1.1.1) Cognitive constructivist: Theory Jean Piaget
Question 3:
3.1) It was Kimmy’s birthday, her mother brought a cake
to school so everyone can celebrate. A Good way to
introduce fractions would be today! Ask the children how
many are we in the class today? Draw a circle on the board
to represent the cake. Draw one line through the cake on
the board and ask how many pieces are there? 2 pieces, so
how many children would get a piece? Would it be fair?
No. Draw another line to make 4 equal pieces and repeat
the question and explain the answers keep going until the
correct amount is reached and it’s fair everybody gets an
equal piece. This example I used does not mean you have
to wait until there is cake, it just means that this lesson
would be memorable for the children and would make an
impact. When using this module teachers should use
things that are familiar to the children. Regional or area
models: a thing or area that can be divided in to equal
parts which should be everyday things children are
familiar with.
Using a fraction wall to show children how blocks are
divided in to equal parts beginning simple one whole
block, then the whole is divided now there are two pieces
½. Then 1/3 and so on. This is an example of Length
models to explain fractions.
Using peaches in the container of 6 they are sold in to
explain fractions. Put 2 children in front of the class and
tell them these peaches must be divided equally between
these two children, then ask how could we divide them?
Give one to jane and then one to Kate, one for jane and one
for Kate, one for Jane and one for Kate, How many do I
have left? None, How many did each child receive? 3 each
so then did Ma’am divide them so each got half of the
whole pack? Yes then 3 peaches would be equal to ½ of
the entire container of peaches. It would help to draw this
matter as well, but practical examples suit them better.
This is an example of set models. This include a set of
something like a number of objects to form a set of
3.1.1) number line : Growing patterns increase or
decrease systematically. The number line will visually
show the amount of increasing and decreasing happening
in the pattern
Question 4:
2. Triangular
1. Cube 3. Cylinder
It has 3
Each face is in
rectangular It has 2circle
a square
faces and 2 flat faces
triangular faces
It has 12
9 edges (sides) 2 curved edges
edges (sides)
It has 6 faces 5 faces 2 faces (flat
(flat areas) (flat areas) areas)
It is a 3D
It is a 3D shape It is a 3D shape
It has 8 It has none
It has 6 verticals
verticals verticals
( points) (points)
Area = length x width
Area = 10 x 6
Area = 60
Question 5:
The grade 3 learners are on a special mission to
conduct a report which shows the principle just how
filthy our playground looks after each break. Lets
begin with our step 1: Question generation: Why is
our playground full of trash after each break? ( now
children must write down possible answers) Do we
have enough trash cans? Is the children unaware
that trash must go in the trash cans?
Step 2: Collect data: go count the amount of trash
cans and check if they are big enough or is it emptied
Step 3: Organise data: draw up a neat table and write
down the findings there are 6 trash cans they are big
and emptied everyday after school.
Step 4 : represent data: write down possible causes
for trash laying around.
Step 5: anilise and interpret data: does it answer the
question I asked?
Step 6 : get the answer. Possible solution. Children
are not throwing their trash in the trash cans, speak
to the principle and suggest that the principle have a
talk with the learners to keep the school neat and