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Enhance The Properties of Plain Carbon Steel

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Enhance The Properties of Plain Carbon

P. Karthikeyan, 2R. Ajith, 3T. Elangovan , 4R.Lokesh kumar, 5R.Vinoth kumar
Assistant Professor,Knowledge Institute of Tecknology,Tamilnadu,India.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology,Tamilnadu,India.

Address for correspondence:

P. Karthikeyan Assistant Professor,Knowledge Institute of Tecknology,Tamilnadu,India.
E-mail: [email protected],+91 7010631568

difficult to make a clear-cut distinction between plain

Abstract— This project is for increasing the carbon and alloy steel.
hardness and tensile strength of steel by adding the
alloying element and the heat treatment process. To
increase hardness and strength of the steel by adding
the silicon and to increase the content of manganese.
The steel is manufactured by the casting process in the
foundry. The furnace is used to melt the material. After
manufacturing of sample that is normalized in order to II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
reduce the stresses. This experiment is going to test the
mechanical properties of metal that is hardness and K.K. Sangle, K.M. Bajori, V.Mhalungkar (2016)
tensile strength using Rockwell hardness and universal Has done research work on “Seismic
testing machine respectively. Analysis of High-Rise Steel Frame Building with
And with Out Bracing” The Aim of study was to
Keywords— Alloying element, Sillicon, Normalizing, compare the results of seismic analysis of high-rise
Rockwell hardness, factor of safty steel building with different pattern of bracing
I. INTRODUCTION system and without bracing system. By using time
history analysis, the result of the study shows that
Steel is still one of the most important bracing element will have very important effect on
engineering materials in use today for structural structural behaviour under earthquake effect.
works regardless of vehement competition for other
purposes. Steel has found extensive use in virtually K.G. Vishwanath (2012)
every sphere of engineering works: building, bridges, They Presented on “Seismic response of
construction, agriculture, military, automobile, power Steel braced reinforced concrete frames” in
generation, telecommunications, aviation, drilling, International journal of civil and structural
exploration, health sector, oil and gas. The main engineering 2010. A four-storey building was taken
application of steel in construction includes trusses in seismic zone 4 according to IS 1893:2002. The
and concrete reinforcement. It is mostly used in performance of the building is evaluated according to
tools, automobiles, buildings, infrastructure, story drift. Then the study is extended to eight story
machines, ships, trains, appliances, etc., due to its and twelve story. X type of steel bracing is found out
low cost and high tensile strength. Primarily, steel is to be most efficient.
an alloy of iron and carbon, along with some other
elements. The prime material of steel is iron. Iron is E.M. Hines and C.C. Jacob et.al (2010)
commonly found in the Earth’s crust in the form of
The seismic performance of low-ductility
ore, generally an iron oxide, i.e., magnetite or
steel systems designed for moderate seismic regions
hematite. The extraction of iron from iron ore is
have generated new interest in the cost-effective
done by removing oxygen and then reacting it with
design of ductile systems for such regions. Although
carbon to form carbon dioxide. Plain carbon steels
eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) have a well-
are iron-carbon alloys in which the properties are
established reputation as high-ductility systems and
primarily derived from the presence of carbon. Some
have the potential to offer cost-effective solutions
incidental elements like manganese, silicon, sulphur
in0020moderate seismic regions, their system
and phosphorus are present in small amounts due to
performance has not been widely discussed.
the method of making steels and, not to modify the
Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBFs) are known for
mechanical properties. Alloy steels are those steels
their attractive combination of high elastic stiffness
when, one, or more of the alloying elements are
and superior inelastic performance characteristics
intentionally added to plain carbon steels to enhance,
(AISC 2005).
or induce some property, or properties. It is a bit
S.H. Chao and M.R. Bayat et.al (2009) C.Y. Ho and G.G. Schierele (1987)
They Studied on performance based plastic They Published a journal paper Effect of
design of steel concentric braced frames for conFigureuration and lateral drift on Highrise space
enhanced confidence level in China. Concentrically frames. Excessive lateral drift in high-rise frames can
braced frames (CBFs) are generally considered less damage secondary systems, such as partitions walls;
ductile seismic resistant structures than other systems generate secondary column stress due to P-δ
due to the brace buckling or fracture when subjected moments; and cause discomfort to building
to large cyclic displacements. This is attributed to occupants under prolonged cyclical drift. Damage to
simpler design and high efficiency of CBFs secondary system can be controlled by reducing drift.
compared to other systems such as moment frames, The P-δ effect is most severe in moment resisting
especially after the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. frames the Uniform Building Code allows smaller
seismic drift for moment resisting frames (0.3% story
drift vs. 0.5 % for other systems). Design for wind or
S. Krishan., et.al (2009) seismic forces are usually based on objectives to
Modelling steel moment frame and braced minimize lateral drift. To reduce lateral drift of high-
frame buildings in three dimensions using rise buildings is an important design consideration in
FRAME3D, he works to development of steel frame areas of high wind and/or seismic activity.
building. .
Tremblay et al. (2008) A.Casting
An extensive analytical study is performed Casting is a manufacturing process in which
to compare the Buckling restrained braced frames a liquid material is usually poured into a mould,
with self-centering energy dissipating frames. which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape,
According to the results, the residual deformation of and then allowed to solidify. The solidified part is
SCED brace frame systems is negligible under low also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken
and moderate hazard levels and is reduced out of the mould to complete the process. Casting
significantly under MCE or maximum considered materials are usually metals or various time setting
earthquake level. materials that cure after mixing two or more
components together; examples are epoxy, concrete,
Christopoulus et al. (2008) plaster and clay. Casting is most often used for
An advanced cross bracing system has been making complex shapes that would be otherwise
used in University of Toronto called (SCEDs) Self difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods.
centering energy dissipating frames. Alike, Special Heavy equipment like machine tool beds, ships'
moment resisting frames and Buckling reinforced propellers, etc. can be cast easily in the required size,
braced frames, they also dissipate energy, but they rather than fabricating by joining several small
have self centering capabilities which reduce residual pieces. Casting is a 7,000-year-old process. The
building deformation after major seismic events. oldest surviving casting is a copper frog from 3200
Sudhir K. Jain (2003)
Reviewed the new code OF IS 1893 (part- B.Heat Treatment Process
1):2002 contains a discussion on clauses that are Heat treatment is the process of heating
confusing and need classifications. The metal without letting it reach its molten, or melting,
topographical and editorial errors are pointed out. stage, and then cooling the metal in a controlled way
Suggestions are also included for next revision of the to select desired mechanical properties. Heat
code. treatment is used to either make metal stronger or
more malleable, more resistant to abrasion or more
Hanson and Martin (1997); Kelly et al. (2000) ductile.
The typical failure mode experienced by special
moment resisting frames with bracing that. Damage 1) Normalizing:
to braces, brace to frame connections, columns and
Steels that have undergo plastic deformation
with base plates were studied.
consist of pearlites which are irregularly shaped and
Ghobarah A. et al., (1990) relatively large, but varying in size. Normalizing is a
The study shows that the inter story drift can also heat treatment used on steel so as to refine its crystal
be considered as a means to provide uniform structure and produces a more uniform and desired
ductility over the stories of the building. A story drift grain size distribution. Fine grained pearlites are
may result in the occurrence of a weak story that may tougher than coarse grained ones. Normalization
cause catastrophic building collapse in a seismic eliminates internal stresses, strains and improves the
event. Uniform story ductility over all stories for a mechanical properties of the steel, such as improving
building is usually desired in seismic design.
its toughness and machinability. A better ductility permanent depth of indentation produced by a
can also be obtained without compromising the force/load on an indenter. First, a preliminary test
hardness and strength. force (commonly referred to as preload or minor
Normalizing is accomplished by heating the load) is applied to a sample using a diamond or ball
steel to a temperature above the transformation range indenter. This preload breaks through the surface to
and into the range of complete austenite. This is reduce the effects of surface finish. After holding the
dependent on the composition of the steel as preliminary test force for a specified dwell time, the
indicated by the iron-carbon diagram shown below. baseline depth of indentation is measured.
The usual normalizing temperature ranges from . 
815°C to 980°C (1500°F to 1800°F), depending on After the preload, an additional load, call the
the steel involved. major load, is added to reach the total required test
load. This force is held for a predetermined amount
After sufficient time is given for complete
of time (dwell time) to allow for elastic recovery.
transformation to austenite, i.e. austenitizing of the
This major load is then released, returning to the
steel, the alloy is air-cooled to a temperature
preliminary load.  After holding the preliminary test
substantially below the transformation range. The air-
force for a specified dwell time, the final depth of
cooling avoids excessive pro eutectoid segregation.
indentation is measured. The Rockwell hardness
The cooling rate is usually in the range of 500 to
value is derived from the difference in the baseline
1000 °C/h (900 to 1800 °F/h).

and final depth measurements. This distance is

Fig. 1 Iron-Carbon Diagram
converted to a hardness number. The preliminary test
force is removed and the indenter is removed from
IV. MECHANICAL TEST the test specimen.
A. Rockwell Hardness Test Preliminary test loads (preloads) range from 3
Hardness is a characteristic of a material, kgf (used in the “Superficial” Rockwell scale) to 10
not a fundamental physical property. It is defined as kgf (used in the “Regular” Rockwell scale). Total test
the resistance to indentation, and it is determined by forces range from 15kgf to 150 kgf (superficial and
measuring the permanent depth of the indentation. regular) to 500 to 3000 kgf (macro hardness).
More simply put, when using a fixed force (load) and B. Tensile Test
a given indenter, the smaller the indentation, the Tensile testing, also known as tension
harder the material. testing, is a fundamental materials
Indentation hardness value is obtained by measuring science and engineering test in which a sample is
the depth or the area of the indentation using one of subjected to a controlled tension until failure.
over 12 different test methods. Properties that are directly measured via a tensile test
The Rockwell hardness test method, as are ultimate tensile strength, breaking strength,
defined in ASTM E-18, is the most commonly used maximum elongation and reduction in area. From
hardness test method. You should obtain a copy of these measurements the following properties can also
this standard, read and understand the standard be determined: Young's modulus, Poisson's
completely before attempting a Rockwell test. ratio, yield strength, and strain-
The Rockwell test is generally easier to hardening characteristics. Uniaxial tensile testing is
perform, and more accurate than other types of the most commonly used for obtaining the
hardness testing methods. The Rockwell test method mechanical characteristics of isotropic materials.
is used on all metals, except in condition where the Some materials use biaxial tensile testing. The main
test metal structure or surface conditions would difference between these testing machines being how
introduce too much variations; where the load is applied on the materials.
indentations would be too large for the application; A Testometric M500-50AT model machine
or where the sample size or sample shape prohibits was used for the tensile test. Each of the specimens
its use.  was loaded until fracture. The initial gauge length for
The Rockwell method measures the each sample was noted before the application of the
load. After which the machine generated graphs of
the various samples. The yield and tensile strength and improves the mechanical properties of the steel,
and the percentage elongation of each sample were such as improving its toughness and machinability. A
determined from the data generated. better ductility can also be obtained without
compromising the hardness and strength.
V. FACTOR OF SAFETY Due to increase in hardness and tensile
strength, if we replace the proposed material in the
In engineering, a factor of safety (FoS), also existing applications like Steel Frame Buildings,
known as (and used interchangeably with) safety Machinery Parts, Pipelines, food cans and cookware,
factor (SF), expresses how much stronger a system is the life span of the application will increase. It can
than it needs to be for an intended load. Safety withstand more external forces and shocks. The wear
factors are often calculated using detailed analysis and tear of the material also reduced while in usage.
because comprehensive testing is impractical on
many projects, such as bridges and buildings, but the
structure's ability to carry a load must be determined
to a reasonable accuracy. This specimen has been involved in
normalizing in order to eliminate internal stresses,
Generally I beams are works under the
strains and improves the mechanical properties of the
working tensile stress of 350 MPa. The ultimate
steel such as improving its toughness and
tensile stress of existing and proposed materials are
machinability. Medium carbon steel is a lot easier to
440 MPa and 644.81 MPa respectively. Then the
machine and adding small amounts of silicon
Factor of Safety (FoS) will be
improves the strength and hardness. The yield and
For existing, tensile strengths of the proposed material is better
than the current low carbon steels. The more carbon
Yield stress in steel, the harder and stronger it gets when heat is
FoS =
Working stress treated. But it also becomes less ductile, which
370 means it loses strength when deformed and isn’t as
FoS = malleable. A better ductility can also be obtained
FoS =1.05 without compromising the hardness and strength.
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FoS = uniform and desired grain size distribution.
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