TS JR Chemistry Imp Questions
TS JR Chemistry Imp Questions
TS JR Chemistry Imp Questions
1) The empirical formula of compound is CH 2O . Its molecular weight is 90. Calculate the molecular
formula of the compound.
2) Assign oxidation number to the underlined elements in each of the following species.
5) How many numbers of moles of glucose are present in 540 gms of glucose?
1) Name the common components of photo chemical smog?
2) Mention the harmful effects caused due to depletion of ozone layer
3) Name two adverse effects caused by acid rains
1) What happens when magnesium metal is burnt in air?
2) Why are alkali metals not found in the free state in nature
3) Why is gypsum added to cement?
4) Which is called milk of magnesia? Give its uses?
1) State the first law of thermodynamics. Explain its mathematical notation
2) What are intensive and extensive properties
3) State the third law of thermodynamics.
4) What is entropy? Explain with examples.
1) Enthalpy of combustion of carbon to CO2 is –393.5 kJ mol–1. Calculate the heat released upon
0 CH 3 C H CH 2 CH 2 CH 3
(a) CH3 CH 2 CH 2 CH CH 2 (b) (c) I
CH 3 C CH 3 OH
2) What is Hydrogen bond Explain the different types of Hydrogen bonds with examples.
1) Explain the formation of Coordinate covalent bond with one example
2) Explain Fajan’s rules and give suitable examples.
3) Define Dipole moment. Write its applications.
4) a) NH 3 has a higher dipole moment compared to NF3 . Why?
b) dipole moment observed for NF3 and not BF3 . why?
1) State and explain the Hess’s law of constant Heat summation.
2) State the second law of thermodynamics and explain it.
3) Explain spontaneity of a process in terms of Gibbs energy
1) Balance the following redox equation by ion- electron method taking place in acidic medium.
Cr2 O7
NO2 Cr NO3 b) 4 3 MnO 1 SO 2 Mn 2 SO 2
3) Determination of Empirical formula and molecula formula A compound having 4.07% hydrogen,
24.27% carbon and 71.65 % chlorine its molecular weight is 98.96 what are its emperical formula.
MnO4 I MnO2 I 2
PH 3 H 2 PO2 b)
1) What is Lechatlier’s principle? Discuss briefly the factors which can influence the equilibrium.
5) What do you understand by (a) Allotropy (b) Inert pair effect (c) Catenation
. 1) What is Plaster of Paris? Write a short note on it.
2) What do you know about Castner-Kellner process? Write the principle involved in it
.3) Given an account of the biological importance of Na and k ions..
1) Explain the difference in properties of diamond and graphite on the basis of their structure.
2) Why is diamond hard?
3) Write a note on (a) silicates (b) zeolites (c) Fullerenes
1) What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? Discuss the importance of this model to
explain various series of line spectra in hydrogen atom?
2) How are the quantum numbers n, l and m, s arrived at? Explain the significance of these quantum.
3) (a) Explain (i) Aufbau Principle (ii) Hund’s Rule (iii) Pauli’s Principle?
(b) Advantages and Limitations of Bohr’s theory
1) What is a periodic property? How the following properties vary in a group and in a period? Explain
(a) Atomic radius (b) IE (c) EN
(d) Electron gain enthalpy or electron affinity (e) Nature of oxides
2) Write an essay on s,p,d and f- block elements.
3) Define IE1 and IE2. Why is IE2 > IE1 for a given atom? Discuss the factors that affect IE
of an element.
1) Describe any two methods of preparation of benzene? Explain the halogenation, alkylation, acylation,
nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
2) Describe two methods of preparation of ethylene. Give equation for the reaction of ethylene with the
(a) Ozone (b) Hypohalous acid
(c) Cold and dil.alk KMnO4 (d) Heated with O2 at high pressure
3) How does acetylene react with the following reagents? Give the corresponding equation send and
name the product formed in the reactions.
(a) Acetic acid (b) Water (c) Hydrogen (d) Halogens
(e) Hydrogen halide (f) Ammonical AgNO3 andCu2Cl2