Fire Fighting Car With Arduino
Fire Fighting Car With Arduino
Fire Fighting Car With Arduino
With the development in the field of robotics, human intrusion has become less and robots are
being widely used for safety purpose. In our day-to-day life, fire accidents have become
common and sometimes may lead to hazards that make it hard for the firemen to protect
human life.
So, the aim of our model, Fire Fighting Mech, is to operate the model from remote location to
guard human lives, wealth, and surroundings from the fire accidents.
DC Motor : A DC Motor is a type of electric motor that converts DC electrical power to mechanical
power i.e. a DC supply is converted to rotation or movement. It has mainly two major parts as : Stator –
Static part of the motor and Rotor – Rotating part of the motor.
Flame Sensor : A sensor which is most sensitive to a normal light is known as a flame sensor. A
flame-sensor is one kind of detector which is mainly designed for detecting as well as
responding to the occurrence of a fire or flame. This sensor uses the infrared flame flash
method, which allows the sensor to work through a coating of oil, dust, water vapor, otherwise
ice. Flame sensors use UV (Ultraviolet) or IR (Infra-Red) or UV-IR technology to identify flames
below a second.
Ultrasonic sensor : The ultrasonic sensor works on the principle of SONAR and RADAR system which is
used to determine the distance to an object. An ultrasonic sensor measures the distance of a target
object by emitting ultrasonic sound waves, and converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal.
HC-SR04 has an ultrasonic transmitter, receiver and control circuit. In the ultrasonic module HCSR04, we
have to give trigger pulse, so that it will generate ultrasound of frequency 40 kHz.
OLED Display : OLED is Organic Light Emitting Diode that emits light in response to an electric
current. OLED display works with no backlight so it can display deep black levels. It has 128
columns and 64 rows which make it display of total 128x64 = 8192 pixels. OLED displays driven by
SSD1306 driver IC, is a CMOS OLED driver with controller for OLED dot-matrix graphic display system.
RGB LED Module : RGB LED modules can emit various colors of light. They are manufactured by
packaging three LEDs of red, green, and blue into a transparent or semitransparent plastic shell
and have four pins.
Temperature & Humidity Sensor : DHT11 is a single wire digital humidity and temperature sensor
which provides humidity and temperature values serially with one-wire protocol. DHT11 sensor
provides relative humidity value in percentage (20 to 90% RH) and temperature values in
degree Celsius (0 to 50 °C).
Gas Sensor : This is a simple-to-use MQ-6 Liquefied Petroleum, iso-butane, propane gas Sensor
module, suitable for sensing LPG (composed of mostly propane and butane) concentrations in
the air. . Red LED indicates the high output from the sensor. The sensor’s output is an analog
resistance. The Gas sensor has a sensing element, a base and a cap. The sensing element has
a sensing material (Usually a Semiconductor) and a heater to heat up the sensing material
Submersible Water Pump : Submersible pumps are useful for controlling water flow. Paired with
an Arduino microcontroller, these pumps can automate the flow distribution process, which
can be useful for applications such as aquariums, fountains, and systems for irrigation, refilling
and aeration.
How are they safe?
Drones give coordinators on the ground a holistic view of fires across regions. Teams can
view blazes from multiple vantage points and find new fires before they spread. Drones
are also used to locate missing people and firefighting teams during wildfire response
Wildfires can spread rapidly, but drones can get ahead of the wind currents to inform
firefighting Mech and save lives. They capture photos or video to aid arson
investigations, and when used with topography and mapping software, drones help
investigators determine the cause of fires. And this can all be done remotely without
additional risk to drone operators or firefighting teams.
The future of firefighting robots is very promising. In the coming years, it is expected that
robots will become increasingly autonomous. Additionally, robots could be used to search and
rescue victims, detect hazardous materials, and monitor situations remotely. There is also
potential for robots to be equipped with thermal cameras, allowing them to detect hot spots
and better direct firefighters on the ground. Furthermore, the development of artificial
intelligence and machine learning could allow robots to make decisions and coordinate with
each other in more sophisticated ways. Finally, it is likely that robots will be used in more
applications to assist firefighters, such as providing medical aid and helping to contain fires.
The firefighting robot is a promising new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the
way fire fighters operate. It is capable of navigating through a burning building and locating the
source of the fire and extinguishing it quickly and accurately. Its main advantage is that it can be
used in hazardous environments where it would be too dangerous for humans to enter.