The Philippine Informal Reading Inventory Manual 2018: Department of Education Republic of The Philippines
The Philippine Informal Reading Inventory Manual 2018: Department of Education Republic of The Philippines
The Philippine Informal Reading Inventory Manual 2018: Department of Education Republic of The Philippines
Republic Act 8293, Sections 176 states that, “No copyright shall subsist in any work of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition, payment of royalties."
Borrowed materials included in this book are owned by the respective copyright
holders. Effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
their respective copyright owners. The publishers and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them.
Technical Consultants and Writers: Dr. Felicitas E. Pado, Dr. Leonor E. Diaz, Prof.
Maria Hazelle P. Ongtengco, Prof. Marie Yvette C. Alcazar, Prof. Ana Maria Margarita
S. Salvador, Dr. Fe Josefa G. Nava (University of the Philippines)
C. GeneralDirectionsforAdministration:TheFourStages...............................................................7
1. Stage 1: Initial Screening Using the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test..................................8
2. Stage 2: Administration of the Phil-IRI Graded Passages (Pre-Test)............................. 10
3. Stage 3: Provision of Specialized Instruction.......................................................................... 12
4. Stage 4: Administration of the Phil-IRI Graded Passages (Posttest)..............................12
D. Specific Directions for the Administration of the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test.....12
E. Specific Directions for the Administration of the Phil-IRI Graded Passages ..............15
1. Conducting the Phil-IRI Graded Passages Pretest...............................................................15
a. Marking and Scoring the Miscues.................................................................................17
b. Recording the Miscues.....................................................................................................18
c. Computing the Oral Reading Score per Passage....................................................19
d. Recording the Speed and Rate in Oral Reading......................................................20
e. Computing the Student’s Comprehension of the Passage...................................20
f. Analysis and Interpretation of Word Reading and Comprehension Level.......21
g. QualitativeAnalysis.............................................................................................................22
2. The Phil-IRI Listening Comprehension and Silent Reading Test......................................23
List of Appendices..........................................................................................................................................29
The Department of Education through the Bureau of Learning Delivery extends its gratitude
to various individuals, writers and consultants who have contributed in the development of
the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) Manual.
Special recognition is extended to the original team of writers (English and Filipino groups)
from DepEd regions and divisions - selected Education Program Supervisors, Master
Teachers, Principals, Assistant Schools Division Superintendents, Chief/Assistant Chief of
Education Divisions (2009) and private individuals who shared their expertise in the
development of the tools.
The Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) is an initiative of the Bureau of Learning
Delivery, Department of Education that directly addresses its thrust to make every Filipino child a
reader. It is anchored on the flagship program of the Department: “Every Child A Reader
Program,” which aims to make every Filipino child a reader and a writer at his/her grade level.
The entire set or package of Phil-IRI materials consists of: 1) Manual of Administration,
Group Screening Test in Filipino (GST) from Grades III-VI, 3) Group Screening Test in
English from Grades IV to VI, 4) Graded Passages from Grade II to VII (Sets A, B, C, D) in
English and Grades I to VI in Filipino (Sets A, B, C, D) and, 5) Forms for recording purposes
both in English and Filipino.
It is important for the teachers to study the manual and be oriented on the proper
administration of the 2018 Phil-IRI.
1. What is the Phil-IRI?
The Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) was created to provide classroom
teachers a tool for measuring and describing reading performance. It is an assessment tool
composed of graded passages designed to determine a student’s reading level. It is
important to note that the Phil-IRI only provides an approximation of the learner’s abilities
and may be used in combination with other reliable tools of assessment.
Under the K-12 curriculum, the pupils are introduced to Reading in Filipino during the first
semester of Grade 2 while Reading in English is introduced during the second semester.
For example, the curriculum in Phonics and Word Recognition for Grade 2 English during
the second semester is reading short e, a and i words in consonant-vowel-consonant
pattern. By Grade 3, the curricular offering under word recognition is as follows:
Flippo, R. (2014). Assessing readers qualitative diagnosis and instruction. 2nd Edition. Chapter 2 Retrieved from Copublished with Routledge/Taylor & Francis
Aside from adjusting the readability level of the Phil-IRI selections based on the present
curriculum, the Phil-IRI constructed in 2013 was revalidated to the present group of learners
in 2016 to give a better assurance that the readability levels of the selections are
appropriate for the grade levels for which they are assigned. Nineteen schools, each
representing a particular Mother Tongue, were chosen for the revalidation. Phil-IRI Filipino
was administered to Grade 3 and 4 pupils while Phil-IRI English was administered to Grade
4 and 5 pupils. The MTB-MLE coordinator/Master teacher/the subject teacher in Filipino and
English/ the class adviser who had a training in ELLN conducted the revalidation.
The result of the examination of the literacy curriculum in both English and Filipino as well
as the revalidation were the bases for adjusting the Phil-IRI selections both in the Screening
Test and the Pretest and Posttest.
When used to assess oral reading skills, the Phil-IRI may be used to describe decoding and
word recognition, fluency and comprehension. The student’s performance in decoding (the
ability to read isolated words using phonics knowledge) and word recognition (the ability to
automatically identify words on sight) is measured through a Reading Miscue Inventory
(Phil-IRI Form 3A and 3B: Grade Level Passage Rating Sheet). The child is asked to read a
passage and each word read incorrectly is noted and marked. In terms of fluency (the ability
to read with speed, accuracy and prosody), the time taken by the child to read a passage is
recorded and the number of words that he/she can read per minute is computed.
Furthermore, a qualitative description of the child’s manner of reading is described via a
checklist. Finally, test taker’s comprehension skills (the ability to create meaning) may be
gauged by having the child answer five to eight questions of varying difficulty based on the
graded passage after it has been read.
When used to assess Silent Reading Comprehension, Phil-IRI may be used to describe
reading speed and comprehension. The student’s reading speed is measured by recording
the time it takes the child to read each passage completely. Silent reading comprehension is
measured by asking the student to answer five to eight questions of varying difficulty after a
passage has been read.
When used to assess listening comprehension, the Phil-IRI may be used by having the
student listen to the passages as they are read by the test administrator and answer five to
eight questions of varying difficulty about each passage.
For all three types of individual assessments (oral reading comprehension, listening
comprehension and silent reading comprehension), the aim is to find the learner’s
independent, instructional and frustration levels, so that teachers know what level of reading
materials the student can read and understand well, as well as what level of reading
materials the student is not ready for.
Since the Phil-IRI is administered at the start and at the end of the school year, it can also
tell teachers about the growth and changes in students’ reading skills and levels.
Table 1. Schedule of Phil-IRI Administration
Filipino English
(for Grade 3 to Grade 6 (for Grade 4 to Grade 6
learners) learners)
Type of Test Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
Within Within
the first the first
Phil-IRI Group Screening
or second or second
Test (GST) Within Within
month of the month of the
January to January to
school year February of school year February of
the school the school
Individualized Phil-IRI Within a year Within a year
Assessment (only for month after month after
pupils who did not pass the GST is the GST is
the GST) administered administered
1. Manual of Administration
The manual includes information about the Phil-IRI, the directions for the administration of
the test, and instructions for recording and reporting results. It serves as a guide to teachers,
principals and supervisors in administering the tests as well as in recording results.
The manual should be studied carefully before administering the Phil-IRI Tests. The mechanics
of administration are the same for both Filipino and English. Thus, only one manual will be
printed for both languages. The manual also contains the Keys to Correction for both the Group
Screening Tests and the Phil-IRI Graded Passages in Filipino and English.
The Phil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) is a silently-administered test in both Filipino and
English. Each tool is composed of a 20-item comprehension test based on a set of leveled
passages for each grade level covering Grades 3 to 6 in Filipino and Grades 4 to 6 in
English. The passages were written and selected based on concept load, level of
vocabulary used, sentence complexity, nature of themes and cohesion.
In consideration of Abadzi’s1 (2014) recommendations on the kind and size of font and
spacing options in between letters used in textbooks, the font features in Table 2 were
followed in the design of the tools.
Table 2: Font Size Used for the Passages for each Grade Level
The objective of the GST is to identify students who need further testing. Appendix A1 to A4
presents the titles of passages, kinds of text, and number of questions per passage, as well
as the Keys to Correction for the GST for Grades 3 to 6 in Filipino and Grades 4 to 6 in
English respectively.
The Phil-IRI Graded Passages is an informal individualized assessment tool used to record
the student’s performance in oral reading, silent reading and/or listening comprehension.
Abadzi, H. (2014). Hidden insights from cognitive neuroscience. Retrieved from and_Myths_of_Reading_Hidden_insights_from_cognitive_neuroscience
The Phil-IRI Listening Comprehension is administered when the student is identified as a
nonreader. The purpose is to find out how well a student understands the selection which
will be read by the test administrator.Then the test administrator reads the multiple choice
questions and the student answers them orally.
The Phil-IRI Silent Reading Test may be administered after the Oral Reading Test is
conducted to further check the student’s comprehension skill. This is an optional activity.
The Graded Passages range from Grade 2 to Grade 7 Readability levels for English and
Grade 1 to Grade 7 Readability levels for Filipino. The selections for Grade 2 to Grade 4 are
narrative texts, while those from Grades 5 to 7 are expository texts. The expository texts in
Filipino deal with Social Studies concepts, while those in English focus on Science concepts.
Phil-IRI Graded Passages are both in Filipino and English. For both languages, there are
four sets (Sets A, B, C and D) of passages with a readability level of Grade 2 to Grade 7 to
be used for the pre-test. Similarly, there are also four sets (Sets A, B, C and D) of posttest
graded passages. The pre-test and the posttest for each grade level are comparable in the
following: number of words, concept load, level of vocabulary used, sentence complexity,
nature of themes and cohesion. Appendix A5 to A12 presents the titles of passages used for
the Phil-IRI Graded Passages (Pre-Test and Post Test) in both Filipino and English.
Phil-IRI Form 1B: Summary of the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test Class Reading
Record (CRR)
This form has the same content and objectives as the Phil-IRI Form 1A. Phil-IRI Form 1B
is to be used for the GST in English. A sample of this form is shown in Appendix B2.
b. Phil-IRI Forms for Graded Passages
Figure 1: Stages in the Administration of Phil-IRI
Initial Screening (Phil-IRI Group Screening Test)
All students from 3rd until 6th grade undergo the Phil-IRI Filipino
Group Screening Test; all students from 4th to 6th grade undergo the
Phil-IRI English GST
(Class Reading Reports to be submitted to the Principal)
For SY 2018-2019, the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) in Filipino must be administered to
Grade 3 to 6 students while the GST in English must be administered to the Grade 4 to 6
students on the first month of the school year. It is a 20-item multiple choice test that the test
takers must accomplish within 30 minutes. This should be administered during class time. By the
end of July, the learner must have completed 2 tests (1 in English; 1 in Filipino).
Upon completion of the administration of the GST, the Class Reading Reports are submitted
to the Principal. These contain a summary of the students who performed equal or above
and below the cut-off score. Refer to Appendix B1, Form 1A: Talaan ng Pangkatang
Pagtatasa ng Klase (PPK) sa Phil-IRI for Filipino or Appendix B2, Form 1B: Class Reading
Report (CRR) for English.
As shown on Figure 1, students who garner a Raw Score that is equal to or greater than 14
(75%) need not undergo further testing. The first stage is done for these students.
However, students who garner a Raw Score that is lower than 14 (74%) need to undergo further
assessment, as this may be an indication that the student is experiencing difficulty reading at-
level text. It is thus necessary to conduct individualized assessment in order to further describe
the child’s reading performance. The learners will be assessed using the Phil-IRI Graded
Passages. If a student garners a score of 13 and below in the Filipino GST, s/he will be given the
Filipino Graded Passages Pre-Test. If the student garners a score of 13 or below in the English
GST, s/he will be given the English Graded Passages Pre-Test. Note that it is possible for a
student to undergo the Phil-IRI Graded Passages in one or both languages.
The Phil-IRI Graded Passages Pre-Tests have a total of four parallel sets (SETS A to D)
that the test-administrator can choose from. The administration of the Phil-IRI should begin
with the Oral Reading Test. Figure 2 presents the steps for Stage 2 in greater detail.
Figure 2. Flowchart for the Administration of the Phil-IRI: Stage 2
Administration of the Oral Reading Test using Phil-IRI Graded Passages
The Listening Comprehension Test may The Silent Reading Comprehension test
be administered to those found to be may be administered to further describe
poor/non-readers to describe their ability the kind of text that a child can read
to comprehend texts when the decoding independently. This helps in identifying
task is lifted. the kind of text that can be used for
classroom activities/seat work.
Step 1: Determine the Starting Point of Graded Passages.
The first passage that the child should be asked to read aloud must depend on the child’s
raw score in the GST.
If the child’s raw score in the GST is 0-7, he/she must be given a passage that is 3 grade
levels below his current level.
If the child’s raw score in the GST is 8-13, he/she must be given a passage that is 2
grades below his current level.
To illustrate, if Pedro, a 5th grader, garnered a Raw Score of 6/20 in the Filipino GST, the
first selection that he must be asked to read should be at 2nd grade level. Once the first
selection to be read has been identified, the test administrator is ready for Step 2.
Step 2: For each passage, compute scores in Word Reading and Comprehension to identify
student’s Reading Levels (pages 21-29 details the procedures for computing the Word
Reading and Comprehension scores).
Using these graded passages, the test administrator must find the student’s independent,
instructional and frustration levels. Awareness of a child’s reading levels can help the
teacher identify materials that are suitable for developing the learner’s reading skills.
Finding the independent level means that we are looking for the grade level passage
that the child can read on his/her own without any assistance. To find the
independent level, the test administrator continues to give a selection that is one
level lower than a given selection until the child is able to register performance at 97
to 100% in word reading and 80 to 100% comprehension. It is important to find the
independent level so that we know the kind of text that the child is
already able to perform well in. Providing material at the independent level may
serve as a source of motivation or as a starting point for instruction.
Finding the instructional level means that we are looking for the grade level passage
that the child can read with the support of a teacher. This is the level
where students make the most progress in reading. To find the instructional level, the
test administrator continues to give a selection that is one level higher than the
independent level passage until the learner is able to register performance at 90 to
96% in word reading and 59 to 79% in comprehension.
Finding the frustration level means that we are looking for the grade level passage
that the child can no longer read and understand on his own. To find the frustration
level, the test administrator continues to give a selection that is one level higher than
the instructional level passage until the learner’s oral reading score performance is at
89% and below in Word Reading and 58% and below in Comprehension. It is
important to identify the frustration level so that we are aware of the kind of material
that the student is not yet ready for.
To illustrate, let us continue with our hypothetical 5th grade learner named Pedro. The test
administrator gave Pedro a 2nd grade passage, and his performance registered at the
independent level for that passage. The test administrator then gave him a higher level
passage (3rd grade) and Pedro's performance registered at the instructional level. Finally,
the test administrator gave him a text that is a grade level higher (4th grade), where his
performance registered at the frustration level. The test administrator now has Pedro’s
independent, instructional and frustration levels. He can proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Administer Listening Comprehension Test (Stage 2a) and Silent Reading Test
(Stage 2b). Note that both stages are optional.
After administering the Oral Reading Test, if there is a need to describe the performance
of the child when the reading task is lifted (i.e. especially when the students have been
identified to be non-readers), the Listening Comprehension Test may be administered.
The process of finding the independent, instructional and frustration levels are the same
except that the passages are no longer read by the student and instead are read by the
test administrator. After each selection has been listened to, the test administrator reads
the multiple choice questions that the students must respond to orally.
After administering the Listening Comprehension Test, if there is a need to describe
the performance of the child when doing the reading task on his/her own, the Silent
Reading Comprehension Test may be administered. The process of finding the
independent, instructional and frustration levels are the same except that the time it
takes for the student to finish reading each passage is recorded by the test
administrator. After each selection has been read, the test administrator reads the
multiple choice questions that the students must respond to orally.
Once all the data describing the child’s reading performance has been gathered, the teacher
may use this information to design an intervention program (i.e. remedial reading program)
or adjust classroom instruction.
(see Appendix H for a full discussion of the Handbook on Suggested Intervention)
D. Specific Directions for the Administration of the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test
This section details the specific instructions for the Group Screening Test and the individually
administered Graded Passages accordingly. For general reminders on the conduct and
interpretation of assessment and assessment results, please see Appendix G.
STEP 1: Secure an updated copy of the class list. If available, attach the class list to:
Form 1A: Talaan ng Pangkatang Pagtatasa ng Klase (PPK) sa Phil-IRI for Filipino or
Form 1B: Summary of the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test Class Reading Record
(CRR) for English (See Appendix B1 and B2)
STEP 2: Secure a complete set of the Phil-IRI Testing Kit from the Principal’s office or
the designated coordinator.
Phil-IRI Manual for Administration
Phil-IRI Practice Item Charts
Phil-IRI Group Screening Test Forms (See Appendix A1-A4, B1 and B2)
Phil-IRI Group Screening Test Answer Sheets (See Appendix F)
Masking Tape
Secure an area conducive for testing (i.e. well-ventilated, well-lit and free from
Review the procedures for administration and accompanying forms.
Lay out the necessary materials (e.g. practice item charts, group screening test
Establish rapport and orient the test-takers as follows:
Say: Sabihin:
“Hello. I am _____________________. “Magandang umaga/hapon. Ako po si
(If the test administrator is not the teacher of _________. Sa araw na ito, hindi tayo
the students). For this day, we will not be magkakaroon ng regular na klase. Bawat
holding regular class. Each of you will be isa sa inyo ay bibigyan ng ilang mga
asked to read a set of passages that have babasahin na may mga nakalakip na
corresponding questions. tanong ukol sa inyong binasa.
Read each passage carefully and answer Basahin nang mabuti ang talata at
the questions that follow. sagutan ang mga tanong sa abot ng
You will only be given 30 minutes to finish inyong makakaya.
reading the selections and answer all of the Bibigyan lamang kayo ng 30 minuto para
questions.” tapusin ang pagbasa ng mga talata at
pagsagot sa mga tanong.”
Distribute the answer sheets. Have the students fill in their personal information.
Say: Sabihin:
Write the following: Isulat ang sumusunod:
(Name, age, grade, section, name of (Pangalan, edad, baitang, seksyon,
school and date of test). pangalan ng paaralan, petsa).
Encircle MALE if you are male/a boy and Bilugan ang LALAKI kung ikaw ay lalaki,
FEMALE if you are female/a girl. at bilugan ang BABAE kung ikaw ay babae.
REMINDER: Here is the sheet where you PAALALA: Ito ang papel (ipakita ang
will write your answers in (show the answer sagutang papel) kung saan ninyo isusulat
sheet). ang inyong mga sagot.
Say: Sabihin:
Where does one go when one wishes to Saan pupunta kung nais magbasa at
read and borrow a book? manghiram ng mga aklat?
clinic klinik
library silid-aklatan
market palengke
playground palaruan
What is the answer to the question? The Ano ang tamang sagot sa tanong? Ang
correct answer b should be the letter written tamang sagot na b ang dapat isulat sa
on your answer sheet. sagutang papel.
Fill out Form 1A (if Filipino GST is taken) or Form 1B (if English GST is taken).
Record the names of the students in the class. On the second column, put a
(check mark) if the student took the screening test; if not, mark with an X.
Refer to the GST booklet (Teacher’s copy) to identify the type of question for each
item in the test. Record the number of Literal, Inferential and Critical questions
answered in the test. (Ex: If Student A got 3 correct answers out of 5 literal
questions, record it as 3/5 under Literal column)
Record the total number of correct responses (over 20) of each student. Mark with a
(check mark) the appropriate column where each student’s score may be
classified (either ≥ 14, or < 14).
At the bottom of the form, indicate the total number of students for each column.
Submit the accomplished form/s and answer sheets to the Principal’s office.
Table 3. Starting Point for the Graded Passage
Form 3A/3B
Fill out all the required student information and test details in Form 3A / 3B.
In Part A of the form, record the time when the student starts and ends reading the
passage. Then, compute the reading rate (Refer to Section G: Recording
the Speed and Rate in Reading).
If the student is asked to read orally:
As the child reads, record the student’s miscues. (Refer to Table 4
under Section G.)
Then, record the student’s response to each question. Check the responses of
the student (Refer to Appendix A for the answer keys). Indicate the total
number of correct responses. Look for the equivalent percentage of the score
by referring to Table 6. Then, use Table 7 to indicate the reading level of the
student in comprehension.
In Part B of the form, get the total miscues of the student. Indicate the number
of words read correctly in the passage. Compute the word reading score
(Refer to Section K: Computing the Oral Reading Score). Finally, indicate the
word reading level by referring to Table 7.
b. Form 4
Use separate forms for the English and Filipino administered Phil-IRI.
Fill out the required student information and test details.
Record the word reading and comprehension levels of the student in all Phil-
IRI taken. Refer to Forms 3A and 3B for the details.
Fill out the Oral Reading Observation Checklist by marking each item with a
or an X.
To fill out the Summary of Comprehension Responses Table, refer to the Phil-
IRI booklet (Teacher’s copy) to identify the type of question for each item in the
tests taken. Record the number of Literal, Inferential and Critical questions
answered in each test. (Ex: If Student B got 1 correct answer out of 2 literal
questions, record it as 1/2 beside L=)
Indicate the Total Score, Percentage, and Reading Level for each test taken.
Refer to Forms 3A and 3B for the details.
The qualitative analysis consists of analyzing what types of miscues are made
and describing the student’s behavior while reading. Likewise, while the teacher
administers the oral reading test, s/he assesses whether the reading material
matches the learner’s reading performance. The teacher may give the student a
reading material with a lower readability level if s/he detects that the grade level
reading material is too difficult for the student.
Table 4. Marking and Scoring the Oral Reading Miscues
Table 5. Summary of Miscues
2 Omission (Pagkakaltas)
3 Substitution (Pagpapalit)
4 Insertion (Pagsisingit)
5 Repetition (Pag-uulit)
7 Reversal (Paglilipat)
d. Recording the Speed and Rate in Oral Reading
The teacher-administrator records the time that the student starts reading the
passage orally; s/he computes the number of seconds/minutes that it took the
student to read the passage.
Pedro was asked to read the passage “The Snail with the Biggest House,” a Grade 5
Pre-test passage which has 103 words. It took him 1.5 minutes (90 seconds) to read
the passage. Dividing 103 words by 90 seconds will yield 69; thus, Pedro's reading
rate is 69 words per minute.
Table 6 presents the percentage of comprehension which is derived by dividing the
number of correct answers over the number of questions and multiplying it by 100.
Table 6. Table of Percentage for Comprehension Scores
5 100 6 100
5 83
4 80
4 67
5 3 60 6
3 50
2 40 2 33
1 20 1 17
To illustrate, let us look at Karlo who is in Grade 4. His word reading and
comprehension scores are as follows:
Word reading score: 15 miscues = 76.9%: Frustration
Comprehension score: 4 out of 7= 57%: Frustration
Reading Rate: 69.5 words per minute
The learner’s word reading score and comprehension score should be taken
together to determine a comprehensive reading profile for that passage. A
description of the student’s reading profile in word reading and comprehension per
passage is presented in Table 8.
Table 8. Student’s Reading Profile Per Passage
The teacher likewise records the behavior of the student while reading using the
Observation Checklist in Table 13 (adapted from Gray Oral Reading Behavior). (See
Appendix D, Phil IRI Form 4).
Table 9. Oral Reading Observation Checklist
Disregards punctuation
(Hindi pinanpansin ang mga bantas)
Other observations:
(Ibang Puna)
It should be noted that only the pupils who got a score of 14 and below during the
Group Screening Test are subjected to further testing through the individual reading
of graded selection. Based on the observed reading needs of these pupils, they are
given the appropriate reading intervention. Then they take the Phil-IRI posttest. The
result of the posttest and the improved behavior while reading will indicate the pupils'
improved reading skills. The better readers are not subjected to Phil-IRI activities, but
it is expected that the regular classroom instruction in Reading will further improve
their reading skills.
The following terms used in the manual are operationally defined as follows:
informal reading tests which consist of a set of graded
passages administered to individual learners; in contrast
to formal reading tests that are standardized and often
conducted for the purpose of comparing a student’s
Informal Reading Inventory performance with that of others (Weaver, 2014), informal
reading tests are designed to provide greater insight into
an individual learner’s reading level vis-à-vis a specific
passage in order to allow teachers to customize instruction
to the needs of their students (Rutledge, 1998)
a set of activities designed to address student-specific
(reading) difficulties
a recording of the errors that a reader makes, the amount
Reading Miscue Inventory of time he/she takes in reading a passage, as well as the
number of correctly read words per minute
a summary of a learner’s reading level based on his/
Reading Profile her word reading and comprehension scores in a given
ease with which a book or other piece of written material
can be understood (Gunning, 2002)
the level at which a written material can be understood
using text characteristics such as the kinds of words, the
Readability Level length of words and sentences used, as well as grade level
expectations as the standard
the ratio between the number of words read in a passage
Reading Rate
and the time it took for a reader to finish reading
a group-administered assessment tool made up of leveled
passages and comprehension questions to be read silently
Screening Test and accomplished independently; intended to identify
students who need further testing
when a learner reads a selection independently and answers
Silent Reading Assessment comprehension questions in order to assess reading rate
and reading comprehension level
the percentage of words correctly read over the total number
Word Reading Score
of words in a given passage
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Bryant, B. R., & Wiederholt, J. (1991). Gray Oral Reading Tests, Diagnostic. Austin, TX:
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Johnson, M.J. , Kress, R.A., & Pikulski, P. L. (1987). INFORMAL READING INVENTORIES
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Leslie, L., & Caldwell, J. (2006). Qualitative Reading Inventory-4. Boston, MA: Pearson
Education, Inc.
Mariotti, A., & Homan, S. P. (2005). Linking Reading Assessment to Instruction (Fourth ed.).
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Ocampo, D. S. (1997). EDR 210 Module: Trends in Reading Instruction, U.P.
Open University, Diliman Q. C.
Vacca, J. L., Vacca, R. T., & Gove, M. K. (1991). Reading and Learning to Read
(Second ed.). New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers.
Walker, B. (2004). Diagnostic teaching of reading (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Merrill Prentice Hall.
A1 Phil-IRI Group Screening Tests in Filipino (Pangkatang Pagtatasa sa Filipino)
Phil-IRI Group Screening Tests in Filipino
(Pangkatang Pagtatasa sa Filipino)
Pamagat ng mga
Antas Bilang at Uri ng Teksto Bilang ng Tanong
• Ang Loro ni Lolo Kiko
• O Pagong
3rd 4 na kuwento • Reyna ng Duwende 20
• Manonood Ako
• Ang Aso sa Lungga
• Si Muning
4th 4 na kuwento • Si Brownie 20
• Balat ng Saging
• Ang Regalo Kay Lea
• Napulot ko!
5th 4 na kuwento • Ang Matanda 20
• Sinaunang Sistema ng
Pagsulat at Panitikan
• Paano Nabubuo ang Isang
6th 2 Sanaysay Batas? 20
• Panahon ng Bagong Bato
• Karapatang Sibil
7th 2 Sanaysay • Ang Hukbong Paggawa ng 20
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa sa Pagbasa, Baitang 3
Panuto: Basahin nang tahimik ang bawat kuwento. Pagkatapos, basahin ang
mga tanong at isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot sa sagutang papel.
3.Ano kaya ang naramdaman ni Lolo nang mawala ang loro? (Paghinuha)
B. O Pagong!
O, pagong na maliit
sa garapon nakatira.
Ikaw ba ay sasaya
kapag nakawala ka na?
O, batang mabait
tulungan mo ako.
Paglabas ko rito
masaya talaga ako.
C. Reyna ng Duwende
D. Manonood Ako!
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa sa Pagbasa, Baitang 4
5.Bakit kaya hindi siya natulungan ng isa pang aso? (Inferential)
a.natakot sa kanya ang aso
b.para matuto siya sa pangyayari
c.nainggit sa kanya ang isa pang aso
d.hindi rin ito makakalabas sa lungga
B. Si Muning!
Muning! Muning!
Hanap nang hanap si Susan kay Muning. Dala ni Susan ang
lalagyan ng pagkain ni Muning. May laman na ang lalagyan, pero wala si
Muning. Wala siya sa kusina. Wala rin siya sa silid. Nasaan kaya si
Bumaba ng bahay si Susan. Hinanap niya kung naroon si
Muning. Ikot na siya nang ikot, pero hindi pa rin niya nakita. Baka
lumabas ito ng bahay.
Ngiyaw! Ngiyaw!
Hayun si Muning! Ngiyaw siya nang ngiyaw. Nasa loob siya ng
kahon. May mga kasama si Muning sa loob ng kahon.
Nakita ni Susan ang kasama ni Muning. Mga kuting ang kasama
ni Muning sa kahon! May puti, itim at magkahalong puti at itim na kulay
ng kuting. Tuwang-tuwa si Susan!
9.Sino ang mga kasama ni Muning sa kahon? (Paghinuha)
a.mga anak nito
b.mga kalaro nito
c.mga nahuli nito
d.mga kaibigan nito
C. Si Brownie
13.Ano ang napatay ni Brownie? (Literal)
a.pesteng ipis
b.pusang bahay
c.dagang bahay
d.ligaw na manok
14.Bakit kaya bahagyang ginalaw ni Brownie ang buntot nang makita ang amo?
a.gusto niyang gisingin ang daga
b.nagulat siya sa kanyang ginawa
c.natakot siyang mapagalitan ng amo
d.upang ipakita sa amo ang kanyang ginawa
D. Balat ng Saging
17.Bakit sumisigaw si Mina? (Paghinuha)
a.galit siya
b.maingay kasi
c.tinatakot niya si Lito
d.hindi marinig ang boses niya
18.Ano ang naramdaman ni Lito nang tinanong siya ni Mina nang pasigaw? (Paghinuha)
a.nagalit siya
b.natuwa siya
c.natakot siya
d.nagtampo siya
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa sa Pagbasa, Baitang 5
4.Kailan nangyari ang aksidente? (Paghinuha) araw ng Pasko
b.pagkatapos ng Pasko araw ng Bagong Taon
d.isang araw bago mag-Pasko
5.Bakit kaya inisip ni Tatay regaluhan si Lea ng isa pang tuta? (Pagsusuri)
a.dahil ito ang nasa tindahan
b.dahil mura lang bilhin ang tuta
c.para maibigay kay Lea ang hiningi niya
d.para makalimutan ni Lea ang nangyari
c.sampung piso
d.sandaang piso
C. Ang Matanda
Tanghaling tapat na. Marami sa mga mag-aaral ang
nagmamadali nang umuwi. Walang lilim na masisilungan kahit saan.
Sa gitna ng initan ay may isang matandang babaeng may dalang
malaking balutan. Palinga-linga ang matanda. Parang may hinahanap
ito. Maraming batang mabilis na nagdadaan sa tabi niya.
“Mga bata, ” ang sabi ng matanda. Nguni't hindi siya pinapansin
ng mga bata. Paminsan-minsan, may ilang batang napapalingon sa
kanya, ngunit patuloy pa rin ang matulin nilang lakad.
Dumating si Nelia. Nagmamadali rin si Nelia na makauwi.
Nagugutom na kasi siya.
Napansin niya ang matanda. Nakita niya ang nakakaawang ayos
“Bakit po, Lola?” ang tanong ni Nelia.
“Ay Ineng” ang sagot ng matanda. “Naligaw ako. Saan ba ang
papunta sa istasyon ng bus?”
“Doon lang iyon sa kabilang kanto, Lola.”
Kahit na pagod si Nelia, inihatid niya ang matanda.
Bago sumakay sa bus ang matanda ay hinaplos si Nelia sa ulo.
“Pagpapalain ka ng Diyos, Ineng,” ang sabi nito sa kanya.
11.Saan naligaw ang matanda sa kuwento? (Inferential) sakayan ng bus labas ng paaralan bahay nina Noel labas ng simbahan
13.Ano-ano ang hindi pinansin ni Nelia habang kinakausap ang matanda? (Paghinuha)
a.gutom at pagod
b.nanay at tatay
c.ang bitbit niyang mga gamit
d.kung saan ang istasyon ng bus
D. Sinaunang Sistema ng Pagsulat at Panitikan
20.Ano ang ginamit ng may-akda ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
a.Naglarawan ito at nagbigay ng mga halimbawa.
b.Binanggit ang kasaysayan ng sinaunang sistema ng pagsulat.
c.Nakasaad ang mga dahilan ng sinaunang sistema ng pagsusulat.
d.Tinalakay nito ang sanhi at bunga ng sinaunang sistema ng pagsusulat.
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa sa Pagbasa, Grade 6
Mga Tanong:
1.Alin sa sumusunod ang nagsasabi tungkol sa isang panukalang batas? (Literal)
a.Nilalagdaan ito ng pangulo bago ito pinagtitibay.
b.Kasama ang pangulo sa pagtitibay nito sa Kongreso.
c.Maaaaring tutulan ito ng pangulo bago maging batas.
d.Hinaharap ito sa pangulo bago pinagtitibay ng Kongreso.
d.hindi ipinagtibay ng tatlong beses ang panukalang batas
5.Ano kaya ang dahilan kung bakit kinailangang makapagpatibay ng mga bagong
panukalang-batas? (Paghinuha)
a.Isinasaalang-alang nito ang ikabubuti ng Kongreso.
b.Kailangan ng batas para sa ikabubuti ng mga mamamayan.
c.Pinagtitibay ang batas para sundin ang panukala ng pangulo.
d.Trabaho ng Kongreso na makabuo at makapaglimbag na batas.
6.Ano kaya ang mangyayari kapag hindi napagpatibay ang isang batas sa Kongreso?
a.Ito ay hindi maaaring maipatupad.
b.Madadagdagan ang batas na susundin.
c.Ipaaalam na ito sa lahat para ipatupad.
d.Hindi ito lalagdaan ng pangulo bilang pagtutol.
10.Ano ang ginamit ng may-akda ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
a.Binanggit ang kasaysayan ng pagbuo ng batas.
b.Nakasaad ang mga dahilan ng pagbuo ng batas.
c.Inilarawan ang sanhi bunga ng pagbuo ng batas.
d.Tinalakay ang pinagdaraanan sa pabuo ng batas.
B. Panahon ng Bagong Bato
11.Alin sa sumusunod ang nagpapatunay kung bakit Panahon ng Bagong Bato ang
tawag sa panahong tinalakay sa seleksyon? (Literal)
a.Yari sa bato ang lahat ng mga kagamitan nila.
b.Gumamit sila ng mga kagamitang gawa sa pinakinis na bato.
c.Nakahanap sila ng bago at pinakinis na bato na ginamit nila.
d.Dumating sila sa lugar na may kagamitang pinakinis na bato.
May mga gamit ng yumao na isinama sa kanilang mga labi.
14.Ano ang kahulugan ng labi sa pangungusap sa loob ng kahon? (Paghinuha) Ito
ay __________________ _______ .
a.isang bahagi ng katawan
b.gamit ng namatay na tao
c.katawan ng namatay na tao
d.ang yumao na isinama sa putik
16.Ano kaya ang magiging bunga nang nakagawa ang mga sinaunang tao ng
sasakyang pantubig? (Paghinuha)
a.Maaari silang maglakbay sa tubig.
b.Walang pagbabago sa paglalakbay nila.
c.Makaaalis silang ligtas kapag may bagyo.
d.Magkakaroon na sila ng bago at ligtas na tirahan.
a. ang naging halaga ng Bangang Manunggul sa panahong iyon? (Paghinuha)
a.Magandang pag-aari ito ng mga yumao.
b.Isinasama ito sa yumao sa kabilang buhay.
c.Ito ay tanda ng paniniwala sa kabilang buhay.
d.Magandang gamit ito na yari sa pinakinis na bato.
20.Ano ang ginamit ng may-akda upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito? (Pagsusuri)
a.Binanggit ang suliranin ng paksa.
b.Nakasaad ang mga solusyon sa paksa.
c.Tinalakay ang maraming sanhi ng paksa.
d.Inilarawan ang paksa gamit ang mga halimbawa.
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa sa Pagbasa, Grade 7
A. Karapatang Sibil
Mga Tanong:
Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI saklaw ng karapatang sibil? (Literal) HINDI
saklaw ng karapatang sibil ang karapatan _________________ .
na maipahayag ang saloobin
na makapagbiyahe saan man nais
na magpatayo ng titirhan saan man
sa malayang pagsamba at pananalig
Paano kaya ipinapakita ng ating bayan ang pagkilala sa karapatang sibil? (Inferntial)
Hindi ito nilalabag sa ating bansa.
Pinag-aaralan ang mga ito ng lahat ng mamamayan.
Inililimbag at ipinapaabot sa lahat ang tungkol dito.
May mga kautusang nagsisiguro sa pagkilala ng mga ito.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito? (Critical)
Binanggit ang pinagmulan ng paksa.
Nakasaad ang mga suliranin ng paksa.
Tinalakay ang sanhi at mga bunga ng paksa.
Nagbigay ng mga halimbawa tungkol sa paksa.
Alin sa sumusunod ang isa pang magandang pamagat para sa seleksyon?
Pagkilala sa Ating Karapatan
Mga Halimbawa ng Karapatan
Mga Dulot ng Sibil na Karapatan
Sibil na Karapatan sa Malayang Bansa
walang tigil ng pagpapalakas at pagsasanay
nangangarap maghanapbuhay sa ibang bansa
may kasanayan at kakayahan na makibahagi sa produksyon
Ano ang ginamit ng may-akda upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito? (Critical)
Binanggit ang pinagmulan ng paksa.
Nakasaad ang mga solusyon ng paksa.
Tinalakay ang sanhi at bunga ng paksa.
Nagbigay ito ng mga halimbawa sa seleksyon.
Ano ang pangunaking ideya na tinalakay sa seleksyon? (Paghinuha)
Tinalakay sa seleksyon ang _______________________________.
mga problema ng hukbong paggawa
uri ng pamumuhay ng hukbong paggawa
iba’t ibang halimbawa ng hukbong paggawa
mga pagsasanay at mga paghihirap ng hukbong paggawa
Gabay sa Pagwasto: Pangkatang Pagtatasa – Filipino (Grades 3-7) Grade 3
Ang Loro ni Lolo Reyna ng
O Pagong! Manonood Ako!
Kiko Duwende
1. b 6. b 11. a 16. b
2. b 7. b 12. b 17. b
3. b 8. c 13. c 18. a
4. a 9. a 14. c 19. c
5. c 10. c 15. c 20. b
Grade 4
Ang Aso sa
Si Muning Si Brownie Balat ng Saging
1. c 6. d 11. a 16. a
2. a 7. c 12. a 17. a
3. b 8. c 13. c 18. c
4. c 9. a 14. d 19. c
5. b 10. a 15. c 20. d
Grade 5
Ang Regalo Kay Sistema ng
Lea Napulot Ko! Ang Matanda Pagsulat at
1. c 6. c 11. b 16. b
2. b 7. d 12. a 17. d
3. c 8. a 13. a 18. c
4. d 9. a 14. c 19. d
5. d 10. d 15. d 20. a
Grade 6
Paano Nabubuo Panahon ng
ang Isang Batas? Bagong Bato
1. c 11. b
2. b 12. a
3. c 13. c
4. d 14. c
5. b 15. c
6. a 16. a
7. c 17. b
8. c 18. b
9. c 19. d
10. d 20. d
Grade 7
Ang Hukbong
Karapatang Sibil Paggawa ng
1. c 11. c
2. c 12. d
3. d 13. a
4. a 14. b
5. b 15. d
6. d 16. b
7. c 17. c
8. d 18. d
9. b 19. b
10. d 20. c
Phil-IRI Group Screening Tests in English
Screening Test, Grade 4
Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the
letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet:
Mia was in her bedroom when she heard a rooster crow. Then she
heard a man yell, “Hot pandesal! Buy your hot pandesal!” Mia
wanted to sleep some more. But she knew she might be late for
school if she did. Finally, she began to smell fried eggs and fish.
“It’s time to get up,” she said. Mia jumped out of bed and ran down
the steps.
B. Ice Cream for Sale
“Cling! Cling! Cling!” Benito and his sister Nelia raced out the door.
He took some coins from his pocket and counted them. “I can
have two scoops,” he thought. But then his little sister Nelia asked,
“Can I have an ice cream?” Benito looked at his coins again. “May
I have two cones?” he asked. The vendor nodded. Benito and
Nelia left with a smile.
Why did Benito and Nelia race out the door? (Inferential)
They wanted to buy something.
They wanted to open the door.
They wanted to find out what was going on.
They wanted to know what was making noise.
C. At Last!
The spotted egg finally hatched. Out came a little bird who was afraid.
The tree where his mother built their nest was just too tall. “I don’t
know how to fly,” he thought. He looked around for his mother, but
she was not there. Where could she be? He looked down and felt his
legs shake. He started to get dizzy and fell out of his nest.
He quickly flapped his wings. At last – he was flying.
At the end of the passage, how did the little bird feel? (Inferential)
D. The Owl and the Rooster
While the other owls slept in the day time, Hootie slept at night. She
always yawned and fell asleep when her friends asked her to hoot
with them. This made her sad because she liked hooting a lot. One
day, she met a rooster who could not wake up in the morning. He
could not awaken the villagers. This made the rooster unhappy.
Hootie said, “I know how to help you. I’ll hoot in the morning so you
can wake up to do your job!”
The word rouse has a synonym in the selection. What is this word? (Inferential)
How did the owl and the rooster feel at the end of the passage? (Inferential)
What was the author's purpose when she wrote the selection? (Critical)
to inform
to entertain
to evaluate
to convince
Screening Test, Grade 5
Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the
letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet:
A. Early Start
Mara woke up with a start. “Oh no!” The sun was shining brightly on
her face. She looked at her alarm clock. She was not going to make it
to school. She hurriedly put on her uniform, gathered her things and
dumped them into her bag. She rushed so that she could be in school
before the bell rang. As she was going out the door, her mother
stopped her and asked, “Why are you rushing? Did you
forget? It’s Saturday today!”
1.Mara woke up with a start. When a person wakes up with a start, it means that one got
out of bed ____________________. (Inferential)
4. How do you think did Mara feel after her mother talked to her? (Inferential)
5. What did the author intend when she wrote the selection? (Critical)
to inform
to entertain
to evaluate
to convince
B. Rice for Lunch
Anika washed the rice grains. Then she put them into a pot. She also
put in two cups of water. Finally, she covered the pot and left it on the
electric stove. After twenty minutes, she went to check on the pot. It
was not hot. She saw that the plug was still on the floor. Anika
looked at the clock and shook her head. It was almost lunchtime.
8. Why did Anika look at the clock.? She looked at the clock to see if
_____________________. (Inferential)
the clock was still working
she still had time to watch TV.
the time on the clock was correct
the rice will be cooked in time for lunch.
9. What did Anika feel when she saw the clock? (Inferential)
C. The Gift
The colorfully-wrapped box was lying on the table when Mario got
home. Thinking that it was his parents’ birthday gift to him, he took
it and quickly tore it open. It was the coolest looking pair of shoes
he had ever seen. Mario put them on, walked out into the street
and jumped into a puddle. “Mario, why are you wearing your
brother’s shoes?” his Mother cried. When he looked down, he
said, “Oh no, that’s a lot of cleaning I have to do.”
11. Why did Mario think the box was for him? (Literal)
It was Christmas.
It was his birthday.
It was New Year’s Eve.
It was Valentine’s day.
12. In the selection, it said that Mario saw the coolest-looking pair of shoes. (Inferential)
What does this mean?
The shoes were very fashionable.
The shoes kept his feet from being warm.
The shoes felt very cold when he touched them.
The shoes made him shiver when he wore them.
13. As Mario looked down, what did he think he needed to do? (Literal)
Clean the shoes.
Wrap the shoes.
Wear the shoes.
Hide the shoes.
14. How did Mario’s mother feel when she saw Mario? (Inferential)
15. What do you think was Mario feeling when he saw his mother? (Inferential)
D. One Stormy Night
That night, Jessica helped her mother close the windows. The
wind was howling. Droplets of rain started pelting the roof. “Go
find the candles and I will get the matches,” said her mother.
Lightning flashed. A clap of thunder followed. Soon after, the lights
went off. “A blackout!” shouted Jessica. “Don’t be alarmed. It’s a
good thing we have what we need,” said mother.
17. Which of the following did Jessica and her mom do? (Inferential)
prayed hard
bought supplies
worked together
watched the wind
18. Which of the following best describes the characters in our story? (Inferential)
20. What did the mother feel at the end of the story? (Inferential)
Screening Test, Grade 6
Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the
letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet:
A. Chameleons
5. What is the advantage of changing color? (Inferential)
It can hide itself.
It can kill enemies
It can join with other chameleons.
It can hold on to the branch as it climbs.
The Philippine Eagle has replaced the maya as our national bird.
It is one of the three largest and strongest eagles in the world. But
it is in danger of extinction. Hunting and deforestation have
caused the number of Philippine Eagles to dwindle. Scientists
have tried to increase their number by breeding them in captivity.
The first eagle to be bred in captivity is Pag-asa. At 25 years old,
Pag-asa is not yet suited to be released to the wild as she has
developed dependency on her human keeper.
8. The Philippine Eagle is in danger of extinction. It means this type of eagle will
eventually ________________.(Inferential)
10. What is responsible for the decrease in the number of Philippine Eagles? (Inferential)
their migration to cooler countries
their transfer to warmer places
the activities of humans
lack of available food
11. Pag-asa is the name of the first eagle which (Literal)
was discovered first in our country.
was born in captivity.
was kept in the wild
was given as a gift.
15. Coral reefs are described as underground gardens because ___________. (Inferential)
they are full of flowers
there are many sea plants
they have many enormous fish
there are many types of pebbles
16. Coral reefs provide a safe sanctuary to live for the small fish. A sanctuary is
synonymous to ______________________. (Inferential)
17. Which of these bodies of water would have coral reefs? (Inferential)
the sea
the lake
the river
the pond
18. Why are the small fish safer in the coral reefs than in the open sea? (Inferential)
The water is saltier.
The waves are not so big.
There is no pollution there.
It is less likely that the big fish will eat them.
20. Which cause of the destruction of coral reefs is mentioned in the last
paragraph? (Literal)
the presence of big fish
the strong wind and big waves
the increasing temperature of the ocean
Screening Test, Grade 7
Read each selection silently. Then read the questions that follow and write the
letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet:
A. Telling Time
Which of the following ways of telling time made use of sand? (Literal)
water clocks
None of the clocks used long ago were accurate. Accurate in the sentence means
free from error
very useful
When men of long ago told time at night, they looked at the __________________ to tell
the time. (Literal)
cloud formation
How are the hourglass and the water clock similar? (Inferential)
Both tell time by the hour.
Both use water to tell time.
Both are used only in the daytime.
Both have a narrow center through which something flows.
When men decided to divide the day into twenty-four hours, they
used numbers one through twelve two times. As a result, there was
one o’clock during the day and another one o’clock after midnight.
This created confusion. If one was told to submit a project at six
o’clock, did this mean six o’clock in the morning or at night?
When the day was divided into twenty-four hours, what numbers were used to
express time? (Literal)
one to six
one to twelve
one to thirty-six
one to twenty four
The Romans thought of a solution. This means that they
provided _____________________. (Inferential)
an answer to the problem
a better interpretation
a new set of numbers
another clock
The early Romans used the position of the sun to tell the time. When the sun was at
its apex, it was noon. What does apex mean?
highest point
lowest point
farthest point
nearest point
B. Nosebleeds
When an experience is described as a common occurrence it is
_____________ .(Inferential)
an incident that is disappointing
an episode that is quite alarming
an event that is no longer surprising
an occasion that is overwhelming
Which of these factors that cause nosebleeds are directly within our control?
physical factors
environmental factors
behavioral factors
social factors
Key to Correction: Screening Test– English (Grades 4-7)
Grade 4
The Best Part of Ice Cream The Owl and the
At Last!
the Day for Sale Rooster
1. a 6. a 11. a 16. b
2. c 7. b 12. b 17. b
3. d 8. d 13. c 18. a
4. c 9. a 14. d 19. c
5. b 10. b 15. d 20. b
Grade 5
Early Star Rice for Lunch The Gift One Stormy Night
1. c 6. b 11. b 16. c
2. a 7. c 12. a 17. c
3. b 8. d 13. a 18. d
4. c 9. d 14. c 19. b
5. b 10. a 15. d 20. a
Grade 6
The Philippine Home to Millions
Eagle of Fish
1. a 8. a 15. b
2. d 9. b 16. b
3. b 10. c 17. a
4. d 11. b 18. d
5. a 12. a 19. c
6. a 13. d 20. a
7. b 14. a
Grade 7
Counting the
Telling Time Nosebleeds
1. b 8. b 14. b
2. a 9. c 15. c
3. c 10. a 16. a
4. c 11. b 17. b
5. d 12. a 18. c
6. c 13. c 19. a
7. d 20. c
Titles of Phil-IRI Graded Passages: Pretest in Filipino
Set A Set B Set C Set D
Si Dilis at si
2 Si Mila Gitara ni Lana Ang Ibon ni Islaw
Maliit na Duhat,
Magpalipad Tayo Ang Matalinong
3 Malaking Laruang Dyip
ng Saranggola Bulate
Parol sa may
4 Isang Pangarap Bakasyon ni Heber Galing sa Japan
Pumunta sa lawa si Tito.
Kasama niya si Lina sa lawa.
Malayo ang lawa.
Nakita nila ang palaka sa lawa.
Nakita nila ang bibe sa lawa.
Nakita rin nila ang buwaya.
Naku! Ang laki ng buwaya!
Mga Tanong:
1.Ano ang nasa mesa?
Si Mila ay nakatira sa bukid.
Maraming hayop sa bukid.
Marami ring halaman sa bukid.
Maraming alagang hayop si Mila.
May alagang baboy si Mila.
May alaga din siyang baka at kambing.
Sa mga hayop niya, ang manok niya ang kanyang paborito.
Tiko ang pangalan ng manok niya.
Si Tiko ay kulay pula at puti.
Siya ang gumigising kay Mila tuwing umaga.
Masaya si Mila kapag naririnig ang tilaok ni Tiko.
Mga Tanong:
1.Sino ang may alaga? Mila Olla Tiko
Maganda ang panahon. Gustong maglaro ni Niko. Niyaya ni Niko na
maglaro ang kakambal na si Noli. Pumunta ang kambal sa labas. May dala
silang mga saranggola. Makukulay ang mga saranggola ng kambal.
Pinalipad agad nila ang mga saranggola. Mataas ang lipad ng saranggola
ni Niko.
Mga Tanong:
1.Saan pumunta ang mga bata? labas paaralan simbahan
“Oo. Isang paraan kasi natin ito upang ipakita ang pagsisisi sa nagawa
nating kasalanan.”
Mga Tanong:
1.Saang banal na sambahan nanggaling si Tito Abdul? Mecca Israel Jerusalem Bethlehem
Tagtuyot ang hatid ng El Niño. Dahil dito, bumababa ang water level at
nagkukulang sa suplay ng tubig sa mga anyong tubig, gaya ng mga ilog at batis.
Nagkukulang din sa suplay ng tubig sa mga imbakan gaya ng La Mesa Dam na
matatagpuan sa Lungsod Quezon at Angat Dam sa Bulacan. Ang mga ito ang
pinagkukunan ng tubig sa Kamaynilaan at sa mga karatig probinsya nito.
Mga Tanong:
1.Ano ang nangyayari kapag may El Niño?
a.tagtuyo tide
6.Bakit kayang mahalaga na mabasa at maintindihan ang talatang ito?
a.para maiwasan ang pagkakaroon ng El Niño
b.para magtulungan sa pagtitipid ng tubig
c.para magkaroon ng lakas ng loob
d.para hindi maging handa sa tag-ulan
Ang mga kabundukan ay isa sa magagandang tanawin sa ating
kapaligiran. Taglay nito ang mga punungkahoy na nagbibigay ng ating mga
pangangailangan. Makikita rito ang sari-saring mga halaman na nakalulunas ng
ibang karamdaman, mga orkidyas, mga ligaw na bulaklak at mga hayop.
Subalit marami sa mga kabundukan natin ang nanganganib. Ang dating lugar
na pinamumugaran ng mga ibon at mga ligaw na bulaklak ay unti-unti nang
nasisira. Dahil sa patuloy na pagputol ng mga punungkahoy, marami na ang
nagaganap na mga kalamidad tulad ng biglaang pagbaha sa iba’t ibang pook.
Mga Tanong:
1.Ano ang nakukuha sa kabundukan na tumutugon sa pangangailangan ng
6.Ano ang magandang maidudulot ng reforestation?
a.maiiwasan ang tagtuyot
b.maiiwasan ang pagbaha
c.maiiwasan ang pag-ulan
d.maiiwasan ang pagbagyo
Ang ating bansa ay napaliligiran ng malawak na karagatan. Sagana ito sa
iba’t ibang uri ng isda. Kaya marami sa mga Pilipino ay pangingisda ang
Mga Tanong:
Ano-anong isda ang ipinapadala sa ibang bansa?
dilis at tawilis
tilapia at bangus
tuna at lapu-lapu
galunggong at bisugo
Ano ang maaaring mangyari kung hindi ipagbawal ang maling paraan ng
Mauubos ang mga isda sa dagat.
Mawawalan ng hanapbuhay ang mga mangingisda.
Matatakot na gumamit ng pampasabog ang mga tao.
Maraming gagamit ng tamang paraan ng pangingisda.
Pumunta sa lawa si Tito.
Kasama niya si Lina sa lawa.
Malayo ang lawa.
Nakita nila ang palaka sa lawa.
Nakita nila ang bibe sa lawa.
Nakita rin nila ang buwaya.
Naku! Ang laki ng buwaya!
Mga Tanong:
Sino-sino ang nasa lawa?
sina Tito at Lina
sina Tito at Tita
si Lina
Sa dagat nakatira si Dilis. Kalaro niya ang mga maliliit na isda. Sila ay
Nasa dagat din si Pating. Malaki at mabangis ito. Takot si Dilis at ang
mga kalaro niyang isda kay Pating.
Mga Tanong:
Saan nakatira si Dilis?
sa dagat
sa ilog
sa sapa
Nasa likod-bahay si Pido. Pumunta siya sa silong ng punong duhat. Sabi
niya, “Ang laki ng punong ito, ang liit naman ng bunga.”
Nakita rin niya sa may taniman ang halaman ng pakwan, “Ang pakwan na
gumagapang lamang sa lupa, kay laki ng bunga.” dagdag niyang sinabi. “Mali
kaya ang pagkagawa ng Diyos?”
Habang iniisip niya ang tanong sa sarili, biglang nalaglag ang isang
bunga ng duhat. “Aray!” sigaw niya. “Tama pala ang Diyos. Kung kasinlaki ng
pakwan ang duhat, may bukol ang ulo ko ngayon,” pailing na sinabi ni Pido.
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang nasa silong ng puno?
Ano ang mangyayari kay Pido kung malaki ang bunga ng duhat?
Disyembre na naman.
Tumulo ang luha sa mga mata ni Julia. Nakita niya ang nakasabit na
parol sa sulok ng kanilang bahay. Gawa iyon ng kanilang ama. Nilagyan niya ng
ilaw ang parol at isinabit ito sa may bintana.
“Ingatan ninyo ang parol. Magsisilbi itong gabay sa inyong mga gagawin,”
paliwanag ng ama noong bago umalis sa kanilang bahay.
“Tama si Itay. Kahit nasa malayo siya, ang parol na ito ang magpapaalala
sa amin sa kanya at sa kanyang mga pangaral.”
Parang napawi ang lungkot ni Julia, napangiti siya sabay kuha sa parol.
Mga Tanong:
Anong mahalagang araw ang malapit nang sumapit?
Mahal na Araw
Araw ng mga Puso
Ano ang unang naramdaman ni Julia nang makita niya ang parol?
Ano ang ibig sabihin ng ama ni Julia nang sinabi niya ang “Ingatan ninyo ang
parol, magsisilbi itong gabay sa inyong mga gagawin” ?
Huwag pabayaang masira ang parol.
Ang parol ang magpapaalala sa mga habilin ng ama.
Ang ilaw nito ang magpapaliwanag sa mga gawain nila.
Tuwing Pebrero, ipinagdiriwang ang pista ng mga bulaklak sa Lungsod
ng Baguio. Kilala rin ito sa tawag na Pista ng Panagbenga. Ang Panagbenga ay
salitang galing sa Cordillera na ang kahulugan ay panahon ng pagbukadkad ng
bulaklak. Binibigyang halaga sa pistang ito ang naggagandahang bulaklak kung
saan kilala ang lungsod na ito.
Mga Tanong:
Anong buwan nagaganap ang Pista ng Panagbenga?
unang buwan ng taon
ikalawang buwan ng taon
ikatlong buwan ng taon
huling buwan ng taon
Bakit sinimulan ang Pista ng Panagbenga?
para maging sikat ang lalawigan
para hindi masayang ang mga bulaklak
para maiwasan ang pag-ulit ng lindol noong 1990
para mapaunlad muli ang lugar matapos ang lindol noong 1990
Ang Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park (PPSRNP) ay
makikita sa Palawan. Ito ay matatagpuan sa hilagang kanlurang bahagi ng
Puerto Princesa.
Mula nang maitalaga ang Puerto Princesa Underground River bilang isa
sa Pitong New Wonders of Nature, dumami na ang mga taong gustong makita
ito, maging Pilipino man o dayuhan.
Mga Tanong:
Saang lalawigan matatagpuan ang Underground River?
sa Bicol
sa Iloilo
sa Mindoro
sa Palawan
Ano kaya ang kailangang gawin ng lokal na pamahalaan para sa
Underground River?
magtayo ng iba’t ibang water sports dito
lagyan ito ng mga bahay-bakasyunan
pangalagaan at proteksyonan ito
pagbawalan ang bumibisita rito
Ang Tacloban ay kabisera ng lalawigan ng Leyte. Ang Leyte ay
matatagpuan sa Rehiyon 8 ng Pilipinas na bahagi ng Silangang Visayas.
Mga Tanong:
Saan matatagpuan ang Tacloban?
sa Kanlurang Visayas
sa Silangang Visayas
sa Hilagang Visayas
sa Timog Visayas
Ano ang ikinabubuhay ng mga taong taga-Tacloban?
Ito ang mesa ni Lupe.
Malaki ang mesa ni Lupe.
Nasa mesa ang relo ni Lupe.
May baso at tasa sa mesa ni Lupe.
May bola rin sa mesa.
Naku! Ang bola!
Tumama ang bola sa baso.
Hala! Nabasa ang relo sa mesa!
Mga Tanong:
Kanino ang mesa?
kay Lupe
kay Nanay
kay Lani
May gitara si Lana.
Maganda ang gitara ni Lana.
Bago ang gitara niya.
Kulay pula at may bulaklak na puti ito.
Bigay ito ni Tita Ana.
Binigay niya ito noong kaarawan ni Lana.
Laging dala ni Lana ang gitara.
Lagi rin niyang pinatutugtog ito.
Hawak ni Lana ang gitara habang naglalakad.
Naglalakad siya papunta sa parke.
Tumama ang paa ni Lana sa isang malaking bato.
Aaaa! Nahulog sa bato ang gitara!
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang may gitara?
si Lana
si Mila
si Tita Ana
Umaga na sa bukirin. Maagang lumabas si Bulate. Nais niyang
masikatan ng araw. Sa di kalayuan, nakita siya ni Tandang. Lumapit si Tandang
upang kainin si Bulate.
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang gustong masikatan ng araw?
si Aso
si Bulate
si Tandang
Isinama si Heber ng kanyang Tito Mar sa Rizal upang makapag-
bakasyon. Masayang-masaya siya dahil nakita niya sa unang pagkakataon ang
Pista ng mga Higantes. Ang pistang ito ay naganap kahapon, ika-23 ng
Nobyembre. Ginugunita sa pistang ito ang patron ng mga mangingisda na si
San Clemente.
Mga Tanong:
Kanino sumama si Heber upang magbakasyon?
kay Rizal
kay Tito Mar
sa mga higante
Bakit kaya gusto niyang ipakita ang mga litrato sa kanyang mga magulang at
Gusto niyang papuntahin sila sa lugar na iyon.
Gusto niyang mainggit ang mga ibang tao sa kanya.
Gusto niyang ibahagi ang kanyang karanasan sa kanila.
Isa sa mga ipinagmamalaking bulkan sa bansa ang Bulkang Mayon na
matatagpuan sa Albay. Tanyag ang bulkang ito dahil sa taglay nitong halos
perpektong hugis apa. Dinarayo ito ng mga dayuhang bisita, maging ng mga
kapwa Pilipino.
Bagamat mapanganib ang Bulkang Mayon, isa rin naman itong biyaya sa
mga naninirahan malapit doon. Ang mga umagos na lupa at abo sanhi ng mga
pagsabog ay nagsilbing pataba pagkalipas ng ilang taon.
Mga Tanong:
Saan matatagpuan ang Bulkang Mayon?
Camarines Norte
Ano kaya ang nararamdaman ng mga tao sa paligid ng bulkan kapag ito ay
malapit nang sumabog?
Ano ang magandang naidulot ng pagsabog ng bulkan?
naging malawak ng lupain
gumanda ang hugis ng bulkan
dumami ang bumibisita sa Mayon
naging magandang taniman ang lupa nito
Ang dengue fever ay isang kondisyong dulot ng dengue virus. Ang virus
na ito ay dala ng ilang uri ng lamok gaya ng Aedes Aegypti. Kagat ng lamok na
may dalang dengue virus ang sanhi ng pagkakasakit.
Ang isang dahilan kung bakit patuloy sa pagdami ang may sakit na
dengue ay dahil binibigyan ng pagkakataon ang mga lamok na mabuhay sa
paligid. Kailangan ng pakikipagtulungan ng lahat sa mga simpleng gawaing
makaiiwas sa sakit na ito.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang kondisyon na dala ng ilang uri ng lamok tulad ng Aedes aegypti?
dengue fever
Ano ang maaaring mangyari kapag hindi nagtulong-tulong ang mga
mamamayan sa problemang nakasaad sa seleksyon?
Magiging marumi ang kapaligiran.
Patuloy ang pagkakaroon ng dengue.
Mag-aaway-away ang magkakapitbahay.
Hindi magagawa ang programang fogging.
Maraming mga bayani ang namatay sa panahon ng pananakop ng mga
Amerikano. Isa rito si Macario Sakay. Isa siya sa orihinal na kasapi ng
Katipunan na binuo noong panahon ng pananakop ng mga Espanyol.
Mga Tanong:
Paano mo ilalarawan ang plano na gamitin si Dominador Gomez para
pasukuin si Macario Sakay?
mautak at tuso
hindi pinag-isipan
mapagmalaki at mayabang
mabait at may pakundangan
May sako si Rita.
Malaki ang sako.
Puti ang sako.
Nasa mesa ang sako ni Rita.
May saba ang sako.
Marami ang saba sa sako.
May tali ang sako.
Pula ang tali ng sako.
Aba! May laso pa sa tali ng sako!
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang may sako? (Literal)
May alagang ibon si Islaw.
Ising ang pangalan ng ibon niya.
Puti si Ising. Maliit si Ising.
Nasa isang hawla si Ising.
Araw-araw ay binibigyan ng pagkain ni Islaw si Ising.
Masaya si Islaw sa alaga niya.
Isang araw, nakawala sa hawla si Ising.
Hinanap ni Islaw si Ising.
Hindi nakita ni Islaw si Ising.
Pag-uwi ni Islaw, naroon na si Ising.
Hinihintay na siya sa loob ng bahay.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang alaga ni Islaw? (Literal)
Araw na ng Sabado. Kausap ni Romy ang kaibigang si Bert. Gusto nilang
maglaro, pero pareho silang walang dalang laruan.
“Ihanda muna natin ang mga takip ng bote o tansan para sa gulong.
Pagkatapos, kailangan nating maghanap ng kahon ng posporo para sa
katawan. Manghingi naman tayo ng kapirasong tela kay Nanay para sa upuan,”
paliwanag ni Rom.
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang magkaibigan? (Literal)
Romy at Bert
Remy at Betty
Ronald at Ben
Ano ang mga ginamit nila upang buuin ang laruan? (Paghinuha)
mga lumang laruan
mga nakita nila sa halamanan
mga gamit na maaari nang ibasura
Sabik na sabik na si Jose. Darating na kasi ang Nanay niyang si Aling
Malou. Dalawang taon ding nawala si Aling Malou. Galing siya sa Japan.
“Jose! Lito!” malakas na sigaw ni Aling Malou nang makita ang mag-
“Inay!” sigaw din ni Jose, sabay takbo nang mabilis palapit kay Aling
“Salamat, ‘Nay,” sagot ni Jose. “Pero ang mas gusto ko po, nandito ka
na! Kasama ka na namin uli!”
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang darating sa paliparan? (Literal)
si Jose
si Tito Boy
si Aling Malou
Ano ang kahulugan ng sinabi ni Jose na “Salamat, ‘Nay. Pero ang mas gusto
ko po, nandito ka na! Kasama ka na namin uli!” (Paghinuha)
ayaw niya ng mga binigay na pasalubong
di niya kailangan ng mga laruan, damit at bag
higit na mahalaga si Nanay kaysa pasalubong
Si Manuel Quezon ay isang masigla at masipag na lider. Anumang
gawaing ninanais niya ay isinasakatuparan niya agad. Ayaw niya na may
masayang na panahon dahil naniniwala siya na ang oras ay ginto. Mahalaga
ang bawat sandali kaya’t hindi niya ito inaaksaya. Ayon sa kanya, ang
magagawa ngayon ay hindi na dapat ipagpabukas pa.
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang Ama ng Wikang Pambansa? (Literal)
Andres Bonifacio
Diosdado Macapagal
Jose Rizal
Manuel Quezon
Alin sa sumusunod ang nagpapakita na makamahirap si Quezon?
Tumira siya sa bahay ng mahihirap.
Binibigyan niya ng pera ang mahihirap.
Pinatupad niya ang Katarungang Panlipunan.
Iba ang tingin niya sa mahihirap at mayayaman.
Sa kapaligiran ng bansang Pilipinas, marami ang makikitang punong
niyog. Kahit saang panig ng bansa, may mga produktong ibinebenta na galing
sa puno ng niyog.
Ang niyog ay tinaguriang puno ng buhay. Ang mga bahagi nito mula ugat
hanggang dahon ay napakikinabangan. Ang laman ng niyog ay ginagawang
buko salad, buko pie at minatamis. Ginagamit din ito bilang sangkap sa
paggawa ng arina, mantikilya, sabon, krudong langis, at iba pa.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang tinaguriang puno ng buhay? (Literal)
puno ng buko
puno ng narra
puno ng niyog
puno ng mangga
Bakit mas mainam ang gata ng niyog kaysa gatas ng baka? (Paghinuha)
Mas masarap ito.
Mas mura ang niyog kaysa gatas.
Mas maraming pagkukuhanan ng niyog.
Mas maraming protina ang nakukuha rito.
Si Benigno Aquino Jr. o kilalang si Ninoy Aquino ay ipinanganak noong
Nobyembre 27, 1932 sa Concepcion, Tarlac. Kumuha siya ng Law sa
Unibersidad ng Pilipinas ngunit tumigil siya at sa halip ay kumuha siya ng
Journalism. Pinakasalan niya si Corazon Aquino at nagkaroon sila ng limang
Mga Tanong:
Saan ipinanganak si Ninoy Aquino? (Literal)
Tarlac, Tarlac
Capas, Tarlac
Camiling, Tarlac
Concepcion, Tarlac
Ano ang katangiang ipinakita ni Ninoy Aquino? (Pagsusuri)
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng daga? Saan mo ito nakita?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan natin kung saan makikita ang daga sa kuwento.
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 40
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Ano ang nasa mesa?
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Mayroon ka bang alagang hayop?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sa ating kuwento, ano kaya ang alagang hayop ni Mila?
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 71
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Sino ang may alaga? Mila Olla Tiko
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Marunong ka bang magpalipad ng saranggola? Sino ang nagturo sa iyo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sino kaya ang nagturo kay Noling magpalipad ng saranggola?
Pinalipad agad nila ang mga saranggola. Mataas ang lipad ng saranggola
ni Niko.
Level: Grade 3
Bilang ng mga salita: 93
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Saan pumunta ang mga bata? labas paaralan simbahan
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Mayroon ka bang isang lugar na pangarap puntahan? Ano ito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Saan kaya ang lugar na pangarap marating ng bida sa kuwento?
“Oo. Isang paraan kasi natin ito upang ipakita ang pagsisisi sa nagawa
nating kasalanan.”
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 128
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Saang banal na sambahan nanggaling si Tito Abdul? Mecca Israel Jerusalem Bethlehem
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakaranas ka na ba ng tagtuyot?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano kaya ang nangyayari kung may tagtuyot?
Tagtuyot ang hatid ng El Niño. Dahil dito, bumababa ang water level at
nagkukulang sa suplay ng tubig sa mga anyong tubig, gaya ng mga ilog at batis.
Nagkukulang din sa suplay ng tubig sa mga imbakan gaya ng La Mesa Dam na
matatagpuan sa Lungsod Quezon at Angat Dam sa Bulacan. Ang mga ito ang
pinagkukunan ng tubig sa Kamaynilaan at sa mga karatig probinsya nito.
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 171
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang nangyayari kapag may El Niño?
a.tagtuyo tide
6.Bakit kayang mahalaga na mabasa at maintindihan ang talatang ito?
a.para maiwasan ang pagkakaroon ng El Niño
b.para magtulungan sa pagtitipid ng tubig
c.para magkaroon ng lakas ng loob
d.para hindi maging handa sa tag-ulan
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng kabundukan? Ano-anong mga bagay ang ginagamit
natin na galing dito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Paano kaya natin maililigtas ang ating mga kabundukan?
Subalit marami sa mga kabundukan natin ang nanganganib. Ang dating lugar
na pinamumugaran ng mga ibon at mga ligaw na bulaklak ay unti-unti nang
nasisira. Dahil sa patuloy na pagputol ng mga punungkahoy, marami na ang
nagaganap na mga kalamidad tulad ng biglaang pagbaha sa iba’t ibang pook.
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 199
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang nakukuha sa kabundukan na tumutugon sa pangangailangan ng
6.Ano ang magandang maidudulot ng reforestation?
a.maiiwasan ang tagtuyot
b.maiiwasan ang pagbaha
c.maiiwasan ang pag-ulan
d.maiiwasan ang pagbagyo
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng mga isdang matatagpuan sa ating bansa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Anu-ano ang mga isdang ito? Paano kaya ito hindi mauubos?
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 241
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Ano-anong isda ang ipinapadala sa ibang bansa?
dilis at tawilis
tilapia at bangus
tuna at lapu-lapu
galunggong at bisugo
Ano ang maaaring mangyari kung hindi ipagbawal ang maling paraan ng
Mauubos ang mga isda sa dagat.
Mawawalan ng hanapbuhay ang mga mangingisda.
Matatakot na gumamit ng pampasabog ang mga tao.
Maraming gagamit ng tamang paraan ng pangingisda.
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng lawa? Ano-ano ang makikita mo rito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano-ano kaya ang nakita ni Tito sa lawa?
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 36
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino-sino ang nasa lawa? Tito at Lina Tito at Tita Lina
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Mayroon ka bang kinatatakutan? Bakit ka takot dito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Saan kaya takot si Dilis?
Sa dagat nakatira si Dilis. Kalaro niya ang mga maliliit na isda. Sila ay
Nasa dagat din si Pating. Malaki at mabangis ito. Takot si Dilis at ang
mga kalaro niyang isda kay Pating.
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 74
Medrano, Z., Alonzo. R. I. (Ed.). (2000). Si Dilis at si Pating. Pilipino sa bagong
milenyo,(p. 157). Marikina City: Instructional Coverage System Publishing Inc.
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Saan nakatira si Dilis? dagat ilog sapa
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng duhat at pakwan? Alam mo ba ang itsura ng punong
duhat at halamang pakwan?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan natin kung bakit ganito ang itsura ng halaman nila?
Nakita rin niya sa may taniman ang halaman ng pakwan, “Ang pakwan na
gumagapang lamang sa lupa, kaylaki ng bunga.” dagdag niyang sinabi. “Mali
kaya ang pagkagawa ng Diyos?”
Habang iniisip niya ang tanong sa sarili, biglang nalaglag ang isang
bunga ng duhat. “Aray!” sigaw niya. “Tama pala ang Diyos. Kung kasinlaki ng
pakwan ang duhat, may bukol ang ulo ko ngayon,” pailing na sinabi ni Pido.
Level: Grade 3
Bilang ng mga salita: 91
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino ang nasa silong ng puno?
5.Ano ang mangyayari kay Pido kung malaki ang bunga ng duhat?
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Mayroon ba kayong parol sa bahay kapag Pasko? Saan galing ang parol
ninyo? Sino ang gumawa ng parol ninyo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sino kaya ang gumawa ng parol na nakasabit sa bahay nina Julia?
Disyembre na naman.
Tumulo ang masaganang luha sa mga mata ni Julia. Nakita niya ang
nakasabit na parol sa sulok ng kanilang bahay. Gawa iyon ng kanilang ama.
Nilagyan niya ng ilaw ang parol at isinabit ito sa may bintana.
“Ingatan ninyo ang parol. Magsisilbi itong gabay sa inyong mga gagawin,”
paliwanag ng ama noong bago umalis sa kanilang bahay.
“Tama si Itay. Kahit nasa malayo siya, ang parol na ito ang
magpapaalaala sa amin sa kanya at sa kanyang mga pangaral.”
Parang napawi ang lungkot ni Julia, napangiti siya sabay kuha sa parol.
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 130
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Anong mahalagang araw ang malapit nang sumapit?
b.Mahal na Araw
c.Araw ng mga Puso
2.Ano ang unang naramdaman ni Julia nang makita niya ang parol?
4.Ano ang ibig sabihin ng ama ni Julia nang sinabi niya ang “Ingatan ninyo
ang parol, magsisilbi itong gabay sa inyong mga gagawin” ?
a.Huwag pabayaang masira ang parol.
b.Ang parol ang magpapaalala sa mga habilin ng ama.
c.Ang ilaw nito ang magpapaliwanag sa mga gawain nila.
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Ano ang naiisip mo kapag nakakakita ka ng mga bulaklak? Nakakita ka na ba
ng parada ng mga bulaklak?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Saan kaya sa Pilipinas makikita ang parada ng mga bulaklak?
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 169
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Anong buwan nagaganap ang Pista ng Panagbenga?
a.unang buwan ng taon
b.ikalawang buwan ng taon
c.ikatlong buwan ng taon
d.huling buwan ng taon
5.Bakit sinimulan ang Pista ng Panagbenga?
a.para maging sikat ang lalawigan
b.para hindi masayang ang mga bulaklak
c.para maiwasan ang pag-ulit ng lindol noong 1990
d.para mapaunlad muli ang lugar matapos ang lindol noong 1990
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakita mo na ba ang sikat na Underground River sa Palawan?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan natin kung bakit ito nahirang na isa sa pitong New Wonders of
Mula nang maitalaga ang Puerto Princesa Underground River bilang isa
sa Pitong New Wonders of Nature, dumami na ang mga taong gustong makita
ito, maging Pilipino man o dayuhan.
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 197
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Saang lalawigan matatagpuan ang Underground River? Bicol Iloilo Mindoro Palawan
5.Ano kaya ang kailangang gawin ng lokal na pamahalaan para sa
Underground River?
a.magtayo ng iba’t ibang water sports dito
b.lagyan ito ng mga bahay-bakasyunan
c.pangalagaan at proteksyonan ito
d.pagbawalan ang bumibisita rito
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Alam mo ba ang kasaysayan ng iyong syudad?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Basahin natin ang kasaysayan ng isang kilalang syudad sa Visayas.
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 237
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Saan matatagpuan ang Tacloban?
sa Kanlurang Visayas
sa Silangang Visayas
sa Hilagang Visayas
sa Timog Visayas
Ano ang ikinabubuhay ng mga taong taga-Tacloban?
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Ano ang nasa ibabaw ng iyong mesa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tignan natin kung ano ang nasa ibabaw ng mesa ni Lupe.
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 43
Mga Tanong:
1.Kanino ang mesa?
a.kay Lupe
b.kay Nanay
c.kay Lani
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Mayroon ka bang gitara? Sino ang kilala mo na may gitara?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sino kaya ang may gitara sa ating kuwento?
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 71
Mga Tanong:
1.Sino ang may gitara? Lana Mila Tita Ana
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng bulate? Ano ang madalas na kumakain sa bulate?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tignan natin sa kuwento kung nakain ang bulate na ating bida.
Level: Grade 3
Bilang ng mga salita: 89
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino ang gustong masikatan ng araw? Aso Bulate Tandang
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Mahilig ka bang mag-bakasyon? Saan ka pumupunta kapag walang pasok?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Saan kaya pumunta si Heber, at ano ang nakita niya roon?
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 138
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Kanino sumama si Heber upang magbakasyon?
a.kay Rizal
b.kay Tito Mar mga higante
6.Bakit kaya gusto niyang ipakita ang mga litrato sa kanyang mga magulang at
mga kaibigan?
a.Gusto niyang papuntahin sila sa lugar na iyon.
b.Gusto niyang mainggit ang mga ibang tao sa kaniya.
c.Gusto niyang ibahagi ang kanyang karanasan sa kanila.
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Nakita mo na ba ang Bulkang Mayon? Gusto mo ba itong mapuntahan?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano ba ang makikita natin sa Bulkang Mayon?
Bagamat mapanganib ang Bulkang Mayon, isa rin naman itong biyaya sa
mga naninirahan malapit doon. Ang mga umagos na lupa at abo sanhi ng mga
pagsabog ay nagsilbing pataba pagkalipas ng ilang taon.
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 174
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Saan matatagpuan ang Bulkang Mayon?
b.Camarines Norte
4.Ano kaya ang nararamdaman ng mga tao sa paligid ng bulkan kapag ito ay
malapit nang sumabog?
6.Ano ang magandang naidulot ng pagsabog ng bulkan?
a.naging malawak ng lupain
b.gumanda ang hugis ng bulkan
c.dumami ang bumibisita sa Mayon
d.naging magandang taniman ang lupa nito
Itanong ang sumusunod.
May kakilala ba kayong nagkaroon na ng sakit na dengue?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Paano kaya natin kakalabanin ang sakit na ito?
Ang dengue fever ay isang kondisyong dulot ng dengue virus. Ang virus
na ito ay dala ng ilang uri ng lamok gaya ng Aedes Aegypti. Kagat ng lamok na
may dalang dengue virus ang sanhi ng pagkakasakit.
Ang isang dahilan kung bakit patuloy sa pagdami ang may sakit na
dengue ay dahil binibigyan ng pagkakataon ang mga lamok na mabuhay sa
paligid. Kailangan ng pakikipagtulungan ng lahat sa mga simpleng gawaing
makaiiwas sa sakit na ito.
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 202
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang kondisyon na dala ng ilang uri ng lamok tulad ng Aedes aegypti?
a.dengue fever
6.Ano ang maaaring mangyari kapag hindi nagtulong-tulong ang mga
mamamayan sa problemang nakasaad sa seleksyon?
a.Magiging marumi ang kapaligiran.
b.Patuloy ang pagkakaroon ng dengue.
c.Mag-aaway-away ang magkakapitbahay.
d.Hindi magagawa ang programang fogging.
Itanong ang sumusunod.
Kilala mo ba si Macario Sakay?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano ba ang ginawa niya para sa ating bansa?
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 244
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Sino ang ayaw makipagkaibigan sa pamahalaang Amerikano?
Dominador Gomez
Emilio Aguinaldo
Henry Ide
Macario Sakay
Paano mo ilalarawan ang plano na gamitin si Dominador Gomez para
pasukuin si Macario Sakay?
mautak at tuso
hindi pinag-isipan
mapagmalaki at mayabang
mabait at may pakundangan
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng sako? Ano ang maaaring laman ng sako?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano-ano kaya ang laman ng sako ni Rita?
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 42
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino ang may sako? (Literal)
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
May alaga ka bang hayop? Paano mo ito inaalagaan?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Paano kaya inaalagaan ni Islaw ang alaga niya?
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 69
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang alaga ni Islaw? (Literal)
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Nakagawa ka na ba ng sarili mong laruan? Paano mo ito ginawa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Paano kaya gagawin nina Romy at Bert ang laruan nila?
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino ang magkaibigan? (Literal)
a.Romy at Bert
b.Remy at Betty
c.Ronald at Ben
5.Ano ang mga ginamit nila upang buuin ang laruan? (Paghinuha)
b. a.mga lumang laruan
b.mga nakita nila sa halamanan
c.mga gamit na maaari nang ibasura
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Mayroon ka bang kilalang nagtatrabaho sa ibang bansa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sa ating kuwento, sino kaya ang nagtatrabaho sa ibang bansa?
“Jose! Lito!” malakas na sigaw ni Aling Malou nang makita ang mag-
“Inay!” sigaw din ni Jose, sabay takbo nang mabilis palapit kay Aling
“Salamat, ‘Nay,” sagot ni Jose. “Pero ang mas gusto ko po, nandito ka
na! Kasama ka na namin uli!”
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 134
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino ang darating sa paliparan? (Literal) Jose
b. Tito Boy Aling Malou
6.Ano ang kahulugan ng sinabi ni Jose na ““Salamat, ‘Nay. Pero ang mas
gusto ko po, nandito ka na! Kasama ka na namin uli!” (Paghinuha)
a.ayaw niya ng mga binigay na pasalubong
b.di niya kailangan ng mga laruan, damit, at bag
c.higit na mahalaga si Nanay kaysa sa pasalubong
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Kilala mo ba si Manuel Quezon?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Bakit kaya siya tinawag na Ama ng Wikang Pambansa?
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 167
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino ang Ama ng Wikang Pambansa? (Literal)
a.Andres Bonifacio
b.Diosdado Macapagal
c.Jose Rizal
d.Manuel Quezon
7.Alin sa sumusunod ang nagpapakita na makamahirap si Quezon?
a.Tumira siya sa bahay ng mahihirap.
b.Binibigyan niya ng pera ang mahihirap.
c.Pinatupad niya ang Katarungang Panlipunan.
d.Iba ang tingin niya sa mahihirap at mayayaman.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng puno ng niyog? Ano-ano ang alam mong gamit ng
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sa babasahing seleksyon, alamin kung ano-ano pa ang alam mong gamit ng
Ang niyog ay tinaguriang puno ng buhay. Ang mga bahagi nito mula ugat
hanggang dahon ay napakikinabangan. Ang laman ng niyog ay ginagawang
buko salad, buko pie at minatamis. Ginagamit rin ito bilang sangkap sa paggawa
ng arina, mantikilya, sabon, krudong langis, at iba pa.
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 209
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang tinaguriang puno ng buhay? (Literal)
a.puno ng buko
b.puno ng narra
c.puno ng niyog
d.puno ng mangga
3 porsiyento ng protina ang makukuha sa gata ng niyog? (Literal)
5.Bakit mas mainam ang gata ng niyog kaysa sa gatas ng baka? (Paghinuha)
a.Mas masarap ito.
b.Mas mura ang niyog kaysa gatas.
c.Mas maraming pagkukuhanan ng niyog.
d.Mas maraming protina ang nakukuha rito.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Kilala ba ninyo si Ninoy Aquino? Bakit siya mahalaga sa ating kasaysayan?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Kilalanin natin si Ninoy sa susunod na talambuhay.
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 232
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Saan ipinanganak si Ninoy Aquino? (Literal)
Tarlac, Tarlac
Capas, Tarlac
Camiling, Tarlac
Concepcion, Tarlac
Ano ang katangiang ipinakita ni Ninoy Aquino? (Pagsusuri)
Gabay sa Pagwasto ng Panimulang Pagtatasa sa Filipino
Sets A, B, C, D (Baitang 1- 7)
Set A
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Set B
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Set C
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Set D
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Sako ni Ang Ibon Laruang Dyip Galing sa Ama ng Puno pa rin ng Talambuhay
Rita ni Islaw Japan Wikang Buhay ni Benigno
Pambansa Aquino Jr
1. a 1. c 1. a 1. c 1. d 1. c 1. d
2. c 2. c 2. b 2. a 2. c 2. c 2. c
3. b 3. a 3. b 3. b 3. d 3. b 3. c
4. a 4. a 4. a 4. a 4. b 4. c 4. d
5. a 5. a 5. c 5. a 5. c 5. d 5. d
6. b 6. c 6. d 6. c 6. c
7. d 7. d 7. c
8. b 8. b
Titles of Phil-IRI Graded Passages for Posttests in Filipino
Set A Set B Set C Set D
Ang Punong
2 Ang Mangga Laging Handa Papasok na si Nilo
Pagpapa-unlad ng
5 Kapaligiran ba sa Isang Eid-ul-Fitr
Tambak na
Si Jose Rizal sa Alamin ang Iyong
6 Makabagong Populasyon
Dapitan Karapatan
May manika si Nina.
Madumi ang manika ni Nina.
May lobo si Tina.
Asul ang lobo ni Tina.
“Tara, laro tayo,” sabi ni Nina.
Naku! Nasa taas na ang lobo!
Hala! Nasa puno na ang lobo ni Tina!
Mga Tanong:
1.Ano ang madumi ?
Naglalaro sa bakuran ang mga bata.
“Kilala mo ba ang punong ito?
Ito ang puno ng narra.” wika ni Dan.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang ginagawa ng mga bata sa kuwento?
umaakyat sa puno
naglalaro sa bakuran
naglalaro ng kahoy ng puno
Papasok na ng paaralan ang tatlong mag-aaral. Nakita nila ang nagkalat
na mga sanga ng puno sa mahabang daan.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang nakita ng tatlong mag-aaral papunta sa paaralan?
Nakita nila ang ___________________________ .
malakas na bagyo
makalat na paligid
mga natumba na poste
Kapag bakasyon, maraming bata ang nag-iisip kung paano kikita ng
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang ginagawa ng mga bata sa kuwento?
Kumakain sila ng masarap na mais at saging.
Naglalaro sila ng inipong mga bote at dyaryo.
Naghahanap sila ng pagkakakitaan ng pera.
Ano-anong mga salita ang masasabi tungkol kina Luis at Karen? Sila
ay ___________________________ .
malinis at matipid
masipag at matipid
magalang at matulungin
Dumaan ang habagat sa Luzon. Nagdulot ito ng pinsala sa tao.
Maraming lugar sa Maynila, Pampanga, Quezon, at Aurora ang lumubog sa
baha. Nagmistulang malaking karagatan ang mga ito. Lumutang din at natangay
ng baha ang tambak na basura. Malaking halaga ang nawala sa libo-libong
mamamayan. Maraming pananim ang nasira sanhi ng malakas at patuloy na
pag-ulan. Marami ring buhay ang nakitil. Nasira ang mga bahay, tulay, at
malalaking gusali. Isang dahilan nito ay ang pagguho ng lupa o landslide.
Malaki ang magagawa nating mga kabataan. Iwasan natin ang paggamit
ng mga plastik at ang pagtatapon ng basura kung saan-saan.Mag-umpisa
tayong maglinis ng paligid at magtanim ng mga puno sa mga bakanteng lupa ng
ating bakuran. Gawin itong luntian upang maging maganda ang kapaligiran.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang sanhi ng paglubog ang mga bahay at pananim?
Natumba ang mga puno.
Malakas ang hanging habagat.
Dumaan ang habagat sa maraming lugar.
Nagmistulang dagat ang maraming lugar.
Ano ang pangunahing ideya na tinalakay sa seleksyon?
Tinalakay sa seleksyon ang _______________________________.
sanhi ng habagat
mga tinamaan ng habagat
pangangalaga sa habagat
habagat at ang mga dulot nito
Si Jose Rizal ay ipinatapon sa Dapitan noong Hulyo 17, 1892. Ginugol
niya ang kanyang oras sa mga makabuluhang gawain. Ginamot niya ang mga
maysakit. Matiyaga siyang nagsaka at maingat na nagplano ng patubigan para
sa mga tanim. Nagturo rin siya ng mga samahang sibiko. Gumawa siya ng ilang
eskultura at mga drowing. Sumulat din siya ng mga tula. Lubos siyang
hinangaan at iginalang ng mga taga-Dapitan, pati na rin ng kanilang
Mga Tanong:
Alin sa sumusunod ang unang naganap sa seleksyon?
Naglakbay si Valenzuela papunta sa Dapitan.
Nalaman ni Rizal ang balak na paghihimagsik.
Hindi sang-ayon si Rizal na maging lider siya.
Hinangaan at iginalang si Rizal ng mga tao sa Dapitan.
Ang liderato ng Katipunan ay ibibigay kay Rizal kung sakaling aanib ang
doktor sa kilusan.
Alin ang ibig ipakahulugan ni Rizal sa “Mayroon pang ibang mapayapang
paraan upang makamit ang minimithi nating pagbabago para sa ating
Pangarap pa rin ang minimithing pagbabago sa bayan.
Makakamit din ang kapayapaan pagdating ng panahon.
Himagsikan ang daan para makamit ang pagbabago ng bayan.
Hindi lang sa himagsikan magkakaroon ng pagbabago sa bayan.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Maingat na isinalaysay ang mga pangyayari.
Maliwanag ang solusyong nakasaad sa seleksyon.
Tinalakay ang mga sanhi at bunga ng himagsikan.
Nailarawan ang mga tauhan at ang tagpuan sa seleksyon.
Sa simula pa lang ng kasaysayan ng ating mundo, mayroon nang di-
pagkakasundo sa pagitan ng dalawang grupo ng tao. Anumang pag-aaway na
naglalayong sirain, talunin at pagharian ang bawat isa ay maituturing na
Ang digmaan, civil war, cold war o world war ay nagsisimula lamang sa
di-pagkakaunawaan sa isang maliit o hindi kaya ay malaking bagay.
Nagmimistulang bingi ang magkabilang panig sa pananaw at pangangailangan
ng bawat isa kaya’t ito ay nagbubunga sa mas matinding pag-aaway. Ang
digmaan ay nagaganap kapag ang isang grupo o bansa ay handang makidigma,
makuha lamang ang ninanais.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang layunin ng isang digmaan?
Layunin ng isang digmaan na ____________________________________.
pagharian o talunin ang kabilang panig
maabot ang kapayapaan pagkatapos nito
manakot para mapakinggan ng kabilang panig
makisangkot sa mahahalagang kaganapan sa mundo
maliit na digmaan
Ano kaya ang pinakamagandang paraan upang maiwasan ang digmaan?
Humanap ng malalakas na kakampi.
Sumang-ayon sa nais ng kabilang panig.
Sikaping pakinggan ang pananaw ng ibang panig.
Makisangkot sa nangunguna at malalakas na bansa.
Ano ang ginamit ng may-akda ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Tinalakay nito ang mga salot na bunga ng digmaan.
Maingat na pananalita at paglalarawan ang ginamit.
Nagbigay ito ng mahusay na paglalahad ng mga pangyayari.
Nagmungkahi ito ng makatotohanang solusyon para sa problema.
May mani sa mesa.
May kamote sa mesa.
May tasa ng kape sa mesa.
May baso ng gatas sa mesa.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang nasa tasa?
Ano ang nadama sa kuwento nang sinabi ang “Naku! May pusa sa
May punong mangga sa bakuran nina Ani.
Marami itong bunga, malalaki, at mabibilog pa. Kulay dilaw ang hinog nito.
Kulay berde naman kapag hilaw pa.
Isang araw, pumitas ng mga mangga ang mga kalaro ni Ani. Maraming napitas
sina Dan, Nica at Alan.
Mga Tanong:
Saan makikita ang punong mangga?
sa bukirin ni Ani
sa bakuran ni Ani
sa bakuran ni Alan
Isang Sabado, maagang gumising si Pamela.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang ginawa ni Pamela sa kuwento?
Nilinis niya nang mabuti ang bintana at sahig.
Iniligpit niya ang nakakalat na manika sa sala.
Naghugas siya ng pinggan pagkatapos ng hapunan.
Maagang naghanda ng almusal si Nanay. Maaga ring gumising si Lita.
“Tutulungan ko kayo, Nanay,” wika ni Lita.
Napangiti si Lita.
Mga Tanong:
Alin sa sumusunod ang unang nangyari sa kuwento?
Inalagaan ni Lita si bunso.
Naghugas si Lita ng pinggan.
Tinuruan ni Lita ang kapatid niya.
May napapansin ka bang pagbabago sa inyong lugar? Ang dating malinis
at malinaw na ilog, marumi na ba ngayon? Ang maayos na mga daan, naging
tambakan na ba ng basura?
Sino ang may sala sa mga pagbabagong ito sa ating kapaligiran? Huwag
na tayong magsisihan at magturuan. Magtulungan na lang tayo upang hindi
lumala ang sitwasyon. Hindi pa huli ang lahat.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang magagawa sa mga basurang di-nabubulok upang maging kapaki-
pakinabang? Maaring __________________________ ang mga
basurang di-nabubulok.
itago sa kahon
ilagay sa hukay
gawing pataba
gawing pandekorasyon
may kagagawan
Ano ang pangunahing ideya na tinalakay sa seleksyon?
Tinalakay sa seleksyon ang ______________________________.
sanhi ng pagbabago
bunga ng maraming basura
maaaring gawin sa mga basura
pakinabang sa nabubulok na basura
Dulot ng kakulangan ng mga hanapbuhay sa Pilipinas, maraming Pilipino
ang naghahanapbuhay sa labas ng bansa. Nagtitiis silang mawalay sa pamilya
upang makapaghanapbuhay at may maitustos sa pamilya. Higit sa walong
milyong Pilipino ang naghahanapbuhay sa iba’t ibang bansa ngayon. Sila ang
tinataguriang Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
Ayon sa Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, may 8.5 bilyong dolyar ang ipinasok
sa Pilipinas ng mga manggagawang Pilipino na nasa iba’t ibang lugar sa mundo
noong 2004. Nakatutulong nang malaki sa kabuhayan ng Pilipinas ang mga
ipinadadalang dolyar gayundin sa kani-kanilang pamilya. Bunga nito, ang OFWs
ay binansagan na mga bagong bayani ng bayan. Bilang pagkilala sa malaking
kontribusyon nila sa ating bansa, pinagkaloooban sila ng ating pamahalaan ng
karapatang bumoto kahit sila ay nasa labas ng bansa. Ang Embahada ng
Pilipinas sa bansang kanilang pinaghahanapbuhayan ay nagsisilbing sentro ng
Mga Tanong:
Alin sa sumusunod ang sinasabing dahilan ng paghahanapbuhay ng
mga Pilipino sa ibang bansa?
Nais nilang makatulong sa kita ng Pilipinas.
Pangarap nilang makilalang bayani ng bayan.
Walang sapat na pagkakakitaan sa sariling bayan.
Hangad nilang maranasan ang maghanapbuhay sa ibang bansa.
Ano kaya ang katangiang nakatutulong sa OFW upang
makapaghanapbuhay sa ibang bansa? Nakatutulong sa OFW ang
pagiging magalang at palakaibigan
kagalingan sa pag-aaral ng ibang wika
pagiging matiisin at mahusay sa pakikisama
pagiging mapagbigay at mahilig nila sa paglalakbay
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Malinaw na isinaad ang suliranin sa seleksyon.
Maingat na pinaghambing ang kalagayan ng mga OFW.
Tinalakay ang mga sanhi at bunga ng pag-alis ng OFW sa bansa.
Isinalaysay ang pagkakasunod ng mga pangyayari sa buhay ng OFW.
Nang atakihin at pasabugin ang naval base ng Pearl Harbor noong
1941, alam ng Amerika kung sino ang nagsagawa nito at kung bakit ito
isinagawa. Hangad ng Hapon na papasukin ang Amerika sa Ikalawang
Digmaang Pandaigdig. Tulad ng nangyari sa Pearl Harbor, ang ginawang
pagpapasabog sa World Trade Center at Pentagon noong ika-11 ng Setyembre,
2001 ay nagdulot ng malawakang bunga sa buhay at ekonomiya hindi lamang
sa Amerika kundi pati na rin sa buong daigdig. Ang pagkakaiba nito sa Pearl
Harbor ay hindi matukoy kung sino ang may kagagawan ng karahasang ito. Ang
kalaban ng Estados Unidos ay ang mga terorista, grupo na naglalayong
maghasik ng takot sa mga mamamayan.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang layunin ng terorismo?
Layunin ng terorismo na _______________________________________.
pagharian o talunin ang kabilang panig
magdala ng karahasan sa inosenteng sibilyan
makisangkot sa mga gumagamit ng pwersa sa mundo
magparamdam ng pagtitiwala sa panig na may pwersa
Alin sa sumusunod ang pagkakaiba ng terorismo at digmaan?
May katapusan ang terorismo at ang digmaan ay wala.
Idinedeklara ang terorismo at ang digmaan naman ay hindi.
Maituturo ang naghasik ng dahas sa terorismo at ang sa digmaan ay
May ginagalang na batas ang digmaan samantalang ang terorismo ay
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Isinaad ang solusyon sa terorismo.
Tinalakay ang mga salot na bunga ng terorismo.
Inilarawan ang mga sanhi ng terorismo at digmaan.
Maingat na pinaghambing ang digmaan at terorismo.
Malaki ang mga papaya.
Nasa puno ang mga papaya kanina.
Kinuha ni Ate ang apat na papaya.
May kamote si Kuya.
Dalawa ang kamote ni Kuya.
“Tara!”, sabi ni Ate.
“Nasa mesa na ang mga papaya!
Halika! Nasa mesa na ang mga kamote!”
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang malaki?
ang mga mesa
ang mga kamote
ang mga papaya
Kamping ng mga batang Iskawt.
Masaya silang umaawit habang naglalakad.
“Ang batang iskawt, ang batang iskawt ay laging handa!”, dagdag ni Dona.
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang may kamping?
mga lider ng iskawt
mga lalaking iskawt
mga batang iskawt
Malungkot si Alitaptap. Tatlong araw na siyang hindi kumakain. Masakit
na ang kanyang tiyan. Kahit malakas ang ulan, hinanap niya ang kaibigang si
Paruparo. Hihingi siya ng tulong dito.
Mga Tanong:
Bakit malungkot si Alitaptap sa simula ng kuwento?
Nabasa siya ng ulan.
Gusto na niyang kumain.
Walang tumutulong sa kanya.
Malapit na ang Pahiyas Festival! Isinasabuhay ito ng mga taga-Lucban,
Quezon tuwing ika-15 ng Mayo.
“Balita na ito hanggang kabisera. Walang tigil ang mga kababayan natin
sa paghahanda,” dagdag ni Nanay Sepa.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang HINDI ginagawa tuwing Pahiyas Festival?
May parada ang lahat ng kalabaw na may sakit.
Binabasbasan ang mga magsasaka at mga kalabaw.
May paligsahan ng pinakamagandang palamuti sa mga bahay.
Ano kaya ang makikita sa mga bahay sa Lucban tuwing Pahiyas Festival?
Iba’t ibang uri ng mga patron ang inihahanda rito.
May kiping at mga ani na palamuti sa mga bahay.
May makukulay at masasarap na tindang pagkain.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng kuwento para ihatid ang mensahe nito?
Gumamit ito ng maingat na paglalarawan.
Isinalaysay nito ang paulit-ulit na pangyayari.
Sinundan nito ang mahabang pinagmulan ng Pahiyas.
Ang pagpapaunlad ng kultura ay yumabong nang lumaya ang bansa.
Maraming mga tao ang nakapagpasigla ng ating kultura sa larangan ng pelikula,
paglilok, literatura, at arkitektura.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang sanhi ng pag-unlad ng kulturang Piilpino?
Naghanap ang mga Piipino ng ibang uri ng sining.
Nagsawa ang mga makata sa ritmo at sukat ng mga tula.
Lumaya ang ating bansa kaya’t umunlad ang ating kultura.
Nagkaloob ang pamahalaan ng gantimpala sa magpapasigla ng ating
naging malalim
naging maunlad
nanatiling masigla
nanatiling tradisyonal
Ano kaya ang dahilan kung bakit hindi umunlad ang kultura natin dati?
Kulang ng kaalaman kung paano mapapayabong ang sining.
Masaya na ang mga tao sa pagbabago sa gawaing-sining noon.
Kulang sa pagpapahalaga at laya sa pagpapaunlad ng gawang-sining.
Walang paghahanda sa mga tao na tanggapin ang makabagong sining.
Ano ang ginamit ng may-akda ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Makulay na pananalita ang ginamit.
Maraming tauhan at tagpuan sa seleksyon.
Tinalakay ang mga sanhi at bunga ng paksa.
Mahusay ang pagbibigay ng mga halimbawa.
Ang pagiging mamamayang Pilipino ay pagiging kasapi sa estado.
Nangangahulugan ito ng pakikibahagi sa tagumpay at kasawian ng bansa.
Kapag nakatamo ang bansa ng tagumpay, nakadarama ng pagmamalaki ang
mamamayan. Gayundin, kapag ang bansa ay napipintasan, kalungkutan ang
nananaig sa Piipino. Ang pagiging Pilipino ay nagpapahiwatig ng pananagutang
maging matapat sa bayan. Katumbas nito, may karapatan ang bawat
mamamayan na mabigyan ng proteksyon. Ang pangangalaga sa kalayaan at
karapatang tinatamasa ng mamamayan ay isa sa mga pangunahing katangian
ng lipunang demokratiko.
Mga Tanong:
Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI sinasabi sa seleksyon tungkol sa ating
pagiging mamamayang Pilipino?
Ang pagiging mamayang Pilipino ay ____________________________.
pakikiramay sa kasawian ng iba
pakikiisa at pakikibahagi sa bayan
pagpapamalas ng pagmamalaki sa ating lahi
pagtupad sa karapatang proteksyonan ang bayan
Alin sa sumusunod ang pangunahing ideya ng seleksyon?
Karapatan ng bawat Piipino na kilalanin ang kanyang mga tungkulin.
Kasama sa pagka- Pilipino ang pakikisapi sa iba’t ibang gawain sa
Nananaig sa pagiging Piipino ang matamasa ang karapatan kaysa
makilala ang tungkulin.
Katapat ng pagiging Pilipino ang matamasa ng mga karapatan at
gawin ang tungkulin.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Tinalakay ang mga sanhi at bunga ng paksa.
Nakasaad ang mga suliranin at solusyon ng paksa.
Maingat na isinalaysay ang mga pangyayari sa seleksyon.
Nagbigay ng mga halimbawa para maging maliwanag ang paksa .
Ang Hinduismo ang pinakamatandang pangunahing relihiyon sa mundo.
May nagpapalagay na dinala ito ng mga mananakop na Aryan sa India noong
1200 BC. Pinaniniwalaang ang Hinduismo ay nagmula sa pinagsamang
paniniwala ng mga Aryan at mga tao mula sa Indus Valley. Bunga nito, isa ang
Hinduismo sa pinakakumplikadong relihiyon sa buong daigdig, na may hindi
mabilang na idolo, diyos at diyosa, at samu't saring paraan ng pagsamba.
Itinuturing na monismo ang relihiyon na ito na nagangahulugang iisang ispirito
lamang ang nananahan sa lahat ng mga nilalang.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang sanhi kung bakit pinakakomplikadong relihiyon ang Hinduismo?
May iba’t ibang antas ng buhay itong kinikilala.
Nagmula ito sa pinagsama-samang mga paniniwala.
Maraming idolo, diyos at diyosa ang sinasamba nito.
Naniniwala ito sa paulit-ulit na pagsilang ng bawat nilalang.
Ano kaya ang dahilan kung bakit nasakop ng mga Aryan ang India? Nasakop
ng Aryan ang India dahil ________________________.
ito ang bilin ni Brahman sa kanila
hangad nilang sambahin sila ng India
nais nilang maisilang sa ibang antas ng buhay
hindi malakas ang laban ng India noong panahon na iyon
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Pinaliwanag nito ang mga pinaniniwalaan ng Hinduismo.
Tinalakay sa buong seleksyon ang kasaysayan ng Hinduismo.
Nakasaad dito ang sanhi at bunga ng paglaganap ng Hinduismo.
Nakasaad rito ang suliranin at solusyon ng pagsasabuhay ng Hinduismo.
Nasa may sapa si Dora.
Katabi ni Dora ang baka nila.
“Tara, laro tayo sa sapa,” sabi ni Lisa.
“Sige!,” sabi ni Dora.
“Naku! Palaka! “, sabi ni Dora.
Nadapa si Lisa.
“Mabuti, wala na ang palaka.”
Natawa si Lisa.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang ginagawa ni Dora sa sapa?
Kalaro niya ang baka.
Hinuhuli niya ang palaka.
Kasama niya ang baka nila.
Ano ang nadama ni Dora nang sinabi niya ang “Naku! Palaka!”?
Nadama ni Dora ang __________.
Araw ng Lunes. Maagang gumising si Nilo.
Matapos maihanda ang sarili, nagpaalam siyang papasok na.
“Sandali lang, Nilo. Sumilip ka kaya muna sa salamin.
Masdan mo ang buo mong kasuotan,” utos ng ate.
“Naku, marumi pala ang aking sapatos,” wika ni Nilo.
Kumuha siya ng basahan at pinunasan ang sapatos.
“Ate, aalis na po ako,” paalam ni Nilo.
“O sige, mag-ingat ka,” tugon ng ate.
Mga Tanong:
Sino and nagsabing, “Sandali. Tumingin ka muna sa salamin!”
si ate
si Nilo
si nanay
“Kaibigan, marami akong alam na hindi mo alam,” pagmamalaki ng
asong gubat sa pusa.
“Mabuti ka pa,” sagot ng pusa. “Ako, iisa lang ang alam kong paraan.”
Mga Tanong:
Sino ang nagmamalaki sa kuwento?
______________________ ang nagmamalaki sa kuwento.
Si pusa
Si asong gubat
Ang mga mangangaso
Nakasisilaw na liwanag ang hindi inaasahang bumulaga sa akin.
Tumambad sa harap ko ang isang lugar na di ko pa nararating. Hindi mabilang
ang malalaki at maliliit na mga robot na kumikilos tulad ng mga tao. May
makukulay na mga sasakyang panghimpapawid na animo saranggolang
nakasabit sa langit. Marami ang mga sasakyang hindi ko malaman kung kotse o
Iginala ko pa ang aking paningin. Malinis ang paligid, abala ang mga tao.
Matiwasay at masayang namumuhay ang komunidad.
Mga Tanong:
Alin ang HINDI nasasaad sa kuwento?
May kakaibang halaman sa hardin.
Maraming saranggola ang lumilipad sa langit.
Iba’t iba ang laki ng mga robot sa lugar na iyon.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng kuwento para ihatid ang mensahe nito?
Gumamit ito ng makukulay na mga salita sa paglalarawan.
Kaakit-akit na mga lugar ang dinayo ng tauhan sa kuwento.
Maganda ang palitan ng pag-uusap ng mga tauhan sa kuwento.
Islam ang relihiyon ng mga Muslim. Hango sa mga salitang “pagsuko sa
Diyos” ang Islam. Itinuturing nila na sumuko sila sa kapangyarihan ng Diyos. Si
Allah ang kinikilala nilang panginoon. Ang banal na aklat ng Koran ang gabay
nila sa pamumuhay. Ginugunita nila sa Koran ang rebelasyon kay Mohammed
na isang propeta ng Islam.
Mga Tanong:
Ano ang Eid-ul-Fitr? Ang Eid-ul-Fitr ay isang uri ng pagdiriwang ng
pagsuko ng mga Muslim
pag-aayuno ng mga Muslim
pagsasalamat ng mga Muslim
pagkakapatiran ng mga Muslim
Bakit kaya mahalaga ang pagdiriwang ng Eid-ul-Fitr at Ramadan para sa mga
Muslim? Mahalaga ang mga ito para sa mga Muslim dahil ito ay
ginagawa sa mosque
paggunita ng rebelasyon ng Koran
masayang pagdiriwang para sa kanila
kaugalian at tradisyon ng mga tagasunod ng Islam
Ang usapin ng populasyon ay mahalaga para sa pag-unlad ng isang
bansa. Ang mabilis na paglaki ng populasyon ay kritikal sa madaling pagkaubos
ng likas na yaman. Kung ang likas na yaman ay isa sa pangunahing batayan ng
pag-unlad ng isang bansa, ang malaking populasyon ay nangangahulugang
maramihang paggamit sa likas ng yaman. Nangangahulugan ito ng mabagal na
pag-unlad. Marami ang naniniwalang ang malaking populasyon ng Piipinas ang
sanhi kung bakit karamihan sa Pilipino ay naghihirap.
Mga Tanong:
Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI nagpapakita ng bunga ng malaking
Napipilitang gumawa ng krimen ang ibang mamamayan.
Hindi mabilis ang pag-unlad ng ekonomiya sa bansa.
Nangingibang- bansa ang mga Piipino para maranasan ang ibang
Hindi lubos na natutugunan ang kalusugan at edukasyon ng mamamayan.
Alin sa sumusunod ang pangunahing ideya ng seleksyon?
May solusyon sa malaking populasyon.
Ang usapin sa populasyon ay akma sa ating bansa.
Maraming dulot na bunga ang malaking populasyon.
Kaugnay sa malaking populasyon ang hanapbuhay ng mamamayan.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Binanggit ang problema sa bansa.
Tinalakay ang sanhi at mga bunga ng paksa.
Isinalaysay ang mga pangyayari sa seleksyon.
Nakasaad ang mga suliranin at solusyon ng paksa.
Ang Budhismo ay isa sa pinakamalaking relihiyon sa mundo na itinatag
sa India noong 600 B.C. Ang pananampalatayang ito ay batay sa mga turo ni
Siddharta Gautama na sa paglaon ay kinilalang Buddha.
Mga Tanong:
Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI pinagdaanan ng prinsipe?
Nag-ayuno siya at nagnilay-nilay .
Nabuhay siya na parang isang pulubi.
Naging marangya ang buhay niya sa palasyo.
Pinag-aralan niya kung paano siya kikilalanin bilang Buddha.
Ano ang dahilan kung bakit kinilala ang prinsipe bilang Buddha? Kinilala ang
prinsipe bilang Buddha dahil ______________________________ .
matagal na panahon siyang nag-ayuno
naliwanagan siya sa kahulugan ng buhay
nasagot niya ang katanungan ng mga tao
linisan niya ang palasyo upang magnilay-nilay
Ano kaya ang mangyayari kung hindi nilisan ng prinsipe ang palasyo?
Sasadyain siya ng puno ng Bo.
Marangya ang magiging Buddha.
Maghihirap siya na parang pulubi.
Hindi siya kikilalanin bilang Buddha.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Isinalaysay ang pinagmulan ng Budhismo.
Tinalakay ang dahilan ng paglaganap ng Budhismo.
Ibinigay ang mga suliranin ng nagsasabuhay ng Budhismo.
Nakasaad ang mga kaugalian ng nagsasabuhay ng Budhismo.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang mga laruan mo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan kung ano-ano ang laruan ng mga bata sa kuwento.
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 39
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Ano ang madumi ?
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang kilala o alam mong mga puno?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan kung anong uri ng puno ang pinag-uusapan sa kuwento.
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 70
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Ano ang ginagawa ng mga bata sa kuwento?
a.umaakyat sa puno
b.naglalaro sa bakuran
c.naglalaro ng kahoy ng puno
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang ginagawa mo pagkatapos ng bagyo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan kung ano ang ginawa ng mga bata sa kuwento pagkatapos ng
Level: Grade 3
Bilang ng mga salita: 92
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Ano ang nakita ng tatlong mag-aaral papunta sa paaralan?
Nakita nila ang ___________________________ .
a.malakas na bagyo
b.makalat na paligid
mga natumba na poste
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano ang ginagawa mo kapag bakasyon?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano kaya ang ginagawa ng mga bata sa kuwento kapag bakasyon?
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 131
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang ginagawa ng mga bata sa kuwento?
a.Kumakain sila ng masarap na mais at saging.
b.Naglalaro sila ng inipong mga bote at dyaryo.
c.Naghahanap sila ng pagkakakitaan ng pera.
4.Ano-anong mga salita ang nagsasabi tungkol kina Luis at Karen? Sila
ay ___________________________ .
a.malinis at matipid
b.masipag at matipid
c.magalang at matulungin
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Bakit nga ba bumabaha? Ano ang sanhi nito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin natin sa seleksyon.
Malaki ang magagawa nating mga kabataan. Iwasan natin ang paggamit
ng mga plastik at ang pagtatapon ng basura kung saan-saan.Mag-umpisa
tayong maglinis ng paligid at magtanim ng mga puno sa mga bakanteng lupa ng
ating bakuran. Gawin itong luntian upang maging maganda ang kapaligiran.
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 172
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang sanhi ng paglubog ang mga bahay at pananim?
a.Natumba ang mga puno.
b.Malakas ang hanging habagat.
c.Dumaan ang habagat sa maraming lugar.
d.Nagmistulang dagat ang maraming lugar.
7.Ano ang pangunahing ideya na tinalakay sa seleksyon?
Tinalakay sa seleksyon ang _______________________________.
a.sanhi ng habagat
b.mga tinamaan ng habagat
c.pangangalaga sa habagat
d.habagat at ang mga dulot nito
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang mga alam mo tungkol kay Jose Rizal?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sa seleksyon na ito ay higit mo pang makikilala ang ating pambansang
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 195
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Alin sa sumusunod ang unang naganap sa seleksyon?
a.Naglakbay si Valenzuela papunta sa Dapitan.
b.Nalaman ni Rizal ang balak na paghihimagsik.
c.Hindi sang-ayon si Rizal na maging lider siya.
d.Hinangaan at iginalang si Rizal ng mga tao sa Dapitan.
Ang liderato ng Katipunan ay ibibigay kay Rizal kung sakaling aanib ang
doktor sa kilusan.
6.Alin ang ibig ipakahulugan ni Rizal sa “Mayroon pang ibang mapayapang
paraan upang makamit ang minimithi nating pagbabago para sa ating
a.Pangarap pa rin ang minimithing pagbabago sa bayan.
b.Makakamit din ang kapayapaan pagdating ng panahon.
c.Himagsikan ang daan para makamit ang pagbabago ng bayan.
d.Hindi lang sa himagsikan magkakaroon ng pagbabago sa bayan.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Bakit nga ba may digmaan?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin natin kung paano nga ba nagsisimula ang digmaan.
Ang digmaan, civil war, cold war o world war ay nagsisimula lamang sa
di-pagkakaunawaan sa isang maliit o hindi kaya ay malaking bagay.
Nagmimistulang bingi ang magkabilang panig sa pananaw at pangangailangan
ng bawat isa kaya’t ito ay nagbubunga sa mas matinding pag-aaway. Ang
digmaan ay nagaganap kapag ang isang grupo o bansa ay handang makidigma,
makuha lamang ang ninanais.
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 238
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Ano ang layunin ng isang digmaan?
Layunin ng isang digmaan na ____________________________________.
pagharian o talunin ang kabilang panig
maabot ang kapayapaan pagkatapos nito
manakot para mapakinggan ng kabilang panig
makisangkot sa mahahalagang kaganapan sa mundo
maliit na digmaan
Ano kaya ang pinakamagandang paraan upang maiwasan ang digmaan?
Humanap ng malalakas na kakampi.
Sumang-ayon sa nais ng kabilang panig.
Sikaping pakinggan ang pananaw ng ibang panig.
Makisangkot sa nangunguna at malalakas na bansa.
Ano ang ginamit ng may-akda ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Tinalakay nito ang mga salot na bunga ng digmaan.
Maingat na pananalita at paglalarawan ang ginamit.
Nagbigay ito ng mahusay na paglalahad ng mga pangyayari.
Nagmungkahi ito ng makatotohanang solusyon para sa problema.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang makikita sa mesa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano-ano kaya ang nasa mesa sa kuwento?
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 36
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang nasa tasa?
5.Ano ang nadama sa kuwento nang sinabi ang “Naku! May pusa sa
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano ang hilig mong kainin?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tignan kung ano ang hilig kainin ng mga bata sa kuwento at kung ano pa ang
ginagawa nila?
Marami itong bunga, malalaki, at mabibilog pa. Kulay dilaw ang hinog nito.
Kulay berde naman kapag hilaw pa.
Isang araw, pumitas ng mga mangga ang mga kalaro ni Ani. Maraming napitas
sina Dan, Nica at Alan.
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 69
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Saan makikita ang punong mangga? bukirin ni Ani bakuran ni Ani bakuran ni Alan
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano ang ginagawa mo kapag Sabado?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin kung ano-ano ang ginawa ng bata isang Sabado.
Level: Grade 3
Bilang ng mga salita: 91
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Ano ang ginawa ni Pamela sa kuwento?
a.Nilinis niya nang mabuti ang bintana at sahig.
b.Iniligpit niya ang nakakalat na manika sa sala.
c.Naghugas siya ng pinggan pagkatapos ng hapunan.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang ginagawa mong tulong sa bahay ninyo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan kung paano at bakit tumulong sa bahay ang tauhan sa kuwento.
Napangiti si Lita.
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 130
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Alin sa sumusunod ang unang nangyari sa kuwento?
a.Inalagaan ni Lita si bunso.
b.Naghugas si Lita ng pinggan.
c.Tinuruan ni Lita ang kapatid niya.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang basurang itinatapon natin?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin sa babasahin kung may magagawa nga ba tayo sa mga basura.
Sino ang may sala sa mga pagbabagong ito sa ating kapaligitan? Huwag
na tayong magsisihan at magturuan. Magtulungan nalang tayo upang hindi
lumala ang sitwasyon. Hindi pa huli ang lahat.
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 169
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang magagawa sa mga basurang di-nabubulok upang maging kapaki-
pakinabang? Maaring __________________________ ang mga
basurang di-nabubulok.
a.itago sa kahon
b.ilagay sa hukay
c.gawing pataba
d.gawing pandekorasyon
d.may kagagawan
5.Ano ang pangunaking ideya na tinalakay sa seleksyon?
Tinalakay sa seleksyon ang ______________________________.
a.sanhi ng pagbabago
b.bunga ng maraming basura
c.maaaring gawin sa mga basura
d.pakinabang sa nabubulok na basura
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Sino-sino ang mga bayaning kilala mo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin sa seleksyon ang iba pang bayani sa kasalukuyan.
Ayon sa Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, may 8.5 bilyong dolyar ang ipinasok
sa Pilipinas ng mga manggagawang Pilipino na nasa iba’t ibang lugar sa mundo
noong 2004. Nakatutulong nang malaki sa kabuhayan ng Pilipinas ang mga
ipinadadalang dolyar gayundin sa kani-kanilang pamilya. Bunga nito, ang OFWs
ay binansagan na mga bagong bayani ng bayan. Bilang pagkilala sa malaking
kontribusyon nila sa ating bansa, pinagkaloooban sila ng ating pamahalaan ng
karapatang bumoto kahit sila ay nasa labas ng bansa. Ang Embahada ng
Pilipinas sa bansang kanilang pinaghahanapbuhayan ay nagsisilbing sentro ng
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 201
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Alin sa sumusunod ang sinasabing dahilan ng paghahanapbuhay ng
mga Pilipino sa ibang bansa?
a.Nais nilang makatulong sa kita ng Pilipinas.
b.Pangarap nilang makilalang bayani ng bayan.
c.Walang sapat na pagkakakitaan sa sariling bayan.
d.Hangad nilang maranasan ang maghanapbuhay sa ibang bansa.
4.Ano kaya ang katangiang nakatutulong sa OFW upang makapaghanapbuhay sa
ibang bansa? Nakatutulong sa OFW ang __________________________.
a.pagiging magalang at palakaibigan
b.kagalingan sa pag-aaral ng ibang wika
c.pagiging matiisin at mahusay sa pakikisama
d.pagiging mapagbigay at mahilig nila sa paglalakbay
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano sa tingin mo ang terorismo? Anong balita ang naririnig mo tungkol dito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ano nga ba talaga ang terorismo?
Nang atakihin at pasabugin ang naval base ng Pearl Harbor noong 1941,
alam ng Amerika kung sino ang nagsagawa nito at kung bakit ito isinagawa.
Hangad ng Hapon na papasukin ang Amerika sa Ikalawang Digmaang
Pandaigdig. Tulad ng nangyari sa Pearl Harbor, ang ginawang pagpapasabog
sa World Trade Center at Pentagon noong ika-11 ng Setyembre, 2001 ay
nagdulot ng malawakang bunga sa buhay at ekonomiya hindi lamang sa
Amerika kundi pati na rin sa buong daigdig. Ang pagkakaiba nito sa Pearl
Harbor ay hindi matukoy kung sino ang may kagagawan ng karahasang ito. Ang
kalaban ng Estados Unidos ay ang mga terorista, grupo na naglalayong
maghasik ng takot sa mga mamamayan.
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 240
Pilipinas Kong Mahal 7: Edukasyon Tungo sa Kapayapaan
Sotto,, Anvil Publishing , Inc., 2004
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Ano ang layunin ng terorismo?
Layunin ng terorismo na _______________________________________.
pagharian o talunin ang kabilang panig
magdala ng karahasan sa inosenteng sibilyan
makisangkot sa mga gumagamit ng pwersa sa mundo
magparamdam ng pagtitiwala sa panig na may pwersa
Alin sa sumusunod ang pagkakaiba ng terorismo at digmaan?
May katapusan ang terorismo at ang digmaan ay wala.
Idinedeklara ang terorismo at ang digmaan naman ay hindi.
Maituturo ang naghasik ng dahas sa terorismo at ang sa digmaan ay
May ginagalang na batas ang digmaan samantalang ang terorismo ay
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Isinaad ang solusyon sa terorismo.
Tinalakay ang mga salot na bunga ng terorismo.
Inilarawan ang mga sanhi ng terorismo at digmaan.
Maingat na pinaghambing ang digmaan at terorismo.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Nakakita na ba kayo ng kamote at papaya? Saan ninyo ito nakita?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan kung nasaan ang mga ito sa kuwento.
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 43
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Ano ang malaki ?
a.ang mga mesa
b.ang mga kamote
c.ang mga papaya
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang mga ginagawa ng mga batang iskawt?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Ating alamin sa kuwentong babasahin.
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 64
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino ang may kamping?
2.mga lider ng iskawt
3.mga lalaking iskawt
4.mga batang iskawt
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Kailan ka nalulungkot? Bakit ka nalulungkot?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin kung sino ang malungkot sa kuwento. Bakit kaya siya malungkot?
Level: Grade 3
Bilang ng mga salita: 90
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Bakit malungkot si Alitaptap sa simula ng kuwento?
a.Nabasa siya ng ulan.
b.Gusto na niyang kumain.
c.Walang tumutulong sa kanya.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
May napuntahan ka na bang fiesta? Ano ang mga nakita mo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin sa kuwento kung ano ang ginagawa tuwing Pahiyas Festival.
“Balita na ito hanggang kabisera. Walang tigil ang mga kababayan natin
sa paghahanda,” dagdag ni Nanay Sepa.
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 132
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang HINDI ginagawa tuwing Pahiyas Festival?
a.May parada ang lahat ng kalabaw na may sakit.
b.Binabasbasan ang mga magsasaka at mga kalabaw.
c.May paligsahan ng pinakamagandang palamuti sa mga bahay.
3.Ano kaya ang makikita sa mga bahay sa Lucban tuwing Pahiyas Festival?
a.Iba’t ibang uri ng mga patron ang inihahanda rito.
b.May kiping at mga ani na palamuti sa mga bahay.
c.May makukulay at masasarap na tindang pagkain.
6.Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng kuwento para ihatid ang mensahe nito?
a.Gumamit ito ng maingat na paglalarawan.
b.Isinalaysay nito ang paulit-ulit na pangyayari.
c.Sinundan nito ang mahabang pinagmulan ng Pahiyas.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Sino ang kilala mong tumulong sa pag-unlad ng ating kultura? Ano ang
kanilang ginawa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin sa selksyon kung sino pa ang ibang taong may kinalaman sa
mayaman nating kultura.
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 171
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang sanhi ng pag-unlad ng kulturang Piilpino?
a.Naghanap ang mga Piipino ng ibang uri ng sining.
b.Nagsawa ang mga makata sa ritmo at sukat ng mga tula.
c.Lumaya ang ating bansa kaya’t umunlad ang ating kultura.
d.Nagkaloob ang pamahalaan ng gantimpala sa magpapasigla ng ating
a.naging malalim
b.naging maunlad
c.nanatiling masigla
d.nanatiling tradisyonal
5.Ano kaya ang dahilan kung bakit hindi umunlad ang kultura natin dati?
a.Kulang ng kaalaman kung paano mapapayabong ang sining.
b.Masaya na ang mga tao sa pagbabago sa gawaing-sining noon.
c.Kulang sa pagpapahalaga at laya sa pagpapaunlad ng gawang-sining.
d.Walang paghahanda sa mga tao na tanggapin ang makabagong sining.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Sa tingin mo, ano ang mga karapatan mo bilang bata?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Sa seleksyon na ito, higit mo pang mauunawaan ang iyong mga karapatan.
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 202
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI sinasabi sa seleksyon tungkol sa ating
pagiging mamamayang Pilipino?
Ang pagiging mamayang Pilipino ay ____________________________.
a.pakikiramay sa kasawian ng iba
b.pakikiisa at pakikibahagi sa bayan
c.pagpapamalas ng pagmamalaki sa ating lahi
d.pagtupad sa karapatang proteksyonan ang bayan
5.Alin sa sumusunod ang pangunahing ideya ng seleksyon?
a.Karpatan ng bawat Piipino na kilalanin ang kanyang mga tungkulin.
b.Kasama sa pagka- Pilipino ang pakikisapi sa iba’t ibang gawain sa
estado .
c.Nananaig sa pagiging Piipino ang matamasa ang karapatan kaysa
makilala ang tungkulin.
d.Katapat ng pagiging Pilipino ang matamasa ng mga karapatan at
gawin ang tungkulin.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano ang mga paniniwala ng relihiyon mo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin natin kung ano naman ang mga paniniwala ng Hinduismo.
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 240
Pilipinas Kong Mahal 7: Edukasyon Tungo sa Kapayapaan
Sotto,, Anvil Publishing , Inc., 2004
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Ano ang sanhi kung bakit pinakakomplikadong relihiyon ang Hinduismo?
May iba’t ibang antas ng buhay itong kinikilala.
Nagmula ito sa pinagsamasamang mga paniniwala.
Maraming idolo, diyos at diyosa ang sinasamba nito.
Naniniwala ito sa paulit-ulit na pagsilang ng bawat nilalang.
Ano kaya ang dahilan kung bakit nasakop ng mga Aryan ang India? Nasakop
ng Aryan ang India dahil ________________________.
ito ang bilin ni Brahman sa kanila
hangad nilang sambahin sila ng India
nais nilang maisilang sa ibang antas ng buhay
hindi malakas ang laban ng India noong panahon na iyon
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Pinaliwanag nito ang mga pinaniniwalaan ng Hinduismo.
Tinalakay sa buong seleksyon ang kasaysayan ng Hinduismo.
Nakasaad dito ang sanhi at bunga ng paglaganap ng Hinduismo.
Nakasaad rito ang suliranin at solusyon ng pagsasabuhay ng Hinduismo.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ba ang nakikita sa sapa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan kung ano-ano ang nasa sapa sa kuwento.
Level: Grade 1
Bilang ng mga salita: 42
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Ano ang ginagawa ni Dora sa sapa?
a.Kalaro niya ang baka.
b.Hinuhuli niya ang palaka.
c.Kasama niya ang baka nila.
3.Ano ang nadama ni Dora nang sinabi niya ang “Naku! Palaka!”?
Nadama ni Dora ang __________.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano ang ginagawa mo paggising mo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin kung ano ang ginawa ni Nilo pagkagising niya?
Level: Grade 2
Bilang ng mga salita: 63
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Sino and nagsabing , “Sandali. Tumingin ka muna sa salamin!” ate Nilo nanay
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Sino ang kaibigan mo? Ano ang pinag-uusapan ninyo?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Tingnan kung ano ang pinag-uusapan ng magkaibigan sa kuwento.
“Mabuti ka pa,” sagot ng pusa. “ako, iisa lang ang alam kong paraan.”
Level: Grade 3
Bilang ng mga salita: 90
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang
tamang sagot.
1.Sino ang nagmamalaki sa kuwento?
______________________ ang nagmamalaki sa kuwento.
a.Si pusa
b.Si asong gubat
c.Ang mga mangangaso
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Nakakita ka na ba ng kakaibang lugar? Saan ito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin kung ano ang kakaibang lugar na pinuntahan ng tauhan sa kuwento.
Iginala ko pa ang aking paningin. Malinis ang paligid, abala ang mga tao.
Matiwasay at masayang namumuhay ang komunidad.
Level: Grade 4
Bilang ng mga salita: 134
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Alin ang HINDI nasasaad sa kuwento?
a.May kakaibang halaman sa hardin.
b.Maraming saranggola ang lumilipad sa langit.
c.Iba’t iba ang laki ng mga robot sa lugar na iyon.
6.Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng kuwento para ihatid ang mensahe nito?
a.Gumamit ito ng makukulay na mga salita sa paglalarawan.
b.Kaakit-akit na mga lugar ang dinayo ng tauhan sa kuwento.
c.Maganda ang palitan ng pag-uusap ng mga tauhan sa kuwento.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano-ano ang ipinagdiriwang ninyo sa inyong relihiyon?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin sa sanaysay kung ano naman ang ipinagdiriwang ng mga Muslim.
Level: Grade 5
Bilang ng mga salita: 169
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Ano ang Eid-ul-Fitr? Ang Eid-ul-Fitr ay isang uri ng pagdiriwang ng
a.pagsuko ng mga Muslim
b.pag-aayuno ng mga Muslim
c.pagsasalamat ng mga Muslim
d.pagkakapatiran ng mga Muslim
5.Bakit kaya mahalaga ang pagdiriwang ng Eid-ul-Fitr at Ramadan para sa mga
Muslim? Mahalaga ang mga ito para sa mga Muslim dahil ito ay
a.ginagawa sa mosque
b.paggunita ng rebelasyon ng Koran
c.masayang pagdiriwang para sa kanila
d.kaugalian at tradisyon ng mga tagasunod ng Islam
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano sa tingin mo ang mahalaga sa pag-unlad ng bansa?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin sa selesksyon ang isang mahalagang bagay sa pag-unlad ng
Marami rin ang walang hanapbuhay kung kaya’t nangingibang -bansa sila
kung saan mas malaki ang kita. Bagamat malaki ang naitutulong ng Pilipinong
nagtatrabaho sa ibang bansa dahil sa kanilang dollar remittance, napakalaking
pagtitiis ang mawalay sa pamilya para lamang matugunan ang pangangailangan
Level: Grade 6
Bilang ng mga salita: 202
Kabihasnang Pilipino
Boncan , C.P., et, al.
Vibal Publising House Inc., 2005
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
1.Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI nagpapakita ng bunga ng malaking
a.Napipilitang gumawa ng krimen ang ibang mamamayan.
b.HIndi mabilis ang pag-unlad ng ekonomiya sa bansa.
c.Nangingibang- bansa ang mga Piipino para maranasan ang ibang
d.Hindi lubos na natutugunan ang kalusugan at edukasyon ng mamamayan.
5.Alin sa sumusunod ang pangunahing ideya ng seleksyon?
a.May solusyon sa malaking populasyon.
b.Ang usapin sa populasyon ay akma sa ating bansa.
c.Maraming dulot na bunga ang malaking populasyon.
d.Kaugnay sa malaking populasyon ang hanapbuhay ng mamamayan.
Itanong ang mga sumusunod.
Ano ang iyong relihiyon? Ano ang mga paniniwala nito?
Pagtakda ng Layunin:
Alamin kung ano naman ang Budhismo.
Level: Grade 7
Bilang ng mga salita: 240
Pilipinas Kong Mahal 7: Edukasyon Tungo sa Kapayapaan
Sotto,, Anvil Publishing , Inc., 2004
Makinig sa mga tanong at piliin ang tamang
Alin sa sumusunod ang HINDI pinagdaanan ng prinsipe?
Nag-ayuno siya at nagnilay-nilay .
Nabuhay siya na parang isang pulubi.
Naging marangya ang buhay niya sa palasyo.
Pinag-aralan niya kung paano siya kikilalanin bilang Buddha.
Ano ang dahilan kung bakit kinilala ang prinsipe bilang Buddha? Kinilala ang
prinsipe bilang Buddha dahil ______________________________ .
matagal na panahon siyang nag-ayuno
naliwanagan siya sa kahulugan ng buhay
nasagot niya ang katanungan ng mga tao
linisan niya ang palasyo upang magnilay-nilay
Ano kaya ang mangyayari kung hindi nilisan ng prinsipe ang palasyo?
Sasadyain siya ng puno ng Bo.
Marangya ang magiging Buddha.
Maghihirap siya na parang pulubi.
Hindi siya kikilalanin bilang Buddha.
Ano ang ginamit ng sumulat ng seleksyon upang ipaabot ang mensahe nito?
Isinalaysay ang pinagmulan ng Budhismo.
Tinalakay ang dahilan ng paglaganap ng Budhismo.
Ibinigay ang mga suliranin ng nagsasabuhay ng Budhismo.
Nakasaad ang mga kaugalian ng nagsasabuhay ng Budhismo.
Gabay sa Pagwastong Panapos na Pagtatasa sa Filipino
Sets A, B, C, D (Baitang 1 – Baitang 7)
Set A
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Set B
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Set C
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Set D
Gr. 1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 5 Gr. 6 Gr. 7
Titles of Phil-IRI Graded Passages for Pre-Tests in English
Set A Set B Set C Set D
Pam has a cat.
It is on the bed.
Who has a pet?
“Let’s have some fun this summer,” says Leo. “Let’s
Who were talking to each other?
Lita and Lito
Lina and Lino
Lina and Leo
“Ring! Ring!” rang the clock. But Jacky did not get
Mom. And yet Jacky did not get up. “Beep! Beep!”
Who is the main character in our story?
What did the character think as he/she "laid snug" on the bed?
“I do not want to get up yet.”
“I do not want to be late today.”
“I want to be extra early today.”
One day, a frog sat on a lily pad, still as a rock.
Who is the main character in the story?
the bug
the duck
the fish
the frog
Which of these words describe Mr. Frog?
What makes us yawn? Yawning is something that we cannot
control. Even in the mother’s womb, eleven-week-old babies have
been observed to yawn. But why do we do it?
One popular explanation for yawning is that a person may be tired
or bored. Although many believe this to be true, it cannot explain
why athletes yawn before an event or why dogs yawn before an
It is said that yawning is caused by a lack of oxygen and
excess carbon dioxide. A good example of this is when we yawn in
groups. We yawn because we are competing for air.
Others even believe that we yawn to cool our brains off. Cool
What is a fact about yawning?
It is something we cannot control.
It is something only humans do
It is a result of boredom.
It happens after birth.
Which of the following shows evidence that "yawning" is "competing for air?"
The passengers in an elevator yawned.
Several people yawned while picnicking at an open field.
Two people yawned inside a room with air-conditioning.
Three students yawned in a big empty room.
Dark chocolate finds its way into the best ice creams,
is that the fat content of chocolate does not raise the level of
feeling of well-being.
Reference: Schnoll, R. (2012). Choocolate: Food for the Gods, Retrieved from http://
Why was chocolate called Theobroma cacao? It is
considered to be _____.
fattening food
magical tree
medicinal candy
food of the gods
What is found in dark chocolate that will help encourage its consumption?
If a person coughs and is asked to have some chocolate, why would this be
good advice?
Dark chocolate helps respiratory problems.
Dark chocolate helps circulation.
Dark chocolate does not raise the level of cholesterol.
Dark chocolate has vitamins and minerals.
Which of the following body systems does not directly benefit from the
consumption of dark chocolate?
Circulatory system
Respiratory system
Excretory system
Nervous system
Which important fact shows that dark chocolate may be safe for the
It may ease coughs.
It helps address respiratory problems.
It does not raise the level of cholesterol.
In small quantities, dark chocolate has been said to be medicinal.
The sun is up.
Who are the children in the story?
Sam and Matt
Sal and Max
Matt and Sal
What did the little girl do so that she will not feel hot?
She stayed inside.
She got a hat.
She got a fan.
What did the little boy do so that he will not feel hot?
He stayed inside.
He got a hat.
He got a fan.
Nina and Ria are looking out the window.
What is it that Ria does not like?
playing tag
playing house
getting wet in the rain
What is "tag?"
a card game
a video game
a running game
Mama was feeling sick.
She got one cup of taho and gave the other to Mama.
“Thank you, Lisa. I feel much better now,” said Mama.
What is it that Mama could NOT do?
She could not go out.
She could not make Lisa a snack.
She could not wait for the peddler.
Long ago, a farmer had a carabao and a cow. The
carabao was bigger but the cow worked just as hard.
One day the farmer said, “I can get more from my farm if
my carabao works all day and my cow works all night.” This
went on for a month 'til finally, the carabao cried, “It is just too
hot to work all day!” “Want to go for a swim?” asked the cow. “It
will cool you off.” The carabao happily agreed. They went off
without the farmer’s consent.
At the beginning of the story, what was one major difference between the cow
and the carabao?
The carabao was bigger than the cow.
The cow had sagging skin while the carabao had tight skin.
The carabao had sagging skin while the cow had tight skin.
The carabao worked at night while the cow worked in the day.
How did the farmer’s decision affect the cow and the carabao?
They did not have time to rest.
They hardly saw each other.
They did not eat enough.
They were always tired.
Which of the following events happened last?
The carabao cried out that it was so hot.
The cow and the carabao decided to swim.
The farmer came while the animals were swimming.
The cow and the carabao hurriedly put on their skins.
People love to laugh. We love it so much when there are
jokes, jobs, and shows that are made to make us laugh. Even
though laughing seems natural, not many species are able to do
Laughing involves the performance of rhythmic, involuntary
movements, and the production of sounds. We are able to laugh
using fifteen facial muscles, our respiratory system, and
sometimes even our tear ducts.
We are lucky that we are able to laugh because there is
the function of blood vessels that helps protect the heart. Laughter
What is laughing?
It is the voluntary reception of sounds.
It is the voluntary production of sounds.
It is the involuntary production of sounds.
It is the voluntary use of our facial muscles.
What does the statement, “There are jokes, jobs, and shows that are made to
make us laugh,” imply in this selection?
Laughter is something we have to work at.
Comedy shows are good sources of income.
Laughter is an important part of our life.
Jokes and comedy shows are expensive ways to make us laugh.
Which of the following is the best title for the selection?
Laughter is the answer.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Laughter is what sets humans apart.
Laughter affects the human condition.
Which of the following would be the most ideal place to spread the good
effects of laughter?
sari-sari store
gas station
Sneezing happens when our body is trying to remove an
irritation found inside the nose. A special name for this process is
muscles of the vocal chords, the back of the throat, and the eyelids
they are under the bright sun. Now, if it ever happens that a
What is sternutation?
the voluntary process of expelling dirt and dust from inside our nose
the involuntary process of removing an irritation inside the nose
a person’s natural reaction to bright light
an explosion of allergens
Why must we cover our nose when we sneeze?
to prevent the further intake of pepper powder
to prevent the allergens from multiplying
to prevent irritants from spreading
to prevent ourselves from sneezing
Which of the following is the best thing to do if you feel a sneeze coming
Take cold medicine.
Have a body check-up.
Move away from others.
Open a window that faces a garden.
Al has a bag.
It has a mat.
It has buns.
It has bananas.
What is the name of the boy in the story?
Which sentence tells us why it is a good idea for the boy to let go of his bag?
So the ants cannot get the food
So the ants cannot bite him
So the ants will be free
Ben has his own store.
Who is the main character in the story?
Anansi was tired of her web. So one day, she said “I will go
live with the ant.”
Now, the ant lived in a small hill. Once in the hill Anansi
cried, “This place is too dark! I will go live with the bees.”
When she got to the beehive, Anansi cried, “This place is too
hot and sticky! I will go live with the beetle.”
But on her way to beetle’s home she saw her web. “Maybe a
Where does Anansi live?
in a beehive
in a web
in a hill
At the end of the story, which statement do you think is she going to say?
“My home is your home.”
“Homes should be shared.”
“There’s no place like home. “
The bell rang. “It’s snack time!” Pedrito shouted and ran out of the
room. He sat on a bench under a tall tree.
In Pedrito’s lunch bag were three soft buns. He got the first
one and took a bite. “Mmmm,” said Pedrito. Just then, a sparrow
sat on the bench. It was looking at him. Pedrito didn’t mind. He
went on and finished his bun.
Then Pedrito got his second bun. He took a big bite and said
“Mmmm!” The sparrow was still looking at him. It also moved
closer. But still, Pedrito did not mind. He went on and finished his
Finally, Pedrito got his last bun. He was about to take a bite
when the sparrow flew up to his shoulder. Pedrito smiled, cut the
bun in two and said to himself, “I think someone also likes bread
and butter.”
What does the word ‘finished’ mean in the phrase "finished his bun?"
The bun was eaten.
The bun was prepared.
The bun was thrown away.
The bun was already spoiled.
Why was the sparrow looking at him?
It wanted to be a pet.
It wanted to watch Pedrito as he ate.
It wanted to have a share of the bun.
It wanted to listen more closely to Pedrito.
Which of the following sentences best shows what Pedrito thought of at the
end of the story?
“Sharing is only true among friends.”
“Ask and you shall receive.”
“One good turn deserves another.”
“Something good is even better when shared.”
Anger is often viewed as harmful. It does not only affect the
person feeling this anger but those around him or her. As these
feelings get stronger, changes occur in our body. Our faces turn
red and carry a frown. Our teeth are clenched and our hands are
closed tight. Our breathing becomes heavy and this makes our
heart beat faster. Our shoulder and neck muscles become stiff and
our blood pressure begins to rise. All these things happen because
our body is preparing for something. It is preparing for action.
However, this action does not have to be harmful.
People are often guilty about feeling angry. But, anger can
not right and that something needs to change. The challenge lies
in making sure that actions resulting from anger will help rather
than harm. Expressing our feelings can help others understand the
Which is NOT an observed change in our body when we get angry?
Our face turns red.
Our heart beats faster.
Our shoulders become stiff.
Our breathing becomes slow.
What is one benefit of feeling angry?
It provides a form of exercise for our heart and blood vessels.
It prepares us for future occasions that we might feel angry.
It serves as a signal that something is not right.
It changes how our mind works.
In the selection, which trait would be most helpful when trying to use our
anger in a positive way?
being obedient
being honest
being thoughtful
being hardworking
No matter how often we sweep the floor of our homes, we
are still able to gather together a considerable amount of dust.
Dust is all around us. It gathers on bookshelves, on furniture - old
or new. These particles rest on any still object – undisturbed until
touched or wiped clean.
lessening the amount of dust that we keep in our homes will help
Which of the following is NOT true about dust?
Dust causes allergies.
Dust is made of dead skin only.
Dust comes from both within the home and outside of it.
The amount of dust in the house may depend on the climate.
Knowing the contents of the dust in our homes will determine ________.
how dust can be cleaned up
where the dust is coming from
what one might add to one’s home
the lifestyle of the occupants
What is the greatest risk that one faces in having a dusty house? A dusty
house might ________.
cause the incidence of allergies
be a reason for accidents in the house
increase the temperature of the environment
result in the early destruction of the furniture
Knowing the composition of dust will especially help persons with ______.
motor difficulties
physical disabilities
circulatory concerns
respiratory problems
In this selection, the word “habits” refers to ________.
one’s unusual behavior
being addicted to something
the work one occasionally performs
the manner by which one repeatedly does a task
Nat will nap.
He cannot nap.
Nat is sad.
Who will nap?
Mara sat by the school gate.
says Mila.
What did Mara want to do?
go home
go to school
go on a long trip
Which of these is the best thing for Mila to do so that Mara will not be so
worried? Mila should ________________.
come on time
give her a big hug
bring a friend along
Every Saturday, Manuel goes to market with his father,
Mang Ador. They always pass by Aling Juaning’s stall to buy meat.
They go to Mang Tinoy’s for fresh vegetables. They also visit Aling
Tita’s seafood section.
Whenever Mang Ador buys something, Manuel always tries
to predict what his father will cook for lunch. Today, Mang Ador
bought tamarind, tomatoes, string beans, radish, and shrimp.
What woke Toto’s family up?
a fire truck
a loud knock
shouts from the neighbors
Which of these details tells us that this story happened in the evening?
Toto’s family was home.
Toto’s family was asleep.
Toto’s family had to dress up.
Amy loves walking home from school to see the colors of the
leaves and listen to the birds sing. But one day, she heard a soft
cry. It came from under a bush. “Should I go near?” Amy
wondered. As it grew louder, Amy decided she must help the poor
Amy crept closer and held her arm out. Just when she was
about to reach out, she saw a pair of eyes and heard a loud
“Hissss!!!!” She also felt a sharp pain. “Ouch!” Amy cried. Her arm
had four long scratch marks. Amy was upset. She really thought
What does Amy love to do?
catching animals
listening to the trees
walking home from school
seeing the colors of the birds
What for Amy is a "good deed?"
a surprise
a harmful act
a brave action
an act of kindness
We often say “Sweet dreams,” but have you ever wondered
Problems that have not been addressed during the day are
sort out the information that we want to keep from the stuff we no
longer want. Still another idea is that dreams are just another form
Based on the selection, what does our brain exercise through sleeping?
the connections and pathways
the left and right hemispheres
the content and concepts
the gray matter
Which of the statements does NOT show how dreams fix our problems?
As we dream, we constantly think about what we have learned or
Our dreams help us focus on things we are unable to notice during the
Our brain comes up with solutions in our sleep.
Our brain sorts and files information.
Which question is the selection trying to answer?
What are the types of dreams?
Why are our reasons for dreaming?
Are all dreams sweet?
How can we stop from dreaming?
How do we sense pain? The human body has nociceptors to
receive an electrical impulse that is sent to part of the brain that
recognizes pain. Memories of these sensations are formed to help
us avoid painful objects and experiences and prevents us from
repeating past mistakes that may have hurt us in some way. But
pain is more complex. It is not only a physical experience but an
emotional and psychological one as well. When all of these come
together, it is called suffering.
loses a finger or a limb, the pain that was once felt may become a
chronic one – one that keeps recurring. The best way to avoid this
What are "nociceptors?"
electrical impulses
memories of pain
nerve receptors
sensations of pain
Which is an example of helping the body avoid the creation of memories for
Avoiding the use of anesthesia
Drinking a painkiller once a headache starts
Talking about a painful experience with a friend
Being given an anesthetic before a dental procedure
In the selection, how was the word 'chronic' used in the phrase “chronic
Ask the following questions.
It is on the bed.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who has a pet?
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who were talking to each other?
Lita and Lito
Lina and Lino
Lina and Leo
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who is the main character in our story?
What did the character think as he/she "laid snug" on the bed?
“I do not want to get up yet.”
“I do not want to be late today.”
“I want to be extra early today.”
Ask the following questions.
“Hello Mr. Frog! What are you doing?” asked the bug.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who is the main character in the story?
the bug
the duck
the fish
the frog
Which of these words describe Mr. Frog?
Ask the following questions.
Others even believe that we yawn to cool our brains off. Cool
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is a fact about yawning?
It is something we cannot control.
It is something only humans do
It is a result of boredom.
It happens after birth.
Which of the following shows evidence that "yawning" is "competing for air?"
The passengers in an elevator yawned.
Several people yawned while picnicking at an open field.
Two people yawned inside a room with air-conditioning.
Three students yawned in a big empty room.
Ask the following questions.
Dark chocolate finds its way into the best ice creams,
is that the fat content of chocolate does not raise the level of
feeling of well-being.
Reference: Schnoll, R. (2012). Choocolate: Food for the Gods, Retrieved from http://
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Why was chocolate called Theobroma cacao? It is
considered to be _____.
fattening food
magical tree
medicinal candy
food of the gods
What is found in dark chocolate that will help encourage its consumption?
If a person coughs and is asked to have some chocolate, why would this be
good advice?
Dark chocolate helps respiratory problems.
Dark chocolate helps circulation.
Dark chocolate does not raise the level of cholesterol.
Dark chocolate has vitamins and minerals.
Which of the following body systems does not directly benefit from the
consumption of dark chocolate?
Circulatory system
Respiratory system
Excretory system
Nervous system
Which important fact shows that dark chocolate may be safe for the
It may ease coughs.
It helps address respiratory problems.
It does not raise the level of cholesterol.
In small quantities, dark chocolate has been said to be medicinal.
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who are the children in the story?
Sam and Matt
Sal and Max
Matt and Sal
What did the little girl do so that she will not feel hot?
She stayed inside.
She got a hat.
She got a fan.
What did the little boy do so that he will not feel hot?
He stayed inside.
He got a hat.
He got a fan.
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is it that Ria does not like?
playing tag
playing house
getting wet in the rain
What is "tag?"
a card game
a video game
a running game
Ask the following questions.
She got one cup of taho and gave the other to Mama.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is it that Mama could NOT do?
She could not go out.
She could not make Lisa a snack.
She could not wait for the peddler.
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
At the beginning of the story, what was one major difference between the cow
and the carabao?
The carabao was bigger than the cow.
The cow had sagging skin while the carabao had tight skin.
The carabao had sagging skin while the cow had tight skin.
The carabao worked at night while the cow worked in the day.
How did the farmer’s decision affect the cow and the carabao?
They did not have time to rest.
They hardly saw each other.
They did not eat enough.
They were always tired.
Which of the following events happened last?
The carabao cried out that it was so hot.
The cow and the carabao decided to swim.
The farmer came while the animals were swimming.
The cow and the carabao hurriedly put on their skins.
Ask the following questions.
the function of blood vessels that helps protect the heart. Laughter
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is laughing?
It is the voluntary reception of sounds.
It is the voluntary production of sounds.
It is the involuntary production of sounds.
It is the voluntary use of our facial muscles.
What does the statement, “There are jokes, jobs, and shows that are made to
make us laugh,” imply in this selection?
Laughter is something we have to work at.
Comedy shows are good sources of income.
Laughter is an important part of our life.
Jokes and comedy shows are expensive ways to make us laugh.
Which of the following is the best title for the selection?
Laughter is the answer.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Laughter is what sets humans apart.
Laughter affects the human condition.
Which of the following would be the most ideal place to spread the good
effects of laughter?
sari-sari store
gas station
Ask the following questions.
muscles of the vocal chords, the back of the throat, and the eyelids
they are under the bright sun. Now, if it ever happens that a
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is sternutation?
the voluntary process of expelling dirt and dust from inside our nose
the involuntary process of removing an irritation inside the nose
a person’s natural reaction to bright light
an explosion of allergens
Why must we cover our nose when we sneeze?
to prevent the further intake of pepper powder
to prevent the allergens from multiplying
to prevent irritants from spreading
to prevent ourselves from sneezing
Which of the following is the best thing to do if you feel a sneeze coming
Take cold medicine.
Have a body check-up.
Move away from others.
Open a window that faces a garden.
Ask the following questions.
Al has a bag.
It has a mat.
It has buns.
It has bananas.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is the name of the boy in the story?
Which sentence tells us why it is a good idea for the boy to let go of his bag?
So the ants cannot get the food
So the ants cannot bite him
So the ants will be free
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who is the main character in the story?
Ask the following questions.
Anansi was tired of her web. So one day, she said “I will go
live with the ant.”
Now, the ant lived in a small hill. Once in the hill Anansi
cried, “This place is too dark! I will go live with the bees.”
When she got to the beehive, Anansi cried, “This place is too
hot and sticky! I will go live with the beetle.”
But on her way to beetle’s home she saw her web. “Maybe a
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Where does Anansi live?
in a beehive
in a web
in a hill
At the end of the story, which statement do you think is she going to say?
“My home is your home.”
“Homes should be shared.”
“There’s no place like home. “
Ask the following questions.
The bell rang. “It’s snack time!” Pedrito shouted and ran out
of the room. He sat on a bench under a tall tree.
In Pedrito’s lunch bag were three soft buns. He got the first
one and took a bite. “Mmmm,” said Pedrito. Just then, a sparrow
sat on the bench. It was looking at him. Pedrito didn’t mind. He
went on and finished his bun.
Then Pedrito got his second bun. He took a big bite and said
“Mmmm!” The sparrow was still looking at him. It also moved
closer. But still, Pedrito did not mind. He went on and finished his
Finally, Pedrito got his last bun. He was about to take a bite
when the sparrow flew up to his shoulder. Pedrito smiled, cut the
bun in two and said to himself, “I think someone also likes bread
and butter.”
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What was Pedrito excited about?
having his favorite snack
going to the bench
being with the birds
finding a friend
What does the word ‘finished’ mean in the phrase "finished his bun?"
The bun was eaten.
The bun was prepared.
The bun was thrown away.
The bun was already spoiled.
Why was the sparrow looking at him?
It wanted to be a pet.
It wanted to watch Pedrito as he ate.
It wanted to have a share of the bun.
It wanted to listen more closely to Pedrito.
Which of the following sentences best shows what Pedrito thought of at the
end of the story?
“Sharing is only true among friends.”
“Ask and you shall receive.”
“One good turn deserves another.”
“Something good is even better when shared.”
Ask the following questions.
People are often guilty about feeling angry. But, anger can
not right and that something needs to change. The challenge lies
in making sure that actions resulting from anger will help rather
than harm. Expressing our feelings can help others understand the
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Which is NOT an observed change in our body when we get angry?
Our face turns red.
Our heart beats faster.
Our shoulders become stiff.
Our breathing becomes slow.
What is one benefit of feeling angry?
It provides a form of exercise for our heart and blood vessels.
It prepares us for future occasions that we might feel angry.
It serves as a signal that something is not right.
It changes how our mind works.
In the selection, which trait would be most helpful when trying to use our
anger in a positive way?
being obedient
being honest
being thoughtful
being hardworking
Ask the following questions.
lessening the amount of dust that we keep in our homes will help
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Which of the following is NOT true about dust?
Dust causes allergies.
Dust is made of dead skin only.
Dust comes from both within the home and outside of it.
The amount of dust in the house may depend on the climate.
Knowing the contents of the dust in our homes will determine ________.
how dust can be cleaned up
where the dust is coming from
what one might add to one’s home
the lifestyle of the occupants
What is the greatest risk that one faces in having a dusty house? A dusty
house might ________.
cause the incidence of allergies
be a reason for accidents in the house
increase the temperature of the environment
result in the early destruction of the furniture
Knowing the composition of dust will especially help persons with ______.
motor difficulties
physical disabilities
circulatory concerns
respiratory problems
In this selection, the word “habits” refers to ________.
one’s unusual behavior
being addicted to something
the work one occasionally performs
the manner by which one repeatedly does a task
Ask the following questions.
He cannot nap.
Nat is sad.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who will nap?
Ask the following questions.
says Mila.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What did Mara want to do?
go home
go to school
go on a long trip
Which of these is the best thing for Mila to do so that Mara will not be so
worried? Mila should ________________.
come on time
give her a big hug
bring a friend along
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What woke Toto’s family up?
a fire truck
a loud knock
shouts from the neighbors
Which of these details tells us that this story happened in the evening?
Toto’s family was home.
Toto’s family was asleep.
Toto’s family had to dress up.
Ask the following questions.
Amy loves walking home from school to see the colors of the
leaves and listen to the birds sing. But one day, she heard a soft
cry. It came from under a bush. “Should I go near?” Amy
wondered. As it grew louder, Amy decided she must help the poor
Amy crept closer and held her arm out. Just when she was
about to reach out, she saw a pair of eyes and heard a loud
“Hissss!!!!” She also felt a sharp pain. “Ouch!” Amy cried. Her arm
had four long scratch marks. Amy was upset. She really thought
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What does Amy love to do?
catching animals
listening to the trees
walking home from school
seeing the colors of the birds
What for Amy is a "good deed?"
a surprise
a harmful act
a brave action
an act of kindness
Ask the following questions.
Problems that have not been addressed during the day are
sort out the information that we want to keep from the stuff we no
longer want. Still another idea is that dreams are just another form
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Based on the selection, what does our brain exercise through sleeping?
the connections and pathways
the left and right hemispheres
the content and concepts
the gray matter
Which of the statements does NOT show how dreams fix our problems?
As we dream, we constantly think about what we have learned or
Our dreams help us focus on things we are unable to notice during the
Our brain comes up with solutions in our sleep.
Our brain sorts and files information.
Which question is the selection trying to answer?
What are the types of dreams?
Why are our reasons for dreaming?
Are all dreams sweet?
How can we stop from dreaming?
Ask the following questions.
loses a finger or a limb, the pain that was once felt may become a
chronic one – one that keeps recurring. The best way to avoid this
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What are "nociceptors?"
electrical impulses
memories of pain
nerve receptors
sensations of pain
Which is an example of helping the body avoid the creation of memories for
Avoiding the use of anesthesia
Drinking a painkiller once a headache starts
Talking about a painful experience with a friend
Being given an anesthetic before a dental procedure
In the selection, how was the word chronic used in the phrase “chronic
Key to Correction:
Graded Passages in in English Pre-Test (Sets A to D)
Set A
Set B
Set C
Set D
Titles of Phil-IRI Graded Passages for Posttests in English
Set A Set B Set C Set D
Bim-bim has a bib.
It is from Tina.
It is pretty.
“There. It fits!”
Who has a bib?
Duck, Hen, and Bird are in the garden.
Where are Bird, Hen, and Duck?
in the nest
in the garden
in the farmhouse
Why did the animals think that the rubber ball is an egg?
It is tiny.
It is white.
It is round.
Nick is a tricycle man. He waits for riders every morning.
“But I can take only one of you,” says Nick to the children. “Oh, I
can sit behind you Nick,” says Mr. Perez. “Kris or Mike can take
Who is the tricycle man?
Mr. Perez
A little snail told his father, “I want to have the biggest house.” “Keep
your house light and easy to carry,” said his father. But, the snail ate
a lot until his house grew enormous.
After a while, the snails have eaten all the grass in the farm.
“Help! I cannot move,” said the snail with the biggest house.
The snails tried to help but the house was too heavy.
Leo Lionni
What kind of house did the father snail want the little snail to have?
big and tidy
hard and durable
large and colorful
light and easy to carry
What was the little snail’s problem when they were about to move?
“Will I build another house?”
“How can I carry my very big house?”
“What will happen to my biggest house?”
“What if another snail will have a house bigger than mine?”
Why did the other snails leave the little snail behind?
He eats too much grass.
They did not want to be with him.
They could not move his very big house.
The little snail did not want to leave its house.
Which of the following did the little snail think at the end?
“My friends did not help me at all.”
“I should have stored more grass and leaves in my house.”
“Father was right. I should have a house that is easy to carry.”
“Never mind if I stay behind. I have the biggest house anyway.”
Which of the following will most likely happen to the little snail?
It will die of hunger.
It will destroy its house.
It will follow the other snails.
It will live happily in the farm.
The pieces of rocks that come from outer space have three
names: meteor, meteorite, and meteoroid.
A meteoroid is a piece of matter moving in space. It moves
as fast as 40 miles a second. It may be large or small. Most
meteoroids are smaller than a grain of sand.
As a meteoroid comes into the air near the earth, it catches
fire. Most meteoroids burn up before they hit the earth. The flash
of light from the burning meteoroid is called a meteor. If a piece of
meteoroid falls to the ground, it is called a meteorite.
People have studied these rocks for many years. They
Where do the meteoroids originate?
from the outer layer of the earth
from the other planets
from the outer space
from the moon
The rocks from outer space are studied to find out ________________.
the time that they fall on earth.
how these rocks could be used
how to avoid their fall on earth
how to keep them from making holes in spacecraft
Which is the best definition of a meteorite?
a flash of light from a burning meteoroid
a piece of meteoroid that falls to the ground
a piece of rock from outer space that hit a spacecraft
a piece of rock from outer space that burn up before hitting the
In the sentence, “They research ways to keep meteoroids from making holes
in the spacecraft,” another word for research is ____________.
Humans do not have the capacity to breathe underwater
unaided by external devices. A diver who wants to stay underwater
for more than a few minutes must breathe air on a special mixture
of gases. He can wear diving suits and have air pumped to him
from above or he can carry tanks of air on his back and breathe
through a hose and a mouthpiece.
as air. Tons of water push against the diver deep in the sea. When
becomes less. If he rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form
What is the purpose of the diving suit?
to track the diver’s location
to make the diver stay afloat
to dive to the bottom of the sea faster
to pump air from the surface of the sea
The hose and the mouthpiece of the diver are used _______________.
for breathing
for finding direction
for lighting the way
for communicating
From the phrase ‘a diver suffers from bends,’ the reader can guess that a
bend is ____________________________.
a reverse turn
an intense pain
a wrong direction
an incorrect information
To avoid pain when rising to the surface, a diving instructor should tell a
swimmer to _______________________________.
“go up as fast as you can”
“swim to the surface slowly”
“avoid bringing things from undersea”
“inspect your hose and mouthpiece first”
Which statement is true in the selection?
Water pressure ___________________________________.
is heavier on the sea surface
is greater in the deep part of the sea
feels more while one is going up the surface
is the same on the surface and in the deep part of the sea
Who among the following readers will benefit most from this selection?
the sea divers
the coast guards
the sea travelers
the swimming instructors
Bam is sad.
“Where is Tagpi?”
“Aw! Aw!”
Who is Tagpi?
the pet dog of Bam
the brother of Bam
the classmate of Bam
Dan and Pepe will play.
Why did Dan and Pepe need their caps?
The sun is hot.
They will play with their caps.
They will give the caps to the kittens.
Who is Mik-mik?
the pet cat
the fat kitten
the big dog
What did the boys feel when they saw the kittens?
A mouse and a cat lived in an old house. The mouse stayed
in a hole while the cat slept under the table.
One night, the mouse got out of its hole. “Mmm, Cheese!” it
fork fell. It woke the cat up so it ran up the table. But the mouse
was too fast for the cat. It quickly dashed to its hole. Safe at last!
Where did the cat and the mouse live?
in a big hole
in an old house
under the dining table
In order to catch the mouse, what could the cat do next time?
run faster
sleep later
stay alert for loud sounds
Atalanta is a lovely princess and a great runner.
One day, her father told her, “It’s time you get married.”
“Here are three golden apples,” she said. “During the race,
throw one apple in front of Atalanta. She will stop to pick it up. That
should slow her down.”
Hippomenes heeded her advice and won the race. Thus,
Which sentence says something about Atalanta?
She did not want to get married.
She was an obedient daughter.
She was a great runner.
She loved Hippomenes.
Many tried their luck. When one tries his luck, he ___________
always wins.
is sure to win.
really wants to win.
attempts to win.
Beetles can adapt to any kind of environment. They can be
found crawling, burrowing, flying, and swimming on every part of
the earth except the ocean. Why do beetles survive well on our
planet? First, they have tough compact bodies. These help them
hide, find food, and lay eggs in places where other insects could
never go.
Almost all beetles have tough front wings which are colorful
and carry beautiful patterns. These wings also act as suit of armor
to protect the beetles’ transparent hind wings which are used for
food. They eat other insects, animal dung, and even cloth. They
also feed on the bark, leaves, flowers, and fruits of any kind of
plant. They can even chew around the stems of poisonous plants
In which of these places WON’T you find beetles?
in the mountain
in the plains
in the sea
in the hill
What action of the beetle means making a hole in the ground?
The brain is the center of the nervous system. It interprets
stimuli and tells the body how to react.
The brain has three major parts. The part that controls
balance, coordination and muscle movement is called the
cerebellum. It makes sure that the muscles work well together. For
example, a gymnast is able to balance on a beam because of the
On the other hand, there are actions that one decides to do.
It is the largest part of the brain—the cerebrum—that is
responsible for these voluntary movements. Without it, one will not
be able to kick a ball or dance at all.
Which is the best description of the brain?
It makes people intelligent.
It keeps one’s body healthy.
It helps everyone think well.
It dictates how the body will react to stimuli.
What will the brain likely tell you if you happen to hold on to something hot?
“I wonder how hot it is.”
“Don’t drop it!”
“Hold tight!”
“Let go!”
What is the function of the cerebellum?
It sends messages to the cerebrum.
It connects the medulla to the cerebrum.
It controls balance and muscle movements.
It tells the parts of the body how they should function.
When you want someone to think of the right answer, you might say,
“Use your senses.”
“Sharpen your cerebrum.”
“Give your medulla a job.”
“Let your cerebellum function.”
I am Pat.
I am Ben.
I am Mig.
I am Det.
What is Pat’s pet?
“Come with me,” says Dan.
Who asked Mina to go to a happy place?
What is the best response that Benny can make after seeing Dan and
I’m glad you came.
I can’t wait to go home.
I want to sing with you.
Marian came home from school. She went to the kitchen and
saw her mother cooking.
“Mama, do we have mongo seeds?” asked Marian. “I will do
an experiment.”
“Yes, we have some in the cabinet,” answered Mama.
Marian got some seeds and planted them in a wooden
box. She watered the seeds every day. She made sure they got
enough sun. After three days, Marian was happy to see stems and
What did Marian look for in the kitchen?
mango seeds
mongo seeds
melon seeds
On a trip to a university, the driver told the professor, “I’ve heard
you give this speech many times. I can deliver it for you.” The
professor said, “The people in this university haven’t
seen me yet. Give the lecture. I’ll pretend to be your driver.” When
they arrived, the driver was introduced to be the
professor. He gave an excellent speech. Everybody applauded.
that’s such an easy question. Even my driver can give you the
Why was it easy for the driver to pretend he was the professor?
The professor looked like the driver.
The driver dressed up like the professor.
The driver was as intelligent as the professor.
The participants have not seen the professor yet.
The driver tried to get out of a sticky situation. What
was the sticky situation?
A participant recognized the professor.
The driver could not deliver the lecture.
The professor could not move from his seat.
The driver did not know what to answer.
Why did the driver say “Even my driver can give you the
to admit that even he did not know how to answer
to stop the audience from asking more questions
to stop the real professor from answering the question
to prove to the participants that the question was easy
Many things around us move at different rates. Glaciers,
which are frozen rivers of snow, move less than one foot in a day.
A box turtle travels about ten feet per minute, while a snail travels
five inches per hour. A chimney swift flies almost ninety miles per
hour. This is the fastest speed recorded for any living creature.
miles an hour. Some racing cars travel more than 500 miles per
hour. The wind in a tornado may move at 600 miles per hour but
sound waves are faster with a speed of up to 740 miles per hour.
The Earth moves around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour.
Which living creature has the highest recorded speed?
a box turtle
light waves
sound waves
a chimney swift
“Science has yet to discover anything that would surpass this speed.”
The synonym of surpass is ____________.
Wind is the natural movement of the air from one place to
another. It affects the climate of a place. There are three major air
streams that greatly affect our climate.
From March to early May, trade winds coming from the east
or northeast reach the Philippines. It brings rains to the eastern
part of our country. Trade winds are warm and moist and bring hot
temperature with little rain.
The northeast monsoon wind blowing from Siberia causes _________.
heavy rains
windy days
hot temperature
cold temperature
Siberia is a very frigid place. What is an antonym for the word frigid?
very moist
very cold
very hot
very windy
You are going on a vacation at your cousin’s province in the eastern part of
the country in March. What type of clothes should you bring?
Among these different air streams in the Philippines, which is the most
appropriate for wearing very heavy clothes?
trade winds
easterly winds
southeast monsoons
northeast monsoons
Which among these statements is backed up by the selection?
Northeast monsoons account for strong rains during
the June opening of classes.
Southwest monsoons bring some amount of rain to
the country even in May.
Eastern portions of the country experience strong rains
from June to October.
Western portions of the country experience strong rains
from June to October.
Mat is a cat.
Jig is a pig.
Len is a hen.
Where did the pig sit?
on a hat
on a wig
on ten eggs
Today, Sam and Ria will go to the park.
Who will go to the park?
Cam and Mia
Dan and Iya
Sam and Ria
Every Saturday, Manuel goes to market with his father,
Mang Ador. They always pass by Aling Juaning’s stall to buy meat.
They go to Mang Tinoy’s for fresh vegetables. They also visit Aling
Tita’s seafood section.
Whenever Mang Ador buys something, Manuel always tries
to predict what his father will cook for lunch. Today Mang Ador
bought tamarind, tomatoes, string beans, radish, and shrimp.
Who is the father in the selection?
Which stall do the father and son get their fish from?
Mang Tinoy’s stall
Aling Tita’s stall
Aling Juaning’s stall
What section of the market do the father and son always go to?
fish, meat, and fruits sections
vegetable, fish, and fruit sections
vegetable, seafood, and meat sections
In the story, the boy tries to predict what they will have for lunch.
When one tries to predict, one tries to ______.
The boy in the story shows us that a person can find out what his
family will have for lunch by ______________.
looking at what his father buys from the market
asking his mother what she thinks his father will cook
smelling the scents in the kitchen as his father cooks
What do you think does Manuel say on their way to the market?
“I’m tired.”
“I’m excited.”
“I‘m nervous.”
There was a time when young and old stars could talk to
Bathala. One day, the young stars learned that they become part
of a black hole when they grow old. The young stars feared losing
their light. They asked Bathala for help.
have turned into tiny twinkling bugs whose tails flicker as they fly
What did the younger stars fear?
asking for help
becoming insects
losing their light
leaving the heavens
Which statement is NOT explicitly stated in the given selection?
Fireflies are _____________________.
young stars that did not want to lose their energy
twinkling bugs that used to be fearful young stars
insects with chemicals that make their bodies glow
young stars that once lived in the heavens with old stars
Why did Bathala say “you would have to give up much” to the young
Life on earth will give them less light.
The young stars will give up their lives.
The young stars will not be happy on earth.
Life was better in the heavens than on earth.
There are rocks in our Solar System that never flocked together to
form planets. Larger ones called asteroids gather in the Asteroid
Belt, a strip found between Mars and Jupiter. Some asteroids don’t
move along this belt but have paths that bring them close to the
earth. These are called Apollo Asteroids.
scattered in space and do not orbit the sun. They cross the Earth’s
night. The faint flashes of light they make are called shooting stars.
What are asteroids?
Large fragments of rock in the Solar System
Large fragments of rock that circle the moon
Small fragments of rock that do not circle the sun
Small fragments of rock that do not circle the planets
What is a possible reason behind the fact that asteroids are not
anymore as large as they were first thought to be?
They could have shrunk when they got closer to the sun.
They could have hit one another and broken into pieces.
They could have burned up and eventually become smaller.
They could have rammed into some planet and broken apart.
Which of the following statements is TRUE of asteroids and meteoroids?
Both asteroids and meteoroids can be seen in a belt of rocks
between Jupiter and Mars.
Both asteroids and meteoroids circle the Earth and can be seen as
faint flashes of light.
Both asteroids and meteoroids are composed of rocky
particles found in the Solar System.
Both asteroids and meteoroids are scattered randomly across in
space and do not orbit the sun.
Many asteroids must have collided with one another. What is a synonym of
the word “collided?”
trapped into
crashed into
converged with
connected with
If you see faint flashes of light in the night sky, which of the following
could have happened?
Flames shoot up from the sun and come closer to the earth.
Meteoroids have just crossed the earth’s orbit and burned up.
Meteoroids have just crossed paths with the sun and burned up.
There are moments when the earth orbits a lot closer to the sun.
Ecosystems consist of living and non-living organisms in an area.
These include plants, animals, microbes, and elements like soil,
water, and air. The living organisms depend on both living and
non-living aspects of an ecosystem.
An ecosystem can be as small as a puddle or as big as an
ocean. It is a very delicate balance, with these life forms sustaining
one another. Disruptions to an ecosystem may prove disastrous to
all its organisms.
When a new plant or animal is suddenly placed in an
ecosystem, it will surely compete with the original inhabitants for
resources. This stranger may even push out the natural
organisms, causing them to be extinct. The organisms that
depended on the extinct organisms will definitely be affected.
The balance in ecosystems have been unsettled by natural
Which among the following is NOT a good description for an ecosystem?
animals and plants relying on each other to survive
a place where people are friendly to the environment
a biological community where organisms affect each other
a variety of living and non-living things in a particular area
Which of the following is NOT one of the natural disasters that have
caused ecosystems to be unsettled?
What should human beings do in order to maintain the balance in
different ecosystems?
Cut down a lot of trees so that there is more space for animals to live in.
Take corals from the sea so that fish would have more freedom to swim.
Plant more trees in order to replace those that have been cut down.
Catch a lot of tuna so that nothing will eat the mackerel or the small fish.
The diagram below shows an ocean ecosystem. The arrows point to the food
source of the succeeding organism. If a new organism is introduced
into the system and it eats the shrimplike creatures, how will this
indirectly affect the mackerel?
The mackerel will have no more shrimplike creatures to eat.
The mackerel will still be eaten by the tuna fish as it continues to
consume the small fish.
The mackerel will be eaten by the small fish which now has to look for a
new food source.
The mackerel might lose its food since without a food source, the small
fish could die.
Ask the following questions.
It is from Tina.
The bib is red.
It is pretty.
“There. It fits!”
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who has a bib?
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Where are Bird, Hen, and Duck?
in the nest
in the garden
in the farmhouse
Why did the animals think that the rubber ball is an egg?
It is tiny.
It is white.
It is round.
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who is the tricycle man?
Mr. Perez
Ask the following questions.
After a while, the snails have eaten all the grass in the farm.
“Help! I cannot move,” said the snail with the biggest house.
The snails tried to help but the house was too heavy.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What kind of house did the father snail want the little snail to have?
big and tidy
hard and durable
large and colorful
light and easy to carry
What was the little snail’s problem when they were about to move?
“Will I build another house?”
“How can I carry my very big house?”
“What will happen to my biggest house?”
“What if another snail will have a house bigger than mine?”
Why did the other snails leave the little snail behind?
He eats too much grass.
They did not want to be with him.
They could not move his very big house.
The little snail did not want to leave its house.
Which of the following did the little snail think at the end?
“My friends did not help me at all.”
“I should have stored more grass and leaves in my house.”
“Father was right. I should have a house that is easy to carry.”
“Never mind if I stay behind. I have the biggest house anyway.”
Which of the following will most likely happen to the little snail?
It will die of hunger.
It will destroy its house.
It will follow the other snails.
It will live happily in the farm.
Ask the following questions.
The pieces of rocks that come from outer space have three
names: meteor, meteorite, and meteoroid.
A meteoroid is a piece of matter moving in space. It moves
as fast as 40 miles a second. It may be large or small. Most
meteoroids are smaller than a grain of sand.
As a meteoroid comes into the air near the earth, it catches
fire. Most meteoroids burn up before they hit the earth. The flash
of light from the burning meteoroid is called a meteor. If a piece of
meteoroid falls to the ground, it is called a meteorite.
People have studied these rocks for many years. They
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Where do the meteoroids originate?
from the outer layer of the earth
from the other planets
from the outer space
from the moon
The rocks from outer space are studied to find out ________________.
the time that they fall on earth.
how these rocks could be used
how to avoid their fall on earth
how to keep them from making holes in spacecraft
Which is the best definition of a meteorite?
a flash of light from a burning meteoroid
a piece of meteoroid that falls to the ground
a piece of rock from outer space that hit a spacecraft
a piece of rock from outer space that burn up before hitting the
In the sentence, “They research ways to keep meteoroids from making holes
in the spacecraft,” another word for research is ____________.
Ask the following questions.
as air. Tons of water push against the diver deep in the sea. When
becomes less. If he rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is the purpose of the diving suit?
to track the diver’s location
to make the diver stay afloat
to dive to the bottom of the sea faster
to pump air from the surface of the sea
The hose and the mouthpiece of the diver are used _______________.
for breathing
for finding direction
for lighting the way
for communicating
From the phrase ‘a diver suffers from bends,’ the reader can guess that a
bend is ____________________________.
a reverse turn
an intense pain
a wrong direction
an incorrect information
To avoid pain when rising to the surface, a diving instructor should tell a
swimmer to _______________________________.
“go up as fast as you can”
“swim to the surface slowly”
“avoid bringing things from undersea.
“inspect your hose and mouthpiece first"
Which statement is true in the selection?
Water pressure ___________________________________.
is heavier on the sea surface
is greater in the deep part of the sea
feels more while one is going up the surface
is the same on the surface and in the deep part of the sea
Who among the following readers will benefit most from this selection?
the sea divers
the coast guards
the sea travelers
the swimming instructors
Ask the following questions.
Bam is sad.
“Where is Tagpi?”
Where is my pet dog?
“Aw! Aw!”
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who is Tagpi?
the pet dog of Bam
the brother of Bam
the classmate of Bam
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Why did Dan and Pepe need their caps?
The sun is hot.
They will play with their caps.
They will give the caps to the kittens.
Who is Mik-mik?
the pet cat
the fat kitten
the big dog
What did the boys feel when they saw the kittens?
Ask the following questions.
fork fell. It woke the cat up so it ran up the table. But the mouse
was too fast for the cat. It quickly dashed to its hole. Safe at last!
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Where did the cat and the mouse live?
in a big hole
in an old house
under the dining table
In order to catch the mouse, what could the cat do next time?
run faster
sleep later
stay alert for loud sounds
Ask the following questions.
One day, her father told her, “It’s time you get married.”
“I will marry a man who will beat me in a race,” replied
Many young men tried their luck. But they all lost.
“Here are three golden apples,” she said. “During the race,
throw one apple in front of Atalanta. She will stop to pick it up. That
should slow her down.”
Hippomenes heeded her advice and won the race. Thus,
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Which sentence says something about Atalanta?
She did not want to get married.
She was an obedient daughter.
She was a great runner.
She loved Hippomenes.
Many tried their luck. When one tries his luck, he ___________
always wins.
is sure to win.
really wants to win.
attempts to win.
Ask the following questions.
Almost all beetles have tough front wings which are colorful
and carry beautiful patterns. These wings also act as suit of armor
to protect the beetles’ transparent hind wings which are used for
Beetles have mouth parts designed for chewing different
food. They eat other insects, animal dung, and even cloth. They
also feed on the bark, leaves, flowers, and fruits of any kind of
plant. They can even chew around the stems of poisonous plants
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
In which of these places WON’T you find beetles?
in the mountain
in the plains
in the sea
in the hill
What action of the beetle means making a hole in the ground?
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Which is the best description of the brain?
It makes people intelligent.
It keeps one’s body healthy.
It helps everyone think well.
It dictates how the body will react to stimuli.
What will the brain likely tell you if you happen to hold on to something hot?
“I wonder how hot it is.”
“Don’t drop it!”
“Hold tight!”
“Let go!”
What is the function of the cerebellum?
It sends messages to the cerebrum.
It connects the medulla to the cerebrum.
It controls balance and muscle movements.
It tells the parts of the body how they should function.
When you want someone to think of the right answer, you might say,
“Use your senses.”
“Sharpen your cerebrum.”
“Give your medulla a job.”
“Let your cerebellum function.”
Ask the following questions.
I am Pat.
I am Ben.
I am Mig.
I am Det.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What is Pat’s pet?
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who asked Mina to go to a happy place?
What is the best response that Benny can make after seeing Dan and
I’m glad you came.
I can’t wait to go home.
I want to sing with you.
Ask the following questions.
Marian came home from school. She went to the kitchen and
saw her mother cooking.
“Mama, do we have mongo seeds?” asked Marian. “I will do
an experiment.”
“Yes, we have some in the cabinet,” answered Mama.
Marian got some seeds and planted them in a wooden
box. She watered the seeds every day. She made sure they got
enough sun. After three days, Marian was happy to see stems and
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What did Marian look for in the kitchen?
mango seeds
mongo seeds
melon seeds
Ask the following questions.
seen me yet. Give the lecture. I’ll pretend to be your driver.” When
they arrived, the driver was introduced to be the
professor. He gave an excellent speech. Everybody applauded.
that’s such an easy question. Even my driver can give you the
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Why did the university invite the professor?
to give a test
to give a lecture
to donate books
to attend classes
Why was it easy for the driver to pretend he was the professor?
The professor looked like the driver.
The driver dressed up like the professor.
The driver was as intelligent as the professor.
The participants have not seen the professor yet.
The driver tried to get out of a sticky situation. What
was the sticky situation?
A participant recognized the professor.
The driver could not deliver the lecture.
The professor could not move from his seat.
The driver did not know what to answer.
Why did the driver say “Even my driver can give you the
to admit that even he did not know how to answer
to stop the audience from asking more questions
to stop the real professor from answering the question
to prove to the participants that the question was easy
Ask the following questions.
which are frozen rivers of snow, move less than one foot in a day.
A box turtle travels about ten feet per minute, while a snail travels
five inches per hour. A chimney swift flies almost ninety miles per
hour. This is the fastest speed recorded for any living creature.
miles an hour. Some racing cars travel more than 500 miles per
hour. The wind in a tornado may move at 600 miles per hour but
sound waves are faster with a speed of up to 740 miles per hour.
The Earth moves around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Which living creature has the highest recorded speed?
a box turtle
light waves
sound waves
a chimney swift
“Science has yet to discover anything that would surpass this speed.”
The synonym of surpass is ____________.
Ask the following questions.
From March to early May, trade winds coming from the east
or northeast reach the Philippines. It brings rains to the eastern
part of our country. Trade winds are warm and moist and bring hot
temperature with little rain.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
The northeast monsoon wind blowing from Siberia causes _________.
heavy rains
windy days
hot temperature
cold temperature
Siberia is a very frigid place. What is an antonym for the word frigid?
very moist
very cold
very hot
very windy
You are going on a vacation at your cousin’s province in the eastern part of
the country in March. What type of clothes should you bring?
Among these different air streams in the Philippines, which is the most
appropriate for wearing very heavy clothes?
trade winds
easterly winds
southeast monsoons
northeast monsoons
Which among these statements is backed up by the selection?
Northeast monsoons account for strong rains during
the June opening of classes.
Southwest monsoons bring some amount of rain to
the country even in May.
Eastern portions of the country experience strong rains
from June to October.
Western portions of the country experience strong rains
from June to October.
Ask the following questions.
Mat is a cat.
Jig is a pig.
Len is a hen.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Where did the pig sit?
on a hat
on a wig
on ten eggs
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who will go to the park?
Cam and Mia
Dan and Iya
Sam and Ria
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Who is the father in the selection?
Which stall do the father and son get their fish from?
Mang Tinoy’s stall
Aling Tita’s stall
Aling Juaning’s stall
What section of the market do the father and son always go to?
fish, meat, and fruits sections
vegetable, fish, and fruit sections
vegetable, seafood, and meat sections
In the story, the boy tries to predict what they will have for lunch.
When one tries to predict, one tries to ______.
The boy in the story shows us that a person can find out what his
family will have for lunch by ______________.
looking at what his father buys from the market
asking his mother what she thinks his father will cook
smelling the scents in the kitchen as his father cooks
What do you think does Manuel say on their way to the market?
“I’m tired.”
“I’m excited.”
“I‘m nervous.”
Ask the following questions.
There was a time when young and old stars could talk to
Bathala. One day, the young stars learned that they become part
of a black hole when they grow old. The young stars feared losing
their light. They asked Bathala for help.
“I have a solution. But you have to give up a lot,” said
Bathala. “You need to leave the heavens and live on land.” Some
of the younger stars agreed.
have turned into tiny twinkling bugs whose tails flicker as they fly
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What did the younger stars fear?
asking for help
becoming insects
losing their light
leaving the heavens
Which statement is NOT explicitly stated in the given selection?
Fireflies are _____________________.
young stars that did not want to lose their energy
twinkling bugs that used to be fearful young stars
insects with chemicals that make their bodies glow
young stars that once lived in the heavens with old stars
Why did Bathala say “you would have to give up much” to the young
Life on earth will give them less light.
The young stars will give up their lives.
The young stars will not be happy on earth.
Life was better in the heavens than on earth.
Ask the following questions.
There are rocks in our Solar System that never flocked together to
form planets. Larger ones called asteroids gather in the Asteroid
Belt, a strip found between Mars and Jupiter. Some asteroids don’t
move along this belt but have paths that bring them close to the
earth. These are called Apollo Asteroids.
scattered in space and do not orbit the sun. They cross the Earth’s
night. The faint flashes of light they make are called shooting stars.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
What are asteroids?
Large fragments of rock in the Solar System
Large fragments of rock that circle the moon
Small fragments of rock that do not circle the sun
Small fragments of rock that do not circle the planets
What is a possible reason behind the fact that asteroids are not
anymore as large as they were first thought to be?
They could have shrunk when they got closer to the sun.
They could have hit one another and broken into pieces.
They could have burned up and eventually become smaller.
They could have rammed into some planet and broken apart.
Which of the following statements is TRUE of asteroids and meteoroids?
Both asteroids and meteoroids can be seen in a belt of rocks
between Jupiter and Mars.
Both asteroids and meteoroids circle the Earth and can be seen as
faint flashes of light.
Both asteroids and meteoroids are composed of rocky
particles found in the Solar System.
Both asteroids and meteoroids are scattered randomly across in
space and do not orbit the sun.
Many asteroids must have collided with one another. What is a synonym of
the word “collided?"
trapped into
crashed into
converged with
connected with
If you see faint flashes of light in the night sky, which of the following
could have happened?
Flames shoot up from the sun and come closer to the earth.
Meteoroids have just crossed the earth’s orbit and burned up.
Meteoroids have just crossed paths with the sun and burned up.
There are moments when the earth orbits a lot closer to the sun.
Ask the following questions.
Listen to each question. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.
Which among the following is NOT a good description for an ecosystem?
animals and plants relying on each other to survive
a place where people are friendly to the environment
a biological community where organisms affect each other
a variety of living and non-living things in a particular area
Which of the following is NOT one of the natural disasters that have
caused ecosystems to be unsettled?
What should human beings do in order to maintain the balance in
different ecosystems?
Cut down a lot of trees so that there is more space for animals to live in.
Take corals from the sea so that fish would have more freedom to swim.
Plant more trees in order to replace those that have been cut down.
Catch a lot of tuna so that nothing will eat the mackerel or the small fish.
The diagram below shows an ocean ecosystem. The arrows point to the food
source of the succeeding organism. If a new organism is introduced
into the system and it eats the shrimplike creatures, how will this
indirectly affect the mackerel?
The mackerel will have no more shrimplike creatures to eat.
The mackerel will still be eaten by the tuna fish as it continues to
consume the small fish.
The mackerel will be eaten by the small fish which now has to look for a
new food source.
The mackerel might lose its food since without a food source, the small
fish could die.
Key to Correction:
Graded Passages in English Post-Test Sets A, B, C, D
Set A
Set B
Bam and Tagpi The Caps and Cat and The Great Beetles The Brain
the Kittens Mouse Runner
1.a 1.a 1.b 1.c 1.c 1.d
2.a 2.c 2.b 2.c 2.a 2.d
3.b 3.a 3.c 3.d 3.b 3.d
4.b 4.b 4.a 4.d 4.d 4.a
5.c 5.c 5.c 5.a 5.a 5.b
6.c 6.a 6.c 6.a 6.c
7.c 7.c 7.b
8.b 8.d
Set C
Set D
Phil-IRI Form 1A
Talaan ng Pangkatang Pagtatasa ng Klase (TPPK)
Bilang ng Tamang Sagot Kabuuang Markang Markang
(ayon sa Uri ng Tanong) Marka < 14 ≥ 14 *
Pangalan oX Literal Kritikal
1. __ /__ __ /__ __ /__ / 20
Kabuuang Bilang ng Mag-
*Ang mag-aaral na nagtamo ng kabuuang marka na ≥ 14/20 ay hindi na kailangang kumuha ng Phil IRI.
Phil-IRI Form 1A
Talaan ng Pangkatang Pagtatasa ng Klase (TPPK)
Halimbawa ng Nasagot na TPPK
Bilang ng Tamang Sagot Kabuuang Markang Markang
(ayon sa Uri ng Tanong) Marka < 14 ≥ 14 *
Pangalan o X Literal Kritikal
1.Bunga, Jaime 4/7 4/7 5/6 13/ 20
2.Esdicul, Angelita 4/7 1/7 0/6 5/ 20
3.Garcia, Teresita 5/7 5/7 4/6 14/ 20
4.Granadozin, Glenda 5/7 4/7 0/6 9/ 20
5.Ilagan, Ligaya 5/7 5/7 5/6 15/ 20
6.Mercado, Christine 5/7 2/7 1/6 8/ 20
7.Owit, Elizabeth 4/7 2/7 0/6 6/ 20
8.Torres, Michael 6/7 5/7 3/6 14/ 20
Kabuuang Bilang ng
8 5 3
*Ang mag-aaral na nagtamo ng kabuuang marka na ≥ 14/20 ay hindi na kailangang kumuha ng Phil IRI.
Phil-IRI Form 1B
Screening Test Class Reading Record (STCRR)
*Students with a total score of ≥ 14/20 need not take the PHIL IRI.
Phil-IRI Form 1B
Screening Test Class Reading Record (STCRR)
Sample of Accomplished STCRR
*Students with a total score of ≥ 14/20 need not take the PHIL IRI.
Phil-IRI Form 2
Talaan ng Paaralan sa Pagbabasa (TPP) /
School Reading Profile (SRP)
Phil-IRI Form 2
IV 207 88 119
Aguila 55 20 35
Kalapati 53 21 32
Maya 50 22 28
Pipit 49 25 24
203 84 119
Aguinaldo 51 24 27
Bonifacio 49 20 29
Rizal 48 19 29
Silang 55 21 34
199 80 119
Apo 47 19 28
Cordillera 49 18 31
Makiling 50 21 29
Samat 53 22 31
1418 593 825
Phil-IRI Form 3A, Pahina 1
"Isang Pangarap"
“Galing ako sa Mecca, ang banal na sambahan nating mga Muslim. Bawat
isa sa atin ay nangangarap na makapunta roon. Mapalad ako dahil narating ko
“Oo. Isang paraan kasi natin ito upang ipakita ang pagsisisi sa nagawa
nating kasalanan.”
Phil-IRI Form 3A, Pahina 2
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
Number of Miscues
Types of Miscues
(Bilang ng Salitang mali ang
(Uri ng Mali)
1 Mispronunciation (Maling Bigkas)
2 Omission (Pagkakaltas)
3 Substitution (Pagpapalit)
4 Insertion (Pagsisingit)
5 Repetition (Pag-uulit)
7 Reversal (Paglilipat)
Phil-IRI Form 3A, Pahina 3
"Isang Pangarap"
“Oo. Isang paraan kasi natin ito upang ipakita ang pagsisisi sa nagawa
nating kasalanan.”
Phil-IRI Form 3A, Pahina 4
1. a 5. c
2. b 6. a
3. b 7. b
Number of Miscues
Types of Miscues
(Bilang ng Salitang mali ang
(Uri ng Mali)
1 Mispronunciation (Maling Bigkas) 1
2 Omission (Pagkakaltas) 1
3 Substitution (Pagpapalit) 2
4 Insertion (Pagsisingit) 1
5 Repetition (Pag-uulit) 3
7 Reversal (Paglilipat)
Phil-IRI Form 3B, Page 1
“Frog’s Lunch”
“Hello Mr. Frog! What are you doing?” asked the bug.
Total Time in Reading the Text: ______ minutes Reading Rate: ___words per minute
Responses to Questions:
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
Phil-IRI Form 3B, Page 2
Total Time in Reading the Text: ____ minutes Reading Rate: ___words per minute
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
Number of Miscues
Types of Miscues
(Bilang ng Salitang mali ang
(Uri ng Mali)
1 Mispronunciation (Maling Bigkas) 1
2 Omission (Pagkakaltas) 1
3 Substitution (Pagpapalit) 2
4 Insertion (Pagsisingit) 1
5 Repetition (Pag-uulit) 3
7 Reversal (Paglilipat)
Phil-IRI Form 3B, Page 3
“Frog’s Lunch”
One day a frog sat on a lily pad, still as ^ a rock.
A fish swam by.
“Hello Mr. Frog! What are you doing?” asked the bug.
Phil-IRI Form 3A, Page 4
Total Time in Reading the Text: 1.10 minutes Reading Rate: 86 words per minute
1. a 5. c LB
2. b 6. b
3. d 7. b
Number of Miscues
Types of Miscues
(Bilang ng Salitang mali ang
(Uri ng Mali)
1 Mispronunciation (Maling Bigkas) 2
2 Omission (Pagkakaltas) 1
3 Substitution (Pagpapalit) 1
4 Insertion (Pagsisingit) 1
5 Repetition (Pag-uulit) 5
7 Reversal (Paglilipat) 0
Phil-IRI Form 4, Page 1
Individual Summary Record (ISR)
Talaan ng Indibidwal na Pagbabasa (TIP)
Level Date
Level Set Word Reading Comprehension
Started Taken
Mark Indicate
with if A. B. Ind Ins Frus Ind Ins Frus
an * C. or D
Legend: Ind- Independent; Ins- Instructional; Frus- Frustration
Oral Reading Observation Checklist:
Talaan ng mga Puna Habang Nagbabasa
Points to each word with his/her finger (Itinuturo ang bawat salita)
Phil-IRI Form 4, Page 2
Individual Summary Record (ISR)
Talaan ng Indibidwal na Pagbabasa (TIP)
Phil-IRI Form 4, Page 3
Individual Summary Record (ISR)
Talaan ng Indibidwal na Pagbabasa (TIP)
Sample Accomplished Form
Name: Karlo Roman Age: 12 Grade /Section: 6-Rizal
School: Emilio Aguinaldo Elementary School Teacher: Ms. Joy Masayahin
English: Filipino:
Level Date
Level Set Word Reading Comprehension
Started Taken
Mark Indicate
with if A. B. Ind Ins Frus Ind Ins Frus
an * C. or D
* IV 20 June
Legend: Ind- Independent; Ins- Instructional; Frus- Frustration
Points to each word with his/her finger (Itinuturo ang bawat salita) X bihira
Employs little or no method of analysis (Bahagya o walang paraan ng
X bihira
Other observations: (Ibang Puna)
Phil-IRI Form 4, Page 4
Individual Summary Record (ISR)
Talaan ng Indibidwal na Pagbabasa (TIP)
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa: Sagutang Papel
Pangalan: _____________________________ Edad: ______
Antas at Seksyon: _______________________ Kasarian: Lalaki o Babae
Paaralan: ______________________________ Petsa: ____________
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa: Sagutang Papel
Pangalan: _____________________________ Edad: ______
Antas at Seksyon: _______________________ Kasarian: Lalaki o Babae
Paaralan: ______________________________ Petsa: ____________
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.
Phil-IRI Group Screening Answer Sheet
Name: _____________________________ __ Age: ______
Grade & Section: _______________________ Sex: Male or Female
School: _______________________________ Date: ____________
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa: Sagutang Papel
Pangalan: _____________________________ Edad: ______
Antas at Seksyon: _______________________ Kasarian: Lalaki o Babae
Paaralan: ______________________________ Petsa: ____________
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.
Phil-IRI Group Screening Answer Sheet
Name: _____________________________ __ Age: ______
Grade & Section: _______________________ Sex: Male or Female
School: _______________________________ Date: ____________
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa: Sagutang Papel
Pangalan: _____________________________ Edad: ______
Antas at Seksyon: _______________________ Kasarian: Lalaki o Babae
Paaralan: ______________________________ Petsa: ____________
A. B.
Phil-IRI Group Screening Answer Sheet
Name: _____________________________ __ Age: ______
Grade & Section: _______________________ Sex: Male or Female
School: _______________________________ Date: ____________
A. B. C.
Phil-IRI Pangkatang Pagtatasa: Sagutang Papel
Pangalan: _____________________________ Edad: ______
Antas at Seksyon: _______________________ Kasarian: Lalaki o Babae
Paaralan: ______________________________ Petsa: ____________
A. B.
Phil-IRI Group Screening Answer Sheet
Name: _____________________________ __ Age: ______
Grade & Section: _______________________ Sex: Male or Female
School: _______________________________ Date: ____________
A. B. C.
Reminders on Conducting Assessments
and Interpreting Assessment Results
Guidelines on Conducting Assessment
Clarify your purpose. Explain to the learners how the results will be used. The
primary reason for conducting these assessments is to gather information so that the
teacher may design/adjust instruction.
Regard the learners with respect. The conduct of the assessments must be in a non-
threatening environment that treats learners in a friendly, amicable manner.
Assessment information provides an estimate. The data gathered must not be used
to sum up the learner’s performance but must provide useful information regarding
where to begin instruction.
Assessment should inform instruction. The results of this assessment must not be
used as a means for making decisions regarding promotion nor retention. The data
gathered must be used for designing instruction/intervention.
3. Ethical Issues and Responsibilities
The tests have been reviewed and written with the Filipino child in mind. The themes
and selections were drawn from an understanding of the nature of the developing child in
the Philippines. It embraces learners’ diversity such that dialectal variations are not
considered as errors. The tests have been written so that terms and examples are not
offensive to students of different gender, race, religion, culture or nationality.
The child must be treated with respect at all times. It must take place in a non-
threatening environment with adequate conditions that will encourage optimal learner
performance. The administration of this test must adhere to the DepEd Child Protection Policy 4
(specifically Section 3. L.3 that states the need to protect children from psychological harm).
Department Order No. 40, Series 2012. DepEd Child Protection Policy
Handbook on
Reading Intervention
On Reading Assessment and Intervention.................................................................................660
A. View of Reading...............................................................................................................................660
B. On Assessment................................................................................................................................661
Introduction to Assessment...................................................................................................... 661
Guidelines on Conducting Assessment................................................................................661
Guidelines on Interpreting Assessment Results................................................................662
Ethical Issues and Responsibilities........................................................................................662
Planning for Instruction: The Literacy Curriculum.................................................................663
A. A Quick Review of the Domains of Literacy............................................................................663
B. The Literacy Domains Assessed by Phil-IRI...........................................................................665
During Oral Reading of Selections
Word Recognition..................................................................................................................665
Miscues, Possible Causes and Suggested Intervention..............................................665
Phonological Awareness, Alphabet Knowledge and Word Recognition................667
Teaching Word Recognition in the Mother Tongue and Filipino...............................668
Shifting to Word Recognition in English............................................................................674
The Importance of Developing Oral Language...............................................................674
Alphabet Knowledge and Word Recognition in English..............................................674
Sequence of Presentation of Words in English: The Word Families.......................675
Components of Fluency.........................................................................................................684
Reading Behaviors that Demonstrate Fluency...............................................................684
Skills for Fluency Development............................................................................................685
Relationship of Fluency to Reading Comprehension...................................................685
Developing Fluent Reading...................................................................................................686
One Minute Reading................................................................................................................687
Comprehension of Selections..........................................................................................688
Listening and Comprehension.............................................................................................688
Factors that Affect Listening Comprehension.................................................................688
Strategies to Improve Listening Comprehension...........................................................688
Reading Comprehension.......................................................................................................690
Factors that Affect Reading Comprehension..................................................................690
Major Comprehension Strategies........................................................................................691
Method of Teaching the Comprehension Strategies....................................................692
Asessment as Basis for Intervention: The Phil-IRI Results................................................694
The Phil-IRI.............................................................................................................................................694
Stages of Administration.....................................................................................................................694
Gathering Information Using the Group Screening Test..........................................................695
Analysis of Results of the Group Screening Test.......................................................................695
The Case of S32...................................................................................................................................696
Analysis of Results of the Individualized Assessment..............................................................698
Tapping Background Information.....................................................................................................698
Other Sample Cases and Recommended Intervention............................................................700
Case Study 1.................................................................................................................................700
Case Study 2.................................................................................................................................700
Case Study 3.................................................................................................................................701
Case Study 4.................................................................................................................................702
Case Study 5.................................................................................................................................703
Case Study 6.................................................................................................................................705
Reading Remediation in a School Reading Program.............................................................706
Components of a Complete School Reading Program.............................................................706
Specialized Teaching of Reading....................................................................................................706
Reading Intervention Within A Regular Class..............................................................................708
Differentiated Instruction During A Reading Class.....................................................................708
A. A View of Reading
In order to fully appreciate the rationale for developing Phil-IRI, it is important to have
a basic understanding of how children develop reading skills. A view of reading that informs
literacy instruction is The Simple View of Reading by Hoover and Gough 1. This model of
reading in Figure 1 posits that reading comprehension can be achieved when the reader has
adequate decoding skills and linguistic comprehension (Hoover & Gough, 1990). Decoding
refers to efficient word recognition. This focuses more on the mechanical aspect of the
reading process. Language comprehension on the other hand refers to the ability to take
lexical information and derive sentence and discourse interpretations. This focuses more on
the meaning aspect of the process. Hoover and Gough present an equation that best
explains their theory:
R = D X LC
Reading Decoding or Language
Comprehension Word Reading Comprehension
Figure 1. The Simple View of Reading by Wesley Hoover and Philip B. Gough (1990)
Decoding (D) and language comprehension (LC) are both necessary for reading
(R). The development of one of these constructs will positively influence the development of the
other. And though distinguishable, in order for one to be considered a good reader, good
performance in both these areas are required which therefore make these skills inseparable. It is
important then to be able to describe both elements of this equation in order to fully describe
reading performance. This may be achieved through the use of an informal assessment tool.
Hoover, W. A., & Gough, P. B. (1990). The Simple View of Reading. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2, 127-
Cobb , C. (2004). Turning on a dime: Making change in literacy classrooms. The Reading Teacher, 58, 104-106
Classroom Classroom Instruction
assessment Informed by Assessment
Child’s Reading Child’s Reading
Performance at Performance at
the beginning of the end of the
the year year
Individual Specialized Instruction
assessment Informed by Assessment
On Assessment Introduction
to Assessment
Teachers assess for many purposes because they are required to make many different
kinds of decisions. Its primary purpose is to gather enough information about a learner’s
performance to facilitate effective decision-making (Airasian, 2001). 3 Assessment is the process
of collecting, synthesizing and interpreting classroom information. It may be gathered by group-
administering, a sit-down paper and pencil test or by conducting individualized one-on-one
assessments. It requires that teachers pay constant attention to the child’s response to these
measures. Once the information is gathered, the classroom teacher has an opportunity to review
the quality of each learner’s performance and design instruction accordingly.
Clarify your purpose. Explain to the learners how the results will be used. The primary
reason for conducting these assessments is to gather information so that the
teacher may design instruction.
Recognize diversity. Understand that cultural differences do not imply cultural deficits.
Regard the learners with respect. The conduct of the assessments must be in a non-
threatening environment that treats learners in a friendly, amicable manner.
Airasian, P.W. (2001). The classroom as an assessment environment. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Guidelines on Interpreting Assessment Results
Assessment information provides an estimate. The data gathered must not be used to
sum up the learner’s performance but must provide useful information regarding where
to begin instruction.
Assessment should inform instruction. The results of this assessment must not be
used as a means for making decisions regarding promotion nor retention. The data
gathered must be used for designing instruction/intervention.
The tests have been reviewed and written with the Filipino learner in mind. The
themes and selections were drawn from an understanding of the nature of the developing
child in the Philippines. It embraces learners’ diversity such that dialectal variations are not
considered as errors. The tests have been written so that terms and examples are not
offensive to students of different gender, race, religion, culture or nationality.
The child must be treated with respect at all times. It must take place in a non-
threatening environment with adequate conditions that will encourage optimal learner
performance. The administration of this test must adhere to the DepEd Child Protection Policy,
(specifically Section 3, L3 that states the need to protect children from psychological harm).
A. A Quick Review of the Domains of Literacy
Spelling (Pagbaybay)
A brief definition of each domain is given below:
Oral Language Development refers to one’s knowledge and use of the structure,
meanings and uses of the language of literacy.
Phonological Awareness refers to working with rhymes, words, syllables, and onsets
and rimes. Learners should be able to identify the rhyming words, the number of
syllables in each word and detect the beginning sound (onset) and ending sound (rime)
in the words they hear.
Book and Print Knowledge refers to knowing and being acquainted with books and
how print works.
Alphabet Knowledge refers to recognizing, naming, and sounding out all the upper
and lower case letters of the alphabet.
Fluency refers to the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy and proper expression.
Spelling refers to being able to convert oral language sounds into printed language
Composing refers to being able to formulate ideas into sentences or longer texts and
represent them in the conventional orthographic patterns of written language.
Vocabulary refers to one’s knowledge of words and their meanings in both oral and
print representations.
Positive attitude towards literacy, language and literature refers to having a sense
of being a reader and developing individual choices of and tastes for texts to read for
various purposes such as for learning or for pleasure.
Study Skills refers to a general term for those techniques and strategies that help a
person read or listen for specific purposes with the intent to remember.
B. The Domains of Literacy Assessed by Phil-IRI
While the teacher administers the oral reading test, s/he assesses whether the
reading material matches the learner’s reading performance. The teacher examines the type
of miscues made and analyzes them:
Word Recognition
While a pupil reads a selection, the teacher holds a copy of the same selection and
records the miscues committed such as omission, substitution, mispronunciation, insertion,
repetition, transposition, and reversal. A short explanation of these miscues and their
possible causes are discussed below:
Omission: an omission error occurs when the reader omits a unit of written language, such
as a word, parts of words, several words or a sentence. There are several possible causes
for omitting a word or parts of a word, a phrase or a sentence:
• the reader reads fast that he unconsciously omits reading a word, part of a word, a phrase
or a sentence.
• the reader does not know how to read the word, part of a word, phrase or sentence so he
consciously omits it.
The first cause is easier to remedy; the teacher advises the reader to slow down in
reading so that he is able to see and read each word. Likewise, the reader may be advised
to use a marker while reading so that s/he can track the lines. However, the second cause is
an indication that a pupil has a problem reading the words which are expected to be read in
his grade level.
b. Substitution: a substitution error is noted when a real word (or words) is substituted for
the word in the text. A reader may substitute a word for the following reasons:
the reader can’t decode the whole word but he recognizes some letters in it; he guesses
the word.
Example: text: The children are playing in the ground.
reader: The children are playing in the group.
Group is very similar to ground so the reader substitutes group for ground.
the reader does not know the word but he can read the other words in the sentence; hence, he
substitutes the unknown word in the sentence with a word that will fit the context.
In both cases, the meaning of the sentence was changed. The substitution made by
the first reader was based on the graphic similarity of the word group to ground; apparently
he can’t decode ground but he recognized some letters in it. The second reader based his
substitution on context; a monkey could be in a cage.
The first reader may have a problem with decoding; s/he should be encouraged to look
carefully at the details in a word. The second reader may be advised to slow down, look at
each word carefully and avoid guessing.
the reader is reading the English words phonetically. It should be noted that the pupils
started reading in the Mother Tongue and in Filipino where the words are
phonetically consistent (Kung ano ang baybay, ganoon din ang bigkas). When a
reader reads in English, s/he may read the words in the same manner.
In the first case, the teacher should emphasize correct pronunciation of words when
reading in Filipino and English; in the second case, the teacher should note that the pupil
should be given extra instruction in reading English words.
d. insertion: The insertion miscue results when a word or words is inserted in the passage.
The pupil inserts some words in the text that s/he is reading for some reasons:
s/he reads fast that s/he anticipates some words that are not actually part of the text.
it is common for some pupils to insert the article in the sentences. For example, in the
sentence: The children are in school; some readers automatically read it as The
children are in the school.
In both cases, the teacher should call the reader’s attention to look carefully at the text.
e. Repetition: This miscue occurs when a word or phrase is repeated. A reader may repeat
a word or a phrase in the sentence for some reasons:
in order to give him time to recognize the next word which s/he finds difficult to decode
he needs time to fully understand what he reads.
The problem of the first reader could be on word recognition; the second reader may
have problem on comprehension.
f. Transposition/reversal: This error occurs when the order of a word or words in the text is
reversed or transposed.
The teacher should ask the reader to reread the sentence or word. If the problem persists,
there could be a problem on word recognition.
Beyond these problems on miscues are the more basic problems of some pupils: the
slow and the nonreaders. Slow readers are sometimes termed struggling readers because
decoding the printed symbols is a constant struggle for them. Then there are the nonreaders
- pupils who couldn’t make sense of the printed symbols. How could they be helped?
More often, the problem in word recognition may be traced to lack of phonological
awareness and alphabet knowledge.
Phonological Awareness activities involve work with rhymes, words, syllables, and
onsets and rimes. Learners should be able to listen carefully to the sounds of the words and
detect the beginning sound (onset) and ending sound (rime) in the words they hear.
Phonemic awareness is awareness of sounds in spoken words while phonics is the relation
between letters and sounds in written words.
A reader who finds it difficult to recognize a word may be given oral drills on
sounding out the beginning (onset) or ending (rime) sound of a word.
Example: What is the beginning sound of hat?
What is the ending sound of bug?
Alphabet knowledge refers to recognizing, naming, and sounding out all the upper and
lower case letters of the alphabet. Beginning readers should learn three things about each letter
of the alphabet: its name, its sound, and how the big and small letters are written. The sound of
each letter is important; more often, it becomes the clue on how a word is read.
For the words in the Mother Tongue and in Filipino, each vowel has only one sound.
However, in English each vowel has more than one sound. That is why, as will be observed
in the next pages, the approach in teaching word recognition in the Mother Tongue and
Filipino differs from teaching word recognition in English. Most consonants have one sound
each, except C and G which have two sounds. In the Mother Tongue and in Filipino, J has
two sounds too,
One effective approach in teaching word recognition in the Mother Tongue and in
Filipino is the Marungko Approach. The modified Marungko Approach is discussed in detail
in the next section.
The letters of the alphabet are taught starting from the letter that is easiest to sound.
The suggested sequence in teaching the letters is as follows:
1. Mm 8. Uu 15. Ng ng
2. Ss 9. Tt 16. Pp
3. Aa 10. Kk 17. Rr
4. Ii 11. Ll 18. Dd
5. Oo 12. Yy 19. Hh
6. Bb 13. Nn 20. Ww
7. Ee 14. Gg Mga Titik Banyaga
(2) Vocabulary development is embedded in every lesson.
Leksyon 1: Titik M
1. Paglinang ng Talasalitaan
May mga larawan ako dito. Sino ang makakapagsabi ng pangalan ng bawat
3. Writing the upper and the lower case of each letter is part of the instruction.
Pagsulat ng titik M at m.
“Ganito ang pagsulat ng malaking M (Isusulat ito ng guro sa pisara).
“Itaas ang kamay-pansulat. Gayahin ang kamay ko habang isinusulat ko ang M
sa hangin... sa likod ng kaklase... sa mesa...”
Sino ang makakasulat ng malaking M sa pisara?” (Gawin din ito sa maliit na m).
4. Exercises are given.
Mga Pagsasanay
The next letter is introduced and the same steps are followed.
Leksyon 2: Titik Ss
Paglinang ng Talasalitaan
Pagbigay ng pangalan at tunog ng titik Ss.
Pagsulat ng titik S at s.
Mga Pagsasanay
The third letter introduced is vowel A. Here, the teacher introduces the learners
to reading syllables and words by combining the letters m, s and a.
Leksyon 3: Titik Aa
Paglinang ng Talasalitaan
Pagbigay ng pangalan at tunog ng titik Aa.
Pagsulat ng titik A at a.
Mga Pagsasanay
Pagbasa ng pantig
Tunugin ang m. Tunugin ang a. Basahin natin ang ma.
Tunugin ang s. Tunugin ang a. Basahin ang sa.
Pagbasa ng salita
Basahin din ang mga salita na binubuo ng m, s at a.
ama mama sama
sasama masama
sama – sama
The teacher should explain the meaning of each word that is presented.
Vocabulary development should be part of the lesson on reading words.
Tingnan ang mga larawan. Pagdugtungin ang larawan at ang pangalan nito:
ama a man
• Pagbasa ng Parirala
sasama sa ama
sasama sa mama
• Pagbasa ng Pangungusap
The next letters introduced follow the same procedure as the lesson on Titik A.
The words to be introduced for reading combine the present lesson (letter
being introduced) with the letters already learned.
Mga pagsasanay sa pagbasa at pagsulat ng mga salita
mami ni Ami
sasama sa misa
Pagbasa ng Kuwento
Mga Napag-aralan ng Titik
Kasalukuyang Leksyon
(na kasama sa pagbuo ng mga salita)
Leksyon 5: Oo m, s, a, i
Leksyon 6: Bb m, s, a, i, o
Leksyon 7: Ee m, s, a, i, o, b
Leksyon 8: Uu m, s, a, i, o, b, e
Leksyon 9: Tt m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u
Leksyon 10: Kk m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t
Leksyo 11: Ll m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k
Leksyon 12: Yy m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l
Leksyon 13: Nn m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y
Leksyon 14: Gg m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n
Leksyon 15: Ng, ng m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g
Leksyon 16: Pp m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng
Leksyon 17: Rr m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p
Leksyon 18: Dd m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r
Leksyon 19: Hh m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d
Leksyon 20: Ww m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h
Leksyon 21: Cc m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w
Leksyon 22: Ff m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w, c
Leksyon 23: Jj m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w, c, f
Leksyon 24: Ññ m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w, c, f, j
Leksyon 25: Qq m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w, c, f, j, ñ
Leksyon 26: Vv m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w, c, f, j, ñ, q
Leksyon 27: Xx m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w, c, f, j, v
Leksyon 28: Review m, s, a, i, o, b, e, u, t, k, l, y, n, g, ng, p, r, d, h, w, c, f, j, v, x
Shifting to Word Recognition in English
The following diagram illustrates the importance of developing the child’s oral language in
English prior to and while learning to read in the language.
What the
Learner’s Learner’s Oral
Learner will
Experience Language, L1.
Read, L1
The diagram shows that it is easier for the learners to learn to read with
understanding in MT and Filipino because the words, sentences and stories that they will
read are based on their experiences, using the language that they understand. Reading in
English is more difficult than reading in the Mother Tongue and Filipino because for most
Filipino children, English is a second or even a foreign language. They do not know what
most words mean. The teacher should see to it that the children know the meaning of each
word that they are taught to read. Moreover, Mother Tongue and Filipino have a transparent
orthography. “Kung ano ang baybay, siya ang bigkas.” This is not true with English words.
Not all the words in English are pronounced the way they are spelled. That is why, reading
English words poses more difficulty.
The discussion on teaching word recognition in Filipino using the Marungko Approach
showed that after teaching the first two consonants, m and s, the next letter taught is vowel
After knowing its letter name and sound and writing the letter form, the reader is taught to
blend the letters m, s and a to form syllables and words, and with the introduction of some
sight words, they read phrases and sentences.
Sequence of Presentation of Words in English: The Word Families.
The lessons in word recognition in English are grouped into word families. The first
word family is termed the short vowel words in consonant-vowel-consonant pattern (CVC).
This is followed by words with initial and final consonant blends, words with consonant
digraphs (ch and sh), long vowel words ending in silent e, words with vowel digraphs and
words with vowel diphthongs. This sequence of words are listed below:
Consonant blends
Consonant blends are two or three consonants grouped together but each
consonant retains its original sound.
Final blends
-nd as in send
-nt as in tent -
st as in best -lt
as in belt...
Words with vowel digraphs
oa as in goat
as in sheep ea
as in beat ai
as in pail ay
as in bay
Introduce the words, one column at a time. Show pictures for pet, jet, met, net,
wet, vet, set, . . .
I want to ride in a jet plane.
This is a net.
Introduce the short e words ending in -et.
Let’s read the words:
Short e words ending in -en
Vocabulary Development
Reading phrases
The Pen
After reading the words with short e words, and the phrases, sentences and short stories
consisting of short e words and some sight words, the next word families that the pupils will
read are the following:
Short a words
Short i words
bit bin big dip bill
fit fin dig hip fill
hit pin fig lip hill
lit tin pig rip mill
pit win wig sip pill
sit tip till
It should be noted that the first three words families are taught in Grade 2 second semester
and they are reviewed when the learners go to Grade 3. The English curriculum in Grade 3
tackle the following word families:
Short o words
Short u words
After introducing one-syllable words with short vowel sounds, the learners are
challenged to read two syllable words consisting of short e, a, i, o and u sounds such as
basket, magnet, sunset, hotdog, cobweb, rotten, pigpen, piglet, kitten...
Sight words such as the, for, in, on, under, with . . . should be introduced. The
learners maybe challenged to read longer stories consisting of words with short vowel
sounds and sight words. Comprehension questions maybe asked after reading the stories.
The next word families consist of words with initial and final consonant blends.
Words with consonant blends have two or more consonants that appear together and the
sound of each consonant is heard. The most common initial consonant blends are:
Words with ending consonant blends
It should be noted that the words with consonant blends and digraphs are followed
by short vowel words. It is advisable that words beginning or ending with consonant blends
which have long vowel sound may not yet be included. For example, slide starts in sl- but
since the next letter has the long i sound, which is not yet taken up, this word is not yet in
the list of words to be taken up.
take fade case cave Lace
wake made base shave race
brake blade vase brace
grade erase
Long i words
Long o words
Long u words
Let us remember:
The purpose of phonics instruction is not for children sound out words. The purpose
is that they learn to recognize words quickly and automatically, so that they can turn their
attention to comprehension of the text. If the children are devoting too much energy to
sounding out words, they will not be able to direct their attention to comprehension
(Samuels, 1988). Moreover, phonics instruction should occur in meaningful language
situations (Vacca, 2011).
Allington, R. (2009). What really matters in fluency, research-based practices across the curriculum. MA: Pearson Education
Reading with automaticity develops as the student gets repeated exposures and practice to
read appropriate texts at his or her level. Fluent readers typically read with proper phrasing.
They may reread the text to get the phrasing right. Somehow they connect how print is read
to how one hears it in spoken language. They read the following statements in larger,
meaningful phrases:
Fluent readers also use their knowledge of punctuation marks such as commas, periods,
question marks, and exclamation points as clues for phrasing and intonation. In the above
examples, the end punctuation marks indicate the proper tone to be used as the text is read.
Fluent readers would read Nahulog ba / sa balon/ ang pusa /sa kahon? with a raised tone.
Similarly, the last statement May ahas na malaki/ sa paa ni lolo! would be read with emphasis
and perhaps with a louder voice. The exclamation point provides the cue for this.
Skills for Fluency. To become fluent readers, students need to develop the
following (Allington, 2009)5
Allington, R. (2009). What really matters in fluency, research-based practices across the curriculum. MA: Pearson Education
Allington, R. (2009). What really matters in fluency, research-based practices across the curriculum. MA: Pearson Education
Armbruster, B. B., Lehr, F., Osborn, J., Adler, C. R., & National Institute for Literacy (2009).Put reading first: The research building
blocks of reading instruction : kindergarten through grade 3 (3rd ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Institute for Literacy.
In the classroom, it is important to pay attention to how our students read if we are to
develop fluency. We have to take note if any of the following behaviors is evident as the
student reads (Allington, 2009).
Careful observation of the student’s behaviors while reading can help monitor and
keep track of their progress. It can also guide teachers in planning the types of activities that
will help them become fluent readers.
Teachers should focus on developing fluency at the level these students are
currently in before providing more difficult materials or at-grade level texts. These students
should exhibit behaviors that show fluent reading. The teacher’s goal then is to help them
transition from being struggling readers to being good readers.
Modelled reading presents to students how fluent reading should happen. A teacher
should model how smooth reading occurs with appropriate speed, phrasing, and correct
expression and intonation. Reading suitable texts in front of the class facilitates the
development of fluency. The teacher can discuss with the students how chunking of words in
thought units should be done and how the punctuation influences the intonation used in
reading texts.
The value of repeated reading to develop fluency has been established by research.
Fluency is the bridge that allows word decoding and comprehension to take place at the
same time. As students practice reading, their speed and accuracy improves. They are able
to read with appropriate phrasing and with expression. They become better and more
confident readers. Repeated reading assists automatic decoding among average and
struggling readers (Kuhn & Stahl, 2003). Individual feedback is important when rereadings
are done. It is recommended that teachers allow the student to decode words or sentences
and observe how self-monitoring takes place if this is evident at all. Immediate correction of
a word read inaccurately may not be helpful at times since a student may reread and self-
correct at the end of a sentence. This may mean that s/he is self-monitoring while reading
and upon reaching the end of a statement; the text may not have made sense. Repeated
rereadings facilitate fluency development as well as comprehension.
To monitor fluency development, the teacher can do regular one-minute oral reading of
texts for individual students. This may be done quarterly or as you find the need to monitor the
students’ oral reading level. Determine oral reading fluency scores at the start of the year as
baseline data. The correct selection of the passages to be read is crucial. Use appropriate text at
the student’s level (which may be different to grade-level texts) and have the student read a
selected passage for a minute. Record oral fluency scores while doing a miscue analysis and
computing the accuracy and speed in reading. Count the number of words read correctly in one
minute. Carefully observe how reading is done as well. Check the significant behaviors that have
to be noted as the child reads. In recording miscues, be guided by the important points
discussed in the relevant section discussed earlier. Keep track of and compare the oral fluency
scores at different parts of the year. Examine if there is an improvement in the fluency scores in
reading the same level of texts. As classroom intervention, do repeated reading of texts at the
child’s level until the child demonstrates confidence and success in reading. Specific instruction
on doing the One Minute Reading is detailed below:
Select 2 or 3 brief passages from a grade level – basal text or a text appropriate for a
learner’s readability level.
Have individual students read each passage aloud for exactly one minute.
Count the total number of words made on each passage.Compute the average
number of words per minute.
Count the number of errors the student made on each passage. Compute the
average number of errors per minute.
Subtract the average no. of errors read per minute from the average total no. of
words read per minute.The result is the average number of words correctly read
per minute (WCPM).
The table below would summarize the result of the learner’s oral reading:
Repeat the procedure several times during the year. Graph the students WCPM
throughout the year to monitor their reading growth.
When there is noticeable increase in the oral reading score, a text of a higher
gradient of difficulty may be given to the student. Monitor the oral reading score and move
up to the next level of challenging text until the child has reached his optimum performance
Comprehension of Selections
Listening and Reading Comprehension. When a teacher reads a selection to a pupil, then
s/he asks questions about the selection listened to, the teacher aims to gauge the pupil’s
listening comprehension. When a pupil is asked to read a selection, then answer the
questions about it, the aim is to assess the pupil’s reading comprehension.
A schema (or prior knowledge) is a collection of information in our brains that contains related
concepts, events, emotions, and roles taken from our life experiences (Rumelhart, 1981
in Reutzel and Cooter, 2007). For example, if a child hears the word “breakfast”, his
notion about it will be what he has previously experienced eating during breakfast, like
rice and dried fish, hotdogs, champorado, etc. If he listens to a story about a child eating
an apple and a glass of milk for breakfast, this would already cause confusion in his
understading of the concept of breakfast.
Before-listening strategies
Connect. Ask questions to make the students think of things that they already know
about the topic. Doing this will help them build connections between what they
presently know and the new information that they will be hearing.
Predict. Guide the students to make guesses about what they may learn as they
listen. Predicting helps the brain focus on certain concepts. Reassure the
students that it is all right if they make the wrong predictions.
Talk about new words. Select vocabulary words from the text that you think the
students will have a difficult time understanding. Talk about the words and use
strategies that would improve vocabulary building.
During-listening strategies
Listen for Answers. You may ask motivation questions before making the students
listen to the text. This way, the students will be listening to look for answers to
questions that you posted.
Quick Check. You may ask a few questions to check if the students’ attention is still
with the text being read. Make sure that the during-listening questions would
have very short answers. Avoid questions that would ask the students to explain.
Questions that will ask them to predict what may happen next may likewise be
asked. Before the teacher continues reading a story, s/he may ask questions that
will challenge them to guess what will likely happen next.
After-listening strategies
Respond. Responding may entail engagement activities about the elements of the
story that they listened to. These activities may be done individually or in small
groups. Some examples of engagement activities are:
In formulating questions about the text, use questions with different levels of comprehension.
First level – Literal Comprehension. These are questions that deal with low-
level type of understanding by using only information explicitly stated in the
text. (examples are questions that ask for clearly stated facts and details)
Second level – Interpretation / Inferential Comprehension. These questions
require answers that are not directly stated in the text but are suggested or
implied. (example: questions that ask for implications, comparisons and
contrasts, identification of character traits and emotions)
Third level – Evaluation / Critical Reading. These questions involve the
making of personal judgment on the text by the reader. The children’s
answers are usually based on their experiences. (examples: evaluation of
accuracy and truthfulness, discrimination of fact and opinion, identification of
the author’s purpose, evaluation of values presented)
Fourth level – Integration / Application to self or life. These questions will involve
the students to put themselves in place of the character. These questions would
bring out practical purposes and values clarification. (example:
“If you were the character in the story…”)
Fifth level – Creative Reading. These are questions that would involve coming
up with new ideas or reproducing the text information in other forms:
dramatizing, writing another ending, writing a letter, musical interpretation.
Reading Comprehension is a complex and active process in which vocabulary knowledge
is a crucial component and which requires an intentional and thoughtful interaction between
the reader and the text.
What is our goal for our students in teaching them to read? We use the words
“understanding,” “knowledge,” and “comprehension” in describing our end-goal in reading
(Scharer, 2012). In Marie Clay’s definition of reading, it says that reading is a message-
getting, problem-solving activity (Clay, 2001 in Zoeller, 2015). The reader anticipates,
attempts and confirms if his attempt was correct or incorrect.
Schema. As a child reads a story, he is filling in information about the text that is not
written in the text. He gets this information from his previous experience. These
information or schema is being used by the child as he processes concepts in the
story to summarize, predict, identify cause and effect.
Task 1: Learning to read known words. This is when children learn to sound out
words that they already understand but do not yet recognize in print.
Task 2: Learning new meanings for known words. Most words have more than one
meaning. Having the students learn the different meanings of a word will help
increase their vocabulary.
Task 3: Learning new words that represent known concepts. This is learning a new
label for something that is already familiar. This may include learning synonyms for a
Task 5: Clarifying and enriching the meanings of known words. The students look for
connections among known words and answer exercises to ensure greater depth of
Task 6: Moving words from receptive to expressive vocabulary. This is when the
students use the vocabulary words correctly in their speaking and writing activities.
(Gunning, 2008)
Fluency refers to reading with accuracy, speed and proper expression. Lack of fluency
may lead to the reader not being able to pick up on the author’s tone and other
implied connotations in the selection. If these points are missed out because of the
wrong use of pauses, phrasing and expression, getting the meaning of the selection
may be hindered, thus greatly affecting comprehension. Word
Preparational Strategies are the processes needed for the reader to get ready to construct
Activating Prior Knowledge. The teacher can help the students relate the unknown to
the known by using questioning. Activating prior knowledge is maximized when both
the subject knowledge and the personal knowledge are activated.
Setting Purpose and Goals. This works in tandem with activating prior knowledge.
The teacher can post a question to set the purpose for reading. Activities can
also be given for the students to set their own goals for reading.
Previewing. This acts as the orientation of the text to be read. The students may
read the selection’s title, headings, introduction, and summary, or may look at the
illustrations. Doing these will give them an overview of what the selection will be
about. Previewing may be used with predicting.
Predicting. This activates the reader’s schema because predictions or guesses are
made on the basis of previous knowledge and experience. This also gives a
purpose for the reader, as they would want to know if they made correct or
incorrect predictions.
Organizational Strategies are activities that help the readers construct relationships among
the ideas and concepts in the text.
Comprehending the main idea. Identifying the main idea provides a framework for
organizing, understanding and remembering important details of a selection.
Classifying / Organizing. Categorizing is one of the most basic thinking skills.
Teach the students to classify by identifying groups in which ideas and concepts
of a text will be put together.
Sequencing. This is when some details need to be organized in a specific order.
Sequencing can be done for information that entail historical or biographical
events, steps in a process, and directions.
Following Directions. This is directly in connection with sequencing. This strategy
will help the students be familiar with cue words like first, next and last.
Summarizing. This involves identifying the main idea, and supporting ideas in the
selection. Summarizing improves comprehension and increases retention.
Elaboration Strategies include exercises that build associations between the information
being read and the prior knowledge.
Metacognitive or Monitoring Strategies involve activities that help the student be aware of
his comprehension and regulating it.
Regulating. “In regulating, the student knows what to read and how to read it and is
able to put that knowledge to use.” (Gunning, 2008, p. 302).
Checking. Let the students evaluate their reading performance. By doing this, they
would be able to see their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to
Repairing. Help the students take corrective action when comprehension falters. Let
them be able to identify the source of difficulty as well as think of ways to address
Step 1: Introducing the Strategy. Present and explain what the strategy is, including the
rationale why it is being taught, and how, when and where it might be used.
Step 2: Demonstrating and Modeling the Strategy. Show how the strategy will be used.
Present activities that will demonstrate how the strategy is done. Provide additional
examples of situations of how this strategy is used. Share experiences of the success in
using this comprehension strategy.
Step 3: Guided Practice. Very structured guidance will begin this step. Gradual release of
responsibility is then given to the students. Brief and relatively easy materials are
recommended in the initial stages of guided practice.
Step 5: Assessment and reteaching. To confirm if the students apply the strategy
effectively, observation is very essential. Written assessment can also be given. If
necessary, review or reteach the strategy, depending on the result of the assessment.
The Phil-IRI
There are several Phil-IRI tests: the Phil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST), oral
reading test, and silent reading test.
The Phil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) can tell teachers whether students are
reading at, or below, their grade levels while the individually administered Phil-IRI Graded
Passages, can be used to assess students’ Oral Reading, Silent Reading Comprehension
and Listening Comprehension levels.
When used to assess oral reading skills, the Phil-IRI may be used to describe
decoding and word recognition, fluency and comprehension. The student’s performance in
decoding (the ability to read isolated words using phonics knowledge) and word recognition
(the ability to automatically identify words on sight) is measured through a Reading Miscue
A Growth Paradigm. The Phil-IRI is an attempt to move away from a deficit model
towards a growth paradigm. Rather than looking solely for causes of reading difficulties, the
diagnostic teacher also tries to record what children can do (Walker, 2004). These become
points for development.
Stages of Administration
Gathering Information Using the Group Screening Test of the Phil-IRI
The Phil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) can tell teachers whether students are
reading at, or below, their grade placement. The GST has the following features:
The Group Screening Test (GST) in Filipino was administered to a second grade
class of 41 students in an average-performing public school in Quezon City. After an hour of
test-taking the session yielded the following results:
Based on the results of the GST, 26 students passed the test and no longer need
further testing, However, 15 students scored below the cut-off score which comprises 37%
of the whole class. The conduct of the Phil-IRI individualized assessment need only be
given to 15 students instead of the entire class. This also shows that 15 students will be
needing specialized reading instruction.
Figure 6. Results of GST for Second Grade Students (Filipino Version)
Students Identified to be in Need of Specialized Intervention
Apart from using the results of the screening test, it is important to compare this
information to other sources of data. (e.g. Teacher referral and written work). To illustrate,
student 32 (S32) registered a raw score of 15/20. When his class adviser was consulted
regarding his performance, he was identified to be one of the non-readers from her class.
This information may cause us to wonder how he scored above the cut-off. Let us analyze
his test paper.
His initial answers to the test did not follow the multiple - choice format. The student
instead wrote the words tama (correct) and mali (wrong) to signify his answers.
His erasures also show that he had changed his answers from those he had
originally written. He may have noticed that his answers differed from those of his
seatmates and therefore, changed them to conform to the format.
His score was above the cut-off which is inconsistent with the referral made by his
classroom teacher. His teacher had earlier recommended him for one-on-one instruction
because he was identified to be that of a non-reader. If conditions in the classroom (e.g.
Limited space, sharing of tables) were not addressed, it may be possible that his
adequate performance be attributed to having copied from his classmate’s work.
(a) Difficulty filling in personal information (Grade & Section, Name of School)
B. Analyzing Results from Individualized Assessment
When used to assess oral reading skills, the Phil-IRI may be used to describe:
Before the read aloud, the student is asked to indicate whether the topic of the
selection is familiar to him or her. This helps inform the teacher if the material that the child
is reading about is something that he/she can relate to. Familiarity with the experience
indicated in the text will allow for the tapping of background knowledge which in turn aids
comprehension. A closer look at the individualized assessment of case of S32, the student
was able to display familiarity with the topic of the selection which is mice.
Given that S32 has presented difficulties in the GST, the student was asked to read a text
passage 2 levels below his grade level placement. Figure 9 shows his performance when
given a kindergarten level text in Filipino.
Figure 9. Oral Reading Miscue and Comprehension Performance Sheet
The student (S32) was only able to read 4 words out of a 40-word selection. When he was
asked to answer questions after having read the selection, he was able to answer 3 out of 5
questions. When the text was reread to him and he was asked to answer the same
questions, he performed better and answered 4 out of 5 questions correctly.
C. Other Sample Case Studies and Recommended Intervention
Case Study 1:
Grade level: Grade 3
Reading level in Filipino: Grade 1
Poor word recognition in Filipino; it follows that fluency and reading
comprehension are likewise poor
Andro is in Grade 3. He was asked to read a short story in Filipino with a Grade 3 readability
level. He tried to read each word by reading each syllable (Ka-pag . . . Kapag. . . ba-kas-. .
bakas-. . . syon . . . bakasyon. . .) Then he reads the whole word. As a result, it took him a
long time to finish reading the selection. When asked questions about the selection read, he
was not able to remember most of the details. Out of the six comprehension questions, he
was able to answer correctly only one item.
Obviously, Andro has a problem in word recognition. Since it was laborious for him to
identify the whole word at once and had to resort to reading in syllables, he was not able to
read with proper phrasing; fluency was not attained. And because Andro spent all his
attention and energy on figuring out the words, it was difficult for him to recall the details of
what was read. Comprehension suffered because of his basic problem of word recognition.
Recommended intervention:
Andro needs intensive training on word recognition. Marungko Approach in teaching
this will help him a lot. (Refer to the sequence of lessons of the Marungko Approach). Andro
specifically needs help with blending (a skill that influences decoding) and segmenting (a
skill that influences spelling) sounds in a word. Practice with word lists and multisyllabic
words will help develop fluency in word reading. Once Andro’s word reading performance
has picked up, reading phrases and sentences should be taught next.
Case Study 2:
Grade level: Grade 4
Reading level in Filipino: Grade 4; Reading level in English: Grade 2
Poor word recognition and fluency in English; vocabulary in English is likewise
Gina is in Grade 4. She read the selection in Filipino with few miscues. She manifested
good fluency. She only had one error in Reading comprehension. However, when she was
asked to read the Grade 4 selection in English, she did not perform as well. She read the words
phonetically. Her miscues in reading included mispronunciations, repetition and refusal to read
some words. She did not know the meaning of most words in the English selection that she read.
Her score in Reading comprehension is one out of the 7 items.
Gina’s reading problem is typical of pupils who started to read in the Mother Tongue
and in Filipino. Reading the English words phonetically is a carry-over of her reading in MT
and Filipino where the words are phonetically consistent.
Recommended Intervention:
Let us remember that poor performance in reading English text should not be used to
interpret the child’s cognitive abilities. Her literacy performance in her Mother Tongue
(Filipino) should help inform us if the comprehension difficulty stems from decoding or from
poor background knowledge. Gina’s ability to read phonetically in Filipino should be used as
an advantage to reading in English.
Her performance will also greatly improve if decoding is taught hand-in-hand with
vocabulary. Some level of prediction of the word will occur if there is word knowledge.
Readers are better able to retain the manner by which words are read if the words are
familiar to them and part of their everyday language. Oral language development will help
increase familiarity with the English language. While Gina may be still struggling with
reading words in English, how English words are read may be modeled to her using a read
aloud. Gina can still engage in a listening comprehension exercise to expose her to the
language and hone her comprehension skills.
Case Study 3:
Grade level is Grade 5;
Reading performance in Filipino and English is Grade 3. Case manifested good
listening comprehension but poor decoding and fluency.
Let us consider a Grade 5 boy named Luis. Results of the group screening test and
further oral /silent reading tests indicated that he is performing at the Grade 3 level both in
Filipino and English. A Grade 3 at-level reader should be able to read a variety of texts of
varying lengths in Filipino. On the other hand, a Grade 3 at-level reader in English should be
able to read CVC words with short sounds. Luis’ reading behaviors in Filipino and English
include the following:
An analysis of Luis’ reading behaviors shows that while he demonstrates good listening
comprehension skills, he would need assistance in decoding. It is important to take note that
Luis’ listening vocabulary is different from his reading vocabulary. The word-by-word reading of
text may be due to lack of phonics knowledge and a good reading vocabulary.
Recommended Intervention:
It is clear that Luis need support in phonics and word recognition. See the earlier
section on this. Take note that the teacher has to refer to the Grade 3 content of words to be
read (both in Filipino and English). This should be the focus of phonics and word recognition
activities. Giving texts at his independent reading level should be the starting point. Getting
him to perform as a good reader at Grade 3 is the initial objective.
To facilitate decoding of the target Grade 3 Filipino/English words, a rich oral language
that uses these words should be developed. The goal is to further enrich Luis’ listening
vocabulary since he displays good listening comprehension. In the process of doing this, his
speaking and reading vocabulary would eventually expand. Ways to enrich his reading
vocabulary may focus on providing a lot of exposures to the words to be read. This may come in
the form of listening activities and games. Matching words read by the teacher to its correct
picture would be a good start. If possible, he should recite poems and sing rhymes that use the
target words to be read. Allow Luis to use these words as he speaks. Let him use the words as
he talks about pictures related to the word. Repeated exposures to the words with matching
pictures would help him make sense of text without pictorial aids eventually.
To develop fluency in reading the target Grade 3 words, see the section on fluency.
Case Study 4:
Grade level: Grade 3;
Reading performance: Grade 1
Good listening comprehension; poor decoding and fluency in Filipino
Let us consider a Grade 3 girl named Marissa. Filipino is not her mother tongue.
Results of the group screening test and the oral /silent reading tests indicated that she is
performing at Grade 1 level in Filipino. At the end of Grade 1, students were already
immersed in the Filipino language through a wide exposure to listening and speaking
exercises. Marissa’s reading behaviors in Filipino include the following:
Recommended Intervention:
Marissa needs support in phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, and phonics
and word recognition. See the earlier section on this. Take note that the teacher has to refer
to the Grade 2 systematic and explicit instruction of beginning reading in Filipino.
Develop her reading vocabulary through varied exposures to the Filipino words to be
read including opportunities to meet these words through listening and speaking activities.
Make use of meaningful and fun games. Recite rhymes and poems and sing songs that use
the words to be read. When Marissa reads words that she is familiar with, then she can
make sense of print.
To develop fluency in reading target Grade 2 words, see the section on fluency.
Case Study 5:
Grade 5; Reading level: Grade 3
Poor comprehension skills (language-based difficulty)
Sam’s literacy behaviors are as follows:
Sam seems to have no problem in alphabet knowledge. He can in fact decode written
instructions, and even two related sentences in L1. Sam has difficulty understanding a selection,
whether it is oral or written. This is evident with the behavior that he can only answer questions
in the literal level, which means, he can identify details of a story if they are explicitly stated in
the text. Sam has difficulty processing information that entails higher level of comprehension, like
predicting, inferring and answering critical comprehension questions. His difficulty in
comprehension may also be a result of his lack of vocabulary development. This is evident in the
behavior that he cannot think of a synonym of a familiar word.
With this demonstrated behaviors, it can be assumed that Sam is good in decoding,
but is poor in comprehension skill, for both listening and reading.
Recommended Intervention Per Domain
Oral Language
Listening to story read aloud by the teacher.
Singing together and/or reciting poems and rhymes.
Using play activities to enhance oral language, like telephone play, pretend play
using puppets or toys.
Let students participate in small group activities.
Provide opportunities for the students to have interactions with classmates, and
Use creative drama.
Story retelling by the children.
Provide opportunities for the children to create/compose their own stories.
Story read aloud by the teacher
In teaching vocabulary words, use the three critical notions of Integration
(connecting the new vocabulary to their prior knowledge); Repetition
(encountering/ using the term many times), and Meaningful use (multiple
opportunities to use the new words in oral and written language) (Nagy, 1988).
Brief strategies for Vocabulary Development (Stahl, 1999)
Teach synonyms.
Teach antonyms.
Paraphrase definitions.
Provide examples.
Provide nonexamples.
Ask for sentences that “show you know.”
Teach word sorting.
Case Study 6:
Good fluency and reading comprehension in Filipino;
Poor fluency and reading comprehension in English
Mateo has no problem with reading with fluency and comprehension in the first
language. In reading in English, however, there are a number of identified difficulties. Mateo
is used to reading in Filipino. One difference of the Filipino written language and English is
that Filipino is very phonetic in nature. This is the reason why Mateo can only decode words
with short vowel sounds in English. This shows that he also lacks word recognition skills in
English; he needs to get used to the structure of the sounds of words in English. If Mateo
can answer multi-level comprehension in Filipino, but not in English, it can be assumed that
his oral language development in English is weak. Finally, he also has difficulty in giving
meaning to words in English. This shows that his vocabulary development in English needs
to be improved.
Basic education, in order to be effective, must have within its system the components
of a complete school-based reading program. Hermosa, as adapted from a model by Dupois
and Askov (1982) exerts that a complete reading program should include developmental
reading - the teaching of reading in the primary, intermediate, secondary and tertiary levels,
content-area reading - reading done in content-areas such as science, health and social
studies and remedial reading instruction or specialized reading instruction adjusted to the
needs of a student (Ocampo, 1997). Of the three components of a complete reading
program, the Philippine Educational System is now moving towards enabling teachers to
provide remedial instruction.
Remedial Programs
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I II III IV College
What is reading remediation?
Application of Teaching Strategies
Development of skills
To create positive change, the reading teacher tries to present the reading task and
material in a different way, slant or orientation. This kind of instruction is focused and targets
specific domains of literacy that have been observed to be areas of weakness in the child while
acknowledging his/her areas of strength. These lessons are delivered differently from regular
classroom instruction and vary in terms of frequency or intensity depending on the child’s needs.
Given that literacy “is a fundamental human right,” (Global Monitoring Report, 2006) every
person should enjoy fair and equal access to literacy education and have opportunities for
personal growth and development. It is therefore important to provide instruction that is tailored
to the students’ needs and abilities in order to develop their ability to construct meaning when
reading and heighten engagement in the task itself (Snow et. Al, 1998).
Principles of Remediation
One factor that greatly contributes to literacy development is the environment.
Certain aspects of the home environment, such as access to books, opportunities to
read/write and shared reading benefit children’s development. Other preschool
environments, such as childcare, can also have positive effects. But children from low-
income environments do not have these kinds of opportunities.
Children who lack such opportunities for acquiring these pre-reading skills can suffer
later reading problems and delays in the development of language skills (Whitehurst, 1998).
Given that students who exhibit poor early reading skills are likely to continue as poor
readers, more popularly referred to as the Matthew Effect, there is a need for early
intervention programs if we are to stop this cycle of failure (Good, 1998). According to Taylor
in 1992, the best way to break the cycle of failure experienced by poor readers is to provide
intervention as early as possible (Santos, 2007).
Elbum et. Al. reiterates in their meta-analysis that “one-to-one tutoring can aid many
students whose poor reading places them at risk for academic difficulties. It is well-designed
and effectively implemented. More importantly, the quality of instruction mattered more than
the duration of the instruction is important (Elbaum, 2000). Some specific guidelines that
could aid the planning for effective tutoring include (1) having a knowledgable coordinator
who provides expert guidance to tutors; (2) structure in lessons; (3) tutor training; and (4)
coordination between classroom instruction and the tutoring program (Wasik, 1998).
Group remediation or reading intervention for a group of slow readers may be done
by a classroom teacher during the regular Filipino or English class through differentiated
activities. The teacher divides the class into two groups: the students who are performing
well in Reading and the students who need reading intervention. The sample plan is detailed
Illustration of a Differentiated Lesson During the Reading of a Selection:
■■ Pupils are asked to answer questions ■■ Pupils are asked to answer oral
about the selection read (written exercises about the selection read.
activity) The exercises focus on particular
• comprehension: noting details, skills that they have not learned:
sequencing events, cause and • vocabulary
effect . . . • omprehension: noting details,
• vocabulary: words with multiple sequencing events, . . .
meanings, synonyms . . .
■■ Discussion of the story, answering the ■■ written activity: follow-up of the oral
written exercises, other activities exercise
Conducting Reading Intervention Outside the Reading Class:
When the students’ reading level is way below the expectation of the grade level, a
remedial reading activity outside of the regular class hours may be done. The following
procedure is suggested:
Pick out words from the story. If the lesson is Filipino, the lesson(s ) in Marungko
may be followed. If the lesson is in English, the sequence of word families may
be followed.
Vocabulary study. Unlock the words through various techniques: use of realia,
pictures, demonstration, synonyms and antonyms and context clues.
Drill the pupils on the reading of the words. Remind them that it is easier to read
each word if the beginning letter is sounded.
Ask them to give a sentence for the word (vocabulary development is integrated).
Let them write the word/s that they can successfully read (spelling is integrated).
Write on word cards some words from the story. Let them read the words.
Let them read some sight words from the story
Filipino: may, mga, at, ng, nang . . .; English: the, there, then, at, of, with . . .
Write the phrases on phrase cards or on the board. Let them read these correctly
(accuracy, speed (reading fast) and proper expression (They should avoid word
by word reading).
Activity: Drill on Vocabulary
Choose the words in the story that are difficult to decode. Let them read the words.
Write the phrases for these words. Let them do phrase reading.
Unlock the difficult words.
Give the Motivation and Motive Questions
Let the pupils take turns reading a part of the story.
Ask questions about the part of the story that was read.
After the full story is read, let them answer written questions.
Discuss their answers. If their answer is not correct, let them go back to the story and
read the part that contains the correct answer.
Armbruster, B, Lehr, F., Osborn, J. (2003) The research building blocks for teaching
children to read: Put Reading First. National Institute for Literacy.
Gunning, T. (2008). creating literacy instruction for all students 6th Ed. Boston, USA:
Pearson Education, Inc.
Hoover, W. A., & Gough, P. B. (1990). The simple view of reading. Reading and Writing:
An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2, 127-160.
Reutzel, R. Cooter, R, Jr. (2007). Strategies for reading assessment and instruction;
helping every child succeed, 3rd. Ed. NY: Pearson Education, Inc.
Scharer, P. (2012). Policy into practice, Issue #1, October 2012, Ohio Resource
Center, Ohio State University.
Vacca, J., Vacca, T. and Gove, M. (2011) Reading and learning to read. NY: Allyn
and Bacon
Zoeller, E. (2015). Comprehension and the bilingual reader: thinking within a decodable
text. Center for Teaching Biliteracy Building. Madison Metropolitan School District
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