Crim Law 2 Notes (Up) PDF
Crim Law 2 Notes (Up) PDF
Crim Law 2 Notes (Up) PDF
b. Temporary – obligation of fidelity and Two Ways of Proving Treason [Art. 114,
obedience which a resident alien owes to par.2, RPC]
his government. 1. Testimony of at least two witnesses to the
same overt act; or
Adherence 2. Confession of accused in open court.
An intent to betray; when a citizen intellectually
or emotionally favors the enemy and harbors The Two-Witness Rule
sympathies or convictions. [Cramer v. US, 65 The testimony of two witnesses is required to
Sup. Ct. 918 (1945)] prove the overt act of giving aid or comfort,
but it is not necessary to prove adherence.
Aid or Comfort Each of the witnesses must testify to the whole
An act which strengthens or tends to overt act; or if it is separable, there must be two
strengthen the enemy and an act which witnesses to each part of the overt act. [People
weakens or tends to weaken the power of the v. Escleto, G.R. No. L-1006 (1949)]
traitor’s country to resist or to attack the enemy.
[Cramer v. US, supra] Adherence may be proved [ONC]:
1. By One witness;
5. The overt act of aid and comfort to the 2. From the Nature of the act itself; or
enemy must be intentional. [Id.] 3. From the Circumstances surrounding the
act. [People v. Adriano, G.R. No. L-477
Acts not constituting treason (1947)]
6. “Commandeering" of women to satisfy the
lust of Japanese officers or men or to Aggravating Circumstances
enliven the entertainments held in their Aggravating Circumstances
honor. Sexual and social relations with the Not Allowable/
Japanese did not directly and materially Inherent
Allowable [ICAG]
tend to improve their war efforts or to Circumstances
weaken the power of the US. [People v. [EAT]
Perez, supra.] 1. Ignominy 1. Evident
7. Acceptance of public office and discharge of 2. Cruelty premeditation
official duties under the enemy [People v. 3. Amount or 2. Abuse of Superior
Sison, P.C. 42 O.G. 748] degree of aid strength
4. Gravity of 3. Treachery [People
As to the treatment of common crimes separate distinct v. Roble, G.R. No.
connected with the charge of Treason acts of treason L-433 (1949)]
General Rule: When the killings and other [REYES]
common crimes are charged as overt acts of
treason, they cannot be regarded: (a) as Defenses Against Treason
separate crimes, or (b) as complexed with Defenses against Treason
treason. Acceptable [DL] Unacceptable [SL]
1. Duress or 1. Suspended
Exception: The rule would not preclude the uncontrollable allegiance and
punishment of murder or other common fear [El Pueblo change in
crimes, if the prosecution should elect to de Filipinas v. sovereignty
prosecute the culprit specifically for these Bagalawis, [Laurel v. Misa,
crimes, instead of relying on them as an G.R. No. L-262 G.R. No. L-409
element of treason. [People v. Prieto, G.R. No. (1947)] (1947)]
L-399 (1948)] 2. Lawful 2. Loss of
obedience to a citizenship by the
b. Article 115 – Conspiracy and ● Punishment imposed is as an accessory to
Proposal to Commit Treason treason.
● However, the offender is still a principal to
the crime of misprision of treason. Hence,
Art. 20 of the RPC which provides for
Conspiracy to Proposal to
accessories who are exempt from criminal
commit Treason commit Treason
liability does not apply in this case. [REYES]
1. There is a War in which the Philippines is
Misprision of Treason v. Treason
2. At least two 2. At least one Misprision of
persons agree to: person decides to Treason Treason (Art. 114)
a. Levy war a. Levy war (Art. 116)
against the against the As to the Offender
government; government; Offender is a Filipino Offender is a Filipino
or or Citizen or Resident alien
b. Adhere to the b. Adhere to the owing Allegiance to
enemies, enemies, the Government of the
giving them giving them Philippines
aid or comfort aid or comfort
Acts Punished
3. They decide to 3. That person What is punished is What is punished is
commit it proposes its the concealment or the act of:
execution to failure to disclose of a (1) levying war; or
other persons conspiracy to commit (2) adherence to the
treason enemy and the giving
of aid and comfort
The two-witness rule does not apply because Since the provision
this is a separate and distinct offense from that speaks only of
of treason. [US v. Bautista, G.R. No. L-2189 “knowledge of any
(1906)] conspiracy”, it
presupposes that the
c. Article 116 – Misprision of Treason crime of treason is
not yet consummated
Elements [CCC]: [REYES]
1. Offender is a Citizen of the Philippines As to the Penalty
2. He has knowledge of Conspiracy to commit
treason against the government Penalty is equivalent Principal offender is
3. He Conceals or does not disclose and make to that of an punished by prision
known the same as soon as possible to the accessory to treason mayor to death and
governor or fiscal of the province in which shall pay a fine not to
he resides, or the mayor or fiscal of the city exceed P20,000
in which he resides pesos
Elements [UPE]:
1. Offender performs Unlawful or unauthorized
2. The acts:
Mutiny is usually committed by the other B. CRIMES AGAINST THE
members of the complement and may be FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE
committed by the passengers of the vessel. STATE [ARTS. 124 - 133]
1. Chapter I: Arbitrary Detention or
Piracy v. Mutiny [REYES]
Expulsion, Violation of Dwelling,
Piracy Mutiny
Prohibition, Interruption, and
As to the Attacker
Dissolution of Peaceful Meetings and
Persons who attack Persons who attack
Crimes Against Religious Worship
the vessel or seize the vessel or seize
its cargo are its cargo are
strangers to said members of the SECTION 1 – ARBITRARY DETENTION OR
vessels crew or passengers EXPULSION
As to necessity of intent to gain
Intent to gain is Intent to gain is not a. Article 124 - Arbitrary Detention
essential essential. The
offenders may only Arbitrary Detention [Art. 124, RPC]
intend to ignore the Any public officer or employee who without
ship’s officers or legal grounds detains a person.
they may be
prompted by a Elements [PWD]:
desire to commit 1. Offender is a Public officer or employee
plunder. 2. He Detains a person
3. Detention is Without a legal ground;
detention is without legal ground if not made
j. Article 123 – Qualified Piracy
under the following circumstances [CIA]:
a. Upon the Commission of a crime;
Qualifying Circumstances [B-FA-MHPR]:
b. Violent Insanity; or
1. Whenever the vessel is seized by Boarding
c. Any other Ailment requiring compulsory
or Firing upon the same;
confinement of the patient in a hospital
[Art. 124, Par. 2, RPC]
o Witnesses - must be of sufficient age others, any petition to the authorities for
and discretion residing within the same the
locality [Rule 126, Sec. 8, Rules of Court] ▪ Correction of abuses; or
▪ Redress of grievances
Rationale: Search in the presence of
witnesses specified by the law is mandatory to Disturbance of a Municipal Council Meeting
ensure regularity in the execution of the search Interrupting and dissolving the meeting of a
warrant [People v. Gesmundo, G.R. No. 89373 municipal council by a public officer is a crime
(1993)] against a legislative body, which is in violation
of Sec. 1 of Act. No. 1755 [People v. Alipit, G.R.
Crimes under Section Two - Violation of No. 18853 (1922)]
Domicile, Distinguished
Warrants Searching
Violation of Maliciously Domicile
Domicile Obtained or Without i. Article 132 - Interruption of
(Art. 128) Abuse in its Witnesses Religious Worship
Service (Art. 130)
(Art. 129) Elements [PRD]:
1. Offender is a Public officer or employee
NO warrant A warrant is A warrant is 2. Religious ceremonies or manifestations of
is present. present, BUT: present, BUT any religion are about to take place or are
(1) warrant was there was a going on
maliciously defect in its 3. Offender prevents or disturbs the same
obtained; or (2) implementatio
there was n Qualifying circumstance:
abuse in its If the crime is committed with violence or
execution threats.
The person who There is no need that b. To prevent the national government or
proposes has decided the offender has any provincial or municipal government
to commit rebellion. decided to commit or any public officer from Exercising its or
rebellion. his functions, or prevent the execution of
an administrative order;
As to How Committed c. To Inflict any act of hate or revenge upon
The person who The act of inciting is the person or property of any public
proposes the done publicly. officer or employee;
execution of the crime d. To commit, for any political or social end,
uses secret means. any act of hate or Revenge against
private persons or any social classes; or
e. To Despoil for any political or social end,
g. Article 139 – Sedition any person, municipality or province, or
the national government of all its
Elements: [PFP - PEIRD] property or any part thereof.
1. Offenders rise Publicly and tumultuously;
2. Offenders employ Force, intimidation, or Use of Unlicensed Firearm Absorbed
other means outside of legal methods; Under R.A. 8294 (Act Amending PD No. 1866
3. Purpose is to attain any of the following or the Firearms Law), sedition absorbs the use
objects: of unlicensed firearm as an element thereof;
a. To prevent the Promulgation or hence, it is not an aggravating circumstance,
execution of any law or the holding of any and the offender can no longer be prosecuted
popular election; for illegal possession of firearm. [Boado,
Comprehensive Reviewer in Criminal Law]]
As to the Offender
2. The Aim of the 2. The person circumstance in Art. 14, no. 3 (rank). There
offender is to assaulted is a must be, however, intent to disregard the
attain any of the person in Authority victim’s rank. [BOADO]
purposes of the or his agent;
crime of rebellion 3. At the time of the b. Article 149 - Indirect Assaults
or any of the assault, the person
objects of the in authority or his Elements: (FAU)
crime of sedition agent is engaged in 1. A person in authority or his agent is the
the actual victim of any of the Forms of direct assault
NOTE: This is Performance of defined in Article 148;
tantamount to official duties, or 2. A person comes to the Aid of such authority
rebellion or sedition, that he is assaulted or his agent;
except that there is by reason of the 3. Offender makes Use of force or intimidation
no public uprising. past performance upon such person coming to the aid of the
of official duties authority or his agent.
4. Offender Knows
that the one he is NOTES: Indirect assault presupposes that
assaulting is a direct assault was committed.
person in authority
or his agent in the c. Article 150 - Disobedience to
exercise of his summons issued by the National
Assembly, its Committees or
3./5.There is No public uprising
Subcommittees, or divisions
Under Mode 2
Acts Punishable: [OSARI]
Classifications of direct assault [SQ]:
Mode 1: By refusing, without legal
1. Simple assault.
excuse, to Obey summons of Congress, its
2. Qualified assault.
special or standing committees and
subcommittees, the Constitutional
Qualifying Circumstances [WP-LH]:
Commissions and its committees,
1. There is a Weapon employed in the attack
subcommittees or divisions, or by any
2. The offender is a Public officer
commission or committee chairman or member
3. The offender Lays Hands on a public
authorized to summon witnesses;
Mode 2: By refusing to be Sworn or placed
under affirmation while being before such
Any person directly vested with jurisdiction,
legislative or constitutional body or official;
whether as an individual or as a member of
some court or governmental corporation,
Mode 3: By refusing to Answer any legal
board, or commission, shall be deemed a
inquiry or to produce any books, papers,
person in authority.
documents, or records in his possession, when
required by them to do so in the exercise of
See: Article 152 for the enumeration of persons
their functions;
in authority and agents of such persons in
Mode 4: By Restraining another from attending
as a witness in such legislative or constitutional
Public Officer Not in Authority
If the public officer is not a person in authority,
the assault on him is an aggravating
1. Barrio Captain
means of publication, as news any False news Note: “Calculated to cause” should be “which
which may endanger the public order, or cause produces” alarm and danger according to the
damage to the interest or credit of the State. correct translation of the RPC. Hence, the
result, and not the intent, that counts. [REYES,
Mode 2: Encouraging Disobedience to the law Book 2]
or to the constituted authorities or praising,
justifying or extolling any act punished by law, d. Article 156 - Delivering Prisoners
by the same means or by words, utterances or from Jail
Elements: [CR]
Mode 3: Maliciously publishing or causing to 1. There is a person Confined in a jail or penal
be published any official document or establishment; and
resolution without proper authority, or before 2. Offender Removes therefrom such person
they have been published officially. or helps the escape of such person.
3. In case of uttering such false or “Mutilation” means to take off part of the metal
counterfeited coins, he Connived with the either by filling it or substituting it for another
counterfeiters or importers. metal of inferior quality. [REYES, Book 2]
Kinds of Coins Covered by the Crime Foreign coins are not covered in this article.
1. Silver coins of the Philippines or coin of the [Id.]
Central Bank (CB);
2. Coins of minor coinage of the Philippines Elements of Importing or Uttering Mutilated
or CB; or Coins: [IC]
4. Coin of the currency of a foreign country 1. Offender Imported or uttered mutilated
[REYES, Book 2] coins; and
2. In case of uttering, the offender must have
“To utter” Connived with the mutilator or importer
To utter is to pass counterfeited coins. It
includes delivery or the act of giving them PD 247: Prohibiting and Penalizing
away. A counterfeited coin is uttered when it is Defacement, Mutilation, Tearing, Burning or
paid, when the offender is caught counting the Destruction of Central Bank Notes and
counterfeited coins preparatory to the act of Coins
delivering them, even though the utterer may It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully
not obtain the gain he intended [Decisions of deface, mutilate, tear, burn or destroy, in any
the Supreme Court of Spain] manner whatsoever, currency notes and coins
issued by the Central Bank of the Philippines.
To import is to bring into port
To import fake coins means to bring them into e. Article 165 – Selling of False or
port. The importation is complete before entry Mutilated Coin, without
at the Customs House. [US v. Lyman, 26 Fed. Connivance
Cas. 1024 (1818)]
Acts Punished:
Punishable regardless of whether or not it 1. Possession of coin, counterfeited or
is in official circulation
mutilated by another person, with intent to
The reason behind this is not only the harm that
utter the same, knowing that it is false or
it may cause to the public in case it goes into mutilated; or
circulation again, but also the possibility that
2. Actually uttering such false or mutilated
the counterfeiter may later apply his trade to coin, knowing the same to be false or
the making of coins in actual circulation.
[People v. Kong Leon, C.A., 48 O.G. 664]
Elements: [N-KUPo]
“Forging” – By giving any treasury or bank 1. Any treasury or bank Note or certificate or
note, or any instrument payable to bearer, or to other obligation and security:
order the appearance of a true and genuine a. There is an instrument payable to
document. [REYES, Book 2] bearer, to order or other document of
credit not payable to bearer;
“Falsification” – By erasing, substituting, b. Said instrument is forged or falsified by
counterfeiting or altering by any means, the another person;
figures, letters, words, or signs contained 2. Offender Knows that any of those
therein. [Id.] instruments is forged or falsified; and
3. He either –
When Payable to Bearer: [N.I.L.] a. Uses any of such forged or falsified
1. When expressed to be so payable instruments; or
2. When payable to a person named therein b. Possesses the same, with intent to use
or bearer
3. When payable to the order of a fictitious or Presumption of Material Author
non-existing person, and such fact was The rule is that if a person had in his
known to the person making it so payable possession a falsified document and he made
4. When the name of the payee does not use of it, taking advantage of it and profiting
purport to be the name of any person thereby, the presumption is that he is the
5. When the only or last endorsement is an material author of the falsification. [People v.
endorsement in blank. Sendaydiego, G.R. No. L-33254 (1978)]
relation to Art. 166 (1). [Del Rosario v. People, k. Article 171 – Falsification by Public
G.R. No. L-16806 (1961)] Officer, Employee or Notary or
Ecclesiastical Minister
How Forgery May be Committed
Forgery can be committed through the use of
Elements: [PAF - CApAUDMAI]
genuine paper bills that have been withdrawn 1. Offender is a Public officer, employee, or
from circulation, by giving them the
notary public;
appearance of some other true and genuine 2. He takes Advantage of his official position;
document. [People v. Galano, C.A. 54 O.G.
5899] 3. He Falsifies a document by committing any
of the following acts:
SECTION 4. FALSIFICATION OF a. Counterfeiting or imitating any
handwriting, signature or rubric;
b. Causing it to Appear that persons have
WIRELESS, TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE participated in any act or proceeding
when they did not in fact so participate;
c. Attributing to persons who have
3. Acts of Falsification
participated in an act or proceeding
statements other than those in fact
j. Article 170 – Falsification of made by them;
Legislative Documents d. Making Untruthful statements in a
narration of facts;
Elements: [BAACh] e. Altering true Dates;
1. There is a Bill, resolution or ordinance f. Making any alteration or intercalation in
enacted or approved or pending approval a genuine document which changes its
by either House of the Legislature or any Meaning;
provincial board or municipal council; g. Issuing in an Authenticated form:
2. Offender Alters the same; ● A document purporting to be a
3. He has no proper Authority; and copy of an original document
4. Alteration has Changed the meaning of the when no such original exists,
documents. or
● Including in such a copy a
Falsification v. Forgery statement contrary to, or
Forgery [Art. 169] Falsification [Art. different from, that of the
170] genuine original; and
As used in Article The commission of h. Intercalating any instrument or note
169, forgery refers to any of the 8 acts relative to the issuance thereof in a
protocol, registry, or official book.
the falsification and mentioned in Article
counterfeiting of 171 on legislative
(only the act if making Ecclesiastical Minister’s Liability
treasury or bank
notes or any alteration) or public or The ecclesiastical minister is liable with respect
instruments payable official, commercial or to any record or document that its falsification
to bearer or to order private documents or may affect the civil status of persons [REYES,
wireless or telegraph Book 2]].
messages. Offender Takes Advantage of his Official
Position When:
1. He has the duty to make or prepare, or
intervene in the preparation of the
document; or
Date of Birth, Marriage and Death are Par. 8. Intercalating any instrument or note
Essential relative to the issuance thereof in a
The dates of birth, marriage and death are protocol, registry or official book.
essential, because without them the
documents "cannot produce any legal effect. Pars. 1 to 5 Pars. 6 to 8
May be a genuine There must be a
Par. 6: Making any alteration or (later falsified) or an genuine document
intercalation in a genuine document which entirely fabricated
changes its meaning [Id.] document
Conditions which must concur in order for 2. In case an informant or witness under this
the person to enjoy Immunity from Act fails or refuses to testify without just
Prosecution: cause, and when lawfully obliged to do so,
[NN-CMC] or should he/she violate any condition
1. The information and testimony are accompanying such immunity as provided
Necessary for the conviction of the persons above.
described above;
2. Such information and testimony are Not yet NOTE: In case the informant or witness
in the possession of the State; referred to under this Act falls under the
3. Such information and testimony can be applicability of this Section hereof, such
Corroborated on its material points; individual cannot avail of the provisions under
4. the informant or witness has not been Article VIII of this Act (Program for Treatment
previously convicted of a crime involving and Rehabilitation of Drug Dependents). [Sec.
Moral turpitude, except when there is no 34(3), RA 9165]
other direct evidence available for the State
other than the information and testimony of CHAIN OF CUSTODY RULE [SEC. 21, R.A.
said informant or witness; and 9165, AS AMENDED BY RA 10640]
5. The informant or witness shall strictly and
faithfully Comply without delay, any Chain of Custody
condition or undertaking, reduced into The duly recorded authorized movements and
writing, lawfully imposed by the State as custody of seized drugs or controlled
further consideration for the grant of chemicals or plant sources of dangerous drugs
immunity from prosecution and or laboratory equipment of each stage, from
punishment. [Sec. 33(1-5), RA 9165] the time of seizure/confiscation, to receipt in
the forensic laboratory, to safekeeping, to
NOTE: The above provision operates in spite presentation in court for destruction.
of the provisions of Section 17, Rule 119 of the [Dangerous Drugs Board Resolution No. 1,
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Series of 2002, Implementing RA 9165, Sec.
provisions of Republic Act No. 6981 or the 1(b)]
Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Act of
1991 [Sec. 33, RA 9165] Procedure [Sec. 21, 9165, as amended by RA
Immunity may be Enjoyed by a Witness PDEA shall take charge and have custody of
Who Does Not Appear to be the Most Guilty all dangerous drugs, plant sources of DDs,
Immunity may be enjoyed by an informant or CPs and ECs, as well as
witness who does not appear to be most guilty instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory
for the offense with reference to which his/her equipment confiscated, seized and/or
information or testimony were given. surrendered, for proper disposition in the ff
manner: [PP-SCFI-BCP]
Provided, there is no direct evidence available
for the State except for the information and 1. Apprehending team having initial custody
testimony of the said informant or witness. [id.] shall conduct a physical Inventory of the
Termination of the Grant of Immunity seized items and Photograph the same in:
The immunity granted to the informant or a. The presence of the accused or the
witness shall not attach: [Sec. 34, RA 9165] person/s from whom such items were
1. Should it turn out subsequently that the confiscated and/or seized; or
information and/or testimony is false or b. His/her representative or counsel, with:
made only for the purpose of harassing or i. An elected public official; and
in any way prejudicing the persons ii. Representative of the National
described in the preceding Section. Prosecution Service or the
6. PDEA, within 24 hours, shall thereafter Rationale: suffices to rebut the presumption of
proceed with the destruction or burning of regularity in the performance of official duties,
the items, in the presence of the following: acquitting the accused from liability. [id.]
a. Accused or representative or counsel;
b. Representative from: Section 23 of Republic Act No. 9165 is
i. Media; declared unconstitutional for being contrary to
ii. DOJ, the rule-making authority of the Supreme Court
iii. Civil society groups; and [Estipona v. Lobrigo, G.R. No. 226679, (2017)]
iv. Any elected public official.
NOTE: The SC, in the exercise of its rule- d. Black jack, lucky nine, poker and its
making power, has issued OCA Circular 90- derivatives, monte, baccarat, cuajao,
2018 (May 4, 2018) to enjoin the courts to pangguingue and other card games;
comply with AM No. 18-03-16 (Adoption of the e. Paik que, high and low, mahjong,
Plea Bargaining Framework in Drugs Cases). domino and other games using plastic
tiles and the likes;
F. CRIMES AGAINST f. Slot machines, roulette, pinball and
other mechanical contraptions and
g. Dog racing, boat racing, car racing and
1. Chapter I: Gambling and other forms of races;
h. Basketball, boxing, volleyball, bowling,
Betting pingpong and other forms of individual
or team contests to include game
a. ANTI-GAMBLING LAW (PD. 1602 fixing, point shaving and other
as amended by RA 9287 [ANTI- machinations;
ILLEGAL NUMBERS GAMES i. Banking or percentage game, or any
LAW]) other game scheme, whether upon
chance or skill, wherein wagers
NOTE: Articles 195-199 of the RPC, R.A. 3063 consisting of money, articles of value or
(Horse racing Bookies), P.D. 449 representative of value are at stake or
(Cockfighting), P.D. 483 (Game Fixing), P.D. made;
510 (Slot Machines) in relation to Opinion Nos.
33 and 97 of the Ministry of Justice, P.D. 1306 2. Knowingly Permitting any form of gambling
(Jai-Alai Bookies) and other City and Municipal referred to in the preceding subparagraph
Ordinances or gambling which are inconsistent to be carried on in an inhabited or
with this decree are hereby repealed [Sec. 3, uninhabited place or in any building, vessel
PD 1602] or other means of transportation owned or
controlled by him.
Gambling is any game or scheme, whether Qualifying Circumstance: If the place
upon chance or skill, wherein wagers where the illegal gambling is carried on has
consisting of money, articles or value or a reputation of a gambling place or that
representative of value are at stake or made prohibited gambling is frequently carried on
[REYES, Book 2] therein, or the place is a public or
government building or barangay hall, a
ACTS PUNISHED: [TaP-PoM-BaS] higher penalty will be imposed [Sec.
Note: Article 195, which enumerates the acts 1(a)(1), PD 1602]
punishable, has been wholly repealed by Sec.
1, PD 1602. 3. Possessing any lottery list, paper or other
matter containing letters, figures, signs or
1. Taking part, directly or indirectly, in any symbols pertaining to or in any manner
illegal or unauthorized activities or games used in the mentioned games of lotteries
of: and numbers which have taken place or
a. Cockfighting, jueteng, jai alai or horse about to take place, knowingly and without
racing to include bookie operations and lawful purpose in any hour of any day.
game fixing, numbers, bingo and other
forms of lotteries; 4. Maintaining or conducting above gambling
b. Cara y cruz, pompiang and the like; schemes.
c. 7-11 and any game using dice;
Conductor Lottery
A person who sets up and furnishes the It is a scheme for the distribution of prizes by
means with which to carry on the gambling chance among persons who have paid, or
game or scheme. [REYES, Book 2] agreed to pay, a valuable consideration for the
chance to obtain a prize [U.S. v. Filart, G.R. No.
Qualifying Circumstance: If the maintainer, 10263, (1915)]
conductor or banker of said gambling
schemes is a government official, or where Elements: [CCP]
such government official is the player, 1. Consideration;
promoter, referee, umpire, judge or coach, 2. Chance; and
the official shall be temporarily absolutely 3. Prize or some advantage or inequality in
disqualified and higher penalty will be amount or values which is in the nature of
imposed [Sec. 1(c), PD 1602] a prize [Uy v. Palomar, G.R. No. L-23248,
5. Failing to abate illegal gambling or take
action in connection therewith by a No Lottery when there is Full Value of
Barangay official who has knowledge of Money
the existence of a gambling house or place There is no lottery when there is full value for
in his jurisdiction. money and the prize is merely incidental, this
is because the player obtains full value of his
6. Any Security officer, security guard, money.
watchman, private or house detective of
hotels, villages, buildings, enclosures and b. INCREASING THE PENALTY FOR
the like which have the reputation of a ILLEGAL NUMBERS GAMES (PD
gambling place or where gambling 9287)
activities are being held.
Illegal Numbers Game
Spectators are Not Liable in Gambling
Any form of illegal gambling activity which uses
A mere bystander or spectator in a gambling
numbers or combinations thereof as factors in
game is not criminally liable because he does
giving out jackpots. [Sec. 2(a), RA 9287]
not take part therein. [U.S. vs. Palma, G.R. No.
2188, (1905)
Persons Liable [Sec. 3, RA 9287]:
The law punishes any person who participates
Playing for Money is Not an Essential
in any illegal numbers game who: [BS-VCC-
When the law names the games, punishing any
1. Acts as a Bettor;
person who take part therein, its purpose is to 2. Acts as a Personnel or Staff of an illegal
prohibit absolutely those games regardless
numbers game operation;
whether or not money is involved [REYES, 3. Allows his Vehicle, house, building or land
Book 2]
to be used in the operation of the illegal
numbers games;
4. Acts as a Collector or agent;
Acts Punished: [IPSS]
Betting money or any object or article of value
1. Importing into the Philippines from any
or representative of value upon the result of
foreign place or port any lottery ticket or
any game, races and other sports contest.
[Sec. 1(a), PD 483]
2. Possessing, knowingly and with intent to
use, lottery tickets or advertisements;
3. Selling or distributing the same in
Any arrangement, combination, scheme or
connivance with the importer; and
agreement by which the result of any game,
4. Selling or distributing the same without
connivance with the importer [REYES, races or sports contests shall be predicted
and/or known other than on the basis of the
Book 2]
honest playing skill or ability of the players or
participants. [Sec. 1(b), PD 483]
Presumption of Intent
The possession of any lottery ticket or
advertisement is prima facie evidence of an
Any such arrangement, combination, scheme
intent to sell, ditribute or use the same [Art. 196
or agreement by which the skill or ability of any
(3), RPC]
player or participant in a game, races or sports
contests to make points or scores shall be
Lottery Tickets Need Not be Genuine
limited deliberately in order to influence the
It is not necessary that the lottery tickets be
result thereof in favor of one or other team,
genuine, as it is enough that they be given the
player or participant therein. [Sec. 1(c), PD
appearance of lottery tickets [U.S. vs. Reyes,
G.R. 7260, (1912)]
Any other fraudulent, deceitful, unfair or
dishonest means, method, manner or practice
employed for the purpose of influencing the
result of any game, races or sport contest.
[Sec. 1(d), PD 483]
Offenders Punished [Sec. 3, PD 483]: [OOG] Days When Horse Racing is Allowed vs.
1. An Official, such as promoter, referee, Days when Horse Racing is NOT Allowed
umpire, judge, or coach in the game, race [RA 309 Sec. 4, as amended by Sec. 1, RA.
or sports contests, or the manager or 983]
sponsor of any participating team,
Days When Horse Days When Horse
individual or player therein, or participants
Racing is Permitted Racing is Not
or players in such games, races or other
[SSH - IRVTF] Permitted
sports contests;
2. Any other Offender;
3. An official or employee of any Government
office or agency concerned with the 1. Sundays not 1. July 4th of each
enforcement or administration of laws and reserved by the year [RA 137]
regulations on sports. Commission; 2. December 30
2. 24 Saturdays as of each year
determined by the [RA 229]
e. Article 198 – Illegal Betting On
Commission; and 3. Any registration
Horse Races [Repealed by Act. 3. Legal Holidays, or Voting day
309, as amended by RA 983] except: [RA 180]
a. Independence 4. Holy Thursday
Acts Punished: [BM] Day; and Good
1. Betting on horse races during the periods b. Rizal Day; Friday
not allowed by law; and c. Registration or
2. Maintaining or employing a totalizer or Voting day;
other device or profit therefrom, during d. Holy Thursday;
periods not allowed by law. and
e. Good Friday
Games and Amusements Board
The supervision and regulation of horse-races
in the Philippines shall be vested in a Race held the Same Day is a Separate
Commission on Races (now called the Games Offense
and Amusements Board) [RA 309, as Any race held in the same day at the same
amended by RA 983] place shall be held punishable as a separate
offense [Art. 198(2), RPC]
A Machine for registering and indicating the f. Article 199 – Illegal Cockfighting
number and nature of bets made on horse [amended by PD 449]
races. [id.]
Shall embrace and mean the commonly known
game or term "cockfighting derby, pintakasi or
tupada", or its equivalent terms in different
Philippine localities. [Sec. 4(a), PD 449]
2. Any person who directly or indirectly, 3. The highly scandalous conduct is Not
Organizes cockfights at which bets are expressly falling within any other Art. of the
made, on a day other than those permitted RPC; and
by law; 4. The act/s complained of be committed in a
3. Any person who directly or indirectly Public place or within the Public knowledge
participates in cockfights, at a place other or view [U.S. v. Samaniego, G.R. No. 5115,
than a licensed Cockpit. (1909)]
4. When the offender is the Financer, owner,
manger or operator of cockpit, or the gaffer, Grave Scandal
referee or bet taker in cockfights; or Consists of acts which are offensive to decency
5. Allowing, promoting or participating in any and good customs which, having been
other kind of gambling in the premises of committed publicly, have given rise to public
cockfights during cockfights. scandal to persons who have accidentally
witnessed the same. [REYES, Book 2]
Days Cockfighting is allowed [Sec. 5(d), PD
449]: Decency
1. Sundays; Propriety of conduct, proper observance of the
2. Legal Holidays, EXCEPT: requirement of modesty, good taste, etc. [id.]
a. Rizal Day;
b. Independence Day; Customs
c. National Heroes Day; Established usage and social conventions
d. Holy Thursday; carried on by tradition and enforced by social
e. Good Friday; disapproval of any violation thereof [id.]
f. Election or Referendum Day; and
g. During the Registration Days for Act/s Must be Performed In:
Election or Referendum; 1. Public place; or
3. During local fiestas for not more than 3 2. Private place within public knowledge or
days; and view [U.S. v. Samaniego, G.R. No. 5115,
4. During provincial, city or municipal, (1909)]
agricultural, commercial or industrial fair,
carnival or exposition for a similar period of Public Place vs. Private Place [REYES, Book
3 days 2]
Public Place Private Place
Spectators in a Cockfight Are Not Liable
The decree [PD 449] does not punish a person Public View Requirement
attending as a spectator in a cockfight.
[REYES, Book 2] Public view is not Public view or public
required knowledge is
2. Chapter II: Offenses Against required.
Decency and Good Customs Degree of Publicity
“Public Officers” Includes Every Public Misfeasance (see Arts 204-207: acts by a
Servant judge) Improper performance of some act
The term “public officers” embraces every which might lawfully be done [id.]
public servant from the highest to lowest rank.
The distinction between “officer” and Nonfeasance (Prosecution)
“employee” for the purposes of the RPC is Omission of some act which ought to be
obliterated. [Macalino v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. performed [id.]
Nos. 140199-200 (2002)]
It includes elective and appointive officials and
employees, permanent or temporary: a. Article 204 – Knowingly Rendering
1. Career or non-career service, including Unjust Judgment; and
military and police personnel, whether b. Article 205 – Judgment Rendered
compensated or not [Sec. 3(b), RA 6713] Through Negligence
2. Classified or unclassified or exempt service
receiving compensation, even nominal, Elements
from the government. [Sec. 2(c), RA 3019]
Knowingly Rendering Judgement Rendered
Unjust Judgement Through Negligence
What are Considered “Official Duties”
(Art. 204) [JSUK] (Art. 205) [JSMN]
Includes those which are in one’s capacity to
perform by reason of his office. [Dacumos v.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 95000 (1991)] 1. Offender is a Judge
Not Required. Not required Direct Bribery vs. Sec 3(b) of RA 3019
required The gift (acceptance of Direct Bribery Sec 3(b) RA 3019
(acceptanc must have offer is [Art 210, RPC]
e of offer is a value or sufficient).
sufficient). must be As to Promise or Gift
capable of
pecuniary Acceptance of a Mere request or
estimation. promise or offer or demand of a gift,
It cannot receipt of a gift or present, share,
consist of a present is required percentage or
mere offer benefit is enough
or promise
As to Scope
of a gift.
[REYES, Wider and more Limited to contracts
Book 2] general scope: or transactions
a. Performance of involving monetary
No Stage of Frustrated Bribery an act constituting a consideration where
If one party does not concur, then there is no crime; the public officer has
agreement and not all the acts necessary to b. Execution of an the authority to
commit the crime were present. [Regalado] unjust act which intervene under the
does not constitute a law.
Temporary Performance of Public crime; and
Functions c. Agreeing to
Temporary performance of public functions is refrain or refraining
sufficient to constitute a person a public officer from doing an act
for purposes of bribery. [Maniego v. People, which is his official
G.R. No. L-2971 (1951)] duty to do.
[Merencillo v. People, G.R. No. 142369-70,
Bribery exists when the gift is: (2007)]
1. Voluntarily offered by a private person;
2. Solicited by the public officer and h. Article 211 – Indirect Bribery
voluntarily delivered by the private person;
Elements [PuGO]:
3. Solicited by the public officer but the private
1. Offender is a Public officer;
person delivers it out of fear of the
2. He accepts Gifts;
consequences should the public officer
3. Gifts are offered to him by reason of his
perform his functions (here the crime by the
giver does not fall under corruption of
public officials due to the involuntariness of
Direct Bribery vs. Indirect Bribery
the act). [People v. Sope, G.R. No. L-16
(1946)] Direct Bribery Indirect Bribery
[Art 210] [Art 211]
3. Chapter III: Frauds and Illegal Not necessary for Government to Actually
be Defrauded
Exactions and Transactions It is consummated by merely entering into
agreement or by merely making use of other
a. Article 213 – Fraud Against the schemes to defraud the government. [REYES,
Public Treasury and Similar Book 2]
Elements of Illegal Exactions (par.2-4) [C-
Punishable Acts: [EnD-ReC] DRC]:
1. Entering into an agreement with any 1. Offender is a public officer entrusted with
interested party or speculator or making the Collection of taxes, licenses, fees and
use of any other scheme, to defraud the other imposts;
government, in dealing with any person 2. He is guilty of the following acts or
with regard to furnishing supplies, the omissions:
making of contracts, or the adjustment or a. Demanding directly or indirectly,
settlement of accounts relating to public payment of sums different from or
property or funds; larger than those by law;
2. Demanding, directly or indirectly, the b. Failing voluntarily to issue a Receipt as
payment of sums different from or larger provided by law, for any sum of money
than those authorized by law, in collection collected by him officially; or
of taxes, licenses, fees, and other imposts; c. Collecting or receiving, directly or
3. Failing voluntarily to issue a Receipt, as indirectly, by way of payment or
provided by law, for any sum of money otherwise, things or object of a nature
collected by him officially, in the collection different from that provided by law
of taxes, licenses, fees and other imposts;
4. Collecting or receiving, directly or Persons Liable
indirectly, by way of payment or otherwise, General Rule: Only specific public officers are
things or objects of a nature different from liable and this can only be committed
that provided by law, in the collection of principally by a public officer whose official duty
taxes, licenses, fees and other imposts. is to collect taxes, license fees, import duties
and other dues payable to the government.
Elements of Fraud against Public Treasury [Art. 213, RPC]
(par.1) [POED]:
1. Offender is a Public officer Exception: BIR and Customs employees are
2. He took advantage of his public office; he not covered by the article. The NIRC or the
intervened in the transaction in his Official Revised Administrative Code is the applicable
capacity law. [BOADO]
3. He Entered into an agreement with any
interested party or speculator or made use Receipt must be an Official Receipt
of any other scheme with regard to: The act of receiving payment due the
a. Furnishing supplies government without issuing a receipt will give
b. The making of contracts or rise to illegal exaction even though a
c. Adjustment or settlement of accounts provisional receipt has been issued. What the
relating to public property or funds law requires is a receipt in the form prescribed
4. Accused had intent to Defraud the by law, which means official receipt.
When Estafa instead of Illegal Exaction
When there is deceit in demanding a greater
fee than those prescribed by law, the crime
Mode 1: Mode 2: Mode 3:
Soliciting to Soliciting to Soliciting to PERSONS
a woman a woman wife/daughte
interested in under r/sister/ 1. Chapter I: Destruction of Life
pending offender’s relative of
matters custody person in SECTION 1. PARRICIDE, MURDER,
[PSP] [PSC] custody HOMICIDE
a. Article 246 – Parricide
1. Offender is a Public officer
Parricide shall not be punished by bed [People v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 46310;
reclusion perpetua to death in the following People v. Bituaanan 56 Phil 23, cited in
cases: REYES, Book 2]
1. Reckless or simple imprudence [Art. 365] 2. Accused must be legally married - if the
2. Parricide by mistake [Art. 49] victim is his or her spouse. [People v.
3. Parricide under exceptional circumstances Araquel, G.R. No. L-12629]
[Art. 247] 3. Whether or not the daughter is legitimate
or illegitimate is immaterial - provided she
b. Article 247 – Death or Physical is living with the guilty parent [Regalado]
Injuries Under Exceptional 4. Privilege cannot be invoked without
Circumstances surprise – if the accused did not surprise
the supposed offenders in the very act of
committing adultery, he cannot invoke the
Elements: [M-SD-KiP]
privilege of Art. 247. [People v. Gonzales,
1. A legally Married person, or a parent,
surprises the following in the act of sexual G.R. No. 46310 (1939)]
intercourse with another person:
a. His Spouse or; Immediately Thereafter
There is no set time as jurisprudence has held
b. His Daughter, the latter under 18 years
of age and living with him; 1 hour or even 4 hours as “immediately
thereafter”. However, the act done must be a:
2. He or she Kills any or both of them, or
inflicts upon any or both of them any serious a. Direct result of the outrage of the
cuckolded spouse; and
physical injury in the act or immediately
thereafter; b. Continuous act from the moment of the
surprising. [US v. Vargas, G.R. No. 1053,
3. He has not Promoted or facilitated the
prostitution of his wife or daughter, or that May 7, 1903]
he or she has not consented to the infidelity
of the other spouse. When Article 247 does not apply: [BM]
1. If the surprising took place Before any
actual sexual intercourse could be done.
Not a Felony
2. If the daughter is Married.
This article does not define a felony, rather it
serves as a defense for a person charged with
Although the article does not use the word
parricide, homicide or serious physical injuries.
“unmarried,” this article applies only when
the daughter is single because while under
18 and single, she is still under parental
Sentence to Accused
authority. If she is married, her husband
General Rule: If all the requisites have been
alone can claim the benefits of this article.
met, the defendant will be sentenced to
[REYES, Book 2]
destierro instead of the severe penalty for the
aforementioned crime [People v. Araquel, G.R.
No. L-12629]. c. Article 248 – Murder
imprudence. [People v. Castillo, C.A. No. 227 2. Attempted Felony - the penalty lower by
(1946)] two degrees than that prescribed by law for
the consummated felony shall be imposed
Refusal to be Operated; Not a Defense [Art. 51, RPC].
Refusal of the deceased to be operated on
does not relieve the offender of the criminal NOTE: Any attempt on, or conspiracy against,
liability for his death. [People v. Sto. Domingo, the life of the Chief Executive of the Philippines
G.R. No. 3783, (1939)] or that of any member of his family, or against
the life of any member of his cabinet or that of
Intent to kill any member of the latter’s family, shall suffer
General Rule: Conclusively presumed when the penalty of death. [REYES, Book 2]
death results.
f. Article 251 - Death Caused in
Exception: Evidence of intent is crucial to a Tumultuous Affray
finding of attempted or frustrated homicide
[Yapyuco v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 120744- Tumultuous Affray
46] It is a commotion in a confused manner to an
extent that it would not be possible to identify
Physical Injuries who the killer is if death results, or who inflicted
Accused is liable for physical injuries if there is the serious physical injury, but the person or
no intent to kill on the part of the offender in an persons who used violence are known.
attempted or frustrated homicide. [REYES, [REYES, Book 2]
Book 2]
NOTE: It exists when at least four persons took
Accidental Homicide part. [id].
It is the death of a person brought about by a
lawful act performed with proper care and skill Elements: [SGQKAI]
and without homicidal intent, there is no felony. 1. There are Several persons;
[Id] 2. They do not compose Groups organized for
the common purpose of assaulting and
e. Article 250 - Penalty for Frustrated attacking each other reciprocally;
Parricide, Murder or Homicide 3. These several persons Quarreled and
assaulted one another in a confused and
Courts may impose a penalty: [Art 250] tumultuous manner;
1. 2 degrees lower for frustrated parricide, 4. Someone was Killed in the course of the
murder, or homicide affray;
2. 3 degrees lower for attempted parricide, 5. It cannot be Ascertained who actually killed
murder, or homicide. the deceased; and
6. The person or persons who inflicted serious
The imposition of a penalty lower by one physical injuries or who used violence can
degree than that imposed under Arts. 50 and be Identified.
51 depends on the courts, in view of the facts
of the case. [Id] Persons Liable [IK]
1. Person or persons who Inflicted the serious
Note that under the RPC, the following physical injuries
penalties shall be imposed: 2. If it is not Known who inflicted the serious
1. Frustrated Felony - the penalty next lower physical injuries on the deceased, all
in degree than that prescribed by law for persons who used violence upon the person
the consummated felony [Art. 50, RPC]. of the victim are liable.
Moral Ascendancy or Influence However, in the later case of People vs. Udang
Moral ascendancy or influence exercised by [id.], it has been ruled that the theory may apply
the accused over the victim substitutes for the in acts of lasciviousness and rape, felonies
element of physical force or intimidation such committed against or without the consent of the
as those committed by: victim, it operates on the theory that the sexual
act was consensual. It requires proof that the a. Is afflicted with a Sexually transmissible
accused and the victim were lovers and that disease & the virus / disease is
she consented to the sexual relations. transmitted to the victim;
b. Is a member of the AFP / PNP / any law
Exception: Sweetheart doctrine cannot be enforcement agency / penal institution, &
invoked in instances involving sexual took advantage of his position;
intercourse and lascivious conduct involving c. Knew of the Pregnancy of the offended
child abuse cases under RA 7610, where the party at the time of the commission of
victim abused cannot validly give their consent rape;
to another person. In cases involving minors, d. Knew of the Mental disability, emotional
consent is immaterial [id.]. disorder, or physical handicap of the
offended party at the time of the
Rape Shield Rule commission of rape
Character of the offended woman is immaterial 3. If Rape is committed in Full view of the
in rape. [People vs. Udang, id.] spouse, parent, any of the children, or other
relatives w/in the 3rd civil degree of
Marital Rape consanguinity
Prior to RA 8353, a husband cannot be guilty
of rape, however, under Art. 266-C of RA 8353, NOTE: Special qualifying circumstances have
he may now be held guilty. [People v. to be alleged in the information for it to be
Jumawan, G.R. No. 187495 (2014)] appreciated. [People v. Gallo]
Special Complex Crime
1. When the rape is attempted and a c. Art. 266 - C - Effect of Pardon
homicide is committed by reason of or on
the occasion of attempted rape; and The following shall extinguish the criminal
2. When by reason of or on occasion of action or the penalty imposed:
consummated rape, homicide is committed. 1. Subsequent valid marriage between the
[REYES, Book 2] offender and the offended party, but only
as to the husband.
b. Article 266 - B – Qualified Rape 2. Subsequent forgiveness by the wife as the
offended party when the legal husband is
Qualifying Circumstances the offender, provided their marriage is not
1. If the victim: [18-C-7-M] void ab initio. [REYES, Book 2]
b. Is under 18 yrs. old, & the offender is a
parent, ascendant, step-parent, Applicability of Pardon; Only to Principals
guardian, relative by consanguinity or Pardon is not applicable to accomplices,
affinity w/in the 3rd civil degree, or the accessories and multiple rapes. Since rape is
common law spouse of the parent of the now categorized as a crime against persons,
victim marriage extinguishes the penal action only as
c. Is under the Custody of the police / to the principal. This does not apply where
military authorities / law enforcement multiple rape was committed because while
agency marriage with one defendant extinguishes
d. Is a religious and such legitimate criminal liability, it cannot be extended to acts
vocation is known by the offender before committed by others. [REYES, Book 2]
or at the time of rape
e. Is a child below 7 yrs. old;
f. Suffered permanent or physical
Mutilation or disability by reason or on
the occasion of rape
2. If the offender: [SAPMF]
actually paid. [People v. Jatulan, G.R. No. Illegal Detention v. Arbitrary Detention
171563 (2007)] [REYES, Book 2]
● Actual demand for ransom is Illegal Detention Arbitrary Detention
unnecessary, as long as it can be proven [Art. 267] [Art. 124]
that the kidnapping was done for the As to Offender
purpose of extorting money. [REYES, Book Private individual or Public
public officer/employee
● If kidnapping is for ransom, none of the
officer/employee with a legal duty to
4 circumstances under Art. 267 needs to
be present. [People v. Cenahonon, G.R. who has no legal detain persons
169962 (2007)] duty to detain a
Elements of Kidnapping for Ransom [LDR] As to Acts Committed
1. Intent on the part of the accused to deprive Offender kidnaps,
Public officer detains
the victim of Liberty detains, or
2. Actual Deprivation of liberty a person without
otherwise deprives a
3. Motive of the accused: extorting Ransom legal ground.
person of liberty.
for release of victim [People v. Ejandra, As to Classification
G.R. No 174659 (2008)]
Crime against the
Crime against
fundamental laws of
Special Complex Crime of Kidnapping with personal liberty
Murder/Homicide the State
Where the person kidnapped is killed in the
course of the detention, regardless of whether b. Article 268 - Slight Illegal Detention
the killing was purposely sought or was merely
an afterthought, the crime is a special complex Elements [PKIW]:
crime and the maximum penalty shall be 1. Offender is a Private individual;
imposed as provided by the last paragraph of 2. He Kidnaps or detains another, or in any
Art. 267. [People v. Ramos, G.R. No. 118570 other manner deprives him of his liberty.
(1998)] 3. Kidnapping or detention is Illegal; and
4. Crime was committed Without the
When Murder and not Kidnapping attendance of any of the circumstances
a. If the primary and ultimate purpose of enumerated in Article 267.
the accused is to kill the victim - the
incidental deprivation of the victim’s liberty Liability of Person Furnishing the Place
does not constitute kidnapping but is The liability of one who furnishes the place
merely a preparatory act to the killing and where the offended party is being held captive
is absorbed by the killing of the victim. is that of a principal and not of an accomplice.
[People v. Delim, G.R. No. 142773 (2003)] [REYES, Book 2]
b. If from the acts of the accused it cannot
be inferred that the latter’s purpose was Privileged Mitigating Circumstance [R3AC]
to actually detain or deprive the victim The penalty is lowered if:
of his liberty - the subsequent killing of the 1. Offended party is voluntarily Released
victim did not constitute the crime of within 3 days from the start of illegal
kidnapping. The demand for ransom does detention;
not convert the crime into kidnapping, if no 2. Without Attaining the intended purpose; and
deprivation of liberty was involved. [People 3. Before the institution of the Criminal action.
v Padica, G.R. No. 102645 (1993)]
NOTE: Voluntary release will only mitigate
criminal liability if crime was slight illegal
Example: When threats are made and money j. Article 284 - Bond for Good
or property is demanded on the spot, the crime
may be robbery with intimidation. [US v.
Osorio, G.R. No. 6660 (1912)]
When a Person is Required to Give Bail
Sec. 1(h) of PD 1829 (Obstruction of
When the offender threatens another under the
circumstances mentioned in:
Threatening the infliction of any wrong upon
1. Art. 282 (Grave Threats); or
another’s person, honor, or property or that of
2. Art. 283 (Light Threats).
any of his immediate family members or the
imposition of a condition, whether lawful or
Bond for Good Behavior v. Bond to Keep
unlawful, shall be punished as obstruction of
the Peace
justice when the purpose of such is to prevent
a person from appearing in the investigation of, Bond for Good Bond to Keep the
or official proceedings in criminal cases. [Sec Behavior Peace
1(h), P.D. No. 1829] [Art 284] [Art 35]
As to Applicability to Cases
i. Article 283 - Light Threats Applicable only to
Not applicable to
grave threats and
any particular case
Elements [T-N-D-AN]: light threats
1. Offender makes a Threat to commit a Effect of Failure to Give
wrong; He shall be He shall be detained
2. Wrong does Not constitute a crime; sentenced to for a period not
3. There is a Demand for money or that other destierro. exceeding 6 months
condition is imposed, even though not
(if prosecuted for
unlawful; and
grave/less grave
employment. With the reason being that no one 2. The manufacturing or industrial
has a right to the personal privacy of another. establishment has a Secret of the industry
[id.] which the offender has learned;
3. Offender Reveals such secrets; and
Discovering Secrets through Seizure of 4. Prejudice is caused to the owner.
Correspondence v. Public Officer
Revealing Secrets of Private Individual vs. NOTES:
Revealing Secrets with Abuse of Office 1. Secrets must relate to manufacturing
Discovering Public Revealing processes [REYES, Book 2]
Secrets Officer Secrets 2. The revelation of the secret might be made
through Revealing with Abuse even after the employee or workman had
Seizure of Secrets of of Office ceased to be connected with the
Corresponde Private [Art. 291] establishment. [id.]
nce Individual
[Art. 290] [Art. 230] J. CRIMES AGAINST
As to Offender
Private Public Manager,
Individual or Officer Employee
Public Officer or Servant 1. Chapter I: Robbery in General
not in the serving a
exercise of his Principal or a. Article 293 – Who Are Guilty of
official Master Robbery
As to Where Secrets are Contained Classifications of Robbery: [ViFo]
Papers or No specific No specific 1. Robbery with Violence against, or
letters of medium. medium. intimidation of persons (Arts. 294, 297 &
298); and
another What is The
2. Robbery by use of Force upon things (Art.
necessary offender
299 & 302) [REYES, Book 2]
is that the learns of
offender the secret Elements of Robbery in General [PTI-ViFo]:
learns of by reason 1. There is a Personal property belonging to
the secret of her or his another;
by reason employmen 2. There is unlawful Taking of that property;
of his office t. 3. The taking must be with Intent to gain; and
As to Revelation of Secrets 4. There is:
Secrets need Secrets must be revealed a. Violence against or intimidation of any
not be person; or
revealed. b. Force used upon things
“By reason or on occasion of the robbery” All the homicides or murders are merged in the
- means that the homicide or serious physical composite, integrated whole, so long as all the
injuries must be committed in the course or killings were perpetrated by reason or on the
because of the robbery. Otherwise, they shall occasion of the robbery. [People vs. Madrid,
be separate offenses [REYES, Book 2] id.]
NOTE: Violence or intimidation may enter at c. Art. 295 – Robbery with Physical
any time before the owner is finally deprived of
Injuries Committed in an
his property [id.]
Uninhabited Place and by a Band
Threats to Extort Money vs. Robbery or With the Use of a Firearm on a
through Intimidation [REYES, Book 2] Street, Road or Alley
Threats to Extort Robbery Through
Money Intimidation Qualified Robbery with Violence Against or
[Art. 282] [Art. 294] Intimidation of Persons (Art. 294 par. 3, 4
As to the Nature of the Intimidation and 5):
If committed: [U-BAES]
Conditional or future Actual and
1. In an Uninhabited place, or
2. By a Band, or
As to How Intimidation is Done 3. By Attacking a moving train, street car,
May be through an Personal motor vehicle, or airship, or
Intermediary 4. By Entering the passengers’ compartments
As to Whom Intimidation is Directed in a train, or in any manner taking the
May refer to the directed only to the passengers thereof by surprise in the
person, honor or person of the victim respective conveyances; or
property of the 5. On a Street, road, highway, or alley, and
offended party or the intimidation is made with the use of
that of his family
As to the Culprit’s Gain
NOTE: Above circumstances must be alleged
Gain is not Gain is immediate in the information. Moreover, these 5 qualifying
immediate circumstances cannot be offset by a generic
mitigating circumstance. [REYES, Book 2]
Robbery vs. Bribery
Robbery Bribery Uninhabited place
[Arts. 293 & 294] [Art. 210-211-A] One where there are no houses at all, a place
As to the Manner of Commission at a considerable distance from the town, or
Victim is deprived of Victim voluntarily where the houses are scattered at a great
his personal parts with his money distance from each other. [REYES, Book 1]
property by violence, or property.
Imposable Penalty
intimidation or force
Offender found liable under this article shall be
upon things.
punished by the maximum periods of the
As to Purpose of Deprivation of Property proper penalties in Art. 294. [id.]
Offender simply Money or gift
intends to gain. obtained by the d. Art. 296 – Definition of a Band and
person bribed was Penalty Incurred by the Members
meant as thereof
consideration for the
agreement of Rule: [4-AP]
performance or non- 1. When at least 4 (more than 3) armed
malefactors take part in the commission of
homicide. [People v. Villanueva, G.R. No. 2. Even if there was No entrance by any of
2676, (1939)] those means, he broke a wardrobe, chest,
or any other kind of locked or closed or
f. Article 298 – Execution of Deeds by sealed furniture or receptacle in the house
Means of Violence or Intimidation or building, or he took it away to be broken
or forced open outside. [REYES, Book 2]
Elements: [IC-VI]
1. Offender has Intent to defraud another; g. Article 299 – Robbery in an
2. Offender Compels him to sign, execute, or Inhabited House/Public Building or
deliver any public instrument or document; Edifice Devoted to Worship
3. Compulsion is by means of Violence or Mode 1: Entering Effected Through Force
Intimidation. Elements: [E-E-T]
1. Offender Entered: [EBR]
NOTE: a. An inhabited House; or
● "Public" describes the word "instrument" b. Public Building
only. Hence, this article applies even if the c. Edifice devoted to Religious worship
document signed, executed or delivered is 2. Entrance was effected by any of the
a private or commercial document. following means: [OBFN]
[REYES, Book 2] a. Through an Opening not intended for
● Art 298 is not applicable if the document is entrance or egress;
void [Id.] b. By Breaking any wall, roof, or floor, or
door or window;
Execution of Deeds by Means of Violence or c. By using False keys, picklocks or similar
Intimidation vs. Grave Coercion tools; or
Execution of Grave Coercion d. By using any fictitious Name or
Deeds by Means of [Art. 286] pretending the exercise of public
Violence or authority.
Intimidation [Art. 3. Once inside the building, offender Took
298] personal property belonging to another with
As to the Manner of Commission intent to gain.
Violence is used in Violence is used in
Imposable Penalty
compelling the compelling the
Penalty depends on the value of property taken
offended party to offended party to and on whether or not offender carries arm.
sign or deliver the sign or deliver the [REYES, Book 2 citing Art. 299, RPC]
document, with document, without
intent to defraud intent to defraud Inhabited House vs. Public Building
[REYES, Book 2] [REYES, Book 2]
Inhabited House Public Building
SECTION 2. ROBBERY BY THE USE OF Any shelter, ship or Every building owned
FORCE UPON THINGS vessel constituting the by the Government or
dwelling of one or belonging to a private
Robbery by the use of force upon things is more persons even person but used or
committed only when either: [299-302-N] though the inhabitants rented by the
1. Offender entered a house or building by any thereof are temporarily Government, although
of the means specified in Art. 299 or Art. absent therefrom temporarily
302; or when the robbery is unoccupied by the
committed. same.
a. In any manner Aids, abets or protects 3. Hunt or fish upon the same
such band of brigands; or or gather fruits, cereals or
b. Gives them Information of the other forest or farm
movements of the police or other peace products.
officers; or
c. Acquires or receives the property taken NOTE: Fishing should not be in
by such brigands. the fishpond within the field or
estate, otherwise it is Qualified
NOTE: It is presumed that the person Theft. [Reyes, Book Two]
performing any of the acts provided in Art. 307
[REYES, Book 2]
has performed them knowingly, unless the
contrary is proven. [Art. 307, RPC]
Theft vs. Robbery
Theft Robbery
3. Chapter III: Theft [Art. 306] [Arts. 293-294]
Presence of Violence
a. Article 308 – Who are Liable for Offender does not There is violence or
Theft use violence or intimidation or Force
intimidation of upon things
Summary of Modes of Commission Under
persons or force
Art. 308:
upon things
MODE Elements
[REYES, Book 2]
1. Offender takes the take
Personal property of
Mode 1: Taking of Personal Property of
another without the latter’s
Another Without Violence or Intimidation of
Persons or Force upon Things
Mode 1 2. Taking was with Intent to
[PIW] gain; and
“Without consent”
3. Taking was Without
Consent contemplated in this element of theft
violence against or
refers to consent freely given and not to one
intimidation of persons nor
which may only be inferred from mere lack of
force upon things.
opposition [REYES, Book 2]
1. Offender found Lost
property; and
Mode 2 When Consummated
2. Fails to deliver the same to
[LF] Theft is complete from the moment the
the local authorities or to its
offender had full possession of the thing, even
if he did not have an opportunity to dispose of
1. Offender maliciously
the same. [People v. Sevilla, G.R. No. 86163,
Damaged the property of (1990)]. Accordingly, there is no crime of
Mode 3 another; and
frustrated theft.
[DR] 2. Removes or makes use of
the fruits or object of the
Objects Considered Personal Property:
damage caused by them. 1. Electricity and Gas [US vs. Carlos, G.R.
1. Offender entered an No. 6295, (1911)]
Enclosed estate or a field 2. Promissory Notes and checks [People vs.
Mode 4 without the consent of its Koc Song, G.R. No. L-45043, (1936)]
owner; 3. Telecommunication or Telephone Service
2. Trespass is Forbidden or [Laurel v. Abrogar, G.R. No. 155076,
the enclosed estate or field (2009)]
belongs to Another; and
The law does not require knowledge of the NOTE: Penalties for qualified theft are 2
owner of the lost property. [REYES, Book 2] degrees higher than those respectively
specified in Art. 309. [Art. 310, RPC]
"Lost property" embraces loss by stealing. Abuse of Confidence must be Grave.
A finder who fails deliberately to return the thing There must be an allegation that by reason of
lost may be considered more blameworthy if dependence, guardianship or vigilance,
the loss was by stealing than through some between the accused and the offended party,
other means. [People v. Rodrigo, G.R. No. L- that has created a high degree of confidence
18507] between them, which the accused abused.
[People vs. Koc Song, id.]
NOTE: Art. 308 (1) is not limited to actual
finder. [US v. Santiago, G.R. No. L-9375, NOTE: Theft by a housemate is not always
(1914)]. It may include a policeman to whom it qualified. Living together under the same roof
is entrusted or misappropriated the same engenders some confidence, but it is not
[People v. Avila, G.R. No. L-19786, (1923)] necessarily grave. [id.]
Elements: [PB-VI]
1. Offender takes Possession of any real
b. Article 313 – Altering Boundaries
property or usurps any real rights in property or Landmarks
2. Real property or real rights Belong to
another Elements: [BA]
3. Violence against or intimidation of persons 1. There are Boundary marks or monuments
is used by the offender in occupying real of towns, provinces, or estates, or any other
property or usurping real rights in property; marks intended to designate the boundaries
and of the same; and
4. There is Intent to gain. 2. Offender Alters said boundary marks.
Real Property May be Involved Damage or prejudice may consist of: [MPP]
"Abscond" does not require that the debtor 1. Offended party being deprived of his Money
should depart and physically conceal his or property as a result of defraudation;
property. Hence, real property could be the 2. Disturbance in Property rights; or
subject matter of fraudulent insolvency. 3. Temporary Prejudice [REYES, Book 2]
[People vs. Chong Chuy Limgobo, G.R. 20995,
(1923)] Ways of Committing Estafa: [U-FF-M]
Mode Sub-modes
Prejudice to the Creditors 1. With Unfaithfulness
Contemplates the transfer of disposing of the [Art. 315 (1)(a)]
Mode 1:
offender’s property to keep it out of reach of his 2. With Abuse of
creditors resulting in the non-enforcement of a Confidence [Art.
writ of execution [Dee v. People, G.R. No. 315(1)(b)]
136785, (2000)] or Abuse of
3. By taking undue
advantage of the
Fraudulent Insolvency vs. Insolvency Law [UCS] Signature in blank
Fraudulent Insolvency Law [Art. 315(1)(c)]
Insolvency [Act. No. 1956] 1. Using fictitious Name
[Art. 314] or false pretenses
As to the Requirement of Insolvency and other similar
Proceedings deceits [Art.
No need for Crime should be 315(2)(a)];
Insolvency committed after the 2. By Altering the
quality, fineness or
Proceedings. institution of
weight of anything
pertaining to his art or
NOTE: Offender proceedings business [Art.
need not be Mode 2: 315(2)(b)]
adjudged bankrupt By Means of 3. By pretending to
or insolvent. False have Bribed any
[REYES, Book 2] Pretense or government
Imposable Penalty Fraudulent employee [Art.
Higher penalty is imposed if the offender is a Acts 315(2)(c)]
merchant. [NAB-CF] 4. By post-dating a
Check with no funds
6. Chapter VI: Swindling and or is not sufficient to
cover the amount of
Other Deceits the check. [Art.
a. Article 315 – Swindling or Estafa 5. By obtaining Food,
refreshment or
Elements of Etafa in general: [DCDD] accommodation with
1. Accused Defrauded another: intent to defraud [Art.
a. by abuse of Confidence, or 315(2)(e)]
b. by means of Deceit; and Mode 3: 1. By inducing another
a. Estafa by Using a Fictitious Name, False proper to bring against the offender.
Pretenses and Other Deceits [Art. 315(2)(a)] [REYES, Book 2]
b. If the crime is consummated - crime is
Ways of Committing Estafa: [NPO] corruption of public officer. [id.]
1. By using fictitious Name;
2. By falsely Pretending to possess: [QPI- 3. Estafa by Means of Fraudulent Acts
a. Qualifications, The acts must be fraudulent; characterized by,
b. Power, or founded on, deceit, trick or cheat. [REYES,
c. Influence, Book 2.]
d. Property,
e. Agency, a. Estafa by Postdating a Check or Issuing
f. Credit, a Check in Payment of an Obligation
g. Credit,
h. Business or Elements: [OF]
i. Imaginary transactions; or 1. Offender postdated a check, or issued a
3. By means of Other similar deceits. [REYES, check in payment of an Obligation; and
Book 2] 2. Such postdating or issuing a check was
done when the offender had no Funds in the
NOTE: Element of deceit is indispensable, bank, or his funds deposited therein were
consisting in the false statement or fraudulent not sufficient to cover the amount of the
representation was made prior to, or check.
simultaneously with the delivery of the thing. It
being essential that such false statement or Check issued must be Genuine
fraudulent representation constitutes the very If the check is falsified and the same is cashed
cause or the only motive which induces the with the bank, or exchanged for cash, the crime
complainant to part with the thing. [id.] committed is estafa through falsification of a
commercial document. [REYES, Book 2]
Use of Fictitious Name
There is use of fictitious name when a person Must be the Efficient Cause
uses a name other than his real name. [People To constitute estafa, the post-dating or
vs. Yusay, G.R. No. L-26957, (1927)] issuance of the check should be the efficient
cause of the defraudation. As such, it should be
The pretense must be false given either prior to, or simultaneously with, the
There must be evidence that the pretense of act of fraud. [People vs. Reyes, G.R. No.
the accused that he possesses power, 154159, (2005)]
influence, etc., is false. [REYES, Book 2]
NOTE: The check should not be postdated or
b. Estafa by Altering the Quality, Fineness issued in payment of pre-existing obligation.
or Weight of anything pertaining to his art [id.]
or business [Art. 315(2)(b)]
Prima Facie Evidence of Deceit
c. Estafa by Pretending to have bribed any There is prima facie evidence of deceit when
Government Employee [Art. 315(2)(b)] the drawer fails to pay 3 days after receiving
notice of dishonor [Art. 315(2)(d), as amended
NOTES: by RA 4885]
a. Offender may still be liable for
defamation which the government Stoppage of a Payment of a Check
employee allegedly bribed may deem If checks were issued by defendant and he
received money for them and stopped payment
and did not return the money and if at the time different from those which the offended party
the check was issued, he had the intention of told the accused to state in the document, the
stopping payment, he is guilty of estafa. [US vs. crime is falsification. [REYES, Book 2]
Poe, G.R. No. 13969, (1919)]
b. Estafa by Resorting to Some Fraudulent
Continuing Offense Practice to Ensure Success in Gambling
Estafa by issuance of a bad check is continuing [Art. 315(3)(b)]
offense [People v. Yabit, G.R. L-42902, (1977)]
c. Estafa by Removing, Concealing or
b. Estafa by Obtaining Food or Destroying Court Records, Office Files, and
Accommodation at a Hotel, etc. [Art. 315 other Documents [Art. 315(3)(c)]
Elements: [CRD]
Punishable Acts: [FCA] 1. There are Court records, office files,
1. By obtaining Food, refreshment or documents or any other papers.
accommodation at a hotel, inn, restaurant, 2. Offender Removed, concealed or destroyed
boarding house, lodging house or any of them.
apartment house without paying therefor, 3. Offender had intent to Defraud another.
with intent to defraud the proprietor or
manager thereof; NOTE: If there is no intent to defraud, the act
2. By obtaining Credit at any of said of destroying a court record will be malicious
establishments by the use of any false mischief. [Reyes Book, Two]
pretense; or
3. By Abandoning or surreptitiously removing Infidelity in Custody of Document vs. Estafa
any part of his baggage from any of said by Removing, Concealing or Destroying a
establishments after obtaining credit, food, Document
refreshment or accommodation therein, Infidelity in Estafa
without paying therefor. Custody of [Art. 315, 3(c)]
3. Estafa Through Fraudulent Means [Art. [Art. 226]
315(3)] As to the Manner of Commission
Both are Similar in the Manner of
a. Estafa by Inducing Another to Sign Any
Document Commission
As to the Property Involved
Offender is a public Offender is a private
officer who is individual or even a
Elements: [ISiP-P] officially entrusted public officer who is
1. Offender Induced the offended party to sign with the custody of not officially
a document. documents entrusted with the
2. Deceit was employed to make him Sign the custody of said
document. documents.
3. Offended party Personally signed the
As to Intent
No Intent to Defraud There is Intent to
4. Prejudice was caused.
NOTE: If the offended party is willing and ready [REYES, Book 2]
from the beginning to sign the document and
there is deceit as to the character or contents
of the document, because the contents are
b. Article 316 – Other Forms of b. Offender Knew that the real property was
Swindling encumbered, whether the same was
recorded or not.
Punishable Acts: c. There was express Representation by the
1. Conveying, selling, encumbering, or offender that the real property is free from
mortgaging any real property, encumbrance; and
pretending to be the owner of the same d. Act of disposing of the real property was
made to the Damage of another. [REYES,
Elements: [I-ROP] Book 2]
a. Thing is Immovable (e.g., parcel of land or
building). Definition of Terms [REYES, Book 2]:
b. Offender is not the owner but Represents 1. “Dispose” – includes encumbering or
himself as the owner thereof. mortgaging.
c. Offender executed an act of Ownership 2. “Encumbrance” – includes every right or
(selling, encumbering or mortgaging the real interest in the land which exists in favor of
property). third persons.
d. Act was made to the Prejudice of the owner
or a third person. [REYES, Book 2] 3. Wrongfully taking by the owner of his
personal property from its lawful possessor
Swindling vs. Estafa by False Pretenses
Estafa by False Elements: [OPWP]
Swindling 1. Offender is the Owner of personal property.
[Art. 316(1)] 2. Property is in the lawful Possession of
[Art. 315, 2(a)]
As to the Property Involved 3. Offender Wrongfully takes it from its lawful
Covers immovable May cover personal possessor.
or real property. and real property. 4. Prejudice is caused to the lawful possessor
As to Acts Committed or third person.
Selling, or Pretense in owning
encumbering, or real or personal Mode 1 v. Mode 3
mortgaging any real property and Pretending to be Wrongfully Taking
property, and doing defrauding the Owner of Real Personal Property
some act of offended party. Property from Lawful
dominion or [Mode 1] Possessor
ownership over the [Mode 3]
property to the As to the Property Involved
damage and Immovable Property Personal Property
prejudice of the real As to Ownership
owner of the thing. Offender merely Offender is the
[REYES, Book 2] represents himself owner of the
as the owner of the personal property.
2. By disposing of real property as free immovable property
from encumbrance, although such involved
encumbrance be not recorded As to the Acts Committed
Offender committed The personal
Elements: [DKRD]
an act of ownership property is
a. Thing Disposed of is real property.
prejudicial to the wrongfully taken
true owner of the
i. Any Arsenal, shipyard, storehouse or the building note necessary in the business
military powder or fireworks factory, of the offender nor for household use.
ordnance, storehouse, archives or 4. If the fire started Simultaneously in more
general museum of the Government. than one part of the building or
ii. Inhabited place, storehouse or factory establishment.
of inflammable or explosive materials. 5. If shortly before the fire, a substantial
[Sec 10(2), RA 7659] portion of the effects insured and stored in a
building or property had been Withdrawn
3. Other cases of Arson [PD 1613, Sec. 3] from the premises except in the ordinary
course of business.
Burning of any: [O-InIn-PMR] 6. If a Demand for Money or other valuable
a. Building used as Offices of the government consideration was made before the fire in
or any of its agencies; exchange for the desistance of the offender
b. Inhabited house or dwelling; or for the safety of the person or property of
c. Industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well the victim.
or mine shaft, platform or tunnel; 7. If during the lifetime of the corresponding
d. Plantation, farm, pastureland, growing fire insurance policy more than 2 fires have
crop, grain field, orchard, bamboo grove or occurred in the same or other premises
forest; owned or under the control of the offender
e. Rice, sugar or cane Mill, or mill central; and and/or insured.
f. Railway or bus station, airport, wharf or
warehouse. NOTE: Conspiracy to commit arson is
penalized under the law [Sec. 7, PD 1613]
Special Aggravating Circumstance: [HIBS]
1. Offender is motivated by spite or Hatred Stages of Arson: [AFC]
towards the owner or occupant of the 1. Attempted Arson – offender commences
property burned; the commission of the crime directly by
2. Committed with Intent to gain; overt acts but does not perform all the acts
3. Committed for the Benefit of another; and of execution due to the timely intervention
4. Committed by a Syndicate. [Sec. 4, PD of another who chases away the offender.
1613] [REYES, Book 2]
NOTE: This cannot be offset by any mitigating Illustration: Placing the rags soaked in
circumstance. [REYES, Book 2] gasoline beside the wooden wall of the
building and lighting a match but does not
Prima Facie Evidence of Arson: [FISWiD2] continue to the setting of fire to the rag [id.]
1. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other
Flammable or combustible substances or 2. Frustrated Arson
materials soaked therewith or containers
thereof, or any mechanical, electrical, Illustration: Person is able to light or set
chemical, or electronic contrivance fire to the rags but the fire was put out
designed to start a fire, or ashes or traces of before any part of the building was burned
any of the foregoing are found in the ruins [US vs. Valdez, G.R. No. L-14128, (1918)]
or premises of the burned building or
property. NOTE: It is argued that there is no such
2. If the building or property is Insured for thing as Frustrated Arson [Boado], as
substantially more than its actual value at illustrated in the case of People vs.
the time of the issuance of the policy. Gutierrez [G.R. No. 100699, (1996)],
3. If a substantial amount of Flammable wherein the court ruled that even if a
substances or materials are Stored within building is not completely gutted by fire, the
NOTE: These are also called qualified d. Art. 330 – Damage and Obstruction
malicious mischief [id.] to Means of Communication
Mode 1 of Art. 328 vs. Sedition
Punishable Act
Mode 1 Sedition Damaging any railway, telegraph or telephone
[Art. 328] [Art. 139] line.
As to Presence of a Public and
Tumultuous Uprising Qualifying Circumstance
Not Present Present Higher penalty shall be imposed if it shall result
As to intention to Obstruct Public in any derailment of cars, collision, or other
Functions accident
There is intent to obstruct public functions
NOTE: Derailment or collision of cars should
[REYES, Book 2]
not have been purposely sought for by the
offender but should have just resulted from
Theft vs. Art. 328, Mode 4
damage to railway, telegraph or telephone
Theft Mode 4
lines. [REYES, Book 2]
[Art. 308] [Art. 328[4]]
As to the Property Involved Telegraph or Telephone Lines
Property belonging Property belonging The telegraph or telephone lines must pertain
to the National to the National to a railway system.
Library or National Library or National
Museum. Museum, or to any Crimes Committed if Passengers are Killed:
archive or registry, Passenger
Intent to Crime
road or any thing s are Killed
Kill Committed
used in common by as a Result
the public. Present Present Murder
As to the Acts Committed Damages to
Offender unlawfully Offender Present Means of
Not Present
takes property deliberately causes Communicatio
belonging to the damage for the sake n
national library or of damaging them.
National Museum
e. Art. 331 – Destroying or Damaging legitimate and adopted full brothers or sisters
Statues, Public Monuments or [id.]
Paintings Relatives by Affinity – includes stepfather,
adopted father, and natural children. [id.]
Persons Liable: [SP]
1. Any person who shall destroy or damages 3. Widowed Spouse with respect to property of
the deceased, if:
Statues or any other useful or ornamental
public monument; and a. Property belongs to the deceased
spouse; and
2. Any person who shall destroy or damage
any useful or ornamental Painting of a b. It has not yet passed into the possession
of a 3rd Person [REYES, Book 2]
public nature.
4. Brothers and Sisters and brothers-in-law
10. Chapter X – Exemption and sisters-in-law, if living together; and
from Criminal Liability
Against Property Exemption Not Applicable to:
1. Strangers participating in the commission
of the crime [Art. 332(4), RPC]
a. Art. 332 – Persons Exempt from 2. If complexed with another crime
Criminal Liability [Carungcong vs. People, G.R. No. 181409,
Civil Liability Only
No criminal, but only civil liability shall result
from the commission of any said crimes, K. CRIMES AGAINST
committed or caused mutually by those CHASTITY
persons. [Art. 332(1), RPC]
man not her conduct for money nature. [People v. Cordova, C.A., G.R. No.
husband or profit 19100-R (1959)]
[REYES, Book 2]
Mere Cohabitation Sufficient
b. Article 334 – Concubinage In the 3rd way of committing the crime, mere
cohabitation is sufficient; Proof of scandalous
Elements: [MaKeSCoK] circumstances not necessary. [People v. Pitoc,
1. Man is Married; G.R. No. 18513 (1922)]
2. He is either:
a. Keeping a mistress in the conjugal Liability of Married Man
dwelling; A married man is not liable for concubinage for
b. Having Sexual intercourse under mere sexual relations with a woman not his
scandalous circumstance with a woman wife. It must be under scandalous
not his wife; circumstances. [REYES, Book 2]
c. Cohabiting with her in any other place;
and No Knowledge that Woman is Married
3. As regards the woman: she Knows that he A married man who is not liable for adultery
is married. because he did not know that the woman was
married, may be held liable for concubinage. If
Persons Liable: [MaW] the woman knew that the man was married,
1. Married man; and she may be held liable for concubinage as well.
2. Woman who knew that the man was [Id]
married. [Id]
Definition of Terms: When Spies are Employed, no evidence of
1. Mistress – a woman taken by the accused scandalous circumstances
to live with him in the conjugal dwelling as When spies are employed for the purpose of
his mistress/concubine. [Id] watching the conduct of the accused and it
2. Conjugal Dwelling – the home of the appearing that none of the people living in the
husband and the wife, even if the wife vicinity has observed any suspicious conduct,
appears to be temporarily absent on any there is no evidence of scandalous
account. [Id] circumstances. [US v. Campos Rueda, G.R.
3. Cohabit – to dwell together, in the manner No. L-11549 (1916)]
of husband and wife, for some period of
time, as distinguished from occasional 2. Chapter II – Rape and Acts of
transient interviews for unlawful intercourse. Lasciviousness
[People v. Pitoc, G.R. No. 18513,
September 18, 1922]
4. Scandalous Circumstances – Scandal
a. Article 335 – When and How Rape
consists in any reprehensible word or deed is Committed (repealed by RA No.
that offends public conscience, redounds to 8353)
the detriment of the feelings of honest
persons, and gives occasion to the NOTE: Art. 335 has been repealed by RA
neighbors’ spiritual damage or ruin. [People 8353, otherwise known as the Anti-Rape Law
v. Santos, 87 Phil. 687 (1950)] of 1997 which took effect on October 22, 1997.
(below 18 years old) to satisfy the lust of Prostitutes Anyone who Anyone
another. [REYES, Book 2] who, for purchases, who
money or sells, engages in
NOTES: profit, kidnaps or the
1. It is not necessary that the unchaste acts habitually detains a business or
shall have been done. What the law indulge in human profits by
punishes is the act of a pimp who facilitates sexual being for the
the corruption of, and not the performance intercourse or purpose of or enlists
of unchaste acts upon the minor. [id.] lascivious enslaving another for
2. Victim must be of good reputation, not a conduct him the purpose
prostitute or corrupted person. [id.] of
"To satisfy the lust of another." Consent of Woman
Because of this phrase, one who casts for his Woman Committed With or
own ends does not incur the sanction of the consented against her without
law. [id.] since she is will woman’s
the one consent
e. Article 341 - White Slave Trade habitually
engaged in
Acts Punishable: [BuPS] the act
1. Engaging in Business of prostitution
2. Profiting by prostitution 4. Chapter IV - Abduction
3. Enlisting the Services of women for the
purpose of prostitution.
a. Article 342 - Forcible Abduction
Corruption of Minors vs. White Slave Trade
Elements: [WAL]
Corruption of White Slave Trade
1. Person abducted is any Woman, regardless
Minors [Art. 340] [Art. 341]
of her age, civil status or reputation;
Minority of Victims 2. Abduction is Against her will; and
It is essential that Victim need not be a 3. Abduction is with Lewd designs.
the victims are minor
minors Abduction
Sex of Victims The taking away of a woman from her house or
May be of either sex Females the place where she may be for the purpose of
Profit carrying her to another place with intent to
Not necessarily for Generally for profit marry or corrupt her. [People v. Crisostomo,
profit G.R. No. L-19034, February 17, 1923]
Committed by a Generally committed If Female is Under 12 years of age
single act habitually If the female abducted is under 12, the crime is
[REYES, Book 2] forcible abduction, even if she voluntarily goes
with her abductor. [Id]
Prostitution Slavery Slave Elements of Complex Crime of Forcible
[Art. 202] [Art. 272] Trade Abduction with Rape:
[Art. 341] 1. Abductor had carnal knowledge of the
Offender abducted women; and
2. It is committed by:
a. Using force or intimidation; or
rape. [People v. Amante, G.R. No. L-25604, b. If of legal age and not incapacitated, only
December 6, 1926] she can file the complaint.
2. It also extinguishes the criminal actions Civil Liability of Adulterer and Concubine
against the co-principals, accomplices, and The adulterer and the concubine can be
accessories [Art. 344, RPC] sentenced only to indemnify for damages
3. Marriage must be entered into in good faith. caused to the offended spouse.
4. Marriage may take place even after criminal ● The article authorizes the imposition of
proceedings have commenced, or even indemnity in cases of concubinage against
after conviction (extinguishes criminal the concubine only, but not against the
action and remits penalty). [REYES, Book 2] guilty husband. [REYES, Book 2]
● The guilty wife in adultery cannot also be
Pardon sentenced to indemnify for damages
Pardon of the offenders by the offended party caused to the offended husband, the law
is a bar to prosecution for adultery or speaks of adulterer not adulteress [id.]
concubinage [Art. 344, par. 2]
All the Accused must Support the Offspring
Pardon; How Given All the accused must support the offspring
General rule: May be express or implied since any one of them may be the father and
contributed in giving birth to the child. [id.]
Exception: Pardon must be express in
seduction, abduction, rape, or acts of Moral Damages
lasciviousness. [REYES, Book 2] Moral damages may be recovered both by the
offended party and her parents. [id]
Condonation is forgiveness based upon the c. Article 346 – Liability of
presumption and belief that the guilty party has Ascendants, Guardians, Teachers
repented. However, any act of infidelity to the and Other Persons Entrusted with
vows of marriage, subsequent to the
condonation constitutes a new offense.
the Custody of the Offended Party
[REYES, Book 2]
Persons Liable: [CETeC]
1. Persons who Cooperate as accomplices in
b. Article 345: Civil Liability of rape, seduction, abduction, etc. [CATAG]
Persons Guilty of Crimes Against a. Ascendants
Chastity b. Guardians
c. Curators
Those Guilty of Rape, Seduction or d. Teachers, and
Abduction shall: [IOS - AMDO] e. Any other person, who cooperate as
1. Indemnify the offended woman accomplice with abuse of authority or
2. Acknowledge the Offspring, unless the law confidential relationship
should prevent him from doing so 2. Teachers or persons entrusted with
3. Support the offspring, except: Education and guidance of the youth shall
a. In cases of Adultery and Concubinage be penalized with disqualification
b. Where either of the offended party or (temporary special disqualification to
accused is Married perpetual special disqualification).
c. When paternity cannot be Determined, 3. Any person falling within the Terms of this
such as in multiple rape; and article, and any other person guilty of
d. Other instances where the law prevents Corruption of minors for the benefit of
such another, shall be punished by special
disqualification from filling the office of
guardian. [Art. 346]
or cine- matographic
exhibition, or any Exception: Sending a letter in a sealed
similar means envelope through a messenger, is not
As to the Offended Party publication. [Lopez vs. Delgado, G.R. No. L-
Government or any 3499, (1907)]
of its duly
Any person/s 3. Imputation was Malicious.
As to the Effect Malice in Fact vs. Malice in Law
Injures the person's Disturbs public Malice in Fact Malice in Law
character, fame or peace. As to Proof Required
reputation through Proof of malice or ill- Proof of malice is
false and malicious will must be proved. not required,
statements Thus, it may be because it is
shown by proof of ill- presumed to exist
Elements under Art. 353: [IPMaD-DDC] will, hatred or from the
1. That there must be an Imputation of a purpose to injure. defamatory
crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imputation.
imaginary, or any act, omission, status or Presumption
circumstance; Malice is not Presumed from a
presumed since, it is defamatory
Imputation covers: [CVA] a positive desire or imputation.
a. Crime allegedly committed by offended an intention to
party; annoy or endure. Exception:
b. Vice or defect, real or imaginary of offended When
party; or communication is
c. Any Act, omission, condition, status of, or privileged, malice is
circumstance relating to the offended party. not presumed.
As to Proof of
Imputation of criminal intention is not Good Intention and Justifiable Motive
libelous. When malice in fact Upon proof of good
Intent to commit a crime is not a violation of is present, justifiable intention and
the law. This is more so, when it is a mere motive cannot exist, justifiable motive,
assertion or expression of opinion as to and the imputations even if the
what will be the future conduct of another. become actionable. publication is
[REYES, Book 2] injurious, the
presumption of
2. Imputation was made Publicly; malice disappears.
[REYES, Book 2]
Communication of the defamatory matter to 4. Imputation was Directed to: [NJD]
some third person or persons. [REYES, Book a. a Natural; or
2] b. Juridical person; or
c. One who is Dead.
Sending a Letter is Sufficient Publication
General Rule: Writing a letter to another Identification of Offended Party Required
person other than the person defamed is In order to maintain a libel suit, it is essential
sufficient to constitute publication [Orfanel vs. that the victim be identifiable, although it is not
People, G.R. No. L-26877, (1969)]
false prosecution. [People vs. Rivera, G.R. 2. Principal purpose of such intrigue is
Nos. L-38215 & 38216, (1933)] Blemishing the honor or reputation of
The two offenses form a complex crime, as the
two acts imputed to the accused had closely Intriguing Against Honor
followed each other, and that the former was a Any scheme or plot designed to blemish the
necessary means to commit the latter, which is reputation of a person by means which consist
only one crime. [People vs. Alagao, et al., G.R. of some trickery.
No. L-20721, (1966)] ● Akin to slander by deed, in that the offender
does not avail directly of written or spoken
b. Art. 364 – Intriguing Against Honor words, pictures or caricatures to ridicule his
victim but of some ingenious, crafty and
Elements: [IB] secret plot, producing the same effect.
1. Offender makes an Intrigue; and [REYES, Book 2