NRPL ADS-B Esite A4 2002114 2
NRPL ADS-B Esite A4 2002114 2
NRPL ADS-B Esite A4 2002114 2
Main features
M10AL is the latest generation ADS-B station designed • Mode S Extended Squitter (1090 ES)
and manufactured by NRPL under ISO 9001:2008 certified • Multilateration function available
quality system. • Indoor and outdoor versions
• Fully redundant or single-channel
The system complies with all ICAO requirements and it has • Very easy start-up procedure (“plug-and-play”)
been designed using the latest, best-known technological • Several antenna systems (sector, omni) depending on
improvements. The system is highly modular and can be required coverage
either fully redundant with automatic switch-over or single- • No moving parts such as fan or HDD
channel for N-1 architecture. • Dual precise GPS sensors
• Comprehensive BITE; CMS with SNMP and remote
M10AL can be used either separately or as a complement access
to existing PSR/MSSR radars while using only one data • Data archiving, playback and analysis
processing center. Several stations can be easily extended • Low power consumption, commercial AC or DC (solar
to MLAT network (airport or WAM). panel, wind power generator)
• Built-in site monitor
[email protected], tel. +358 46 870 2233, Koivupuistontie 34, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland
ADS-B System
[email protected], tel. +358 46 870 2233, Koivupuistontie 34, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland
MLAT System
[email protected], tel. +358 46 870 2233, Koivupuistontie 34, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland