'1 while simultaneously recording
kinematic data.
Lab door
Falcon HR 240
8 camera
.66 m Computer
Photoelectric and SVGA
cells / s monitor
Force 60 cm
3.0 m Plate
40 cm
7.0 m
measured 40 by 60 cm (figure 5.3.1). Participants were instructed to run normally while
aligning their run-up to land with their right foot on the force plate. Each participant was
allowed as many practice trials as needed to achieve ‘normal’ foot contact with the plate
in their regular running shoes, with five trials collected. After each trial, the data was
visually inspected to ensure that the footfall was ‘normal’ and centred on the force plate.
After data collection the ground reaction force analogue data was processed through
Matlab 6 software to convert volts into Newtons. In accordance with Munro et al.
(1987), ground reaction force data were normalised to the participant’s body weight.
Initial contact of the foot with the ground was identified from the ground reaction force
data. Foot contact began once the vertical ground reaction force data exceeded 20 N and
ended as it went below 20 N (Bobbert et al., 1991; Wright et al., 1998; Tirosh and
Sparrow, 2003).
Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistical comparisons between Pose® and heel-toe running were
Figure 5.4.1 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the Pose® runners at 2.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.2 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.3 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the Pose® runners at 3.35 m-s'1.
Figure 5.4.4 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the heel-toe runners at 3.35 m-s'1.
Figure 5.4.5 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the Pose® runners at 4.0 nrs'
Figure 5.4.6 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 m-s'1.
Figure 5.4.7 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the Pose® runners at 4.5 nrs"1.
Figure 5.4.8 Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction force for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 m-s'1.
Hip angles represent the thigh relative to the pelvis (figures 5.4.9-16). Larger hip flexion
angles occur for all speeds in the Pose® runners at impact. At terminal stance, the heel-
toe runners exhibit hip extension, whereas the Pose® runners do not extend the hip or do
so much less.
\ .
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ / |
__ :
.... .............. _ ........... \ ,y-x ‘>3*' v‘- 055 :
Figure 5.4.9 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 2.5 m-s'1.
Timm ( ms ) T1mm{m*«)
Figure 5.4.10 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 m-s'1.
Figure 5.4.11 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 3.35 m-s'1.
Figure 5.4.12 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 3.35 m-s'1.
\ /
\\ y
.• .........
Figure 5.4.13 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 4.0 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.14 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 nrs'1.
\ \
\ y/
«, ....
... . . ... ... .» »» v. .a,
Figure 5.4.15 Hip flexion and extension for the Pose runners at 4.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.16 Hip flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 nrs'1.
Vertical oscillation (figures 5.4.17-5.4.24) is lower in Pose runners for all speeds. The
vertical path of the centre of mass follows a similar pattern for both techniques of
running. However, from maximum vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance
there is an increase in vertical oscillation of the centre o f mass in the heel-toe runners
compared to the Pose® participants.
Figure 5.4.17 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 2.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.18 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.19 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 3.35 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.20 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 3.35 nrs'1.
i.ii >.25
Figure 5.4.21 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 4.0 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.22 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.23 Vertical oscillation for the Pose® runners at 4.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.24 Vertical oscillation for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.25 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 2.5 m-s'1.
Figure 5.4.26 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 m-s'1.
/ \
I / \
* i
/ \
I f ‘i I
I I ! I
I *i I
1 ! I /
■\1 /
Figure 5.4.27 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 3.35 nrs'
i \
/“\ / \ !
/ \ / I 'i!'A\
/ \ / J
rJ !i \
i V - / \ J
/ \
\ /'
Figure 5.4.28 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at 3.35 m-s'1.
CCKJ 002 0 03 ew 007 OOJ O.jy 012 U13 0.15 017 tli 020 0.32 0-23 0-25 027 02* U.W A — ---------------------------------------------
Figure 5.4.29 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 4.0 m-s'1.
Tims (ms)
Figure 5.4.30 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 m-s'1.
Figure 5.4.31 Knee adduction and abduction for the Pose® runners at 4.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.32 Knee adduction and abduction for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 nrs’1.
Knee flexion and extension follow similar patterns for all four runners. Differences in the
knee during impact, maximum vertical ground reaction force and swing are recorded in
table 5.4.2. Increased knee extension from maximum vertical ground reaction force until
terminal stance in the heel-toe runners, correlates with their increased vertical oscillation
of their centre of mass (Wank et al., 1998).
Figure 5.4.33 Knee flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 2.5 m-s'1.
Tima (ma) Tima (ma)
Figure 5.4.34 Knee flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 2.5 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.35 Knee flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 3.35 nrs'1.
0.U7 *.JJJ
Tima (ma) Tima (ms)
Figure 5.4.36 Knee flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 3.35 nrs'1.
Thfna(aw) Tima(m a)
Figure 5.4.37 Knee flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 4.0 nrs'1.
Figure 5.4.38 Knee flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 4.0 nrs"1.
/ //
// //
\ \.
2 /
/ /
I 30 / / /
Figure 5.4.39 Knee flexion and extension for the Pose® runners at 4.5 m-s'1.
|8 so
| 40
I 30
Figure 5.4.40 Knee flexion and extension for the heel-toe runners at 4.5 m-s'1.
The running gait for one Pose® and heel-toe runner at each test speed are given (figures
5.5.41-5.5.49). Each still frame was taken for every five frames at a frame rate of 120
frames-s'1. At impact, the ball of the foot is the first point o f contact for the Pose® runner,
in contrast to the heel for the heel-toe runners. The Pose® runner has a more vertically
aligned body at impact plus he leaves the ground without fully extending his leg in
contrast to the heel-toe runners. Heel-toe runners had greater range o f motion for the
lower-limb—knee flexion and extension—during stance than the Pose® runners. Knee
flexion was similar for both techniques from terminal stance to maximum swing (Table
5.4.2). Knee flexion and extension angular velocity during stance was higher in the heel-
toe runners. However, swing knee flexion angular velocity was much higher in the Pose®
runners. The horizontal displacement of the centre of mass during stance was less for the
Pose® runners. The horizontal displacement of the centre of mass for flight was still
lower in Pose® runners but not as marked as actual step length. For example, Pose®
runners displaced their centre of masses during flight 18.7 cm, 41.6 cm, 49 cm and 55.7
cm for each test speed beginning at 2.5 m-s’1. The heel-toe runners displaced their centre
of masses during flight for 26.5 cm, 42.1 cm, 57.3 cm and 69.3 cm beginning at 2.5 m-s'
. Figures 5.4.41-5.4.49 allow visual inspection of these biomechanical differences for
the Pose® and heel-toe runners.
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Figure 5.4.47 Heel-toe runner at 4.0 nrs'1for one stride.
Figures 5.4.50-5.4.57 time-align the support leg’s hip, knee and ankle joint flexion and
extension with maximum vertical ground reaction force. Vertical oscillation is also
included to highlight the centre of mass displacement. The graphs illustrate at maximum
vertical ground reaction force for the Pose® runner the hip begins to extend or has been
extending depending upon running speed. The knee and ankle follow in sequence each
extending after the hip, proceeding maximum vertical ground reaction force. The heel-
toe runner at all speeds has begun to extend the hip at maximum vertical ground reaction
force, but the knee has also begun its extension. Vertical oscillation o f the centre of mass
changes direction from downwards to upwards at maximum vertical ground reaction
force. In the heel-toe runner the centre of mass has just began to rise at maximum
vertical ground reaction force. This rise of the centre of mass probably correlates with
the knee extension (Wank et al., 1998).
Figure 5.4.50 Pose® runner at 2.5 m-s'1. Figure 5.4.51 Heel-toe runner at 2.5 m-s'1.
QUO 0.117 OI<3 01.IP 6167 0217 Oil* 0 2SO 026? 0.2M 0*10 IMP 0 HI 0.1» 0.16?
T lm ( n i)
S(i<0 *(Ki7
OWII 0 117 0.131 0150 0167 « 1*3 I20U 0250 0 267 02* '
Figure 5.4.52 Pose® runner at 3.35 m-s'1. Figure 5.4.53 Heel-toe runner at 3.35 m-s‘
Tim* ( m )
Figure 5.4.54 Pose® runner at 4.0 m-s'1. Figure 5.4.55 Heel-toe runner at 4.0 m-s*1.
Figure 5.4.56 Pose® runner at 4.5 m-s'1. Figure 5.4.57 Heel-toe runner at 4.5 m-s'1.
Figures 5.4.58-61 have vertical lines running from maximum vertical and anterior
(propulsive) ground reaction force through the horizontal velocity and acceleration
graphs. Maximum horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass occurs before maximum
horizontal propulsive ground reaction force. Only one heel-toe and Pose® runner at 2.5
m-s'1 had a horizontal acceleration after the propulsive horizontal ground reaction force
(figure 5.4.58). Table 5.4.1 gives the maximum values for vertical and anterior ground
reaction force and maximum horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass and
percentages of stance time. Pose® runners consistently had higher horizontal acceleration
of the centre of mass during the propulsive phase of stance.
G r o u n d r e a c tio n f o r c e fo r a P o sd * r u n n e r G r o u n d r e a c tio n fo r c e fo r a h e e l- t o e ru n n e r
H o r iz o n ta l v e lo c it y o f th e cen tre: o f m a s s H o r iz o n ta l v e lo c it y o f th e c e n tr e o f m a s s fo r a h e e l- t o e
fo r a P o s e * r u n n e r . ru n n er.
H o r iz o n ta l a c c e le r a tio n o f th e c e n tr e o f m a s s H o r iz o n ta l a c c e le r a t io n o f th e c e n tr e
fo r a P o s e * r u n n e r . o f m a s s fo r a h e e l- t o e r u n n e r .
Ground reactionIforce for a Pose runner Ground reaction orce for a heelitoe runner
Horizontal velocity of the centrejof mass Horizontal velocity of the centre; of mass for a heel-toe
for a Pose® runner. I runner.
Figure 5.4.59 Ground reaction force, horizontal velocity and acceleration of the centre of mass for a Pose®
and heel-toe runner at 3.35 m-s'1.
Ground reaction force for a Pofce® runner Ground reaction force for a heeljtoe runner
Horizontal velocity bf the centfe of mass Horizontal velocity of the centre! of mass for a heel-toe
for a Pose® runner. I runner.
Figure 5.4.60 Ground reaction force, horizontal velocity and acceleration of the centre of mass for a Pose®
and heel-toe runner at 4.0 m-s'1.
Ground reaction force for a Pos£ runner Ground reaction force for a heelttoe runner
Horizontal velocity of the centra of mass Horizontal velocity of the centre! of mass for a heel-toe
for a Pose® runner. j runner. I j
Figure 5.4.61 Ground reaction force, horizontal velocity and acceleration of the centre of mass for a Pose®
and heel-toe runner at 4.5 m-s'1.
Table 5.4.1 M a x im u m v e r t ic a l a n d a n te r io r g r o u n d r e a c tio n fo r c e a re r e c o r d e d a s a p e r c e n t a g e o f s ta n c e
a n d c o m p a r e d w it h m a x im u m h o r iz o n t a l a c c e le r a tio n o f th e c e n tr e o f m a s s . E a c h v a lu e is a m e a n o f th r e e
tr ia ls (N = 4).
Primary and secondary variables for both the heel-toe and Pose® runners at all the test
speeds are given in Table 5.4.2. Similar to other studies, stance time for both styles of
running decreases with increases in rumiing speed (Williams, 1985). All the ground
reaction force variables increase with running speed (Miller, 1990). Stride length also
increased as running speed increased. However, stride frequency increased as running
speed increased for the Pose® runners in contrast with all other research on endurance
running speeds, whereas the heel-toe runners followed conventional patterns of no
increase (Patla et al., 1989). Vertical oscillation reduced with running speed but more
significantly in Pose® runners. Horizontal velocities for the centre of mass—braking and
propulsion—were consistent across the speed range in the heel-toe runners but at 4 m-s'1
and 4.5 m-s'1, the Pose® runners had significant reductions in braking.
Table 5.4.2 Two experienced heel-toe and Pose* runner's mean scores across all collected speeds. The
primary research variables are in bold ( N = 4).
Variables Model 2.5 nrs'1 3.35 nrs'1 4.0 firs’1 4.5 nrs'1
ST (ms) HT 272 260 230 209
P 262 216 195 174
M A-P GRF (brak) (BW)HT -0.16 -0.20 -0.25 -0.30
P -0.14 -0.23 -0.25 -0.28
M V GRF (BW) HT 2.46 2.58 2.84 2.93
P 2.32 2.63 2.77 2.84
M A-P GRF (prop) (BW)HT 0.108 0.15 0.19 0.25
P 0.084 0.16 0.2 0.24
T A-P GRF (brak) HT 23.7 23.8 23.4 25.1
(% o f stance) P 12.5 8.4 13.6 7.7
Technique: P = Pose® and HT = heel-toe, ST = stance time (ms) right foot, M A-P GRF (brak) = maximum
posterior ground reaction force (braking) (BW), M V GRF = maximum vertical ground reaction force
(BW), M A-P GRF (prop) = maximum anterior ground reaction force (propulsive) (BW), T A-P GRF
(brak) = time of posterior ground reaction force (braking) (% of stance), T V GRF = time of maximum
vertical ground reaction force (% of stance), T A-P GRF (prop) = time of anterior ground reaction force
(propulsion) (% of stance), CM (brak) = centre of mass horizontal velocity largest decrease after impact
until maximum vertical ground reaction force (cm-s'1), CM (prop) = centre of mass horizontal velocity
largest increase from maximum vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance (cm-s'1), CM diff =
horizontal velocity of the centre of mass from maximum vertical ground reaction force until terminal
stance minus horizontal velocity of the centre of mass from impact until maximum vertical ground reaction
(cm-s'1), HVTO = horizontal velocity of the centre of mass at terminal stance (m-s'1), CM S = centre of
mass horizontal velocity decrease between terminal stance and maximum swing (flexion) for the right leg
during flight (cm-s'1), CM 25 - centre of mass behind the to e-marker (horizontal difference at 25 ms) (cm),
CM TO = centre of mass forward of the toe-marker (horizontal difference at terminal stance) (cm), CM 0
= centre of mass and toe-marker angle at terminal stance from the vertical axis going clockwise (rad), CM
dis = centre of mass displacement during stance (cm), SHA = shoulder, hip, and ankle marker difference in
vertical alignment at 25 ms (cm), VO = vertical oscillation of the centre of mass (cm), KF = knee flexion
range during stance (rad), KE = knee extension during stance (rad), KSW = knee flexion from terminal
stance to maximum swing (rad), KTD = knee angle at impact (rad), KV GRF = knee angle at maximum
vertical ground reaction force (rad), KFV = mean knee flexion angular velocity for stance (rad-s'1), KEV =
mean knee extension angular velocity for stance (rad-s'1), KFVS = mean knee flexion angular velocity
from terminal stance to maximum swing angle (rad.s'1), SL = step length for right foot (cm), FT = flight
time (ms), SF= step frequency (Hz).
The primary and secondary variables are grouped in table 5.4.3 as similar, lower or
higher for the Pose® runners compared with the heel-toe runners.
Table 5.4.3 Variables are grouped as similar, lower and higher for the Pose® runners compared with the
heel-toe runners (N = 4).
Table 5.4.4 Variables for the heel-toe runners (N = 2) are matched with the literature at similar speeds.
Any minor speed differences are noted after the reference. The thesis research variables fall within one
standard deviation of the literature. Over-ground running studies were selected over treadmill running
where possible owing to some kinetic and kinematic differences (Wank et al., 1998).
4.5 0.45
KSW (rad)
2.5 1.2
3.35 1.5
4.0 1.8 1.85 Nilsson and Thorstensson (1985) at 3.83 m-s'
4.5 1.9
KTD (rad)
2.5 0.25
3.35 0.34
4.0 0.36 0.24 (0.09) Diss (2001)
4.5 0.41
KVGRF (rad)
2.5 0.83
3.35 0.87 0.78 (0.06) Morgan et al. (1990)
4.0 0.84
4.5 0.83
KFV (rad-s'1)
2.5 5.0 5.2(1.03) Martin (1985)
3.35 5.4
4.0 6.1
4.5 5.5
SL (cm)
2.5 103.0
3.35 130.8 119.5 (0.14) Cavanagh and Kram (1985)
4.0 153.0 152.0 (.07) Wank et al. (1998)
4.5 170.3
FT (ms)
2.5 0.11
3.35 0.12 0.093 (0.025) Martin (1985)
4.0 0.15
4.5 0.15
SF (Hz)
2.5 2.5 2.6 (0.07) Kyolainen et al. (1995)
3.35 2.7 2.7 (0.09) Kyolainen et al. (1995)
4.0 2.6 2.72 (0.10) Kyolainen et al. (1995)
4.5 2.8
Discemable differences between the two running techniques were identified. Both
techniques utilise the same external (gravity and ground reaction force) and internal
force (muscle force), however differences occur from the timing o f these forces resulting
in different displacements of the runner’s body and lower-limbs. Discussion o f these
differences follows the Gravitational hierarchical model. The Gravitational hierarchical
model is included for ease of reference from chapter 3.
5.5.1 Comparison of the two running techniques using the Gravitational
hierarchical model
The heel-toe runners exhibited similar profiles to those already established (see table.
5.4.4). For example, Munro et a V s (1987) ground reaction force data were similar to this
study at the same test running speeds. All the variables in table 5.4.4 for the experienced
heel-toe runners were within one standard deviation of those found within the literature.
Owing to the similarities between the experienced heel-toe runners and the literature, it
seems reasonable to suggest the two experienced heel-toe participants were a good
representation of the male recreational heel-toe endurance running population. The two
experienced Pose® runners are also a good example of Pose® running. Arendse et al.
(2004) recorded similar characteristics from their Pose® runners as this study’s
experienced Pose® runners. For example, the experienced Pose® runners were similar to
Arendse et al. (2004) for vertical oscillation, stance time and step length.
Comparison of running techniques across the four speeds illustrates clear differences
between the heel-toe and Pose® runners (table 5.4.2). Running is a full body activity so
thirty-four kinetic and kinematic variables (fourteen primary research and twenty
secondary research variables) were used to describe both running techniques. Table 5.4.3
depicts these variables for the Pose® runners as similar, lower or higher than the heel-toe
technique. Vertical and posterior-anterior ground reaction forces and take-off velocity at
terminal stance have similar maximums. The time of the propulsive ground reaction
force is also similar as well as the angle o f inclination o f the centre of mass from the
vertical axis at terminal stance. Finally, knee angle at impact and maximum swing were
similar. Only five variables are higher in the Pose® runners: knee flexion angular
velocity from terminal stance to maximum swing, the difference between braking and
propulsive horizontal velocity of the centre of mass, horizontal acceleration o f the centre
of mass, hip flexion at impact plus step frequency. Twenty-one kinematic variables were
lower for the Pose® runners. The proceeding discussion using the Gravitational
hierarchical model highlights these differences between heel-toe and Pose® running.
Air resistance
Air resistance was not measured in-line with most other gait research (Anderson, 1996).
However, strong winds change runner’s technique by causing them to lean into the wind
(Davies, 1980). Interestingly, Pose® running suggests forward movement is the result of
a gravitational torque; by leaning forward in the wind, the torque increases via an
increased moment arm.
relationship of vertical oscillation with knee flexion and extension angular velocity
owing to it being on the same level in the model.
Increasing running speed via knee extension lacks support (Mann et al., 1986). Instead,
the propulsive phase of stance is attributed to hip motion. Belli et al. (2002) measured
peak joint ankle, knee and hip power for nine male endurance runners at speeds of 4.0
m-s 1 to 6.0 m-s'1 and at their maximal running speed. Ankle and knee joint power
increased with running speed, but the highest changes were for the hip (327 ±203 W at
4.0 m-s'1and 1642 ±729 W at maximal speed). They concluded that hip extensors are the
prime forward movers as running speed increases in contrast to the knee and ankle. In
support, power generation at the knee was significantly lower in Pose^ runners (5.01
W/kg ±2.49) than heel-toe runners (6.27 W/kg ±1.44) (Arendse et al., 2004). Arendse et
al. (2004) found no significant increase in ankle power generation and concentric work
in Pose runners. They suggested the hip is the source of power for forward propulsion,
(D •
which was likely increased in Pose® running. Novacheck (1996) noted that the
contribution of knee and ankle power is minimised as running speed increases. The
concept that the hip extends leading the knee and ankle joints from maximum ground
reaction force to initiate or enable forward movement is actually well documented
(figures 5.4.50-57; McClay et al., 1990; Montgomery et al., 1994; Pink et al., 1994; Belli
et al., 2002; Hunter et al., 2005). Leg extension by the forward progression of the hip
passively extending the knee seems a plausible explanation. In confirmation, the hip,
knee and ankle reach their maximum moments just after maximum vertical ground
reaction force in sprinters and these moments were associated with impact (Mann, 1981;
Biewener et al., 2004). After maximum vertical ground reaction force, they decreased.
This suggests joint moments are associated with impact and are not propulsive per se.
The Pose® technique suggests the body is falling via a gravitational torque from
maximum vertical ground reaction force, because leg and hip muscle extensors are silent,
and ground reaction force is decaying (see chapter 3). Knee extension angular velocity is
lower in Pose® runners while the hip is leading the lower-limb joints extension seen
clearly in figures 5.4.50-57 which time aligned the lower-limb. The Pose® technique
proposes it is body weight (via a gravitational torque) leading the propulsive movement
as the runner falls forwards after mid-stance, reflected by hip extension, hence the lower
knee extension angular velocity in the Pose® runners.
Figures 5.5.50-57 show the two techniques time aligned. A consistent observation is
knee extension has just begun at maximum vertical ground reaction force in the heel-toe
runners, whereas the knee is at maximum flexion in Pose® runners. In both heel-toe and
Pose runners, the hip has consistently begun to extend before the knee, but in heel-toe
runners the knee extends earlier. Perhaps the early knee extension in the heel-toe runners
increases work against gravity as stated earlier through increased vertical oscillation. Leg
extension of the support limb however, should be passive by using the elastic recoil and
forward movement of the body. Mann et al. (1986) in support states: “Knee extension
which occurs during the toe-offphase o f support during jogging and running is the result
o f the forward movement o f the body over the fixed foot and tibia.” Passive leg extension
would complement the Pose^ method’s concept of pulling the foot from the ground
rather than trying to extend the leg via the ‘push-off foot-ground contact.
speeds. At the two faster running speeds, Pose® runners had 121% and 127% greater
mean angular knee flexion velocity than the heel-toe runners. Pose® runners significantly
increased their mean angular knee flexion velocity from terminal stance to maximum
swing potentially via pulling their foot from the ground. This would bring the foot closer
to a faster moving body during flight, potentially reducing angular inertia of the lower-
limb (Enomoto et al., 1999). Knee flexion angles are similar for both techniques at
maximum swing, yet the Pose® runners reach this position with greater angular velocity,
which supports a lower rotational inertia of the leg from terminal stance. The
Gravitational hierarchical model therefore, attempts to reflect the lower-limb’s key
relationship to the centre of mass’s horizontal velocity and the forces that cause their
Step time
Step time consists of flight and stance time and both were less in the Pose® runners
compared to the heel-toe runners. Increased stance time has correlated positively (r =
0.4; P = 0.05) with poorer running economy (Williams and Cavanagh, 1986; Williams
and Cavanagh, 1987). As endurance runners become fatigued, stance times increases
(Nicol et al., 1991), possibly reflecting reduced elastic energy in the muscle mechanisms
(Zatsiorsky, 1995; Paavolainen et al., 1999a). Nicol et al. (1991) suggest that a time
delay between the muscle stretch and the shortening action may widen when fatigued
possibly reducing elastic energy. The Pose1 runner’s body geometry and lower-limb
range of motion appear to reduce stance time, which may potentially enhance elastic
Mean horizontal velocity of the centre of mass throughout the gait cycle
The mean horizontal velocity of the centre of mass for the gait cycle is divided into three
phases: impact to maximum vertical ground reaction force (braking) and from this point
until terminal stance (propulsion), then from terminal stance to maximum swing knee
flexion angle. The heel-toe runners had consistent braking in their progression across all
speeds. The Pose® runners brake less at 2.5 m-s’1 and 3.35 m-s’1 by -0.2 cm-s’1 and -7.2
cm-s'1. At 4.0 m-s’1 and 4.5 m-s'1, the differences were more marked at -14.7 cm-s'1 and -
15.3 cm-s’1 respectively. Pose® runners at 4.0 m-s’1 and 4.5 m-s’1 were only braking their
forward progression of their centre of mass by -2.2 cm-s'1 and -3.0 cm-s'1 respectively,
compared with -12.1 cm-s'1 and -15.3 cm-s'1 at the lower speeds of 2.5 m-s'1 and 3.35
m-s"1. The more aligned position of the support limb and the centre of mass at impact,
especially at the faster speeds, may explain these differences, along with the vertical
alignment of the shoulder, hip and ankle in the Pose® runners. In support, Bates et al.
(1979) showed their 400 m runner with the largest deceleration during stance also had
the largest distance from the ankle to their centre of mass at impact of 0.27 m compared
with 0.14 m for their runner with the least deceleration. The timing of the maximum
braking force is also earlier in Pose runners suggesting accelerations of the body in the
horizontal direction are different between the two techniques at impact. Bobbert et al.
(1992) found a backward acceleration of the lower-limb segments relative to the rest of
the body just before impact. The knee marker’s velocity became horizontal in the
forward direction at impact, as it rotated around the now stationary ankle, because the
ankle can no longer move forwards while the foot is on the ground. Further, the hip’s
tangential acceleration remained positive, indicating it lead the lower-limb through
stance owing to the body’s inertia. A lower braking effect on the horizontal velocity of
the Pose® runners may reflect their distinct body geometry at impact (shoulder, hip and
ankle vertical alignment).
The propulsive horizontal velocity from maximum vertical ground reaction force until
terminal stance was higher at all speeds for the heel-toe runners. The differences were
much larger again at the faster speeds of 4 m s 1 and 4.5 m s'1 with heel-toe runners
having 10.2 cm-s'1and of 9.3 cm-s 1higher propulsive velocity respectively. An increased
propulsive horizontal velocity in the heel-toe runners may reflect their swing leg being
driven forwards, discussed later. Driving the swing leg forwards owing to its large mass
will have a significant affect on the centre of mass’s velocity. Interestingly, horizontal
velocity at terminal stance was similar between both techniques. A possible explanation
is the propulsive horizontal velocity— change between maximum vertical ground
reaction force and terminal stance—masks a rapid acceleration in the Pose® runners as
they fall utilising the gravitational torque more effectively via less vertical oscillation. In
support, figures 5.4.58-5.4.61 consistently show higher horizontal accelerations of the
centre of mass in the Pose® runners during the propulsive phase of stance. Further, when
the differences between braking and propulsion of the centre of mass’s horizontal
velocity were calculated, Pose® runners show better overall propulsion, suggesting
movement that is more efficient. The mean propulsive horizontal velocity (difference
between braking and propulsion) across the four speeds was 16 cm-s'1 and -2.9 cm-s'1 for
the Pose® and heel-toe runners respectively. By braking less, the overall horizontal
velocity was positive in Pose® runners. It would seem reasonable to suggest this is more
efficient, because the heel-toe runners needed to generate higher increases in horizontal
velocity after maximum vertical ground reaction force potentially via driving their swing
legs forwards.
j M ax im u m a n te rio r T erm in a l stan ce
in M axim um j gro u n d re actio n
horizontal I force
a c c e le ra tio n
o f th e c e n tre o f Fg ▼
P ropulsive co m p o n e n t
o f gravity
M ax im u m vertical ground
o re a c tio n force —
T e rm in a l stanc
Im pact
M ax im u m vertical ground
re a c tio n fo rce
P ro p u lsiv e com p o n e n t
o f gravity
P osition v ec to rs
P o in t o f support Time (m s )
Figure 5.5.2 illustrates gravity’s acceleration on the two runners using the vertical
oscillation of their centre of masses. Gravity has no affect on the horizontal velocity of
the centre of mass during flight. However, while the support foot is on the ground a
propulsive gravitational torque occurs from maximum vertical ground reaction force
until terminal stance. The runner’s vertical oscillation is from impact until maximum
vertical height reached during flight. The support foot’s position to the centre of mass is
drawn beneath maximum vertical ground reaction force to certain points on the path of
the centre of mass (light grey arrow). Both runners have their actual time of maximum
horizontal acceleration of their centre of mass (dotted line) and their maximum anterior
ground reaction force (dashed line) marked. Gravity’s work (black arrow) on the centre
of mass as it rises from maximum vertical ground reaction force via elastic mechanisms
and body geometry (see chapter 3) until terminal stance is constant. However, gravity’s
propulsive component (dark grey arrow) changes depending upon the position of the
centre of mass to the support foot (vector product: sine of the angle between gravity and
the position vector). It is evident that the Pose® runner is able to utilise gravity more
effectively for horizontal progression via less vertical oscillation compared to the heel-
toe runner, owing to the larger propulsive component of gravity (dark grey arrow).
The maximal horizontal acceleration of the centre o f mass at all speeds for the Pose®
runners was higher, possibly reflecting a more effective use of the gravitational torque.
Table 5.4.1 consistently shows the maximal horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass
occurs before the maximum horizontal ground reaction force. This suggests the
gravitational torque is the only other possible force (only two external forces in running)
that could cause this maximum horizontal acceleration o f the centre of mass. Further
research should determine the horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass during stance
using accelerated running, at a frame rate of at least 240 frames-s'1. This should verify
the Pose® technique and whether the Gravitational hierarchical model effectively
explains running. However, the Gravitational hierarchical model does reflect the
complex inter-relationship of the effects of force and body kinematics on the horizontal
velocity of the centre of mass.
Vertical alignment of the shoulder, hip and ankle in the Pose® runners at impact, may
suggest reaching or driving the swing leg forwards in front of the body, is absent in
Pose® runners. Heel-toe running emphasises driving the swing leg forwards (Williams
and Cavanagh, 1987). However, Williams and Cavanagh (1987) identified less knee
drive in their most economical runners. Driving the swing leg will increase step length,
and may possibly affect the timing of the braking ground reaction force (Pose® and heel-
toe runners braking force was 10.6% and 24% of stance respectively). Support for
driving the swing leg forwards in heel-toe runners is exhibited by lower differences for
horizontal displacement during flight between the centre of mass and actual step length
for the Poses runners. For example, the differences in step length and centre of mass
horizontal displacement during flight between the two techniques for the four test speeds
beginning at 2.5 m-s'1 were 10.4 cm; 11.1 cm; 14.4 cm; 14.9 cm respectively. As the
differences during flight for step length and centre of mass horizontal displacement were
lower in the Pose® runners, it suggests the actual step length differences result from the
heel-toe runners driving their swing leg forwards. In addition, the horizontal
displacement of the centre of mass was lower in the Pose® runners for all test speeds,
suggesting their swing leg returned to the ground earlier.
Kaneko et al. (1987) calculated optimal step frequency for 2.5 m-s'1, 3.5 m-s'1 and 4.5
m-s'1 using the work-energy relationship. Highest efficiency occurred at step frequencies
between 2.8-3.0 Hz. The heel-toe runners fall below this range (2.5-2.8 Hz) while the
Pose® runners are within or above this range (2.9-3.5 Hz). Kaneko et al. (1987)
concluded that at lower frequencies, runners’ muscles must develop relatively high
external power (external work) to obtain longer strides, and at higher frequencies, the
power to move limbs increases internal work. It is not certain yet, which is more
beneficial for performance. Increasing stride frequency for a given speed consistently
increases oxygen consumption and raises heart rate (Knuttgen, 1961; Cavanagh and
Williams, 1982). Dallam et al. (2005) found a mean increase in sub-maximal absolute
oxygen cost of 3.28 (±0.36) Lmiin"1 to 3.53 (±0.43) Lnnin'1, P < 0.01 in their Pose®
trained group, whereas this thesis found no change (see chapter 6). This studies control
group (see chapter 6) and Dallam et aV s (2005) exhibited no significant changes in
either running kinematics or oxygen cost. The Gravitational hierarchical model suggests
step length and step frequency are a consequence of the forces involved in running. From
the Pose® perspective, the body falls forwards creating step length without the need to
drive the swing leg forwards. In support, Novacheck (1998) recorded the pelvis and
trunk tilt further forwards as running speed increases, suggesting body position is
creating the increased speed. Increased body tilt, increases the gravitational torque,
which potentially results in faster running (changes in stride length and stride frequency)
up to a point where the angle of inclination maximises. After this theoretical point,
running speed could only increase via increased step frequency.
Muscle force
Reviewing electromyographical studies on running, each study consistently found that
leg and hip extensor muscle activity ceased just after maximal vertical ground reaction
force as leg extension begins supporting the ‘extensor paradox’ (Brandell, 1973; Mann
and Hagy, 1980; Pare et al., 1981; Schwab et al., 1983; Nilsson and Thorstensson, 1985;
Montgomery et al., 1994; Heise et al., 1996). Montgomery et al. (1994) recorded eleven-
gait muscles for jogging, training and race pace. They found similar activity patterns at
each speed with a general trend for increased activity as running speed increased. They
determined the loading phase began at impact and continued until the centre of mass
passed in front of the knee. The quadriceps muscle group were all maximally active up to
this point to stabilise the knee. The biceps femoris muscle demonstrated an increase in
activity as the centre of mass passed the knee, which they suggested initiated hip
extension. Another possible explanation is the lower-limb extends because the body is
moving forwards. Therefore, leg extension does not cause the centre of mass to pass
forwards of the knee, rather the hip passively extends via inertia of the body activating
the biceps femoris muscle (muscle lengthens via hip extension). Of the eleven gait
muscles, only one muscle was significantly active after the centre of mass passed the
knee until terminal stance: the iliacus muscle. Their conclusion was hip flexion during
early and middle swing and knee extension during late swing provided forward
propulsion, rather than knee or ankle extension at terminal stance. The Pose® technique,
however, regards hip extension during stance’s propulsive phase as a consequence of a
gravitational torque, because the limbs during flight cannot horizontally (or vertically)
displace the centre of mass. Montgomery et al. (1994) also noted eccentrically
contracting muscles at impact (i.e. the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius and short and
long head of biceps, semimembranosus) may have increased risk of injury at faster
running paces. Pose® runners had lower knee eccentric work of 17 J/kg (0.08) than when
they ran heel-toe 46 J/kg (0.15) (Arendse et al., 2004), whereas they had an increase in
eccentric ankle work 36 J/kg (0.9) and 43 J/kg (1.5) respectively.
Mero et al. (1992) recorded electromyography for the rear leg at the sprint start. The
biceps femoris recorded peak activity at terminal stance while other muscles were
virtually off, except for minimal activity from the rectus femoris. This potentially
indicates that the rear leg is pulled-out (knee flexion) of the block because the leg
extensors are not active and knee flexion is occurring via the hamstring group. It is
plausible if a sprinter can pull his leg out of the blocks, then Pose® runners could be
pulling their feet from the ground. In support of this concept, knee angular flexion
velocity from terminal stance until maximum swing is 17% higher in Pose® runners for
the mean across all test speeds. Further, leg extension angular velocity during stance is
13% lower in the Pose® runners. It appears the Pose® runners do not forcefully extend
their legs, yet they powerfully flex their knees from terminal stance until maximum
swing, which strongly suggests a pulling action.
Maximum vertical ground reaction force and vertical oscillation of the centre o f mass
were time-aligned (figures 5.4.50-57). In both techniques, maximum vertical ground
reaction force aligns with the lowest point o f the centre o f mass (Cavanagh and
LaFortune, 1980; Bobbert et al., 1991; Derrick et al., 2000). The ground reaction force
curves decays from this point until terminal stance as the knee extends. The ‘extensor
paradox’ (McClay et al., 1990) identifies a lack o f muscle activity as the knee extends
from just after maximum vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance. If the
lower-limb extensor muscles were active, a spike or plateau would be evident in the
vertical ground reaction force curve (see Yeadon and Challis, 1994; figure 3.3.14, p. 84).
However, ground reaction force curves for all techniques of running have a smooth
decay rate. Similar to gravity’s work on landing as weight is absorbed (force curve
increases) until maximum vertical ground reaction force, the decay rate from this point
until terminal stance reflects the body leaving the ground (centre of mass is rising).
Therefore, as the runner’s body leaves the ground (rises by muscle elasticity/body
geometry) the runner falls forwards via a gravitational torque, while ground reaction
force reduces. In fact, at faster running speeds, the decay rate increases (Miller 1990),
reflecting faster falling.
Propulsive ground reaction force may reflect the body pivoting around the foot as the
runner leaves the ground without the foot actually pushing backwards (Mann et al.,
1986; Miller, 1990). If the foot pushed backwards, leg extension would begin at the
ankle and not the hips (figures 5.4.50-57; Mann et al., 1986; Montgomery et al., 1994;
Riley et al., 2001; Belli et al., 2002). The propulsive anterior ground reaction force
occurred at 72% and 74% of stance in Pose and heel-toe runners respectively, with a
mean of 0.17 body weights recorded for both heel-toe and Pose® runners. The angle of
inclination (producing the moment arm) for the centre of mass at terminal stance were
also similar for both techniques possibly adding support that the gravitational torque is
the motive force owing to the similar running speeds. Hunter et al. (2005) using 28
sprinters at 8 nvs"1 grouped them into high and low propulsion trials. They found the
high propulsion trials increased propulsive impulse (0.37 m s’1 to 0.33 m-s'1 for low
propulsion), expressed relative to body mass, thus reflecting the change in velocity. It is
possible that the faster running speeds produce increased friction from a faster body
motion, rather than an increased pushing off the ground. Further, Hunter et al. (2005)
using multiple linear regression to predict sprint velocity, found relative propulsive
impulse explained 57% and relative braking impulse 7% of the variance in sprint
velocity. Ground reaction force is a reflective (reactive) force with leg extensor muscles
silent during the propulsive phase of stance; ground reaction force must be decreasing.
This suggests a gravitational torque causes the ground reaction force trace, owing to a
lack of any other force at this time (see chapter 3 for more a more detailed explanation).
Chang et al. (2000) reduced gravity by 0.75%, 0.50% and 0.25%, which reduced braking
and propulsive ground reaction force as well as the horizontal impulse significantly.
Conversely, when they increased gravity and inertia by 130% of body weight, propulsive
ground reaction force increased and the horizontal impulse increased by 28%. However,
increases in inertia only of 130% of body mass increased horizontal impulse by only
10%. This clearly suggests gravity (in relation to a gravitational torque) has a strong
relationship to propulsive ground reaction force (18% change in horizontal impulse).
This potentially explains the ‘extensor paradox’ (silent leg extensor muscles during the
propulsive phase of stance) owing to gravity's strong relationship to propulsive ground
reaction force rather than muscle activity. Further, Chang et al. (2000) used the same test
speed for all gravitational conditions, and found the angle of inclination at impact and
terminal stance were the same. This suggests the gravitational torque and the propulsive
ground reaction force are related, because similar changes in gravity cause reciprocal
reductions in the propulsive force. These reductions however, do not change the angle of
inclination, because this appears directly related to maintaining their constant running
test speed across all conditions of 3.0 m-s"1. Chang et al. (2000) concluded that gravity
and not inertia has a major influence over both vertical and horizontal ground reaction
force generation during running. In agreement with Chang et al. (2000), the
Gravitational hierarchical model shows gravity affecting ground reaction force via body
The heel-toe runners increased vertical oscillation of the centre of mass from maximum
vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance increases work against gravity, which
potentially reduces their gravitational torque. The Pose® runners consistently produced
higher horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass coupled with less vertical oscillation.
The Gravitational hierarchical model links gravity’s work on the rumier by identifying
the centre of mass location in reference to the support limb. As the centre of mass moves
anterior to the support limb a gravitational torque ensues. Pose1 runners appear to utilise
the gravitational torque more effectively through lower vertical oscillation and a faster
leg recovery (less leg extension).
Centre of mass location to the support limb
At impact with the ground taken at 25 ms of stance to allow for potential differences in
vertical impact (Arendse et al., 2004), noticeable variations were found for the centre of
mass position in relation to the point of support. Vertical aligmnent— centre of mass
more vertically aligned to the support foot— in the Pose® runners was 7 cm less (more
aligned) at 25 ms for the mean of four speeds compared with the heel-toe runners. In
fact, as running speed increased this distance decreased in both Pose® runners and heel-
toe runners possibly indicating it is beneficial to do so. Hunter et al. (2005) in support,
found at impact the distance between support and the centre of mass was lower for
runners with a reduced braking impulse.
Shoulder, hip and ankle vertical alignment at 25 ms after impact also showed more
vertically aligned Pose® runners— 8 cm less for the mean of four speeds—with this
difference becoming more marked as running speed increased. Shoulder, hip and ankle
vertical aligmnent resembles a coiled spring because of the body’s ‘S’ like shape, which
Pose® runners are trained to land in. Lee and Farley (1998) referred to the centre of mass
progression in running as similar to a bouncing ball. Perhaps this landing body geometry
aids in enhancing elastic mechanisms. Further, the body cannot move forward until the
centre of mass passes over the support foot (ball of the foot). Therefore, a more aligned
body position at impact enables the runner’s centre of mass to pass more quickly over
the support foot. This would suggest Pose® runners conserve momentum, because the
centre of mass’s difference between braking and propulsive horizontal velocity was
positive in the Pose® runners (table 5.4.2).
The horizontal distance from the centre of mass to the toe-marker at terminal stance was
less in Pose® runners for all speeds except 2.5 m-s'1. The angles of inclination of the
centre of mass from the vertical axis at terminal stance were similar in Pose® and heel-
toe runners (mean of four speeds 20.4°: 21.2° respectively). If the angle of inclination is
similar and the horizontal distance less in Pose® runners, the heel-toe runners must have
more extended legs at terminal stance, which is in fact the case. The maximum
acceleration of the centre of mass was higher in the Pose® runners. This suggests that
despite similar angles of inclination, the Pose01' runners accelerate more from maximal
vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance. Less knee extension in the Pose®
runners, therefore, may facilitate increased horizontal acceleration via a gravitational
torque. A clear link between the lower-hmb’s flexion and extension angular velocity and
the centre of mass’s displacement is therefore evident (Farley and Gonzalez, 1996).
Gravitational force
As an external force causes motion, the Gravitational hierarchical model identifies
gravitational force as the leading cause of movement because the ground and muscle
system do not cause propulsion (Zatsiorsky, 2002; p.51). Several body weights are
recorded at impact with the ground after flight in running, reflecting gravity’s work on a
runner’s body mass, with both techniques—heel-toe and Pose®—being equally affected
(Bobbert et al., 1991). Flight is predominately spent in descent, because maximum
vertical oscillation occurs at or just after terminal stance (Fenn, 1930; Cavanagh et al.,
1977). There are, however, differences in landing posture between the two techniques, so
the impact effects of gravity’s work on the runners will vary. The body continues to
lower after impact under gravity’s work until maximum vertical ground reaction force as
the centre of mass reaches its lowest position (Cavanagh and Lafortune, 1980; Bobbert et
al., 1991). Immediately after this as the centre of mass passes anterior to the support limb
(ball of the foot), the two techniques again show significant variations (figures 5.4.50-
57) in movement as a gravitational torque potentially accelerates the runner’s body to
terminal stance and into swing as the cycle is repeated again. Interestingly, the Pose®
runners had lower propulsive velocity, which is more marked at the faster speeds.
However, the Pose® runner’s angle of inclination and horizontal velocity at terminal
stance was similar to the heel-toe runners. A possible explanation for these apparently
conflicting results is that Pose® runners have lower vertical oscillation coupled with less
leg extension. Therefore, the Pose® runners do less work against gravity and hence are
potentially more able to utilise the gravitational torque to their advantage (see chapter 3;
figure 3.3.11) gaining an increased horizontal acceleration of their centre of mass. In
support, Gracovetsky (1988) recorded legless participants walking on their ischiums by
keeping normal spinal motion (spinal engine theory) and electromyography patterns for
the trunk musculature. Spinal engine theory promotes the central role of gravity as the
motive force for legless locomotion, illustrating gravity’s potential for forward
Pose® and heel-toe runners had similar ground reaction forces. The time of braking and
the vertical ground reaction force were earlier in the Pose® runners. Propulsive ground
reaction force occurred at a similar percentage of stance time. Horizontal velocity of the
centre of mass was lower in Pose® runners for braking and propulsion, while the angle of
inclination of the centre of mass at terminal stance increased. Vertical displacement and
horizontal displacement of the centre of mass were lower in Pose® runners. Their body
was more aligned at impact; with knee flexion and extension during stance being lower
in the Pose® runners. Knee angle at impact was the same but at maximum vertical
ground reaction force it was lower in the Pose® runners. Stance time, flight time and step
length were lower, while stride frequency was higher in Pose® runners. Mean knee
flexion and extension angular velocity were lower during stance, whereas mean angular
knee flexion velocity during swing was higher. Pose® runners therefore, exhibit very
different gait characteristics to traditional heel-toe runners. It was argued, that leg
extension did not propel the runner forwards, while using hip motion, it was implied that
a gravitational torque creates forward progression. Support included silent leg and hip
extensor muscle activity, decaying ground reaction force, an increased propulsive
component of gravity in Pose® runners and the hip leading the lower-limb joints
extension during the propulsive phase of stance. Joint moments were maximal at
maximum vertical ground reaction force and therefore, not related with propulsion.
Ground reaction force reflects gravity’s work as the body leaves the ground because the
lack of muscle activity during propulsion coupled with reducing ground reaction force
suggests a gravitational torque is the motive force. Both heel-toe and Pose® runner’s
maximal horizontal acceleration occurred before their horizontal maximal ground
reaction force, suggesting a gravitational torque by default is the motive force in running.
It appears that both heel-toe and Pose® running techniques fall forwards via a
gravitational torque, suggesting that these runners do not push off the ground. It was
proposed that owing to lower vertical oscillation Pose® runners used the gravitational
torque more effectively. The research variables were therefore, able to clearly explain the
Pose® technique and the Gravitational hierarchical model. Whether Pose® running is
effective at improving performance or reducing injury is discussed in the next chapter.
Endurance runners are an array of shapes and sizes, which influences their running
economy (Bergh et al., 1991). From a survey of 1,468 male endurance runners, the mean
stature was 176.5 cm and body mass was 65.8 kg, but stature ranged from 152-197 cm
and body mass from 40-100 kg (Frederick and Clarke, 1981). In animals, size also has a
dramatic affect on running economy; a mouse uses twenty times the energy of a pony to
run a mile (Taylor, 1994). There has been substantial research on the energy cost of
running and differing body mass (for example, Oyster and Wooten, 1971; Bale et a l,
1986). Their conclusions on endurance running attribute running economy to the effects
of stature and body mass. Running economy’s relationship with stature and body mass
relates to the Froude number. The Froude number links running speed to gravity (body
mass) and leg length (stature), suggesting gravity as an external force plays a significant
role in running performance. If speed of locomotion increases and leg extension at
terminal stance remains the same as speed increases (Hunter et al., 2005), then gravity is
the only mechanism that can increase running speed. However, gravity is a constant
force. In order for gravity to increase running speed, gravity must be able to work in such
a way as to increase its affect on the runner. Gravity’s increased affect on running speed
must be the result of the angle of inclination of the body (creating a gravitational torque)
during the propulsive phase of stance (see chapter 3, 5).
Williams and Cavanagh (1987) identified that 54% of the variance in ruiming economy
was attributed to biomechanical variables. Examining the affects of technique on running
economy identified several related biomechanical factors (Williams and Cavanagh,
1987). For example, running economy has been associated with a freely chosen stride
frequency and length (Cavanagh and Williams, 1982). It has also been related with lower
vertical oscillation (Cavanagh et al., 1977), earlier co-activation of hamstring and
gastrocnemius muscles during the support phase (Heise et al., 1996), and reduced plantar
flexion occurring at higher speeds during foot removal (Williams and Cavanagh, 1987).
Lower vertical oscillation and less plantar flexion would reduce work against gravity and
therefore, enhance the effects of the gravitational torque on the runner.
Miura et al. (1973) suggested, technique attributed to the differences in running speed—
5.6 m-s'1 to 5.2 m-s'1— for their participants running with the same maximum oxygen
uptake of 70 ml/kg-min. Their faster rumiers all had a greater angle of inclination (34°) of
the body at terminal stance compared with their poor runners (31.8°). An increased angle
of inclination produces an increased moment arm for gravity from the centre of mass to
the support foot, which increases the gravitational torque potentially increasing running
Cavanagh and LaFortune (1980) found a mean decrease in the horizontal velocity of the
centre of mass of 0.18 m-s'1 during the braking phase for seventeen participants running
at 4.47 m-s'1. If the foot lands further ahead o f the centre of mass at impact, an increased
braking effect can occur (Fenn, 1930; Deshon and Nelson, 1964; Cavanagh et al., 1977;
Bates et al., 1979; Kunz and Kaufman, 1981; Girardin and Roy, 1984; Hinrichs, 1990).
Impact patterns also affect stance-limb impact angles at the hip, knee and ankle, via the
kinetic chain (Bartlett, 2000), which subsequently alter the centre of mass vertical
displacement (Lee and Farley, 1998). Lower-limb angles, vertical oscillation o f the
centre of mass and foot position at impact, therefore, have an important relationship to
reductions in horizontal velocity of the runner and consequently performance.
Miura et al.’s (1973) good runners exhibited a longer stride length of 1.77 m compared
to their poor runners of 1.60 m over a 5-km race, while stride-time was similar. In
contrast, Cavanagh et a l (1977) found their good runners took shorter strides with a
higher frequency in comparison to poorer runners. Possible differences may reflect the
fact that Cavanagh et al.’s (1977) study was conducted on a treadmill where ten strides
were filmed after ten minutes of running at 4.47 m-s'1, whereas Miura et aV s (1973)
runners ran 5-km on a track at 5.2-5.6 m-s'1. It is currently not lucid whether runners
should have longer strides or higher frequency.
Dallem et al. (2005) found a significant reduction in their Pose® group in vertical
oscillation in comparison to the control group at a given treadmill velocity following the
Pose® method intervention. Although not statistically significant, the Pose® group
recorded reductions in mean hip to ankle distance at foot strike (more vertically aligned
body position) and lower support time. However, the modifications in running
biomechanics elicited by the Pose® method intervention were also associated with a
significantly increased submaximal oxygen cost (a 4.2 ml/kg/min increase in steady state
oxygen cost at 215 m-min following the instructional period). This may be owing to the
fact that the majority of the participants were experienced enough to have already
developed their most economical self-selected stride rate. Notably one of the eight Pose®
group participants did demonstrate an improvement in economy following the
instructional period. He was the least experienced triathlete/runner in the group with a
two year training history in running and triathlon, as well as having the lowest initial
stride rates (2.6 steps-s'1 at 215 m-min and 2.8 steps-s'1 at 250 m-min). This participant
may not have been experienced enough to have developed his most economical freely
chosen stride length before the study allowing him to possibly respond more favorably to
the instruction. The mean increase in running economy of approximately 8%, should
substantially affect running performance in their Pose® group. However, the Pose® group
in Dallem et al. (2005) also demonstrated a similar perceived exertion during the pre and
post steady state trial speeds (RPE = 11.3 + 2.1 versus 11.0 ± 1.8 and 14.5 + 1.6 versus
14.7 + 3.1). They suggested the increase in steady state oxygen cost on the participant’s
steady state rate of perceived exertion may have been negated by a reduction in the
muscular activation associated with each individual step (reduced stride length and
increased stride frequency).
Dallam et al.'s methodological design may have also attributed to the increase in running
economy. The running economy data was collected after the lactate threshold and
maximum oxygen consumption tests. Further, biomechanical data was acquired after the
physiological tests when all the participants were in an extremely fatigued state. The data
were also collected on a treadmill, which pulls the foot backwards. The pulling back of
the foot significantly affects Pose® running technique because the foot should be pulled
directly upwards in Pose® running not backwards. It is unlikely the Pose® group were
able to maintain their new technique when fatigued while on a treadmill, which could
have affected the results. Therefore, this study aims to collect oxygen consumption in a
non-fatigued state during over-ground running, to determine, if the Pose® technique does
in fact improve running economy. Dallam et al.'s (2005) study did not include a
performance test. This present study will include a 2400 m time trial to determine if
Pose® running improves performance from the potential biomechanical changes.
The Pose® technique has also made claims that it reduces running injuries (Romanov,
2002). Pose® runners land on the forefoot, however, forefoot running is not associated
with a lower risk of injury (Cavanagh and LaFortune, 1980). Arendse et al. (2004)
trained twenty heel-runners in Pose® running. They found Pose® running was
characterised by a shorter stride length, lower vertical impact force, a greater knee
flexion in preparation for and at initial contact, less eccentric work at the knee and more
eccentric work at the ankle compared with heel-toe and forefoot running. They proposed
the position of the torso during the gait cycle may explain the reduced knee eccentric
work and increased ankle eccentric work in Pose® running compared with the heel-toe
running technique. They suggested that the position of the torso and the centre of mass
should be included in future studies of running technique modification. This present
study will measure the centre of mass position and velocity including torso position
during the gait cycle.
Arendse et al. (2004) evaluated their runners in the barefoot condition, to which they
were not habituated. Although standard to all test conditions, the barefoot condition may
prevent the adoption of a conventional heel-toe running technique. Runners protect the
heel during barefoot running and reduce distortion of the heel fat pad (De Wit and De
Clercq, 2000). Subsequently, initial contact occurs predominantly with the anterior
portion of the foot. Their horizontal braking and propulsive ground reaction forces
differed between Pose® and heel-toe running in contrast to this thesis (chapter 5). Pose®
running also produced significantly smaller vertical displacement of the body, the feet
were kept close to the supporting surface with a shorter stride length compared with
heel-toe running. However, Arendse et al. (2004) collected no injury data post
intervention to determine if these Pose® running changes reduced injuries.
The aim of this present study is to measure via an economy and time trial run the
participant’s pre-test baseline physiological measures while the primary research
variables will provide a biomechanical profile. The post-test will determine whether
there is an improved performance on the economy and 2400 tune trial run resulting from
the potential biomechanical changes in the Pose® group from a 7-hour Pose® training
intervention. A 3-month post intervention survey for any injury incidence will follow for
all participants.
6 .3 M E TH O D S
Sixteen recreational male heel-toe runners and triathletes were recruited for this study.
The heel-toe group = 8) and the Pose group's = 8) personal information are
(K) •
(7 7 (7 7
recorded in table 6.3.1. Written informed consent and ethical approval from Sheffield
Hallam University were obtained before testing. All participants had no history of
surgical intervention, chronic pain, orthotic use or current pathology of the lower
extremity, except one participant from the heel-toe group post-test who had sore ankle
musculature. Each participant wore his normal running shoes. All shoes were
qualitatively assessed for rigidity of the heel counter and compliance of the cushioning
element of the rear section of the shoe.
Group Age (yrs) Stature (cm) Mass (kg) 10-km P.B. time (min)
P re P o st
Heel-toe Group
Range 1 8 -2 7 1 7 4 - 1 9 3 .5 6 5 .3 - 1 0 0 .5 6 5 .3 - 1 0 0 .5 3 8 -4 5
Mean 2 0 .8 1 8 0 .2 8 2 .3 8 2 .0 41
S.D. 3 .6 6 .2 11 1 0 .9 2 .1
Pose® Treatment Group
Range 1 9 -2 4 1 7 3 -1 8 9 7 1 .4 - 8 5 .7 6 9 .4 - 8 5 .7 3 8 -4 5
Mean 2 1 .1 1 8 0 .9 7 6 .9 7 6 .5 4 0 .6
S.D. 1 .7 5 .2 5 .4 6 .7 2 .8
equal bias towards running technique from the pre-test questionnaire scores (table 6.4.4).
All participants were tested on two separate occasions in a pre-post test design.
The laboratory tests (see appendix 3 for laboratory data collection sheets)
A printed itinerary was given to each participant before their test date covering
procedures and test times. Before the start of the test, each participant was given a verbal
explanation of the test procedures. Every participant warmed up for as long as needed.
All participants wore their own running flats for both pre and post-tests. Participants
were asked to maintain normal weekly training activities. The laboratory pre-tests were
held between May 26th-29th, 2003 and required each participant to run across a force
plate at 3.35 m-s"1 (8 min per mile pace) while simultaneously recording kinematic data.
The post-tests were held between June 9th- 11th, 2003.
The intervention (see appendix 4 for intervention sheets)
Both interventions were held between May 30th and June 5th. The Pose® group received
seven one-hour daily intervention sessions in the Pose® method of running technique by
a trained and experienced Pose® instructor. The heel-toe group were to complete seven
intervention sessions of traditional running drills and interval repeats on their own. Both
interventions required the participants to complete a series of specific drills each day.
The heel-toe group were trained to drive the leg forwards and to push-off the ground in
bounding movements using traditional running drills such as butt kicks, high knee lifts
and kick outs. The Pose® group using many specific drills were taught to use their body
weight to create speed through falling forwards while pulling their foot from the ground
using their hamstring muscles.
Lab door
F a lc o n H R 2 4 0
5 cam era
sy ste m
H ost
.66 m C o m p u te r
p ro cesso r
P h o t o e le c t r ic and S V G A
c e lls / s m o n it o r
V id e o
p rocessor
K is tle r
4 .1 9 m
F orce 60 cm
3 .0 m P la te
40 cm
7.0 m
Collection and processing of kinematic data (see appendix 5 for raw data)
A modified Helen Hayes marker set (22-markers) was used to collect their three-
dimensional trajectories for computing kinematic data. Retroflective spheres of a
diameter of 2 cm (4.4 g) were applied to their bodies in order to define a model
comprised of twelve body segments: two segments for feet, lower legs, upper legs,
forearm, upper arm and two single segments comprising the head/neck and trunk. These
markers were applied directly onto the skin using athletic tape on the acromion
processes, elbow and radiocarpal joints, sacrum, anterior superior iliac spines, lateral
femoral condyles, lateral malleolus, and the dorsim of the feet between the second and
third metatarsals. Two lateral wands were used to calculate the medial knee and ankle
markers during the dynamic trials. The two lateral wands were 10 cm long and attached
using athletic tape to the thigh, midway between the hip and knee joints, and for the
shank, midway between the knee and ankle joints. Both wands were vertically aligned
with the relevant joints. The attachment and length of the wands were such that
oscillations of the marker at the tip of the wands were insignificant. An off-set marker
placed on the right scapula precipitated software marker recognition through body
asymmetry. Video data were collected using a VP AT 310 video recorder and an eight-
camera (Falcon HR 240) motion analysis system recording at 120 Hz (Motion Analysis
Corporation, Santa Rosa, California) which collected data for one step of the right leg
while running in the positive X direction. The cameras were zoomed in as far as possible
to a volume of 3.6 m in x (fore-aft axis) by 1.4 m in y (medio-lateral axis) and 2 m in z
(vertical axis) with the centre of the base corresponding to the centre of the force plate.
The laboratory (global) orthogonal coordinate system followed the right hand rule and
had the positive v-direction orientated in the direction of forward progression, the
positive y-direction orientated to the left and the positive z-direction orientated vertically
upward. The volume was calibrated before data collection using a cube and a 500 mm
wand associated with EvaRT 3.2 data collection software (Motion Analysis Corporation,
Santa Rosa, California). All participants ran a pre-post test at 3.35 m-s'1 in two separate
laboratory sessions eleven-days apart. Running speeds were measured by two
photoelectric cells 4.19 m apart and 3 m from the centre of the force plate, and mounted
so the participant’s waist triggered the photoelectric cells. Up to five trials were
recorded, and only trials in which ‘good’ foot contact with a steady stride and speeds
within 5% of the measured speed were analysed. The three dimensional coordinate data
were filtered using a 2nd order low-pass Butterworth filter (commonly known as the
Butterworth fourth order); a cut-off frequency of 6-8 Hz was used and was selected
through visual inspection of the fit (Winter, 1987). Video and analogue data were time
synchronised using impact recorded when vertical ground reaction force exceeded 20 N.
Following the filtering process in EvaRT 3.2, the filtered video data were extracted using
OrthoTrak 5 software. Coordinate and angular data were calculated according to the
method used by Winter (1990) from the filtered raw data.
Statistical analysis
Assumptions of normality were satisfied for the inferential statistical analysis using the
Ryan-Joiner’s normality test. Homogeneity of variance were satisfied using Levene's
test. Individual means and standard deviations were calculated for a variety of secondary
research variables both before and after the instructional period. Sixteen 2 x 2 mixed
factorial ANOVAs assessed the primary research variables for the main effects of group
(control vs. treatment), and treatment (pre to post changes). Tukey’s tests of honestly
significant differences were used to assess individual cell differences post hoc. Data
analysis was conducted using Minitab (version 14) statistical analysis software.
Statistical significance for the inferential statistical procedures was established at P =
Figure 6.4.1 Pre-test heel-toe runner 1 at 3.35 ms'1taken every 5 frames at 120 frames.s'1.
Figure 6.4.2 Post-test heel-toe 1 runner at 3.35 ms'1 taken every 5 frames at 120 frames.s'1.
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Figure 6.4.3 Pre-test Pose® runner 1 at 3.35 ms’1 taken every 5 frames at 120 frames.s’1.
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Figure 6.4.4 Post-test Pose® runner 1 at 3.35 ms'1 taken every 5 frames at 120 frames.s'1.
Figure 6.4.5 Pre-test Pose® runner 2 at 3.35 ms'1 taken every 5 frames at 120 frames.s'1.
Figure 6.4.6 Post-test Pose® runner 2 at 3.35 ms'1taken every 5 frames at 120 frames.s'1.
The primary and secondary variables in Table 6.4.1 give the pre and post-test scores for
the heel-toe and Pose® runners. Mean scores for comparison are given in bold from the
experienced Pose® and heel-toe runners from chapter 5 at the same running speed of 3.35
Table 6.4.1 H e e l- t o e a n d P o s e ® g r o u p 's (N=16) p r im a r y (in b o ld ) a n d s e c o n d a r y m e a n s c o r e s a n d sta n d a r d
d e v ia t io n s p lu s fo r c o m p a r is o n th e e x p e r ie n c e d P o s e R a n d h e e l- t o e te c h n iq u e r u n n e r s at 3 .3 5 m -s"1 in b o ld .
Pose® Heel-Toe
Variables Pre Post Pose® Pre Post Heel-Toe
S T (m s) 2 4 5 (3 ) 2 1 0 (1 )* 220 2 5 0 (2 ) 2 5 0 (1 ) 260
M A - P G R F ( B W ) - 0 .1 8 ( 0 .0 3 ) - 0 .1 8 (0 .0 3 ) -0.23 - 0 .2 1 ( 0 .0 3 ) - 0 .2 2 ( 0 .0 4 ) -0.20
M V G R F (B W ) 2 .6 3 ( 0 .4 ) 2 .6 9 ( 0 .2 4 ) 2.63 2 .5 9 ( 0 .2 2 ) 2 .5 7 (0 .1 6 ) 2.58
M A - P G R F ( p ) ( B W ) 0 .1 6 ( 0 .0 3 ) 0 .1 6 ( 0 .0 2 ) 0.16 0 .1 7 (0 .0 3 ) 0 .1 6 (0 .0 1 ) 0.15
CM (brak) - 2 1 .3 ( 8 .4 ) - 1 6 .2 ( 1 1 .6 ) -15.3 - 1 9 .7 ( 7 .6 ) - 2 0 .0 ( 6 .5 ) -22.6
(cm -s" 1)
CM (prop) 1 7 .1 ( 5 .9 ) 1 4 .1 ( 6 .7 ) 17.7 1 7 .4 (7 .3 ) 1 5 .7 (8 .1 ) 20.4
(cm -s" 1)
CM 25 (cm) 3 2 .7 (6 .3 ) 2 4 .9 (5 .8 )* * 24.9 3 1 .2 ( 3 .1 ) 3 2 .1 ( 2 .3 ) 31.9
V O (c m ) 1 1 .5 ( 2 .3 ) 9 .7 ( 2 .1 ) 9.3 1 1 .4 (1 .5 ) 1 1 .3 ( 1 .6 ) 11.9
K F V (rad-s"1) 6 .1 ( 1 .5 6 ) 5 .2 7 (1 .4 8 )* 5.25 7 .5 2 ( 0 .7 1 ) 6 .9 4 (1 .3 7 ) 5.41
K E V (rad-s"1) 4 .2 2 ( 0 .7 1 ) 3 .7 2 ( 1 .4 7 ) 3.48 4 .1 6 (0 .4 9 ) 4 .1 1 ( 0 .4 1 ) 4.1
K F V S (rad-s"1) 6 .8 9 ( 0 .8 5 ) 7 .9 1 ( 1 .1 4 ) * * 7.65 6 .2 9 (0 .9 7 ) 6 .1 4 ( 0 .8 5 ) 6.42
S L (c m ) 1 0 3 .5 ( 9 .4 ) 8 9 .1 ( 9 .3 ) * * 89.9 1 0 6 .4 (1 0 .6 ) 1 0 0 .7 (7 .9 6 ) 98.4
CM D is ( c m ) 8 7 .3 (1 0 .4 ) 7 2 .7 (5 .4 )* 75.6 8 9 .8 ( 5 .8 ) 8 7 .4 ( 6 .4 ) 89.3
S F (H z) 2 .6 (0 .0 9 ) 3 .0 (0 .2 5 ) * 3.04 2 .6 ( 0 .1 7 ) 2 .5 7 (0 .1 8 ) 2.65
Time trial ( s ) 5 6 8 .1 ( 1 0 .6 ) 5 4 3 .4 ( 7 .1 ) 5 7 0 ( 6 3 .5 ) 5 7 3 .3 ( 6 2 .2 )
02 Con ( m l) 2 9 3 6 .9 ( 2 5 2 .6 ) 2 9 1 8 .1 ( 1 7 4 .8 ) 3 1 6 8 .9 (3 9 9 .9 ) 3 0 1 8 .5 ( 4 4 4 .3 )
T A -P G R F (b ) 2 6 .2 ( 2 .2 ) 1 7 .2 (8 .5 5 ) 8.4 2 3 .8 ( 2 .3 ) 2 3 .8 ( 1 .8 5 ) 23.8
(% o f s ta n c e )
T V GRF 4 4 .8 (3 .9 8 ) 4 4 .0 ( 3 .8 4 ) 37.9 4 4 .1 ( 2 .4 5 ) 4 4 .2 ( 1 .7 3 ) 44.1
(% o f s t a n c e )
T A -P G R F (p ) 7 5 .8 ( 1 .9 9 ) 7 4 .9 ( 2 .2 8 ) 71.2 7 6 .1 ( 2 .1 5 ) 7 4 .8 ( 1 .8 8 ) 73.3
(% o f s t a n c e )
C M S (cm -s" 1) - 2 2 .0 ( 0 .7 ) - 1 5 .2 ( 0 .5 ) -27.3 - 2 8 .7 ( 6 .4 ) - 3 1 .7 ( 6 .4 ) -18.9
C M T O (c m ) 3 7 .0 (5 .4 ) 3 4 .1 ( 4 .6 ) 36.8 4 2 .8 ( 4 .3 ) 4 0 .7 ( 3 .9 ) 40.5
C M 6 (r a d ) 0 .3 3 ( 0 .0 5 ) 0 .3 ( 0 .0 3 ) 0.34 0 .3 8 ( 0 .0 2 ) 0 .3 7 ( 0 .0 3 ) 0.35
S H A (c m ) 1 3 .8 ( 7 .7 ) 8 .7 ( 4 .7 ) 8.0 1 2 .6 ( 3 .0 3 ) 1 3 .5 ( 2 .4 ) 16.1
K F (r a d ) 0 .5 4 ( 0 .0 7 ) 0 .4 3 ( 0 .1 1 ) 0.44 0 .5 8 ( 0 .0 3 ) 0 .5 8 ( 0 .0 4 ) 0.55
K E (r a d ) 0 .5 9 ( 0 .0 8 ) 0 .4 6 ( 0 .1 9 ) 0.48 0 .6 6 ( 0 .0 5 ) 0 .6 3 ( 0 .0 9 ) 0.64
K S W (r a d ) 1 .5 4 ( 0 .2 5 ) 1 .6 (0 .2 4 ) 1.57 1 .4 2 ( 0 .1 8 ) 1 .3 6 (0 .2 2 ) 1.49
K T D (r a d ) 0 .2 2 ( 0 .0 9 ) 0 .2 8 ( 0 .0 9 ) 0.32 0 .2 3 ( 0 .0 7 ) 0 .2 4 ( 0 .0 7 ) 0.34
K V G R F (r a d ) 0 .7 1 ( 0 .1 2 ) 0 .6 8 ( 0 .1 1 ) 0.74 0 .7 7 ( 0 .0 6 ) 0 .7 8 ( 0 .0 8 ) 0.87
F T (m s) 1 3 6 (4 ) 126 13) 120.0 1 3 4 631 1 3 0 (2) 120.0
S ig n if ic a n t d if f e r e n c e (P = 0 .0 1 ) fr o m * P o s e 16 p r e to p o s t - t e s t . S ig n if ic a n t d if f e r e n c e (P = 0 .0 5 ) fr o m * *
P o s e * p r e to p o s t - t e s t . N o s ig n if ic a n c e w a s f o u n d p r e -p o s t t e s t fo r th e c o n tr o l g r o u p o r b e t w e e n p r e - te s t s
fo r th e P o s e * a n d c o n tr o l g r o u p s .
Experienced Pose^ and heel-toe runner’s scores are in bold as well as the training study’s primary research
variables. Standard deviations are in parenthesis. ST = stance time (ms) right foot, M A-P GRF (brak) =
maximum posterior ground reaction force (braking) (BW), M V GRF = maximum vertical ground reaction
force (BW), M A-P GRF (prop) = maximum anterior ground reaction force (propulsive) (BW), CM (brak)
= centre of mass horizontal velocity largest decrease after impact until maximum vertical ground reaction
force (cm-s'1), CM (prop) = centre of mass horizontal velocity largest increase from maximum vertical
ground reaction force until terminal stance (cm-s*1), CM 25 = centre of mass behind the toe-marker
(horizontal difference at 25 ms), VO = vertical oscillation of the centre of mass (cm), KFV = mean knee
flexion angular velocity for stance (rad-s"1), KEV = mean knee extension angular velocity for stance (rad-s'
l), KFVS = mean knee flexion angular velocity from terminal stance to maximum swing angle (rad.s'1), SL
= step length for right foot (cm), CM dis = centre of mass displacement during stance (cm), SF= step
frequency (Hz), Time trial (s), 02 con = oxygen consumption (ml), T A-P GRF (brak) = time of posterior
ground reaction force (braking) (% of stance), T V GRF = time of maximum vertical ground reaction
force (% of stance), T A-P GRF (prop) = time of anterior ground reaction force (propulsion) (% of
stance), CM diff = horizontal velocity of the centre of mass from maximum vertical ground reaction force
until terminal stance minus horizontal velocity of the centre of mass from impact until maximum vertical
ground reaction (cm-s*1), CM S = centre of mass horizontal velocity decrease between terminal stance and
maximum swing (flexion) for the right leg during flight (cm-s'1), CM TO = centre of mass forward of the
toe-marker (horizontal difference at terminal stance) (cm), CM 0 = centre of mass and toe-marker angle at
terminal stance from the vertical axis going clockwise (rad), SHA = shoulder, hip, and ankle marker
difference in vertical alignment at 25 ms (cm), KF = knee flexion range during stance (rad), KE = knee
extension during stance (rad), KSW = knee flexion from terminal stance to maximum swing (rad), KTD =
knee angle at impact (rad), KV GRF = knee angle at maximum vertical ground reaction force (rad), FT =
flight time (ms).
Figures 6.4.7-8 give pre and post-test mean scores for the Pose® and heel-toe groups for
time-aligned hip, knee and ankle joint displacements with maximum vertical ground
reaction force and vertical oscillation of the centre of mass. Note, the horizontal
displacement of the centre of mass during flight for the Pose® group post-test is 44.9 cm
and the heel-toe group is 46.2 cm, whereas step length decreased in the Pose® group
Figure 6.4.7 Pre (left) and post-test (right) control group (heel-toe) mean scores for ground reaction force,
hip, knee, ankle and vertical oscillation of the centre of mass.
Figure 6.4.8 Pre (left) and post-test (right) Pose® group mean scores for ground reaction force, hip, knee,
ankle and vertical oscillation of the centre of mass.
The following tables (tables 6.4.2-6.4.6) cover the economy run and the time trial. The
London Met. office had no weather stations at Loughborough University so the two
nearest stations were used to record the weather for the economy run and the time trial.
T = Time (s), M HR = Maximum heart rate (bpm), AV HR = mean heart rate (bpm), Borg = Borg Scale
(6-20), SF = Step frequency (mean for the 6 laps from the steps taken from a 20 m stretch in the home
Table 6.4.4 Questionnaire (scale 1-5) How important do you believe running technique is to overall
performance? ( N = 16)
Pose® Heel-toe
pre-test post-test pre-test post-test
5 5 4 4
3 4 5 5
4 4 5 5
4 5 5 4
5 5 5 4
4 5 4 3
5 5 4 4
5 4 4 4
Table 6.4.5 Weather on time trial and economy run days from Sutton Bonnington.
NGR = 4507E 3259N, Altitude = 48 metres, Latitude = 52:83 N Longitude = 01:25 W (London Met.
office ©, 2003) W N = Wind - Mean Direction Degrees True Clockwise from North, W S= Wind - Mean
Speed (kn), W Gust (N) = Wind - Max Gust Direction Degrees True Clockwise from North, W Gust =
Wind - Max Gust Speed (kn), Temp = Temperature - Dry Bulb (°C), Hum = Relative Humidity %, Rain =
Rain - Amount (mm).
Table 6.4.6 Weather on time trial and economy run days from Leicester University.
Date WN WS W Gust (N) W Gust Temp Hum Rain
May-24 pre-test 245 5 265 12 14.2 80.4 0.0
May-25 pre-test 305 7 295 15 14.9 76.7 0.0
Jun-06 post-test 192 6 195 14 16.4 88.3 0.1
NGR = 4595E 3032N, Altitude = 80 metres, Latitude = 52:62 N Longitude = 01:12 W (London Met office
©, 2003) W N = Wind - Mean Direction Degrees True Clockwise from North, W S= Wind - Mean Speed
(kn), W Gust (N) = Wind - Max Gust Direction Degrees True Clockwise from North, W Gust = Wind -
Max Gust Speed (kn), Temp = Temperature - Dry Bulb (°C), Hum = Relative Humidity %, Rain = Rain -
Amount (mm).
Statistical Analysis
Statistical tests were performed with a commercial statistical programme Minitab
(version 14). Significant differences between the means o f the primary research variables
were found using a 2 * 2 mixed factorial ANOVA, with the level o f significance posted
at P < 0.05. Significant differences between the means as indicated by significant F-
ratios were explored with the Tukey post hoc analysis test. Significant interaction effects
were found for stance time (P = 0.012), centre of mass to support limb at 25 ms (P =
0.014), centre of mass displacement during stance (P = 0.030) and step frequency (P =
0.005). Tukey post hoc tests revealed significant differences between the Pose® group
pre and post-test for stance time (P = 0.001), centre of mass to support limb at 25 ms (P
= 0.042), centre of mass displacement during stance (P = 0.001), knee flexion angular
velocity during stance (P = 0.005) plus swing (P = 0.043) and step frequency (P =
0 .002).
A three-month prospective injury report was undertaken post intervention for the sixteen
participants. Their self-report data is summarised. It was not possible to control the
participants rumiing training owing to an inability to maintain personal contact (the
researcher lived 6000 miles away). Each participant was asked to keep a diary of training
mileage and injury incidence. All the participants (except two who ceased rumiing)
maintained their normal weekly mileage (mean 25-km).
The major findings of this present study on Pose® running were as follows: 1) There
were no significant differences in ground reaction forces in the Pose® group between pre
and post-test. 2) There were significant differences in body and limb activity in the
Pose® group between pre and post-test. 3) There was no significant change in economy
in the Pose® group’s economy run, yet they ran faster in the 2400 m time trial. 4) No
injuries occurred in the Pose® group who continued to run the Pose® technique, whereas
all of the heel-toe technique that continued to run developed injuries. However, owing to
the small sample size conclusive comment about injury incidence is not possible at this
A'endse et al. (2004) administered a Pose® method intervention to twenty male and
female endurance runners using a repeated measures experimental design (within-
subjects). Biomechanical data were collected for their natural heel-toe running style.
During the same data collection, they ran on their forefoot while the same biomechanical
data was collected. Pose® running instruction was then administered, which consisted of
a maximum of seven and half hours and comprised of one and half-hour sessions daily
for five consecutive days. Seven and half hours of Pose® instruction from a trained Pose®
method teacher was adequate to change their heel-toe runners into Pose^ runners. This
study therefore employed a similar seven-hour Pose® instruction over seven-days.
Previous attempts to modify running technique have focused on one or two (stride
length/frequency) modifications (for example, Petray and Krahenbuhl, 1985; Messier
and Cirillo, 1989; Williams and Ziff, 1991). Although these studies recorded individual
kinematic variables— stride length, vertical oscillation, trunk inclination and arm
swing— their results were inconsistent across their sample groups, showing a resistance
to change from their individual running technique. In contrast, Pose® running produced
consistent biomechanical changes (see table 6.4.1; Arendse et al., 2004; Dallam et al.,
2005). This study seeks to evaluate these biomechanical changes in the Pose® group (no
changes were found in the heel-toe group) in relation to a performance test, economy run
and injury incidence.
Propulsive (horizontal) ground reaction force did not change in the Pose® runners, while
muscle activity is absent in all runners during the propulsive phase of stance
(Montgomery et al., 1994), indicating the runner is not pushing off the ground with their
muscle system (McClay et al., 1990). The lack of muscle activity, maximum horizontal
acceleration occurring before maximum horizontal ground reaction force (see chapter 5
table 5.4.1), and changes in ground reaction force that are proportional with changes in
gravity (Chang et al., 2000) lead to the deduction that a gravitational torque creates
propulsion (see chapter 3, 5) rather than the ground and the muscle system.
However, propulsive impulse increases with running speed (Hunter et al., 2005). Using
multiple linear regression to predict sprint velocity, relative propulsive impulse
explained 57% of then variance in sprint velocity . The impulse-momentum relationship
correctly explains motion changes in runners, but as running speed rises, the propulsive
impulse increases do not have to come from more muscle activity, because the leg and
hip extensors are silent during propulsion (McClay et al., 1990; Montgomery et al.,
1994). Rather an increase in the propulsive impulse may occur via a gravitational torque
increasing the acceleration of the runner’s centre of mass. At faster running speeds, the
increase in trunk inclination will subsequently increase the gravitational torque via an
increased moment arm. The propulsive impulse may simply be reflecting the increased
acceleration of the centre of mass via the increased gravitational torque at higher running
The timing of the ground reaction forces only differed in the braking condition for the
Pose® runners. This may reflect their more aligned shoulder, hip and ankle at impact
after the intervention (5.1 cm) and the significant difference found in their centre of mass
being more vertically aligned (7.8 cm) with the support foot at impact. Although not
significantly different, the Pose® group had a lower braking effect (0.051 m-s'1) for the
horizontal velocity of their centre of mass during this time possibly reflecting a more
aligned body position. As the Pose® group were faster post-test for the time trial this
more aligned body position may reflect the cause of improved performance, because
faster runners brake less (Bates et al., 1979; Girardin and Roy, 1984; Hinrichs, 1990).
Horizontal velocity of the centre of mass during the propulsive phase of stance was also
not significantly different in the Pose® group although it did decrease. It is possible that
the Pose® group did not need to accelerate as much during this phase to maintain a
constant running speed because they braked less. Another possible explanation is the
ipsilateral leg is driven forwards during this part of stance in heel-toe runners, which
would increase the horizontal velocity of the centre of mass. Pose® runners are trained
not to drive the swing leg forwards. Finally, calculation of the change in horizontal
velocity of the centre of mass (difference between maximum vertical ground reaction
force and terminal stance), may have masked increased acceleration in the Pose® group,
because the experienced Pose® runners in chapter 5 had higher horizontal acceleration of
their centre of mass (chapter 5; figures 5.4.58-61).
The Pose® group reduced their vertical oscillation in-line with other Pose® studies
(Arendse et al., 2004; Dallam et al., 2005). Reduced vertical oscillation appears to be a
distinguishable characteristic of Pose® running. Less knee extension correlates with
lower vertical oscillation (Wank et al., 1998). The Pose® group reduced knee extension
(0.13 rad) and vertical oscillation (1.8 cm). Stance time also significantly decreased in
Pose® runners, suggesting having the support foot remain longer on the ground
(increased stance time) via increased leg extension potentially increases vertical
oscillation. Increased stance time correlated positively (r = 0.49) with poorer economy
reflecting decreased performance (Williams and Cavanagh, 1986; Williams and
Cavanagh, 1987). In addition, as endurance runners fatigue, stance time increases (Nicol
et al., 1991). Directly the body begins to fall forwards (after mid-stance), Pose® runners
are taught to pull their foot from the ground, which potentially decreases the knee
passively extending, thus reducing vertical oscillation. Pose® running is characterised by
decreased vertical oscillation, which may correlate with reduced stance time and lower
knee extension possibly affecting performance. Enomoto et al. (1999) using thirty-two
participants found their fastest runners produced lower vertical oscillation and less
braking of the centre of mass’s horizontal velocity. This study’s Pose® runners improved
their time trial performance eliciting these same traits.
The Pose® group significantly reduced knee flexion angular velocity at impact to
maximum vertical ground reaction force. This possibly reflects their more aligned body
at impact, because their knees flex less from impact to maximum vertical ground
reaction force (0.08 rad). Knee extension angular velocity from maximum vertical
ground reaction force until terminal stance decreased. The Pose® group flex and extend
the knee less during stance, which potentially translates into less work and improved
performance (Arendse et al., 2004). The knee flexion angular velocity for swing in the
Pose® group post-test significantly increased, whereas knee range of motion barely
changed (0.06 rad). The reduced moment of inertia at the knee (less extension) during
stance and the significantly increased knee flexion angular velocity during swing may
enhance performance based on lower energy cost (Enomoto et al., 1999).
The Pose® group reduced step length and significantly increased step frequency creating
another recognisable characteristic of Pose® running (Arendse et al., 2004; Dallam et al.,
2005). Increased vertical alignment of the shoulder, hip and ankle in the Pose® group at
impact, may suggest reaching or driving the swing leg forwards in front of the body, is
absent in Pose® runners. Driving the swing leg will increase step length, and may
possibly affect the timing of the braking ground reaction force. Support for driving the
swing leg forwards in heel-toe runners is exhibited by lower differences for horizontal
displacement during flight between the centre of mass and actual step length for the
Pose® runners.
Consistent increases in submaximal oxygen cost occur with short term attempts to
manipulate running economy by altering the self-selected stride rate or length (Cavanagh
and Williams, 1982; Kaneko et al., 1987; Messier and Cirillo, 1989; Cavagna et al.,
1991). This is the first study in running to alter self-selected stride rate and length and
not subsequently increase oxygen consumption. A possible reason for the difference is
the Pose® method produces other biomechanical changes as well as changes in stride
length and frequency (Table 6.4.1). Previous studies do not address how stride length
and stride frequency occur, because they require participants to manipulate their own
changes. The Pose® method instruction attempts to teach runners that stride length is a
consequence of the body’s displacement (via a gravitational torque) not a cause of it.
Stride frequency results from the need to pull the foot from the ground to keep up with
the moving body while the swing leg is not driven forwards. Finally, the swing foot in
the Pose® runners lands under the body identified by a significant change in the vertical
alignment of the centre of mass over the support foot at impact.
In one exception to the above, Morgan et al. (1994) found that step length optimization
training among runners who had self selected a stride length that was longer than that
predicted as most economical resulted in improved economy. By testing these runners at
multiple stride lengths, they determined which was most economical. Approximately
20% of the runners tested demonstrated a self-selected stride length that was not the
same as their most ideal economical stride length. Consequently, the runners improved
their economy by training for three weeks (Monday-Friday for 30 min) with audiovisual
feedback that allowed them to reproduce the reduced stride length determined to be their
most economical. Morgan et al. (1994) suggested the longer stride lengths were less
economical owing to reduced elastic mechanisms and an increase in postural
maintenance. In contrast, Williams et al. (1991) reported lowered predicted economy
across a series of relative stride lengths (± 20% of leg-length) after 3-weeks of training at
a non-optimal stride length condition (+10% of leg-length from their freely chosen stride
length). They suggested improved economy results from favourable biomechanical
changes that were not quantified. This study quantified biomechanical changes in the
Pose® group and in agreement with Morgan et al. (1994) posture significantly altered.
For example, at impact the Pose® group became more vertically aligned at the ankle, hip
and shoulder, their centre of mass displaced less during stance and they had lower
vertical oscillation. They left the ground with a less extended knee and were faster to flex
the knee during early swing.
Evidence of a similar response may be found in cycling studies that examined pedalling
rate, oxygen cost and cycling efficiency. Chavarren and Calbet (1999) demonstrated the
most economical cycling cadences in experienced road cyclists (60 rpm) are lower than
cyclists commonly self-select for training and racing (90-105 rpm). They attributed this
phenomenon to a small but significant increase in delta efficiency with increased
cadence. The change in muscular activation patterns resulting from movements at a
higher frequency at the same power output, while cycling or running, may contribute
positively to reducing peripheral fatigue mechanisms by reducing local leg fatigue later
in the race. The participant feedback (Appendix 4) in this study indicated the Pose®
runners felt reduced fatigue in their legs, which they concluded was significant in
improving their performance.
Curvilinear increases in aerobic demand occur when stride length increases or decreases
at any given speed from one self-selected by the runner (Hogberg, 1952; Knuttgen, 1961;
Morgan et al., 1989; Kyrolainen et al., 2000a). The optimal economical solution
identified was a combination of self-selected stride lengths and stride frequencies. The
Pose® group self-selected their stride lengths and stride frequencies, which were
significantly altered from their original rumiing technique. Pose1*" training does not teach
or emphasise changing stride lengths and stride frequencies. The Pose® technique
teaches the runner to fall forwards from mid-stance and pull the support foot from the
ground without regard for changing stride length and stride frequency. As the runner
follows these commands their stride length and stride frequency are a consequence not
the cause of running gait. That is, the speed the body leaves the ground from falling
determines stride length. Stride frequency results from pulling the support foot faster
from the ground to keep up with a faster moving body as rumiing speed increases. The
Pose® method’s novel focus on body posture (rumiing Pose®) and a precise action of
pulling the support foot from the ground may explain economy differences between this
study and all other studies.
Other variables identified with economical running such as maximum thigh extension at
terminal stance had a positive correlation (r = 0.53) with increased economy (Williams
and Cavanagh, 1986) although this is not a consistent finding (Williams and Cavanagh,
1987). Miura et al. (1973) associated thigh extension with increased push-off at terminal
stance, identifying this as ‘good' and associated with their elite runners, however, this
increases the moment of inertia at terminal stance, which increases work (Fenn, 1930).
Cavanagh et al. (1977) found more acute knee angles during the swing phase enhanced
economy suggesting a reduced moment of inertia is beneficial (Bailey and Pate, 1991).
The Pose® group reduced knee extension at terminal stance and increased significantly
their knee flexion angular velocity from terminal stance to maximum swing. There is
general support for improved rumiing economy with lower vertical oscillation (Slocum
and James, 1968; Cavanagh, et al., 1977; Williams and Cavanagh (1987). The Pose®
group reduced vertical oscillation, which correlates with reduced knee extension (Wank
et al., 1998), possibly suggesting driving off the ground is not economical. Finally,
Nilsson and Thorstensson (1987) reported no significant difference in running economy
between a group of six forefoot and six rear foot strikers potentially negating changes in
foot contact in the Pose® group had any affects on economy.
Increased heart rate and ventilation correlated strongly with inter-individual variation in
running economy (Pate et al., 1989), indicating lower heart rate and ventilation
correlated with improved economy. Increased ventilation and heart rate are associated
with stress, often caused by change (Hahn and Payne, 1999). Despite the Pose® group
changing their biomechanical profiles they did not worsen economy, in fact, mean heart
rate reduced by three beats post-test. In Dallam et al. (2005), fatigue and running on a
treadmill, which they had not trained for in their Pose® intervention, increased minute
ventilation and heart rate and thus worsened economy.
Despite not improving running economy all the Pose® group ran faster in the time trial
with a mean improvement of 24.7 s for the post-test, with the heel-toe group differing by
3 s. Interestingly, maximum and mean heart rate were almost identical in the Pose® and
heel-toe groups pre and post-test. One Pose® runner was 56 s quicker for his post-test run
with a mean heart rate 3 bpm lower than his pre-test score while having the same
maximum heart rate. His Borg scale scores were 16 post-test and 17 pre-test. Borg scale
scores did not change in the Pose® and heel-toe groups, pre and post-test. It is evident
that improvements over one-week were not owing to physiological adaptation, but reflect
the significant biomechanical changes post-test in the Pose® group.
Most rumiing injuries are lower extremity injuries, with the knee joint being the main
site of injury (van Mechelen, 1992; Stanish and Wood, 1994). In support of this finding,
four heel-toe and two Pose^ runners who reverted to their heel-toe running had knee
injuries. Therefore, the knee joint was the main site of injury in this study. Eccentric and
concentric muscle contractions in a stretch-shortening cycle are potential components for
overuse injury at the knee (Johansson, 1992). He suggested knee extensor muscle
loading result from variations in running technique. Arendse et al. (2004) found knee
power absorption and knee eccentric work were significantly less in Pose® runners
compared to running heel-toe. Muscle strains usually occur during eccentric contractions
(Glick, 1980). Ankle power absorption and eccentric work were greater in Arendse et
n/.’s Pose® runners compared with their heel-toe running. Their knee power generation
and concentric work were less in Pose® rumiing compared to their heel-toe running,
however, there were no differences in ankle power generation and concentric work
between the running techniques. In-line with Arendse et al. (2005), this study’s Pose®
runners may have had less eccentric work and power absorption at the knee, however
larger injury studies will confirm whether the Pose® technique significantly reduces knee
injuries or possibly increases ankle injuries.
Vertical impact force has been strongly associated with the transmission of shock waves
upward through the musculoskeletal system (Radin and Paul, 1971; Verbitsky et a l,
1998). Several investigators identified a positive relationship between the magnitude of
impact force and the numbers of overuse injuries in runners (Voloshin and Wosk, 1982;
Wosk and Voloshin, 1982; Cavanagh, 1990). Vertical impact force was similar between
the two techniques in this thesis. However, the time of the maximum horizontal braking
force was earlier in the Pose® runners coupled with a more vertically aligned body
position (shoulder, hip and ankle joints). Pose® runners are trained to land in this body
position because the ‘S’ like position is meant to reduce the effects of impact forces. The
‘S’ like position did not reduce maximum vertical impact force but maximum horizontal
braking force occurs earlier suggesting a change in the ground reaction force vector.
Stergiou et al. (1999) support this study, in that they identified coordination patterns
between the ankle and knee joints change the ground reaction force vector. Overall, these
studies suggest lower-limb activity at impact affects the loading of the body.
Running volume is an important risk factor for increased injury incidence, whereas,
running velocity is not associated with injury risk (Yzerman and Van Galen, 1987). The
mean weekly mileage was 25-km for both groups (before and after the intervention),
however, running intensity was not recorded. During a 10-km race, eight elite runners
were filmed at different stages of the race (Elliot and Ackland, 1981). Fatigue produced a
more extended lower-limb throughout the gait cycle (negative impact on performance)
during the later stages of the race. Therefore, differences in landing posture between the
two techniques in this study may vary gravity’s work on the runners. For example, centre
of mass location to the support limb at impact may influence the impact force, owing to
Arendse et al. (2004) finding Pose® running reduced eccentric work at the knee, while
increasing eccentric work at the ankle. Hunter et al. (2005) found at impact that the
distance between the support foot and the centre of mass was lower for runners with a
reduced braking impulse. Impact force did not change in this study but the time it
occurred did for the Pose® group, while impact distance of the support limb to the centre
of mass reduced significantly after the PoseR intervention. The timing of braking force
was earlier in the Pose* group post intervention possibly reflecting the more aligned
body position at impact, which would affect the braking impulse and may be related to
reduced injury incidence.
Using a 1-metre depth jumping exercise as an exaggerated motion for landing while
rumiing, ten healthy males landed on their heels or forefeet (Kovacs et al., 1999). Total
torque contributions were highest for heel-toe landing (during the extension phase) with
41% and 45% attributed to the knee and ankle joints and 34% and 55% with the forefoot.
Electromyography for vastus lateralis muscle activity differed during re-contact for the
heel-toe landing, whereas gastrocnemius muscle activity in the forefoot group increased.
Exaggerated motion (depth jumps) highlights greater loading characteristics between
heel and forefoot contact, which in light of previous comments, suggests limb and body
positions relationships play important roles in force attenuation and injury incidence.
This study’s sample is obviously too small to draw any conclusions about Pose® running
reducing injury, except to mention the results are encouraging in that Pose® technique
changes may reduce injuries. Therefore, large retrospective and prospective injury
studies should be conducted.
A 2 x 2 mixed factorial ANOVA post hoc found significant differences between the
Pose® group pre and post-test for stance time (P = 0.001), centre of mass to support limb
at 25 ms (P = 0.042), centre of mass displacement during stance {P = 0.001), knee
flexion angular velocity during stance (P = 0.005) plus swing (P = 0.043) and stride
frequency (P = 0.002). It was suggested, posterior and anterior ground reaction force did
not change because of its strong correlation with gravity, a constant force. It appears
seven-hours of instruction in Pose® running is an adequate time to significantly make
consistent biomechanical changes in male recreational endurance heel-toe runners, which
matched other Pose® runners. Pose® runners ran faster after the intervention for a 2400 m
time trial, while heart rate, and perceived exertion did not change. In addition, economy
did not change for the Pose® group post-test in the 2400 m economy run. The improved
running speed for the Pose® group in the time trial was attributed to the significant
biomechanical changes in the Pose® technique rather than any physiological adaptations,
owing to the short intervention time. It was suggested that the running Pose® (vertical
alignment of the shoulder, hip and ankle at impact) improved perfonnance via reduced
braking of the horizontal velocity of the centre of mass. Potentially, after mid-stance, as
the Pose® runners fell forwards they made better use of the gravitational torque through
lower leg extension and vertical oscillation. A faster leg recovery during swing enabled
the leg to keep up with the body but without the need to drive the swing leg forwards of
it, which decreases horizontal velocity of the centre of mass at impact. Stride length and
stride frequency therefore, were a consequence of running Pose®, not the cause. A
preliminary prospective three-month injury report revealed lower injury incidence in the
Pose® runners as opposed to the heel-toe group.
Research into endurance running performance has focused on three main areas:
economy, optimal running biomechanics, and injury mechanisms. However, this
research has not provided a universal running technique, except to identify 80% of
endurance runners land on their heels. Hay and Reid’s (1988) hierarchical model on
running reflects propulsion in running occurs via pushing off the ground through leg
extension. Alternatively, Pose® running claimed to be a universal technique that was
economical, having an optimal biomechanical profile while reducing injuries. Therefore
a new Gravitational hierarchical model of running based upon the Pose® technique was
developed, which clarified the interaction of the forces involved in running by
establishing gravity as the motive and hierarchically leading force in running.
Experienced Pose® runners were then compared with experienced heel-toe runners
(chapter 5; study 1). The study confirmed the Gravitational hierarchical model explains
the interactions of the forces involved in running while clearly distinguishing heel-toe
and Pose® running. The Pose® method study (chapter 6; study 2) replicated the same
biomechanical profile as the experienced Pose® runners by training eight heel-toe
recreational endurance runners in Pose®. The Pose® group improved performance
without changes in economy while reporting no injuries in those who continued running
There are three known forces (neglecting air resistance) involved in running (gravity,
ground reaction force, and muscle force) plus potential strain energy. Theoretical support
for the Pose® method and the new Gravitational hierarchical model were identified from
the literature.
Ground reaction force is not a motive force but operates according to Newton's
third law (Zatsiorsky, 2002; p.51).
The ground can only propel a runner’s centre of mass forward in combination
with muscle activity (Zatsiorsky, 2002; p.51). Leg and hip extensor muscles have
consistently proven to be silent after knee extension begins (Branded, 1973;
Mann and Hagy, 1980; Pare et al., 1981; Schwab et al., 1983; Nilsson and
Thorstensson, 1985; MacIntyre and Robertson, 1987; Montgomery et al., 1994;
Kyrolainen et al., 2003) suggesting the ground in combination with the muscle
system are not propulsive.
High muscle-tendon forces at terminal stance suggest elastic recoil is doing work
against gravity rather than muscle force during leg extension (Cavagna et al.,
1964; Cavagna and Kaneko, 1977; Hinrichs, 1987; Alexander, 1992; Taylor,
1994; Jung, 2003).
Elastic recoil is predominantly in the vertical direction (Farley and Ferris, 1998).
A flic-flac movement shows a spike at terminal stance in the ground reaction
force from a push-off action reflecting leg extensor activity, which is completely
absent in runners (Yeadon and Challis, 1994). In fact, the ground reaction force
decay rate increases as ruiming speed increases, owing to the higher acceleration
of the centre of mass as it leaves support (Miller, 1990). Therefore, the decay rate
is reflecting the body rising from the ground and does not support a pushing off
from the lower-limb musculature.
Gravity (via a gravitational torque) is the only external force that can horizontally
displace the centre of mass if muscle activity is silent during leg extension.
Gravity causes a torque around the support foot as the centre of mass passes
maximal vertical ground reaction force until terminal stance, creating a horizontal
displacement of the centre of mass as the body falls forwards (Gracovetsky,
The horizontal ‘propulsive’ ground reaction force may reflect the gravitational
torque’s propulsive component, because in reduced (or increased) gravity,
horizontal propulsive ground reaction force changed proportionally (Chang et al.,
2000 ).
The hip’s extension coincided with reducing vertical ground reaction force
(Payne, 1983). The hip passively extends via a gravitational torque as the body
moves past the stationary foot, because hip extensors are only active at mid-
stance and late swing while hip flexors are mainly active in early swing
(Montgomery et al., 1994). This again suggests the body is moving forward of
the support limb (via a gravitational torque) and not being pushed forwards from
the foot/ground via the ankle and knee joints (Fenn, 1930; McClay et al., 1990;
Montgomery et al., 1994; Pink et al., 1994; Belli et al., 2002; Hunter et al.,
2005). This is in direct contrast to Hay and Reid (1988; pp. 264 and 287-288)
who suggest leg extension via ankle, knee and hip musculature is the motive
force in rumiing.
• Driving the swing leg forwards causes the foot to land ahead of the body. This
potentially reduces horizontal velocity of the centre of mass by increasing the
horizontal distance of the centre of mass from the support foot at impact (Fenn,
1930; Deshon and Nelson, 1964; Cavanagh et al., 1977; Bates et al., 1979; Kunz
and Kaufman, 1981; Girardin and Roy, 1984; Hinrichs, 1987).
Two experienced male heel-toe and Pose® runners were matched for age, mass, stature
and experience. Comparison of these two running techniques was conducted using the
research variables (primary and secondary), identified from the Gravitational hierarchical
model. All data used here are the mean of the four test running speeds (2.5 m s'1, 3.35
m s'1, 4.0 m-s'1 and 4.5 m-s'1). The research variables distinguished the two techniques of
running, while giving strong support for the Gravitational hierarchical model.
• Pose and heel-toe runners had similar ground reaction forces, possibly reflecting
their similar body mass and running speed. It was suggested gravity causes
maximum vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction force (Chang et al.,
2001). Running speed was associated with the angle of inclination of the centre
of mass at terminal stance and the subsequent gravitational torque (Chang et al.,
• Each rumiing speed (2.5 m-s'1, 3.35 m-s'1, 4.0 m-s'1 and 4.5 m-s'1) produced
increasing angles of inclination and ground reaction forces for the two
techniques. It was suggested, increased angles of inclination (increased moment
arm) increase the gravitational torque producing increased horizontal acceleration
of the centre of mass. Increased horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass will
subsequently increase ground reaction force. Further, maximal horizontal
acceleration of the centre of mass increased with running speed.
The time of braking ground reaction force was earlier as a percentage of stance
for the Pose® runners by 13.5% of stance time. Different body geometry at
impact explained the braking ground reaction force differences (Deshon and
Nelson, 1964; Bates et al., 1979). Propulsive and vertical ground reaction force
occurred at a similar percentage of stance time for both techniques. Similar
angles of inclination for each running speed explained the similar timing of
propulsive ground reaction force, owing to their potential relationship to the
gravitational torque (Chang et al., 2001).
Both heel-toe and Pose runner’s maximal horizontal acceleration of the centre
of mass occurred before their horizontal maximal ground reaction force,
suggesting by default that a gravitational torque is the motive force in running.
The propulsive component of gravity caused increased horizontal velocity for the
Pose runners. The increase was observed by graphing the vertical oscillation of
one Pose® and heel-toe runner’s centre of mass. This clearly illustrated gravity’s
increased propulsive component in the Pose® runner.
In addition, the Pose runners had consistently higher horizontal acceleration of
• (R)
their centre of mass at all test speeds supporting the larger observed propulsive
component of gravity in figure 5.5.2.
Lack of muscle activity during the propulsive phase of stance and maximum
horizontal acceleration occurring before the maximum horizontal ground reaction
force, suggest that both rumiing techniques do not push off the ground but fall
forwards via a gravitational torque.
Horizontal velocity of the centre of mass was lower in Pose® runners for braking
and propulsion by -11 cm s'1 and 6.2 cm-s"1 respectively. The angle of inclination
of the centre of mass at terminal stance and the horizontal velocity were similar,
suggesting the greatest change in the propulsive horizontal velocity masks a rapid
acceleration via the gravitational torque in the Pose® runners.
Lower vertical oscillation was associated with less work against gravity in the
Pose® runners. Vertical displacement and horizontal displacement during stance
for the centre of mass were lower in Pose runners by 3.4 cm and 12.3 cm
respectively. The Pose® runners utilise the gravitational torque more effectively
via lower vertical oscillation, while lower vertical oscillation is associated with
faster running (Miura et al., 1973).
• Less horizontal displacement during stance was associated with a more vertically
aligned body at impact. Pose® runners were more vertically aligned at impact, for
shoulder, hip and ankle (8 cm), and the centre of mass more vertically above the
support foot (7 cm). This is associated with less braking of the horizontal velocity
of the centre of mass (Hunter et al., 2005).
• Knee flexion and extension during stance was lower in the Pose® runners by 0.12
rad and 0.2 rad respectively. Less knee extension was associated with lower
vertical oscillation (Wank et al., 1998).
• Knee angle at impact was similar in both techniques but at maximum vertical
ground reaction force, it was lower by 0.11 rad in the Pose® runners. Less knee
flexion was associated with increased leg-spring and possibly increased elastic
recoil during stance (McMahon and Cheng, 1990).
• Stance time, flight time and step length were lower by 31 ms, 23 ms, and 20.2 cm
respectively for the Pose® runners. While step frequency was higher in Pose®
runners by 0.5 Hz. Conflicting research on whether shorter steps and increased
frequency is more efficient make conclusive comment untenable at this time.
• Knee flexion and extension angular velocity were lower in the Pose® runners
during stance by 0.5 rad-s'1 and 0.6 rad-s'1 respectively, whereas angular knee
flexion velocity during swing was higher in the Pose® runners by 1.5 rad-s'1. Less
knee angular flexion during stance may again be associated with a more aligned
body geometry. Less knee extension angular velocity was associated with Pose®
runners passively extending their legs. The higher knee flexion angular velocity
from terminal stance until maximum swing was associated with the Pose®
runners pulling their foot from the ground, in order to catch up with their body,
potentially reducing rotational inertia of the lower-limb via less leg extension
(Bailey and Pate, 1991).
• It was suggested in Pose® running that the hamstring muscles pull the support
foot rapidly from the ground with the aid of the stretch-shortening cycle
optimised from a short contact time (Zatsiorsky, 1995; Paavolainen et al., 1999a).
By pulling the support foot and not driving the swing leg forward o f the body,
gravity can drop the swing leg under the body at impact so the cycle can begin
again. If the swing leg’s centre of mass is vertically under the body’s centre of
mass during flight, they will both land vertically aligned if the hip flexors are not
• Lack of electromyography on Posew runners inhibits specific comment on muscle
activity. There appears conflicting data on gastrocnemius activity at terminal
stance (for example, Winter, 1983; Reber et al., 1993), although the leg and hip
extensors are consistently silent during most of leg extension (Kyrolainen et al.,
• Pose runners therefore, exhibit very different gait characteristics to traditional
(R) •
heel-toe runners, such as: A more vertically aligned body position at impact
(rumiing Pose®), shorter stance time, less knee flexion and extension during
stance, less decrease in the centre of mass horizontal velocity at impact, increased
knee flexion angular velocity from terminal stance until maximum swing angle,
shorter step length, higher step frequency, and lower vertical oscillation.
Therefore, Pose® runners exhibit a distinct biomechanical profile. This is the first
attempt to create a universal biomechanical profile for running based upon the
Gravitational hierarchical model.
• The Gravitational hierarchical model explained the ‘extensor paradox.’ The fact,
maximum horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass occurred before
maximum horizontal ground reaction force supported a gravitational torque as the
motive force in running. Although further research is needed using accelerated
running to determine if horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass also occurs
before propulsive horizontal ground reaction force, similar to constant speed
• Therefore, both heel-toe and Pose® runners fall forwards via a gravitational
torque refuting the theory that rumiers push off the ground. However, Pose®
runners were better able to utilise the gravitational torque. The Gravitational
hierarchical model is therefore a universal model of running, describing both
Pose and heel-toe running techniques and offers an attempt to create a universal
(R) •
Sixteen male recreational endurance heel-toe runners were recruited and randomly
assigned into two groups for a repeated measures design. One group received a 7-hour
Pose intervention over 7-days while the other group remained as heel-toe runners.
Biomechanical and physiological (primary and secondary research variables) data
including injury incidence were collected. The Pose® trained group improved their
performance post-test on the 2400 m time trial run, significantly changed their
biomechanical profile and recorded reduced injury incidence. Sixteen 2 x 2 mixed
factorial ANOVAs with repeated measures were used to assess the main effects of group
(control vs. treatment), and trial (pre to post changes) on the dependent variables
(primary research variables). Tukey’s tests of honestly significant differences assessed
individual cell differences post hoc.
• Pose runners ran faster (although not statistically significantly) after the 7-hour
intervention over 7-days on the 2400 m time trial by 24.7 s, while heart rate, and
perceived exertion did not change, indicating improved performance was owing
to the Pose® intervention.
• The mixed 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA revealed the Pose® method significantly
changed the biomechanics (to match experienced Pose® runners; table 6.4.1) of
heel-toe runners after the 7-hour Pose® running intervention.
• It appears 7-hours of Pose® running instruction is an adequate time to
significantly make universal biomechanical changes in male recreational
endurance heel-toe runners.
• These biomechanical changes were clearly related to improved performance
(increased running speed) over a 2400 m run from a short intervention period
negating physiological adaptation as the reason for the performance change.
• Running economy did not change or improve in the Pose® group, however, this
was the first study to change technique and not subsequently increase oxygen
consumption (economy decreases).
• A preliminary prospective three-month injury report revealed lower injury
incidence in Pose® runners compared with the heel-toe runners.
ground reaction force. This supports the propulsive force in running is not ground
reaction force but a gravitational torque.
2. Collect electromyography on Pose runners and compare it with heel-toe runners.
3. Replicate the Pose® training study using elite runners and triathletes.
4. Replicate the Pose® training study using female runners.
5. Replicate the Pose® training study using sprinters.
6. Measure technique changes and differences between heel-toe/forefoot runners and
Pose® runners for downhill, uphill and running against strong winds.
7. Evaluate running technique in children by assessing changes through maturation and
their relation to Pose® method via performance and injury incidence.
8. Develop the theoretical framework of Pose® movement for other sports based upon
the Pose® technique of body weight (gravity) as the key motive force (current
research is being conducted in cycling, golf, rowing and climbing) in relation to
performance and injury.
9. Apply the Pose® running technique in team sports and evaluate running and
performance changes.
10. Specific research into injury mechanisms in Pose® and heel-toe runners should begin
with a large retrospective study involving several hundred runners (current data
collection in London, England and America).
11. Evaluate how Pose® running is learnt using dynamical system theory (pilot study
March, 2006).
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Please read the following information regarding a study on the Pose® method of running
that will be conducted at Sheffield Hallam University’s centre for Sport and Exercise
Science, Collegiate Crescent Campus and Loughborough university by Graham Fletcher.
The aim: is to make a biomechanical and physiological analysis of the Pose® method of
running using male runners with a 10 km best time between 37-45 minutes.
interfere with your natural running gait. Once you are comfortable with the running
speed then five successful trials will be collected, at 3.35 m-s'1(8-minute mile pace).
Running track data collection (2400 m economy and time trial run)
• First test May 24-25th (Saturday and Sunday between 8.30 am - 8 pm)
• Second test June 6th(Friday between 8.30 am - 8 pm)
You will select a 30-minute time slot between those times that suits your schedule on
either day.
Immediately following the economy run after removing the portable gas analyser a time
trial will be run for 2400 m. Maximum, average heart rate and time will be recorded.
Stride frequency will be recorded by a digital video camera for a 20 m section each lap.
At the finish of the time trial run, the time heart takes to return to 120 beats per minute
will be recorded. You will be asked to rate how hard the run felt using a Borg scale.
Please note:
Regardless of which group I am assigned too I will maintain for the one-week study:
• To allow 48 hours of light training prior to the track testing days (this is essential
for valid data collection);
• To maintain a consistent diet and drinking procedure before testing and during
the testing period;
• To maintain a training log of my training during the one-week testing period.
• And then maintain a training log of any injuries for 3-months after the study.
Name: Date:
Pre test:
Post test:
Please read carefully and circle he number that matches your opinion.
Please read the following item, and circle the number that best reflects your
agreement with the statement.
N am e:
A d d re ss:
The full details of the tests have been explained to m e. I am d e a r about what will be
involved and I am aware of the purpose of the tests, the potential benefits and the
potential risks.
The test results are confidential and will only be communicated to others sue* a s my
coach if agreed in advance.
I have no injury or illness that will affect my ability to successfully complete the tests.
I____________________________________________________________ a ck n o w led g e th a t
th e re a r e risks a n d d a n g e rs in h ere n t in physical e x e rc ise a n d d e c la re th a t I know
o f no re a s o n w hy I sh o u ld not c o m p le te th e te s ts d e sc rib e d . A ny q u e stio n s I
h a v e a b o u t th e te s t s e s s io n h a v e b e e n a n sw e red , a n d th e inform ation given o n
th e m edical questio n n aire is correct, a n d should b e tre a te d a s confidential.
S igned:____________________________________________ D ate:______________
An occasional drink A drink every day More than one drink a day
6. Have you had to consult your doctor within the last six months? Y es No
If you answered Yes, please give details................. ........... ............ ..........
10. Do you currently have any form of muscle or joint Injury? Yes No
If Yes, please (jive details , ...........................................................................
11. Have you had lo suspend normal training In Ihe last two w eeks? Y es No
If the answ er Is Yes, please give details,................. ,......
12. As for os you ore aware, Is there anything that might prevent you from
successfully completing the tests that have been outlined to you? Y es No
If you answ ered Yes to any question pro coded by a * p lease ask your G P to
complote th e 'D octors C onsent Form* provided.
* If the answer to any of the above is Yes then please discuss the nature of th e problem
with your Sport and Exercise Scientist.
Pre test: |
Post test:
Pre test: |
Post test:
The economy and time trial run will take pace at Loughborough university track. Please
select a convenient day and time for both pre and post tests.
Each participant had a test name/number for each test, which was filmed using a sheet of
paper before each economy and time trial run for the stride frequency data collection.
This enabled each participant to be clearly identified for each test. An example is given
below for participant 1 for each test.
Pre economy 1
Post economy 1
Borg scale (Borg, 1970)
Original rating scale
7 Very, very light
9 Very light
11 Fairly light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard
17 Very hard
19 Very, very hard
Sheffield Hallam University Online Visitors Guide * The Route to C... Page 1 of 2
Visitors Guide
At the second roundabout, take the third exit onto the ring
road © . Continue through th e traffic lights to the next
roundabout and take the first exit signposted A625
(Castlcton) © .
itlc C o u rt
M 23/05/2003
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May 27th
May 28th
May 29th
June 9th
June 10th
June 11th
Weight: Height:
Consent/medical: Pre-test:
Questionnaire: Post-test:
A general overview of the theory of the Pose® method can begin with the laws of
Thermodynamics. The law states that any system in nature goes from a higher order to
lower level of energy. Therefore, any system needs to be built by an outside force. A
plant needs the sun in order to build its cell structure. Running is the same, where the
structure (body) needs to be able to utilise higher order forces (gravity) and energy
(muscle contractivity and elasticity) in the most effective order. By making the most
effective use of gravity, the flow of energy loss is least costly. The continuous use of
muscle activity is limited by the body’s ability to breakdown adenosine triphosphate
(ATP). To accomplish an effective use of the available forces and energy in running, an
economical skilful technique is paramount. Specifically, this relates to where force
should be applied to continue movement, and the order in which these forces should be
A brief discussion of linear kinematics can highlight the Pose® method’s structure. The
force of gravity when released (potential energy) is transferred to kinetic energy. A
pencil held in the fingers above a table has potential energy and, when it is released it is
transferred to kinetic energy. Following the pencil example, a pencil balanced on its end
has potential energy, which becomes kinetic energy when it over-balances. The over
balancing of the human body from one support limb to the other, in running,
immediately has kinetic energy, and the more skilful application of this energy can result
in a more economical running gait. Kinetic energy can also be greatly increased by the
body’s velocity. The greater the velocity of the general center of mass (GCM) in flight
increases the body’s kinetic energy.
Focusing on the position of the support limb in relation to the GCM, the line of gravity is
restricted from exerting its pull due to the position of the support limb being forward of
the line of gravity at toe-off. The heel strike is also known as a breaking force. The term
breaking in running is illogical in itself. Momentum will continue to remain constant in
the absence of other forces, so breaking momentum each stride reduces forward velocity.
The Pose method teaches that the support limb must break contact with the ground
1) to not hinder the gravitational line of pull
2) to maximise muscle elasticity, using the law of the coefficient of restitution- the
greater elastic value the higher energy return. This can only be achieved by a
rapid action, which is best achieved by a mid-foot strike.
The following, from a previous article, illustrate the actual body movements needed to
achieve this theoretical model.
1) S (spring-like) shape of the body (the “running pose”) - the element of running
technique used for utilizing muscular elasticity and integration of the body into a
single system.
2) Free falling - utilizes gravity as one of the main forces, driving the body forward
3) Changing support -integrates forces that remove the foot from the ground while
allowing gravity to pull the body horizontally forwards.
4) Pulling the support foot straight (vertically) up-wards using the hamstring
muscles - allowing the foot to break contact with the ground quickly.
Developing these concepts, further, beginning with point (1) it is essential to understand
that body position is integral to all movement. The body position determines the position
of the GCM and the GCM determines the direction of the whole body. Once the body
leaves the ground the path of the GCM cannot be altered, so the position the body is in
before take-off is essential. At foot-strike, the position of the body is paramount because
it affects how much the lower limb (particularly the knee) is loaded.
Point two, is interesting, because the need to apply an external force to initiate movement
is obvious, but the question is what force to utilise? Current thinking is to apply
Newton’s third law of motion and push off from the ground. Following this logic to its
natural conclusion, leads to wishing the runner, can push harder or faster, both requiring
greater strength. Many seeking greater strength have unfortunately turned to illegal
substances for the answer. However, there is another external force, which if utilised
correctly, can be more effective. The following quotation written in 1912 by Graham -
Brown in the British Medical Journal reveals the logic of this idea.
“7/ seems to me that the act o f progression itself- whether it be by flight through the air
or by such movements as running over the surface o f the ground-consists essentially in a
movement in which the centre o f gravity o f the body is allowed to fall forwards and
downwards under the action o f gravity, and in which the momentum thus gained is used
in driving the centre o f gravity again upwards and forwards; so that, from one point in
the cycle to the corresponding point in the next, no work is done (theoretically), but the
mass o f the individual is, in effect, moved horizontally through the environment. ”
Developing point three and four is again re-thinking our current running action ideas.
Muscle force is predominantly focused upon when coaching or discussing running, yet
another muscle property can greatly aid in limb movement. This is muscle elasticity. The
musculotendinous junctions in the feet, Achilles and quadriceps tendon allow for storage
and use of muscle elasticity, just as an elastic band can store elastic / strain energy when
stretched. The key to effectively utilsing this energy to move the legs, is the speed at
which the runner can change support. This means the speed at which you can remove
your foot from the ground before the elastic energy has dissipated from those
musculotendinous junctions.
This article has attempted to develop more fully some of the concepts of the Pose®
method of running and highlight their differences with current running theory.
Day 1
Short theoretical session in a classroom
There are four forces involved in running: gravity, ground reaction force, muscle force
and muscle elasticity. Gravity, ground reaction force and muscle elasticity are free in
reference to internal energy costs. Pose questions on how does gravity work in running
and which external force moves the body forwards?
Show body tipping and falling forwards and assess muscle forces involved. Clarify
gravity causes the tipping and no muscle forces were needed to fall. Explain then how to
continue moving forwards by pulling the foot from the ground. Explain the use of
muscle elasticity and its role in aiding pulling the foot from the ground. Emphasise the
timing of falling and pulling the foot from the ground through the key concept of
shoulder, hip and ankle vertical alignment.
Key to learning:
Increase participant’s perception of the movement. Ascertain how they felt after each
drill and running activity.
1) Use Pose® biomechanical model as standard to compare against.
2) Develop their perception but note their perceptions may be wrong so increase
the correct perception.
3) They have to perceive two things: to feel falling and to pull the foot from the
ground immediately they begin to fall forwards.
Warm-up: Video each participant running prior to intervention.
Falling position:
• Stand on heels and try and fall forwards. Try the same thing with the leg behind
and in front.
Interaction with support:
• Stop participants in a freeze frame. Ask them where their weight is on their feet.
• Lift heels to see if weight is on the ball of the foot.
• Unlock knees and rapidly lift heels
• Keep weight on the ball of the foot at all times.
Move the body as an integrated system:
• Push participant back and forth and side-to-side while maintaining an integrated
body position.
Weight position in relation to foot and centre of mass:
• Place a hand on their chest and take the participants weight as they fall forwards.
Feel weight move from foot to chest.
• Repeat but let go this time.
• Repeat but demonstrate how small a lean is needed to fall forwards.
• Repeat and show where participant’s foot lands in front of their body.
• Repeat, but ask them to pull their foot as they fall.
Feel pull of the foot from the ground:
• Hold their heel as they pull the foot from the ground
• Push foot down as they resist.
Understand the model of gravity’s work on the body, body leads leg and the foot is
pulled from the ground as they fall forwards.
Day 2
Perception drills for falling
• Hand on belly button and feel vertical relationship to the ball of the foot.
• Repeat and fall forwards.
• Repeat and feel how small and angle is needed to fall.
• Run with fingers on belly button.
• Repeat with eyes closed; use partner.
• Arms stretched out behind the back and run.
• Hands pushing on hips and run.
• Hand on chest with partners and run.
• Partners fingers on back and run.
Range of motion of the lower-limb:
Emphasise a decreased range of motion. Show using running shoes the position o f the
foot, on landing and flight and impact again. Do not drive the leg forwards.
• Run and video for feedback
Rubber bands to illustrate a correct leg action
• Leg behind and in front as they run with the bands attached to their ankles.
• Run with partners in front and behind with hands on their shoulders.
Reduce effort needed by only using hamstrings to pull the foot.
Reduce effort needed by only using the minimal amount of hamstrings to pull the foot.
Technique problems to look for:
• Landing ahead of the centre of mass with the foot; do not drive with hip flexors.
• Landing on toes; feel ball of the foot on landing.
• Landing rigidly; relax and land with a neutral ankle.
• Landing on the sides of the foot; use pull up toes drill.
• Landing on the sides of the foot and rigidly; use Pony, tapping, slow light
• Landing hard, decelerate foot with hamstrings.
Hips and muscle integration:
• Standard hip drill, front back, behind and sides and run after each one.
• Standing and push person from all sides while holding them. Ensure body
remains integrated.
• Run and video for feedback.
Body integration drills: check their perception:
• Partner running with eyes closed. Feel lightness and integration.
• Push from behind and resist with whole body and then run.
• Press back on partners hands hard and then run.
• Run while partner pressing down on their head to feel no vertical movement.
Reinforce their perceptions. Can they feel falling and pulling of the foot from the
ground? Do they feel lightness and body integration?
Day 3
Reinforcing the concept
Increase their perception for falling and speed of pulling the foot from the ground.
• Run with arms in front and behind.
• Partners push the shoulder from the side intermittently to check rapid change of
support while running.
• Use rubber bands to increase feel of hamstring work.
• Standing band work and running with bands
• Short sharp downhill run to feel pulling action
• Individual holds bands and pulls vertically upwards from the shoulders and push
out to the side for increased tension. Pull foot vertically upwards.
Pattern of movement reinforcement:
• Pony drill
• Tapping drill
• Skipping drill
• Front lunge drill
• Run 200 m and video for feedback
Can they feel falling as they run? Can they pull the foot from the ground as they run?
Day 4
Reinforce fall and pull
• Press-up position without bands face down and upwards. Pull for hamstring
• Press-up position with bands face down and upwards. Pull for hamstring work.
Run 400 m and video for feedback:
• Use a metronome or count to develop stride frequency of over 180 per minute.
Observe mistakes:
• Keep knees flexed; do not extend leg at toe-off
• Maintain a vertical alignment on landing.
• Do not land ahead of the centre of mass.
• Do not leave the support leg behind.
• Fall.
• Do not fix the ankle on landing.
• Hips not integrated.
Look for:
• Lightness.
• Body integration.
• Pose position on landing
• Ease of running
• No pressure, tightness or pain.
• Fall and pull action.
Give specific drills for each individual from feedback.
Days 5-7
Individual technique development
Day 5
• Pony, tapping and skipping
• Cross steps.
• Jumps
Run and video for feedback:
Run on gravel to emphasise pulling of the foot.
Give individual drills and comments.
Day 6
Partner work with hips and hamstring and run.
Run and video give feedback individually.
Give individual feedback.
Day 7
• Jumps on one leg; movement in the hips not knee.
• Feel hip, knee, ankle and ball of foot light and loose.
• Harder hip work with partners
• Run and video
• Show them day 1 and today for comparison.
Final comments and feedback.
Please read carefully the description of the drills and the daily format. Follow the daily
format on your own for each of the seven days.
Drill description
Marching drill
Raise the right knee to hip level with each stride
Butt kicks
Daily routine
Please complete each day on your own. Repeat drills for each leg for as long a distance
or time as you can accommodate comfortably while holding form.
Day 1 Marching drill, high knee lifts and butt kicks repeat four times for
each leg.
Day 2 Marching drill, high knee lifts and kicks outs repeat four times for
each leg
Day 3 Marching drill, kicks outs and bounding repeat four times for each
Day 4 Butt kicks, kick outs repeat six times for each leg and bounding
four times 50 m.
Day 5 Butt kicks six times, high knee lifts repeat four times for each leg
and bounding four times 50 m.
Day 6 Marching drill repeat four times, high knee lifts four times and
bounding six times 50 m
Day 7 Butt kicks six times, kick outs four times for each leg and
bounding six times 50 m.
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