ABM 002 - Organization and Management
ABM 002 - Organization and Management
ABM 002 - Organization and Management
and Management
2nd Long Assessment
Business Name:
Nature of Business and Product (if applicable):
Your Name:
Your role in the business:
a. Based on your role and analysis, what are the strength and weakness of
your business?
b. What are the problems/challenges that your business encountered?
c. How do you cope up on those problems and challenges?
Topic / The topic is The topic is focused The topic is too broad for The writing is totally out
Focus focused narrowly enough but lack direction. the scope of the scope of the
for the scope of this The purpose has of this assignment assignment.
assignment. been identified. The purpose has not The purpose has not
The purpose of has been been identified. been identified.
clearly Identified.
Punctuality The project The project The project The project was not
was submitted on time was submitted on time was submitted but seems submitted and
with all the but had a few lacking to be slightly largely unfinished.
Requirements satisfied. component Uncompleted.