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Detailed Lesson Plan in CSS

Computer Systems Servicing 11

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Identify the components of a system unit;
b. Describe the function of each component of a system unit; and
c. Value the importance of each components of a system unit.


Topic: Components of a System Unit

References: Computer System Servicing Module
Materials: TV



A. Classroom Routine
1. Opening Prayer (In the name of the Father, the Son and
(The teacher will call one student to lead the the Holy Spirit, Amen)

2. Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am!
Before I begin, kindly pick up the trashes (students will start picking up the
and arrange your chairs properly. pieces of paper and plastics)

Please be seated. Thank You Ma’am.

3. Energizer
Everybody stand, let’s have an energizer to (students stood up)
warm up your mind and body.

4. Attendance
Let’s check your attendance. (Class monitor will check the

Class, last meeting we’ve discussed the Personal Computer is a digital
meaning of personal computer. Anyone from computer designed for use by only
the class who can give me the summary of what one person at a time.
we’ve discussed?
Ok! Very good!

Who can give me examples of a Personal Microcomputers, Desktop Computer,

Computer? Laptop and Tablet

Very Good!


I have pictures shown in the screen and I

want you to identify each one of them.

Do you know what’s in the picture? Yes ma’am

Any one from the class?

System Unit

Power Supply





There are different components of a system unit.

Do you know what’s in the picture?

System unit – the main part of a microcomputer,

sometimes called chassis.

You are correct! Very Good!

How about this picture?

Motherboard/ Mainboard/ System Board- the main

circuit board of a computer. It contains all the circuits and
components that run the computer.
That’s right!

How about this picture?

CPU (Central Processing Unit) – the processor is the main

“brain or heart” of a computer system.it performs all of
You are correct! the instructions and calculations that are needed and
manages the flow of information through a computer.
How about this one?

Primary Storage- (internal storage, main memory or

memory) is the computer’s working storage space that
holds data, instructions for processing and processed
data(information) waiting to be sent to secondary storage.
Yes! That’s correct! Physically, primary storage is a collection of RAM chips.

How about this?

Expansion Bus – a bus is a data pathway between several
hardware components inside or outside a computer. It
does not only connect the parts of the CPU to each other,
but also links the CPU with other important hardware.
That’s correct!

How about this?

Adapters – printed – circuit boards (also called interface

cards) that enable the computer to use a peripheral device
for which it does not have the necessary connections or
circuit boards. They are often used to permit upgrading to
a new different hardware.
You are correct!
How about this?

Power Supply Unit (PSU) – installed in the back corner of

the PC case, next to the motherboard. It converts 120v AC
(standard house power) into DC voltages that are used by
other components in the PC.
Very Good!

D. Abstraction

Now that you know the basic parts of a system unit

can you give one and describe its function?

Primary Storage - is the computer’s working storage

space that holds data, instructions for processing
and processed data(information) waiting to be sent
to secondary storage.
That’s right.
CPU (Central Processing Unit)- the processor is the
main “brain or heart” of a computer system.
That’s correct!
Some more….. Power Supply Unit - It converts 120v AC (standard
house power) into DC voltages that are used by
other components in the PC.

What do you think is the importance of each (Answers may vary)

Components in a system unit?

E. Application
The teacher will group the class into 4. Each group must identify the components of a system
unit and give their corresponding functions.

Primary Storage Motherboard

(Group 1) (Group 2)

CPU Motherboard
(Group 3) (Group 4)

F. Assessment
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to form the words related to our topic, based on the given

1. Installed in the back corner of the PC case, next to the motherboard. It converts 120v AC (standard
house power) into DC voltages that are used by other components in the PC.

Power Supply

2. The main part of a microcomputer, sometimes called chassis.

System Unit

3. The main circuit board of a computer. It contains all the circuits and components that run the

4. Is the main “brain or heart” of a computer system.it performs all of the instructions and calculations
that are needed and manages the flow of information through a computer.


Central Processing Unit


List down at least ten (10) examples of hand tools used in computer hardware and servicing. Place your
answer on one fourth sheet of paper. Be able to pass it next meeting.

Prepared by:

Lyka Marie B. Gumatay

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