Effects of Fibre Orientation On Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Bamboo/glass Fibre Polymer Composites
Effects of Fibre Orientation On Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Bamboo/glass Fibre Polymer Composites
Effects of Fibre Orientation On Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Bamboo/glass Fibre Polymer Composites
Abstract. The usage of natural fibre as reinforcement in polymer composites have widely increased because
of its enhanced properties. The usage of plant fibre cannot alone satisfy all the needs of the composites. Hence,
introduction of hybrid plays a vital role in enhancing the mechanical properties of the FRP composites. Fibre
orientation contributes significant role in improving the mechanical properties of the FRP composites. In this
proposal, hybrid bamboo/glass fibre woven in different orientations such as 0°/90° and ± 45° was used and its
effect on mechanical properties were studied. Composites containing hybrid fibres found to possess better
mechanical properties, when compared to pure bamboo. In order to justify this, the following mechanical
properties such as tensile, flexural, impact and hardness were investigated. SEM analysis shows the bonding
between the matrix and reinforcement. All the above test results indicate that the introduction of natural
bamboo fibre in glass reduces the overall cost of the composites with no compromise in strength and also
attracted several studies covering green technologies.
strength and toughness and easier handling in production ethyl ketone peroxide. The bamboo fibre woven was
than unidirectional composites (Mariatti et al 2008). placed and then the required amount of polyester resin
Woven fibres possess good surface with pleasing appear- was poured over it. The process continued until the
ance. Research on pure bamboo/hybrid fibre with respect required thickness and volume percentage of fibre was
to fibre orientation is relatively new. The main aim of this obtained. For each time, a roller was used to roll over the
research was to investigate possible mechanical properties fibre in order to remove the air bubbles from it. Hybrid
of pure bamboo and hybrid FRP composite with respect FRP composite plates preparation also done in the same
to fibre orientation. The results were compared with each way, but the placing of fibres was done alternatively one
other to find the best among them. over the other, i.e. one layer of woven pure bamboo
fibre followed by E-glass fibre mat. After the required
thickness and volume fraction were obtained, the compo-
2. Experimental
site plates were allowed to dry at room temperature for
24 h. Then, the FRP composite plates were removed from
2.1 Materials
the mould.
The natural fibres of bamboo of diameter 10 μm and glass
fibre of diameter 5 μm were used in this study. To enhance 2.3 Mechanical testing
the properties of bamboo fibre, it was chemically treated
with silane. The bamboo fibres in dried form were woven The plates of pure bamboo and hybrid FRP composites
by weaving machine to the size of moulding box 200 × were then cut into specimens as per ASTM standards for
150 mm. The glass fibres in the form of woven were used conducting different tests. For obtaining different orienta-
for composite fabrication. Polyester resin as matrix, tions, the specimens were made as templates in GI sheets
cobalt napthanate and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide were and are drawn on the plates with appropriate angles.
used as oxidizer and catalyst, respectively. Then, the plates are cut into different angles using milling
cutter along the fibre orientation, say 0°/90° or ±45° as
shown in figure 3.
2.2 Preparation of composites
Tensile test of bamboo and hybrid FRP composites
were performed using computerized servo-controlled
Moulding box of required size 200 × 150 × 10 mm was
UTM machine with specimen standard ASTM D 638 as
made in wood and the inner portion of the moulding box
shown in figure 4. The cut specimens were fixed in the
was coated with wax polish, which acts as a releasing
UTM, the gauge length and cross head speeds were fixed
agent. Two different types of plates were made. Figures 1
to 5 and 2 mm/min, respectively.
and 2 show the pure bamboo reinforced with polyester
Flexural test was conducted on computerized UTM
matrix and the other with bamboo/E-glass hybrid fibre
using special attachment with specimen standard ASTM
with polyester resin combination. The method adopted
D 790 as shown in figure 5. The span to depth ratio was
for fabricating composite plates was hand lay-up process.
fixed as 16 : 1 and the speed of test was set as 2 mm/min.
Polyester resin was mixed with required amount of cobalt
Impact test were carried out using a Charpy impact
napthanate as oxidizer and then with catalyst, methyl
testing machines with specimen standards ASTM D 6110
as shown in figure 6. The fracture values were calculated fibres, such as banana and pandanus which exhibit higher
by dividing the energy by cross-sectional area of the properties when compared with kenaf, bagasse, sisal and
specimen. pineapple. Normally, the properties of natural fibres
Hardness test was conducted by using a Rockwell depend on species, maturity and extraction (Mariatti
hardness tester as per specimen standard ASTM D 785 et al 2008).
shown in figure 7. A standard specimen of 6⋅4 mm thick-
ness was cut from the plate irrespective of its size. Load
3.2 Effects of fibre orientation on pure bamboo and
was applied for 15 s and the hardness was measured. All
hybrid fibre
the values were taken as the average of 3 samples each.
Morphology of the fibres was observed by scanning
3.2a Tensile stress–strain: Figure 9 shows the tensile
electron microscope (SEM). The specimen for SEM test
stress–strain curve of pure bamboo and hybrid FRP
is shown in figure 8. Magnification of 50 μm is taken for
composites with respect to fibre orientation (0°/90°,
the study.
±45°). Among all the combinations, the hybrid FRP
composites with ±45° orientation exhibited high tensile
3. Results and discussion strength, when compared with other combination. Fur-
3.1 Properties of bamboo and E-glass fibre ther, the other combinations such as hybrid with 0°/90°
orientation and pure bamboo with 0°/90°, ±45° orienta-
The measured tensile properties of bamboo and E-glass tion showed a very significant increase in tensile strength,
fibre are shown in table 1, in comparison with other natural
Table 1. Tensile properties of bamboo and E-glass fibres in comparison with other natural fibres.
Fibre diameter Tensile strength Tensile modulus Strain at break
Fibres (μm) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (%)
Figure 10. SEM images of pure bamboo FRP composites with respect to (a) 0°/90° orientation and (b)
±45° orientation. SEM images of hybrid FRP composites with respect to (c) 0°/90° orientation and (d)
±45° orientation.
fibre pull-out. The former is common in composites with increasing the bonding strength between the fibre and
strong interfacial bond, while the occurrence of the latter polyester resin. An orientation of ±45 o helps to boost up
is a sign of a weak bond (Paul Wambua et al 2003). the mechanical properties of the composites.
Hence, hybrid fibres possess very good impact strength.
3.2d Hardness number: Figure 13 shows Rockwell
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