Thesis S2
Thesis S2
Thesis S2
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This praise is due to Allah, the Creator of all things, who always
gives a blissful life to live in this world, air to breathe, a chance to try on,
inspiration, and power to write and finish this thesis. Shalawat and salaam
may always grant to the noble prophet Muhammad SAW, whom, together
with his family and companions, has struggled wholeheartedly to guide his
ummah to the right path. The best messenger because of his hard effort, the
world becomes peace and also inspired us to be a good person in life.
First and foremost, my deepest gratitude and appreciation is
addresssed to my thesis supervisor Mr. Dr. Maskur, MA., and Ms.
Fithriyah, S. Ag., M. Pd. for their valuable guidance, advices, support,
kindness, insightful comment, and immense knowledge in completing this
thesis. My appreciation also to my academic supervisor, Mr. Dr. Jarjani
Usman, S. Ag., SS., M. Sc., M.S. who has guided me since my first
semester in the Department of English Language Education. May Allah
grant you all a special place in Jannah. Second, my appreciation and thanks
to all of the lecturers and also to all staff of the English Department who
helped and guided me during my study in the English Education
Department of UIN Ar-Raniry.
Furthermore, I owe my deepest thanks and sincere gratitude to my
beloved father and mother, the late M. Amin and Asmawati, for their great
kindness, endless love, prayers, sacrifice, patience, and everlasting support
both moral and financial, so that I could study until this current level. Then,
to my beloved sisters and brother, Yusnidar Amd. Kep, Darmawan, Zuraida
S. Pd., and Maisarah who have always supported and motivated me with
Last but not least, my special thanks is addressed to my best friends
Nanda Shalihan S. Pd, Cut Suci Mustika S. Pd, Miranda, Safira Ludjan, and
the most precious thanks to Mujiburrahman to be good supporter and
motivator in any condition and for all of their kindness. Also to all of PBI
2015 students, especially unit 4 for the memories we have created together.
Thank you so much for the encouragement, warmth and affection.
Finally, I realize that this thesis needs the constructive ideas in order
to reduce its weakness. I hope this thesis gives valuable contribution for
students, teacher and lecturers of English Language Education Department
of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
The successfully teaching process in the class is controlled by good lesson plan
following the syllabus succeed the standard of the teaching and learning activities.
Yet some English teachers have still face difficulty in developing effective and
systematic lesson plan for a teaching program. Moreover the aims of this research
were; (1) to analyse teacher’s lesson plan based on Curriculum 2013, the researcher
focuses on indicator, purpose, material, learning activities, and assessment (2) to
investigate the compatibility of the lesson plan with its implementation in the
classroom. The researcher used qualitative research in which the data were collected
through document and observation. There were three English teachers of SMPN 17
Banda Aceh. Thus the results of the research were; (1) the teachers do not create their
lesson plan based on the Curriculum, especially in creating indicators (2) the teachers
do not implement the lesson plan in the classroom, they teach with traditional method
which the teacher is a center of teaching and learning.
A. Background of study .......................................................... 1
B. Research Questions ........................................................... 3
C. The Aims of Study ........................................................... 4
D. Significance of the study ................................................... 4
E. Terminologies ................................................................... 4
A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 39
B. Suggestions ....................................................................... 40
REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 41
Table 4.1 The Analysis of the first teacher’s lesson plan ` .............................. 26
Table 4.2 The First teacher observation result ................................................ 27
Table 4.3 The Analysis of the second teacher’s lesson plan ........................... 29
Table 4.4 The second teacher observation result ............................................ 31
Table 4.5 The Analysis of the third teacher’s lesson plan .............................. 33
Table 4.6 The third teacher observation result ................................................ 35
Appendix F Autobiography
This chapter discusses the background of the study along with research
At the end of 2012, Indonesia’s ministry education had announced the change
applied to all level education from primary to secondary (Habiburrahim, 2018). The
newest curriculum was expected to increase the quality and character of Indonesia’s
Due to several competencies which teacher should achieve, it committed the teacher
to be more creative and well prepared before teaching and learning process. Thus, it
The lesson plan is very important to the achievement of the intended target
here is the completion of the entire learning material or material that has been
determined by the curriculum (Burghes, 2009). Brown (2011) also states that the
lesson plan has major influence to achieve the successful teaching and learning
process. It helps teachers to certify the classroom instruction aligns with curriculum
learning in the unit or lesson. Lessons are not only given on how and what students
learn, but they also influence student attitudes toward language learning.
good lesson plan following the syllabus succeed the standard of the teaching and
learning activities. The teacher needs to set the lesson plan structurally to achieve the
result as attractive and fun learning as states by Brewster (2013) lesson plan is a clear
objective with range activities which produce fun learning. In designing lesson is no
easy task, it is a long process for the teacher. Many steps should contain in the lesson
plan. Curriculum 2013 has set the student at the main focus during the teaching and
learning process. The material has to assist the students to be more active in the class
while the teacher as the facilitator during the learning and teaching process.
The ministry of education had set the framework of the lesson plan in which
teacher must follow and apply in the learning and teaching process. In the minister of
education and culture regulation No. 65 the year 2013 on the standard process, the
minister has made many seminars and workshops to help the teacher in setting the
lesson plan during the first launching of the new curriculum at that time. Yet many
teachers still struggle with designing the lesson plan. There are some English teachers
who still face difficulty in developing effective and systematic lesson plan for a
teaching program. In developing lesson plan, they tend to imitate or even copy the
ones provided in the textbook and the internet. Indeed, there are some teachers of
English who do not prepare and develop the lesson plans and let whatever is
happening in the classroom as well as there are some of them who do a ‘corridor
consequence, still many educational units have not been able to develop and prepare
curriculum 2013 independently, especially Syllabus and Lesson Plan (RPP) subjects
in English in junior high school (SMP). Prior researches have been found that many
teachers substandard in implementing the lesson plan. It is reported that 65% from
2012). It also many teachers develop poor lesson plan as stated by Jalongo (2007).
There are much research had been conducted by other researchers about the
implementation of the lesson plan. Yet, this study aims to figure out the suitability of
the lesson plan that the teacher has planned during the teaching and learning process.
This study will be investigated in SMP Negeri 17 Banda Aceh there are only 3
teachers that will be a sample in this research. Thus, the researcher initiated to
research in title The Analysis of Teachers’ Lesson Plan and Its Implementation in the
B. Research Question
1. How English teacher at SMP Negeri 17 Banda Aceh implement their lesson
Based on the research question above, the aims of this study are to analyse the
teachers’ lesson plan and to investigate the compatibility of the lesson plan with its
The result of this research can be a reference for the English teacher to enrich
their literature on implementing the lesson plan. Hopefully, it may enrich their insight
to provide the right method in teaching language. This research could also be a
reference for researchers who are conducting a similar topic or theme, which later can
E. Terminologies
1. Lesson plan
Farrel (2002) states that a lesson is a unit where it is a series of lessons that
what he/she will be discussed during the lesson. The lesson plan is written to how
students will move toward to achieve a certain purpose. It’s described that teaching
behaviour will give result in student learning. The lesson plan is to help the teacher in
planning the proses of learning especially for English language lesson. In the English
language subject, the effective purpose from lesson plan explains what students will
achieve one and more basic competence which is regulated in standard competence
and enlarged in the syllabus. It can be assumed that there are several activities and
competency appropriate in the curriculum. Those activities related to the works order
made by the teacher in developing the lesson plan likes setting the purpose of
In this chapter the researcher will explain some theories about lesson plan and
Curriculum of 2013 was born as a response to the various criticisms of School Based
Curriculum 2006. It is in accordance with the development needs and the world of
59 Year 2014 Curriculum of 2013 is one of the government's efforts to resolve the
various problems being faced by the world of education today. The theme of 2013
which are integrated. Based on the theme, the implementation of 2013 curriculum is
2. Orienting toward learning outcomes, and diversity; using genre approaches in the
of Halliday (1987);
3. Accepting any other educative learning sources besides teachers; Emphasizing its
certain competence;
are reflected in the way of thinking and acting after students learned and finished
one of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing);
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values which are reflected in the way of thinking
and acting after students learned and finished one of the four language skills
refers to a specific basic competence that can be taken as a standard to assess the
skills, and applying them in various situations in the school and community.
competence. All the basic competencies and learning processes are developed
reinforced and enriched between subjects and education level (horizontal and
vertical organizations).
Farrel (2002) states that a lesson is a unit where it is a series of lessons that
what he/she will be discussed during the lesson. The lesson plan is written to how
students will move toward to achieve a certain purpose. It’s described that teaching
behaviour will give result in student learning. The lesson plan is to help the teacher in
planning the proses of learning especially for English language lesson. In the English
language subject, the effective purpose from lesson plan explains what students will
achieve one and more basic competence which is regulated in standard competence
and enlarged in the syllabus. It can be assumed that there are several activities and
competency appropriate in the curriculum. Those activities related to the works order
made by the teacher in developing the lesson plan likes setting the purpose of
developed based on teachers’ view about the proper process for students’ and
process developed by the teacher based on the students' needs through the observation
and related to the point of the curriculum. If a teacher does not examine the students’
need, interest, ability, students’ learning style, and curriculums’ goals, it is ensured
Another opinion says that the lesson plan is a sequence of learning plans that
can provide direction for a teacher about the material that must be taught and also
tells how to teach the material (Spratt, Pulverness and Williams, 2005). In the lesson
plan, the teachers are required to be creative in teaching relevant material. This will
refer to what the curriculum says. With the lesson plan, the teaching and learning
process will be far more organized and better prepare teachers to deliver the material.
Besides, the lesson plan also provides a new way of learning, namely by applying
appropriate and effective methods and strategies. Thus, the lesson plan is a sequence
This theory says that the lesson plan process starts with collaboration techniques
through sharing works. From this theory, the researcher analyses that this theory is
related to the methodology for improving teacher teaching abilities. Then Dudley
(2014) states that the lesson plan is a very particular form of classroom action
research that focuses on improving teacher training knowledge. This theory defines
lesson plan as research related to the development of teacher teaching skills. Dudley
considered that lesson study is not only an aim to enhance the quality of English
teaching but also as a research process to gain teaching knowledge and methods in
classroom activities.
Harmer (1991) argued that teachers and students will find the lesson not
meaningful and interesting without lesson plan. The bad conditions are the students
undermined to learn English. If teachers do not think what they are going to do, it
means they do something useless at all. Those are the reasons why lesson plan is
about the Standard Process every teacher must develop lesson plan completely and
challenging and can encourage students to participate actively as well as can give
sufficient space for their creativity and autonomy based on their interest, inmates and
also their physic and psychology development. It means that the teacher must be
develop the lesson plan systematically based on students’ interest, ability, and so
Before starting to design the lesson plan, it is important for the teacher to
understand the components that consist in the lesson plan. The components help
teacher in contructing the lesson plan effectivelly and can achive the teaching and
lerning goal. Dick and Riser as cited in Bidaria (2013) explain that there are six
Education No. 103 (2014) the lesson plan components of the 2013 Curriculum, are:
learning resources.
and KD. They developed for basic competence in all main competences 1, 2, 3,
and 4.
The operational verbs used are suitable with the competences that want to be
2. Objectives
The objectives contain behaviour which is the result of the study. The
not cause double interpretation and developed for basic competence in all main
competences 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The objectives are developed from the indicator and basic competence which
is in the curriculum.
3. Material
learners). The students have different ability should be given the different
learning service.
4. Teaching Activity
Teaching activity has to provide some steps: pre-, whilst, and post and to use
Teaching activity selected can ease the students to comprehend the materials.
Each learning stage has to show the steps and proportional time should be
given for each, for example: 5-10% of time is for introduction, 70-80% is for
5. Assessment
measure attitude.
6. Resource
The resource selected can be used to achieve the objective or the competence
which has been set, for example: book, “When English Rings The Bell”,
There are some benefits in applying lesson study. Based on Yoshida (2005)
1) Lesson study can eliminate the isolated feeling of the teacher when he or she
2) Lesson study helps teacher to evaluate and criticize the teaching English strategy
3) Lesson study makes the teacher more understand about the material, lesson and
4) Lesson study helps the teacher focusing on the students learning process in the
Tampubolon (2013). Lewis stated that lesson study is not only as the contribution of
improving knowledge and professionalism of the teacher but also as the as the
contribution in the developing the quality of education. Lewis (2006) show how
1) Teachers’ knowledge,
3) Learning resources.
1) Teachers’ knowledge
Knowledge of instruction
Motivation to improve
3) Learning resources
Lesson study does provide a bridge for the gap between knowledge acquired
by teachers about teaching and the actual implementation of that knowledge in the
Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum, there are stages in developing lesson plan:
1. Analyzing syllabus
that student’s activity in learning process based on process standard. The student’s
developed in lesson plan and the teacher must make their students active. Analyzing
a. Students’ potential,
e. Knowledge structure
h. Time allocation
c. The steps of learning activities for each meeting are done by teacher to
5. Formulating assessment
learning process.
In deciding time allocation for each KD, it is based on effective week and
Learning sources are object or thing used in learning activity e.g.: nature,
According to Maha (2007), lesson plan is useful for some stakeholders for
educational development;
1. Program Organizers
designed steadily. On the other hand, it also gives a feedback which is very
learning process will take place orderly, learning product (the student
easily. On the other hand, it will be easy for the teacher to follow up because
There are four aspects to be followed up. By having lesson plan teacher will
1. Revising the learning product, that is follow-up toward the mistake which
2. Revising learning process, that is follow-up toward the mistake which relates
the learning that is the existence of some components which have not settled.
3. Remedying program, that is follow-up toward the weaknesses that arise from
the students.
reshuffle overall.
teachers in planning lesson. He gathers data through non directive interviews and
document analysis using several categories in Reiser and Dick’s about Systematic
Planning. The result of this research is the teacher have got the difficulties in finding
suitable materials for the students due to the lack of resource books for vocational
school. The similarity between this research, the researcher tried to find out the
difficulties of the teacher in designing lesson plan. The difference of this research is
International Conference, UNS Solo 2014. The finding of this research is the teacher
got some difficulties in arranged assesment because the teacher did not get any
training and seminar. The similarity between this research is the researcher tried to
find out the teacher’s difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum.
The difference between of this research is the subject in senior high school in the one
In this chapter the researcher will explain the research design, research site
A. Research Design
In this study, the researcher analyse the teachers’ lesson plan and its
research problem which the variables are not known and need to be explored, the
qualitative method is suitable. Lambert (2012) also added that descriptive qualitative
is a viable and acceptable label for a qualitative research design. It is usually used by
research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying
compositions, or any of a host of other types of documents For this concentration the
researcher analyzed the English lesson plans developed by English teacher at SMP
Negeri 17 Banda Aceh. It also reviewed the difficulties faced by the teacher in
developing it as well as the efforts made by the teacher to overcome the difficulties to
Sukaramai, Kec. Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116. Creswell (2014)
defined that research participants are subjects who have potential to give information
that will lead the researcher to find the answer of research question. Thus, in this
research, the researcher uses purposive sampling to achieve the purpose of the
research. Purposive sampling helps a researcher to select individuals that can provide
the needed information to understand the case, to answer the research question, and to
address the purpose of the research (Johnson & Christensen, 2008). The researcher
chose the participants regarding the characteristics or required criteria. From all the
teachers who teach English at SMPN 17 Banda Aceh, the researcher only chose three
teachers who teach at the first, the second, and the third grade to be respondent on
this research. The teachers also may be full time teacher (PNS)
1. Document Analysis
To obtain the data in the field, the researcher employed document instruments.
The documents help the researcher to gain richer data related to the lesson plan and
the school. The document was the teacher’s lesson plan. The researcher takes the
photo of lesson plan to review and utilize it as additional and relevant information. In
because they could provide access to understanding the subject matter being studied
2. Observation
be validated or collected with other means. The observation is used after the
document analysis was taken. It is means the researcher did the observation one or
two days after other instruments used. This observation carried out in the classes, to
see the implementation of lesson plan in teaching learning process. The data
collection was conducted based on the academic year 2019. The researcher filled out
the checklist of nine items of the lesson plan reviewed; namely, indicators, purposes,
these six items will checked and reviewed whether the teacher taught English
appropriate or not together with whatever deficiencies found after observing and
Thus, the content analysis checklist was used to collect data for the first
objective of the study. Documentary study is also conduct to support the data of
content analysis. The sources data for the document is the syllabus and lesson plans.
The researcher took photo of the syllabus and lesson plans to review it.
After the researcher collected the data by document analysis and observation,
the researcher analysed the data as follow; first, the researcher analysed the lesson
plan developed by the teacher of English at SMP N 17 Banda Aceh. The researcher
examined the lesson plan by analyse it. It focused on five aspects in the lesson plan.
They are (1) indicators of competency achievement, (2) objectives, (3) materials, (4)
The data presentation and research findings will discuss in chapter four in
which all the non-numerical data will report in form of words, descriptions, and
presented a table of teacher observation check list. Then, the discussion will analyse
the lesson plans reviewed together with its deficiencies is explain in this section.
This chapter discusses the research finding and discussion based on the data
obtained from the observation and document analysis. It attempts to answer the
A. The Procedure
In conducting this research, the researcher used two instruments; there are
document analysis and observation. The participants were three English teachers at
SMPN 17 Banda Aceh as the object of this research. Before conducting the
observation, the researcher asked three lesson plans from the teachers related to the
topic that they wanted to teach at that time, then, they were analysed to find if the
assessment) were well match with the basic competence. Next, the teaching processes
of the lesson plan with its implementation in the classroom. While observing teaching
learning process the researcher also recorded it to help her in analyzing data. Each
1. Teacher 1 (female) : AA
2. Teacher 2 (female) : AB
3. Teacher 3 (female) : AC
B. Result
The result of document analysis and the data observation was interpreted
descriptively by the researcher. Each teacher along with her teaching will be
When the researcher observed in the class, the teacher taught material about
simple present. The researcher only observed one meeting in the class. During
observation the students were very cooperative in teaching and learning process. To
help the reader understand the observation result, the researcher presents the
Table 4.1
The first teacher’s lesson plan
1 Indicator;
accordance with KD
2 Purposes;
3 Material;
4 Learning activities;
5 Assessment;
psychomotor, and affective. Based on lesson plan above, the indicators was not relate
to KD. Then the teacher did not make the assessment to conclude whether students
Table 4.2
The first teacher observation result
4 Introduction activity ✔
5 Main activity ✔
6 Closing activity ✔
In this notion, the teacher was not used the media as she had been stated in
lesson plan. The teacher should use variety media as the instruction in the curriculum
2013. The media that could use by the teacher are textbook, projector, internet, etc.
The using media in teaching and learning process could attract students’ interest to
Based on the observation above, the teacher was not implementing lesson plan
as well as she stated in lesson plan. There were many components that teacher missed
in the lesson plan so it was not made the teaching and learning achieved the goal
based on the curriculum 2013. The teacher was only focused in teaching activity.
The second teacher taught about noun. The teaching and learning process took
90 minutes and run well during the observation. The researcher only observed one
meeting in the class. Checklist and lesson plan were prepared to help researcher
gaining the data. To help the reader understand the observation result, the researchers
Table 4.3
The second teacher’s lesson plan
1 Indicator;
accordance with KD
2 Purposes;
3 Material;
4 Learning activities;
5 Assessment;
psychomotor, and affective. Based on lesson plan above, there was no indicators that
teacher stated in her lesson plan. We could not know what the student had been got
from the learning, although the indicators were in syllabus. Then the teacher was not
made the assessment to conclude whether students understand or not about the
material that had been taught. The assessment was required to execute using rubrics
the lesson plan above, it was not specifically stated because there were no indicators
to be assessed. Compliance was the key answer to the question not appropriate
Table 4.4
The second teacher observation result
4 Introduction activity ✔
5 Main activity ✔
6 Closing activity ✔
There were many components that second teacher was not appropriate based
on the lesson plan which she had been written. The teaching and learning process was
only focused in teaching activity where teacher became the main key. The teacher
was also forgot to teach the main activity and only focused in introduction the
material so there was no main and closing activity during the process. Because of
there was no main activity so the teacher was not used the media as attractive tool to
make students easier in understanding the topic. Based on the result of observation
above it can be conclude that the teacher was not understand the rule of lesson plan in
teaching and learning process. The lack of teacher’s knowledge could be effected to
The third teacher taught about simple past. The teaching and learning process
took 90 minutes and run well during the observation. Yet the students were not really
active in the class. The researcher only observed one meeting in the class. Checklist
and lesson plan were prepared to help researcher gaining the data. To help the reader
understand the observation result, the researcher presents the observation checklist
Table 4.5
The third teacher’s lesson plan
1 Indicator;
accordance with KD
2 Purposes;
3 Material;
4 Learning activities;
5 Assessment;
The third teacher only applied the material and learning steps which were
appropriate to the lesson plan that her had been written. She only focused in teaching
and learning activity, while there were many components that inappropriate to the
lesson plan such as; indicators, purposes, and assessments. Those components were
which can be measured and observed to show the achievement of certain basic
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Then the purpose of the material was
important to deliver because the student should know the importance of learning
Table 4.6
The third teacher observation result
4 Introduction activity ✔
5 Main activity ✔
6 Closing activity ✔
The result of the third teacher observation indicated that the teacher focused in
teaching activity. The material had been taught was appropriate to the lesson plan and
the teacher also applied the learning steps such as introduction and main activity yet
she did not applied assessment during teaching and learning process while in the
lesson plan she already written it. Furthermore, the teacher used the appropriate
method but was not used the media. The teaching and learning process was not
C. Discussion
observation, it could be concluded that there were many components that teacher
have missed in designing lesson plan. The teachers also taught inappropriate way
with the lesson plan which they have been designed. It can be drawn that there were
1. Indicator
elaborated that the teacher had problems with the indicators of competency
achievement determination. All of them were not state indicator that based on the
characteristic of curriculum 2013 (HOTS) in their lesson plan. However the indicator
is main key of lesson plan. Thus the teacher should learn more about the components
2. Media
The used media in teaching and learning was still the obstacle faced by the
teacher. Two teachers were not applied media in their class. Their only teach in
traditional way. Yet there was one teacher used media in her class. The media that she
used was the textbook which available in the school’s library. Thus even curriculum
2013 asked the teacher to teach in interesting way but the teacher skill was still low
3. Assessment
At the end of teaching and learning process, the assessment helped the teacher
to know whether the student understood or not to the relative material. Assessment
could be applied using the rubric. Based on the data findings from the analysis of
assessment aspect conducted by the researcher, it can be deduced that the teacher still
especially the tools of assessment were stated but the instruments and keys answer
were not figured out specifically. Also, some of tools of assessment developed by the
teacher were not appropriate with the objective and did not cover all indicators
Thus, lesson plan was not effectively used by the teacher at this school. It can
be seen from the result of the observation. The teachers were still taught English
subject in traditional way where the teacher was the center point in teaching and
learning process. Information was only provided by the teachers while it was
section, the analysis of the data and the discussion of the result would be reiterated
and summarized accordingly. Some suggestions are presented regarding the proposed
study and recommended future works related to the study that could be conducted by
other researchers.
A. Conclusion
Therefore, the teachers have not been maximal in adjusting the lesson plan
with its implementation. This is the reason why most of students fail in UN.
2. The lesson plans are not relevant with the implementation in the classroom
because the teachers does not focus on the lesson plans. The teachers use
traditional method in which they become a center. For them, lesson plans is
In short, the teachers will create good lesson plan if they put the lesson plan
components based on the Decree of the Minister of Education No. 103 (2014):
learning resources.
B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to give some
1. Teachers
For the teachers, they can find much information’s related to lesson plan on
website to increase their knowledge in creating good lesson plan. Then they can use
Last, the teachers should involve the students to find the learning media by
themselves, not only from the teacher but also from other sources.
2. Students
The students should more active in the class. Bring the dictionary for English
language classes. Students can find materials by themselves trough internet or other
3. Future Researchers
The future researchers can use another method in collecting data such as the
questionnaire for the students about the teaching learning process and interview for
the teachers to know do they create the lesson plan by themselves and other
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