Gundlapalem-12.00 Lakhsd
Gundlapalem-12.00 Lakhsd
Gundlapalem-12.00 Lakhsd
Name of the work : Construction of CC Road from Gudlurui Bramaiah (H) to Ankamma Temple in ST
Colony of Gudlapalem GP of Gudluru Mandal
Es.Rs. 12.00
S No Task Name Unit Task Code Qty Rate per Unit Amount in Rs
in Rs
7 Name Board using Brick Masonary of size 3'0"X4'0'' days 34146 1 #NAME? #NAME?
8 CW-G12.QC @0.50% Rs 34826 1952.00
9 CW-G13.Seigniorage charges Rs 34827 #NAME?
10 Workwise File Rs 35270 #NAME?
11 CW-G15.LS amount for unforcen items. Rs 34829 736956.00
Grand Total : #NAME?
. GST No
i) By Executive Engineer :
ii) By Superintending Engineer :
. Whether the Supercheck measurement :
statement enclosed
. Whether the Contractor has accepted the : Yes
. Whether the contractor signed the bill : Total Bill Rs.
. Whether released & Discharge certificate : Yes This Bill Amount Rs.
furnished by the Contractor for Final Bill
. QC inspection Date & Recovery proposed if :
any QC Not-Done
. Other Remarks of the DEE :
Deputy Executive Engineer
PRI Sub-Division, Kondapi
i) BY Executive Engineer :
Certified that the proceeding claim is correct that the Check Measurement
work and Measurement Book No that the work duly checked has been satisfactorily
Certified also that the materials billed for have been received and brought to account.
Date Office- in-charge Date
Assistant Engineer
of forwarded
By Cash Rs
Cheque No of
Amount for the year
Balanced available
Executive authority
H .Clerk Dated
Admitted Rs
Objection to Rs
Total Rs
1.This form is intered for use in the case of running accounts for works in progress in supplies in case of delivery when the liability is
discharged will
2.Payment in full
should be used
tength of the total value of work done the balance being remained as security both for the
3.In calculationof the contract
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4. Payment made in case of sums exeeding Rs 100 /- should be attested by two witness and smaller sum by one witness payment
5. whenby cheque
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S S R @2022-23
Construction of CC Road from Gudlurui Bramaiah (H) to Ankamma Temple in ST Colony of Gudlapalem GP
of Gudluru Mandal
Estt. Rs. 12.00
The above work has been administratively sanctioned for Rs 4.00 Lakhs vide
Progs.Rc.No. 64/GGMP/SNP/Sy.So/Plg.I/2022 Dt 21-9-2022 of the District Collector, Prakasam District,
Ongole under GGMP 2022-23 –GVWV & VSWS grant during the year 2022-23. Hence the estimate is
prepared with the following provisions.
The Estimate technical sanction No DR No 90/22-23 dated 06-10-2022 and
Aggriment No /2022-23 dated 06-02-2023 of the Executive Engineer PRI Division kandukuru for the
Entrustment to Sri S.Gopala reddy NWC Malepadu GP of Ponnaluru Mandal
1 Removal of unsuitable soil including excavation loading and disposal upto 1000Mts lead but
excluding compaction gravel supporting embankment subgrade replacement by suitable soil which
shall be paid seperately as per clause 303.5.2 as per technical specification clause 303.3.11 MORD/
301 MORTH (Average
2 Construction depth
of Granular Sub100mm
Base to 200mm)
using well graded material, spreading in uniform layers with
tractor mounted grader on prepared surface , mixing by mix in place method with rotovator at
OMC and compacting with Smooth wheel roller to achive the desired density , Complete as per
technical speficaction clause 401 of MORD
3 Plain cement concrete for CC pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base, with 43
grade cement or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M20 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates
conforming to IS : 383, maximum in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and
appropeiate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side formwork (steel
channel, laying and fixing of 125 mictron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including
levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading the concrete with sholvels, rakes, compacted
using needle,
Necessaryscareed and plate
provisions vibrators
are made andCharges
for QC finishedatin0.5%,
continuous operation
GST charges @ including provision of
18%, Seigneorage
contraction and expansion, construction
charges and for unforeseen items of work if anyjoints, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant, dowel
bars, near approaches to bridge / culvert and construction joints, admixtures as approved, curing of
concreteThe estimate
slabs is prepared
for 28- as per
days, curing the current
compound schedule
(where of ratesand
specified) for water
the year 2022-23
finishing to and
work shall be executed as per APSS.
grade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1501 MORD
Est.Rs. 12.00
Measurements Amount
Sl. No Description of Item No. Quantity Rate Per
L B D Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Removal of unsuitable soil including excavation loading and disposal upto 1000Mts
1 lead but excluding compaction gravel supporting embankment subgrade replacement
by suitable soil which shall be paid seperately as per clause 303.5.2 as per technical
K. peraiah(H)clause 303.3.11 MORD/
1 x 1 301 78.20
MORTH (Average
3.30 depth 100mm to77.42
0.300 200mm)
77.42 cum 99.81 1cum 7727.00
Construction of Granular Sub Base using well graded material, spreading in uniform
layers with tractor mounted grader on prepared surface , mixing by mix in place
2 method with rotovator at OMC and compacting with Smooth wheel roller to achive
the desired density , Complete as per technical speficaction clause 401 of MORD
K. peraiah(H) 1 x 1 78.20 3.30 0.100 25.81 Cum
25.81 Cum 2507.18 1Cum 64710.00
Plain cement concrete for CC pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub
base, with 43 grade cement or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M20 (Grade),
coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS : 383, maximum in a concrete mixer of
not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropeiate weigh batcher using approved mix
design, laid in approved fixed side formwork (steel channel, laying and fixing of 125
mictron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including levelling the formwork as
per drawing), spreading the concrete with sholvels, rakes, compacted using needle,
scareed and plate vibrators and finished in continuous operation including provision of
contraction and expansion, construction joints, applying debonding strips, primer,
sealant, dowel bars, near approaches to bridge / culvert and construction joints,
admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 28- days, curing compound
(where specified) and water finishing to lines and grade as per drawing and Technical
Specification Clause 1501 MORD
S.No Description of Item Earth Sand Metal Cement
sub base
1 Granular sub base Metal 25.81 x 1.20 = 30.97
2 CC Pavement M-20 Metal 39.88 x 0.90 = 35.89 263.21
Sand 39.88 x 0.45 = 17.95
3 Selected earth for S.Earth 18.76 = 18.76
4 Earth work Earth 0.00 = 0.00
Construction of CC Road from Gudlurui Bramaiah (H) to Ankamma Temple in ST Colony of Gudlapalem GP of
Name of the work :
Gudluru Mandal
Gundlapalem PR-5151-10630 Est. Cost Rs: 12.00 lakhs
Conveyance charges
25% HBG
Sl. Name of the Blastering Average
Name of the Material CFMS Code Units Initial cost MC Total
No. Quarry Lead in Conveyanc charges rate
Km e charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Sand for Concrete Mudhivarthi MAT-00027 1 Cum 89.00 1164.00 605.00 1769.00
2 20mm HBG Metal Ramatheerdam MAT-00218 1 Cum 90.00 1135.90 1196.00 70.00 299.00 2700.90 2597.20
3 12mm HBG Metal Ramatheerdam MAT-00217 1 Cum 90.00 1135.90 952.00 70.00 238.00 2395.90
4 9.5 to 4.75mm HBG Ramatheerdam MAT-00435 1 Cum 90.00 1135.90 608.00 70.00 152.00 1965.90
Chips (5-7mm)
5 4.75 to 2.36mm HBG Ramatheerdam MAT-00434 1 Cum 90.00 1135.90 455.00 70.00 113.75 1774.65
Chips (2.36-5mm)
6 2.36 mm & Below HBG Ramatheerdam MAT-00068 1 Cum 90.00 1135.90 435.00 1570.90
stone dust
7 Selected earth Local MAT-00252 1 Cum 5.00 96.00 130.00 - 226.00
8 Cement Local MAT-00005 1 MT 4218.74 4218.74
1 Certified that the above leads are correct to the best of my knowledge.
2 Certified that the rates are provided as per SSR 2022-23
a) Labour:
2.40 days Mazdoor(skilled) LAB-00120 525.00 1day 1260.00
8.00 days Mazdoor(Unskilled) LAB-00120 525.00 1day 4200.00
Taking Output =1 cum {Compacted}
b) Machinary:
6.00 Hrs Vibrator Roller HIR--00062 3479.20 1Hour 20875.20
3.00 Hrs Water tanker 6kl Capacity HIR-00076 806.00 1Hour 2418.00
12.00 Hrs Tractor with rotavator @ 25 cum per hour HIR-00078 532.00 1Hour 6384.00
c) Material:
126.00 cum 9.5mm to 4.75mm size HMG Chips @ 35% 1965.90 1Cum 247703.40
45.00 cum 4.75mm to 2.36mm size HMG Chips @ 12.50% 1774.65 1Cum 79859.25
189.00 cum 2.36mm below chips or Stone Dust @ 52.50% 1570.90 1Cum 296900.10
3.00 kl Water 806.00 kl 2418.00
Rate per 300 Cum 662017.95
Rate per 1 Cum 2206.73
Add 13.615@ Contractor Profit 300.45
Rate per 1 Cum 2507.18
S.No Qty. Unit Description of Tasks CFMS Code Rate. Per Amount.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 Plain cement concrete for CC pavement, thickness as per
design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement or
any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M20 (Grade), coarse
and fine aggregates conforming to IS : 383, maximum in a
concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and
appropeiate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in
approved fixed side formwork (steel channel, laying and fixing
of 125 mictron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates
including levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading the
concrete with sholvels, rakes, compacted using needle, scareed
and plate vibrators and finished in continuous operation
including provision of contraction and expansion, construction
joints, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant, dowel bars,
near approaches to bridge / culvert and construction joints,
admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 28- days,
curing compound (where specified) and water finishing to lines
and grade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause
1501 MORD
Unit = cum
Taking output = 75cum (172.50 t)
(100x3.75 x 0.200)
5.00 day Mason (1st class) LAB-00011 630.00 day 3150.00
5.00 day Mason (2nd class) LAB-00091 565.00 day 2825.00
150.00 day Mazdoor (unskilled) LAB-00120 525.00 day 78750.00
6.00 day Mazdoor(skilled) LAB-00120 525.00 day 3150.00
6.00 day Mazdoor (semi-skilled) LAB-00120 525.00 day 3150.00
Concrete mixer 0.28/0.40 cum capacity ( 6 mixers) HIR-00018 667.50
36.00 Hour with weight batcher and suitable capacity Hour 24030.00
calibrated water tank
9.00 Hour Pin vibrator HIR-00174 259.10 Hour 2331.90
9.00 Hour Plate vibrator HIR-00115 69.00 Hour 621.00
5.00 Hour Water tanker 6 Kl. Capacity HIR-00076 806.00 Hour 4030.00
Crushed stone coarse aggregates, grading will be
as per clause 1501.2.4.1 (Table 1500.1) of
specifications @ 0.90 Cum/cum of concrete
67.50 Cum 20-12MM HBG metal 2597.20 Cum 175311.00
Sand as per IS:383 and conforming to clause
33.75 cum 1769.00 cum 59703.75
1500.2.4.2. @ 0.45 cum of concrete
24.75 MT Cement @ 330 Kg/cum of concrete 4218.74 Mt 104413.82
483.00 Sqm Polythene sheet 125 micron MAT-00539 15.25 1Sqm 7365.75
Bituminous sealant 800 ml per joint for 23 joints MAT-00538
19.00 lt 53.95 Litre 1025.05
Plasticizer 0.5 % by weight of cement BMT-H.19 MAT-05375
122.00 lt 76.00 Litre 9272.00
18.00 lt Water for curing MAT-00333 95.00 Litre 1710.00
Joint filler board 20mm thick as per IS:1838 BMT- MAT-01514
3.00 Sqm 824.00 1Sqm 2472.00
5.00 lt bitumen primeer 78.40 1Sqm 392.00
Total ( a+b+c) 483703.27
Form work @ 3% on (a+b+c) 14511.10
Cost for 75 cum = a+b+c+d 498214.37
Rate per Cum = (a+b+c+d)/75 6642.86
Add 13.615@ Contractor Profit 904.43
Rate per Cum = (a+b+c+d)/75 7547.29
Name of the work :Construction of internal CC road from Kasu Pakirreddy house to Poleramma gudi in
Laddimallapuram GP of Kanigiri Mandal.
Quantity executed or
S. Since Rate in Remark
Description of Items. Per Since last
No last Rs. Upto Date s
Upto Date certificate
certifica in Rs.
in Rs.
0.00 Cum
Removal of unsuitable / Unservieeble soil including excavation loading and
1 disposal upto 1000Mts lead but excluding compaction gravel supporting 87.85 1Cum 0.00
embankment subgrade replacement by suitable soil which shall be paid
seperately as per clause 303.5.2 as per technical specification clause 303.3.11
MORD/ 301 MORTH (Average depth 100mm to 200mm)
2 25.81 Cum Construction of Granular Sub Base using well graded material, spreading in
uniform layers with tractor mounted grader on prepared surface , mixing by 2507.18 1Cum 64710.32
mix in place method with rotovator at OMC and compacting with Smooth
wheel roller to achive the desired density , Complete as per technical
speficaction clause 401 of MORD
3 39.88 Cum Plain cement concrete for CC pavement, thickness as per design, over a
prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement or any other type as per Clause 7547.29 1Cum 300985.93
1501.2.2 M20 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS : 383,
maximum in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropeiate
weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side formwork
(steel channel, laying and fixing of 125 mictron thick polythene film, wedges,
steel plates including levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading the
concrete with sholvels, rakes, compacted using needle, scareed and plate
vibrators and finished in continuous operation including provision of contraction
and expansion, construction joints, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant,
dowel bars, near approaches to bridge / culvert and construction joints,
admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 28- days, curing compound
(where specified) and water finishing to lines and grade as per drawing and
Technical Specification Clause 1501 MORD
Certified also that the materials billed for have been recived Certified that the work and materials were duly Checked
and brought to account. and Measured by me on (Date………….)
Assistant Engineer
Mandal Praja Parishad
Quantity executed or
S. Since Rate in Remark
Description of Items. Per Since last
No last Rs. Upto Date s
Upto Date certificate
certifica in Rs.
in Rs.