04 Letter of Quotation FINAL - Final
04 Letter of Quotation FINAL - Final
04 Letter of Quotation FINAL - Final
Dear Sirs,
We have examined the Drawings, Schedule of Tender Price, Appendices and all other documents
included but not limited as part of the Tender Documents for the execution of the above-named
Works. We offer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity
with this Tender which includes all these documents as follows:
The Quotation shall be a Lump Sum Fixed Price for the works described and indicated in the
Tender Drawings and the Schedule of Tender Price which documents are intended to
mutually explanatory of the scope of the works. The Schedule of Tender Price is for the
purposes of identification of pay items for interim payments and for valuation of variations.
The Schedule of Tender Price is not intended to be a comprehensive expression of the scope
of works. The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying all items which are included in
his scope of works and for any measurement of quantities required for his Quotation
estimation and include for such in the Quotation hereby submitted.
We hereby offer to complete the whole of the said Works in conformity with the said Tender
Drawings and Tender Documents and the whole of the Works to be completed within 50
Calendar days from Commencement Date in the sum of Vietnam Dongs One Billion
Four Hundred Fifty Million Only (VND 1,450,000,000) ; excluding Value Added Tax
3. We agree that should any discrepancy occur between the amount written in words and in
figures entered upon the Letter of Quotation, the amount written in words will be used.
4. We undertake if any of our Quotation is accepted to commence the Works on the date or
dates specified in the Letter of Acceptance and if there is no such date or dates then as soon
as is reasonably possible after the receipt of an order to that effect from the Employer and to
complete the whole of the Works in accordance with the above-named documents within the
Time for Completion which includes all weekends, Public Holidays including non-working
days as may be caused by inclement weather.
5. We agree to hold open the Quotation for acceptance for the period of 90 days from the date
fixed for receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period.
6. Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed the Letter of Acceptance
together with your written acceptance thereof shall prevail and constitute a binding contract.
7. We understand that the Employer is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender he may
(Signature of Witness) (Name in Block Letters)
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