10 1108 - CR 06 2018 0038 PDF
10 1108 - CR 06 2018 0038 PDF
10 1108 - CR 06 2018 0038 PDF
Entrepreneurial orientation and effects of
performance of small and differentiation
medium-sized enterprises
Mediating effects of differentiation strategy 551
Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah and Maqsood Ahmad Received 17 June 2018
Revised 18 November 2018
Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Accepted 22 February 2019
Islamabad, Pakistan
Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the effects of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) on the performance
of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with mediating role of differentiation strategy in Pakistan.
Design/methodology/approach – A theoretical framework has been developed to base the hypotheses, as
also to determine the exact approach in this study. To establish the influence of EO on the performance of SME, a
five-point Likert scale questionnaire has been used to collect data from middle and senior managers who operate
in SMEs in the manufacturing sectors. The sample illustrates 166 incumbents, comprising 68.07 per cent from
middle management and 31.93 per cent from senior management operating in manufacturing sector of SMEs, by
means of a stratified random sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and Amos
graphics software. Hypotheses were tested by using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique.
Findings – EO, as a whole, presents a significant positive effect on the performance of SMEs. Moreover,
differentiation strategy partially mediated the relationship between EO and performance of SMEs. Two
dimensions of EO, proactiveness and risk-taking propensity, strongly increased firm performance while
innovativeness, competitive aggressiveness, autonomy and competitive energy did not cause any significant
change. The findings differ from the current view of western enterprises that innovativeness (INO) played a
major role by increasing performance of SMEs. The results transpired that innovativeness (INO) tends to
reduce performance of SMEs, but the p-value did not reach a high significance value.
Research limitations/implications – The main limitation of this empirical study is comparatively a
small size of the sample. The analysis of power suggests that a larger sample could have provided more
reliable and extensive results. Regardless of that, the analysis of reliability, using the Cronbach’s alpha,
exhibited the consistency of outcomes in providing an accurate portrait of the EO influences on the
performance of SME.
Practical implications – The study verifies that two dimensions of EO have considerable effects on the
performance of SMEs, while the others have not, whereas, the EO, as whole, has significant positive effect
on performance of SMEs. These findings should be helpful for researchers looking for appropriate
performance measures, and for entrepreneurs aiming at getting support for their decisions and evaluating
their performance.
Originality/value – The current study appears to be first of its kind focusing on the link between EOs, as
whole, and its dimensions, to performance of SMEs and differentiation strategies within the specific context of
Keywords Competitive strategies, SMEs in Pakistan, Entrepreneurial orientation, Innovativeness,
Risk taking propensity, Structural equation modeling
Paper type Research paper
Competitiveness Review: An
International Business Journal
1. Introduction Vol. 29 No. 5, 2019
pp. 551-572
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has currently been acknowledged as one of the most © Emerald Publishing Limited
important factors of a firm’s performance, such as growth and profitability, as indicated by DOI 10.1108/CR-06-2018-0038
CR Stevenson and Jarillo (1990) high growth (sale growth, profit growth and market share
29,5 growth etc.) associates with a firm’s EO. Therefore, growth can be aligned with
proactiveness, innovativeness, autonomy, risk taking propensity, competitive
aggressiveness and competitive energy of the firm, which alludes to an EO dimension. The
link between the EO of the firm and its performance has been widely discussed,
conceptually (Lumpkin and Dess, 1996) and empirically (Lumpkin and Dess, 2001; Wiklund
552 and Shepherd, 2005). Yet, many questions remain unanswered (Moreno and Cassilas, 2008).
In the literature of competitive strategy, numerous scholars (Wiklund and Shephard,
2005; Zahra and Covin, 1995) have contemplated the significance of EO on firm performance.
EO is a firm level model, and allied to strategic decision-making processes and strategic
management (Birkinshaw, 1997; Lumpkin and Dess, 1996; Covin and Slevin, 1991).
Globalization, overall rivalry, focusing on firm performance for growth, profitability, and
inadequacy of old-style managerial practices because of the fluctuating economic situations
can be the purposes behind the expansion in the value of corporate entrepreneurship (Morris
and Kuratko, 2002). A lot of competitive strategy research has concentrated on the
significance of best management (Hambrick and Mason, 1984) and entrepreneurial conduct
(Lumpkin and Dess, 1996; Covin and Slevin, 1989) in deciding firm performance.
Today, owing to the globalization, all segments, institutions, companies and individuals
are confronting extraordinary worldwide rivalry. Under this challenge, for firms, it is being
more problematic to outperform their opponents and contenders. Keeping in mind the
ultimate goal to perform better than the competitors the organizations should strive to gain
“competitive advantage” which is extremely significant focus of administration area. Cost
leadership and differentiation are two basic competitive advantages suggested by Porter
(1980). Cost leadership means manufacturing products and services by bring down the
expenses than rivals and accomplishing a more extensive customer share. “Differentiation
strategy” comprises the firm producing a product and/or service, which is considered unique
or different in some features that the customer values (Porter, 1985). Barney (1991) argued
that keeping in mind the end goal to gain a competitive advantage a firm needs to execute a
value creating strategy that is not executed simultaneously by some other potential
opponents. Therefore, differentiation strategy is suitable to create more sustainable
competitive advantage and its imitation is very costly and/or very difficult (Carter and
Ruefli, 2006; Grant, 1991). Banker et al. (2014) demonstrated that in the long run
“differentiation strategy” builds sustainable higher financial performance. Innovativeness is
most fundamental measurements of EO, basic for differentiation strategy and essential for
higher performance (Hull and Rothenberg, 2008; Miller, 1983; Porter, 1990).
In relation to both developed and developing economies, the manufacturing sectors small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) possess a vital role in the present business system.
Small businesses play a key role in creating jobs, contributing to tax, export and import
revenues, facilitating the distribution of goods, and in addition adding to human asset
improvement. SMEs are the support of advancements and entrepreneurship (Agyapong,
2010). Likewise, SMEs are critical in the battle against destitution. They also employ poor
and low-income and are in some cases the main wellspring of work in the rural areas; their
contribution cannot be neglected (Ackah and Vuvor, 2011).
In the present literature, investigation of business growth, in SMEs, plays a critical role
(Casillas and Moreno, 2010). There are different purposes behind this; among them, first
reason, because firms that accomplish more prominent levels of growth generally produce
more employments (Littunen and Tohmo, 2003). Secondly, because growth represents one of
the most important dimensions of performance and it is ordinarily connected with different
factors, for example, benefit (Rumelt, 1991; Porter, 1985).
In literature, there is an expanded enthusiasm by investigators, academics and experts of Mediating
entrepreneurism about the significance of EO in organizations, primarily in SMEs (Casillas effects of
and Moreno, 2010). Knight (2012) argued that better performing SMEs are relevant to the EO
and they have endeavored to enhance their performances. In addition, this is also supported
by a study conducted by Zahra and Garvis (2000). The latest research (Maldonado-Guzman strategy
et al., 2017) shows that EO has significant positive effect on the growth of SMEs.
Pakistani SMEs, in manufacturing industry, have potential to contribute significantly to
the economy. However, there are challenges that they face in the process of growth. It is 553
generally recognized that SMEs face unique challenges that affect their growth and
profitability and hence, diminish their ability to contribute effectively to sustainable
development. The major challenges include limited market access, limited access to
information, finance, technology and unfavorable policy and regulatory environment among
others (Sherazi, et al., 2013). Nevertheless, to survive and thrive in unique business
circumstance, SMEs need to formulate and implement their strategy by engaging in
entrepreneurial activities. One prominent concept of strategy making in entrepreneurship
and strategic management literature is the EO. Past investigations, proposed that
conceptually and empirically EO influence the firm performance. Subsequently, it is
expected that implementing EO may enhance performance of manufacturing sectors of
SMEs in Pakistan. The effect of EO on firms’ performance appears to have been quite
controversial topic within the field of entrepreneurship and strategic management, for years.
Lumpkin and Dess (1996) have drawn attention to the complexity of EO on performance
relationship and recommended that the connection between EO and performance was
context specific. As such, external environment and, in addition, internal organizational
processes influence the level of the relationship between EO and firm performance.
So far, EO research has been conducted mostly in the context of the United States or
other developed countries and has rarely been conducted in emerging economies like
Pakistan. As indicated by Shirokova et al. (2016) the study was conducted with firms from
developed and transition economy. They recommended replicating this study in different
countries to magnify the external validity of their findings. In addition, absence of
consistency exists in the outcome of the past studies, and particularly in light of the fact that
adopting an EO requires resources (Hughes and Morgan, 2007), the results fluctuate from a
strong positive relationship to no significant direct relationship between EO and firm
performance (Rauch et al., 2009). Subsequently, there is need for empirical research to fill
this gap in the literature and to decide in which context an EO might be valuable or gainful.
Furthermore, the majority of the studies, with one identifiable exception (Hughes and
Morgan, 2007), have just measured EO, as a whole, and have not tested the relationship of its
individual dimensions and performance. Since it has, yet, been recommended that every
dimensions of EO may not generally be favorable or advantageous for firm performance
(Hughes and Morgan, 2007), value was added by expanding the understanding of the
impacts of EO on SMEs performance, by also looking at the impact of each dimension on
SMEs performance. The latest research (Okeyo et al., 2016) recommended using a
contingency framework to focus on how other factors are likely to affect EO and
performance relationship. Therefore, the study focused on EO specifically, and investigated
the effects of EO as a whole and its dimensions on SMEs performance with mediating role of
differentiation strategy and, using data collected from SMEs of Pakistan, contributes to
filling this gap in the literature.
The resource-based view (RBV) theory supports this research phenomenon. It
bolstered on the possibility that successful companies maintain “competitive
advantages” by enabling access to higher quality instruments and resources which are
CR scarce and unique (Ray et al., 2004). Early work by Okeyo et al. (2016) demonstrated
29,5 that managing resources in a firm are explained within the framework of RBV. Penrose
(1959) spearheaded RBV as a theory to explain how intangible or tangible resources can
enable a firm to accomplish prevalent performance and competitive advantage.
Tangible resources are physical, including finances and technology, while intangible
resources are nonphysical, including human capital, and accumulated organizational
554 knowledge. According to Barney et al. (2011), EO can be treated as a dynamic intangible
resource that contributes to sustainable competitive advantage for higher returns. A
study conducted by Kibui et al. (2014) found evidence that competitive advantage is
accomplished through differentiated application of valuable, rare, and unique
resources. RBV along these lines regards a firm’s resources as a fundamental factor
when undertaking entrepreneurial activities. Consequently, it can be considered
relevant and used in explaining EO and performance relationship in this article.
The remaining article proceeds as follows: In the next section, we discuss previous
studies regarding the relationships of entrepreneurial orientation and differentiation
strategy, with SMEs performance and develop the hypotheses of our study. In the third
section, we describe the method of data collection and how we operationalized our construct
measures. The results of our study are presented in section four. In the fifth section, we
discuss the results of our study. In section six, we discuss the implications of our results, and
in the seventh section, we suggest avenues for future research.
2. Literature review
Many scholars have investigated the effect of EO on firm performance in different cultures
or environments, as also probed the relationship of EO with differentiation strategy. Some of
their conclusions have been found important and valuable for the present study. A limited
review of prior studies regarding relationship of EO with firm performance and
differentiation strategy are cited hereunder;
4. Empirical findings
4.1 Reliability analysis
The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient estimated the degree of the variables consistence. Overall,
the variables presented values ranging between 0.70 and 0.861 (Table I), thus being
classified as satisfactory. Therefore, the estimation of all components incorporated into the
variables provided a good representation of each one of the variables under study, thus
allowing proceeding with further analysis (regression analysis and structural equation
modeling). The value of composite reliability (CR) and average variance extracted (AVE)
demonstrate data reliability by showing high values for each one of the selected variables.
5. Discussion
Firm performance is a complex task for all types of managers these days. The managers
mostly confront unstable financial conditions with elevated levels of uncertainty. This
5.1 Innovativeness
The results of the study suggest that innovativeness has no correlation with firm
performance of SMEs. The finding is consistent with research by Gautam (2016) who
reported non-significant correlations between innovativeness and firm performance of
5.2 Proactiveness
The results indicate that proactiveness has a significant positive relationship with firm
performance of SMEs. This finding is consistent with research by Maldonado-Guzman et al.
(2017), Haider et al. (2017), Mojikon et al. (2016) who reported that proactiveness has a
significant positive impact over firm performance of SMEs.
5.5 Autonomy
Autonomy has no correlation with firm performance of SMEs that is in line with the
research conducted by Dzulkarnain et al. (2014), who reported that Autonomy has not
significant impact over firm performance of SMEs.
6. Conclusion
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of EO as whole and its dimensions on
SMEs performance with mediating role of differentiation strategy, using data collected
from middle and senior managers working in manufacturing sector SMEs. To achieve
the objectives a questionnaire was used as data collection method. The collected data
were analyzed by using SPSS and Amos graphics software. The sample consisted of
166 middle and senior managers of SMEs, selected by using Stratified random
sampling technique. The hypotheses were tested by using SEM technique.
The results suggest that EO as whole has significant positive effect on performance
of SMEs. Similarly, the two dimensions of EO, proactiveness and risk-taking
propensity, have significant positive effect on performance of SMEs, providing support
for the idea of the overall positive advantages firms can acquire from adopting an
entrepreneurial strategic attitude recommended by the RBV. This finding is in
accordance with the conventional debate that EO is a firm’s special resource beneficial
to superior firm performance (Van Doorn et al., 2013; Clausen and Korneliussen, 2012;
Soininen et al., 2012). On the other hand, innovativeness, competitive aggressiveness,
autonomy and competitive energy have no correlation with performance of SMEs,
contradicting the idea of overall positive advantages firms can acquire from adopting
an entrepreneurial strategic attitude as suggested by the theory of RBV. This finding is
in line with the conventional debate that every one of the dimensions of EO may not
generally be favorable or advantageous for firm performance (Hughes and Morgan,
2007). The findings of this study confirm that the organizations, which have higher
level of EO, would perform better as compared to organizations, which have lower level
of EO, but every one of the dimensions of EO may not generally be favorable for the
performance of SMEs.
The findings of this study differ from the current view of western enterprises that
innovativeness plays a major role by increasing performance of SMEs. The results interpret
that innovativeness tends to reduce firm perform by a ratio of 0.15, but the p-value did not
reach a high significance value. The limited access to entrepreneurial finance is a factor
inhibiting entrepreneurship and influencing growth, negatively (Rwigema and Venter,
2004). In Pakistani context, mostly entrepreneurial firms spend funds on developing
innovative ideas but fail to commercialize it due to lack of financial resources and as a result,
financial performance of firm is affected negatively. This may be the reasons that
innovativeness reduces the performance of SMEs for Pakistan firms.
The results also put forward that differentiation strategy positively mediates the
relationship between EO and performance of SMEs, which means that differentiation
strategy enhances the EO and performance relationship. This finding is consistent with
the mainstream contention that differentiation strategy leads towards more sustainable
financial performance (Banker et al., 2014) and SMEs can gain a competitive advantage
CR over other competitors by using differentiation strategies (Hill and Jones, 2010). The
29,5 results of this study confirm that EO is a special resource or ability that SMEs can used
for differentiation, and as a result, their financial performance can improve. Since,
differentiation strategy is an endeavor to create value that buyers perceive, as unique,
in this manner it is empowering the firm to build customer loyalty and charge premium
costs that surpass the additional expenses related with the strategy (Myers and Harvey,
566 2001).
The findings of this research contribute to the existing literature twofold. First, it
throws light on the overall EO-performance relationship by elaborating on how EO, as
whole, and its dimensions affect the firm performance of SMEs. Pervious literature
enlightens that scholars have just measured EO as a whole and have not tested the
relationship of its individual dimensions and performance. The current study is the
first of its kind focusing on the link between EO as whole and its dimensions, with
differentiation strategies and performance of SMEs. Previous researchers used four or
five EO dimensions in their studies. The mediating effect of differentiation strategy on
the relationship between EO and performance of SMEs is examined for the first time
through this survey by using six EO dimensions, together with the individual
relationship of its dimensions with the performance of SMEs, which differentiates this
Figure 1.
Structural model 1
Figure 2.
Structural model 2
survey from others. The research study conducted by Maldonado-Guzman et al. (2017) Mediating
implying that test the relationship of EO and performance of SMEs by using more than effects of
five EO dimensions. The current study provides new insight into the relationship
innovativeness and performance of SMEs, which also differentiates this survey from
others. strategy
Second, most studies focus on well-developed financial markets and very little is known
about performance of SMEs in less developed financial markets or emerging markets like
Pakistan. The present study contributes to filling this gap in the literature. Early work by 567
Vu (2017) signified the relationship of EO dimension with performance of SMEs by taking in
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Further reading
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Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 194-212.
Vij, S. and Bedi, H.S. (2012), “Relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business
performance: a review of literature”.
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