Moderating Effects of Organizational Learning Capability On The Relationship Between Innovation, Branding and SMEs Performance in Sports Industry of Pakistan PDF
Moderating Effects of Organizational Learning Capability On The Relationship Between Innovation, Branding and SMEs Performance in Sports Industry of Pakistan PDF
Moderating Effects of Organizational Learning Capability On The Relationship Between Innovation, Branding and SMEs Performance in Sports Industry of Pakistan PDF
JUNE 2014
Thesis Submitted to
Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business,
University Utara Malaysia,
In Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Kolej Perniagaan
(College of Business)
Universiti Utara Malaysia
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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a catalytic role in strengthening the
economy of developing counties. The performance of SMEs depends on various
factors. Among those factors include innovation and branding practices. This study
aimed to investigate the nature of relationship that exists between Innovation,
Branding and SMEs performance in sports industry of Pakistan. Furthermore, the
study intended to examine the moderating effects of organizational learning capability
on relationship between Innovation, Branding and SMEs performance. A structured
questionnaire representing dimensions related to innovation, branding, organizational
learning capability and SMEs Performance was designed. Survey method was used to
conduct study on 352 SMEs in sports industry of Pakistan. Multiple Regression
analysis was employed in order the study the nature and strength of relationship
between Innovation and SMEs Performance, as well as between Branding and SMEs
Performance. Results indicated that both Innovation and Branding have a significant
positive effect on SMEs performance. Hierarchical Regression Analysis was utilized
to see the moderating effects of Organizational Learning Capability on relationship
between Innovation, Branding and SMEs performance. Findings revealed that
Organizational learning Capability does not moderate the relationship between
Innovation, Branding and SMEs performance. These results imply that SMEs must
emphasize on bringing innovations and embracing branding practices if they desire to
enhance their performance. The study also contributed to the theory as it extended
Resource Based View, Dynamic Capabilities Perspective and the Theory of the
growth of the firm by integrating three distinct literature streams pertaining to
Innovation, Branding and Organizational Learning.
With the name of Allah Almighty, the most beneficent, the most merciful, and the
creator of mankind, Who has given us knowledge to understand the right and wrong,
to explore the hidden mysteries of the world. First of all I would like to thank Allah
Almighty Who gave me strength and courage to complete this task successfully.
Then, I would like to pay special gratitude to my respected supervisors. I am highly
indebted to my main supervisor, Professor Dr. Mohd Noor Mohd Shariff for
providing valuable guidance, encouragement and support. I have learnt a lot from him
which would guide me through the rest of my life. I am also very grateful to my co-
supervisor, Dr. Halim bin Mad Lazim for sparing his time whenever required. He has
been a great help during my period of study.
I also take this opportunity to thank my parents, siblings, spouse and kids who
supported me through every thick and thin, and encouraged me to face the challenges
as opportunities to excel in life. Challenges are not hurdles but opportunities to
explore new knowledge. So, I am very thankful to my family for their much needed
support. I am quite thankful to my fnends especially Farooq Durrani, Sheikh
Muhammad Rafiul Huque and Raza Ali who understood my worries and supported
me through their actions and words to make me relax and contented. It is true that
friend's words are the most comfortable words to give relaxation in the time of
Last but not the least; I would like to offer my special thanks to all of my teachers,
and my university, Universiti Utara Malaysia, for providing me supportive and
healthy environment to fulfill my task.
TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................
CERTIFICATION OF THESIS WORK ..................................................
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................
Table Page
Table 1.1 Growth Performance of Small Scale Manufacturing in Pakistan: A
Decade-W ise Comparison ..............................................................
Table 2.1 Malaysia's Definition of SMEs ........................................................32
Table 2.2 Definition of SMEs in Japan ..............................................................
Table 2.3 Definition of SMEs in South Korea ..................................................33
Table 2.4 Definition of SMEs by North American and European Countries ...................34
Table 2.5 Definition of SMEs based on Number of Employees ..............................34
Table 2.6 Definition of SMEs by International Finance Corporation (IFC) and World
Bank ......................................................................................
Table 2.7 Definition of SMEs by various Institutions in Pakistan ........................... 35
Table 2.8 Characteristics of Performance Measures ...........................................
Table 3.1 Data Collection Schedule............................................................
Table 3.2 Questions on lnnovation .............................................................
Table 3.3 Questions on Branding ...............................................................
Table 3.4 Questions on Organizational Learning Capability ................................161
Table 3.5 Questions on SMEs Performance ....................................................164
Table 4.1 Missing Values .......................................................................
Table 4.2 Test of Non-Response Bias ..........................................................177
Table 4.3 Detection of Influential Outliers ....................................................179
Table 4.4 Skewness and Kurtosis................................................................
Table 4.5 Assessment of Multicollinearity ....................................................
Table 4.6 Profile of Respondents ................................................................I86
Table 4.7 Results of Factor Analysis for Innovation ..........................................187
Table 4.8 Results of Factor Analysis for Branding ............................................189
Table 4.9 Results of Factor Analysis for Organizational Learning Capability ............190
Table 4.10 Results of Factor Analysis for SMEs Performance ..............................192
Table 4.1 1 Results of Factor Analysis for lndependent Variables ..........................193
Table 4.12 Reliability Coefficients for Latent Variables .....................................195
Table 4.1 3 Summary of dimensions before and after factor analysis .......................195
Table 4.14 Descriptives for major variables.. ................................................
Table 4.15 Impact of Innovation and Branding on SMEs Performance ..................203
Table 4.16 Relationship between Dimensions of Predictor and Criterion variables.. ...204
Table 4.1 7 Hierarchical Regression Results using Organizational Learning Capability
as a Moderator in the Relationship between Innovation, Branding and
SMEs Performance.. ...............................................................
Table 4.18 Hierarchical Regression Results using Experimentation as a
Moderator in the Relationship between Innovation, Branding and SMEs
Performance. ........................................................................
-21 1
Table 4.19 Hierarchical Regression Results using Interaction with External
Environment as a Moderator in the Relationship between Innovation,
Branding and SMEs Performance.. ...............................................2 1 3
Table 4.20 Hierarchical Regression Results using Participative decision making
as a Moderator in the Relationship between Innovation, Branding and
SMEs Performance.. ...............................................................
.2 16
Table 4.21 Summary of Results of Multiple Regression and Hierarchical Regression
Analysis.. ............................................................................
..2 17
Figure Page
Figure 3.1 Research Framework ................................................................. -139
Figure 4.1 Scatter Plots of Variables ......................................................180
Figure 4.2 Age of Business ......................................................................183
Figure 4.3 Number of Employees ............................................................... 184
Figure 4.4 Capital Invested in the Business (Pakistan Rupees) ........................... 184
Figure 4.5 Status of Business ...............................................................
Figure 4.6 Scope of Business...................................................................................185
Figure 4.7 Moderating effect of Organizational Learning Capability on the
Relationship between Innovation and SMEs Performance ...................209
Figure 4.8 Moderating effect of Interaction with External Environment on the
Relationship between Innovation and SMEs Performance ....................214
the role of SMEs is firther enhanced and magnified as their economy is not built on
shoulders of large Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) (Hussain, Si, Xie & Wang, 2010).
Developing countries largely rely on the performance of SMEs for the uplift and growth
performance of SMEs.
In Pakistan, SMEs represent about 99% of total business establishments. They are
mostly dealing in wholesale and retailing and restaurant and hotel (53%), social and
personnel services (22%) and manufacturing (20%). These SMEs are accounting for 30%
of annual gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, employment of 80% of non
agricultural labor force, 25% of total exports and 35% of value added manufacturing
in the developing countries (Arinaitwe, 2006). The factors contributing towards low
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