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English 7 1st Lesson Plan For 2nd Quarter

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Lesson Plan in English 7

Grade 7 – St. Aloysius

November 8 and 10, 2022
Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30 am-9:30 am, 1:50-2:50 pm (2 hours per day)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. use listening strategies based on purpose, familiarity with the topic and levels of
difficulty of short texts listened to;
2. identify the strategies to improve one’s listening skills; and
3. appreciate the importance of these listening strategies.

II. Subject Matter

Unit I: Inspirations from the Past
A. Topic: Use Listening Strategies Based on Purpose of the Short Texts Listened to
B. References: Internet: https://depedtambayan.net/
C. Materials: activity sheets, manila paper, marker, scotch tape
D. Values Integration: attentiveness, respect and empathy

III. Instructional Procedure

A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
d. Mood setting

B. Review
The teacher will encourage the students to recall their lesson on giving the
meaning of signs and symbols. Then she will ask the following questions to the learners:
 What are the uses of signs and symbols?
 Why is it important to learn about the different signs and symbols?

C. Motivation
The teacher will instruct the students to pay close attention to the passage she
will read. After reading the passage, she will ask the following questions:
 What is coronavirus?
 What causes COVID-19?
 What are the symptoms of COVID-19 infection?
 Who are more vulnerable or at risk of being infected with Coronavirus?
 Why is social distancing important?
 In what way can face masks protect people against COVID-19?
 What should we do if we develop symptoms of COVID-19?

D. Presentation of the Lesson

a. The teacher will present the topic and the lesson objectives.
b. The teacher will discuss about the strategies to improve one’s listening skills.

In the previous lesson, the students have learned the ability to scan and skim the text in
order to find specific information using Reading Styles for one’s purpose. Reading and listening
are receptive skills. While listening and reading share many comprehension processes, there
are differences in the way the information is processed. Readers often remember more details
and can go back to the text. Listeners construct understanding as they listen and often come
away with an overall understanding of ideas (Absalom and Rizzi, 2008).

These are the six strategies to improve your listening skills:

1. Be attentive – Practice mindfulness by consciously eliminating distractions from your
mind and body.
2. Ask questions – One of the ways you can live in the moment is by asking clear
questions. Often times, people's comments are open to interpretation to understand their
desire to understand what they hear. One of the ways you can stay in the moment is to
ask clarifying questions.
3. Do not interrupt unnecessarily – Use the acronym WAIT, Why Am I Talking? to keep
your comments relative to the speaker’s thoughts.
4. Use body language – Being able to understand and interpret body language can help
you grasp other people's unspoken questions, problems, or negative feelings. Face-to-
face, you can convey that you are listening by nodding, smiling, and maintaining eye
5. Empathize – The ability to perceive the feelings of others, as well as to imagine what
someone else is thinking or feeling. To listen effectively to what the speaker is saying, try
to look at him from his perspective.
6. Take notes – It provides you with a permanent record to refer back to. Good note taking
will improve your active listening, comprehension of material, and retention.

1. Activity: Sing It!

a. The teacher will ask the learners if they are familiar with the song “Roar” by
Katy Perry.
b. The teacher will ask the learners to listen to a certain portion of that song to be
played twice.
c. The teacher will instruct the learners to answer the following after playing the

Directions: Sing the song while filling up the missing words. Choose words from
the box given below.

enough bite hey brushing

mess push thunder got up
everything quietly voice

Katy Perry

I used to________ my tongue and hold my breath

Scared to rock the boat and make a ________
So, I sat _________, agreed politely
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you ________ me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for ________
You held me down, but I got up
Already __________ off the dust
You hear my_________, You hear that sound
Like ________, gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I ________
Get ready ‘cause I had __________
I see it all, I see it now.

2. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following questions to the students. The teacher may
rephrase the questions to facilitate students’ understanding.
a. What are the six strategies to improve your listening skills?
b. Why do we need to be attentive when someone is speaking?
c. Why do we need to clarify or ask questions after we have finished listening?
d. Why do we need to know when we are permitted to interrupt someone who is
e. Why do you believe it is important to understand or interpret body language?
f. Why do we need to put ourselves in the speaker’s shoes?
g. Why is note taking important?
3. Abstraction
Listening and paying attention to others when they speak is a sign of respect
and a skill that will lead to deeper and better relationships. You will also probably learn a
lot more about your friends and your environment by actively listening to others.
Clarifying questions are questions that the listener asks the speaker to eliminate
or prevent any misunderstanding, confusion, or ambiguity. By asking this type of
question after receiving the message, the listener makes sure they properly understood
the message and obtain important additional information.
Even if you think you are interrupting for a good reason – to ask a relevant
question, offer your solution to a problem, or show that you understand – it is rude and it
almost always negatively affects the interaction. Interrupting tells the person speaking
that you do not care what the speaker has to say. You think that your voice is more
important, or do not have time to really listen to them. It can even make it seem that you
were not really listening properly at all and were just waiting for their moment to interject.
Body language can tell people more about your thoughts and opinions more
than your words can. Not only can it help you understand someone else's feelings so
you can adjust your communication (verbal and nonverbal) accordingly, but it can also
help you bond, create relationships by showing others you're engaged in their
When you are empathetic, you are showing compassion for others. You are also
relating to friends, loved ones, and strangers.
Note taking captures information you see or hear during a discussion. And by
using effective note-taking practices, you can use it to aid your understanding, retain
more information and save time.

4. Application
The teacher will ask this question: Do you appreciate the listening strategies?
To show appreciation for these strategies, the teacher will let the students listen
to the steps on how to create a bookmark and ask the students to craft their own
bookmark afterwards.

Steps on how to make a bookmark:

1. Prepare your materials

 craft scissors/scissors
 card
 glue
 patterned paper, art papers
 colored pens/crayons
2. Cut out the basic shape
Bookmarks and books should be the same size. Get the
actual size of the book and use the best shape and design you
3. Choose your nice, patterned paper
You can have floral patterns and other paper designs that
will enhance your work. Choose the design you like best.
4. Cut out and glue the patterned paper
Use the bookmark base as a width reference. Choose the
shapes and details you want and cut them carefully.
5. Decorate with all pens at your disposal
Make it attractive and appealing. Mix the best color
combinations you can to make the best bookmark.
6. You are mostly done.
Cover the bookmark with clear tape to make this marking
tool last longer. Enjoy bookmarking and enjoy reading.
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Listen to the word as I say and on the opposite side of each word, write /ae/
for sound as in (“bat”) and /ei/ sound as in (“bay”).

Words /ae/ or /ei/

1. hand
2. gray
3. eight
4. pass
5. have
6. beige
7. child
8. back
9. after
10. family

V. Assignment
The teacher will instruct the students to ask their parents what their names mean and
the story behind them. They will write their output on their notebooks.

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