Revision Planner (Equity & Trust)
Revision Planner (Equity & Trust)
Revision Planner (Equity & Trust)
Emma died recently. According to her will, the residue of her estate is to be held
in trust for so long as the law allows:
Dawn and James have been appointed as the executors of Emma’s estate. They
seek your advice concerning the validity of those trusts.
ISUK was a non-profit association that promoted ice skating in the UK, but it
closed down five years ago. DISC is a non-profit association with 250 members. It
owns and operates a sports club with two ice skating rinks, changing rooms, a
dining lounge, a bar, and other facilities for use by its members. Annual
membership dues are £1,000 per adult and £500 per child.
Answer Plan:
This is a problem question about trusts for charitable and private purposes and
gifts to unincorporated associations.
Law cases, reports and other references the examiners would expect you to use
Charities Act 2011, ss.1_4, especially s.3(1)(g), Preamble to the Charitable Uses
Act 1601, Morice v Bishop of Durham (1805) 10 Ves 522, Mussett v Bingle
[1896] WN 170, Re Lipinski’s Will Trusts [1976] Ch 235, Hanchett-Stamford v
A-G [2008] EWHC 330 (Ch), Re Vernon’s WT [1972] Ch 300, Re Finger’s WT
[1972] Ch 286, cy-près doctrine.
A good answer to this question would…
consider that clause (a) would have been valid charitable trust for the
advancement of amateur sport under s.3(1)(g) CA 2011 but suffers from
an initial impracticality because ISUK ceased to exist before E died. The
funds can be applied cy-près to a similar purpose if she had a general
charitable intention. Clause (b) is not charitable but could be valid as an
anomalous testamentary trust for the creation and maintenance of a
monument for a deceased person, while clause (c) is a gift to the
members of DISC (Hanchett, Re Lipiniski).
Answer Plan