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Lectures 16,17,18,19,20 + tutorial No-2


The basic techniques used in water resources systems analysis

are optimization and simulation. Whereas optimization techniques are
meant to give global optimum solutions, simulation is a trial and error
approach leading to the identification of the best solution possible. The
simulation technique cannot guarantee global optimum solution; however,
solutions, which are very close to the optimum, can be arrived at using
simulation and sensitivity analysis. Optimization models are embodied in the general
theory of mathematical programming. They are characterized by a mathematical statement of the
ob jective function, and a formal search procedure to determine the values of decision
variables, for optimizing the objective function. The principal optimization techniques

1. Linear Programming
The objective function and the constraints are all linear. It is probably the single-most
applied optimization technique the world over. In integer programming, which is a
variant of linear programming, the decision variables take on integer values. In mixed
integer programming, only some of the variables are integer

2.Nonlinear Programming
The objective function and/or (any of) the constraints involve nonlinear terms.
General solution procedures do not exist. Special purpose solutions, such as quadratic
programming, are available for limited applications. However, linear programming
may still be used in some engineer-ing applications, if a nonlinear function can be
either transformed to a linear function, or approximated by piece-wise linear

3.  Dynamic Programming
Offers a solution procedure for linear or nonlinear problems, in which multistage
decision-making is involved. The choice of technique for a given problem depends
on the configuration of the system being analyzed, the nature of the objective
function and the constraints, the availability and reliability of data, and the depth of detail
needed in the investigation. Linear programming (LP), and dynamic programming (DP)are the
most common mathematical programming models used in water re-sources systems analysis.
Simulation, by itself, or in combination with LP, DP,or both LP and DP is used to
analyze complex water resources systems
Discounting refers to translating future money to its present value, and com-pounding
refers to translating present money to a future period in time. For equivalence
calculation of money at different points of time and for comparison of engineering
alternatives, we need to know the commonly used discounting factors: The following
notation is used in this section.
i= interest rate per year expressed in per cent
P= present sum of money
F = future sum of money
 A= annual payment, or payment per period Usually, three values out of these four
would be known and it will be required to compute the fourth
Q. Of the two plans given below, find the most feasible one by various methods.
Classification of Optimization Techniques

Optimization problems can be classified based on the type of constraints, nature of

design variables, physical structure of the problem, nature of the equations
involved, permissible value of the design variables, deterministic/ stochastic nature
of the variables, separability of the functions and number of objective functions.
These methods are briefly discussed below.

(1)Classification based on existence of constraints

Under this category optimization problems can be classified into two groups as
follows: Constrained optimization problems: which are subject to one or more
constraints. Unconstrained optimization problems: in which no constraints exist.

(2)Classification based on the physical structure of the problem

Based on the physical structure, optimization problems are classified as optimal

control and non-optimal control problems. (i) Optimal control problems An Optimal
control (OC) problem is a mathematical programming problem involving a number
of stages, where each stage evolves from the preceding stage in a prescribed
manner. It is defined by two types of variables: the control or design and state
variables. The control variables define the system and controls how one stage
evolves into the next. The state variables describe the behavior or status of the
system at any stage. The problem is to find a set of control variables such that the
total objective function (also known as the performance index, PI) over all stages is
minimized, subject to a set of constraints on the control and state variables. An OC
problem can be stated as follows:
(3)Classification based on the nature of the equations involved

Based on the nature of equations for the objective function and the constraints,
optimization problems can be classified as linear, non-linear, geometric or quadratic
programming problems. This classification is much useful from a computational
point of view since many predefined special methods are available for effective
solution of a particular type of problem.

(4) Classification based on the permissible values of the decision variables

Under this classification, objective functions can be classified as integer and real-
valued programming problems. (i) Integer programming problem
If some or all of the design variables of an optimization problem are restricted to take
only integer (or discrete) values, the problem is called an integer programming
problem. For example, the optimization problem is to find number of articles needed
for an operation with least effort. Thus, minimization of the effort required for the
operation being the objective, the decision variables, i.e., the number of articles used
can take only integer values. Other restrictions on minimum and maximum number
of usable resources may be imposed. (ii) Real-valued programming problem A real-
valued problem is that in which it is sought to minimize (or maximize) a real function
by systematically choosing the values of real variables from within an allowed set.
When the allowed set contains only real values, it is called a real-valued
programming problem.

(5) Classification based on deterministic/ stochastic nature of the variables

Under this classification, optimization problems can be classified as deterministic or

stochastic programming problems. (i) Deterministic programming problem In a
deterministic system, for the same input, the system will produce the same output
always. In this type of problems all the design variables are deterministic.
(ii) Stochastic programming problem In this type of an optimization problem, some
or all the design variables are expressed probabilistically (non-deterministic or

(6) Classification based on the number of objective functions

Under this classification, objective functions can be classified as single-objective and

multi-objective programming problems. (i) Single-objective programming problem in
which there is only one objective function. (ii) Multi-objective programming problem

Linear Programming (LP)

It is the most useful optimization technique used for the solution of engineering
problems. The term „linear‟ implies that the objective function and constraints are
„linear‟ functions of „nonnegative‟ decision variables. Thus, the conditions of LP
problems (LPP) are

1. Objective function must be a linear function of decision variables

2. Constraints should be linear function of decision variables
3. All the decision variables must be nonnegative
The above LPP is violating the following criteria of standard form:

1. Objective function is of minimization type

2. Constraints are of inequality type
3. Decision variable is unrestricted, i.e., it can take negative values also, thus
violating the non-negativity criterion. 2 x

However, a standard form for this LPP can be obtained by transforming it as follows:
Objective function can be rewritten as

Canonical form of standard LPP is a set of equations consisting of the „objective

function‟ and all the „equality constraints‟ (standard form of LPP) expressed in
canonical form. Understanding the canonical form of LPP is necessary for studying
simplex method, the most popular method of solving LPP.


Q (1) Consider two crops 1 and 2. One unit of crop 1 brings four units of profit and
one unit of crop 2 brings five units of profit. The demand of production of crop 1 is A
units and that of crop 2 is B units. Let x be the amount of water required for A units
of crop 1 and y be the same for B units of crop 2. The linear relations between the
amounts of crop produced (i.e., demands A and B) and the available water (i.e., x and
y) for two crops are shown below.
A = 0.5(x - 2) + 2
B = 0.6(y - 3) + 3
Minimum amount of water that must be provided to 1 and 2 to meet their demand is
two and three units respectively. Maximum availability of water is ten units. Find out
the optimum pattern of irrigation.
Solution: The objective is to maximize the profit from crop 1 and 2, which can be
represented as Maximize f = 4A + 5B

Expressing as a function of the amount of water,

Maximize f = 4[0.5(x - 2) + 2] + 5[0.6(y - 3) + 3]= 2x + 3y + 10
subject to ; x+y <= Maximum availability of water ;
x.=2 ; Minimum amount of water required for crop 1 ;
y.=3:Minimum amount of water required for crop 2
The above problem is same as maximizing f’ = 2x + 3y subject to same constraints.
Changing the problem into standard form by introducing slack variables S1, S2, S3
Maximize f’ = 2x + 3y
subject to
x + y + S1 =10
-x + S2 = -2
-y + S3 = -3
This problem is solved by forming the simplex table as:-
Hence the solution is

x = 2; y = 8; f’ = 28

Therefore, f = 28+10 = 38

Thus, water allocated to crop A is 2 units and to crop B is 8 units and total profit
yielded is 38 units.
Nonlinear Optimization Models and Solution Procedures

Constrained optimization involves finding the values of decision variables given

specified relationships that have to be satisfied. Constrained optimization is also
called mathematical programming. Mathematical programming techniques
include calculus-based Lagrange multipliers and various methods for solving linear
and nonlinear models including dynamic programming, quadratic programming,
fractional programming, and geometric programming, to mention a few. The
applicability of each of these as well as other constrained optimization procedures
is highly dependent on the mathematical structure of the model that in turn is
dependent on the system being analyzed. Individuals tend to construct models in a
way that will allow them to use a particular optimization technique they think is best.
Thus, it pays to be familiar with various types of optimization methods since no one
method is best for all optimization problems. Each has its strengths and limitations.

Consider a river from which diversions are made to three water-consuming firms that
belong to the same corporation. Each firm makes a product. Water is needed in
the process of making that product, and is the critical resource. The three firms can
be denoted by the index j = 1, 2, and 3 and their water allocations by xj. Assume the
problem is to determine the allocations xj of water to each of three firms (j = 1, 2, 3)
that maximize the total net benefits, ∑j NBj(x)j , obtained from all three firms. The
total amount of water available is constrained or limited to a quantity of Q.

Three water-using firms obtain water from a river. The amounts xj allocated to each firm j will
depend on the river flow Q
Net benefit functions for three water users, j, and their slopes at allocations xj

Assume the net benefits, NBj(xj), derived from water xj allocated to each firm j, are
defined by:-

These are concave functions exhibiting decreasing marginal net benefits with
increasing allocations. These functions look like hills, as illustrated in Fig. above.

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