R and J Test Perfection Learning
R and J Test Perfection Learning
R and J Test Perfection Learning
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Date _____________________________________
Directions: Choose the character that matches each description. Not all of the characters will be used.
___ 11. "She’ll not be hit / With Cupid’s arrow....From Love’s a. Juliet
weak childish bow she lives unharmed."
b. Paris
___ 12. "O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!"
c. Lady Capulet
___ 13. "...he’s the courageous captain of compliments."
d. Mercutio
___ 14. "...he’s a man of wax...he’s a flower...a very flower."
e. Tybalt
___ 15. "I cannot bound a pitch above dull woe. / Under love’s
heavy burden do I sink." f. Rosaline
___ 16. "...I talk of dreams; / Which are the children of an idle g. Romeo
Directions: Match the character with his or her philosophy of love.
___ 17. "Therefore love moderately: long love doth so...." a. Mercutio
___ 18. "But you shall bear the burden soon at night." b. Friar Laurence
___ 20. "If love be rough with you, be rough with love." d. Romeo
___ 21. "Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their e. nurse
___ 22. "It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!" a. Juliet
Directions: If the statement is true, mark it T; if false, mark it F.
___ 28. The strife between the families of ___ 31. In scene one, the wives of Montague and
Montague and Capulet forms the Capulet encourage their husbands in the
background of this story. quarrel because victory would add to the
family’s prestige.
___ 29. Prince Escalus discourages quarrels
between the families because they ___ 32. The people of the city take part in the
interfere with the town’s economy. quarrel of the two families.
___ 30. Benvolio tries to stop the fight in the ___ 33. Romeo is in love with Juliet when the play
opening scene. opens.
___ 34. Romeo is first shown in the play as a ___ 51. Romeo attempts to prevent the duel
contented young man. between Tybalt and Mercutio.
___ 35. Romeo has a premonition of death before ___ 52. Juliet weeps more because of Tybalt’s
attending the Capulet feast. death than Romeo’s banishment.
___ 36. Romeo attends the Capulets’ feast in ___ 53. After Romeo slays Tybalt, he takes refuge
hope of seeing Juliet. with Friar Laurence.
___ 37. Tybalt recognizes Romeo at the feast and ___ 54. Romeo is forced to leave for Mantua
makes him welcome. without seeing Juliet again.
___ 38. Tybalt quarrels with old Capulet, who is ___ 55. Romeo and Juliet’s last farewell is marked
displeased by Romeo’s presence. with a premonition of death.
___ 39. Dramatic irony occurs when a character ___ 56. Lady Capulet regrets that Romeo receives
suddenly realizes the significance of what such a severe sentence from the Prince.
he has said.
___ 57. Lady Capulet opposes the choice of Paris
___ 40. Juliet is not attracted to Romeo at first but as a husband for Juliet.
later comes to love him.
___ 58. Juliet confides her love for Romeo to Lady
___ 41. Romeo learns Juliet’s identity from a Capulet.
___ 59. Juliet’s father threatens to disown her if
___ 42. On the day following their first meeting in she disobeys him.
the orchard, Juliet sends the nurse with a
message to Romeo. ___ 60. The nurse is ignorant of Juliet’s secret
___ 43. Romeo wishes to marry Juliet at once, but
she desires to wait for her parents’ ___ 61. Friar Laurence advises Juliet to pretend
consent. to be willing to marry Paris.
___ 44. Friar Laurence approves of the secret ___ 62. Friar Laurence forgets to inform Romeo of
marriage of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s plans.
___ 45. The nurse resents Mercutio’s saucy ___ 63. Friar Laurence’s letter reaches Romeo,
remarks to her, and she reproves Peter but he refuses to read it.
for not defending her.
___ 64. According to the plans, Romeo is secretly
___ 46. Romeo and the nurse arrange for Romeo to take Juliet to Mantua with him.
to visit Juliet by means of a rope ladder.
___ 65. Romeo is to be present when Juliet
___ 47. The nurse dislikes Romeo but aides him awakens in the tomb.
because of her love for Juliet.
___ 66. When Romeo hears of Juliet’s "death," he
___ 48. Mercutio is a kinsman to the Prince. decides to commit suicide.
___ 49. The Prince exiles Romeo in order to ___ 67. Paris goes to the tomb of Juliet to commit
protect him from the Capulets. suicide.
___ 50. Romeo initially feels banishment is a ___ 68. Friar Laurence goes to the tomb to be
merciful sentence. with Juliet when she awakes from the
sleeping potion.
___ 69. The tragedy at the tomb is discovered ___ 73. Their parents’ strife is buried with the
because Paris does not return home. deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
___ 70. The story of the tragedy as told by Friar ___ 74. Mercutio never learns that Romeo loves
Laurence agrees with that told in Romeo’s Juliet.
___ 75. Romeo and Juliet are ill-fated from the
___ 71. Friar Laurence is put to death for his part outset.
in the tragedy.
Directions: Choose the best answer.
___ 76. The principal part of this play takes place ___ 84. Friar Laurence approves the wedding of
in (a) Venice; (b) Mantua; (c) Verona. Romeo and Juliet because he (a) thinks
Romeo is a better man than Paris; (b)
___ 77. The Prince warns Montague and Capulet hopes it will destroy the hatred between
that if the quarrel is renewed, they will be the two families; (c) believes Romeo will
(a) exiled; (b) put to death; (c) forbidden be more settled when he is married.
to appear in public places.
___ 85. The wedding takes place in (a) the
___ 78. When the play opens, Juliet is (a) twelve orchard; (b) Mantua; (c) Friar Laurence’s
years old; (b) fourteen years old; (c) cell.
nineteen years old.
___ 86. Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel
___ 79. Benvolio advises Romeo (a) to compare because (a) Tybalt wishes Paris to marry
Rosaline to others; (b) of Tybalt’s Juliet; (b) Romeo has intruded at the
challenge; (c) to learn to dance. Capulets’ feast; (c) Tybalt likes to fight
___ 80. Romeo learns of Capulet’s feast from (a)
Tybalt, who invites him to attend; (b) a ___ 87. At first Romeo does not wish to fight with
servant, who is inviting the guests; (c) a Tybalt because (a) Tybalt is an
formal invitation sent to him by the experienced swordsman; (b) Benvolio and
Capulets. Mercutio advise him against it; (c) Tybalt
is a kinsman to Juliet.
___ 81. In the orchard Romeo discovers Juliet (a)
walking with her nurse; (b) gathering fruit; ___ 88. Mercutio’s dying remarks include (a) a
(c) leaning from the balcony of her confession; (b) burial requests; (c) a
window. curse.
___ 82. Romeo confides his love for Juliet to (a) ___ 89. Romeo slays Tybalt because Tybalt (a)
his father; (b) Friar Laurence; (c) Benvolio. insults Romeo; (b) opposes Romeo’s
marriage to Juliet; (c) slays Mercutio.
___ 83. Friar Laurence is first shown in the story
(a) gathering herbs; (b) kneeling in ___ 90. Juliet learns of Tybalt’s death from (a) her
prayer; (c) hearing confessions. nurse; (b) her mother; (c) Romeo.
___ 91. Paris wins consent to marry Juliet ___ 96. Romeo returns to Verona to (a) die in
because (a) of his great love for Juliet; (b) Juliet’s tomb; (b) slay Paris; (c) learn the
of Juliet’s great love for him; (c) Juliet’s truth about Juliet’s death.
father desires the union.
___ 97. Before taking the drug, Juliet fears (a)
___ 92. Capulet plans the marriage with Paris Romeo will learn she is dead; (b) Romeo
because (a) Romeo is exiled; (b) Juliet is won’t come; (c) waking too soon.
grieving; (c) it will bring peace.
___ 98. Romeo leaves a letter for (a) his father;
___ 93. Capulet’s attitude toward Juliet is based (b) Capulet; (c) Benvolio.
on (a) desire for an heir; (b) jealousy of
her suitors; (c) the fact that she is his only ___ 99. Tybalt is shown to be (a) dignified; (b)
child. cautious; (c) fiery.
___ 94. Juliet refuses to marry Paris because (a) ___100. The nurse expresses herself in a (a)
Capulet commands it; (b) she is already direct manner; (b) irritable manner; (c)
married; (c) of her age. rambling manner.
100-Question Test
Matching 51. T
1. b 52. F
2. g 53. T
3. a 54. F
4. d 55. T
5. b 56. F
6. c 57. F
7. i 58. F
8. e 59. T
9. j 60. F
10. f 61. T
11. f 62. F
12. a 63. F
13. e 64. T
14. b 65. T
15. g 66. T
16. d 67. F
17. b 68. T
18. e 69. F
19. c 70. T
20. a 71. F
21. d 72. T
22. d 73. T
23. b 74. T
24. e 75. T
25. e
26. c Multiple Choice
27. d 76. c
77. b
True-False 78. b
28. T 79. a
29. T 80. b
30. T 81. c
31. F 82. b
32. T 83. a
33. F 84. b
34. F 85. c
35. T 86. b
36. F 87. c
37. F 88. c
38. F 89. c
39. F 90. a
40. F 91. c
41. T 92. b
42. T 93. c
43. F 94. b
44. T 95. a
45. T 96. a
46. T 97. c
47. F 98. a
48. T 99. c
49. F 100. c
50. F