MAF661 OBELessonPlan 20224 Semester Mac-Aug 2023
MAF661 OBELessonPlan 20224 Semester Mac-Aug 2023
MAF661 OBELessonPlan 20224 Semester Mac-Aug 2023
Lesson Plan: March – August 2023
PO1 able to apply knowledge and understanding of accounting and other business applications in an organization
PO2 able to prepare financial statements in accordance with approved accounting standards and report socio-economic
events which affect organizations
PO3 able to prepare tax return, provide tax consultation and perform audits for business entities using appropriate
PO4 able to use and evaluate information technologies and systems for the attainment of organizational objectives
PO8 able to demonstrate behaviour consistent with professional ethics and social responsibility
PO9 able to engage information management, demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning and professional development
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11
CO1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CO4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Seminar Topic Contact Lecture/Tutorial Topic Outcome (TO) CO PLO Learning Model Assessment
Hours Coverage
1 Introduction 0.5 ✔ Overview of OBE Ability to: Sharing of materials and Entrance Survey
to OBE ✔ Overview of the ▪ Understand the information
course content via significance of -Briefing Group Project
lesson plan. OBE Textbook: (Business Proposal &
▪ Recognize Strategic Management – Presentation (15%) Group
program Creating Competitive work
outcomes (POs) Advantages
▪ Recognize the Dess, Lumpkin, Eisner & (Students need to submit a
course outcomes McNamara business proposal plan OR
(COs) Global 9thEdition 2019 a minimum viable product
▪ Recognize the (MVP) for intended
course topic business.)
outcomes (TOs)
▪ Recognise the
importance of
student centred
learning (SCL) - Briefing on Group
[Chapter 5-6].
1 Introduction 2.5 ✔ Overview of course Ability to: CO1 PO1 ❖ Chapter 1 Chapter 1 will not
to Strategic ✔ What is Strategic ▪ Understand the CO2 PO5 Strategic Management: be directly asked in
Management Management – course flow PO6 Creating Competitive the final
and ▪ Understand the PO7 Advantages examination
▪ Definition
Strategic relevant PO8 Chapter 1-4 will be
chapters PO9 assessed in Test.
✔ The Strategic
Perspective: An
throughout the
✔ Ensuring Coherence in
Strategic direction
▪ Vision
▪ Mission
▪ Strategic Objectives
2 The external 6.0 ✔ Creating the Ability to: CO1 PO1 ❖ Chapter 2 Chapter 2 will not be asked
environment environmentally aware ▪ Explain the CO2 PO5 Analysing the external directly in the final
Analysis – organization importance of PO6 environment of the firm: examination
identifying ▪ Scanning, analysing an PO7 creating competitive
an monitoring, organization’s PO8 advantages
organization’ competitive external PO9
s external intelligence and environment PO10
opportunities forecasting PO11
and threats ▪ Discuss the
✔ The General Environment impact of the
and the relationship general
among the elements of the environment,
general environment industry and
▪ Demographic, competitors on an
Sociocultural, organization
✔ The Competitive
▪ Porter’s Five-
Forces Model of
▪ How the internet
and digital
technologies are
affecting the five
competitive forces
▪ Using industry
analysis: a few
▪ Strategic groups
within industries
2 The Internal 6.0 ✔ Importance of analysing Ability to: CO1 PO1 ❖ Chapter 3 Chapter 3 and 4 will not
Environment and understanding an ▪ Explain the CO2 PO5 Assessing the internal directly asked in the final
Analysis organization’s internal importance of PO6 environment of the firm examination.
environment analysing an PO7
✔ Value Chain organization’s PO8
Analysis internal PO9
✔ Resource-Based environment PO10
view of the Firm ▪ Identifying an PO11
✔ Evaluating firm organization’s
performance: two internal strengths
and weaknesses
▪ Financial Ratio ▪ Evaluate firm’s
Analysis performance
using financial
▪ Balance
ratios and ❖ Chapter 4
balance Recognizing a Firm’s
✔ Central role of knowledge scorecard Intellectual Assets
in today’s economy
✔ Human Capital ▪ Recognize (ODL)
✔ Social Capital intellectual assets
of a firm
3 Strategy 6.0 ✔ Types of competitive Ability to: CO1 CO2 PO1 ❖ Chapter 5 FINAL EXAM
Formulation: advantage and ▪ Differentiate between the CO3 PO5 Business-Level Strategy:
Business- Level sustainability generic business- level PO6 Creating and Sustaining
Strategy strategies PO7 Competitive Advantages
✔ Can competitive PO8
strategies be ▪ Recommend a suitable PO9
sustained? business-level strategy for an PO10
organization PO11
✔ Industry Life-cycle
stages: Strategic ▪ Consider the importance of
the industry life cycle to
determine a firm’s business-
level strategy, its relative
emphasis on functional area
strategies and value- creating
activities and the need for
turnaround strategies for a
firm to reposition
competitively in an
4 Strategy 6.0 ✔ Making Ability to: CO1 PO1 ❖ Chapter 6 FINAL EXAM
Formulation: Diversification Work ▪ Evaluate suitability of a CO2 PO5 Corporate-Level
Corporate Level ✔ Related corporate level strategy for CO3 PO6 Strategy: Creating Value
Strategy Diversification: an organization PO7 through Diversification
Economies of Scope ▪ Recommend a suitable PO8
and Revenue corporate level strategy for PO9
Enhancement an organization PO10
✔ Enhancing Revenue ▪ Discuss the various means of PO11
and Differentiation engaging in diversification –
✔ Related mergers and acquisitions,
joint ventures/strategic
Market Power alliances and internal
✔ Unrelated
▪ Discuss managerial
behaviours that can erode
Financial Synergies
and Parenting the creation of value
✔ The Means to
✔ How Managerial
Motives can erode
Value Creation
Lesson plan/MAF661/Oct2023 Page 7
Cuti Perayaan 27/05/2023 – 05/06/2023
5 Strategy 6.0 ✔ Traditional Forms of Ability to: CO1 PO1 FINAL EXAM
Implementation Organizational ▪ Evaluate the value chain of an CO2 PO5
on Structure organization to support its CO3 PO6 Individual Quiz (10%)
business-level strategy CO4 PO7 (Chapter 8, 9, 10,
Boundaryless PO8 and (or) 11)
Organizational PO10
Designs PO11
✔ ▪ Recommend a suitable ❖ Chapter 10
Leadership: Three organizational Creating Effective
Interdependent structure to support an Organizational
Activities organization’s strategy Designs
✔ ▪ Discuss the crucial role of
Leadership: Three
Interdependent leadership on transforming
Activities an organization
✔ ❖ Chapter 11
Getting Things Done: ▪ Appreciate organizational Strategic Leadership:
Overcoming Barriers ethics Creating a Learning
and Using Power Organization and an
▪ Discuss key elements to Ethical Organization
✔ become an ethical
Intelligence: A Key organization
Leadership Trait
✔ Developing
Companions and
Creating a Learning
✔ Ensuring Informational
6 Strategy 6.0 ✔ Control: Responding Ability to: CO2 PO1 ❖ Chapter 9 FINAL EXAM
Evaluation and Effectively to ▪ Discuss the value of CO3 PO5 Strategic Control and
Control Environmental Change effective strategic control PO6 Corporate
systems in strategy PO7 Governance
✔ Attaining Behavioural ▪ Discuss the role of corporate PO8
Control: Balancing governance mechanisms in PO10
✔ Culture, Rewards and ensuring that the interests of PO11
Boundaries managers
are aligned with those of
✔ The Role of Corporate
Presentation - 10%
Business proposal communication skills- report & oral
CLO: 3