Sans2415 PDF
Sans2415 PDF
Sans2415 PDF
This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.
ISBN 978-0-626-34283-8
SANS 2415:2005
Edition 2
ISO 2415:2004
Edition 3
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet and may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.
SANS 2415:2005
Edition 2
ISO 2415:2004
Edition 3
Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope
National foreword
This South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS/TC 1020, Lifting
equipment, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division, in compliance with
annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.
This SANS edition cancels and replaces the first SABS edition (SABS ISO 2415:1987).
Compliance with this document cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet
SANS and2415:2005
may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 2415:2004(E)
© ISO 2004
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.
The standard must reside on an internal network or intranet
SANS and2415:2005
may only be used for reference purposes in compliance with SABS
copyright rules. The standard or parts thereof may not be distributed in any form without permission from the SABS.
ISO 2415:2004(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Form and dimensions........................................................................................................................... 3
5 Mechanical properties .......................................................................................................................... 9
6 Material................................................................................................................................................. 10
7 Heat treatment ..................................................................................................................................... 12
8 Hardness .............................................................................................................................................. 12
9 Workmanship ...................................................................................................................................... 13
10 Screw threads...................................................................................................................................... 13
11 Type testing ......................................................................................................................................... 14
12 Proof test ............................................................................................................................................. 15
13 Manufacturer’s certificate .................................................................................................................. 15
14 Marking ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Annex A (normative) Formulae for calculating shackle dimensions .......................................................... 17
Annex B (informative) Designation................................................................................................................. 20
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 2415 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 111, Round steel link chains, chain slings,
components and accessories, Subcommittee SC 3, Components and accessories.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 2415:1987), which has been technically
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the general characteristics of forged dee and bow shackles in a range of
sizes having working load limits of from 0,32 t to 100 t and in Grades 4, 6 and 8, and presents their
performance and critical dimensions necessary for their interchangeability and compatibility with other
In the case of dee shackles for use with forged steel lifting hooks in conformance with ISO 4779 and
ISO 7597, an intermediate component could be necessary for making the connection.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 261, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — General plan
ISO 263, ISO inch screw threads — General plan and selection for screws, bolts and nuts — Diameter range
0,06 to 6 in
ISO 4779, Forged steel lifting hooks with point and eye for use with steel chains of grade M(4)
ISO 4948-1, Steel — Classification — Part 1: Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy steel based on
chemical composition
ISO 6506-1, Metallic materials — Brinell hardness test — Part 1: Test method
ISO 6508-1, Metallic materials — Rockwell hardness test — Part 1: Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, K, N, T)
ISO 7597, Forged steel lifting hooks with point and eye for use with steel chains of grade T(8)
component consisting of two readily separable parts, the body and the pin
one of the two parts of the shackle, consisting of a bar of suitable section formed or forged to the appropriate
shape and terminating in coaxial eyes
that part of the shackle body opposite the pin
boss on the end of the body with coaxial hole through which the pin passes
straight bar of circular section which passes through the eyes, arranged so as to be secure when in position
and which can be readily disassembled
dee shackle
a shackle the crown of which forms a semicircle or internal radius half the width, between the eyes
See Figure 1.
bow shackle
shackle, the crown of which forms more than a semicircle of internal radius more than half the width, between
the eyes
See Figure 2.
ultimate strength
maximum force reached during the static tensile testing of a shackle at the end of which the shackle fails to
retain the load
proof force
force applied as a test to a finished shackle in accordance with Clause 13
working load limit
maximum mass a shackle is designed to sustain in general service
working load
maximum mass a shackle may sustain in a particular stated service
The dimensions of dee shackles shall be in accordance with Figure 1 and Table 1.
1 crown
2 body
3 screwed pin with eye and collar — Type W (example)
4 eye
5 bolt-type pin with hexagon head, hexagon nut and split cotter pin — Type X
NOTE This diagram is intended only to show where dimensions are measured. It does not purport to indicate any
detailed design of any part of the shackle.
The dimensions of bow shackles shall be in accordance with Figure 2 and Table 2.
1 crown
2 body
3 screwed pin with eye and collar — Type W (example)
4 eye
5 bolt-type pin with hexagon head, hexagon nut and split cotter pin — Type X
NOTE This diagram is intended only to show where dimensions are measured. It does not purport to indicate any
detailed design of any part of the shackle.
The diameter of the unthreaded hole or holes in the body of the shackle shall not exceed the following values:
a) hole diameter for pins having an actual pin diameter D u 20 mm: D + 1 mm;
b) hole diameter for pins having a diameter D > 20 mm and u 45 mm: D + 1,5 mm;
The threaded shackle pins shown in Figure 3 illustrate only typical examples of pins; other suitable forms of
pin are acceptable.
Type X: bolt with hexagon head, hexagon nut and split cotter pin;
For the purpose of the designation system (see Annex B), all other types of pin are designated as being of
Type Z.
b) Type X: bolt with hexagon head, hexagon nut and split cotter pin
5 Mechanical properties
5.1 General
The mechanical properties of the shackles in terms of proof force and ultimate strength shall be as specified in
Table 3.
t kN kN
Three samples shall be tested and each shall be capable of sustaining the manufacturing proof force to
2,0 × WLL without permanent deformation, i.e. no dimension shall alter by more than 1 % of the initial
dimension after the proof force has been applied. After removal of the test force, the pin, when loosened, shall
turn freely.
Each shackle, when tested in accordance with 11.3, shall have an ultimate strength at least equal to that
specified in Table 3.
Each shackle with a working load limit up to and including 32 t, when tested in accordance with 11.4, shall,
after at least 20 000 cycles, be capable of retaining the load.
6 Material
6.1 Grade 4
6.1.1 General
In its finished state, as supplied to the shackle manufacturer, the steel shall comply with the requirements
specified in 6.1.2, as determined by a cast or check analysis on the bar or on the finished shackle.
The manufacturer should supply a cast analysis of the steel if required by the purchaser.
The steel shall be fully killed, shall be suitable for forging and shall be capable of being heat treated to obtain
the mechanical properties required by this International Standard. Its content of sulfur and phosphorus shall
be restricted in accordance with Table 4.
The steel shall be made in conformity with fine grain practice in order to obtain an austenitic grain size of 5 or
finer when tested in accordance with ISO 643. This could be achieved, for example, by ensuring that it
contains sufficient aluminium or an equivalent element to permit the manufacture of shackles stabilized
against strain-age embrittlement during service; a minimum value of 0,025 % of total aluminium is given for
Within the limitations specified above, it is the responsibility of the shackle manufacturer to select steel such
that the finished shackle, suitably heat-treated, complies with the requirements for the mechanical properties
specified in this International Standard for this grade of shackle.
6.2.1 General
In its finished state, as supplied to the shackle manufacturer, it shall comply with the requirements specified in
6.2.2, as determined by a cast or check analysis on the bar or on the finished shackle.
The manufacturer should supply a cast analysis of the steel if required by the purchaser.
The steel shall be fully killed, shall be suitable for forging and shall contain alloying elements in sufficient
quantities to guarantee the mechanical properties of the shackle after appropriate heat treatment.
The steel for Grade 6 shackles shall contain at least one of the following elements, in the alloying proportions
specified in ISO 4948-1:
The steel for Grade 8 shackles shall contain at least two of the following elements, in the alloying proportions
specified in ISO 4948-1:
The sulfur and phosphorus content of the two grades of steel shall be restricted in accordance with Tables 5
to 7.
The steel shall be made in conformity with fine grain practice in order to obtain an austenitic grain size of 5 or
finer when tested in accordance with ISO 643. This could be achieved, for example, by ensuring that it
contains sufficient aluminium or an equivalent element to permit the manufacture of shackles stabilized
against strain-age embrittlement during service; a minimum value of 0,025 % of total aluminium is given for
Within the limitations specified above, it is the responsibility of the shackle manufacturer to select steel such
that the finished shackle, suitably heat-treated, complies with the requirements for mechanical properties
specified in this International Standard for the appropriate grade of shackle.
7 Heat treatment
7.1 Grade 4
Each component shall be hardened from a temperature above the AC3 point and tempered before being
subjected to the manufacturing proof force. The tempering temperature shall be a minimum of 400 °C.
The tempering conditions shall be at least as effective as a temperature of 400 °C maintained for a period of
1 h.
A method of verification is that after the components have been re-heated to, and maintained for 1 h at,
400 °C and then cooled to room temperature; they should conform in the finished condition to columns 2 and
3 of Table 3.
Surface hardening shall not be permitted for load bearing parts of the component.
8 Hardness
The hardness values for the shackles body shall not exceed the values specified in Table 8.
4 217 17
6 300 32
8 380 41
In order to determine Brinell hardness numbers, the tests shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 6506-1,
using — where practicable — a 10 mm steel ball and a force of 29,42 kN (HBS 10/3 000).
In order to determine Rockwell C hardness numbers, the tests shall be carried out in accordance with
ISO 6508-1.
Other methods of determining hardness may be used, provided the values obtained, when converted to
equivalent Brinell or Rockwell C values, are in accordance with 8.1.
The surface on which the impression is to be made shall be obtained by filling, grinding or smooth machining,
and shall be in a suitable position (as shown in Figures 1 and 2).
Suitable precautions should be taken to ensure that the surface tested is representative of the material and
that its hardness is not affected by decarburizing, carburization or by the method used for preparing the test
9 Workmanship
The body shall be forged in one piece without welding. Holes in shackle bodies shall be aligned axially with
each other and centrally to the outside diameter of the eyes.
The pin shall be either forged and machine-finished. The screwed portion of the pin shall be concentric with
the main portion. The collar or head of the pin shall fit closely against the body of the shackle.
When a threaded pin is fully tightened, the length of thread which remains visible between the jaws of the
shackle shall not be greater than one thread (e.g. in the case of Types W and Y pins).
The length of the plain portion of the bolt shall be such that when the nut is screwed onto the bolt, it seats onto
the shoulder of the bolt and not on the shackle body (e.g. in the case of the Type X pin).
In all cases when the pin is correctly fitted in the body of the shackle, the jaw width, W, shall not be
significantly reduced.
The finished shackle body and pin shall be free from any harmful surface defects, including cracks.
10 Screw threads
Unless otherwise specified, screw threads shall conform to either ISO 261 or ISO 263 and shall be of Class
6g/6H (medium fit) tolerance.
Alternative forms of thread may be used, provided that the strength of the shackle is not impaired.
11 Type testing
11.1 General
Type tests demonstrate that shackles certified by the manufacturer as complying with the requirements laid
down in this International Standard possess the mechanical properties specified in this International Standard.
The purpose of these tests is to prove the design, material, heat treatment and method of manufacture of
each size of finished shackle, including protective coating (if applied). Any change in the design, material
specification, heat treatment or method of manufacture — including protective coating (if applied) — or in any
dimension outside normal manufacturing tolerances that could lead to a modification of the mechanical
properties according to Clause 5, shall require that the type tests specified in 11.2 to 11.4 be carried out on
the modified shackle.
All shackles to be type testing shall comply with all the other requirements laid down in this International
Standard. The tests specified in 11.2 to 11.4 shall be carried out on each size of shackle of each design,
material, heat treatment and method of manufacture, including protective coating (if applied).
In the tests specified in 11.2 to 11.4, the force shall be applied axially without shock to the crown of the body,
using a test machine fitting having a diameter not greater than the actual diameter of the shackle pin, and to
the centre of the shackle pin, using a test machine fitting having a width not exceeding the actual diameter of
the pin.
Three samples shall be tested and each shall be capable of sustaining the proof force specified for the
shackle in Table 3.
After the test force has been removed, the pin shall show no permanent deformation and, after it has been
loosened, it shall turn freely. The actual dimension, S, or a similar dimension measured between punch marks
on the pin and the crown shall not increase by more than 0,25 % or 0,5 mm, whichever is the greater.
NOTE See also Clause 12 for proof testing of shackles, where required.
Three samples shall be tested and each shall have an ultimate strength at least equal to the minimum value
specified for the shackle in Table 3.
Each shackle body and pin shall be capable of withstanding the force without fracture or distortion to the
extent that the shackle becomes incapable of retaining the load.
This test may be carried out on the same shackles that have been submitted to the deformation test.
Shackles with a working load limit of up to and including 32 t shall be subjected to the fatigue test. Three
samples shall be tested.
The range applied during each cycle shall be equal to 1,5 times the working load limit specified in Table 3 for
the shackle. The minimum force in each cycle shall be positive and u 3 kN. The frequency of force application
shall be between 5 Hz and 25 Hz. The samples tested shall be capable of sustaining at least 20 000 cycles of
the force range specified above without failing to retain the load.
All three samples tested shall pass the deformation test in order for the shackle of the size submitted for type
testing to conform with this International Standard.
If all three samples pass the test, the shackle of the size submitted for type testing may be deemed to conform
with this International Standard.
If one of the samples fails, two further samples shall be tested and both shall pass the test in order for the
shackle of the size submitted for type testing to comply with this International Standard. If two or three
samples fail the test, the shackle of the size submitted for type testing shall not be deemed as conforming with
this International Standard.
12 Proof test
12.1 Each finished shackle (i.e. after manufacture, heat treatment and machining — including protective
coating (if applied) — shall be subjected to the appropriate proof force specified in Table 3, applied to the
crown of the shackle and to the centre of the pin by test machine fittings having a diameter not greater than
the actual diameter of the shackle pin.
12.2 After the proof force has been removed, the pin shall show no permanent deformation and, after it has
been loosened, it shall turn freely. The actual dimension, S, of the shackle shall not increase by more than
either 0,25 % or 0,5 mm, whichever is the greater.
13 Manufacturer’s certificate
13.1 When the type testing as specified in Clause 11 has been carried out with satisfactory results, the
manufacturer may issue certificates of conformity for shackles of the same nominal dimensions, size, material,
heat treatment and method of manufacture — including protective coating (if applied) — as the shackles
The manufacturer shall keep a record, for at least 10 years after the last certificate has been issued, of the
material specification, heat treatment, dimensions, test results and all relevant data concerning the shackles
that have satisfied the type tests. This record shall also include the manufacturing specifications that shall
apply to subsequent production.
Any change in material specification, in method of manufacture — including protective coating (if applied) — in
heat treatment, or in any dimension outside normal manufacturing tolerances which may lead to a modification
of the mechanical properties as specified in Clause 5, shall be considered as a design change. Tests in
accordance with Clause 11 shall be required before the manufacture is permitted to issue certificates of
conformity for any modified design.
13.2 The manufacturer shall provide a certificate with each consignment of shackles, giving the following
information for each consignment:
c) traceability code, enabling any particular shackle or batch of shackles in the consignment to be identified;
The certificate shall declare that each shackle complies with this International Standard and is within the
manufacturer’s specification of the type tested shackle(s). It shall also state the name and address of the
testing establishment and the status of the signatory.
14 Marking
14.1 Shackle
Each shackle shall be legibly and indelibly marked in a manner which will not impair its mechanical properties.
This marking shall include at least the following information placed on the shackle by the manufacturer:
d) traceability code, enabling any particular shackle or batch of shackles in the consignment to be identified.
All shackle pins of a diameter greater than, or equal to, 13 mm shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the
relevant grade number and manufacturer’s symbol such that this marking does not impair the mechanical
properties in the pin.
Pins of less than 13 mm diameter shall be marked with at least the grade number.
Annex A
A.1 Formulae used for calculating the dimensions specified in Table 1 for dee
Grade 4: 14 WLL
Grade 8: 10 WLL
Grade 4: 16 WLL
Grade 6 : 25 WLL
A.2 Formulae used for calculating the dimensions specified in Table 2 for bow
Grade 4: 16 WLL
Grade 4: 18 WLL
Grade 6: 14 WLL
Grade 4: 28 WLL
Grade 8: 20 WLL
Grade 4: 40 WLL
Grade 8: 28 WLL
In designing shackles where d < 25 mm, the diameter of the pin, D, obtained from the formulae should, for
practical reasons, be multiplied by a correction factor obtained from the appropriate curve in Figure A.1,
corresponding to the value of 2r/d.
The formulae give dimensions of shackles suitable for normal conditions of service; for hazardous conditions,
shackles should be designed for a nominal extreme fibre (tensile) stress.
X 2r/D
Y correction factor applied to D
Annex B
For reference and ordering purposes, shackles complying with this International Standard may be designated
using the following system.
EXAMPLE 1 A dee shackle complying with this International Standard, with pin of Type W, of nominal size 20 t, and of
Grade 4, shall be designated as follows:
EXAMPLE 2 A bow shackle complying with this International Standard, with pin of Type X, of nominal size 10 t, of and
Grade 8, shall be designated as follows:
The objective of the SABS Standards Division is to develop, promote and maintain South African
National Standards. This objective is incorporated in the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008).
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The SABS continuously strives to improve the quality of its products and services and would
therefore be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this standard would
inform the secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found in
the foreword.
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© SABS. This non-printable standard is exclusively for approved users of the SABS’ Complete Collection of Standards and Related Documents.