Music9 Q4 Mod2
Music9 Q4 Mod2
Music9 Q4 Mod2
Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Selected Art Songs and Excerpts
of Opera Song
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
Music – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 2: Selected Art Songs and Excerpts of Opera Song
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Selected Art Songs and Excerpts
of Opera Song
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
Performs themes or melodic fragments of given selected song from an Opera.
What I Know
Directions: Fill-in the cross-word puzzle with the exact answer to the given
statement. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Middle male voice, lies between Bass and Tenor voices. It is the common male
2. Rapidly repeated slight pitch variation during a sustained note producing a
stronger, richer tone
3. Declamatory singing used in the opera with certain voice characteristics, color
and power.
4. The highest male voice.
5. An air or solo singing part sung by a principal character.
1. B
3. R C A I
4. T R
5. A
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
Selected Excerpts from
1 an Opera Song
What’s In
In the previous lesson you were able to have a clearer picture of how an
opera looks like. The plot, musical, and theatrical elements of an opera were
identified and understood. Let us see if you have the skill and character to be part of
an opera production.
Directions: Which of the following statements describes the true nature of an opera?
Write OPERA for each correct statement and leave it blank if it is not correct. Do this
on a separate sheet of paper.
__________1. The libretto of an opera may be serious or comic.
__________2. Ballet dancers perform in an opera.
__________3. Music is the main component of an opera.
__________4. A choir does not perform in an opera.
__________5. Librettist is the one who compose for the music in an opera.
What’s New
Early Romantic Italian opera emphasized a beautiful melody for the soloist.
Watch and listen carefully to this video
erF3eeU (until 5:30) only.
Bel canto is a vocal technique used in singing opera songs. The style is
associated with beautiful melodies, silvery voices and floods of rapid notes. Because
opera singing is not amplified, one of its basic techniques is developing sufficient
breath support to enable your voice to be heard without a microphone.
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
What is It
For Sopranos:
“O mio babbino caro”, is one of Italian opera’s greatest tunes. Gianni Schicchi
is a one act opera composed by Gioachino Puccin which talks about Schicchi who is
being condemned to hell for impersonating Buoso Donati, an aristocrat and dictates
a new will in his own favor. “O Mio Babbino Caro” sets out as a piece sung by
Lauretta, Schicchi’s daughter which sets up the tension for the forgery that happens
as she has reached a breaking point to separate her from Rinuccio.
The song is sung by Lauretta begging her father to go with her to buy a ring
so she could marry. The tone of the aria is over the top which perfectly fits Lauretta’s
melodramatic emotional state.
Listen to the aria here:
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
For Tenors:
“La donna e mobile” (The woman is fickle) is an aria from Verdi’s Rigoletto,
it is the centerpiece of the opera in its twisted tale of desire, love, and deceit. The aria
is being sang by the Duke of Mantua who is a known womanizer. His court jester,
Rigoletto later discovers that his own daughter has fallen prey to the duke. Rigoletto
seeks revenge for the loss of innocence of his daughter and plotted for his revenge
that made him lose more than protecting his daughter.
La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento
Muta d'accento
E di pensier
E di pensier
E di pensier
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
For Baritone:
Toreador Song
Bizet's Carmen, Composed: 1875
Escamillo, the matador, sings one of the most lively and exuberant arias from
Bizet’s Carmen. Translated to “Your Toast”, Escamillo sings of the bullfighting ring
and the cheering crowds and victories that come with it.
Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre, Your toast, I can give it to you
Senor, senors car avec les soldats Sirs, sirs, for along with the soldiers
Oui, les Toreros, peuvent s'entendre; Yes, the Toreros, can understand;
Pour plaisirs, pour plaisirs, For pleasures, for pleasures
Ils ont les combats! They have combats!
Le cirque est plein, The arena is full,
c'est jour de fete! it is the feast day!
Le cirque est plein du haut en bas; The arena is full, from top to bottom;
Les spectateurs, perdant la tete, The spectators are losing their minds,
Les spectateurs s'interpellent The spectators began a big fracas!
a grand fracas! Apostrophes, cries, and uproar grow to
Apostrophes, cris et tapage a furor!
Pousses jusques a la fureur! Because it is a celebration of courage!
Car c'est la fete du courage! It is the celebration of people with
C'est la fete des gens de co heart!
Allons! en garde! Allons! Allons! ah! Let’s go, en guard! Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah!
Toreador, en garde! Toreador, Toreador! Toreador, en guard! Toreador,
Et songe bien, oui, songe en Toreador!
combattant And dream away, yes, dream in
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde, combat,
Et que l'amour t'attend, That a black eye is watching you,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend! And that love awaits you,
Et songe bien, oui, songe en Toreador, love awaits you!
combattant And dream away, yes dream in combat,
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde, That a black eye is watching you
Et que l'amour t'attend, And may love await you,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend! Toreador, love await you!
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
What’s More
In order to master the Bel Canto technique, one has to gain the proper
coordination and sensations that are required to sing genuinely beautiful bel canto.
It may take time to develop one’s voice to the point of perfect and maximum beauty
but the long wait while practicing is all worth it.
Here are some links for warm-ups and vocalizations in Bel Canto style. and
Another important skill one must have is the proper pronunciation and
enunciation of the lyrics.
For ITALIAN texts: Learn some simple sentences and reproduce the pronunciation
3. “Toreador Song”
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
Images of Opera Singers:
While listening to the different Arias, what are the things you noticed with the
opera singer?
How do classically trained sopranos and tenors intensify the vibrations of the
vocal folds and increase the power of their voice?
Have you always wondered what it takes to become an opera singer? Let’s take
a look at the five keys to mastering opera singing technique.
1. Opera singers traditionally use much more vibrato- a slow, cyclic variation or
wobble in pitch.
2. Opera singers make use of a technique called “resonance tuning”.
3. They develop a correct foundation with their voice and use this foundation to
develop amazing power and projection.
4. Opera singing requires more than other genres, and to succeed you must have
5. The main languages to focus on for opera singing are Italian, French and
German. The more you gain basic knowledge of each language, the more
beautiful your vocal lines will be in your arias.
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
What I Have Learned
Now that you already know the pronunciation and have warmed-up for the
song. You are ready to sing. Below again are the links for the performance and the
composition score for:
Directions: Please sing only the First page of the score provided, no need to sing the
entire song. Practice singing just the first verse of the song. Afterwards, use the
rubrics that follow to check if you were able to sing it properly.
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
Score for O Babbino Mio Caro:
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
When you think you are ready, record the performance of your composition
and send it to your teacher’s gmail account. Put your name and section in this
format. Below is the rubric for grading this performance.
What I Can Do
My Journal:
Directions: Write your reflections on how you were able to prepare yourself to
sing like an opera singer. Describe what happen clearly. Do this on a separate sheet
of paper.
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
Directions: Fill-in the cross-word puzzle with the exact answer to the given
statement. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Middle male voice, lies between Bass and Tenor voices. It is the common male
2. Rapidly repeated slight pitch variation during a sustained note producing a
stronger, richer tone
3. Declamatory singing used in the opera with certain voice characteristics, color
and power.
4. The highest male voice.
5. An air or solo singing part sung by a principal character.
1. B
3. R C A I
4. T R
5. A
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
What I Know/Assessment
1. Baritone
2. Vibrato
3. Recitative
4. Tenor
5. Aria
Answer Key
Electronic Sources:
CO_Q4_Music 9_ Module 2
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call: