Correlational Analysis
Correlational Analysis
Correlational Analysis
Correlational analysis
Roshani K. Prematunga BCom, PGDipSci (Statistics), MPH ∗
Centre for Psychiatric Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences, The University of
Melbourne, Level 2, 757, Swanston St, Carlton, VIC 3053, Australia
Received 7 October 2011 ; received in revised form 31 January 2012; accepted 14 February 2012
1036-7314/ $ — see front matter © 2012 Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Ltd. Published by Elsevier Australia (a division of Reed International Books Australia Pty Ltd). All rights reserved.
196 R.K. Prematunga
Table 2 Significant correlation between decision- Relationship between nominal variables can be
making and level of appointment. assessed by cross-tabulating data in a contingency
table9 and computing the Pearson’s Chi-square
Perceived decisions statistic (2 ). The computed Chi-square value can
0.338a be tested for statistical significance where the
Level of appointment
<0.001b null hypothesis is no relationship exists between
a Spearman’s correlation. the variables. Most statistical packages produce
b p-Value. 2 along with the p-value. The existence of a
198 R.K. Prematunga
Box 3 Box 4
Aim: To examine association between the Aim: To examine the occurrence of epilepsy
use of nutritional supplements used among ath- in relation to the etiology of intellectual dis-
letes and the motive for using such substances ability in children.
for health maintenance. A Chi-square test was performed on nomi-
A Chi-square test was performed to deter- nal variables to determine association in the
mine association between two nominal vari- occurrence of epilepsy among different cate-
ables: supplement used and motive for gories of children with intellectual disability.
using such substances, and the strength of To determine the strength of association,
this association was estimated by comput- Cramer’s V coefficient was computed. An alpha
ing ϕ coefficient. Statistical analyses were level of 0.05 was used. Analysis was conducted
performed using SPSS.14.0.1. A statistically with computer program SPSS v.13 for Windows.
significant association between taking Vitamin A statistically significant association
C as a supplement to avoid sickness (2 = 54.67, between the occurrence of epilepsy between
p < 0.001), and a somewhat intermediate asso- etiological categories, 2 (3, N = 167) = 30.085,
ciation was found by phi correlation coefficient p = 0.001, and a somewhat moderate associa-
of 0.324 (p < 0.001). tion was found by the Cramer’s V correlation
Source: Petróczi et al.10 coefficient of 0.424 (p = 0.001) (Table 3).
Source: Memisevic et al.11
8. Wilcox RR. Fundamentals of modern statistical methods: in athletes’ supplement use for maintenance of health: a
substantially improving power and accuracy. New York: retrospective study. Nutr J 2007;6(34).
Springer; 2010. 11. Memisevic H, Sinanovic O. Epilepsy in children with intel-
9. Fisher MJ, Marshall AP, Mitchell M. Testing differences in lectual disability in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Effects of sex,
proportions. Aust Crit Care 2011;24:133—8. level and etiology of intellectual disability. Res Dev Disabil
10. Petróczi A, Naughton DP, Mazanov J, Holloway A, Bingham 2009;30:1078—83.
J. Limited agreement exists between rationale and practice