Electronics 34200121030
Electronics 34200121030
Electronics 34200121030
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Block diagram Working Operating modes
What is 555 timer?
555 Timer
A 555 timer is an integrated circuit which is used to generate accurate
time delays and oscillation.
• It can be operated of different power supplies ranging from 4.5 Volts to 15 Volts.
• The name 555 comes from the fact that it contains three 5 Kilo-Ohm resistors in
series to form the voltage divider pattern.
PIN3 - OUTPUT PIN7 - DISCHARGE • Discharge pin provides a discharge path for
the timing capacitor through the collector of
the npn transistor, to which it is connected
• Monostable Multivibrator
• Astable Multivibrator
• Bistable Multivibrator
What the 555 timer is used for
• To switch on or off an output after a certain time delay.
• As pulse generator.