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Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 2521 –2525 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2521
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Figure 1. a) Photographs of membrane for the neat PEO and the LiX/
intermediate (KPSsTFSI), and target salt (LiPSsTFSI) were PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI, and PSsTFSI) blended polymer electrolytes
characterized by 1H and 19F NMR (Supporting Information, (EO/Li+ = 20). b) DSC traces of neat PEO, LiPSsTFSI, and the LiX/PEO
Figure S1). The neat LiPSsTFSI salt has a number-average (X = PSS, PSTFSI, PSsTFSI) blended polymer electrolytes (EO/Li+ = 20)
at the first heating scan.
molecular weight (Mn) of about 2 × 105 g mol¢1 with a polydis-
persity index (PDI) of 2.21 (Supporting Information,
Table S1), and its complex of LiPSsTFSI/PEO exhibits an
oxidation potential at ca. 4.0 V vs. Li+/Li (Supporting measurement data are summarized in the Supporting Infor-
Information, Figure S2), and is thermally stable up to 300 8C mation, Table S2). The neat PEO shows a sharp melting
(Supporting Information, Figure S3). transition peak at 70.1 8C, which is consistent well with the
To understand the impact of degree of negative charge previous reports for neat PEO.[27, 28] Important note is that the
distribution in anion on the ionic conductivity of SPEs neat LiPSsTFSI salt displays a low glass transition temper-
reliably, the two related lithium polymer salts, lithium ature (Tg) at 44.3 8C (Figure 1 b; Supporting Information,
poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (LiPSS) and LiPSTFSI (Supporting Figure S5). This would be attributable to highly flexibility and
Information, Figure S4), were also synthesized using the same super-delocalized negative charge distribution of the ¢SO2¢
methods as described previously.[22, 25] The membranes of all of N(¢)¢SO(=NSO2CF3)¢CF3 structure in PSsTFSI¢ , which
the blended polymer electrolytes were prepared by a solu- impedes the motion of both Li+ cations and PSsTFSI¢
tion-casting method (the procedures are detailed in Support- anions to rearrange orderly in space (that is, slow kinetics of
ing Information). crystallization), thus making LiPSsTFSI glassformer at low
Figure 1 a shows the photographs of membrane for the temperature. In contrast, glass transitions below 50 8C have
neat PEO and the LiX/PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI, and PSsTFSI) not observed for any neat Li ionomer based on lesser
blended polymer electrolytes at a molar ratio of EO/Li+ = 20, delocalized anions (for example, ¢CO2¢ , ¢SO3¢ , and ¢SO2¢
as the concentration of lithium salt to EO unit in the classic N(¢)¢SO2¢CF3) without PEO blending.[17, 21, 22, 25] It is interest-
LiTFSI/PEO SPEs around this ratio region has been found to ing to note that a glass transition at the low temperature of
afford relatively high ionic conductivities in medium high ¢15.1 8C is also observed for the LiPSsTFSI/PEO blended
temperatures, and its ionic conduction is little affected by its electrolyte (this glass transition at the low temperature of
heat history.[26] It can be seen that self-standing, translucent ¢15.3 8C is repeatedly observed at the second heating scan;
membranes are obtained. It is worthy to note that the Supporting Information, Figure S6), and is however not
membrane of LiPSsTFSI/PEO blended electrolyte has detected for both the LiPSS/PEO and LiPSTFSI/PEO
a better mechanical ductility than both the corresponding electrolytes. This result clearly indicates the stronger plasti-
LiPSTFSI/PEO and LiPSS/PEO electrolytes, which is per- cizing effect of the PSsTFSI¢ vs. PSS¢ and PSTFSI¢ anions,
ceptible from appreciable manual bending or stretching. This which is consistent with the glassformer nature of neat
would be attributed to the much better flexibility and greatest LiPSsTFSI, and is favorable for enhancing segmental motions
delocalized negative charge distribution of the ¢SO2¢N(¢)¢ of PEO in the blended electrolyte. The glass transition
SO(=NSO2CF3)¢CF3 structure (in PSsTFSI¢), among these temperature is a qualitative signature of ion mobility in SPEs,
three polyanions. and a low glass transition temperature for LiPSsTFSI/PEO is
Figure 1 b comparatively shows the DSC traces of the neat a sign of high ion mobility in the blended electrolyte.
PEO, LiPSsTFSI, and the three blended polymer electrolytes Moreover, the LiPSsTFSI/PEO blended electrolyte displays
of LiX/PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI, PSsTFSI) with the same the lowest value of enthalpy of melting (that is, DHm =
molar ratio of EO/Li+ = 20 at the first heating scan (all the 58.3 J g¢1; Supporting Information, Table S2), which is obvi-
2522 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 2521 –2525
Communications Chemie
ously lower than that for the LiPSTFSI/PEO electrolyte (that PSsTFSI¢ . This is totally consistent with the degree of
is, DHm = 71.9 J g¢1; Supporting Information, Table S2), and is negative charge distribution and freedom (that is, structural
significantly lower than that for the LiPSS/PEO electrolyte flexibility) of the anion. This trend in XRD patterns is also
(that is, DHm = 101.2 J g¢1; Supporting Information, Table S2). well consistent with the DSC results in Figure 1 b (Supporting
This is a signature of a higher degree of amorphous phase in Information, Table S2), wherein the complex of LiPSsTFSI/
the former (LiPSsTFSI/PEO) than in the latter two (LiPSS/ PEO shows low glass transition before melting (that is, low
PEO and LiPSTFSI/PEO). All above results obtained from tendency to crystallize), while the latter two complexes of
DSC characterization suggest that the LiPSsTFSI/PEO LiX/PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI) only show melting with larger
blended electrolyte has higher degrees of amorphous phases values of enthalpy (that is, a higher degree of crystalline
and larger segmental motions than both the LiPSS/PEO and phase) without glass transitions (Supporting Information,
LiPSTFSI/PEO electrolytes, which are beneficial for improv- Table S2).
ing its ionic conductivities. Figure 3 a compares the temperature dependence of ionic
Figure 2 comparatively displays the XRD patterns of the conductivities (s) for the LiX/PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI,
LiX/PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI, PSsTFSI) blended polymer PSsTFSI) blended polymer electrolytes with a molar ratio
electrolytes with a molar ratio of EO/Li+ = 20, as well as the of EO/Li+ = 20, as well as the classic LiTFSI/PEO blended
electrolyte for comparison, and some of the representative
data are presented in the Supporting Information, Table S3.
As seen from Figure 3 a, our conductivity values for the classic
LiTFSI/PEO blended electrolyte are consistent with the
previous report,[26] indicating that our measurements are
reliable. As a common feature for the PEO-based SPEs,[29] an
increase in the ionic conductivity to a variable extent is
observed with increasing the temperature up to about 70 8C
for all the LiX/PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI, PSsTFSI, TFSI)
blended electrolytes (Figure 3 a), owing to a crystalline melt-
ing transition of the PEO host and/or the free-volume
activation. The ionic conductivities for all these four kinds
of blended electrolytes decrease in the order of LiTFSI/
the measured temperature range from 25 to 90 8C. It is
generally accepted that the ionic conductivity of SPEs is
mainly governed by the polymer crystallinity and/or glass
transition temperature, and the charge carrier concentra-
tion.[2, 22, 25, 30] The highest ionic conductivities for the blended
electrolyte containing LiTFSI are observed, which is expected
from that both the Li+ cations and relatively small TFSI¢
anions are mobile in the complex of LiTFSI/PEO. By
Figure 2. XRD patterns of the LiX/PEO (X = PSS, PSTFSI, PSsTFSI) contrast, the three blended electrolytes containing the
blended polymer electrolytes (EO/Li+ = 20), as well as the neat PEO
polymer salts show obviously lower ionic conductivities,
and LiPSsTFSI.
which is due to the huge volume of the polymeric anion.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 2521 –2525 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2523
Communications Chemie
Among these three blended electrolytes containing polymeric an oxidation potential at ca. 4.0 V vs. Li+/Li, and is thermally
anions, the complex of LiPSsTFSI/PEO displays the highest stable up to 300 8C. The ionic conductivities of the LiPSsTFSI/
conductivities, and is higher by about one order in magnitude PEO (EO/Li+ = 20) blended electrolyte are higher by about
than those of the previous state-of-the-art LiPSTFSI/PEO one order in magnitude than those of the LiPSTFSI/PEO
electrolyte, and higher by 2–3 orders in magnitude than those (EO/Li+ = 20) electrolyte, and by 2–3 orders in magnitude
of LiPSS/PEO electrolyte in the whole temperature range. than those of LiPSS/PEO (EO/Li+ = 20) electrolyte over the
This would be essentially attributed to more flexible and whole temperature range. This is essentially attributed to the
super-delocalized nature of the ¢SO2¢N(¢)¢SO(=NSO2CF3)¢ unique structure of ¢SO2¢N(¢)¢SO(=NSO2CF3)¢CF3 in the
CF3 structure (in PSsTFSI¢) compared with both the ¢SO2¢ PSsTFSI¢ anion with both super-delocalized negative charge
N(¢)¢SO2¢CF3 (in PSTFSI¢) and ¢SO3¢ structures (in PSS¢), distribution and highly flexible features, which not only makes
which can not only further improve polymeric segmental highly dissociation of Li+ ions from anions but also favorably
motions responsible for promoting Li-ion motion through the enhances the degrees of amorphous phases and the segmental
chains of PEO in amorphous phase, but also increase degree motions in SPEs required for ionic conduction. More
of dissociation of the Li salts. This anion-dependence trend in importantly, the ionic conductivities of individual Li+ cations
conductivity concurs with the results in DSC and XRD for the LiPSsTFSI/PEO blended electrolyte are comparable
measurements (Figures 1 b and 2), wherein a higher degree of to those for the classic ambipolar LiTFSI/PEO electrolyte
amorphous phase is observed in the complex of LiPSsTFSI/ above the melting point of PEO. All of these preliminary
PEO. results suggest that the LiPSsTFSI would be a promising salt
The lithium-ion transference number (tLi+) is a key of polymer electrolyte and would open the door to design new
parameter for evaluating the performance of SPEs. The highly conductive single lithium-ion conductors for lithium
value of tLi+ for the classic ambipolar LiTFSI/PEO blended batteries.
electrolyte is 0.22 at 60 8C, which is comparable to that of 0.29
reported previously.[30] The value of tLi+ for the complex of
LiPSsTFSI/PEO is as high as 0.91 at 60 8C, indicative of single Acknowledgements
Li-ion conducting behavior, which is expected from the huge
volume of the polyanion (Supporting Information, Tables S4 This work was supported by the National Natural Science
and Figure S7). Foundation of China (Nos. 51172083, 51222210, 51472268).
The ionic conductivities of individual Li+ cations in SPEs
play a paramount role in dictating the performance of Li Keywords: blended polymer electrolytes · ion conductors ·
batteries, as Li+ cations are only active species needed during lithium batteries · Li-ion conductivity
the cycling process of Li batteries; however, few work have
characterized the conduction behaviors of individual Li+ How to cite: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 2521 – 2525
cations. Figure 3 b comparatively displays the temperature Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 2567 – 2571
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