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HumanHistologyGL2003 PDF
HumanHistologyGL2003 PDF
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Gottfried Lemperle, M.D., Ph.D.,1 Vera Morhenn, M.D.,2 and Ulrich Charrier, M.D3
San Diego, CA, USA
Frankfurt, Germany
Abstract. An increasing number of soft tissue filler sub- tion) were well tolerated, slowly diminishing over 9 months.
stances have been introduced to the beauty market outside Calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres (Radiance FN) in-
the U.S. which lack experimental and clinical data in sup- duced almost no foreign body reaction but were absorbed
port of their claim. Ten commercially available filler sub- by the skin at 12 months.Host defense mechanisms react
stances were examined for biocompatibility and durability: differently to the various filler materials, but all substanc-
0.1 cc of each substance was injected deep intradermally es—resorbable or nonresorbable—appeared to be clinically
into the volar forearm of one of the authors and observed and histologically safe, although all exhibit undesirable side
for clinical reaction and permanence. At 1, 3, 6, and 9 effects. Since the mechanism of late inflammation or gran-
months the test sites were excised, histologically examined, uloma formation is still unknown, early histological find-
and graded according to foreign body reactions classifica- ings are not useful in predicting possible late reactions to
tion. Collagen (Zyplast) was phagocytosed at 6 months and filler substances.
hyaluronic acid (Restylane) at 9 months. PMMA micro-
spheres (Artecoll) had encapsulated with connective tissue, Key words: Dermal filler substances—Soft tissue augmen-
macrophages, and sporadic giant cells. Silicone oil (PMS tation—Aquamid—Artecoll—Dermalive—Evolution—New-
350) was clinically inconspicuous but dissipated into the Fill-Radiance FN—Restylane—Reviderm intra
tissue, causing a chronic foreign body reaction. Polylactic
acid microspheres (New-Fill) induced a mild inflammatory
response and had disappeared clinically at 4 months.
Dextran microspheres (Reviderm intra) induced a pro- In recent decades, dermal filler substances consisting
nounced foreign body reaction and had disappeared at 6 of highly viscous fluids [33,40,53] or polymer parti-
months. Polymethylacrylate particles (Dermalive) induced cle suspensions [21,37] have been injected beneath
the lowest cellular reaction but had disappeared clinically at wrinkles and acne scars [8,31]. These substances are
6 months. Polyacrylamide (Aquamid) was well tolerated useful for the correction of congenital or traumatic
and remained palpable to a lessening degree over the entire facial, bony, and soft tissue defects [10], and in pa-
testing period. Histologically, it dissipated more slowly and tients suffering from scleroderma, Romberg’s disease,
was kept in place through fine fibrous capsules. Polyvinyl- facial wasting, or lipodystrophy following AIDS
hydroxide microspheres suspended in acrylamide (Evolu- treatment [2,11,57]. Additional indications are uni-
lateral paralysis of vocal cords [12,24,28], augmen-
tation of the lip and soft palate in cleft lip patients,
anophthalmic orbits [10], or enophthalmus. Other
potential applications as bulking agents are lower
Presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association of esophageal sphincter in gastroesophageal reflux pa-
German Plastic Surgeons in Heidelberg, Germany, Sep- tients [22,48], and bladder neck or anal sphincter in
tember 21, 2002
patients suffering from urinary [5] or fecal inconti-
Correspondence to Gottfried Lemperle, M.D., Ph.D., nence [27,63].
Division of Plastic Surgery, University of California, San Animal studies [38] and clinical trials [15,19] have
Diego; email: [email protected] shown good acceptance and short- and long-term
G. Lemperle et al. 355
efficacy in accordance with the chemical structure slices numbered only, and being unaware of the ma-
and surface characteristics of the microparticles. terial involved.
Resorbable materials such as collagen, hyaluronic A classification of foreign body reactions, estab-
acid [19,36,49], polymethylacrylate (PMA) [6], dex- lished by Duranti et al. [19], was applied to each
tran [20], or polylactic acid [2] are removed by histological slide. The grading was performed on at
phagocytosis over a period of 3–12 months de- least four slices of the same specimen.
pending on the amount and type of bulking agent
implanted. Permanent fillers such as paraffin [33], Grade I: slight reaction with a few inflammatory
fluid silicone [11,17], Teflon [34], or silicone particles cells
[21] have an irregular surface and cannot be phag- Grade II: clear inflammatory reaction with one or
ocytosed but may eventually form foreign body two giant cells
granulomas due to ‘‘frustrated macrophages’’ [20]. Grade III: fibrous tissue with inflammatory cells,
Microspheres below the size of 15 microns [44,61] lymphocytes, and giant cells
are generally phagocytosed and may be transported Grade IV: granuloma with encapsulated implants
to local lymph nodes. Larger microspheres from and clear foreign body reaction
nonresorbable polymers with a smooth surface The following commercially available filler mate-
[35,38,51] are encapsulated with fibrous tissue and rials were bought and injected in Europe:
escape phagocytosis. Clinically, all injected fluids
[45,59] and particles [54,56] have been shown to 1. Zyplast, a suspension of 3.5% crosslinked bovine
cause foreign body granulomas in a small percent- collagen, purchased from Collagen Aesthetics,
age of patients. Until the mechanism of granuloma Inc., Fremont, CA
formation is fully understood, the chance of devel- 2. Restylane, a suspension of 2.0% crosslinked
opment is not predictable. hyaluronic acid (HA) produced biotechno-
The ideal soft tissue filler substance for wrinkles, logically from Streptococcus equi [36,47,50] in
skin defects, and sphincter saline, purchased from Q-Med AB, Uppsala,
is biocompatible and safe Sweden
is stable at the implantation site 3. Artecoll, a suspension of 20% microspheres (40
keeps its volume and remains pliable lm) of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) in
does not cause protrusion of the skin or mucosa 3.5% bovine collagen solution [35,37], obtained
induces minimal foreign body reaction from Artes Medical Inc., San Diego, CA
will not be removed by phagocytosis 4. PMS 350, medical grade silicone fluid (dimeth-
has no migration potential to distant locations ylpolysiloxane) of 350 centistoke viscosity, pur-
does not cause foreign body granuloma. chased from Vikomed, Meinerzhagen, Germany
5. New-Fill, which comes as a powder of poly-L-
As a percentage of wet weight, the human skin is lactic acid (L-PLA) microspheres (2–50 lm) to
composed of collagen (27–39%), elastin (0.2–0.6%), prepare a 4.5% suspension in 2.7% methylcellu-
glycosaminoglycans (0.03–0.3%), and 60–72% water. lose [2], purchased from Biotech Industry S.A.,
The goal of this study was to confirm histocompati- Luxembourg
bility and permanence of various filler substances 6. Reviderm intra, a suspension of 2.5% dextran
under investigation. For some products there exist no microspheres (40 lm Sephadex) [20] in 2.0% hy-
published scientific reports on biocompatibility, his- aluronic acid (2.5 MDa) of bacterial origin
tology, or clinical studies. (Rofilan), obtained from Rofil Medical Interna-
tional N.V. (RMI), Breda, The Netherlands
7. Dermalive, a 240% suspension of hydroxyethyl-
methacrylate (HEMA) fragments in 1.14%
Materials and Methods crosslinked hyaluronic acid of bacteriological
origin [6], purchased from Dermatech S.A., Paris,
During the past 4 years, four 0.1-cc blebs of 10 dif- France
ferent dermal filler substances have been injected deep 8. Aquamid, a clear 5% crosslinked gel from poly-
intradermally into the volar skin of a forearm, next to acrylamide (PAAG) [42], purchased from Con-
an existing scar. The injection sites were inspected tura International S.A., Montreux, Switzerland
weekly and clinical changes were recorded and pho- 9. Evolution, a suspension of 6% polyvinylhidrox-
tographed. Each raw of the different implants was ide (PVOH) microspheres (5–80 lm) in 2.5%
excised after 1, 3, 6, or 9 months. At least four sec- polyacrylamide gel, purchased from Laboratoires
tions were cut from each implantation site at different ProCytech, Bordeaux, France
levels for histological examination. The sections were 10. Radiance FN, a suspension of 30% calcium
stained with hematoxilin–eosin or Masson trichrome hydroxylapatite microspheres (25-40 lm) in a
and evaluated in Frankfurt. An independent pathol- carboxymethyl-cellulose gel [9], purchased from
ogist (U.C.) was blinded, receiving the histological BioForm Inc., Franksville, WI
356 Histology and Persistence of Filler Substances
to the toxic effect of free dextranomers. Edematous 7.0 to 9.0. On examination, the implants revealed no
swelling of the implants continued for more than 3 reaction and were still palpable at 9 months, but
months. The palpable deep dermal implant began to decreasing in size.
disappear at 4 months and was no longer palpable at Histologically, acrylamide gel was difficult to detect
6 months. at 1 month. The injected, non stainable transparent
Histologically, the 40-lm dextran beads produced gel produced only a fine fibrocellular capsule (Fig.
the greatest amount of granulation tissue among all 13), as expected from the literature [14,42]. At 3
injectables tested. At 1 month, the hydrophilic micr- months, no further histopathological reaction oc-
ospheres were swollen and measured up to 75 lm in curred outside the implant site, such as foreign body
diameter (Fig. 8); some were broken apart and sur- reaction. At 6 and 9 months, Aquamid had dispersed
rounded by foamy macrophages and small giant cells. into the skin and was surrounded by macrophages
The hyaluronic acid carrier had early separated from and fibroblasts (Fig. 12). The histological reaction
the beads and was found in pools, surrounded by a resembled that of injected fluid silicone. In small
rim of giant cells (Fig. 9). At 3 months, only few quantities, such as a slim strand beneath a wrinkle,
elastic fibers could be seen; instead there were great the gel appeared to be slowly absorbed, without vis-
numbers of macrophages and giant cells, which en- ible foreign body reaction. Therefore, the manufac-
veloped and tried to phagocytose the beads. The turer’s claim of ‘‘lifelong permanence’’ seems to be
surface of the dextran beads began to show irregu- dependent on the amount of implanted acrylamides.
larities at 6 months and total disintegration at 9
months. It ranged to the top of the Duranti scale
among the resorbable implants (Fig. 10), possibly due Evolution
to the carrier from an undisclosed source of hyalu-
ronic acid (Rofilan), which has been crosslinked with Clinically, the implant made of polyvinylhidroxide
a plant extract. microspheres suspended in acrylamide gel resembles
Artecoll. It was not painful during injection as was
Aquamid. Because of evaporation through the poly-
Dermalive ethylene syringe, the water content of the material
was already diminished at the time of purchase. The
The hydroxyethyl-methacrylate (HEMA) fragments implants were well visible and diminishing palpably
began to disappear in the human skin at 4 months over the whole course of 9 months. Histological ex-
and were no longer palpable at 6 months. amination showed the beads, most of them 30–40 lm
Histologically, they showed the least cellular reac- in diameter, within the clear acrylamide gel (Fig. 13)
tion of all implants. The polygonal, translucent, and surrounded by an almost invisible fibrous capsule.
irregular particles, 20–120 lm in size, which appeared Each droplet, 3–5 mm in size, was encapsulated with
like clear broken glass gravel, were packed in clusters, a very fine layer of fibroblast and fibers without in-
with minimal ingrowth of fibrous tissue, cells, and growth into the implant. No foreign body reaction
blood vessels (Fig. 11). Only a fine network of elastic was detectable. A few single microspheres outside the
fibers and occasionally macrophages were found, but implant site were covered with a fibrin layer or had
there were no apparent capillaries and no strong fi- attached macrophages and fibroblasts. At 6 and 9
brous capsule. The hyaluronic acid was separated and months, most of the carrier gel had been absorbed
surrounded by macrophages, which had disappeared and was replaced at the outer layers by granulation
at 3 months. At 9 months, only a few small clusters of tissue. At 9 months, the implant was totally infiltrated
Dermalive with rounded corners and ridges, many by macrophages, fibroblasts, and giant cells (Fig. 14),
macrophages, and lymphoid cell clusters could be which resembled the tissue ingrowth of PLA at 3
detected. The few giant cells contained abundant as- months. The surface of the microspheres was still
teroid bodies in their cytoplasma. Some pointed intact after 9 months.
particles had a tendency to irritate the surrounding
soft tissue, which showed clear evidence of low grade
inflammation. However, only about one tenth of the Radiance FN
implant volume consisted of cells and fibers (Fig. 11).
Clinically, the subdermal implants in the forearm
were swollen for 3 days. Within 1 month, the palpable
Aquamid implant diminished to half its prior size and became
whitish and shining through the skin. The hard
The clear gel of polyacrylamide was implanted into nodules diminished further in size and disappeared
human skin at four sites. Used in breast augmenta- clinically at 9 months from the skin.
tion in Ukraine and China, it had a viscosity of 1045 Histologically, Radiance microspheres stimulate
centistoke. Since no anesthetic is added, the injections almost no foreign body reaction. The 1-month sam-
into human skin caused a burning sensation for 20 ple had to be embedded in PMMA like bone tissue
sec. This was likely due to the cross-linked gel’s pH of because the implant could not be cut by conventional
G. Lemperle et al. 359
Fig. 7. New-Fill at 3 months. Macrophages and giant cells Fig. 10. The Duranti classification reflects the extent of
are surrounding the PLA microspheres and are filled with histological foreign body reaction. Class 3 is defined by
phagocytosed PLA material. HE ·400. infiltrating lymphocytes and giant cells. Zeraplast consists
of PMMA beads suspended in Rofilan. L40 are PLA beads
suspended in collagen.
Fig. 9. The HA carrier of RevidermTM at 1 month has Fig. 12. Aquamid at 6 month. The big droplets have been
separated early from the beads and is slowly phagocytosed dispersed into millions of mini-droplets, surrounded by fine
by a rim of multinucleated giant cells. Masson trichrome fibrous capsules with minimal foreign body reaction. This
·400. picture resembles fluid silicone. HE ·100.
360 Histology and Persistence of Filler Substances
Fig. 13. Evolution at 3 months. Most PVH microspheres Fig. 14. Evolution at 9 month. Macrophages and multi-
are still suspended in acrylamide gel, which results in a fine nucleated giant cells have phagocytosed most of the acryl-
fibrous capsule without foreign body reaction. Aquamid amide carrier. At that stage, each single microsphere is
induces the same inconspicuous histological reaction at that encapsulated with fibrin and some macrophages. Masson
time. Masson trichrome ·100. trichrome ·400.
Fig. 15. Radiance at 3 months. The calcium microspheres are packed, the interstitium is filled with fibrin and scattered
fibroblasts and macrophages. Masson trichrome ·100.
methods. The beads were packed and surrounded by diameter and the microspheres deformed and slowly
some fibrin fibers but little cellular tissue. At 3 adsorbed (Fig. 16). Since few macrophages were seen
months, a method of rapid decalcification was ap- it is suggested that calcium hydroxylapatite micro-
plied prior to cutting and staining. The beads were spheres are degraded by enzymatic breakdown rather
still packed (Fig. 15) and tissue ingrowth started from than phagocytosis.
the fine outer capsule of the implant. The main ‘‘in-
terstitium’’ still consists of fibrin fibers and few cel-
lular elements like fibroblasts and flattened Discussion
macrophages. No vascularity could be detected. At 6
months, the whole implant is surrounded by a fine Collagen Gel
fibrous capsule and single microspheres are encap-
sulated by a thin fibroplastic stroma with flattened Bovine collagen is the ‘‘gold standard’’ for all
cells. At 9 months, the voids are much smaller in other newly introduced injectables. To date, Zyderm
G. Lemperle et al. 361
Fig. 16. At 9 months, the Radiance microspheres appear deformed and partly degraded, probably by osteolytic enzymes and
not by phagocytosis. Masson trichrome ·100.
Polylactic acids do not occur naturally, but were first Dermalive is a by-product of the manufacture of in-
synthesized by French chemists in 1954. PLA and traocular lenses and was introduced in the European
G. Lemperle et al. 363
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