Science Performance Task Goal: The Students Will Organize A Talk Show About A Specific Topic That Will Bring Awareness, Provide Information, and
Science Performance Task Goal: The Students Will Organize A Talk Show About A Specific Topic That Will Bring Awareness, Provide Information, and
Science Performance Task Goal: The Students Will Organize A Talk Show About A Specific Topic That Will Bring Awareness, Provide Information, and
Goal: The students will organize a talk show about a specific topic that will bring awareness, provide information, and
entertain. Each group must have an interviewer while the rest of the group takes the role of other designated
Asteroid belt, Oort cloud
Comets, Meteor, and asteroids
5 4 3 2
Preparedness Student is Student seems pretty The student is Student does not seem
completely prepared but might somewhat prepared, at all prepared to
prepared and has have needed a couple but it is clear that present.
obviously more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking.
and Materials All group members All group members All group members Group members make
display thorough display thorough display some serious errors in
knowledge of knowledge of material. knowledge of material material presented.
material Answers greatly reflect presented. Answers Answers do not reflect
presented. characterization of mostly reflect characterization of
Answers thorough characters in the story. characterization of characters in the story.
ly reflect Script was incomplete, characters in the Script was not turned in.
characterization of but turned in. story.
characters in the Script was not turned
story. Script has in.
been turned in.
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all the distinctly all the time but distinctly most the cannot be understood
time. mispronounces some time. Mispronounces
words. some words
Creativity Students use thei Students use their creat Students somehow try Students have written t
r creativity and im ivity and imagination to to be creative to he script in a none
agination to come come up with innovati creative way.
up with come up with a short ve The
innovating talk innovative segment. talk show segments. script is only text witho
show segments ut innovating talk show
that contribute to segments
the viewer’s enjoy