Faq N.136743: Faqs
Faq N.136743: Faqs
Faq N.136743: Faqs
FAQ n.136743
CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation), Part-M, Continuing
Airworthiness, Regulations
The requirement to establish a procedure to assess non-mandatory
modifications/inspections pursuant to CAMO.A.315(b)(4) refers to the
“use of the organisation’s safety risk management process”. What does
this mean?
The CAMO has the obligation, for complex motor-powered aircraft and aircraft used
by air carriers licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, to
establish a procedure to assess non mandatory modifications and inspections (e.g.
Service Bulletins).
This assessment procedure should take into consideration several aspects, as the
case may be, including but not limited to:
main purpose of the expression “making use of the organisation’s safety risk
management process”. If necessary, the CAMO will perform a safety risk
assessment (e.g. in terms of probability and severity of consequences) and a
review of the related mitigations.
Typically, SBs are issued for technical purposes (as mitigation or safety risk
control). For instance, a SB could provide the following:
The CAMO should use its safety risk management process to determine if the
hazard identified in the SB applies to the managed fleet and what the associated
risk is, and/or whether the proposed action (modification/inspection) are applicable,
effective and reasonable. For clarity, it is not intended that the CAMO should redo
the safety assessment performed by the design approval holder; the CAMO
assessment should be tailored to its fleet and related operations.
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