Tricks - Country Namee
Tricks - Country Namee
Tricks - Country Namee
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Korea’s Fa ily
1) South Korea — Seoul Seoul looks like Soul
Mi d Tri k South Korea s Soul
2) North Korea — Pyo gya g Pyo gya g sou ds like You g-ya g Mi d Tri k : North People
are You g
Sweden — Stockholm
S ede sou ds like S eat-de Sto khol sou ds like Sto k +Ho e
Mind Trick : Sweats are in Stock in our Home..
Jamaica —Kingston
Mi d Tri k : Ja ai a s e are Ki gs
Iran — Tehran
Mind Trick — Both ords e ds ith ra
Bhutan — Thimpu
Bhutan sou ds like Boot+ta Thi phu sou ds like a e Tippu Sulta
Mind Trick : Tippu Sultan wear Boots..
Whatsapp group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda. FB group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda.
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Canada — Ottawa
Otta a sou ds like Oats
Mind Trick : Canadians like Oats..
DenMark – CoPenhagen
Mark(a name) Co-Pen(means Others Pen)
Mind Trick : Mark uses others Pen.
Hungary — Budapest
Hu gary looks like Hu gry Budapest sou ds like Buddha+pest
Mind Trick : Buddha is very Hungry.
Argentina —Buenos
Aires Aires look like Airs
Mi d Tri k : Arge ti a s Airs
Australia —Canberra
Canberra sou ds like Cad ury
Mi d Tri k : Australia s o pa ies a ufa ture Cad urys
Malta — ValLetta
Mind Trick: Malta — Letta
Morocco — Rabat
Ra at sou ds like Ro ert
Mi d Tri k: Moro o s Ro ert.
Romania — Bucharest
Mi d Tri k Ro a ia people take Rest
Poland — WarSaw
Land – War – Saw
Mind Trick – I SAW a WAR happened in poLand
Ukraine – Kyiv
Whatsapp group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda. FB group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda.
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Taiwan — Taipei
Tai a sou ds like Tie +O e Taipei sou ds like Tie +Pi
Mind Trick : TieOne – TiePi
Estonia —Tallinn
Esto ia sou d like Yes +Sto e
Mind Trick : Stone is Tall
Venezuela- Caracas
Mind Trick : Veny Travels in Car
Congo- Brazzaville
Brazzaville-Brazil +Ville
Mi d Tri k : Co go s to Brazil for hosti g FIFA WorldCup
Bulgaria —Sofia
Bulgaria —Bulk +Area Sofia looks like Sofa
Mi d Tri k : Bulk of Sofa s i that Area
Brazil — Brasillia
Mind Trick :Brasillia — Brazil+lia
Croatia- Zagreb
Croatia sou ds like Coast +Asia Zagre sou ds like za+Grey
Mi d Tri k: Coast Asia people like Grey Colour
Cyprus — Nicosia
Mi d Tri k : Ni osia sou ds like Nik +Asia
Bahrain- Al Manamah ::
Mind Trick–> Bahrai has rai i its last ord
I Ma a ah take the ord a
Now, Man stands in the rain.
Whatsapp group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda. FB group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda.
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Cyprus- Nicosia::
Mind Trick–> Take yp as zip
in Nicosia think as Nike t-shirt
Now Nike shirt has zip in it
Iraq- Baghdad
Mind trick–> Ira i this era y dad as or
mind trick–> Jo+ a = Joker a
Kyrgyzstan- Bishkek
Mi d tri k:: kyr sou ds like Geer
Shkek sou ds like shake
now like milk shake,it is Geer shake the Geer to make geer shake
Mind trick:: Beirut sounds like Beetroot
Lebanon sounds like Non
No it is Beetroot o …eat it.. 
Mi d tri k:: Add E to the e d of Mal.
Mi d tri k::I Syria first letters sou ds like see
So see the Da he you go for pi i
Mind trick::Qatar sou ds like katta
Doha sounds for Dhokla food
Now it is Katta dhokla
Whatsapp group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda. FB group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda.
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mind trick::You remember the Robot movie heroine sana
She prayed to god for hiiti Ro o at last said A e
Mi d tri k:: i Austria take tri ea s
Vie a Sou ds like i stru e t ee a
So,3 veenas that is tri vienna
Philippines – Manila
Mi d Tri k:: Philips TV as a ufa tured y a Ma u a d Nila
Manu and Nila becomes Manila
i d tri k:: O a as Oh!Ma !!
You Must cut the hair—Must cut,Muscat
Afghanistan – Kabul
Bangladesh – Dhaka
China – Beijing
Pakistan – Islamabad
UAE – Abu Dhabi
Vietnam – Hanoi
Srilanka – Colombo
Philippines – Manila
Japan – Tokyo
Italy – Rome
France – Paris
Spain – Madrid
Thank you
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Whatsapp group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda. FB group link: RMT Soradih, Nalanda.