5.5a 5th POI

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The fifth pillar requires that Muslims who have the physical and financial ability should perform the pilgrimage, or hajj, to
Makkah at least once in a lifetime. The ritual of pilgrimage was practiced by Arabs before the rise of Islam and continues
from the early days of Islam. The hajj is distinct from other pilgrimages. It must take place during the 12 th lunar month of
the year, known as Dhul Hijja, and it involves a set and detailed sequence of rituals that are practiced over the span of
several days. All of the pilgrimage rituals take place in the city of Makkah and its surroundings, and the primary focus of
these rituals is a cubical structure called the Ka’abah. According to Islamic tradition, the Ka’abah, also referred to as the
House of God, was built at God's command by the prophet Ibrahim [A.S.] (Abraham of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles)
and his son Ismail  (Ishmael).
“Pilgrimage thereto is a duty of men owe to Allah – those who can afford the journey.”
Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is; “Hajj, which is free from sins and defects, is rewarded with Paradise.”
[Agreed Upon]
The Qur'an provides detailed descriptions of various parts of the ritual, and it portrays many of these rituals as
reenactments of the activities undertaken by Ibrahim [A.S.] and Ismail [A.S.] in the course of building the Ka’abah. Set
into one corner of the Ka’abah is the sacred Black Stone, which according to one Islamic tradition was given to Ibrahim
[A.S.] by the angel Gabriel. According to another Islamic tradition this stone was first set in place by Adam [A.S.].
Once pilgrims arrive in Makkah, ritual purification is performed. Many men shave their heads, and most men and women
put on seamless white sheets. This simple and common dress symbolizes the equality of all Muslims before God, a status
further reinforced by the prohibition of jewelry, perfumes, sexual intercourse, and hunting. After this ritual purification,
Muslims circle the Ka’abah seven times, run between al-Safa and al-Marwah, two hills overlooking the Ka’abah, seven
times, and perform several prayers and invocations. This ritual is a reenactment of the search by Hagar for water to give
her son Ismail [A.S.].
After these opening rituals, the hajj proper commences on the seventh day and continues for the next three days. Again, it
starts with the performance of ritual purification followed by a prayer at the Ka’abah mosque. The pilgrims then assemble
at Mina, a hill outside Makkah, where they spend the night. The next morning they go to the nearby plain of Arafat, where
they stand from noon to sunset and perform a series of prayers and rituals. The pilgrims then head to Muzdalifah, a
location halfway between Arafat and Mina, to spend the night. The next morning, the pilgrims head back to Mina, on the
way stopping at stone pillars symbolizing Satan, at which they throw seven pebbles.
The final ritual is the slaughter of an animal (sheep, goat, cow, or camel). This is a symbolic reenactment of God's
command to Ibrahim [A.S.] to sacrifice his son Ismail [A.S.], which Ibrahim [A.S.] and Ismail [A.S.] duly accepted and
were about to execute when God allowed Ibrahim [A.S.] to slaughter a ram in place of his son. (In the Hebrew and
Christian Bibles, Abraham is called to sacrifice his son Isaac rather than Ishmael.) Most of the meat of the slaughtered
animals is to be distributed to poor Muslims. The ritual sacrifice ends the hajj and starts the festival of the sacrifice, Eid al-
Adha. The festivals of breaking fast (Eid ul-Fitr) at the end of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha are the two major Islamic festivals
celebrated by Muslims all over the world.
During the pilgrimage most Muslims visit Madina, where the tomb of the Prophet  is located, before returning to their
homes. If the pilgrimage rituals are performed at any time of the year other than the designated time for hajj, the ritual is
called Umrah. Although Umrah is considered a virtuous act, it does not absolve the person from the obligation of hajj.
Most pilgrims perform one or more Umrah before or after the hajj proper.
Many Muslims pilgrims also travel to Jerusalem, which is the third sacred city for Islam. Muslims believe Hazrat Muhammad
[SAWS] was carried to Jerusalem in a vision. The Dome of the Rock houses the stone from which Hazrat Muhammad
[SAWS] is believed to have ascended to heaven and Allah in a night journey. Some Muslims perform pilgrimages to the
Dome of the Rock and to other shrines where revered religious figures are buried. Some of these shrines are important
primarily to the local populations, whereas others draw Muslims.
It is obligatory to make the pilgrimage to Makkah, at least once in a lifetime. Muslims from all walks of life, from every
corner of the globe assemble in Makkah in response to the call of Allah. It is to commemorate the Divine rituals observed
by the Prophet Abraham [A.S.] and his son Ismail [A.S.], who were the first pilgrims to the house of Allah on earth: the
Ka’abah. It is also to remember the great assembly of the Day of Judgment when people will stand equal before Allah.
Muslims go to Makkah to glorify Allah, not to worship a man. The visit to the tomb of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad [SAWS]
at Madinah is highly recommended but not essential in making the Hajj valid and complete.

 On 8th ZIL HAJJ, after sunrise put on the Ahraam for Hajj preferably from Masjid Al-Haram if you were staying at
Makkah but if you are coming from Madinah then put on the Ahraam from Zulhulaifah, Beer-e-Ali. Before entering
Makkah-tul-Mukarramah, take a bath without using soap or make Wudu and enter from the door of Mu’allah reciting
Talbiyah. Find accommodation and settle down everything. Thereafter enter the Masjid-Al-Haram with utmost
humility and respect, preferably, through the door of Salam. Enter with the right foot and recite after Talbiyah:

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Thereafter move towards Hajr-e-Aswad reciting Talbiyah to perform Tawaaf-e-Qudoom provided that there is no fear
of missing Jama’ah, Witr or Sunnat-e-Mu’akkadah. Otherwise Salah should be performed before commencing the Tawaaf.
Before beginning with the Tawaaf, make Iztibaa by taking out the upper garment from below the right armpit and put it
on the left shoulder leaving the right arm entirely exposed. Face the Hajr-e-Aswad in a manner that the right shoulder is
next to the left corner of the Hajr-e-Aswad and the entire Hajr-e-Aswad remains on your right side and make the Niyyah of
Tawaaf. Say verbally,
Thereafter move sideways so that the Hajr-e-Aswad comes in front and raising both the hands up to the ears as one does
at the beginning of Salaah, say,
Lower the hands and place them on the stone and kiss it gently without a sound between the two palms. If this is not
possible, merely place the hands on the Hajr-e-Aswad and kiss them. If this is also not possible, touch Hajr-e-Aswad with
a piece of wood or anything else and then kiss it. If this is also not possible, then merely raise the hands to the ears
indicating towards it with the palms while the back of the hands is towards the face and say the Takbir and read Durud
considering that the hands are on the Hajr-e-Aswad and then kiss the hands. But never harass, push or hurt anyone in the
process. Now commence moving anticlockwise Keeping Ka’abah & Hateem on your Left hand side starting from the point
of Hajr-e-Aswad. On reaching Rukn-e-Yamaanee, place both the palms or right one on it but do not kiss it nor do indicate
to it with hands in case of huge crowds or inconvenience. On reaching Hajr-e-Aswad one Shawt, round is complete. In the
same way, six more circuits should be made. Men should make Ramal by walk hastily, taking shorter steps, lifting the
legs forcefully, keeping the chest out and moving the shoulders simultaneously in the first three circuits of the Tawaaf.
At the end of the seventh circuit, kiss again the Hajr-e-Aswad for the eighth time and then the Tawaaf is complete.
Afterward, move reciting “WATTAKHIZU MIM-MAQAAMI IBRAHEEMA MUSALLAH” towards Maqaam-e-Ibraheem, which
stands on eastern side of Baitullah, near Mataaf (the area where Tawaaf is performed) and perform taking note of the
forbidden and Makrooh times two Rakaat Wajib Salaah with covering of arms, preferably behind Maqaam-e-Ibraheem or
at any place around. Recite Surat ul-Kafiroon in the first Rakaat and Ikhlaas in the second Rakaat after reciting the Fatiha.
The next step is proceeding to the Multazam, the area between the elevated door of the Ka’abah and the Hajr-e-Aswad.
On reaching the Multazam, Multazam, place the chest and right cheek on the wall of the Ka’abah and raise the right hand
to the doorframe and ask for forgiveness and make Du’aa grasping the cloth of the Ka’abah. Engage in Du’aa for a while
and then kiss the doorframe.
After the Du’aa, go to the well of Zam-Zam and drink as much water as possible in three sips facing the QIBLAH. Shower
some water on the body as well. Recite the following Du’aa while drinking the Zam-Zam water.
After drinking Zam-Zam, go back to the Hajr-e-Aswad, kiss it and come out from the door of Safaa. Place the left foot first
and recite, “ALLAHUMMAGHFIRLI ZUNOOBEE WAFTAHLI ABWABA FAZLIK”. On reaching nearby Safaa, recite, “ABDAU
BIMA BADAALLAHU BIH, INNASSAFA WAL MARWATA MIN SHA’AYRILLAH” and climb one third of Safaa and facing the
QIBLAH, raise the hands parallel to the shoulders as they are raised during Du’aa, and then say Takbir, Tahleel and Hamd
three times each. Make a lot of Du’aa there. After the Du’aa, climb down the rock and move towards Marwah walking at
normal pace. On reaching the center of the valley, men should jog the area between the two green lights. Thereafter walk
at normal pace again to Marwah. Read between Safaa and Marwah, “RABBIGHFIR WARHAM WA ANTAL- AA’ZZUL-
AKRAM”. On reaching Marwah, do exactly the same as you did at Safaa. Now one Shawt-circuit is complete. Coming from
Safaa to Marwah is considered one Shawt, and returning to Safaa another. Complete all seven Shawts in a like manner,
beginning the first Shawt at Safaa and completing the seventh one at Marwah. Do not forget to perform Sa’ee-slow
running at the center of the valley in each Shawt. After completing seven Shawt, perform two RAK’AAT NAFIL SALAAH
within the boundary of Mataaf. Then Pilgrims try to reach Mina at a time that the Zuhr-Salaah can be performed there in
its Mustahab time.
Stay at Mina and perform therein five obligatory Salaah from the Zuhr of 8 th till the Fajr of 9th ZIL HAJJ.
1. Taking Bath
2. Putting Ihraam
3. Intention / Niyyah of Hajj
4. Reciting Talbiyah:

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“Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise
and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners, here I am”
1. Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah
1) Tawaf-e-Qudoom
2) Drinking Zamzam
 At the sunrise on 9th ZIL HAJJ, proceed to Arafat reciting Talbiyah and Takbir. On seeing Jabl-e-Rahmaat Mountain
of mercy, a hill at Arafat, recite Takbir, Talbiyah, and Durud Shareef and make Du’aa. Stay as near as possible to the
Masjid-e-Namirah. Sermon of Hajj will be given there. After having meal, take a bath before mid-day or make Wudu
and do not follow the Imam in the Masjid where Zuhr and Asr-Salaah will be performed together at the time of Zuhr.
Perform each Salaah separately at its prescribed time with other fellow Hajji in congregation inside the comp. After
the Salaah engage yourself in Istighfaar, Azkaar and Du’aa and stay as near as possible to Jabl-Rahmaat. But do not
climb the mountain. Facing the QIBLAH stand on the place where you are staying and engage in Du’aa up to the
sunset. Sitting and sleeping are also permitted. STAY AT ARAFAT FOR KHUTBAH IS MUST FOR HAJJ.
After sunset without reading Maghrib-Salah, proceed to Muzdalifah via Mazmin following the Imam and do not stay in
the way. On reaching the out-skirts of Muzdalifah, get down from the conveyance and enter Muzdalifah walking on food.
At Muzdalifah, the Maghrib and Isha-Salah will be performed together with one Azan and one Takbir at the time of Isha.
No other Salah should be performed between these Salah. The Sunnah of Maghrib and Isha as well as Witr should be
performed after the Isha-Salah. It is appreciable to keep awake all the night at Muzdalifah performing Nafil-Salah, reciting
the Glorious Qur’an and doing other virtuous deeds.
1. Wuquf-e-Arafat
1. Stay at Muzdalifah
1. Spending 9th Zil-Haj night at Mina
2. Leaving Mina after Sunrise on 9th for Arafat
3. Taking Bath in the stay at Arafat
4. Leaving Arafat after the departure of Imam
 At dawn of the 10th ZIL HAJJ when it is still dark, read Fajr-Salah following the Imam if possible, otherwise
individually and then facing the QIBLAH recite Talbiyah, Tasbih and engage in Du’aa raising the hands preferably near
by the mountain Quz. And then before sunrise, return to Mina very patiently and humbly reciting Talbiyah and
remembering Allah. On reaching Wadi-e-Muhssar, pass it running or at a fast speed, if in conveyance. Before moving
from Muzdalifah, collect seven pebbles of the size of a horse gram. These pebbles should not be collected from a dirty
After reaching Mina, go from the center of the valley near by the last Jamarah, the symbolic stone. Stand to a distance
of more than five feet from the Jamarah in such a way that Mina is on your right side and Makkah on the left. Pick up the
pebbles with thumb and forefinger of the right hand and throw it at the Jamarah.
Stop reciting Talbiyah on throwing the first pebble and recite, “BISMILLAHI ALLAHU AKBAR, RAGHMAN LISH-SHAITAAN
WA RIZAN LIR-RAHMAAN”. Raise the hand while throwing the pebbles to an extent that the armpit exposes. After pelting,
slaughter a goat/sheep or one seventh portion of a big animal should be offered and then get the hair of head shaved or
trimmed. But shaving is preferable for men. Women should cut their hair equal to a finger’s tip.
Then go to Makkah preferably on the same day and perform Tawaaf-e-Ziarah. Thereafter, return to Mina. Now Ihram is
removed and recitation of Talbiyah is stopped. All the things and acts, which were prohibited because of Ihram, become
1. Tawaf-e-Ziarah can be performed either on 10th, or 11th, or 12th Zil-Haj
1. Stoning the devil at Jamarah al Uquba in Mina
2. Sacrifice of Animal at Slaughter area in Mina
3. Shaving the head (males);Shortening the hair(females)
1. Spending 10th Zil-Haj night at Muzdalifah
2. Leaving Muzdalifah after Sunrise on 10th for Mina
3. Taking Bath in Mina after shaving of head and Putting off the Ihraam.

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 On 11th, 12th and 13th ZIL HAJJ as well, if one stays in Mina; the Ramee-pelting of all the three Jamarah will be
performed. On each day, seven pebbles after the Zawal will be pelted on each Jamarah beginning with the one near
to the Masjid-e-Kha’if then the middle one and finally the last one. Make Du’aa facing the QIBLAH after pelting the
first and the middle Jamarah as well. There is no Du’aa after the pelting of final Jamarah.
On returning from Mina, if possible alight at Muhassab even for a short moment. Now the Hajj is complete and one, who
intends to depart from Makkah, should perform Tawaaf-e-Wida’. After performing the Tawaaf, read two Rakaat Nafil-Salah
and then go to Zam-Zam well and drink its water to heart’s content. And then proceed to Multazam, place the chest and
right cheek on the wall of the Ka’abah and raise the right hand to the doorframe and ask for forgiveness and make Du’aa
grasping the cloth of the Ka’abah. Engage in Du’aa for a while and then kiss the doorframe. Thereafter kissing the Hajr-e-
Aswad, retreat facing the Ka’abah through the door of Wada’ and looking with intense longing, grief and sorrow come out
of the Haram-e-Ka’abah. Give money in charity to the poor and needy and make Du’aa. A woman who is not in the state
of performing Salaah will not perform this Tawaf and standing at the door of Wada’ without entering the Masjid, she will
make Du’aa.

1. Individual: Like a new born baby free of sins, closer to RUBB.
2. Communal: Unity, Harmony, social interaction, Brotherhood.
3. Economic: Circulation of wealth from one person and nation to
Another - Trade element.
4. Financial: Reduces financial gaps of status; equal chances
Hajj is like Prayers: Du’aa, 5 Prayers, ablution, closer to Allah.
Hajj is like Fasting: Feelings of Hunger and Thirst for poor, Patience.
Hajj is like Payment of Zakat: Love for Allah not for wealth
Hajj is like Jihad: Leaving all comforts for the cause of Allah.
Hajj is like the mirror of Qur’an: Allah’s Signs can be seen; Safa, Marwah, Zam-Zam etc.

Q. (a) what beliefs and practices are involved in (i) stoning the Jamarah;
(ii) Performing Sa’ee; (iii) assembling at Arafat. [10]
(b) Explain the main differences between hajj and Umrah. [4]

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